All Things Current - Sept. 10, 2014

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All Things Current: What you'll find in your Sept.

10, 2014, edition

The Adams Morgan advisory neighborhood commission is asking for postponement of a hearing
about panned construction ne!t door to the Mary"s #enter on Ontario $oad so that deveopers can
coordinate better %ith the nonprofit& 'Dupont #urrent( )oggy *ottom #urrent+
,-.TO$-# P$E.E$VAT-ON
The Nationa #apita Panning #ommission and #utura Tourism D# %ant to thread the District/s
ne!t heritage trai through )oggy *ottom to highight the historic neighborhood"s iconic andmarks&
'North%est #urrent( Dupont #urrent( )oggy *ottom #urrent+
A deveoper/s pan to convert 0eorgeto%n/s Ae!ander Memoria *aptist #hurch and its rectory to
residentia use is moving to%ard approva( no% that the .0A #os& has dropped a controversia
proposa to buid a arge ne% house on an ad1acent ot& '0eorgeto%n #urrent+
Despite design changes( the Od 0eorgeto%n *oard remains %ary of panned aterations to the
former 2atharine 0raham estate& '0eorgeto%n #urrent( Dupont #urrent( )oggy *ottom #urrent+
L-34O$ L-#EN.-N0
$esidents surrounding the 5677 bock of 8isconsin Avenue in 0eorgeto%n are coming together in
response to fears that an infu! of noisy restaurants %i pose a nuisance in their neighborhood&
'0eorgeto%n #urrent+
Eissa .iverman describes her focus on the city budget and transparency in government( in an
intervie% %ith The #urrent as part of a series on at9arge D&#& #ounci candidates" poicy positions&
'a editions+
A ne% community group is ooking into future options for ,earst Park( incuding a possibe dog run
or even an outdoor poo( as the city prepares for a :; miion investment in the faciity& 'North%est
#urrent( Dupont #urrent+
The D&#& #ounci( #ongress and oca schoos and universities are back in session this month( but
8ashingtonians can sti have summer fun < bock party9stye < in a variety of oca neighborhoods&
'a editions+
A ne% city =curbside management study> introduces a frame%ork to taior parking poicies to
different types of neighborhoods& 'a editions+
OT,E$ NE8.
A 8ison ,igh .choo 1unior is spending this schoo year in 0hana after %inning a prestigious .tate
Department schoarship& 'North%est #urrent( Dupont #urrent+
#OMM4N-T? 04-DE 'a editions+
T%o measures recenty adopted by the D&#& #ounci coud change the %ay District residents
-n an intervie% %ith The #urrent( the District"s ne% chief ibrarian says that ibraries have to be
about services beyond ending books and other media&
.ee %here to take your preschooer %ith this guide to age9appropriate activities&
-f you"re ooking for a dog( severa oca sheters %oud ove to connect you %ith one&
The upcoming year boasts a great diversity of concerts( e!hibits and pays( as outined in our
comprehensive previe% guide&
A renovated to%n house in the e!cusive gated community of ,iandae is on the market for
:5(@A6(777& 'a editions+
OP-N-ON 'a editions+
EditoriaB A recent Acohoic *everage #ontro *oard order for Dupont"s OCio strikes an appropriate
baance bet%een the needs of nightcubs and their residentia neighbors&
EditoriaB )annie Mae"s impending departure from the from the area 1ust south of Teneyto%n opens
up intriguing options to revitaiCe its stretch of 8isconsin Avenue&
.her%oodB The guity pea from Vincent 0ray"s former driver may prove to be the inchpin that
brings the mayor %ithin prosecutors" reach&

.PO$T. 'North%est #urrent( 0eorgeto%n #urrent+
0onCaga footba topped #entrevie in a nationay teevised game( %hie .t& Dohn"s( .id%e(
8ison and .t& Abans aso %on on the gridiron&
0eorgeto%n Day"s girs soccer team is putting its senior9heavy ineup to %ork in chasing a tite %in&
AL.O -N T,E #4$$ENT
#rime report
Advisory neighborhood commission reports and agendas
$eports from oca citiCens associations
#aendar of the %eek"s events
#assified ads and service directory
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