STD IX - DR Homi Bhabha BalVaidyanik Competition-Question For PracticeQuestion Bank 2014

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1. _____is observed as Energy Conservation day.

a. 20
August b. 20
c. 25
August d. 25
2. ______ is sprayed on surface of water reservoir
to prevent evaporation
a. Chlorine b. Cetyl Alcohol
c. ustard !il d. Arge"one !il#
$. %hich of the following will be observed when the
oon co"es between the &un and Earth and they
are in a straight line'
a. (ull oon b. )unar Eclipse
c. *ew oon d. &olar Eclipse
+. %hich of the following is not a good conductor of
a. ,lass b. Copper c. %ell water d. -oc.
5. %hich of the following can replace ercury in a
a. Acetone b. /eliu"
c. Alcohol d. *itrogen
0. %hich level of organi1ation is observed in
a. Cellular )evel b. 3issue )evel
c. !rgan )evel d. &yste" )evel
4. 5resence of sugar in urine is an indicator of
which disease'
a. 6idney &tone b. 7iabetes
c. )ow blood pressure d. ,all stones
8. olecular for"ula of 5otassiu" per"anganate
a. 62Cr.2!4 b. 5C1$ c. n!2 d. 6n!+
9. /u"an ear is incapable to hear a sound having
fre:uency lesser than _____ /1.
a. +0 b. 25 c. $5 d. 20
10 &peed of the light is _____ ti"es "ore than that
of speed of the sound.
a. 10
c. 10
11.Charge on an Ebonite rod can be categori1ed in
which of the following'
a. Current electricity b. &tatic
c. Electro agnetic d. (luctuating
12. %hite portion of eggs contain _________
a. proteins b. fats c. ;ron d. Calciu"
1$. <ody te"perature of a hu"an being
is ...................=C.
a. 99.5 b. 2$ c. $4 d. +0
1+. %hat is the colour of solution of lit"us in
a. <lue b. -ed c. Colourless d. 5urple
15. A few drops of le"on >uice were spilled on a
"arble platfor". %hich gas will be evolved during
the process'
a. &!2 b. C!$ c. Cl2 d. C!2
10.____ is a "ain constituent of al.alis.

Dr Homi Bhabha Balvaidyanik Competition
Practice Paper Question (Std IX)

a. / b./2 c.!/ d. C/2
14. ____ acid is present in the hu"an sto"ach.
a. Acetic b. /ydrochloric
b. Carbonic d. )actic
18. %hat change can be observed in "ass# when
water transfor"s fro" li:uid to solid'
a. -educes b. ;ncreases
c. 7oes not change
d. 7epends on the surrounding te"perature
19. oon rises appro?i"ately_____ "inutes later
than the earlier day.
a. 10 b. 50 c. 00 d. 120
20. *eptune revolves around the &un in _____
a. 105 days b. 88 years c. $05 days d. 105
21. ,-3 "eans _____
a. ,iant icrowave -adio 3elescope
b. ,iant eterwave -adio 3elescope
c. ,eographic eterwave -adar 3elescope
d. ,iant eterwave -adar 3elescope
22. odern "ethod of e?pressing an ele"ent @ is
a. @ b. A c. A d. @
A @ @ A
2$. %hich bond is for"ed when ato"s of two
ele"ents share electrons'
a. ;onic b. %ea. c. Covalent d. &trong
2+. %hat is the "ass of colu"n of at"osphere
occupying an area of 10 c" ? 10 c"'
a. 100 b. 100 .g c.10 tonnes d. 1#000 .g
25.%e do not get crushed under at"ospheric
pressure because______
a. Air is light in weight
b. 3he pressure inside our body e:uals
at"ospheric pressure
c. Air is present inside our body
d. 3he pressure inside our body is "ore than
at"ospheric pressure
20.%hy do we our lips when we blow a
a. 3o increase the a"ount of C!2 in the air passing
out through "outh
b. 3o increase the pressure on air passing out
through "outh
c. 3o increase te"perature of air passing out
through "outh
d. All of the above
24. %hich of the following types of forces cannot
co"e into e?istence without actual contact'
a. ,ravitational b. agnetic
c. (rictional d. Electrical
28. %hy a broad belt is used under the wheels of a
caterpillar battle tan.'
a. 3o enhance its speed
b. 3o .eep ene"y unaware of the "ove"ent
c. 5ressure decreases due to distribution of force
on increased area
d. 5ressure increases due to reduced area thus
helping in forward "ove"ent
29. _____ can grow in airBtight food container
after e?piry date.
a. &taphylococci b. &treptococci


