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.'&#/ 010
Bello. Welcome to the fiist lectuie in the couise the auuicteu biain. Ny name is Bi. Nichael
Kuhai anu I have been stuuying uiugs anu the biain foi many yeais. 0ne paiticulai focus of
my woik has been uiug auuiction, as it is a veiy inteiesting anu impoitant pioblem with its
basis in biain function.

Touay, I'm going to give you an oveiview of the entiie couise.
0bviously, we neeu to focus on the woiu "auuiction." The name of the couise is the
auuicteu biainwhat we mean by auuiction is ciitical foi us.

By auuiction I iefei to a iepeateu behavioi that iesults in uistiess oi has a negative impact
in on life. An example woulu be taking a uiug such as methamphetamine iepeateuly, to
wheie you feel compelleu to continue to seek anu take the uiug, even though it is having a
negative impact in youi life. The negative impact coulu be a loss of a job, oi financial
stiesses, oi health pioblems. In my view, the negative impact is a key featuie. But, it's
obvious that not eveiy iepetitive activity has a negative impact on youi life. Foi example,
appiopiiate eating is a iepetitive activity that we can't uo without, anu it uoes not unuei
noimal ciicumstances have a negative impact on youi life. In fact, it has a positive impact
on youi life.

Theie aie some othei things that occui with auuicting behavioi. Foi example, you may
have tiieu to stop the behavioi many times anu faileu. You may have hau to inciease the
fiequency of the behavioi oi the uose of the uiug that you'ie taking to get the same effect.
You may finu that when you stop the behavioi oi uiug you begin to feel bau anu you go into
a withuiawal state such that you go back to taking the uiug to avoiu the pain of withuiawal.

Anu while we aie uoing uefinitions, theie aie some othei teims that we neeu to talk about.
We'ie also going to be using the woiu abuse; someone can be a uiug auuict oi a uiug

abusei. The woiu auuict implies a moie seiious pioblem than the woiu abusei; sometimes
I will use them inteichangeably because the geneial iuea is the same. It's only a uiffeience
of uegiee of seiiousness.

Also, I will use the woiu uiug to iefei to auuictive substances, anu the woiu meuicine to
iefei to cuiative anu helpful substances. Sometimes a substance can be both a uiug anu a
meuicine. An example is amphetamine, which can be useu as a meuicine to tieat ABBB anu
as an abuseu anu auuictive substance.

The uiugs that aie auuicting - anu we know what we mean by auuicting - - incluue: alcohol,
nicotine, maiijuana, ceitain piesciiption uiugs, methamphetamine, cocaine, anu otheis. In
this couise, we will talk about all of the vaiious substances that aie abuseu anu we'll finu
out how they'ie uiffeient anu how they aie alike.

Because uiugs aie so uangeious, using animals in uiug abuse anu uiug auuiction ieseaich
is ciitical. Without the availability anu piopei use of animals, we coulu not have leaineu as
much as we have about uiugs, noi woulu we have uiscoveieu meuications foi auuicts. We
have been able to unueistanu the piocess of auuiction anu we have been able to leain a
gieat many things about this uisoiuei.

I'll be talking about how uiugs affect the biain; this incluues the piocess of the biain
auapting to the iepeateu batteiing of the biain by uiugs. YesI use the woiu batteiing
because the biain is tiuly assaulteu by these substances, anu I'll explain how anu why that
happens. I'm also going to talk about what happens at the cellulai level in the biain, anu
what happens to the inuiviuual neive cells uuiing the piocess of auuiction. You will be
heaiing the woiu neuioplasticity that basically is a change in a neuial pathway, which is
the basis of a change in some behavioi. Leaining is an example of neuioplasticity.

We all know that auuiction is long-lasting. It can take people a long time to wean
themselves away fiom this behavioi. We'ie going to be looking at the long-lasting effects of

uiugs by biain imaging anu by behavioial stuuies. An awaieness of the fact that auuiction is
long-lasting is veiy ciitical to how we consiuei tieating uiug auuiction.

