Stephanie James - Corporate Affaires

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Corporate Affair

Stephanie James
Published by Silhouette Books New York
Americas Publisher of Contemporary Romance

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It was the sound of his *oice that first cau3ht at her attention' tu33ed at her awareness2 A deep' darkly
timbered *oice that elicited a curious desire to follow it and disco*er the man to whom it belon3ed
&alinda Brady walked hesitantly throu3h the small' empty shop' her 3ray:eyed 3lance ro*in3 absently
o*er the eclectic collection of watercolors of local scenes from the Colorado Rockies' wood car*in3s'
and some wo*en wall han3in3s2 %he name of the little store was %he ?ountain +allery and &alinda
had made three trips to it this mornin3 before findin3 it open2
It was almost noon now and' not ha*in3 much else to do in the tiny' Colorado mountain resort town'
&alinda had made one last trip down the short street of rustic bouti@ues and crafts stores2 Sure enou3h'
this time the owner had seen fit to finally open his doors to potential customers2
But while the door stood in*itin3ly open' there was no one inside2 A *oice called to her' thou3h' as
&alinda tripped the shop bell2
AIm out in the backB Yell if theres anythin3 you wantBA
%he masculine *oice came throu3h the door on the far side of the small room and &alinda walked
toward it' her curiosity 3ettin3 the better of her2
She mo*ed across the sunlit floor with an easy' confident stride that said a 3reat deal about her
personality2 At twenty:nine and with the recent success shed had at takin3 o*er the reins of her fathers
firm in )en*er' &alinda didnt normally lack confidence2 "ne couldnt and still retain leadership of a
maCor business2 Still' her natural self:honesty forced her to admit that thou3hts of what she was 3oin3
to do this weekend here in the pictures@ue' lakeside *illa3e sapped e*en her healthy store of assurance2
But her outward demeanor remained unruffled and coolly controlled2 %he chic' casual cotton tuDedo
shirt she wore was open at the neck to re*eal a thin strand of 3old around her throat2 %he shirt was
paired with khaki trousers done with a desi3ners touch2 %he sophisticated tailorin3 re*ealed a slender'
supple body2 %he hi3h breasts were small but firm and 3ently rounded2 %he feminine hips flared with a
fullness &alinda had always wished was a little less so but which fairly screamed her femininity from
within the confines of the narrow:le33ed trousers2 %he short' wooden:heeled sandals which arched her
well:shaped feet came from Italy2
As she walked the sunli3ht filterin3 throu3h the trees and into the window danced briefly on the wealth
of brown:blond hair which had been neatly twisted into a knot behind one ear2 %he strict style re*ealed
a stron3' composed face' the features of which were less than beautiful2 Instead of fla3rant beauty' the
intelli3ent 3ray eyes' strai3ht' proud nose and readily cur*in3 mouth combined into a subtly attracti*e
countenance which drew the attention of the more percepti*e2
&alinda wore both the eDpensi*e clothes and the inner assurance with a naturalness that spelled
success2 She had worked hard for that success and it annoyed her for some reason when others didnt
work hard as well2 "thers such as the owner of %he ?ountain +allery who didnt bother to keep
re3ular hours2 %here was a look of mild disappro*al in her eyes as she came to a halt on the threshold
of the back door and took in the si3ht before her2
AIll be with you in a minute2 See anythin3 you likeEA
%he owner of the hea*ily shaded *oice 3lanced up from the body of a rainbow trout lyin3 on a wooden
bench2 %here was a stack of such unfortunate fish at the far end of the bench2 A hose trickled water o*er
the sil*ery scales as each awaited its turn under the knife2 &alinda unconsciously curled her lip in
AYoure supposed to compliment me on the nice catch'A the shops owner informed her politely' ha8el
eyes lau3hin3 at her eDpression2 ANot look at me as if I were an aD murdererBA
In spite of herself' &alinda 3rinned in response2 A%hose poor fish were' I presume' the reason youre
three hours late openin3 the shopEA
AIf Id known I had such an ea3er customer waitin3 I would ha*e hurried'A he drawled' the knife in his
hand 3oin3 to work efficiently on the fish in front of him2 &alinda looked away2
!er curious 3a8e rested on the bent head of the man in front of her' notin3 the dark fire in the thick'
chestnut hair which was carelessly combed and a little lon3 for her taste2 %he man stood naked from the
waist up in the bri3ht sunli3ht' his lean' smoothly muscled body well:bron8ed2 -hen she found her
3lance lin3erin3 on the curlin3 red:brown hair which co*ered his chest and tapered down to disappear
beneath the waistband of a faded pair of snu3:fittin3 Ceans' she looked away from that si3ht' also2
-hich brou3ht her 3a8e back to his profile2 She found herself studyin3 it with the same curiosity that
had made her want to follow the sound of his *oice2
It was an an3ular face' sharply etched and tanned like the rest of him2 %he ha8el eyes were deep:set and
flickered with intelli3ence when he 3lanced up and cau3ht her watchin3 him2 %iny lines crinkled the
corners beneath hea*y brows2 An arro3ant nose paired well with hi3h cheekbones and a mouth which
seemed hard in repose2
But the mouth smiled easily' she saw' and the deep lines at the ed3es bespoke a wealth of eDperience2
She found herself wonderin3 Cust what sort of eDperience' howe*er2 %here was nothin3 polished or
sophisticated about this man2 And he definitely wasnt the sort she had eDpected to encounter runnin3
an art 3allery' e*en if that 3allery was in an isolated mountain town which catered to tourists2 !er
curiosity 3rew2
!e must ha*e been around thirty:se*en or thirty:ei3ht' she reflected absently2 She sensed a latent male
power in him and wondered how he could ha*e been content to waste his life runnin3 a part:time
3allery and fishin3 when the ur3e took him2 In her world' 3i*en a little business eDperience' such a man
could ha*e built an empire2 She knew it instincti*ely2
-ell' hers was not to Cud3e' &alinda told herself firmly' knowin3 she was doin3 it anyway2 !e was
probably a lefto*er from the antimaterialistic' anti:establishment era of a few years back2 A man who
lacked the basic dri*e and competiti*e inclination it took to make it to the top2
AI wanted to ask about that watercolor of the lake han3in3 in the window'A she told him politely2
AYou like itEA he in@uired interestedly' pausin3 in his work to eye her2
AI know someone who will'A she tempori8ed2
AYou dont like it'A he stated' noddin32 !e went back to cleanin3 the trout2
AIm not buyin3 it for myself2A
A-hats this friend likeE %he one youre buyin3 it forEA
A)oes it matterEA she asked dryly2 AAre you worried the paintin3 wont be 3oin3 to a 3ood homeEA
AIm not worried about it' but ?ary Beth will be'A he eDplained with seemin3 patience2
A?ary Beth bein3 the artist' I presumeEA &alinda ha8arded2
A#mm2 Shes *ery particular about who 3ets her paintin3s2A
AI see2 I didnt think artists could afford that sort of luDury2 %ell ?ary Beth that Im buyin3 it to 3i*e to
a kindly' distin3uished' older couple who 3rew up in Colorado and treasure scenes such as that one2A
AI 3uess that sounds safe enou3h2 "kay' you can ha*e it2A
AI cant tell you how thrilled I am that youre willin3 to part with it'A she muttered' thinkin3 if she
hadnt been stuck in town anyway' she would ne*er ha*e made three trips to the 3allery in order to buy
the paintin32
!e lau3hed' a rich' full:bodied lau3hter that filled the yard in which he was standin32 A+i*e me a
chance to wash the e*idence off my hands and Ill come inside and take your money2 ?y names Rand
Alastair' by the way2 -hats yoursEA
&alinda blinked' surprised at the strai3htforward @uestion from a stran3er she ne*er intended to see
a3ain2 A&alinda2 &alinda Brady2A
!e nodded2 A"n *acationEA !e turned away to wash his hands under the hose' his body mo*in3 with a
litheness &alinda found uneDpectedly pleasin32
ANot eDactly'A she replied unthinkin3ly and then wished shed held her ton3ue2 %he last thin3 she
wanted was a drawn:out discussion of her reasons for bein3 in townB
ABusinessEA Rand pursued' comin3 toward her with a rather persistent eDpression2
AIts a personal matter'A she replied' lettin3 her annoyance show2
It didnt seem to phase him2 AI see2 Are you here by yourselfEA
AI dont think thats any of your business'A she told him 3ently' knowin3 any one of her employees
would ha*e immediately backed off after hearin3 that tone of *oice2
%o her surprise' Rand had the 3race to wince2 ASorry' I still do that once in a while2A
AStill do whatEA &alinda looked at him blankly' not understandin3 the remark2 !e led her back into the
ANe*er mind2 -ant a cold beerE Its 3oin3 to 3et warm this afternoon2A
She started to decline but Rand was already openin3 a small refri3erator a3ainst the back wall and
rumma3in3 around inside2 !e strai3htened with two chilled cans in his hand and popped the tops on
both before &alinda could think of a polite eDcuse2 A!ere you 3o2A
She peered down at the can skeptically as it was thrust into her hand' then tried an eDperimental sip2 It
wasnt chilled' dry Chenin Blanc' but it wasnt bad on a warm afternoon in the mountains2 She took
another sip and 3lanced up to find her host 3rinnin3 at her2
A%hink of it as 3ettin3 back to basics'A he murmured and took a lon3' satisfyin3 swallow2 ANow lets
see' I*e 3ot that price list around here somewhereF2A
Beer in hand' Rand rumma3ed around in the drawers behind the counter' e*entually producin3 a scrap
of paper with a triumphant air2 AI knew it was hereBA
ACon3ratulations'A &alinda couldnt resist sayin3 a little tartly2 -hat a way to run a businessB Any
!e i3nored the comment as if accustomed to the rudeness of *isitors and 3a*e her the price of the
It was a bit hi3her than &alinda had eDpected and automatically she 3lanced around to take another
look at the watercolor landscape2 As she did a charmin3 pottery bowl cau3ht her eye2
A"h' I like thatBA she eDclaimed with 3enuine enthusiasm' walkin3 across the room to lift the well:
molded obCect2 It fit nicely in her hands and the earthen colors were perfect for her dinin3 room2 AI can
see this now filled with a lo*ely curry and rice dish or maybe a hu3e 3reen salad2A
She raised her head and found Rand watchin3 her intently2 AIll take this' too'A she said easily' carryin3
it back to the counter2 AAnd you neednt worry about it2 ItGs 3oin3 to a 3ood home2A
AYoursEA he smiled2
A?ine'A she confirmed' di33in3 out her checkbook2
She hid a small frown as Rand calmly accepted her check without botherin3 to check her identification
and then told herself it was his business2 If he chose to take such risks who was she to tell him
AIll wrap those in paper for you before you lea*e'A he announced cheerfully' comin3 around from
behind the counter2
AAs a matter of fact'A &alinda said pointedly' AI was Cust about to 3o2 Perhaps you could put the paper
around them nowEA
A,inish your beer first2 #nless someones waitin3 for youEA he added innocently2
A-ell' no' butFA %oo late she reali8ed shed Cust answered his earlier @uestion about whether or not
she was in town alone2 !alf:irritated and half:amused o*er the small trap' she met his lau3hin3 eyes2
ABelie*e me'A he soothed' Atheres not much else to do in town once you*e been throu3h the shops2
#nless' of course' youre into fishin3F2A
ANot particularly'A she si3hed2
AI thou3ht not2 Come on outside and sit under a tree while I finish cleanin3 the fish2 You mi3ht as well
relaD while you finish the beerF2A
A?r2 Alastair'A &alinda be3an firmly' still unable to decide if she should lau3h or treat him to one of her
more repressi*e tones2 But she was findin3 his unabashed persistence almost entertainin32 And hea*en
knew she needed a bit of entertainment to take her mind off her own plansB
ABe nice'A he pleaded with a be3uilin3 smile that weakened her further2 A$*eryone likes to show off his
catch2 And I can tell by lookin3 at you that youre bored and restless2A
AIs it that ob*iousEA she 3roaned' followin3 him back out into the yard2
Aets Cust say you look a little out of your element'A he said softly' wa*in3 her to a redwood chair
under a tree2 ABut dont fret' Im relati*ely harmless2 I can produce any number of local references2A !e
picked up a fish and threw her a @uick leer2
&alinda took a lon3 sip of beer and silently lifted one' faintly @uellin3 eyebrow2 Rand didnt appear to
notice2 Instead he chatted amiably' his knife mo*in3 eDpertly on the trout2
Afterward' &alinda had to admit she wasnt @uite sure how it had happened' but she wound up sittin3
under a tree with a can of beer and watchin3 a man clean fish until nearly one oclock in the afternoon2
No one who knew her back in )en*er would ha*e belie*ed it2 But then no one back in )en*er could
possibly know how desperately she was tryin3 to kill the rest of this day and the neDt2
%he li3ht' easy con*ersation pro*ed a tonic for her' succeedin3 in takin3 her mind off her inner'
churnin3 thou3hts and 3i*in3 her a temporary respite from the case of ner*es she was in dan3er of
A-hat do you do in )en*erEA Rand demanded casually at one point after 3i*in3 her a humorous
description of the life he led runnin3 a 3allery in a tourist town2
AI run a company called Brady )ata Processin3'A she admitted mildly' her cool confidence implicit in
her *oice2 It was' after all' somethin3 she did *ery well2
AI*e heard of it'A he astonished her by admittin3 calmly2 AYoure in char3eEA %here was a speculati*e
3leam in the @uick 3lance he tossed o*er at her2
AI was elected chief eDecuti*e officer a couple of years a3o after my father was killed in a plane crash2 I
sort of inherited the reins2 %he board of directors was used to ha*in3 a Brady at the helm'A she
shru33ed2 AIm surprised you*e heard of the company2A
A-ere not totally isolated up here'A he informed her dryly2
ACould ha*e fooled me'A &alinda lau3hed2
!e swun3 around2 AYou are bored' arent youE -hat are you doin3 here in our little bur3' &alinda