c. )actobacilli d. Claustridiu"
$0. _____ vaccine was invented by the scientists
Jonas &al. and Albert &abin'
a. 5olio b. -abies c. &"all 5o? d. A;7&
$1. A cloc. shows ti"e 5C15. ;ts i"age in a plane
"irror will show ___
a. 5C15 b. 4C+5 c. 0C+5 d. 5C+5
$2. 3he distance between the ob>ect and its i"age
in a plane "irror when ob>ect is placed at 0.5 "
fro" the "irror will be_____
a. 0 " b. 1 " c. 0.5 " d. 5 "
$$. 3wo plane "irrors are parallel to each other.
/ow "any i"ages can be observed in such a
a. 2 b. + c. 1 d. ;nfinite
$+. _______ is filled with )ithiu".
a. <utton cell b. 5encil cell
c. *iBCd cell d. &olar cell
$5. %hich "ethod is used to separate butter fro"
a. /eating b. 7eco"position
c. Centrifuge d. 7ecentrali1ation
$0.%hich of the following is not a viral disease'
a. Enfluen1a b. -abies
c. &yphilis d. u"ps
$4. %hat do you "ean by 3able eggs'
a. Eggs which can be fertili1ed b. -otten eggs
c. Dnfertili1ed eggs d. &ynthetic Eggs
$8. 7o"estic gas lighter wor.s on the principle of
which of the following crystals'
a. 5ie1o electric b. Airconiu"
c. Euart1 d. 3our"aline
$9. _____ is used in a close circuit 3F.
a. )A&E- b. DltraBviolet rays
c. ;nternet d. ;nfrared diode
+0. _____ is used in a &peed gun which "easures
the speed of the vehicles.
a. 7oppler radar b. )A&E- radar
c. ;nfraBred e"itter d. DltraBviolet rays e"itter
+1. Application of hard water in an ato"ic reactor is
a. to reduce te"perature b. to avoid fire in units
c. to reduce the speed of neutrons
d. to absorb energy
+2. _____ present in wood gives flavour to the
food coo.ed on it.
a. Acetaldehyde b. ;soeugenol
c. 7iacetyl d. )igriin
+$. 7o"estic ani"als and goods in super"
are attached with _____ to prevent loss.
a. &ilicon chip b. -adio collar
c. <ar code
d. Alu"iniu" e"bossed belt
++. %hich of the following pheno"enon does not
happen when the washing soap is used' .
a. &urface tension of water reduces
b. 7irt on the cloth gets attached to the fatty acids
c. <acteria get wrapped up in water droplets
d. ,lycerol is for"ed


+5. &elect the correct for"ula for the te"perature
conversion fro" one scale to another.
a. C G H( B $2IH9J5I b. C G H( K $2IH5J9I
c. C G H( B $2I H5J9I d. C G H( B 2$I H5J9I
+0. oderate te"perature is "aintained on the
Earth _____.
A. due to e?pansion of air
<. as the te"perature decreases due to e?pansion
of air
C. due to for"ation of chain of "olecules of water
7. as heat absorbed by the the Earth2s surface is
released bac. to at"osphere in the process of
a. !nly A b. A and <
c. A# < and C d. A#<#C and 7
+4. /ow "any ato"s are there in a "olecule of
5otassiu" dichro"ate'
a. 11 b. $ c. + d. 4
+8. %hich of the following "i?ture will not show
3yndall Effect'
a. %ater K il.
b. %ater K )actocala"ine
c. %ater K 3ur"eric 5owder
d. %ater K ;n.
+9. 1 Ato"ic "ass unit G
a. 1.0?10
a"u b. 1.0?10
c. 1.0?l0
g d. 1.0?l0
50. (ro" the following pairs of ele"ents____ are
a. Draniu" and 3ungsten
b. &odiu" and 5otassiu"
c. ;odine and Cobalt d. Calciu" and Argon
51. -aisins soa.ed in water and then transferred to
concentrated sugar solution will lead to _____.
a. sugar solution entering into raisins
b. of the raisins
c. water fro" sugar solution penetrating into raisins
d. rupturing of raisins due to e?cessive penetration
of sugar solution
52. )ipids are produced in _____.
a. s"ooth endoplas"ic reticulu"
b. rough endoplas"ic reticulu"
c. nucleus d. riboso"es
5$. 7uring starvation# which cell organelle uses
stored proteins and fats to supply necessary
a. itochondria b. 5lastids
c. )ysoso"es d. -iboso"es
5+. As -<Cs do not have "itochondria
a. they have easy passage through hu"an
b. they do not produce energy
c. they get red colour
d. they do not use !?ygen.
55. ______ help to "aintain os"otic pressure of
the cell.
a. Facuoles b. )ysoso"es
c. )eucoplasts d. &tro"a
50. ;n blueBgreen algae chlorophyll is present
a. Chro"oplast b. Fesicles
c. )eucoplasts d. Facuoles