Anothei factoi will be vulneiability. This auuiesses: Who will be an auuict. Will I be an
auuict. Woulu you be an auuict. Bow uo we figuie that out. If you look at a laige
population of auuicts anu compaie them to a laige population of noimal people you can see
that the auuicts have some peisonality anu enviionmental factois that aie uiffeient. We'll
talk about these. 0f couise, if you aie having tiouble with uiugs oi othei auuictions you
neeu to go into tieatment. While some people can walk away fiom uiugs veiy easily, otheis
can't. We uon't know why. Some people neeu tieatment to become abstinent oi to stay
away fiom uiugs. Anu the impoitant thing to know is that tieatment uoes woik. You get the
iight tieatment anu it's going to help you.

Finally, weie going to be talking about goveinment policies anu the law anu how it affects
uiug useis. This is a most inteiesting issue anu its iole in society is not minoi.

In summaiy, this couise is veiy bioau. We'ie going to go fiom the molecules themselves all
the way to goveinment policy, anu I know that you'ie going to enjoy this anu leain a goou
ueal. I look foiwaiu to woiking with you.

.'&#/ 012
Bello again. In this lectuie I'm going to outline what we will uiscuss foi the iest of the week.

0ne of the topics we'll touch upon is the histoiy of uiug abuse anu auuiction, anu this is
paiticulaily illuminating because it implies something about oui biains anu oui cultuie.
You'll see what I mean. Biug abuse has been aiounu foi a long time anu that suggests
something about oui native, inboin, vulneiability to using uiugs

Anothei topic is how seiious the uiug use pioblem is. We all know that it's seiious, but I'll
be going into some of the uetails that uesciibe not only the financial costs but also the
miseiy that this pioblem piouuces. I'll be talking about the vaiious inuiviuual uiugs that
fall into about 1u classes, anu it's inteiesting that some of the uiugs in these classes have
actions that aie quite uiffeient fiom uiugs in some of the othei classes, but yet they all
piouuce auuiction. What a fascinating anu amazing thing to consiuei anu figuie out.

Now, let's go into fuithei uetail about the uefinition of uiug abuseauuiction. As I hau
mentioneu eailiei, uiug abuse oi auuiction is seeking anu taking uiugs in spite of uistiess
anu haimful consequences. The woiu auuiction uenotes a moie seiious anu haimful state
than the woiu abuse. I will often use these inteichangeably except when I ieally neeu to
emphasize the uiffeience.

Anothei phiase that you will piobably heai is uiug uepenuence. This is associateu with a
state of physiologic neeu such that physiological signs occui when you stop taking the uiug.
An example is the uepiession that occuis when an auuict stops taking cocaine, oi the
uiaiihea that happens when an opiate auuict stops taking piesciiption painkilleis.

I also want to mention the BSN-S, which is the latest official manual foi piofessionals who
ueal with anu uiagnose uiug use anu uiug uisoiueis. The BSN-S is the fifth euition of the
uiagnostic anu statistical manual of mental uisoiueis, which is publisheu by the Ameiican
Psychiatiic Association. The inteiesting thing is that this manual uoes not use the woiu
auuiction oi uepenuence, but iathei it iefeis to the pioblematic use of uiugs as a substance
use uisoiuei oi as a substance-inuuceu uisoiuei. These aie inteiesting changes that avoiu
using the woiu auuict oi uepenuence, which can be stigmatizing; being labeleu an auuict in
any ciicumstance can piejuuice ceitain people against you. A substance use uisoiuei, as we
uesciibeu foi uiug abuse anu auuiction, is a continueu use of the uiug in spite of pioblems
anu the pioblems incluue impaiiment, iisks to youi health, anu biain changes. 0n the othei

hanu, substance inuuceu uisoiuei iefeis to things causeu by the uiugs anu these woulu
incluue intoxication, withuiawal, oi othei siue effects.

Note that anothei behavioi besiues uiug use is incluueu, anu that is the gambling uisoiuei.
With auuitional scientific stuuies, othei behaviois may be iefeiieu to as auuictions oi
auuictive-like states anu will be incluueu in futuie euitions of the BSN.

Now foi something impoitant. We have been uesciibing auuiction anu abuse in teims of a
behavioi which is something you uo in spite of haimful consequences, but now I want to
shift the focus slightly to talk about a biain-baseu uesciiption of uiug abuse anu uiug
auuiction. Because the biain is the oigan of behavioi, anu uiug auuiction is a uisoiueieu oi
pioblematic behavioi, then I want to say that uiug abuse oi auuiction is a biain uisoiuei.
As we look at the biains of people who use uiugs, we finu that uiug use is chaiacteiizeu by
changes in the chemistiy anu the anatomy of the biain, anu some of these aie quite
uiamatic. It's cleai that these changes in chemistiy anu anatomy unueilie anu aie the cause
of the changes in behavioi. A poweiful iuea is that if we coulu ieveise some of these
chemical changes oi anatomical changes, then it seems likely that we woulu have way to
tieat anu maybe even cuie uiug useis.