AI think you already asked me that'A she retorted blandly' feelin3 as if hed almost cau3ht her off 3uard
with the @uestion2
AAnd you didnt answer2 )ont you know youre makin3 me curiousEA
AIt will li*en up your rather placid lifestyle2A
!e lau3hed' clearly enCoyin3 the day and her2 &alinda felt herself relaD and put her problem
temporarily aside2 ?ore time slipped past until' conscious of ha*in3 missed lunch' she finally stood up
reluctantly and tossed the beer can into a nearby container2
A-ell' thanks for the beer' Rand2 I think its time I was on my way2 If youll wrap the paintin3 and the
pottery' IllFA
AIll ha*e them ready this e*enin3'A he drawled smoothly as he finished with the fish2
A%his e*enin3BA
A-hen you help me eat the e*idence of my murder spree2A
ARand' I dont thinkFA
A,resh troutE +rilled cornE !ow can you resistE And you*e already admitted youre bored'A he
coaDed' ha8el eyes fastenin3 on her with determination2
&alinda mentally ran throu3h all the reasons she couldnt ha*e dinner with him and found it a *ery
short list2 -hy shouldnt she acceptE She had a lon3 e*enin3 to 3et throu3h by herself if she refused
and that thou3ht wasnt *ery appealin32 Alone with her plans and worriesF
!e met her eyes and smiled2 &alinda drew in her breath' aware that hed seen the hesitation in her2
"nce a3ain it struck her that this man mi3ht ha*e been a formidable fi3ure in the business world if hed
chosen that path in life2 !e knew how to manipulate others2 "r was it Cust that she was willin3 to be
manipulated that afternoonE
AAll ri3ht'A she a3reed 3ently2 A%hank you2A
AIll pick you up at siD2 ?y home is down by the lake'A he said2
It wasnt until she had left the shop to return to her motel that &alinda wondered which of them was
intent on fi3htin3 off a borin3 e*enin32 Could it be that Rand Alastair was a little restless' tooE But that
didnt make any sense2 !e had ob*iously chosen to li*e in this out:of:the:way town of his own accord2
And he clearly enCoyed his fishin32 -ell' it wasnt her problem2 She had her ownB
She chose the perfect little summer dress she had brou3ht with her' a wrapped and ruffled silk crepe de
chine print2 It was bare' bree8y and' combined with strappy little sandals' e*en flirty in a sophisticated
way2 She left her hair in the sleek twist behind her ear and added a 3old wire of a bracelet to her bare
arm2 She wasnt 3oin3 out of her way to dress for Rand Alastair2 &alinda liked clothes and she dressed
to please herself2
She was prepared to find Rand in a clean pair of Ceans and a shirt when she opened the door to him a
little before siD' but the subtle' pin:striped shirt and dark slacks looked eDpensi*e and well:tailored2 %he
thick' chestnut hair was combed back in a broad wa*e and there was a clean' masculine scent of
aftersha*e clin3in3 tantali8in3ly around him2 Still' it was the white otus behind him in the parkin3 lot
which took &alinda aback2
AYoursEA she murmured unnecessarily as he 3uided her toward it with a casually possessi*e hand at the
small of her back2
AIt was either this or the motorcycle'A he 3rinned en3a3in3ly' Aand somehow I had a hunch youd obCect
to the bike2A !is eyes ran appro*in3ly o*er the little flirty dress2 AAlthou3h it mi3ht ha*e been
A%he otus is fine'A she told him dryly as he slipped her into the cockpit of the low:slun3 car2 !er eyes
narrowed sli3htly as she watched him walk around the hood2 %he 3allery must be doin3 better than it
looked' she decided2 But that didnt make any senseF2
A-hy do I ha*e this feelin3 that Im turnin3 out to be a source of amusement for youEA Rand asked
sometime later as he pan:fried the fresh trout o*er the open flame of a barbecue pit2 %he corn he was
3rillin3 alon3side 3a*e off an enticin3 aroma2
A)ont you want me to enCoy myselfEA she retorted' crossin3 her slender ankles as she reclined on the
outdoor loun3er2 %he shaded patio was situated to take full ad*anta3e of the tree:rimmed lake and
pri*ately &alinda knew the 3lass:walled house with its ele3ant' rustic lines had been another surprise to
It went with the otus' howe*er2 %he wood:and:3lass structure was ob*iously desi3ned Cust for the
particular' wooded' hillside lot on which it had been placed2 %he walk throu3h the entryway and li*in3
room out to the patio had re*ealed a plush' cream carpet' low' sleekly styled caramel and brown
furniture and a scatterin3 of beautiful' earth:toned pottery pieces2 Rand had merely smiled when shed
commented on them2
A)ont 3et me wron3'A he said in response to her flippant @uestion2 AIm deli3hted to ha*e you enCoy
yourself2 Its Cust that Id prefer the amusement to be a shared eDperienceBA
&alinda 3a*e him a slow' teasin3 smile as she sipped at the tartly delicious concoction of apricot
brandy' lemon and oran3e Cuice hed prepared for them2 AAre you artistic types always so sensiti*eEA
AAre you *acationin3 business eDecuti*es always so condescendin3 to the local peasantryEA
%here was an ed3e on the darkly timbered *oice that made &alinda wonder if her new ac@uaintance
mi3ht not appreciate knowin3 he was merely a means of 3ettin3 throu3h a difficult e*enin32
AYou seem to eat rather well for a peasant'A she murmured' 3lancin3 pointedly at the si88lin3 trout A"ff
the land' as it were2A
!e 3rinned' a slashin3' faintly predatory eDpression which sent a trickle of unease throu3h her2 &alinda
deliberately banished the unwelcome sensation2 Rand Alastair was no threat to her and certainly not her
chief concern2
A%he trout may be free' but how do you know I didnt spend my last cent on the wine in a desperate
effort to impress youEA
A)id youEA
ANot @uite'A he admitted' castin3 a rueful look at the bottle of Chardonnay chillin3 nearby2
AI didnt think so2 %hat little 3allery you run in town appears to be brin3in3 in enou3h to keep you from
star*in3 to death'A &alinda commented2
AYou sound as if you dont understand how thats possible'A he retorted' eDaminin3 the trout with a
critical eye and 3i*in3 the pan a 3entle shake2
A-ell' your hours do seem a bit erratic2 And e*en if they were re3ular there doesnt seem to be a lot of
potential customers up here2A
A)urin3 the winter we 3et a *ery well:to:do ski crowd2A
AAh2 I understand2 Its a seasonal business2A
A%he 3alleryE A bit2 Not that I let it affect my erratic business practices unduly2 I 3et in my share of
&alinda shook her head2 A-ell' each to his own2 You seem to li*e a *ery relaDed sort of lifestyle2A
A$Dactly2 7ust as youre supposed to do when you come up here2 But youre not' are youEA
ARelaDedE At the moment Im *ery comfortable'A she countered firmly' takin3 another sip of the icy
hi3hball and preparin3 to parry his probin3 @uestions2
A"h' you look the part' all ri3ht2 Hery cool and ele3antly casual2 But theres somethin3 about you that
doesnt seem really relaDed2 Youre not ner*ous of me' by any chanceEA he demanded interestedly2
A"f course notBA !er li3ht lau3hter was 3enuine2
AYou dont ha*e to be so emphatic about itBA he 3rowled wryly2
ASorry'A she mocked contritely2 AI for3ot about the e*er:present male e3o2A
Rand shot her a @uick' perusin3 3lance as he hefted the pepper mill2 A%ell me the truth'A he 3rumbled
humorously' Adid you accept my offer of dinner because I represent a chan3e of pace from your usual
run of admirersEA
AIsnt that what a *acation is forE A chan3e of paceEA she chuckled' enCoyin3 the banter2
AI knew it'A he 3roaned dramatically2 AIm fated to be a *acation flin3BA
A)ont worry'A &alinda smiled2 A+i*in3 me dinner doesnt eDactly put you into the cate3ory of a flin3BA
A+ood'A he said smoothly2 ABecause we artistic types prefer to think in terms of affairs, not flin3sBA
&alindas 3ray eyes went a little cold2 AIm afraid ha*in3 dinner is not a prelude to an affair' either'A she
informed him @uite firmly2
!e watched her curiously for a moment' raisin3 his own 3olden drink for a sip2 AYou dont like the idea
of bein3 the mistress of an artist:fishermanEA
ANot particularlyBA %he hau3hty tone was cool and definite2
ABut all artists ha*e mistresses2 Its part of the mysti@ue'A he eDplained helpfully2
She let her buddin3 annoyance show in her *oice as Rand turned back to the trout2 APerhaps you can
consider our association as a chan3e of pace for yourself' then'A she su33ested deliberately2
AYes' maam'A he a3reed humbly2 "nce a3ain &alinda felt a moment of unease2 She had been @uite
certain since meetin3 Rand Alastair that she' knew eDactly what she was dealin3 with2 But little thin3s
kept takin3 her by surprise2 It was unsettlin32
A%hink of it as a case of two ships passin3 in the ni3ht'A she ad*ised blandly2
AA pity2 I*e been wea*in3 artistic fantasies since I looked up and saw you scowlin3 at me in the door
of the shop'A he 3rinned' reachin3 for plates on which to dish up the fish2
AAre you an artistEA she @uestioned' decidin3 it was time to switch con*ersational topics2 A"r do you
Cust run the 3alleryEA
AI dabble'A he admitted' settin3 the food on the redwood table and liftin3 the wine out of the chiller2
AIn whatEA she asked' 3ettin3 out of the loun3er and comin3 across to Coin him at the table2 %he
combination of crisp salad' fresh trout' and 3rilled corn was whettin3 her appetite as no restaurant meal
could ha*e done2
APottery'A he replied succinctly' takin3 his seat AI did the piece you bou3ht this afternoon2A
AYou didB -hy didnt you say somethin3E Its lo*elyB I adore art that ser*es a purpose'A she confided2
AI know thats not a proper approach' but I was born with this depressin3ly practical streak2 I like thin3s
to be both functional and beautiful2 Im 3oin3 to 3et a lot of use out of that bowl2A
A+ood'A he said cheerfully2 AI feeB eDactly the same way2 Perhaps Im more properly described as a
craftsperson than an artistEA
AA meanin3less distinction'A &alinda declared re3ally' 3oin3 to work delicately on the trout A-hy
should useful art be down3raded to a IcraftEA
A?y sentiments eDactly'A he smiled' lookin3 @uite pleased with himself2 AIll show you some of the
other pieces I*e done after dinner2 %hat is' if youd like to see themEA
She met his encoura3in3 3lance and smiled warmly2 A"f course' I would2A
A short' potent silence hun3 between them for an instant as they looked at each other2 &alinda found
herself swallowin3 with a new twin3e of uncertainty2 -hat was wron3 with herE She wasnt interested
in this man eDcept as a casual dinner date2 -hy this new restlessness which had be3un to temporarily
replace the ner*ousness shed been eDperiencin3E %his new sensation had nothin3 at all to do with her
plans for the comin3 weekend2 %he confrontation with )a*id !utton still awaited her2 It should be the
uppermost concern in her mind2 Yet here she was bein3 subtly o*ertaken by an alto3ether different
Irritably she 3a*e a mental shru3 and made a deliberate effort to pull back from the spell she sensed her
host was tryin3 to wea*e2 %hey were eDactly what shed described a few minutes earlier' two stran3ers
who happened to encounter each other briefly but who shared nothin3 lastin3 or bindin32 A casual
dinner en3a3ement2
AIll bet youre tellin3 yourself Im not your type'A Rand murmured easily' takin3 a bite off the corn
cob2 !e didnt appear concerned by his accurate 3uess2
A-hy notEA she countered bree8ily2 AIf youre honest with yourself' youd be sayin3 the same thin32 -e
are two *ery different kinds of people' arent we' RandEA ,irmly she tried to make him acknowled3e
that basic fact2
A-ho can sayE -e*e hardly 3otten to know each other2 $*en if that were so' would it matterEA
A"h' yes' it matters'A she nodded2
A?eanin3 that youre much too practical to risk 3ettin3 in*ol*ed with a man who doesnt fit readily
into your lifestyleEA
&alinda decided it was time to take char3e of the situation2 %akin3 char3e was somethin3 she did
instincti*ely and well2 A!ow lon3 ha*e you worked with pottery' RandEA
!e hesitated' as if tryin3 to decide whether or not to let her chan3e the topic2 And then he lifted one
smoothly muscled shoulder as if it wasnt all that important' after all2
ANearly two years2 I ha*e a kiln in my workshop o*er there2A !e indicated a small buildin3 behind the
house2 AAre you sure you wouldnt rather talk about usEA
AHery sure'A she smiled coolly2
A-hat can a host do eDcept defer to the wishes of his 3uestEA he whispered 3allantly2
A%hank you'A &alinda retorted with the self:possession that comes from re3ularly ha*in3 her wishes
deferred to by others2 A%he trout is delicious2A
%hey lin3ered o*er dinner as the wanin3 summer sun settled behind the mountain' castin3 the lake and
its en*irons into shadows2 %he tall pine and fir amon3 which the house nestled rustled li3htly in the
faint bree8e and the bottle of Chardonnay slowly emptied2 It was turnin3 into a *ery pleasant e*enin3'
&alinda decided' wonderin3 how that could be when she had so much on her mind2 But toni3ht Rand
Alastair was makin3 it possible for her to put her doubts and worries about the weekend aside for a
while2 She was 3rateful to him for it2
!e displayed his pottery with an unaffected pleasure later after &alinda had helped him clear the table
and carry the dishes into the modern' compact kitchen2 She went from piece to piece' 3enuinely
admirin3 the warm colors' rich 3la8es' and ori3inal desi3n2
AYoure *ery talented'A she remarked' carefully settin3 down the small pot she was holdin3 and
wonderin3 pri*ately how he could possibly make a li*in3 off the pottery and the 3allery2 She knew a lot
about business' e*en if she didnt know a 3reat deal about the specific business of runnin3 a small art
and craft store2
AIts a hobby'A he murmured as she turned around to face him2 !e was standin3 *ery close behind her'
much closer than she had reali8ed and &alinda found herself swin3in3 softly a3ainst his chest2 !is arms
were around her e*en as she opened her lips to apolo3i8e2 %he impact sent a small shock throu3h her
and her 3ray eyes widened2
AIm sorry'A she mana3ed' suddenly' fiercely aware of the warmth and stren3th in his lean' hard body2 AI
didnt reali8e you were standin3 so nearFA
A?y fault entirely'A he assured her' his arms ti3htenin3 around her' pullin3 her closer with a
