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Anuja Mehta

G203, 100 Harborside Boulevard

Providence, RI 02905
USA Tel: +1-631-703-5676,

Finance and HR Officer
UQ International
Level 2, JD Story Building
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072

Subject: Marketing Officer Position Application, Reference Number: 3021246

Members of the Selection Committee:

Incidentally, I am an international student (from India) here at Johnson & Wales University (JWU). I have
completed my Associates of Science in Advertising Communications and am on verge of completion of my
Bachelors of Science in Marketing. I was able to optimize the opportunities provided by the University of being able
to take five courses every trimester and finish both, my associates and my bachelors in 2.5 years.

Since finishing high school in November ’07, I have had the opportunity to hold various positions, namely; Student
Counselor, Career Mosaic Pvt. Ltd.; Office Assistant, Career Development Office (JWU); Marketing Intern,
(add)ventures, and Community Assistant, Residential Life (JWU). I have acquired different skills and perspectives
from each of the above mentioned positions as briefly highlighted in my resume.

I would like to specially point out my experience at Career Mosaic and (add)ventures as I believe that the experience
gained from the combination these two position would make me a competitive candidate for this position. My
position at Career Mosaic required me to have a thorough understanding of different possibilities available to
students with different educational backgrounds. Hence, it required me to deal with students at different mental
levels as well, some who are in senior year of high school and others that have finished three and four year bachelors
or a masters degrees. I was also trained to assist students to put together a proper university application with all the
required documents depending on the program they apply to and the university, along with specific visa processes
and documentation. It was an extensive position as far as duties and knowledge is concerned. After I came to JWU, I
started working on the other end of the spectrum; I received international students and actively guided them through
the orientation, paperwork and much more.

On the other hand, my position at (add)ventures not only enabled me to work with marketing Gurus first hand but it
also gave me depth and perception of the field. I was able to learn how to put theories into practice as well as
measure and compare the results to prior set goals of specific marketing activities, strategies, and plans. I feel that
the combination of my experience in dealing with and recruiting students for universities in a foreign country with
my knowledge in marketing can be of a great resource and an asset to UQ International and UQ as a whole.

If given an opportunity to interview, I believe I can strengthen the claims that I make above in this covering letter
with the portfolio of work that I have done in the past 2.5 years. I am very keen on this position because I am
confident about one thing; who can recruit international students better than an international student herself? I also
understand that currently, I am not Australia and hence I will be able for a phone interview if required.


Anuja Mehta
Tel: +1 631-703-5676

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