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1. . ..

aim at the boot sector of a hard drive by infecting a very crucial component of the
boot process?
(1) File infection virus (2) Boot virus
(3) et!or" virus (#) $%mail virus
(&) one of these
2. 'ne of the more recent e%mail scams( !hich lures internet users into revealing personal
information is referred to as )
(1) phishing (2) flaming
(3) blogging (#) pop% ups
(&) one of these
3. *alicious soft!are is "no!n as )
(1) Bad!are (2) *al!are
(3) *alicious !are (#) +lligal!are
(&) one of these
4. ,ard!are or soft!are designed to guard against authori-ed access to computer net!or"
is "no!n as
(1) ,ac"er proof program (2) Fire!all
(3) ,ac"er resistant server (#) $ncryption safe !all
(&) one of these

5. .he fastest and /uietest type of printer is a(n))
(1) dot%matri0 printer. (2) in"1et printer.
(3) laser printer. (#) plotter.
(&) one of these
6. .he type of large printer that can most accurately produce images re/uiring precise(
continuous lines is a(n))
(1) plotter. (2) in"1et printer.
(3) laser printer. (#) dot%matri0 printer.
(&) none of these
7. *+23 stands for?
(1) *agnetic +n" 2haracter 3ecognition
(2) *agnetic +n" 2ode 3eader
(3) *agnetic +n" 2ases 3eader
(#) one of the above
(&) 4ll of the above
8. .he main difference bet!een application and system soft!are is that)
(1) 4pplication soft!are is composed of program instructions but system soft!are
is not.
(2) 4pplication soft!are is stored in memory !hereas system soft!are is only in the
(3) 7ystem soft!are is unnecessary !hereas application soft!are must be present on
the computer.
(#) 7ystem soft!are manages hard!are !hereas application soft!are performs user
(&) one of these
9. 88888888 9iruses are often transmitted by a floppy dis" left in the floppy drive
(1) .ro1an horse (2) Boot sector
(3) 7cript (#) :ogic bomb
(&) one of these
10. 7ervers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a
(1) mainframe (2) net!or"
(3) supercomputer (#) client
(&) one of these

11. 4 goal of data mining includes !hich of the follo!ing?
(1) .o e0plain some observed event or condition
(2) .o confirm that data e0ists
(3) .o analy-e data for e0pected relationships
(#) .o create a ne! data !arehouse
(&) one of these

12. 4 5ro0y server is used for !hich of the follo!ing?
(1) .o provide security against unauthori-ed users
(2) .o process client re/uests for !eb pages
(3) .o process client re/uests for database access
(#) .o provide .25;+5
(&) one of these
13. <hen data changes in multiple lists and all lists are not updated( this causes)
(1) data redundancy (2) information overload
(3) duplicate data (#) data inconsistency
(&) one of these

14. 8888888888888 are !ords that a programming language has set aside for its o!n use.
(1) 2ontrol !orlds (2) 3eserved !ords
(3) 2ontrol structures (#) 3eserved "eys
(&) one of these
15. =ou must install a (n) 888888888888 on a net!or" if you !ant to share a broadband
+nternet connection.
(1) router (2) modem
(3) node (#) cable
(&) one of these
16. <hich term identifies a specific computer on the !eb and the main page of the entire
(1) 63: (2) <eb site address
(3) ,yperlin" (#) >omain name
(&) one of these
17. .he code that relational database management systems use to perform their database
tas" is referred to as ..
(1) ?B$ (2) 7?:
(3) ':45 (#) 7e/uel 7erver
(&) one of these
18. .he purpose of the primary "ey in a database is to)
(1) unloc" the database
(2) provide a map of the data
(3) uni/uely identify a record
(#) establish constraints on database operations.
(&) one of these
19. 4 888888888 contains specific rules and !ords that e0press the logical steps of an
(1) programming language (2) synta0
(3) programming structure (#) logic chart
(&) one of these
20. .he most fre/uently used instructions of a computer program are li"ely to be fetched
(1) the hard dis" (2) cache memory
(3) 34* (#) registers
(&) one of these
1 2 11 3
2 1 12 2
3 2 13 #
4 2 14 2
5 3 15 1
6 1 16 1
7 1 17 2
8 # 18 3
9 2 19 2
10 2 20 2
1. <hich of the follo!ing layer is not present in .25; +5 model?
(1) 4pplication layer (2) 7ession layer
(3) .ransport layer (#) +nternet layer
(&) one of these
2. 4 88888888 is a @plug inA to the bro!ser that allo!s you to vie! interactive !eb pages
that contains games( movies ( ads etc.
(1) ?uic" time (2) !i-ard
(3) shoc"!ave (#) .erminal
(&) one of these
3. <hich of the follo!ing !as the 1
search engine?
(1) :ycos (2) =ahoo
(3) Boogle (#) Bing
(&) 4s"
4. 2trl C F1D is shortcut "ey for?
(1) *a0imi-e currently selected !indo!
(2) *inimi-e currently selected !indo!
(3) *ove bet!een t!o or more e0cel files
(#) *ove bet!een t!o or more e0cel sheets
(&) one of these
5. 1E2 . 112. 2&2. 121 belongs to !hich class?
(1) 2lass 4 (2) 2lass B
(3) 2lass 2 (#) 2lass >
(&) 2lass $
6. <hich of the follo!ing is not an 7?: language?
(1) >>: (2) >2:
(3) .?: (#) >*:
(&) one of these
7. Binary value of #& is 88888888 .
(1) 11DD1 (2) 1D11D1
(3) 1DD1D1 (#) 1D11DD
(&) one of these
8. <hich of the follo!ing !as developed in 2
Beneration of computer?
(1) +.2 (2) 9acuum .ube
(3) *icroprocessor (#) .ransistor
(&) one of these
9. 4 !or" sheet is an e0cel 2DD3 file contains 88888888 columns and 8888888 ro!s.
(1) 2&F( F#33F (2) 2&F ( F&&3F
(3) 2&#( F&&3F (#) 2&#( F#33F
(&) one of these
10. <hich of the follo!ing is not a language processor?
(1) 2ompiler (2) interpreter
(3) processor (#) assembler
(&) one of these
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 1
5 3
6 3
7 2
8 #
9 2
10 3

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