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Analysis and Design of Mixer

Jaya Krishna Akkiraju (0672182) Page 1

EE746: Analysis and Design of RF ICs for
Assignment: 2
Analysis and Design of a Passive Mixer

Feb, 2013.

Dr. C.H.Chen

Jaya Krishna Akkiraju
I.D: 0672182


In this ever changing world of integrated circuitry (IC), analysis and design of any system needs
to be performed with a systematic and symbiotic approach. This approach intertwined with
technological advancements in component schematics have helped reduce the size of these
circuits even more and thus creating an environment where Computer Aided Design (CAD)
incorporated into the generalised systematic approach of circuit design and analysis reduce the
time, budget and complexity of the problem in hand.

The current assignment of designing a Passive Mixer (Gilbert Cell) for an eventual project finale
of a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) needs to be designed and analysed. This was tackled by
incorporating simple but effective design considerations based on the limitations of the
technology and trade-off between performance and efficiency. With the help of CADENCE (A
CAD Software), a multitude of IEEE journals and the course itself, a successful mixer has been
implemented on certain initial design assumptions.

Analysis and Design of Mixer

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In accordance with various journal papers published on IEEE and Passive Mixer architectures as
inspiration for the current assignment, it is necessary to describe these publications to show how the
process of indentifying key properties which come into play. At first the key properties of a typical
Passive Mixer are Voltage Conversion Gain, Noise Figure, Port Isolation, 1dB Compression Point, Power
Dissipation and Linearity. These proprietary properties are tackled with the help of DC, Small Signal
Model (SSM) Analysis, Periodic Steady State and Quasi-Periodic Steady State Analysis. But first we
describe in detail, how the implementation is done with each component described in detail.

A MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) is a three terminal device which
introduces us to power flow in just one direction. And when properly introduced to biasing will yield
amplification of any incoming signal. While biasing was extensively not discussed in any journals, it will
be described in detail in the design section of this assignment while a Figure (1) shows how biasing is

Figure 1-MOSFET Model with Biasing

To analyse any circuit with a MOSFET, the MOSFET should be biased properly and its equivalent SSM
needs to be analysed. Figure (2) shows the equivalent SSM of a MOSFET.

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Considering the above SSM model, we incorporate these MOSFETS in an architecture called a Gilbert
Cell. A Gilbert Cell is a type Passive Mixer built with the intension of a passive element (MOSFETS, BJT,
DIODES or TUBES) in such a way that the effective noise is low and the voltage gain is reasonably high
when compared to other mixers.
Before that, a mixer is used to convert an RF signal to an IF signal with the presence of an LO signal. This
process is important so as to up or down convert the signal in general to make it compatible with the
rest of the signal flow process. As seen below in Figure (3)

Figure 3-Mixer with Signals
Where equation (1) describes how the down and up conversion is done.

Below in Figure (4) is a simple architecture of a Single-Balanced Gilbert Cell which uses 3 MOSFETS (M1,
M2 and M3) as shown below where M1 converts the RF (Radio Frequency) voltage signal (V
) to a
current signal and M2 along with M3 alternate the current between them. This implies that M2 and M3
are switches which help in mixing the RF signal to the LO (Local Oscillator) signal (V
). The output is
taken at V
as a differential output and R
is the Load resistor which is present to block AC signal and
improve gain.

Figure 4-Single Balanced Gilbert Cell

In the above architecture, V
is given in equation (2) below

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And its conversion gain (G
) is seen in equation (3) is as follows

But the problem with LO to IF feed-through still remain in a Single Balanced Gilbert Cell will reduce the
gain and increase noise in the system. A feed-through is a process by which the signal leaks from one
source to the other through the circuit architecture due to poor matching and low Common Mode
Rejection Ratio (CMRR).

So as to eliminate the feed-through of the Passive Mixer, the following Figure (5) has two single
balanced cells leading to a Double Balanced Gilbert Cell Passive Mixer.