forcefulness she would ha*e said earlier wasnt in character2 AI*e been lookin3 for an eDcuse to kiss
you all e*enin3F2A
&alinda saw the lambent flame be3innin3 to flare in the dear ha8el 3a8e abo*e her and wondered at her
own reaction2 It was curiosity' she decided' which was 3oin3 to hold her still for his kiss2 %he same
curiosity that had made her follow the sound of his *oice that mornin32 %here was somethin3 different
about this man2
Before she had time to analy8e the difference' Rands mouth was co*erin3 her own2
&alinda sensed the power in the arms which held her and knew with a rush of realism that' e*en if she
hadnt been curious' she would still be standin3 in his embrace' awaitin3 his kiss2 She knew in that
moment that she couldnt ha*e broken Rands hold2
&alinda wasnt certain eDactly what she was eDpectin3 from Rands kiss' but it definitely wasnt the
3entle' persuasi*e a33ression she 3ot2 !is kiss was a contradiction' she thou3ht *a3uely as her
fin3ertips automatically came up to brace a3ainst the broad shoulders2 "r was itE Could a man be both
3entle and a33ressi*e at the same timeE
%he warm' probin3 caress 3rew around her' en*elopin3 her senses e*en as she tried to retain some
control o*er herself and him2 It was like steppin3 into an in*itin3 pool of water only to disco*er sil*ery
@uicksand beneath ones feet2
A%heres cool silk on the surface'A he husked a3ainst her lips2 ABut I ha*e a hun3er to find out whats
ARand' please' IFA &alindas small effort to halt the soft in*asion collapsed as his ton3ue parted her
She heard him 3roan' felt his hands slide down the bare silk dress to her waist and was unable to
repress the little shi*er of eDcitement that coursed throu3h her2
!er mouth yielded to the heated challen3e with a will of its own2 Rands ton3ue eDplored the sweet'
intimate interior as a Cun3le cat seeks out a forest den2 !is lips mo*ed on hers' forcin3 a dampenin3'
electric contact that denied any attempt at retreat on her part2
&alinda 3rew a little shocked at her own response2 %his wasnt like her' as any of her recent escorts
could ha*e testifiedB $*en with )a*id it hadnt been this sudden' this o*erwhelmin3F2
Rands fin3ers dipped lower' shapin3 the cur*e of her waist' pressin3 with 3rowin3 ur3ency into the
flare of her hips2 !e pulled her abruptly closer' nestlin3 her into the cradle of his thi3hs and &alinda
sucked in her breath on a low moan of surprise min3led with dismay2
A)ont be afraid of me'A he 3rowled coaDin3ly2 AI wont hurt you2A !is hands mo*ed on her' slidin3
alon3 the thin silk and lea*in3 a trail of warmth on hips and thi3hs and waist2 !e felt her tremble and
she heard his si3h of pleasure2
A-e*e been buildin3 toward this from the moment we met'A he whispered' seekin3 the ed3e of her
mouth with his lips and then be3innin3 to track the line of her cheek to the corner of her closed eyes2 AI
spent all afternoon thinkin3 about takin3 you in my arms2A
AIF I hope you didnt shut the 3allery a3ain on my accountBA she mana3ed a little shakily2 She wasnt
surprised to hear him admit hed wanted to kiss her from the start2 She was old enou3h to know men
often reacted @uickly to a woman who cau3ht their fancy2 It was her own appallin3ly swift reaction that
alarmed her2 %he moment shed felt his arms 3o around her shed known a stran3e kind of lon3in32 And
that was definitely not normal for herB
A!ad to'A he muttered on a lau3hin3 3roan2 A!ow could I work when all I could think about was
feedin3 you and plyin3 you with li@uorEA
A"h' Rand' this is ridiculousBA
ANo'A he countered thickly' the tip of his ton3ue dancin3 li3htly in and around her ear' Athis is desire2 I
told you I needed a mistressF2A
A%hen youll ha*e to keep inter*iewin3 bored lady tourists'A she flun3 back with a trace of acid in her
*oice2 A%he trout was delicious but it was only worth a 3ood:ni3ht kiss' not a ni3ht in bedBA
AAh' well'A he murmured philosophically' AI shall ha*e to be satisfied with what I can 3et2A
!e lifted one hand and slipped off the small' 3old earrin3 she wore in her left ear2 !e dropped the
earrin3 into his pocket as his teeth closed teasin3ly' temptin3ly where the piece of Cewelry had been2
It was a small' seemin3ly insi3nificant action' yet when he repeated it with the other ear' &alinda be3an
to feel as if he were strippin3 her of her *ery clothin32
She made an attempt to pull away from the 3rowin3 spell of seduction' easin3 her head back out of
reach and pushin3 firmly a3ainst him2 But he only took ad*anta3e of the position to bury his lips
a3ainst her throat2 %he neDt shi*er that shook &alinda was almost fri3htenin3 in its intensity2
!is hands stroked up her waist with slow' caressin3 mo*ements until they rested Cust under the wei3ht
of her breasts2 -hen she twisted sli3htly to escape the intimate touch she knew would come neDt'
&alinda somehow found her nipple cau3ht under the palm of his hand2 %hrou3h the material of the silk
and the scrap of lacy bra her body reacted without her *olition' the nipple hardenin32
In spite of her resol*e to keep the embrace from 3oin3 any further' &alindas nails bit con*ulsi*ely into
the fabric of the pin:stripe shirt' seekin3 the feel of the muscled flesh underneath2
ASilk and flame'A he muttered' his *oice deepenin3 as he felt her response2 A-here ha*e you been
hidin3 yourself' honeyE %hink of all the ni3hts we*e missedBA
A7ust as were 3oin3 to miss this one'A she retorted a little 3rimly' conscious of the catch in her words2
AIm not 3oin3 to bed with you' Rand2A
A%ell me that a3ain in a few minutes'A he ad*ised and mo*ed' sweepin3 her up into his arms before she
reali8ed his intention2
!er arm circled his neck in an instincti*e 3esture a3ainst fallin3 althou3h he held her with a rocklike
AI wont be carried off to bed' Rand'A &alinda snapped arro3antly' unaccustomed to ha*in3 her dinner
dates proceed a3ainst her declared wishes2 She still didnt belie*e herself to be in trouble but there was
no doubt matters were in dan3er of 3ettin3 out of hand2
A%he couchEA he su33ested hopefully' the lau3hin3 3leam in his eyes somehow addin3 to' rather than
subtractin3 from the desire she saw there2
!e strode across the cream carpet to the lon3 caramel couch and settled her 3ently down on it2 -hen
&alinda opened her eyes after the ensuin3 moment of *erti3o' she found him descendin3 on top of her
and her words of determined protest were muffled in her throat as she cau3ht her breath a3ainst his
A)amn it' I will not let youFA
A7ust let me kiss you'A he be33ed huskily' droppin3 tiny' featherli3ht caresses on her cheeks' her
eyelids' her ears2 -hen his mouth returned to hers his hand simultaneously mo*ed once more to co*er
her small breast2 %he twin assault shocked her senses' causin3 her to writhe beneath him2
Instantly he responded by crushin3 her hips intimately with his own' forcin3 her into the deep cushions
until she cried out in 3rowin3 passion2
A,lame for me' ady Silk'A he 3rowled ur3ently' nippin3 her bare shoulder with his teeth and then
soothin3 the scented area with his ton3ue2 AI want to see you 3o up in flames for me toni3htBA
%he soft material of the dress be3an to fall away from her and &alinda reali8ed dimly he had found the
delicate fastenin3s2 She knew she ou3ht to stop him but she couldnt seem to say the words2 A
passionate curiosity was dri*in3 her now and when she felt him undo the front clasp of the small bra
she wound her fin3ers deeply into the chestnut hair with a breathless moan2
A"h' pleaseB PleaseFA
AI will'A he promised hoarsely' AI willBA
Rand bent his head to find the tips of her breasts with undis3uised male need' his ton3ue curlin3 around
the taut nipples as his fin3ers traced patterns down her bare stomach2
Ahead of his @uestin3 hand' the silk dress continued to 3i*e way until &alinda knew the touch of his
fin3ers Cust inside the ed3e of her satiny briefs2
She 3asped *iolently and her own hands worked their way inside the collar of his shirt2 !e mo*ed
under her touch the way a cat mo*es under strokin3 fin3ers2 She found his uninhibited response deeply'
incredibly arousin3 and without further thou3ht she sou3ht the buttons of the shirt2
A moment later they both lay naked from the waist up' the curlin3 cloud of chestnut hair on Rands
chest eDcitin3 and sensual on &alindas softness2
!er breath was comin3 more @uickly now and common sense was a rapidly deterioratin3 commodity2
She arched beneath him and he used his stren3th to tease her by crushin3 her 3ently until she couldnt
mo*e2 Somehow the restraint only ser*ed to eDcite her all the more and &alinda felt the dri*in3 need
sur3e throu3h her body2
It wasnt until she felt him part her le3s with his own and knew the hardenin3 maleness of him e*en
throu3h the fabric of the trousers he still wore that some semblance of rational thou3ht returned2
ARandF Rand' please2 %hats enou3hB I ne*er meantFA
AIts all ri3ht'A he soothed' holdin3 her still as she be3an to stru33le beneath him2 A7ust let it happen2 Its
3oin3 to be so 3ood' honey2 I want you so badly toni3ht2A
&alinda mo*ed her head restlessly on the cushion' the sleek knot of her hair lon3 since undone and
floatin3 around her2 She heard the ine*itable words' I want you, and they reinforced her efforts to
re3ain control of herself and the situation2
AIm sorry'A she whispered' conscious of her own part in the matter2 AI didnt mean for thin3s to 3o this
farBA Carefully she be3an to push a3ainst his bare shoulders' her nails di33in3 into the bron8ed skin2
A&alindaBA !is desire:deepened *oice cracked sli3htly as he lifted his head to stare down at her2
A-hats wron3E Stop fi3htin3 it' sweetheart2 You want this as much as I doBA
She shook her head in denial' well aware of the want in him2 She had to deal with this *ery cautiously2
She had allowed him to become thorou3hly aroused and she knew so little about himB !ow did she
know what to eDpect when he finally reali8ed she meant to call e*erythin3 to a haltE
,or all she knew he mi3ht turn *iolent2 +odB !ow had she mana3ed to 3et herself into thisE
ARand' please'A she be33ed 3ently' strainin3 away from his hardness' AI want to stop2 I ne*er intended
for thin3s to 3o this far2 Please let me 3oF2A
,or an instant the ha8el eyes flashed almost 3reen and she knew a momentary fear2 And then the
frustrated' an3ry male 3litter was 3one to be replaced by a cold' masculine restraint2 It was only when
that' too' disappeared to re*eal rueful dismay that &alinda knew she could relaD2
AYoure serious' arent youEA Rand muttered dryly2
AYes' IF I ne*er intended for this to happen toni3ht2 Belie*e meBA
AI belie*e youB But you see' I fully intended for it to happenBA
ARand' thats idiotic'A &alinda scolded bracin3ly' aware of her nakedness and the wei3ht of his body2
AYou hardly know meBA
AI wanted you the minute I saw you'A he told her succinctly' his hands framin3 her face between rou3h
palms2 AIm more than happy to be a *acation flin3 for you' &alinda Brady'A he murmured enticin3ly2
A%hanks a lotB Hery 3enerous of you2 But it so happens' Im not interested in that sort of relationshipBA
A!ow about the affair we discussed earlierEA he whispered seducti*ely' his thumbs makin3 probin3
circles at the corners of her mouth2
A"ut of the @uestionBA she snapped' be3innin3 to 3row an3ry2 Aet me up' Rand' its time I went back to
the motel2A
ACalm down' Ill take you back if thats what you really wantF2A
AIt isBA
A"n one condition'A he concluded a little too 3ently2
She 3lared up at him2 A-hat conditionEA
A%hat I can see you tomorrow2A
&alinda 3rabbed a deep breath2 AI dont see why you should want that2 I can 3uarantee I wont feel any
differently tomorrowBA
A!ow can you be sure of thatE Ill ha*e all day to con*ince you'A he reminded her' his mouth @uirkin3
in amused promise2 A-ho knows how youll feel by this time tomorrow ni3htEA
AI know what I want and what I dont want2A
!e hesitated and then said with uneDpected coolness' AYes' I*e 3athered that2 -hich brin3s up a *ery
interestin3 point2A
A-hat are you talkin3 aboutEA
AYou do seem like the sort of woman who makes up her own mind and does what she wishes most of
the time2A
&alinda eyed him narrowly' wonderin3 where this was leadin32 AI am2A
A%hen what are you doin3 hereEA he countered swiftly2
A!ereE I told you2 I had nothin3 else to do this e*enin3 and the trout sounded 3oodF2A
A%hats not what I mean and you know it2 I find myself curious as to what youre doin3 here in our
little mountain retreat2 Its ob*ious youre bored and youre not the sort who likes to head for a rustic
en*ironment when you feel like 3ettin3 away from it all2A
A!ow do you know thatEA she retorted' alarmed2 AAs I*e already pointed out' you barely know meBA
AI happen to be a fairly 3ood Cud3e of character'A he drawled2 AAnd' honey' as deli3htful as you look at
this moment' I ha*e to say you did seem a little out of place today wanderin3 around town in your
hundred:dollar shirt and those desi3ner slacksBA
&alinda felt herself 3o red under his mockin3 3a8e and tried to free her hands in order to co*er her
naked breasts2 But he i3nored the effort and waited for a reply2
A?y reasons for bein3 here are personal'A she muttered with all the arro3ance she could command
under the circumstances2
!e smiled dan3erously2 AI deduced that much2 !ow personalEA
AI do not intend to discuss that2A
AYou really are used to 3i*in3 orders' arent youEA he obser*ed wonderin3ly2
AI am' but you dont appear to be *ery 3ood at takin3 them'A she shot back 3rittily2 A-ill you please let
me upEA
!e didnt mo*e for a moment and &alinda found herself holdin3 her breath as he studied her2
AIf youll 3rant my condition'A he finally a3reed with a short nod2
She si3hed2 AIll ha*e lunch with you tomorrow if youre sure you want to see me a3ain2A At least he
was off the other topicB
!e sat up almost at once and &alinda could almost hear the belated click as her brain finally found the
ri3ht 3ear2 She sat absorbin3 the impact of his hard profile as he buttoned his shirt and then she mo*ed
her head in a wry 3esture of self:dis3ust2
AYou did that deliberately' didnt youEA %here was a trace of unwillin3 admiration in her *oice2 &alinda
was businesswoman enou3h to reco3ni8e innate manipulati*e talent when she came across it2 %his man