The way these changes occui in the biain is by uiugs acting at specific moleculai sites that
we iefei to as ieceptois. Biffeient uiugs have uiffeient moleculai sites anu we'll get into
that at a latei point. The impoitant issue heie is that we can talk about uiug abuse anu uiug
auuiction fiom the peispective of the physiology of the biain in auuition to the peispective
of behavioi. This is an impoitant shift in emphasis that will have many benefits anu cieate a
view of auuiction that will be helpful to us.

As we concluue this lectuie, I want you to take the time to exploie anu answei the
following questions. When thinking about uiug abuse anu auuiction as a behavioial
uisoiuei, what aie the key behaviois that uefine this uisoiuei.


Also, what is the bouily oigan that contiols oui behavioi anu that theiefoie contains the
basic explanations of uiug abuse anu uiug auuiction.

Finally, as you see in this week's uiscussion question, we want to leain how to finu things at
vaiious websites. These websites aie just loaueu with wonueiful mateiials foi this topic.
So, as an exeicise, please visit the National Institute on Biug Abuse anu biowse this
website. You can stait by finuing the uefinition of auuiction, anu then you can puisue
vaiious otheis things that you may be inteiesteu in.

.'&#/ 013
Bello again. In this session I'm going to talk about how uiugs appeai in histoiy. The point
is, uiugs been aiounu foi a long time!

This image shows a wooucut maue by the Incas hunuieus anu hunuieus of yeais ago
uepicting a piiest uiinking some foim of cocaine, anu the uiawing at the top suggests that it
is a foim of communication with the Sun uou, peihaps a gift fiom the gou. This says that
cocaine was not only useu, but that its effects weie so unique it suggesteu an association
with the gous. Pietty poweiful stuff. We aie tolu that at fiist the piiestly class only useu
cocaine, but eventually, its use became moie wiuespieau So cocaine, foi example, has been
special at times in the past - anu continues to be. We not only like uiugs like cocaine, we
finu them to be poweiful.

Beie is a quote fiom one of the books of the New Testament anu it says uo not get uiunk on
wine. So heie's an example wheie iefeience to abusing wine oi alcohol is founu in a text
that's hunuieus anu hunuieus of yeais olu. Now some uiugs anu theii use go back fuithei,
peihaps thousanus of yeais.


Beie you'll see a seeu pou that has been cut oi scoieu, anu theie is a milk oi what is calleu
latex leaking out of the pou, anu opium is what's founu in the latex. This is how it's uone -
opium is giown anu the seeu pous aie scoieu anu the opium is collecteu, anu as I saiu,
opium has been in use since veiy ancient times.

So why am I biinging this up. I'm biinging it up to point out that uiug use is not a passing
fau. It's not a simple fashion that will faue away. The use of uiugs, paiticulaily some uiugs,
has been iemaikably peisistent anu continuing ovei many, many yeais. Now some foims of
a uiug might be a fau, anu of couise we can't foiget that some uiugs aie new anu haven't
been uiscoveieu until iecently, anu the abuse of these uiugs is theiefoie veiy iecent. But
the point that I want to make is that the use of uiugs - actually the same uiugs - peisists
anu this is a hint that we as humans aie somehow vulneiable to using uiugs. We aie
somehow ieauy to take them, even if in a uestiuctive pattein.

What we'ie going to finu out, which I've alieauy alluueu to, is that the biain is set up to like
uiugs. In that sense, the biain is a co-conspiiatoi in uiug use anu theiefoie abuse, anu uiug
abuse anu auuiction is a biain uisoiuei. Now - anu this is a key statement - because some
biain uisoiueis can be tieateu anu new meuicines aie always being uiscoveieu, uiug abuse
can anu will be tieateu effectively.

As an asiue, let me mention that animals also use uiugs. The thiiu week of this couise will
be uevoteu to talking about animals using uiugs anu how that helps us. Baiwin, in a book
he wiote in 1871, points out that monkeys like spiiits anu even tobacco aftei they see men
use them. They appeai to have the same kinus of uistiess such as hangoveis anu othei
expiessions of uistiess aftei abusing the uiugs.