Figure 5-Double Balanced Gilbert Cell
Where the process of splitting the RF signal into two out of phase components yields in better rejection
of the feed-through components and allows for a higher gain as seen in equation (4)

Hence it is ideal to introduce a significant g
to make conversion gain high which also introduces to
architecture as seen in Figure (6) below.
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Figure 6-Double Balanced Gilbert Cell with Current Bais MOSFET
Where the MOSFET with W
is a current source to improve CMRR and linearity. As usual, all the
MOSFETS need to operate in saturation mode to make an effective Passive Mixer. Since optimal W will
involve the following equation (5)


This optimal W ensures the maximum current from the MOSFET and this need to be achieved by taking
the following equation (7) into account,

Which ensures equation (8) is true,

Once the DC analysis is done, we introduce ourselves to the following important Mixer Performance

a) Conversion Gain: The ratio of the voltages of IF to RF in dB as seen in equation (9), this is needed
to overcome the high noise introduced in the mixer stage the PLL which is being planned to
implement. The higher this vale, the better performance of the circuit.

b) Noise Figure: The signal that renders itself in the image frequency is undersirable and hence also
accounts to the already present noise, thus the following equations (10a,b,c) are used to deduce
noise figure. Because of equation (10c), we get the noise figure is dominated by NF
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c) 1-dB Compression Point: It is the input level at which the power that causes the linear small
signal level gain drop by 1-dB as seen in Figure (7) and equation (11a,b). Larger value is better.

Figure 7-1dB Compression Point

Smaller IP3 value is better.

S-parameters of the Mixer are relevant only for the S
as it show us the relationship between the
stability of the input port and itself according to equation (12),

This implies that for a proper input matching procedure, we employ a R-L-C Tuned Load Circuit to ensure
the frequency of operation is at the RF value as seen below in Figure (8),

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Figure 8-Tuned Load Circuit
Where the frequency and bandwidth are given in equation (13),

Design and Analysis Process

There is a systematic process by which an Mixer circuit was designed in various journal papers and thus
to build a ground up Mixer, we need to follow this process as seen in Figure (9)

Figure 9-Design Flow Chart

Defining Basic Parameters
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It is obligatory that we introduce initial parameters to start up the design process. Thus we introduce
some parameters in the table below.

Table of Parameters:

Parameters Value
Conversion Gain (dB) >5dB
NF(dB) <10dB
RF frequency (GHz) 5
LO frequency (GHz) 5.1
IF frequency (GHz) 0.1

Biasing Process

We know from Figure (1) that biasing is important for the MOSFET to be operational, this ensures
amplification. Thus we consider the initial circuit as seen in Figure (10),

Figure 10-Biasing MOSFET

In this process we introduce three sources (VGG, VSS and VDD) set at (1V, 0V and 1.8V). It helps us
understand the initial conditions for biasing as seen in the equation (14),

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This will ensure saturation and thus help in calculation the value of trans-conductance (gm) by taking the
derivative of the curve obtained in the (Vgs VS Id) curve as seen in Figure (12)

Figure 11-Id and Gm curves

Using the above curves, the standard values of Vt and Gm can be evaluated as follows. Vt can be
evaluated by drawing a trace line for the leftmost graph in the linear region and making it intersect with
the x-axis to give equation (15),

And thus using the derivative of the curve mentioned above and applying the derivative as seen
equation (16), we get (gm),

And thus wing the curve of gm-prime, we get the optimal value of gm to be as seen in equation (17),

Thus it makes us consider the value of Vgs and Vds to be appropriately placed as seen in equation
(18),(19) and (20a,b), we get


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For design considerations we let Vgs to be

Circuit Design

Combining the DC/AC blocks, feedback components and matching networks as seen in Figure (13),

Figure 12-Double Balanced Gilbert Cell with Tuned Load, Signal input and Current Mirror MOSFET

As seen in Figure (13), we have a number of components, whose variables are given in a table form to be
updated as soon as the analysis is done,