54. 3he girth and width of the ste" increases due
a. apical "eriste"s b. collenchy"a
c. lateral "eriste"s d. inter calary "eriste"s
58. %hy 7rosera is an insectivorous plant'
a. ;t insects
b. ;t is unable to do photosynthesis
c. ;t has deficiency of *itrogen
d. ;t is heterotrophic
59. 3apewor" enters hu"an body through_____. .
a. food conta"inated by the house flies
b. half coo.ed "eat of chic.en
c. half coo.ed por. d. goat "eat
00. _____ is not an ectoparasite.
a. )iver flu.e b. )eech c. 3ic. d. )ice
01. <alanoglossus has notochord in the_____
a. bac.side b. proboscis c. bellyside d. tail
02. Firus of hepatitis_____ are trans"itted by
infectious blood.
a. A# < and C b. < and C
c. C and E d. < and 7
0$. 7ue to which characteristic of legu"es# they
are planted along with other crops'
a. 3heir seeds are proteinBrich
b. 3heir stal.s have nitrogenous co"pounds
c. 3he a1otobacter on their roots "i? with soil
d. 3he vhi1obiu"s are present in their root nodules
0+. A"it wal.ed 9 in towards east. 3hen he
wal.ed +0 " towards north. 3o reach the original
place# he will have to wal. "ini"u"__ "etres.
a. $1 b. +9 c. $9 d. +1
05. 3he_____ in orange orchards were destroyed
a. lady birds# scale insects
b. scale insects# lady birds
c. beetles# lady birds
d. beetles# scale insects
00. A sprin.ler in a garden wets a circular field of
radius $5 " in 11 sec. &peed of the sprin.ler
a. 20 "Js b. $.18 "Js c. $85 "Js d. +0 "Js
04. A dry duster cloth beco"es clean because
a. dust particles are set in "otion and duster co"es
at rest b. duster and dust particles both set in
c. duster "oves and dust particles co"e to rest
d. inertia of speed
08. %hat will be the gravitational force acting on a
roc. of 20 .g# when it is dropped fro" a specific
a. 9.8 "Js
b. 9.8 * c. 19.0 * d. 190 *
09. %hat will happen# when a person steps down
fro" a boat on the land'
a. <oat applies action force on one leg and the land
applies reaction force on
b. !ne of the legs applies action force on the boat
and the boat applies reaction force on the leg


