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8806 General Paper November 2009

Answers Paper 2
11. Using , materials from paragraphs 1-3 of the passage, summarise what the author has to say
about the definitions of play, and its role and value in human lives.
Write your summary in no more than 120 words not counting the opening words which are printed
below. Use your own words as far as possible.

Play may be defined as .................

Text Material Suggested Answer
1. Definition of Play
1a )Play can be inactive (L2)

1a) Play is sometimes idle/ sedentary/ dormant (1)
1b) Is often relaxed and random (L2)

1b) It is leisurely / laid- back/ and
unstructured/ arbitrary (1)
1c) do for no reward (other than itself)(L5)

1c) Has no financial benefits / monetary gains /
obvious quantifiable benefits/ incentives as play is
itself its own returns/ remuneration/incentive/ (1)
1d) is not necessary to our survival (L5)

1d) does not contribute/ is not needed/ for our
existence, / to fulfil our basic needs (1)
1e) is something we choose to do when we
are not at work ( L6)
1e) do out of freewill/ choice at our own leisure (1)
1f) But such antitheses are weakened by the
many ways in which they overlap. While
some people have the gift to ....... pursuit of
goals.(L 6-9)
1f) ( Award mark for overall concept/ idea of the
overlap in definition of play.
Nevertheless , However, On the other hand ( use of
connector to indicate difference in definition.)
for some artist and sportsmen such definitions does
not hold / is not applicable / apt/ appropriate
because their play can also be their work/ is also
their work. (1)

2. Role of Play
NOTE : direct points of benefits - from childrens play must be included.
Points from pups play must be inferred and be presented to suit question demand ( role of play)
2a) childrens play is a vital element in their
growth to maturity (L14)
2a) plays an important / imperative /critical / crucial
role in developing childrens growth / mental
development / progress/ advancements
2b) Playing alone in sand and waters or with
others in quite or rough and tough tumble
games , they learn the nature of the world
they live in (L16)
2b) makes them understand the characteristics /
features of the environment / surroundings/ planet /
globe / earth.
2c) relate to the peers (L 16) 2c) enables them to associate / communicate/ deal
with/ socilaize/ mix/ mingle with their friends/
2d) avidly explore their surroundings (L19) 2d)allows them to discover/ investigate their
environment/ surroundings
2e)in mock encounters with their siblings
(will develop the agility and aggression they
will depend on for food. ( L20)
2e) offers stimulated situations to develop
nimbleness/ alertness and antagonism ,/hostility /
forcefulness/ belligerence ,/assertiveness,
ferociousness/ fierceness needed to gather food/ for
existence/ life/ continuation.
2f) hierarchy emerges even in kindergarten
(L 21)
2f) creates pecking order/ chain of command
2g) the social and physical skills which they
learn through play will be essential for the
success in the free- for all we call
2g) provides / gives -communal/ collective(social) /
and motor /kinaesthetic (physical ) ability / talent/
aptitude/ competence that is necessary for triumph/
achievement / accomplishment in community.

(do not penalize if social and physical is not
paraphrased. )
3.Value of play
3a) at school what happens in the sandpit is
systematically directed and expanded in
lessons now indeed called work(L24)
3a) (what happens at play) skills/ abilities acquired at
play/ outdoors is transferred and extended for
learning (1)
3b) what happens in the playground is
channelled in sports
3b)( what happens outdoors)outdoor activities and
games later develops into sports.
3c) organised social form of play continues
to be a major feature in the pastimes of
adults, either actively pursued or enjoyed as
spectacle. (L27)
3c) incarnates as the sports we play or watch at
school or as adults.
3d) Participants keep themselves fit, enjoy
the satisfactions of developing particular
3d) maintains health, provides delight and develops
specific abilities/ talents.
3e)achieving personal targets and
experience the stimulus of competition.(
3e) stretches people to achieve goals and provides
impetus for challenge.
3f) Football in particular satisfied mens
craving for heroes and their need to belong
to fraternities (L33)
3f) Gratifies need to identify with champions /
winners and a particular groups/ factions
the sense of order and completion which its
rules and time- limits impose so unlike the
endless and arbitrary flow of events in our
everyday lives? ( L33)
3g) provides a feel of -regulation and closure/ in
contrary to the incessant / ceaseless/ relentless and
unpredictable/ impulsive/ capricious daily lives.

Summary Sample Answer
Proposed - Marking Guidelines.
1 mark for I point.
Grade to award marks for points present in answer script.
Break points by clauses or independent sentence from passage to award marks.
Award marks for overall concept/ meaning in sentence.
Deduct half mark whenever the complete intent in each clause or sentence is not paraphrased.
They need not cover points; but must cover all three aspects of question : definition, role and

There are two sample answers below that exceed the word count of 120. Sample A is with
connectors and linking phrases. Sample B is without connectors and appropriate linking phrases
that cues transition from one aspect to another of question. Both version are acceptable. It is
good to cue flow of writing with connectors and linking phrases. However, due to emphasis on
concision student may choose to omit them. Nevertheless, answer must be succinct with good
and logical flow in response to secure good language grades. Students need not have all points
but a good spread from all 3 aspects with completion in meaning; a good flow and transition in

(1a)Play can be defined as a sedentary activity. (1b)It is ()leisurely and unstructured ( ). ( 1c) It
does not have quantifiable benefits( )and play is itself its our own returns ( ). (1d) It is
unwarranted for our existence. (1e) However, for some sports men and artist play can be their work.
Play holds a significant role in childrens mental development. It enables them to understand their
environment and teaches them to socilaize. In addition, it allows them to discover their surrounding
and trains them to be nimble and belligerent. Play adds value to life when skills learnt are
transferred to learning. Besides, play incarnates into sports at school or sports watched as adults.
Play helps to sustain health, is good entertainment and develops talents. It helps people achieve their
goals and provides impetus for challenge. It gratifies need to identify with champions and particular
factions. It also gives the feel of regulation and conclusion.
Train students to use appropriate connectors and short phrases to cue transition.
The can leave out one or two points. Award marks for points present.

(1a)Play can be defined as a sedentary activity (1). (1b)It is leisurely and unstructured (1). ( 1c) It does
not have quantifiable benefits and play is itself its own returns (1). (1d) It is unwarranted for our
existence and is carried out at our freewill (1). (1e). Play is significant to childrens mental
development (1). It enables them to understand their environment and teaches them to socilaize( 1).
It allows them to discover their surrounding and trains them to be nimble and belligerent (1). Play
adds value to life when skills learnt are transferred to learning.(1) Besides ,play incarnates into sports
at school or sports watched as adults.(1) Play helps to sustain health, is good entertainment and
develops talents.(1) It helps people achieve their goals and provides impetus for challenge.(1) It
gratifies need to identify with champions and particular factions(1) It also gives the feel of regulation
and conclusion.(1)

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