Table of Component Values

Components Value
Cp (pF) 1
Cn(pF) 1
CL (pF) 1
LL (nH) 1
RL (k Ohm) 1
NF (fingers) 1
NFSW (fingers) 1
NFCS (fingers) 1
VDD (V) 3
VDD_LO (V) 2
VDD_RF (V) 1.5
PRF (dBm) -50
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PLO (dBm) -5
FRF (GHz) 5
FLO (GHz) 5.1
FRF2 (Ghz) 5.05
RB (k Ohm) 1
VSS (V) 0.1
RFRES (Ohm) 50

The DC voltage sources are determined by the initial analysis to make sure they are in saturation mode
and hence are already updated in the circuit. Rest of the values are either default or initial

Calculation and Optimization of Component Values

Since Id is related to gm by the following equation (21)

Where K is a constant, W is the width of the MOSFET and L is the length. N is the Number of fingers
needed. In general BSIM3V3 and 180nm technology, eq(22a,b)

Hence to calculate the value of the constant K, we substitute the known values and evaluate K to be

This involves the fact that from equation (9), we need equation (24) to be true,

Which employs equation (25),

Which means that the current mirror needs to be at a level of equation (26) from equation (8)

Hence for the current mirror circuit to operate properly, we need incorporate the resistance R
and R
be as seen in equation (27a,b),

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These above equations ensure all the MOSFETS are in saturation and the current mirror to be according
to the required value. Thus we need the Number of fingers in the current source, Number of fingers in
the switches and the number of fingers in the RF feed to be as seen below in equation (28a,b,c),

This for stability, the S-parameter (S11) needs to be less than zero and thus by initialising the value sof
the tuned load circuit in an arrangement as seen in Figure (14),

Figure 13-Tuned Load Circuit
The initial value of the resistance was determined before, so the values that are needed to be calculated
are (LL and CL). This was achieved by varying both LL and CL with parametric analysis as sown in Figure
(15) below,

Figure 14-Paremetric Analysis of CL and LL
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From which CL was fixed as seen below in equation (29),

And this forcing LL to be equation (30),

Using these above two values, we can get the S11 as seen in Figure (16)

Figure 15-S11

And the value of S11 is seen in equation (31) which improves both gain and stability,

Conversion Gain Analysis

Since conversion gain is in direct connection with the value of trans-conductance (gm), we can ensure
that the conversion gain is as specified above 5dB with a simple PSS and PAC analysis as seen in Figure
(17). This is used to fix PLO.
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Figure 16-Selecting PLO

As seen above, the maximum gain is at the local oscillator power of (5.991dB) and a gain of (5.4671dB)
as seen in equation (32).

Thus by using a PSS and PXF analysis, we get a conversion gain as seen in Figure (18) and equation (33),

Figure 17-Conversion Gain

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Noise Figure

Once the conversion gain is fixed, we can now concentrate on finding the noise figure values by using
PSS and PNOISE analysis which yields the following Figure (19),

Figure 18-Noise Figure

And this in accordance with equation (10b), we get the following equations (34a,b,c) to be true,

This above analysis renders the mixer to be in working condition.


The free-through metrics needed to be evaluated are done through simulation of PSS, PAC and PXF to
ensure that RF to LO and LO to IF are properly calculated. Since a Double Balanced Gilbert Mixer does
not have a RF to IF feed-through, it was never evaluated. The following Figures (20,21) are
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Figure 19-RF to LO Feed-Through

Figure 20-LO to IF Feed-Through
Thus, by inspecting the above two figures, we understand that there is a drastic attenuation that makes
sure that there is no feed-through between the respective ports and hence reduces the interference
value of the side bands.

