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As Salam, this morning I would like to share with you something about health and

fitness. Many people think that health means medicines and nutrition. On the
other hand, I think there are some Islamic ways to being healthy.

Living healthy is a basic requirement for many fine people. There is a saying that
says that 'health is Wealth. Health is a pleasure that we should be thankful of.
There are so many people out there who have poor health when wealth is so
highly abundant. They just spend a big amount of money just to keep themselves
fit and avoid diseases.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is an exemplary figure who was not only a
successful leader, but also an individual who paid a lot of attention to health.
Some of the methods employed by Prophet Muhammad were scientifically
proven that lead to a healthy lifestyle which in the general-disdainful for modern
society nowadays.

Here are some tips of Prophet Muhammad on Healthy Life Style which also have
been proven by scientific research and studies.

1. The Prophet did not eat before hunger and avoid excessive eating.
The lifestyle practiced by the Prophet of Allah is indeed an example for the
people of the present world. One of them is, the Prophet did not eat before
hunger and avoided excessive eating. It's been scientifically proven to be

2. The Prophet usually sits down when he drinks.
When the Prophet feels thirsty and wants to drink, he usually sits in advance.
This method is also scientifically proven healthy where, when we drink water in a
standing position, there will be unfinished valve and water pressure. But in the
seated position, the valve is opened and ready to receive water.

3. Eating with your right hand is not merely a matter of tradition, but
also according to a study is also one of the ways in leading a healthy lifestyle.
When eating with the right hand, the left brain becomes active and is its nature to
be in order and think. Whereas when eating with the left hand, the right brain that
are active possess imagination and arbitrary. So eating with the left hand is
considered less suitable according to a study.

4. The Prophet was always early to bed and woke early.
When it was time to sleep, the Prophet would sleep early. Sleeping at night is
best after finishing Isya prayers, around 8.45 p.m. Then at about 3:00 a.m, it is
already time to get up and perform our morning prayers at the beginning of one
third of the night. Thus the time we spend to sleep is ample enough. In this
context, in 24 hours a day, we spend a third for work, a third for the worship of
God, and a third is to have enough sleep. Of course, we should not be to rigid,
but it is a guide line that we can base our daily life on.

5. The Prophet often fast.
According to a study, fasting is a powerful method to abstain. This is a healthy
way, yet unknown to many people. For further clarification you can read books by
Ari Ginanjar . There is a detailed discussion about the benefits of fasting
issociated with research nowadays.

In addition to the five points above there are still plenty of healthy lifestyles
practised by Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the book titled The Islamic Trail-
Medical History , by Dr. Ja'far Kadhem Yamani, revealed more than 25 patterns
of healthy living by the Prophet, most of which is preventive measures. As we all
know, prevention is better than cure.

This is what I want to share with you this morning. Thank you and good day.

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