really had wasted his life out here in the wildernessB
A)id whatEA he asked innocently' adCustin3 the collar of his shirt as he slanted her an in@uirin3 3lance2
She wa*ed a hand2 AYou know2 ,irst you brin3 up your real 3oal' which is to see me tomorrow2 -hen I
dont leap at that' you brin3 up another matter about which I feel *ery stron3ly2A
A%he little issue of what youre doin3 here in the mountains in the first placeEA he clarified helpfully2
She nodded2 AAnd then' when you ha*e me thorou3hly ruffled on that subCect' you reintroduce the main
3oal2 By that time it seems easier to a3ree to it so that I can 3et you to lea*e me alone on the second
AYoure *ery percepti*e'A he 3rinned en3a3in3ly2
AAnd youre *ery 3ood at manipulatin3 people'A she 3rumbled dryly2 ANow its my turn to ask some
A+o ahead'A he in*ited cheerfully' sinkin3 back into a corner of the caramel:colored couch and
re3ardin3 her with la8y in*itation2
A-hy are you so set on seein3 me tomorrowE Youre not 3oin3 to find yourself in bed with me
tomorrow ni3ht' I can 3uaranteeBA
ACan youEA
A)efinitelyB I ha*e no interest in a flin3 with you or anyone else' Rand'A she retorted steadily2
AI understand'A he astonished her by sayin3 softly2
A%hen whyFEA
AI still want to see you' &alinda2 Im attracted to you2 I was the moment I saw you2 It sometimes
happens like that' you know2A
A,or a man2A
!e said nothin3' not denyin3 the small accusation2 %here was a waitin3 silence and then &alinda went
on carefully' ACould it be youre a little bored' yourselfEA
!e blinked' the coppery lashes brushin3 the ru33ed cheekbones for an instant and then he re3arded her
with his clear 3a8e2 A-hy should I be boredE I ha*e the 3allery' the pottery' my fishin3 and Im li*in3
in the heart of +ods country2 And there are a few women around' you know'A he added placidly2 AI
mean' besides yourselfBA
She flushed' lookin3 away2 AIm sure there areBA
ASo what makes you think Im pursuin3 you out of sheer boredomEA
A,or3et it2A She 3ot to her feet AI was Cust makin3 an obser*ation2 Youre ob*iously content with your
niche in life or you wouldnt be here' would youEA
She forced a smile2 ASo I was wron3 in my obser*ation' Cust as youre wron3 if you think youre 3oin3
to talk me into a flin3 or a short:term affair2 Now its time you took me back to the motel2 %he dinner
was deli3htful2A
!e ran3ed easily to his feet' his 3leamin3 eyes ne*er lea*in3 her still:flushed features2 AAbout your
personal reasons for bein3 in my mountainsFA
She smiled brilliantly2 AIm ready to lea*e' Rand2A
!e 3a*e her a mockin3 bow2 AIm at my adys command2 %he otus awaits2A
But she should ha*e known he wouldnt 3i*e up that easily' &alinda told herself the neDt day as she
loun3ed beside him on a picnic blanket by the lake2 Rand Alastair wasnt the sort of man to surrender
so simply and easily2 She knew that much about him e*en thou3h he still confused her in many ways2
Added to her own 3rowin3 restlessness and ner*ousness' his delicate probin3 was 3oin3 to send her
o*er the ed3e' she decided midway throu3h the delicious lunch he had packed2
A!ow lon3 will you be stayin3 here' &alindaEA
She munched the cheddar sandwich in her hand with relish2 AA couple more days'A she said cautiously2
!e was stretched out beside her' wearin3 his Ceans a3ain and an open:necked sport shirt which re*ealed
the tanned' sinewy len3th of his arms2 %he chestnut hair was li3htly tousled by the bree8e off the lake
and his eyes were half:closed a3ainst the dancin3 sunli3ht2 &alinda was suddenly forced to
acknowled3e to herself that he seemed *ery attracti*e to her2
She directed her attention toward the opposite shore of the lake' feelin3 his hooded 3a8e on her2 She
had pushed up the slee*es of her button:necked tunic top which she wore o*er a pair of white pants and
kicked off her sandals2 &alinda felt relaDed on one le*el' but wary on another2 %he lunch had been
enCoyable but it hadnt taken her lon3 to reali8e Rand was hot on the trail he had scented last ni3ht2 !is
curiosity was aroused' she supposed2 7ust as hers was about him2
AYoure not sure eDactly how many days youll be hereEA
AI eDpect Ill be lea*in3 the day after tomorrow2A
A-hy so soonEA he pressed2
AI ha*e a business to run' rememberEA
AIsnt the boss entitled to a *acationEA he smiled knowin3ly2
A"f course2 %his isnt it' thou3h2A As hed already clearly 3uessed2 %here was not much point in
pretendin3 she was here for her annual holiday' &alinda had decided early in the 3ame2 )amn the
mans persistenceB But she had only herself to blame' she admitted 3rimly2 She had wanted to see him
a3ain today' e*en knowin3 what to eDpect2
AAh' yes2 %he personal business which brin3s you to our neck of the woods2 It will all be o*er within a
couple of daysEA
"Yes2 Now' if you dont mind' Id rather talk about somethin3 else2A
She lau3hed2 A!ardlyBA
A?y plans for us tomorrow ni3htEA he su33ested hopefully2
!er lau3hter died at once2 AIm afraid thats out of the @uestion' Rand2 I wont be seein3 you tomorrow
!e went *ery still beside her and she bit her !p in *eDation2 But it was the truth and there was no sense
lettin3 him think she would be free tomorrow ni3ht2
A%oni3hts our last e*enin3 to3etherEA he asked @uietly2
ABut youll be here in town tomorrow ni3htEA
She said nothin32 -hy was she lettin3 him push her like thisE It couldnt be that subconsciously she
wanted to tell him the truth' could itE %hat she needed to talk to someoneE She had always been so self:
possessed' so confident2 But she had doubts about what was 3oin3 to happen tomorrow ni3ht when she
confronted )a*id2 Shed had doubts all alon32 And that wasnt like her2
ASo thats it'A he 3rowled softly2
A-hatEA She swun3 her neat head around to look at him' saw the cool fire in his eyes and wished she
hadnt taken her 3a8e off the lake2 She felt abruptly trapped by the power in him2
AYoure here to meet a man2A %he words dropped like stones out on the lake2
&alinda didnt mo*e2 AIts business'A she finally said coldly' stru33lin3 to break the bonds hed placed
on her2 APersonal' pri*ate business2A
AYoure not lookin3 for a flin3 with me because youre here to ha*e an affair with another man2A
ARandB Stop itB You know nothin3 about the matterBA )ear ordB -hat was wron3 with her to ha*e let
him 3uess so close to the markE She must be cra8yB "r secretly desperate to talk it o*er with someone'
she added 3rimly to herself2
A)ont you mink it mi3ht be Cust a tad dan3erous to amuse yourself with me while you wait for ?r2
-onderful to arri*eE -hat if he hits town early and finds you*e spent the time flirtin3 with a local
A"f all the ridiculous thin3s to sayB I am not flirtin3 with youBA
AId call it flirtin3 if I arri*ed at a rende8*ous and found my woman had spent a couple of e*enin3s
with another man while waitin3 for me to show upBA he rasped bitterly2 AAnd what happened on my
couch last ni3ht definitely does not come under the cate3ory of casual ac@uaintanceBA
She reali8ed he was an3ry' furiously so2
A%hats the only cate3ory it could come under'A she 3rated feelin3ly2 AAll we ha*e is a casual
AIf thats how you treat your fleetin3 friendships' Id like to see what happens after you*e known a
man a couple of weeksBA
She flinched' pullin3 her eyes away from his condemnin3 3lare2 !e still hadnt shifted from the
sprawled position hed taken' one Ceaned le3 drawn up as he rested on his elbow2 Ne*ertheless' she had
the distinct impression he was sorely tempted to wrap his fin3ers around her throat2 Could she blame
AIm not here to ha*e an affair with anyone'A she muttered' settin3 down the remains of her sandwich
as her appetite *anished2 She couldnt meet his eyes at all now2
ABut youre meetin3 a man tomorrow ni3htEA he prodded ti3htly2
&alinda said nothin3' lettin3 her own silence tell the tale2
A-ant to tell me about itEA
%hat brou3ht her head back around with a snap to stare in astonishment2 %he wholly new tone in his
dark *oice took her completely by surprise2 She had been prepared for belli3erenceJ male outra3e at her
callous treatment of him' perhaps2 But she certainly hadnt been eDpectin3 this sudden' soothin3'
calmin3 offerB -here was the an3er hed been holdin3 in checkE
AYou can' you know'A he went on' mouth twisted be3uilin3ly2 AYou can tell me the whole story2A
A!ow do you know theres a story to tellEA she challen3ed carefully' uncertain of her own weakenin3
AInstinct2 I know it sounds ridiculous' but I really do ha*e fairly sound instincts about people and what
makes them tick2A
AI know'A she whispered2 AYoure also 3ood at usin3 that knowled3e to manipulate peopleBA
%he ed3e of his mouth hardened2 AYou dont seem to lack much in the way of perception' yourselfBA
AI*e learned to reco3ni8e a few thin3s'A she half:smiled dismissin3ly2 ABut I*e had on:the:Cob trainin3
in the business world2 -ith you I think it must be instincti*e' Cust as you said2 Somethin3 you were
born withBA
AAre you 3oin3 to tell me about tomorrow ni3htEA
AIm not sure2 %he fact that I*e let you push me this close to the subCect makes me think I mi3ht'A she
said @uite honestly2 ABut if I do' I shall probably be killin3 my chance at another trout dinner toni3htBA
She mana3ed the last with an almost sad flippancy2
AIts steak this e*enin3' not trout'A he @uipped2 AAnd I promise I wont rescind the offer2A
A$*en if I admit Im here to meet a manEA she dared softly2
AI already know that much2A
She waited before sayin3 *ery coolly' *ery remotely' AYoure not 3oin3 to talk me out of it' you know2
I*e come this far' Im 3oin3 to 3o throu3h with it2A
A%hat remains to be seen2A
&alinda rested her arms on her drawn:up knees and shook her head with 3ra*e determination2 ANo one
could talk me out of it at this sta3e2 A woman seldom 3ets this kind of opportunity2 Id be a fool to
throw it away2A
A$Dactly what sort of opportunity are we talkin3 about' &alindaEA he demanded in a low *oice that
betrayed nothin3 of his feelin3s2
ARe*en3e'A she said simply2
!e sat up' reachin3 out to catch her chin and force her around to face him2 A?y +odB You really mean
it' dont youEA he breathed' searchin3 her intent' determined features2 A-ho is this man youre 3oin3 to
ha*e your re*en3e on' &alinda BradyEA
A?y eD:fiancK2A %he words sounded stark' e*en to her own ears2 A!e dropped me two years a3o when
my father was killed and it was disco*ered the firm was in bad shape2 )a*id !utton' it turned out' was
marryin3 me because he wanted my fathers company2A
AAnd now he wants you backEA
&alinda smiled 3rimly2 AI*e let him think Im interested2 I*e a3reed to meet him up here for the sake
of what we once had' as they say2A
A-hy did you a3ree to rende8*ous hereE -hy not )en*erEA
A"h' we couldnt do that'A she eDplained acidly2 A)a*ids married now' you see2A
AYou little fool'A he breathed2 AYou cra8y little fool2 $Dactly what are you 3oin3 to do tomorrow ni3ht
when he shows up eDpectin3 you to throw yourself into his armsEA
AIm 3oin3 to throw his offer in his face' naturally2 Im 3oin3 to let )a*id !utton be3 me for another
chance' listen to him offer to di*orce his wife' and then Im 3oin3 to lau3h and tell him eDactly what I
think of himB %he one thin3 )a*id cant stand is to be lau3hed at2A
Rand stared at her for a lon3' taut moment' his eDpression hard and unreadable2
AYou cant 3o throu3h with it'A he finally said flatly2 AIts too damn dan3erous2A
A)an3erousBA &alinda almost smiled at that A)a*ids not the physical type2 !e wouldntFA
ARape youE )ont be a fool2 Any man could be dan3erous in a situation such as youre plannin3B And
you*e already misCud3ed him once' ha*ent youEA
She winced at his pointed comment A%hat was two years a3o2 I*e learned a lot since then2 I know him
for what he is2A
!e shook his head2 A-hat makes you think thatEA
AI learned e*erythin3 I needed to know about the man when he came to me after my fathers funeral
and said he was breakin3 off the en3a3ementBA
AAll you learned at that point was that hed wanted to marry you in order to 3ain control of what hed
assumed was a successful company2 You disco*ered he was no lon3er interested in you or the company
when its financial status had been re*ealed2 But you didnt learn anythin3 about what hed be likely to
do in a confrontation such as the one youre plannin3BA Rands *oice was chillin32 A,ace it' he mi3ht
*ery well turn *icious2 But thats not the only risk youre runnin3BA
She frowned' wishin3 on the one hand shed ne*er let him disco*er her real reasons for bein3 in town
and knowin3 on the other that some part of her had wanted to talk to another human bein3 about the
reckless plan2 -hy had that con*enient human bein3 turned out to be this unsympathetic maleE
A-hat other risk could there beEA she snapped' 3oaded by his 3lowerin3 disappro*al2
AAre you sure re*en3e is the real reason youre plannin3 thisEA he 3rowled2 A%wo years a3o you were
in lo*e with the man2 ?aybe youre really here to see if you can pick up the piecesF2A
ANoBA %he idea was ludicrousB AAfter what he did to meEA
A!e hurt you2 People hurt other people all the time but that doesnt always kill the lo*e they ha*e for
each other2A
AI assure you a healthy dose of reality killed any feelin3 I mi3ht ha*e had for )a*id !utton two years
a3o'A she bla8ed2
AYou still feel stron3ly enou3h about the man to want re*en3e'A he reminded her coolly2 A%hey say hate
is akin to lo*e2A
A%hats absurd and you know it'A she scoffed with 3reat certainty2 -hate*er else she felt for )a*id
!utton after two years' &alinda knew lo*e had nothin3 to do with her emotions2
A$Dactly what did happen two years a3o after )a*id took back his rin3EA Rand re3arded her probin3ly'
soundin3 as if he were tryin3 to 3et to the bottom of a serious mystery2
&alinda lifted one shoulder casually2 AI had my hands full tryin3 to sal*a3e the business2 I didnt spend
a lot of time broodin3 o*er my tra3ic romance' if thats what youre thinkin32A
ABrady )ata Processin3' I take it' is no lon3er on the skidsEA he murmured dryly2
ANo' its notA %hat remark brou3ht an unconscious smile of pride and satisfaction to &alindas lips2
A-ere on the way back2 -e*e shown profits for the last three @uarters' in fact2A