c. *ewton2s second law of "otion co"es into
d. *ewton2s first law of "otion co"es into picture
40. Falue of g at the centre of the Earth is _____.
a. 9.8 "Js
b. 9.48 "Js
c. 9.8$ "Js
d. 0 "Js
41. A piston type water gun used in ;ndian festival
of /oli is based on_____ principle.
a. Archi"edes2 b. 5ascal2s
c. *ewton2s d. ,alileo2s
42. 5ressure e?erted in any confined "ass of
_____ is distributed e:ually in all directions#
A. solids <. li:uids C. gases 7. (luids
a. a# b and c b. a and b
c. a and d d. !nly d
4$. 3suna"i waves are _____
a. transverse waves b. longitudinal waves
c. "i?ed waves d. sound waves
4+. _____ of hu"an ear helps in recognising
:uality of sound.
a. Ear dru" b. Cochlea
c. Auditory nerve d. Anvil
45. %hich of the following action will record 1ero
a. A far"er is roa"ing in the field with a stone in
sling shot
b. A stone attached to a rubber string is i""ersed
in water c. 5riya .eeps a heavy bag as it is
d. A stone attached to a string is cla"ped on a
40. %hich transfor"ation is observed in a
a. Electrical energy L&ound energy
b. &ound energy Lechanical energy M
c. &ound energy LElectrical energy
d. echanical energy L&ound energy
44. &elect the correct optionC
a. An ato" of a co"pound
b. An ato" of an ele"ent
c. An ato" of a "i?ture
d. A "olecule of a "i?ture
48. -utherford was awarded the *obel 5ri1e in
Che"istry in 1908 for which of his following
a. Ato"ic &tructure b. Electron &tructure
c. 5roton &tructure d. *eutron &tructure
49. %hat are *ucleons'
a. 5rotons and Electrons
b. *eutrons and Electrons
c. 5rotons and 5ositrons
d. 5rotons and *eutrons
80. ;dentify the wrong state"entC
a. Cobalt isotopes are used in cancer treat"ent
b. ;odine isotopes are used in goiter treat"ent
c. !?ygen isotopes are used in lung cancer
d. 5hosphorus isotopes are used in blood cancer
81. %hat is observed in a reduction process'
a. /ydrogen gas is evolved
b. /ydrogen for"s co"pound with ele"ents
c. !?ygen gas is evolved
d. Ele"ent for"s co"pound with chlorine gas
82. %hich of the following will help in increasing the
speed of the reaction'


a. <y reducing the te"perature
b. <y reducing the concentrations of reactants
c. Dsing powder for"s of all reactants
d. <y adding ice in reactions
8$. %hich is not a "etal in the following'
a. ,old b. &ilver
c. ercury d. 5hosphorus
8+. _______ is found in arsh ,as.
a. C!2 b. C/+ c. *2 d. C!
85. %hich of the following type of coal has
"a?i"u" percentage of Carbon'
a. <itu"ious b. )ignite
c. 5it d. Anthracite
80. %hich catalyst is used in a reaction to produce
a. Ainc o?ide b. agnesiu" o?ide
c. anganese dio?ide d. )ead dio?ide
84. %hich of the following is not a che"ical
a. curd b. ghee
c. !ver boiling of "il. d. paneer
88. ,ive che"ical for"ula for rust.
a. (e2!$ ./2 ! b. (e!./2 !
c. (e!22/2 ! d. (e2!$ .(e!
89. %hat is -uby'
a. Crystalline for" of Carbon b. Alu"iniu" o?ide
c. Copper sulphate d. agnesiu" carbonate
90. !ne of the subBato"ic particles was na"ed
after a great ;ndian scientist. %ho was he'
a. &atyendranath <ose
b. Jagdishchandra <ose
c. C. F. -a"an
d. -a"anu>an
91. %hich of the following configurations indicate
"a?i"u" reactivity'
A. 2#8#4 <. 2#4
C. 2#8#18#4 7. 2# 8# 18# 18# 4
a. b b. c c. a and d d. b and c
92. )it"us test is perfor"ed on a salt solution
for"ed by the reaction of A""oniu" hydro?ide
and /ydrochloric acid. %hat will be the outco"e'
A. <lue lit"us re"ains blue
<. -ed lit"us re"ains red
C. -ed lit"us turns blue
7. <lue lit"us turns red
a. !nly a b. b and d c. a and c d. a and b
9$. E?peri"ent of scattering of alpha particle
confir"s the structure of ____.
a. 5roton b. *eutron c. Electron d. Ato"
9+. %hat are button "ushroo"s used in .itchen'
a. <acteria b. (ungus c. Algae d. 5roto1oa
95. 3he tissues da"aged due to infection secrete a
che"ical called ___ that attracts blood.
a. ;nsulin b. Antibodies
c. acrophages d. /ista"ine
90. %orld conference held in -io 7e Janeiro was
focused on which issue'
a. )and b. <iodiversity
c. &urvey of land d. (orest fire
94. A technology in which plants are duplicated
without using seeds is .nown as ____.