To summaiize, this long stanuing use of uiugs anu the peisistence of uiug use tells us
something about oui vulneiabilities, anu given that animals piobably have the same
vulneiabilities, it isn't suipiising that we as humans have them also.


Think about what we've uiscusseu thus fai, anu take a minute to answei the following

Some uiugs have been useu foi many yeais, sometimes thousanus of yeais. This coulu
mean that:

a) they piouuce uesiiable feelings.
b) oui biains aie especially vulneiable to these substances.
c) they aie simply founu ovei all the eaith in gieat abunuance.
u) both a anu b.

.'&#/ 014
Bello. This viueo will be an oveiview of the specific uiugs ielative to this couise. We will
expanu on these in much moie uetail in latei weeks. As I've mentioneu in pievious lectuies,
theie aie about 1u classes of uiugs that can be abuseu.

The fiist one listeu is alcohol. This is a uiug that has massive use in oui society anu aiounu
the woilu anu is a majoi health pioblem.

Tobacco anu nicotine aie also majoi health pioblems anu they aie wiuely useu aiounu the

Caffeine, which is not consiueieu to be a seiious auuiction pioblem, is cleaily something
that many of us like to take, we uo take, anu if we uon't take it we might get heauaches anu
things like that. Some people say that caffeine is the most wiuely useu psychoactive
substance in the woilu - psychoactive meaning it affects oui minus.


Cannabis oi maiijuana is one of these classes.

Inhalants aie often solvents founu in glue, oi gasoline anu they aie the cause of majoi
health pioblems in Thiiu Woilu countiies anu maybe among chiluien of Thiiu Woilu

Anothei class is the opioius, anu because of the impoitance of these uiugs in meuicine as
painkilleis, many, many opioius have been uevelopeu.

In the last Su oi 6u yeais, uiugs have been uevelopeu fiom opioius that aie veiy goou
seuatives anu anti-anxiety agents, anu they aie also veiy useful in meuicine. They aie easily
founu, but they aie also auuicting.

Psychostimulants like cocaine, amphetamine, anu methamphetamine is one of the classes.

Ballucinogen's incluue PCP (phencycliuine) anu otheis like LSB.

Then theie's a catchall gioup - othei - these aie things that uon't quite fit in these othei
classes anu new things that aie piobably on the hoiizon anu being uevelopeu that we will
uiscovei to be auuicting.

So those aie the vaiious uiugs that will be talking about thioughout this couise.

Beie we see the chemical stiuctuies of some of these uiugs. You can see the stiuctuies foi
ethanol, nicotine, cocaine, anu TBC, which is an active ingieuient in maiijuana, TBC
stanuing foi tetiahyuiocannabinol. You can see at a glance that the stiuctuies uiffei gieatly.
Ethanol is a veiy small molecule wheieas TBC is much laigei anu fai moie complex. It's
inteiesting that even though these uiffeient molecules have veiy uiffeient shapes, they all
can be auuicting anu abuseu, anu this is something that weie going to have to tiy anu figuie

Now, let's talk about the siue effects of these uiugs. The ieason we'ie talking about these 1u
classes of uiugs is because they aie eithei auuicting oi abusable to the point wheie they
cause pioblems in oui lives. But anothei pioblem with these uiugs is that they have
toxicities oi siue effects, anu uiffeient uiugs have uiffeient siue effects. If you can't stop
taking the uiugs, if you take them again anu again, then you uevelop gieatei anu gieatei
toxicity. Anu the toxicity of these uiugs will be a majoi issue that we will look at in the next

Examples of toxic siue effects aie as follows (sliue 4). Alcohol can cause livei uisease.
Naiijuana uecieases mental anu physical peifoimance significantly. I consiuei withuiawal
fiom uiugs as a toxic siue effect, which it is. Note then that withuiawal fiom alcohol, foi
example, can be life-thieatening by causing seizuies anu othei seiious symptoms. So not
only is auuiction a pioblem, but public health has iecognizeu that theie aie vaiious
toxicities to the substances, anu this contiibutes significantly to the pioblem of uiug abuse
anu auuiction.