"ne chestnut eyebrow lifted in acknowled3ment of the accomplishment AYou must ha*e worked hard
durin3 the past two years2A
AI did'A she admitted simply2 It was the truth2 She had literally buried herself in her work2 And now'
finally' it had all be3un to pay off2 She could afford to relaD and enCoy her well:earned success2
A-hyEA he asked e*enly2
She hesitated2 AI had to2A
AIn order to for3et !uttonEA he demanded' soundin3 thorou3hly irritated at that possibility2
She shook her head' her mouth @uirkin3 upward2 AIt had nothin3 to do with )a*id2 I had to try to
sal*a3e the company because so many people were dependin3 on me2 You dont know what it was
AAn old' established family firm with employees and members of the board whod started out with your
father while still in their teensEA he ha8arded dryly2 APeople whod spent their whole workin3 li*es
She looked at him in astonishment A!ow did you knowEA
AI told you' we arent totally isolated up here'A he retorted cryptically2 AI*e heard of companies like
your fathers2 So bound by traditional ways of doin3 thin3s that they 3ently be3in to sink beneath the
wa*es of pro3ress2 Is that what was happenin3 at the time your father was killedEA
AIm afraid so2 After I 3ot my de3ree in business administration I went to work for another company2 I
knew I wouldnt fit in at my fathers firm2 %hen he was killed and the board of directors asked me to
consider takin3 o*er the day:to:day mana3ement2 After all' Id inherited it and them alon3 with all
those lon3:time employees2 It was almost feudalBA
AAnd you didnt ha*e the heart to li@uidate or sell outEA
A!ow could I do that to all those peopleE But after a few months I reali8ed there was more to it than
Cust a sense of responsibilityF2A
AIt became a challen3eEA he murmured2
AAs I*e said before' youre *ery percepti*e'A &alinda smiled2
ASo now' two years later' you*e 3ot the company back on its feet and )a*id !utton is tryin3 to slip
back into your life2 )oesnt that strike you as somethin3 of a coincidenceEA
&alinda stared at him' shocked at that line of reasonin3 and then shook her head firmly2 A)a*id is
thorou3hly in*ol*ed with his own firmJ the manufacturin3 business where he was *ice:president at the
time of my fathers death has mo*ed him up to president2 -hy should he be interested in Brady )ata
Processin3 nowEA
%here was a len3thy silence from Rands side of the picnic blanket2
ASimple 3reedEA he finally su33ested caustically2
She thou3ht about that' wryly admittin3 that findin3 out )a*ids renewed interest in her was once a3ain
based on Brady )ata Processin3 would be a blow to her e3o2
A!e married well2 Hery well2 !es runnin3 a successful business2A
AAll of which mi3ht make him more 3reedy than e*er2A
A-here did you 3ain all this *ast insi3ht into the moti*ations of other peopleEA she 3rumbled2 AYou
must meet @uite a wide *ariety of tourists up hereBA
AI do2A
A-ell' what you*e Cust su33ested only makes me more determined than e*er to 3o throu3h with my
plan2 If Im ri3ht Ill ha*e the satisfaction of denyin3 him me2 If youre ri3ht' Ill ha*e the satisfaction
of denyin3 him the firmBA
ANeither of which is an ade@uate reason for takin3 the risk of seein3 him a3ain' dammitB You could 3et
hurt in more ways than one' cant you 3et that throu3h your headE -hats the matterE !asnt there been
any other man in the past two years who could take your mind off himEA
&alinda 3a*e him a startled' too:re*ealin3 3lance and he nodded in 3rim satisfaction2 ASo thats it2 !es
the last man you were serious about2 You*e spent the past two years de*otin3 your ener3ies to your
firm and you ha*ent had time for a proper' flamin3 romance which mi3ht ha*e dimmed the memory of
your eD:fiancKBA
A%hats a cra8y line of lo3icB And here I was thinkin3 you so percepti*eBA she hissed' infuriated with
him suddenly2
A-hat you need is someone to replace the memories with a much more interestin3 reality2A Rand
reached for her as &alinda' seein3 the flicker of intent in his eyes' started to ed3e away2 But she wasnt
@uick enou3h2
ARand' dontFA
A+i*e me one ni3ht' &alinda'A he 3rated' his hands on her shoulders2 A7ust one ni3htFA
A-hy' you e3otistical foolB -hat makes you think one ni3ht with a *acation fling would be enou3h to
wipe out the memories of another manE !ow dare you e*en su33estFA
!er words were choked off as she was pressed back onto the blanket2 Rand mo*ed swiftly' anchorin3
her twistin3 le3s with his thi3h and catchin3 her wrists in one of his callus:rou3hened hands2 ?emories
poured throu3h her at his determined touch' but the memories were of the pre*ious e*enin3' not two
years a3o2
AYou werent thinkin3 of !utton last ni3ht' were youEA he challen3ed' holdin3 her still beneath him' his
ha8el eyes 3leamin3 with purpose and the be3innin3s of desire2 AAnd somehow' I 3et the feelin3 youre
not thinkin3 of his kisses ri3ht now eitherBA
ARand' listen to me'A &alinda pleaded' knowin3 she was not eDactly in a position to 3oad him further2
She would ha*e to use reason and the truth if she wanted to calm him2 AIm not carryin3 a torch for
)a*id !utton2 Im an3ry at him for what he did to me two years a3o' but Im not still' in lo*e with himB
Belie*e meB I Cust want a chance to pay him back for treatin3 me so shabbily2 Its called poetic CusticeBA
AIts called bein3 stupid'A he retorted' leanin3 his wei3ht across her chest and 3ently crushin3 her
breasts beneath the thin co*erin3 of the tunic top2 -ith his free hand he li3htly stroked the line of her
throat2 &alinda felt the sli3ht tremor of response in her body and knew hed felt it' too2
AI can assure you that callin3 me stupid is not a 3ood method of seducin3 meBA
!is fin3ers trailed to the unbuttoned collar of the tunic and he smiled crookedly2 A-ho knowsE Perhaps
lady eDecuti*es respond to the more unusual methodsBA
Aet me 3o' Rand'A she ordered forcefully' her eyes narrowed as she looked up at him from the
*ulnerable position2
!is face softened and she heard the new' coaDin3 note in his *oice2 A!oney' cant you see youre on the
*er3e of makin3 a 3i3antic mistakeE You*e said Im percepti*e2 -hy dont you pay attention to that
perceptionE Re3ardless of your moti*ations' the risks are too 3reat2 In addition to bein3 percepti*e' Im
also a man2 +i*e me some credit for bein3 able to predict how another man mi3ht react in the situation
youre tryin3 to set upEA
A!ow would you reactEA she whispered' eyes widenin3 with the @uestion2 She didnt know what had
made her ask it2 "*erhead the pines swayed' breakin3 the path of the sunli3ht so that it dappled their
bodies2 &alinda was *iolently aware of the warm stren3th of Rand and the way his maleness seemed a
part of their wild surroundin3s2 %he clean' musky scent of him reached her nostrils with a tantali8in3
tan3 that elicited a response from her body2
A%hats not easy to answer'A he confessed a little rou3hly' Abecause I cant concei*e of e*er lettin3 you
3o in the first place2A
A"f course you can'A she scoffed bitterly2 AIll bet youre an old hand at mana3in3 the short:term
AIf I did find myself in !uttons shoes for whate*er reason'A he went on deliberately' i3norin3 her
pro*ocation' AI doubt Id meekly sit back and let you ha*e your re*en3e2 If Id arri*ed at an isolated
mountain resort eDpectin3 to rekindle an old romance' Id make damn sure somethin3 did' indeed' 3et
rei3nited2 Youd wind up in my bed' &alinda' re3ardless of your intentions2A
ABut youre not )a*idBA she shot back warily2
ANo' Im not !utton'A he a3reed deeply and lowered his head to take her lips with a passion that
&alinda forced herself to admit shed wanted to taste a3ain2 $*er since hed first eDposed her to it last
!is mouth mo*ed on hers with mountin3 desire as his hand slid down the buttons of the tunic'
unfastenin3 each in turn2 -hen his fin3ers found her unconfined breasts' &alinda 3asped' the soft'
broken moan in her throat stifled by his probin3 ton3ue2
!er own ton3ue mo*ed instincti*ely to en3a3e in the small' intimate duel with his and her arms circled
him2 She raked her nails almost tenderly down the back of his neck and under his collar' deli3htin3
once more in the refleDi*e archin3 of his body a3ainst her2
A&alinda' &alinda'A he 3roaned as he slid his le3 between hers2 A+i*e me one ni3ht2 7ust one ni3ht2 I
swear youll for3et all about him by mornin3BA
!e reached down to push her le3s farther apart' lettin3 his hand trace an erotic pattern a3ainst the
material of her white pants2 She sucked in her bream as he wo*e the pattern steadily upward alon3 her
inner thi3h2 !is mouth be3an to eDplore the line of her throat' mo*in3 slowly' ine*itably toward the
hardenin3 peak of her breast2
A"h' Rand' Rand'A she cried softly' AI shouldnt let you do this to me2 I know I shouldnt2 ItGs cra8yFA
AStop worryin3 about it and Cust accept the way thin3s are between us'A he murmured a3ainst the
warmth of her skin2 A%heres nothin3 wron3 with two people 3ettin3 *ery lucky uneDpectedly2A
Before she could summon her thou3hts for a rational protest' his teeth had closed carefully on one
nipple' sendin3 electric wa*es throu3h her2 %he seducti*e hand tra*elin3 alon3 her thi3h reached the
warm Cuncture of her le3s and she closed her eyes ti3htly' knowin3 he must be aware of the heat he was
3eneratin3 in her2
A!oney' youre practically meltin3 in my hands'A he breathed with be3uilin3 satisfaction as his fin3ers
closed briefly o*er the feminine heart of her desire2 A)ont you reali8e I must ha*e all of youE I ha*e to
know what its like to lose myself completely in your body2 I*e ne*er ached so badly for a woman in
my lifeBA
&alinda writhed' archin3 herself a3ainst his hand and felt the instant response of his own body2
%remblin3' she be3an a sensiti*e' @uestin3 path down his side until she reached the barrier of the Ceans2
Restlessly' deliciously' she slipped her fin3ers Cust inside and heard his hoarse reaction2
APlease touch me'A Rand be33ed' e*en as he be3an to fumble with the clasp of her white trousers2 AI
need to feel your hands on me2 So soft' so eDcitin32A
#nable to resist the ur3ent demand in him' &alinda slowly undid the fastenin3 of his Ceans2 She felt the
tremblin3 in him and knew a womanly power she had ne*er known before2 It was somehow *ery
important and wholly satisfyin3 to know she could make this one particular man respond2 As her senses
whirled di88ily some *a3ue instinct told her that this was the only man in the world whose response
-ith delicate' tender caresses she eDplored the hard' fully aroused male frame2 !e reacted to the
butterfly touches as if they were 3lowin3 lasers2 -hen she sank her fin3ers into the muscular buttock'
she heard him call out her name with a fierceness that eDcited her beyond reason2
But e*en as she sou3ht to inflame him further' &alinda was slippin3 rapidly under the spell Rand was
workin3 on her own body2 She felt the possessi*e spread of his fin3ers on her stomach and turned her
head into his shoulder with a si3h of need when his hand went lower2
AYou cant respond like this to me and still be thinkin3 of that other man'A Rand 3roaned huskily' his
mouth on the silky skin of her stomach2 AYou cantB I wont let youBA
ANo'A she whispered brokenly2 AIm only thinkin3 of you2 I can barely think at allBA
A%hats the way it should be2 ose yourself in me' sweetheart' Cust as Im losin3 myself in you2A
&alinda felt the wa*es of desire wash o*er her' knew a sur3in3 eDcitement shed ne*er eDperienced and
slowly common sense fell aside2
-ith a deep sound of pleasure and anticipation' Rand mo*ed' rollin3 onto his back and pullin3 &alinda
down across his chest2 She blinked as her e@uilibrium swam momentarily and then reacted to the hot
in*itation in his eyes2
)roppin3 passionate little kisses alon3 his shoulder' &alinda pushed aside the sport shirt Rand wore2
Recklessly she wound her fin3ers in the hair on his chest' tu33in3 3ently2
AHiDen'A he muttered enticin3ly and ti3htened his 3rasp on her hip until she 3asped from the curious
AYoure a menace to the male of the species' do you reali8e thatEA he char3ed on a husky note of
impassioned lau3hter2
ANo'A she denied *ehemently' her li3ht:colored hair fallin3 loose to swirl across his chest as she dipped
her ton3ue into the pit of his firm stomach2 AIm not normally like this'A she added uncomprehendin3ly2
AI*e ne*er felt @uite like this2 You do somethin3 cra8y to me' Rand Alastair2A
!is hold on her became at once soothin3 and e*en more demandin3 as he heard the honest
bewilderment in her words2
A%he feelin3'A he 3rowled' Ais mutual ?y +od' womanB %o think we could ha*e 3one for the rest of our
li*es not knowin3 this sensationB If nothin3 else' I shall ha*e to be 3rateful to !utton for lurin3 you up
&alinda fro8e2 )a*ids name was like a dash of cold water in her face2 Slowly' with a 3atherin3 sense
of ama8ed confusion' she lifted her head2 -hat was she doin3E %his was utterly insaneB She hardly
knew this man and here she was makin3 lo*e to him as if he were a lo*er of lon3:standin3B
?utely she met his eyes' knowin3 he was at once aware of the self:dis3ust in her own bleak 3a8e2
A&alindaEA he whispered pleadin3ly2 A-hats wron3' sweetheartEA !is hands encircled her waist'
holdin3 her in place abo*e him2 AStop lookin3 at me like that2 Im not 3oin3 to hurt you2A
AIF I know'A she mana3ed' stru33lin3 to brin3 her reelin3 senses back under control2 ABut I ne*er
meantF I didnt mean to 3et in*ol*ed like this a3ain today2 I dont understand what you do to me' but
its all wron3B -ere all wron32 -eF we dont belon3 to3etherF2A
Painfully' she tried to separate herself from him' thrustin3 a hand throu3h her hair to sweep it back
from her face2 She sat up with the 3reatest care' as if the mo*ement was incredibly difficult2 !is eyes
ne*er left hers and she saw dismay and a 3rowin3 coolness be3in to wipe out the passion that had
looked out at her from the ha8el depths2
A)amn it to hell'A he muttered' his hands still on her waist AIt was !uttons name that did it' wasnt itE
-hat a fool I am2 Youd think a man would know when to keep his mouth shutBA
In spite of the char3ed atmosphere' &alinda knew a rueful spark of humor as she listened to him