1-dB Compression Point:

Since haveing a compression point that will tell us how much input power is needed to ensure a 1-dB
drop in the output power at a side band, we need a large absolute value when compared to the
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conversion gain value and hence any value greater than |5dB| is good. Hence when QPSS is run, we can
see in the Figure (22) that,

Figure 21-1-dB Compression Point
Equation (35) is the value of the compression point,

Third Order Input Intercept Point:

This metric involves the harmonics that intrude the compression point in such a way that this intercept
point needs to be small by magnitude to ensure proper mixing of the RF and LO signals. Thus by running
the same QPSS analysis, we get the IIP3 point is seen in Figure (23) below,
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Figure 22-IIP3 Analysis
Power Dissipation Spectrum:

The power dissipation spectrum should tell us the consumption of power by the circuit. This can be
achieved by adding the power of the harmonics and side bands is the total bower consumed. Since RF is
of low power, it was necessary to use PSS analysis to find the Power Dissipation Spectrum, otherwise we
have to use QPSS. Figure (24) below shows the spectrum,

Figure 23-Power Dissipation Spectrum
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As seen above the 1
harmonic at 100M is the one which most power is used where as the other
harmonics have a significant drop in power consumption.

Thus the updated table would look like as seen below,

Updated Table of Components:

Components Value
Cp (uF) 1
Cn(uF) 1
CL (pF) 526
LL (nH) 2.1
RL (Ohm) 200
NF (fingers) 100
NFSW (fingers) 100
NFCS (fingers) 100
VDD (V) 3
VDD_LO (V) 2
VDD_RF (V) 1.5
PRF (dBm) -50
PLO (dBm) 5.991
FRF (GHz) 5
FLO (GHz) 5.1
FRF2 (Ghz) 5.05
RB (k Ohm) 2
VSS (V) 0.1
RFRES (Ohm) 50

These above mentioned component values help us in achieving the graphs and specifications that are
essential for the Passive Mixer.


Even though the gain was not on par with the initial considerations, the Noise Figure and frequency of
operation did indeed represent a significant step towards this Passive Mixer Design. Since LNA already
provides a significant gain, we can consider a low gain Mixer to be enough to propagate the signal for
the PLL. The analysis is based on references provided and the calculation is based on various models
that were involved in these references. Thus the final working metrics are in the table given below.

Passive Mixer Performance Metrics Table:

Parameter value
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Conversion Gain 2.014dB
Noise Figure (SSB) 8.485dB
1-dB Compression Point -11.9593dB
IIP3 -7.17723dB


Cadence, Software AMS TSMC, (2013)

Y. Zhou and F. Yuan, PhD., P.Eng, ELE 804/EE 8604 RF Circuits and Systems, Ryerson University,Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 2012,

Dr.C.H.Chen. (2013, Jan 5). Analysis and Design of RF ICs for Communications. Retrieved Feb 15, 2013,
from EE 746 (2012 - 20013, Term II):

B. Gilbert, The Micromixer: a highly linear variant of the Gilbert mixer using a bisymmetric class-ab
input stage, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 32, No. 9, pp.1412-1423, Sept. 1997.

M. T. Terrovitis, and R. G. Meyer, "Noise in Current-Commutating CMOS Mixers", IEEE Journal of Solid
State Circuits, vol. 34, June 1999.

Razavi, B., Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, McGraw-Hill, 2001

Thomas Lee, The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated circuits, Cambridge University Press,
second edition 2004, ISBN 0-521-835389-9, Chapter 13

Rashad.M.Ramzan, LAB-2 (Tutorial) Gilbert Mixer Simulation
(Cadence SpectreRF),Electrical Engineering Department (ISY) Linkping University, Sweden

Texas A&M University, Electrical Engineering Department, LEN 665 RF Communication Circuits
Laboratory Fall 2010.

J P Silver, Gilbert Cell Mixer Design Tutorial.

ADS Advanced Design System, RF/Microwave CAD, Agilent EEsof EDA,

Bi Pham, A 1.9GHz Gilbert Mixer in 0.18m CMOS, For a Cable Tuner, Department of Electronics, Carleton
University,Ottawa, Canada.

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