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Jumping Show

Sunday 19
October 2014
To take place at,
Lakeside, Lakeview errace,
!urnace, L"ane""i,
S#1$ %&'
(L)#* *O+,& O S#* # 9-%0 #.
S'O/ J+.01,2 O S#* # 10-00 #.
#"" entries to be taken on the day-
)ntry !ee in #"" ("asses 3un"ess otherwise stated4
5%-00 .embers 6 54-00 ,on7.embers
51-00 !irst #id !ee per person-
!urther schedu"es and in8o avai"ab"e at9
0"ease note the 8o""owing9
Juniors and Seniors to ;ump together,
they wi"" be sp"it 8or the ;ump o88-
*osettes 1
, 2
and %
p"aces 8or Juniors, and Seniors-
.a<imum o8 % c"asses and pairs-
Juniors are aged 1= yrs and under,
Seniors are 1> yrs and over, as o8 January 1
!urther detai"s can be obtained 8rom9
.rs #"ison ?ennett 7 0=>00 $>019@
.rs 'e"en ,eve 7 0=>$$ 2=99$$
Support your local club.
Become a member of
Llanelli & District Riding Club
and enjoy reduced entry fees at all
our shows.
5 per person,
or 10 per family per annum.
More info from our Club Secretary,
Alison arries
!"##$ %%&'(( or !%%)**#()*)
(L)#* *O+,&
O S#* # 9-%0 #.
S'O/ J+.01,2
O S#* # 10-00 #.
(L#SS 14 1ft 6 lead rein permitted
(L#SS 24 1ft 9 lead rein permitted
(L#SS %4 2ft 3
(L#SS 44 Pairs
(L#SS $4 2ft 6
(L#SS @4 2ft 9
(L#SS =4 3ft
he (ommittee wou"d "ike to thank a"" sponsors and competitors
8or their continued support o8 our shows-
1t is very much appreciated-
AAA!o""ow us on 8acebook to be in8ormed on 8uture eventsAAA
o sponsor a c"ass or section, p"ease contact our Show Secretary-
Sandra &owney 0=$1@=01@10
1. No entries will be accepted without the appropriate fee.
2. ll horses will be !easured if dee!ed necessar".
3. The #o!!ittee cannot be held responsible for an" loss, da!a$e to, or
in%ur" fro! accidents or an" other cause.
4. No horse or pon" is to be left unattended or ridden outside the rin$s.
5. The #o!!ittee has the ri$ht to re&uest a 'irth #ertificate as proof of
6. n" e(hibitor lod$in$ a protest !ust first deposit )1* with the secretar",
which will be forfeited to the fund if the co!plaint is not sustained. ll
co!plaints !ust be recei+ed before the end of the e+ent.
7. The decision of the ,ud$es in all co!petitions, and that of the ob%ectin$
#o!!ittee in cases of dispute, will be final, and without further appeal.
. No person e(cept the co!petitor will be allowed into the rin$ under an"
circu!stances whatsoe+er. his ru"e wi"" be strict"y adhered to-
!. The #o!!ittee reser+es the ri$ht to refuse entr" without an" e(planation
bein$ offered.
10. -ard hats !ust be worn at all ti!es whilst !ounted, .we reco!!end
P/0 11 or '/2N 1334 hats5. /T6/ hats also acceptable.
11. ll cups !ust be returned one !onth prior to the show.
12. Persons breakin$ any rules !a" be e(pelled fro! the show$round.
13. ll ridden horses and ponies !ust be four "ears old or o+er.
14. The #o!!ittee reser+es the ri$ht to alter the runnin$ order of the
classes or rin$s used for classes, if necessar", to ensure the s!ooth
runnin$ of the e+ent.
15. 7hilst on the show$round, no colt or stallion is to be handled b" an"
person under 11 "ears of a$e.
'1*& 0#*B L1#?1L1B
The /ociet"8s officers, or ser+ants, shall not be responsible9
To an" person whatsoe+er on the /ociet"8s pre!ises, or while enterin$
or lea+in$ the sa!e, for an" loss howe+er sustained or caused to the
propert" of such person, or in%ur", fatal or otherwise, to an" such person.
:or an" accident, da!a$e or loss, howe+er caused, that !a" occur to
an" e(hibitor or his ser+ant, or to an" ani!al, article or propert", brou$ht
into the show$round, or while enterin$ or lea+in$, or bein$ carried into
and out of the said show$round.
2ach e(hibitor shall be solel" responsible for an" loss, in%ur" or da!a$e
that !a" be done to, occasionall" b", or arisin$ fro! an" article, ani!al
or propert" e(hibited or brou$ht on the show$round b" hi!, and he shall
inde!nif" and hold har!less the /ociet" fro! and a$ainst all action,
suits, e(penses and clai!s on account of or in respect of an" such
da!a$e or in%ur" which !a" be caused or occasioned.

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