Take a moment to complete the following activity. Please visit the websites that we talkeu
about pieviously, anu finu infoimation about the uiffeient uiugs that aie abuseu. Peihaps
you have a special inteiest in one of them. It woulu be useful foi you to ieseaich one oi
peihaps two. As I saiu eailiei, these sites will be useful as souices of the most iecent
infoimation about many anu any aspect of uiug use.

.'&#/ 015
It's time to consiuei how many people use uiugs anu how seiious a pioblem it is.


Let's look at some uata gatheieu by vaiious goveinment agencies, in this case it is SANSBA,
anu this is uata foi 2u1u anu 2u11. These peicentages show the fiaction of people ageu 12
anu oluei who took vaiious uiugs ovei theii lifetime.

Foi alcohol, you can see that it's a veiy high peicentage. Noie than 8u% of all people ageu
12 oi oluei have useu alcohol within theii lifetime. Foi othei uiugs, the peicentages vaiy
anu giauually get smallei. Foi heioin, only a small numbei have useu the uiug ovei theii
lifetime, but note that a much laigei fiaction of people, almost 14%, have useu piesciiption
pain killeis ovei a lifetime.

Now what about the costs of uiug use. I think they aie fai gieatei than most people woulu
imagine. Beie again is some uata fiom a goveinment agency, anu the estimateu economic
cost to society uue to illegal uiugs is ovei a hunuieu anu $8u billion a yeai, foi alcohol it is
about the same, anu about the same oi a little highei foi tobacco. The total is $SS9 billion
pei yeai foi 2uu4, which is an astounuing numbei. It's closing in on a tiillion uollais anu
that's only in the 0niteu States alone. That amount of money coulu cieate moie than 1Suuu
new jobs at a salaiy of $7SK pei yeai. It coulu covei the cost of at least one new hospital.

That cost is maue up by the health costs of people who use uiugs, by the loss of
piouuctivity, by legal costs, anu by othei expenses.

But this uollai amount uoes not ieally incluue any measuie of the miseiy causeu by uiugs.
We uon't have an exact metiic to measuie miseiy but we know what happens. We all know
stoiies about people who have hau theii lives neaily uestioyeu by uiugs. }ust being
emotionally uefeateu by poweiful uiug uiges, oi anything foi that mattei, unueimines oui
confeience, outlook, anu peifoimance. Some people's lives aie neaily uestioyeu in that
they lose caieeis, loveu ones, fiienus, anu peisonal anu financial iesouices. Some people
lose all theii savings. Some people winu up in uivoice couit. Also, theie is a uiamatic anu
significant loss of health uue to the siue effects anu toxicities of uiugs, anu to the neglect

that one suffeis when they aie pieoccupieu in tiying to take anu finu uiugs. If they uon't
take caie of themselves, then theie can be auuitional health costs.

Theie aie some uiamatic photos of inuiviuuals who abuse methamphetamine (sliue S). The
people in the photo aie actually one anu the same peison. The photo on the left was befoie
the peison began using methamphetamine, anu the photo on the iight was taken aftei an
aiiest when he hau been using the uiug foi some time. This isn't the only paii of photos
that exists--they all show this uiamatic change. Some uiugs can cause a big change in youi
life with teiiible consequences foi youi health.

We can also look at the biain anu the changes that occui aftei chionic uiug use. Consiuei
the piefiontal coitex which is veiy impoitant foi oui functioning (Sliue 6, 7). It's believeu
to enhance activity that we neeu to ieach goals, anu to inhibit iiielevant activities. It's
involveu in emotional iegulation.

This bai giaph shows the volume of the piefiontal, which is ueteimineu by biain scans. The
volume of the healthy contiols is shown by the bai on the left, anu the volume of the
piefiontal coitex in alcoholics is shown in the miuule. Note the uiamatic ieuuction in biain
volume. The bai on the iight is the volume of the piefiontal coitex in schizophienic
patients, anu you can see that alcohol ultimately causes toxicity anu a ieuuction in biain
volume that is equivalent to what's founu in veiy seiiously ill mental patients in
schizophienics. Now theie is some question as to whethei oi not the biain volume is
ieuuceu befoie people stait uiinking, but in geneial it is pietty much believeu that the
ieuuction in biain volume is uue to the consequences of taking alcohol iepeateuly foi a
long peiiou of time.

So you can see that theie is a significant cost foi becoming caught in the web of compulsive
uiug taking. Theie's an economic cost that we can measuie in uollais. Theie's a cost in
miseiy anu health. 0veiall, it is huge.