a. 5isciculture b. &ericulture
c. 3issue culture d. ;N(
98. 5ots used to store water in su""er are "ade
up of ___
a. &and b. 5laster of 5aris
c. Clay d. ultani itti
99. Antibiotics
a. "a.e living organis"s disease free
b. .ill particular living organis"s
c. "ay contain specific "icroBorganis"s
d. All of the above
100. ;dentify the cold blooded ani"al fro" the
a. ;chthyophis b. 6ite
c. 5anda d. 6angaroo
101. 3he tussore sil.# sil. sil.wor" feeds on leaves.
a. 6hair b. 5alas c. Ain d. ulberry
102. Choose the airBborne disease of the following
A. Chic.en po? <. 5olio C. 3yphoid
a. a# b and c b. a and b
c. b and c d. only a
10$. Enteroto?in is produced by which of the
following type of bacteria'
a. Cocci b. <acilli c. Fibrio d. &pirilli
10+. %hich of the following will not have
a. Eel b. 6rait c. &ala"ander d. &har.
105. Appro?i"ately how "uch wool can be
obtained fro" the ;ndian sheep'
a. 10B12 .g b. 1.5 .g c. 0.5 .g d. 15 .g
100. ango plant co"es under which division'
a. ,y"nosper" b. Angiosper"s
c. 5teridophyta d. <ryophyta
104. 5ro.aryotic cell does not have____
a. -iboso"es b. 7*
c. *ucleus d. (lagella
108. 3he thic.ness of plas"a "e"brane is
a. 40 ? 10
"" b. 4 ? 10
c. 400 ? 10
"" d. 0.4 ? 10
109. %hich of the following is called ca"biu"'
a. Apical "eriste" b. )ateral "eriste"
c. ;ntercalarv "eriste" d. <oth H2I and H$I
110. EyeBballs are held in position in the orbit with
the help of____ .
a. s"ooth "uscles b. liga"ents
c. striated "uscles d. tendons
111. &aliva secretion is done by____
a. s:ua"ous epithelial cells
b. colu"nar epithelial cells
c. cuboidal epithelial cells
c. stratified epithelial cells
112. 0.5 .g grains will be enough for how "any
white leghorn hens for a one day "eal'
a. 1 b. 5 c. 2 d. +
11$. 5erson suffering fro" A;7& would die
A. wea.ened i""une syste"
<. /;F
C. !pportunistic diseases
a. a and b b. b and c c. !nly a d. a# b and c


11+. &elect the odd one out or the basis of
presence of cuticle.
a. )iverflu.e b. *ereis
c. Ascaris d. Centipede
115. &uctorial "outh is present in____.
a. <alanoglossus b. )eech
c. y?ine d. ;chthyophis
110. An acid was "ade to react with water. <lue
lit"us paper turned red in the resultant solution.
%hat is the nature of the resultant solution'
a. Acidic b. Al.aline c. *eutral d. &oapy
114. (ullerins are allotropes of ____.
a. &ulphur b. 5otassiu"
c. Carbon d. Calciu"
118. %hy do iron pipes burst during cold seasons'
a. 5ipes shrin.
b. (ree1ing of water inside the pipes
c. -eduction in density of water
d. <oth b and c
119. %hat do isotopes of an ele"ent indicate'
a. &a"e physical and che"ical properties.
b. &a"e che"ical but different physical properties.
c. 7ifferent physical and che"ical properties.
d. 3here is no such rule.
120. H5!+I
is ____.
a. an acidic radical b. an al.aline radical
c. negatively charged ion d. <oth 2 and $
121. Che"ical nature of "i?ture of C/$C!!/ and
*a!/ solutions would be _
a. neutral b. al.aline c. colloidal d. acidic
122. $2 g of !2# ++ g of C!2 and 10 g of C/+will
a. sa"e nu"ber of "olecules
b. different nu"ber of "olecules
c. different nu"ber of ato"s
d. *one of these
12$. &elect the correct electronic configuration of
a. 2. 8# 8# 2 b. 2# 8# 18 c. 2# 8# 1 d. 2# 8# 2
12+. %hat " s.y blue'
a. 7eflection of light b. 5olarisation of light
c. 3yndall effect d. -efraction of light
125. Choose the planet having largest "agnetic
a. &aturn b. Jupiter c. Fenus d. Earth
120. Antipyretics are "edicines for___
a. allergy b. high te"perature
c. fat accu"ulation d. vehicle sic.ness
124. %hich of the following substances contract
while "elting'
a. Copper b. ;ce c. )ead d. %a?
128. ;n the figure shown# a pendulu" oscillates via
path AB!B<. At which point will it have "a?i"u"