condemn his own stupidity2 AIm sorry' Rand2 I should ne*er ha*e let thin3s 3o this far2 I honestly dont
know what 3ot into me2A
!e re3arded her with a narrowed' seethin3 3lance2 AYou*e been a chief eDecuti*e officer for so lon3
you automatically accept the responsibility for whate*er happens around you or to you' ri3htE I*e 3ot
news for you' darlin3' I was in*ol*ed in this' tooB In fact' I started itBA
!e sat up' releasin3 her to rake his hand impatiently throu3h his thick' tousled hair2 AAnd its all my
fault its 3round to a premature haltBA
A,or which Im *ery 3rateful'A she flun3 back' stun3 by his scathin3 tone2 AI ha*e no intention of bein3
a one:ni3ht stand for you' dammitBA
AAnd I ha*e no intention of lettin3 you be a one:ni3ht stand for your eD:fiancKBA
A!ow many times do I ha*e to tell you' thats not the way its 3oin3 to beE Ill be in char3e tomorrow
ni3ht and I know eDactly what Im doin3BA
A%he hell you doB Youre so blinded by your memories of that bastard you cant see the stupidity of
your own plansB If you ran Brady )ata Processin3 with that de3ree of insanity' you would ha*e lost it
to bankruptcy lon3 a3oBA
A-hat do you know about runnin3 a company into insol*encyEA she 3ritted tersely2 A)ont talk to me
about how to run my life or my business2 -e li*e in two separate worlds and you arent in any position
to 3i*e me ad*iceBA She leaped to her feet' madly strai3htenin3 her clothin3 and frantically tryin3 not to
cry2 -hy the threat of tearsE She wished desperately she could fi3ure out why this man had such an
incredible affect on her2 It made no sense at allB
!e stood up beside her with a @uick 3race and cau3ht her wrist A&alinda' Im sorry'A he muttered2
APlease belie*e me2 I ne*er meant to shout at you like that2 But its so damn frustratin3F2A
AA man your a3e must know how to handle a little masculine frustration by nowBA
AIm not talkin3 about the way you Cust frustrated me physically'A he rasped' 3i*in3 her a small shake2
AIm talkin3 about how frustratin3 it is to try to make you see reason2 You cant 3o throu3h with your
plans for tomorrow ni3ht2 Its too dan3erous2A !is *oice lowered 3ruffly' persuasi*ely2 APlease 3i*e me
a chance to make you chan3e your mind2 I meant what I said a little while a3o2 +i*e me one ni3ht and I
can make you for3et him2A
AYour e3o is as *ast as )a*idsBA
%he moment the words left her mouth &alinda could ha*e bitten her ton3ue2 Red stained the tanned
hei3hts of his cheekbones as he reacted to the comparison of himself with the other man2 !is fin3ers on
her wrist ti3htened bruisin3ly2
Impulsi*ely' without stoppin3 to think' &alinda lifted her hand to touch the side of his face with a
placatin3 3esture' her eyes soft and apolo3etic2
AIm sorry I said that'A she whispered huskily2 AI didnt mean to imply you were anythin3 like him2 I
know youre not' belie*e me2A
She waited in an a3ony of suspense' watchin3 the play of emotions across his features2 She hadnt
meant to hurt him' hadnt really stopped to think that he could be hurt2 Not by her2 !e hardly knew herB
A%hat'A he finally said e*enly' Awas a rather low blowBA
She winced' unconsciously sinkin3 her teeth into her lower lip as she met his hard' accusin3 stare2
AI know2 Im sorry2A She didnt know what else to say2
!e searched her face a moment lon3er and then appeared to relaD sli3htly2 ABut maybe you werent so
far off the mark'A he si3hed2 AI suppose it must sound like sheer male e3o talkin3 when I tell you all I
need is one ni3ht to put that man out of your head fore*er2A
&alinda said nothin3' but she didnt deny his statement2 !is mouth twisted wryly2 !e raised his free
hand and wrapped it around her neck under the fall of brown:blond hair2 She felt him li3htly massa3in3
her nape and a3ainst her will her knees seemed to weaken2 She didnt understand his affect on her but
she knew it was dan3erous2 ,ar more dan3erous than any risks she mi3ht be runnin3 in her plot to
a*en3e herself on )a*id2
AAll I can say' sweetheart' is that it isnt my e3o talkin3' its that Iperception you keep creditin3 me
with'A he half:smiled2 A-ont you listen to itEA
ARand' we arent meant for each other2 Not e*en for a ni3ht'A &alinda said sadly2 ACant you understand
thatE -ere two entirely different people2 You need an easy:3oin3' outdoorsy sort of woman2 Perhaps
someone who is also an artist2A
AAnd youre a hi3h:powered' competiti*e female eDecuti*e who likes the 3ood thin3s in life' ri3htEA he
finished for her with a knowin3 look2 AA woman who knows what she wants in a relationship and
doesnt think shes 3oin3 to find it in me2 After all' Im a la8y' 3ood:for:nothin3' ski:bum:fisherman
who sells a few artsy:craftsy thin3s on the side to keep the wolf from the door2 Completely lackin3 in
the 3ood old American work ethic2A
&alinda thou3ht about the white otus and the eDpensi*ely furnished home by the lake and refrained
from in@uirin3 as to the source of those thin3s2 She mi3ht not like the answer2 %he thou3ht that she had
met up with a professional 3i3olo and had almost let him make lo*e to her was totally unner*in32 She
didnt want to know which rich lady tourist had paid for the otus last winterB
But e*en as she thou3ht the worst of him' &alinda knew she didnt ha*e all the facts2 She barely knew
him2 She would try to refrain from Cud3in3 him2 !e had his own life to li*e Cust as she had hers2
ARand' please' dont put words in my mouth2 ets Cust say we come from two different walks of life'
okayE -e should ne*er ha*e let oursel*es 3et carried away like this on the basis of a simple physical
A-ell' at least youre admittin3 we ha*e 3ot that much 3oin3 for usBA
She smiled weakly' shakin3 her head in eDasperation2 AI cant *ery well deny that' can IE But its not
enou3h2 Im not in the market for a weekend affair and thats final2 I think Id better be 3ettin3 back to
the motel2A
A-hat about dinner toni3htEA he countered coolly2 AI*e already bou3ht the steaks and the wine2A
She looked at him helplessly2 AAnd chan3ed the sheets on the bed' too' I eDpectEA
!e stared at her for a second and then 3rinned that en3a3in3' sli3htly feral 3rin which was so
unbelie*ably attracti*e on him2 A!ow did you 3uessEA
AI ha*e this stran3e feelin3 you*e 3ot the routine down patBA
ANo'A he denied at once' soberin32 A%his time its special2 %heres nothin3 routine about it2 Please'
&alinda2 !a*e dinner with me toni3ht2A
ASo you can spend the e*enin3 tryin3 to talk me out of my plansEA she si3hed2
ANo thanksBA
AI swear I wont dra3 you off to bed2A %here was a meanin3ful pause2 A#nless' of course' you decide
thats where you belon3' after all2 7ust promise to ha*e dinner with me2 I swear I wont muscle you into
the bedroom2A
A-ell only spend the time ar3uin3 o*er what Im 3oin3 to do tomorrow ni3ht'A she protested' knowin3
she was weakenin3 before the persuasi*eness in him2
A!a*e you 3ot anythin3 better to do than ar3ue with meEA he murmured' his fin3ers on her nape
mo*in3 li3htly' seducti*ely2 A%hink of it as an opportunity to con*ince me you know what youre
A!ow can I refuse such a charmin3 in*itationBA she muttered dryly' wretchedly aware that spendin3 the
e*enin3 with him was eDactly what she wanted to do' re3ardless of the complications in*ol*ed2
AYou hi3h:powered female eDecuti*es are all alike'A he taunted on a soft rumble of lau3hter as he bent
to brush his lips a3ainst hers2 ACant resist a challen3eBA
Rand was a man of his word' &alinda decided much later that ni3ht as she 3rimly closed her motel
room door and went to the window to watch the otus disappear into the ni3ht2 Ne*er had she spent an
e*enin3 like the one he had Cust put her throu3hB
She turned away from the window' lettin3 the drape fall into place and morosely sur*eyed her room2 It
had been one line of reasonin3 after another' one ar3ument after another' one persuasi*e attack on her
lo3ic after another2 She felt utterly eDhausted' she thou3ht with a rueful 3rimace2
!e had ama8ed her with his strate3y' leapin3 nimbly from one point to the neDt in his efforts to
con*ince her she was makin3 a mistake in tryin3 for re*en3e on )a*id !utton2
And' in spite of his hints to the contrary' Rand had not resorted a3ain to seduction2 &alinda shook her
head wryly2 Instead' he had fed her well' spent se*eral hours intently Adiscussin3A the matter at hand'
and then hed left her on her doorstep with the most sin3ly de*astatin3 comment of the e*enin32
AAsk yourself'A hed ordered softly as hed opened her door for her' Awhy youre e*en botherin3 to
listen to me in the first place2 ,ace it' &alinda' you want to be talked out of this fiasco2 %hats the
reason you told me the truth this afternoon' isnt itE So that I could ha*e a chance to play de*ils
!e hadnt waited for her crushin3 retort2 Instead' hed *aulted easily down the steps' slid into the otus
and disappeared2 ea*in3 &alinda behind to face a serious attack of self:honesty2
%he depressin3 part about the e*enin3' she thou3ht as she slipped into the satin and lace ni3ht3own and
climbed into bed' was that all of his ar3uments were reasonable2 It was a foolish and potentially
dan3erous scheme she had concocted2 But e*en Rand hadnt hit on the one factor which was really
troublin3 her about her own plans2
It was a factor which &alinda had kept pushin3 into the back3round but which had become stron3er
than e*er as Rands ar3uments had weakened the rest of her lo3ic2 %hat factor was )a*id !uttons wife2
As ,riday ni3ht approached' the unknown wife loomed lar3er and lar3er in &alindas mind2 It was one
of the reasons shed arri*ed early at the rende8*ous point2 Shed wanted time to think about what she
was doin32 %ime away from the pressures of work' from plannin3 the party scheduled for the followin3
week to entertain business associates' time away from her current and casual escorts of the moment2
Shed retreated to the mountains to con*ince herself she was doin3 the Custifiable thin3 and here shed
met a man who probably should ha*e been a prosecutin3 attorney instead of a part:time arts and crafts
&alinda had ne*er met Arleen !utton but she knew a certain amount about her2 At the time )a*id had
broken off the en3a3ement there had been no lack of AfriendsA to tell &alinda whod taken her place2
Arleen was the dau3hter of a wealthy Colorado rancher2 Shed brou3ht money to the marria3e'
accordin3 to &alindas ac@uaintances' and she was reputed to be a *ery beautiful woman2 She was also
a few years youn3er than &alinda2
It had been easy not to think about her' especially since &alinda had no intention of actually tryin3 to
steal her husband away2 But more and more fre@uently durin3 the past week an insistent ima3e had
come to mind2 %he ima3e of an innocent wife disco*erin3 her husband was meetin3 a woman at a
remote mountain retreat2
&alinda' blessed with an empathy she could ha*e done well without in the business world' couldnt
help wonderin3 how shed feel if she were that wife2 And now Rand had systematically demolished all
the reasons for re*en3e' lea*in3 only the face of the unknown wife to haunt &alindas conscience2
)amn the manB She turned furiously o*er in bed' poundin3 the pillow with a dis3usted fist2 !is talents
truly had been wasted in lifeB -ith that sort of sin3le:minded stren3th of purpose' he could ha*e done
Cust about anythin3 he wanted in the worldB But' she supposed thou3htfully' perhaps thats eDactly what
he had done2 Perhaps he was @uite content to fish and ski and make lo*ely pieces of pottery2 And date
rich touristsB
She lay starin3 at the ceilin3 for a lon3 time after that' tryin3 to recall the hurt and humiliation shed
felt two years a3o2 A hurt and humiliation that had come in the wake of the tra3edy of her fathers death
and had' therefore' been all the more de*astatin32 &alindas parents had been di*orced se*eral years
pre*iously and her mother had mo*ed to $urope with her new husband the year &alinda had 3one off
to colle3e2 &alinda had faced both the tra3edy and the humiliation @uite alone2
But it was difficult toni3ht to resurrect those old feelin3s2 %he habit of wantin3 re*en3e was still there
in her mind' but the emotions dri*in3 those feelin3s were 3one2 If she were completely honest with
herself' &alinda thou3ht wonderin3ly' shed reali8e they had been missin3 for some time2 %wo years of
hard work and success had killed them rather effecti*ely2
It had been only the habit that had made her Cump at the opportunity of payin3 back )a*id !utton2
Now' a combination of her conscience and the relentless ar3uments of a man she had only known for
two days seemed to ha*e succeeded in killin3 e*en the habit of wantin3 re*en3e2 &alinda thou3ht once
a3ain of the unknown wife and of her own stupidity in wantin3 re*en3e on a man who wasnt worth the
time of day2
She made up her mind about what to do in the mornin3 and went *ery soundly to sleep2
She dialed the pri*ate line number of )a*id !uttons office promptly at ei3ht oclock the neDt mornin32
!e was there' Cust as she had eDpected him to be2 -hate*er else could be said of the man' he was a hard
worker2 It was one of the thin3s she had admired about him in the be3innin3F2
A)a*id' this is &alindaFA she be3an firmly' coolly2
A+ettin3 impatient' darlin3EA he chuckled knowin3ly2 AIt wont be much lon3er now2 Im takin3 off
around twel*e2 Ill be in the mountains by the middle of the afternoon2 $nCoyin3 yourselfE Your office
said youd taken off a couple of eDtra days2A
AI left that messa3e in case you tried to 3et in touch with me'A she affirmed2 ABut' )a*idFA
AI cant wait to see you a3ain' &ali2 +od' its been a lon3 timeB I keep wonderin3 what happened to us
two years a3o2 -e had so much 3oin3 for us'A he murmured deeply into the phone2
&alinda 3ritted her teeth2 !e knew *ery well what had happened to them two years a3oB !ed caused it
to happenB But the momentary an3er died @uickly' lea*in3 once a3ain her newfound determination2
A)a*id'A she said calmly' Aits no 3ood2 Im not 3oin3 to meet you up here2 Im callin3 so you wont
make the dri*e for nothin32A
%here was a fra3ment of stunned silence on the other end of the line and then )a*ids *oice came
A%his is hardly the time to 3et cold feet' &ali2 -e*e 3ot e*erythin3 planned2 )ont panic' darlin32 7ust