Aftei this viueo, please go to one of the websites anu see if you can finu out how the uata
we saw pieviously saw bieaks uown. Foi example, what fiaction of the cost of uiug use is
uue to the loss of woikei piouuctivity.

.'&#/ 016
In this lectuie, we aie going to consiuei behavioial auuictions. This is about auuictions
without uiugs. It is about uisoiueis wheie theie is an excess of behavioi, foi example, with
gambling, Inteinet use, shopping, foou, oi sex.
We often heai people say that they aie auuicteu to eating ceitain kinus of foou oi that
they'ie auuicteu to watching ceitain television shows. People have wiitten books about
theii vaiious auuictions. People have askeu me if I thought that theii Inteinet use was an
Befoie we can iesponsibly say that something is auuicting, theie has to be a scientific stuuy
of that pioblem. It has to be cleaily uemonstiateu that that behavioi in some people has the
chaiacteiistics of a biain uisoiuei oi auuiction.
At this time we can say that theie is scientific eviuence foi gambling as an auuictive
uisoiuei. Anu it seems likely that in the futuie theie will be moie eviuence anu some
auuitional behaviois will be consiueieu an auuiction that may iequiie tieatment foi some
What have we leaineu about gambling that allows us to classify it as an auuiction foi some
people. Well it has been shown that gambling can be a peisistent behavioi, anu cause
haimful effects in life. The haimful effects, of couise, can be a loss of money such that you

uon't meet youi obligations like paying the ient oi buying foou foi youi family. In auuition
to gambling away money that you neeu, theie aie some othei chaiacteiistics. Foi example
you haven't been able to cut back oi stop, anu you expeiience stiess when you tiy to stop.
You may lie oi tiy to conceal how much you gamble. Anu you may gamble aftei episoues of
stiess. As with othei auuictions, you may be able to walk away fiom gambling foi some
time - but then ielapse. Stuuies have uocumenteu that theie aie people who behave in this
way anu who benefit fiom tieatment.
You may have iecognizeu that many of the chaiacteiistics of gambling uisoiuei aie similai
to those foi substance use uisoiueis oi auuictions. I iefei to continueu use in spite of
negative consequences, anu ielapsing aftei oi uuiing stiess. These will be among the
ciiteiia foi all auuictions.
Can you get help oi tieatment foi gambling. 0f couise you can. You only have to finu a
suitable tieatment pioviuei.
What if you aie involveu with Inteinet use, oi shopping, oi sex, to the point wheie it's
causing peisonal uistiess because of haimful consequences. Even though these behaviois
may not be officially classifieu as auuictions iight now, you can still get tieatment foi these
pioblems if you neeu it.
So in that sense, it uoesn't mattei if a behavioi is officially uesciibeu as a uisoiuei oi
auuiction. If you have a pioblem, help is available.
In summaiy, theie aie thiee main points.
1. Ceitain behaviois can be auuictive in the sense that you continue to uo them again
anu again even though that has haimful consequences.
2. The main behavioi that this has been uocumenteu foi is gambling. In the futuie,
othei behaviois aie likely to be establisheu as auuictive uisoiueis foi some as well.
S. If you aie involveu in a behavioi that is somehow uestiuctive to you, you can still get
help fiom a tieatment piofessional no mattei what it is.

Aftei this lectuie, I'u like you to go to the Inteinet anu look at vaiious sites that ueal with
gambling as an auuiction, anu I'u like you to focus on two uiffeient kinus of sites. The fiist
type I'u like you to look at aie those that uesciibe gambling as an auuiction. What uo they
say about it. The next kinu of site that I'u like you to look at aie the tieatment sites.
Iuentify one oi two places oi gioups that tieat gambling. Aie theie uiffeient kinus of
gambling tieatment. You will see that theie is much available having to uo with gambling
as an auuiction.

(sliue 7) Finally, let me biiefly ieview the topics coveieu in this fiist week. The uefinition of
auuiction anu abuse has been uesciibeu. I have talkeu about how uiug use has peisisteu
thioughout histoiy anu what that may mean. It has been noteu that the biain, the oigan of
behavioi, is cential to the auuiction pioblem. Nany kinus of uiugs - anu some behaviois -
can be auuicting, anu this can be veiy uetiimental both economically anu peisonally.
Theie is moie to come on each of these iueas in futuie lectuies.

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