a. At point 2A2 b. At 5oint 2<2
c. At point 2!2
d. <etween 2A2 to 2!2 and between 2<2 to 2!2
129. ;n the cyclone# huge trees get uprooted. 3his
pheno"enon can be e?plained on the basis of
which law'
a. *ewton2s first law of "otion
b. *ewton2s second law of "otion
c. *ewton2s third law of "otion
d. *ewton2s law of gravitation
1$0. )oudness of sound depends upon which of the
following :uality'
a. A"plitude b. 5eriod
c. %avelength d. (re:uency
1$1. %hich :uality is "easured in unit oh"'
a. Charge b. Current
c. -esistance d. 5otential difference
1$2. A bloc. of cheddar wood floats on water.
%hich of the following state"ents in not true in that
a. %eight of wooden bloc. is e:ual to upthrust
acting on wooden bloc..
b. 7ensity of wooden bloc. is less than density of
c. %ooden bloc. displaces water of its own volu"e.
d. %ooden bloc. displaces water of its own weight.
1$$. %hich of the following is the unit of power'
a. g . c" J s
b. g . c"
J s
c. .g . "
J s
d. .g . "
J s
1$+. %hy do the e?peri"ents of static electricity fail
in rainy season'
a. <ecause of cold b. <ecause of hu"id air
c. <ecause of lightning
d. <ecause of wind
1$5. %hich of the following is the fastest for" of
transfer of heat'
a. Conduction b. Convection
c. -egelation d. -adiation
1$0. %hat is the change in the velocity of a body in
order to "aintain the sa"e .inetic energy if its
"ass is increased four ti"es'
a. 7ouble the velocity b. /alf the velocity
c. !neBfourth of the velocity d. *o change
1$4. %hat is the percentage of heat absorbed by
blac.icoloured surface'
a. 08O b. 48O c. 90O d. 98O
1$8. A per"anent bar "agnet is divided into two
pieces lengthwise. %hat will happen to the
"agnetic "o"ent of each piece'
a. ;t will beco"e oneBfourth b. ;t will be doubled
c. ;t will beco"e half
d. ;t will re"ain unaltered
1$9. %hat is the appro?i"ate height of the glassB
tube of a ercury baro"eter'
a. 9" b. 90 "" c. 900 "" d. 900 c"
1+0. ;f the Earth had no at"osphere# which of the
following would be the colour of the s.y'
a. <lac. b. <lue c. -ed d. %hite
1+1. !n the basis of which of the following property
it can be e?plained that Pos:uitoes sitting on
water do not sin.P'
a. <uoyancy b. ,ravity
c. &urface tension d. Fiscosity


1+2. %hich one of the following forces is necessary
to "a.e a "oving body pursue a circular path'
a. ;nertia force b. ,ravitational force
c. Centrifugal force d. Centripetal force
1+$. %hat is the underlying principle in " of
snow balls'
a. Contraction b. Condensation
c. -egelation d. &olidification
1++. %hat is the free1ing point of /g in =C'
a. 14 b. B$4 c. B $9 d. B $54
E. 1+5. %hich of following is present in stain
re"oving solution'
a. &!2 b. Chlorine c. A""onia d. &!$
1+0. 3he "athe"atical processes in co"puter are
based on ____ syste".
a. <inary b. /e?i"al
c. !cti"al d. 7eci"al
1+4. %hich che"ical present in the chillies "a.e
the" taste pungent'
a. 3heocynate b. )acri"ator
c. Capsicin d. Al.ali a"ide
1+8. %hich of the following will consu"e "a?i"u"
electricity at ho"e'
a. /o"e theatre b. ;ron
c. (an d. &torage water heater
1+9. ;ndia2s second lunar e?ploration "ission is
proposed to be launched in 2015. *a"e the
a. Chandrayan 1 b. Chandrayan 2
c. Chandrayan $ c. Chandrayan +
150. 2012 was observed as ;ndian year of.
a. athe"atics b. Astrono"y
c. <iodiversity d. 5hysics


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