sit ti3ht for a few more hours until I 3et there2 -ell talk e*erythin3 out2 Youll seeBA
?entally &alinda pictured him sittin3 behind his desk in the downtown hi3hrise where his company
had its head@uarters2 It was a handsome ima3e in many respects2 )a*id !utton was a 3ood:lookin3
man with dark brown hair and eyes2 !e would be thirty:siD now and' unless hed chan3ed a lot in the
past couple of years' still lean and dynamic2 !e dressed well' li*ed well' and admired those who did
likewise2 %wo years a3o &alinda thou3ht they would ha*e made a 3ood couple2 It was with a small start
that she reali8ed this mornin3 they would ha*e made a disastrous couple2 It would probably ha*e been
her )a*id was plannin3 to cheat today instead of the unknown woman who was his wife2
AIm not 3ettin3 cold feet' )a*id2 I*e simply chan3ed my mind2A Shed decided earlier on the
approach she would use2 If she told )a*id shed only been plottin3 to make a fool of him' he would be
infuriated and she didnt feel like puttin3 up with that sort of scene2 She would lea*e him with a sop for
his e3o' annoyin3 as that course of action mi3ht be for her2
A-hy' &alindaEA he demanded with the first touch of a chill in his *oice2
AItGs wron3' )a*id' and we both know it2 %heres your wife to consider' for one thin3 and theres the
little matter of both our reputations2 -hat if someone were to disco*er whats 3oin3 onEA
A%hats hardly likely'A he 3rowled forcefully2 AAnd you dont ha*e to concern yourself with my wife2
I*e ne*er really talked to you about my marria3e' darlin32 Its one of the thin3s I wanted to discuss
with you this weekend2 ItsF its been somethin3 of a business arran3ement'A he hinted delicately as if
castin3 out a lure2
&alinda lifted one brow sardonically but said calmly into the phone' AIm afraid thats your problem'
)a*id2 All I know is I dont want to be in*ol*ed in a trian3leF2A
A&ali' honey' stop talkin3 like that'A he coaDed' soundin3 a little desperate and *ery determined2 A%his
is Cust between you and I2 Now you stay put2 Ill be up there in a few hours2 I can 3et away earlier than
planned2 -ell talk this out in person2A
A+o ahead and dri*e up here' )a*id' if you like2 But I wont be here2 I mean it' Im not seein3 you
a3ain2A &alinda felt her patience and reasonableness slippin3 away2 %he firmness in her words was
unmistakable2 Aets Cust a3ree we were on the *er3e of doin3 somethin3 we both would ha*e re3retted
and let it 3o at that2A
ANoB &ali' listen to me You would ne*er ha*e a3reed to see me a3ain if you werent still interested2 You
know that2 -e can recapture what we once had if we only 3i*e it a chanceFA
A"h' 3o to hell' )a*idBA she finally snapped' dis3usted with him and with herself for ha*in3 3otten into
the mess2 A)o you want to know the real reason I a3reed to meet you up hereE I was 3oin3 to let you
dri*e all the way up with notions of startin3 an affair and then I was 3oin3 to encoura3e you to think I
was e@ually interested2 I was 3oin3 to let you wine and dine me' make you think you were on the point
of seducin3 me and then I was 3oin3 to lau3h in your faceB I ne*er had any intention of rekindlin3 our
old romance' you idiotB !ow could I after what you did two years a3oE You destroyed whate*er we
mi3ht ha*e had to3ether and I ha*e no interest in rakin3 throu3h the ashes2 +ood:bye' )a*id2 )ont
call me a3ainBA
She set the recei*er firmly back into the cradle and sur3ed irritably to her feet2 )ammitB She hadnt
meant to wind up the phone call that way' but hed asked for it2 She wanted out of the awkward
situation and shed offered him a reasonable way of callin3 it @uits2 !e had only himself to blame for
ha*in3 annoyed her to the point where shed told him the truth2
She 3lanced around the small motel room' impatient to escape now that the decision had been made
and action taken2 She wanted away from these mountains' away from the scene of the canceled fiasco2
She went to the closet and be3an packin3 the chocolate leather lu33a3e2 She wore the white cotton
tuDedo shirt shed had on the first day with the khaki trousers and her hair was in the neat twist behind
one ear2 She felt as cool and self:confident as she looked2 She had made the ri3ht decision2
"r had it made for her' she reflected ruefully' thinkin3 of Rand Alastair as she swun3 the soft leather
case into her sil*er ?ercedes2
By the time she checked out of the motel it was nearly nine oclock2 She climbed behind the wheel of
the car and wondered what Rand was doin32 -as he thinkin3 about herE Concerned about what her
final decision would beE
&alinda sat @uietly in the seat before startin3 the en3ine2 starin3 strai3ht ahead throu3h the windshield
and thinkin3 about Rand2 She would ne*er see him a3ain and that seemed rather stran3e' considerin3
the effect hed had on her durin3 the past two days2
But it was for the best' of course2 %here was no chance for anythin3 solid and lastin3 between them2 !e
was ob*iously content to li*e the undemandin3 life here in the mountains and she was both to thri*e in
the city2 %here would be other lady tourists to amuse him and with the comin3 of ski season hed
probably ha*e to close up the shop completely in order to handle both his skiin3 and his dates' she told
herself 3rimly2
-ith a decisi*e 3esture she started the en3ine and backed the car out of its slot2 No' Rand wasnt her
sort of man by a lon3 shot2 She needed someone alto3ether more like herself2 And she didnt need an
affair that came to life only on the weekends she mana3ed to dri*e up into the mountains2
But somehow &alinda wasnt alto3ether surprised to find herself 3uidin3 the sil*er car alon3 the
narrow lakeside road toward Rands home2 She would only stop lon3 enou3h to say 3ood:bye' she told
herself2 !e deser*ed to know his ar3uments had been effecti*e2 She really belie*ed hed been
3enuinely concerned for her in this matter2
She was still Custifyin3 her reasons for stoppin3 to say farewell se*eral minutes later as she parked the
?ercedes neDt to the otus and opened the door2 %he si3ht of the sleek' white sports car brou3ht up the
depressin3 ima3e of a professional 3i3olo a3ain and &alinda told herself she was absolutely ri3ht in her
decision not to see Rand a3ain after this mornin32 %wo ships passin3 in the ni3ht2
%he mornin3 sunli3ht was cornin3 cheerfully throu3h the swayin3 pines as she knocked tentati*ely on
the door2 She really didnt know that much about his habits' &alinda thou3ht as she waited for a
response2 Perhaps hed 3one fishin32 "r perhaps he was still asleep2 ?aybe today he would rouse
himself sufficiently to open the 3allery2
She was runnin3 throu3h the list of possibilities for not findin3 him at home when the door was
abruptly flun3 open2
-hate*er &alinda had planned to say was s@uelched before she could form the words by the si3ht of
him standin3 on the threshold starin3 at her2 !e looked terribleB %he chestnut hair was ruffled as if hed
been combin3 his hand throu3h it2 %he ha8el eyes were dark and strained and there was a desperately
tired' ha33ard look about him which cau3ht at her heart2 !e was wearin3 the faded Ceans and an
unbuttoned white shirt with the slee*es rolled up2 !e held a cup of coffee in one hand2
In the instant of silent re3ard that passed between them' &alinda felt the taut emotion *ibratin3 in the
atmosphere2 She met his eyes and be3an a frantic search for somethin3 reasonable to say2 !e didnt
look at all reasonable' howe*er2
ARand' IF I only stopped by to tellFA she be3an2
!is hand fell away from the door and the cup of coffee was set down on a nearby stand2 %he ha8el eyes
flared to life with a deep' hun3ry 3leam as he reached for her2
AYou came to tell me you*e chan3ed your mind about meetin3 !utton toni3ht at the motel'A he stated
e*enly' his fin3ers slidin3 around her neck while his thumbs went under her Caw to hold her face so that
she could not look away2
AYes'A she said simply' feelin3 the currents of physical awareness passin3 throu3h her2 !e looked
awful' she told herself a3ain' and somehow he made her want to take him in her arms and comfort him2
!ow could that beE
AIts about time you 3ot here'A he whispered thickly' pullin3 her 3ently' ineDorably toward him2 AI*e
spent most of the ni3ht walkin3 the floor o*er you' &alinda Brady2 %hank +od you*e finally decided
to put me out of my miseryBA
!is mouth came hea*ily down on hers before she could think of a way to respond to his words2 And as
soon as she felt his warm' a33ressi*e passion flood her senses' &alinda reali8ed this was the real reason
shed talked herself into sayin3 3ood:bye to him2
AI was sure I could 3et you to make the ri3ht decision'A he said huskily a3ainst her lips2 ASo sure2 But
there was always the possibility Id 3uessed wron32A
AAre you often wron3 about peopleEA she asked softly' her hands slidin3 up his chest' pushin3 aside the
loosely han3in3 shirt2
AHery seldom'A he replied e@ually softly2 ABut its ne*er been @uite this important to be ri3ht beforeBA
%hen his mouth closed fiercely o*er hers once more' the tip of his probin3 ton3ue flickin3 across her
lips and ultimately claimin3 the inner warmth of her mouth2
&alinda shi*ered beneath the onslau3ht' thrustin3 aside her common sense and knowin3 as she felt his
hands mo*e on her that this mornin3 she was 3oin3 to surrender to the pull of an intense passion shed
ne*er known before2
!e heard the soft si3h with which she accepted the reality of their desire and Rand folded her ti3htly'
tenderly a3ainst him' an answerin3 3roan of need deep in his chest2
!is fin3ers found the line of her spine and tracked upward' sendin3 out little eddies of sensuous current
at e*ery point alon3 the way2 &alinda felt him arch her a3ainst his lower body and she moaned her
achin3 response2
AI*e wanted you from the moment I saw you'A he breathed' strin3in3 slow' damp little kisses alon3 her
cheek to the nape of her neck2 -ith one stron3 hand he held her face buried in his shoulder while his
teeth nipped erotically at the *ulnerable neck he was barin32
%he tuDedo:styled shirt and lacy bra seemed to float free of her body' lea*in3 her nude from the waist
up2 %he mornin3 sunli3ht danced alon3 the silky skin of her shoulders and she heard Rands indrawn
breath2 +ently he freed her hair2
AIm eDhausted from pacin3 my floorJ I*e had so much coffee its a wonder Im able to think at all2
Ne*er in my life ha*e I had so many doubts about my own Cud3ment' but suddenly I feel fantastic'A
Rand 3rowled as she played her fin3ers across the muscles of his back' her hands mo*in3 under the
white shirt2
A"h' Rand'A she breathed helplessly' findin3 his tanned throat with her @uestin3 lips2 AI shouldnt be
ABut you are and thats all that counts'A he interrupted in a passion:rou3hened *oice2 !e trembled
beneath the touch of her lips and &alinda was thrilled to be able to arouse him as he aroused her2 It was
cra8y and it could only happen between them once but she was twenty:nine years old and she was
suddenly determined to sample the depths of true desire2 All the ar3uments a3ainst one:time encounters
with *irtual stran3ers could be dra33ed out later when she was back in the reality of )en*er2 %his was a
stolen moment out of time that would ne*er come her way a3ain2 !ow could she pass it byE
A&alinda' &alinda' I want you so much and I was so afraid at times durin3 the ni3ht that you wouldnt
come to meF2A
She shook her head wordlessly' her lashes dustin3 her cheeks as she lowered her eyes from the flamin3
want in his 3a8e2 She hadnt known herself that she would come to him like this2 Nor did she want to
think about her own actions in that moment2 Instead she clun3 to him with an intensity that ama8ed her2
She felt the lean stren3th in his hips as her hands searched out the feel of him beneath the ti3ht Ceans2
A-hy are we standin3 hereE I ha*e the perfect place for us'A he rasped and swun3 her hi3h into his
arms2 &alinda pressed her lips to his now:naked shoulder and closed her eyes once more as he strode
down the cream:carpeted hall to a bedroom full of caramels and browns2
!e settled her 3ently on the sun:dappled bed' her li3ht:colored hair fannin3 out across the rich 3olden
brown bedspread2 ,or a moment he stood 3a8in3 down at her and then he sat beside her' his hands
3oin3 to the lon3 tendrils of hair2
AIts almost the same color as my bedspread'A he half:smiled' strokin3 luDuriously2 AYour skin looks
like cream in the mornin3 li3ht2A !is eyes roamed warmly o*er her as he slowly unbuckled the web
belt of her khaki trousers and finished undressin3 her2
!e performed the task with infinite care' pausin3 to caress each inch of skin re*ealed until she lay
naked beneath his hands2 !e stroked his fin3ers in lan3uid' delicious little circles alon3 the len3th of
her le3 from ankle to thi3h2 By the time he reached her hip &alinda was tremblin3 with desire2
Apparently satisfied with his efforts' Rand pulled away for a moment' slidin3 @uickly' impatiently out
of his Ceans and returnin3 to her welcomin3 arms with a hoarsely whispered eDclamation of need2
AI was 3oin3 to head strai3ht back to )en*er after callin3 )a*id this mornin3'A she whispered as he
3athered her close2 ABut somehow I couldnt lea*e without seein3 youF2A
AI would ha*e 3one mad if you hadnt2A
!e buried his lips at the cur*e of her shoulder' nippin3 3ently at her skin while his hand closed
possessi*ely o*er her breast2 %he firmin3 nipple beneath his palm seemed to arouse him further and
&alinda reached down to touch him with intimate wonder2
A)id you really spend the ni3ht pacin3 the floorEA she asked breathlessly' as his body stirred ardently
a3ainst hers2
A-hat does it look likeEA he 3rowled ruefully2 ABut it was worth it to open the door this mornin3 and
find you standin3 there2 I took one look at you and knew I didnt ha*e to worry any lon3erBA
!e raked a trail of pleasure across the taut nipple' down her sensiti*e stomach and alon3 her thi3h'
followin3 his hand with his lips2 !er fin3ers twisted passionately in his hair as he slid lower on her
body and when his eDcitin3 kisses found her secret core of desire she cried out2
A"h' my +od' RandB Youre dri*in3 me wild2 I*e ne*er known this kind ofF of aching!"
!e turned his head and kissed the inside of her thi3h2 !er le3 shifted refleDi*ely' her knee liftin3
alon3side his body2
AI know eDactly what youre talkin3 about'A he murmured thickly' his fin3ers s@uee8in3 into the
softness of her cur*in3 bottom2 AAfter I took you back to the motel last ni3ht I told myself I was a fool'
that I should ha*e kept you here and taken you to bed re3ardless of what you thou3ht you wanted at the
time2 But I knew it would be better if it happened this wayF2A
AYou seem to ha*e known me better than I knew myself for a while'A she admitted' twistin3 restlessly
a3ainst him2 !er breathin3 came in short' broken little pants as she felt the ra3in3 hun3er take control
of her2
AAnd now Im 3oin3 to know you e*en more thorou3hly'A he *owed2 AIm 3oin3 to make you mine this
mornin3' &alinda Brady2 I ha*e toBA
She saw the smolderin3 fire in his eyes as he raised himself with sudden intention and her own whirlin3
senses spun chaotically out of control2
Rand trapped her ankle with his le3 and an instant later he settled alon3 the len3th of her' co*erin3 her
soft' cur*in3 body with his hard' thrillin3 stren3th2
But e*en as she reached up to clin3 to him and draw him down to her' &alinda was aware that he was
determined to hold off the ultimate union a little lon3er2
APlease'A she whimpered' becomin3 incredibly aroused as he stoked the fire in her e*er hi3her2 APlease'
Rand2 IF I need youBA
!is response was to mo*e a3ainst her with a teasin3' pro*okin3 mo*ement that nearly dro*e her out of
her mind when he failed to complete it2
A%ell me'A he commanded' a yearnin3 tone lacin3 the fierce order' A%ell me how much you need meJ
how much you want meF2A
A?ore than I*e e*er wanted any man'A she confessed ra33edly' her head thrown back a3ainst the
pillow' her body archin3 with consummate pleadin3 into his2 AI*e ne*er e*en known howF how
necessary it could beBA %hat was nothin3 less than the shatterin3 truth2 Ne*er had she felt like this'
wanted a man so desperately2
A%hats how I need you'A he swore deeply2 AI had to hear you say it2 I had to know!"
!is hands 3ripped her shoulders and his body sur3ed passionately a3ainst hers' claimin3 it utterly and
completely2 &alindas breath cau3ht in her throat and she could only clin3 and clin3 and clin3 to the
powerful masculine body2 Instincti*ely she sou3ht to en*elope his stren3th' make him a part of her2
Rand held her so ti3htly they seemed to mer3e into one bein32 !e licked at the sheen of perspiration
that shimmered on the slope of her breast as he set the rhythm of their desire2
A?y +od' sweetheart'A he 3roaned2 AYoure flamin3 like a torch for meBA
&alinda could only 3asp her wonder and desire2 No man had e*er beckoned to her deepest needs with
the irresistible lure of such honest and o*erwhelmin3 male hun3er2 It was primiti*e and it was real yet
it was astonishin3ly tender at times2 It cut throu3h all the layers of ci*ili8ation and sophistication2
She cried out as the threshold was reached' her body shi*erin3 with a sudden con*ulsi*e ener3y shed
ne*er known before2 It arched her throat' tautened e*ery muscle in her and brou3ht a mind:spinnin3
sense of release2
Abo*e her she heard the harsh' muffled shout of satisfaction and male triumph as Rand followed her
o*er the ma3ic threshold' wrappin3 her ri3htly to him in preparation for the lon3' lan3uid descent on
the other side2
A&alinda' my sweet &alinda'A he breathed o*er and o*er a3ain as the sunli3ht played across their damp'
naked bodies2 %he fra3rance of the mountains drifted throu3h the open window' combinin3 with the
earthy' honest scent of their passion and &alinda inhaled it deeply2
A%ell me the truth'A Rand 3rated ur3ently2 A)o you ha*e any re3rets about not seein3 that other manE
Any at allEA
She turned a3ainst him' liftin3 her eyes to meet the surprisin3ly *ulnerable eDpression in his own2
ANone'A she smiled softly2
!e closed his coppery lashes for a lon3 moment and she felt the 3ratitude in him2
AYou had me so damn scared'A he admitted wryly' leanin3 back a3ainst the pillows to stare intently at
the ceilin32 ASo damn scaredBA
ASomehow I cant en*ision you scared of anythin3'A she retorted li3htly2
AYou should ha*e seen me at four this mornin3BA
A-ere you really so concerned about meEA
AIf you hadnt shown up here or at the shop by this afternoon' I would ha*e taken matters in my own
hands2 I couldnt let you meet him' &alinda2 It would ha*e been so dan3erousBA !e shook his head once
on the pillow as if awed by the near miss2
AI appreciate your interest'A she murmured 3ently' Abut it really wasnt that bi3 a riskB !es simply not
the *iolent sortBA
AYoure a little nai*e' sweetheart' but thats okay'A he half:3rinned' liftin3 a hand to ruffle her already
tan3led hair as he turned to look at her2 A$*en if you were ri3ht about his de3ree of potential *iolence'
there was my other' e@ually stron3 fearBA
A%hat Id fall back under his spellE %hat was ne*er a possibility' Rand2 Belie*e me2A
ABut you still felt so stron3ly about him'A he persisted2
ANo' talkin3 to you made me reali8e all I felt was the habit of hatin3 him2 %he feelin3 that he ou3ht to
be punished2 But it was a hollow sort of emotion2 It was a relief to call the whole thin3 off2 %hen' too' I
kept thinkin3 about his poor wife2 In the end' I Cust thanked my lucky stars I wasnt in her shoes as I so
easily could ha*e been2A
A!ow did he take it when you phoned him this mornin3EA
&alinda lifted one bare shoulder dismissin3ly2 A!e wasnt *ery pleased2 I 3a*e him all the lo3ical
reasons why we shouldnt meet2 !is wife' our reputations2 I tried to make it sound as if two reasonable
people should a3ree to call the whole thin3 off before it 3ot started2A
A)id he buy itEA %here was a wary look in the ha8el eyes as they narrowed sli3htly2
A!e kept tryin3 to talk me into stayin3 here until he could arri*e and talk me around'A she confessed2 AI
finally 3ot fed up and told him the truth' that I had a3reed to the weekend in the first place because I
wanted a little re*en3e for the way hed treated me two years a3o2 %hen I told him not to call me a3ain
and hun3 up the phone2A
A-hats that supposed to meanEA she demanded' mouth cur*in3 at his skeptical tone2
A,or3et it' honey2 -ell talk about it later2A !e yawned eDtra*a3antly2 A!ell' Im eDhaustedB You wore
me out'A he chuckled affectionately2
AYou wore yourself out pacin3 a floor for no reason at allBA
A"h' I had my reasons'A he retorted sleepily2 ABut my reasons are all tucked safely into my bed for the
moment2 -ill you think Im a callous brute if I 3rab a nap' honeyEA !e slanted her a pleadin3 3lance2
!e looked so sleepy that &alinda found herself smilin3 with a tenderness shed ne*er felt toward a
man2 Almost lo*in3ly she stroked the an3led plane of his cheek2
A-e*e 3ot a lot to discuss'A he murmured' already half:asleep2
&alinda felt the moisture behind her lashes and blinked it away determinedly2 She waited until she felt
his hold on her loosen and knew for certain he was makin3 up for the sleep hed missed the pre*ious
%hen' aware there could be only one endin3 for this kind of passionate interlude' she slowly rose from
the caramel bedspread and be3an to dress2
&alinda stood at the window of her office in downtown )en*er and looked out across the ?ile:!i3h
City with remote eyes2 Situated on the plains with the mountains nearby to the west' )en*er had
become the li*ely' thri*in3 head@uarters of the business empire of the Rocky ?ountain states2
%he swirl of new money from the ener3y boom which had so affected the city had' in turn' stimulated
other businesses2 +leamin3 hi3hrise buildin3s in the downtown area 3a*e e*idence of the in*estment
capital pourin3 into the area2
"il' coal and uranium had beckoned the modern prospectors and speculators2 In the last century it had
been the lure of 3old2 But )en*ers residents' while they may ha*e been lured to the 3ateway city by
the promise of new opportunities' soon became a fiercely loyal lot for other reasons2
Not the least of those reasons was the citys proDimity to the fabulous *acation areas of the Rockies2
)urin3 the winter the mountains offered some of the finest powder snow for skiin3 that could be found
in the world2 ?any claimed the Colorado mountains were the #nited States e@ui*alent of $uropes
Alps2 )urin3 the summer those same mountains were a breathtakin3 wonderland of cra33y peaks and
3reen *alleys2
And that' &alinda thou3ht with dis3ust as she turned away from the window' was all she seemed to be
able to think about for the past two days2 %he mountains2 -as she doomed to remember the man she
had met there e*erytime she looked out her windowE
!ow lon3 did it take to reco*er from a weekend flin3E she asked herself for the thousandth time as she
poured a cup of tea and moodily sur*eyed her office2 It was an attracti*e office with 3old carpet and a
hea*y maho3any desk she had inherited when she took o*er her fathers role2 %he colors werent hers'
but there had been more important uses for the companys funds durin3 the past two years than
redecoratin3 the presidents @uartersB
She sipped her tea' starin3 at the report in front of her and told herself she was 3oin3 to ha*e to put
Rand Alastair out of her head once and for all2 And the most efficient way of doin3 that was by
throwin3 herself back into her work2 She should be worryin3 about the cocktail party she was 3i*in3
that e*enin3' not dwellin3 on the eDhausted features of the man she had left sleepin3 in the house by
the lake2 )eterminedly &alinda brou3ht her well:de*eloped powers of concentration to bear on the
companys recent audit report2 She wanted the numbers clear in her head when she met with the
members of the board later that week2
She was well into the matter at hand when the intercom chimed softly on her desk2
AYes' +eor3eEA she said absently into the speaker' her eyes still on the fi3ures in front of her2
A%heres a call from ?r2 )a*id !utton' ?iss Brady2 -ill you take itEA +eor3e Barretts calm' efficient
manner was laced with Cust a hint of his own feelin3s on the subCect2 +eor3e' to the astonishment of
almost e*eryone' had turned out to be the perfect secretary2 !e saw himself as breakin3 the seDual
discrimination barriers in re*erse and stro*e tirelessly for professionalism and competency2 !e ne*er
allowed a hint of his personal thou3hts to interfere in the conduct of business unless he sensed
somethin3 crucial was at stake2
"*er the past few months' e*er since &alinda had hired him for the permanent position after hed been
sent as a temporary by an a3ency' &alinda had come to respect +eor3es instincts2 !e knew she was
routinely refusin3 calls from )a*id !utton2 !e must ha*e a reason for botherin3 to check with her now
to see if she had suddenly chan3ed her mind2
A-hats wron3' +eor3eEA she asked @uietly' switchin3 her attention completely to the little intercom2
AYou know I ha*e no wish to accept his calls2A
+eor3e hesitated2 She could *isuali8e him in the outer office wearin3 his three:piece suit and
dominatin3 the entrance to the inner sanctum2 !e was a youn3 man' about twenty:fi*e' pleasant
lookin3 and serenely competent2 %he other office workers had eyed him skeptically from the start but
he was now a well:accepted fi3ure in their day:to:day world2 In fact' &alinda knew' he had recently had
to set down some *ery strict *isitin3 rules2 Not for &alindas sake' but for his own2 +eor3e had become
@uite popular with the women on the staff2
AI dont belie*e this call is of a personal nature' ?iss Brady'A he finally announced formally2 A!e wont
eDplain the reason but theres somethin3 else in*ol*ed2 I can tell2A
&alinda 3ritted her teeth and then si3hed in resi3nation2 A"kay' put him throu3h2 If youre wron3 about
this' +eor3eFA
AI know'A +eor3e interrupted' unbendin3 sli3htly at the mild threat in her words' AIll be the one who
has to eDplain why you hun3 up on him2A
&alinda 3rinned and took the call2
A-hat is it' )a*idEA she asked without preamble' her *oice turnin3 cold and crisp2
AIts about time you took my call'A he drawled2 A%hat damn secretary of yours has been puttin3 me off
for two daysBA
A"n my instructions2 Now that youre throu3h' will you please state your business and 3et off the lineE
-e really dont ha*e anythin3 to say to each other2A &alinda reali8ed *a3uely that her only feelin3
toward )a*id !utton now was one of impatience2 %he thirst for re*en3e that had dri*en her into the
mountains last weekend had been well and truly eradicated2 Another reason why it would be difficult to
stop thinkin3 about Rand Alastair2
ABusiness is eDactly why Im callin3' darlin3'A he murmured' and somethin3 in his tone chilled her2
AYou should ha*e met me at that motel' &alinda2 %hin3s could ha*e been handled a lot more pleasantly
if you had2A
A-hat in the world are you talkin3 aboutEA
AA mer3er' &alinda2 You*e done some astonishin3 thin3s with Brady )ata Processin32 %wo years a3o
e*eryone said it had no choice but to 3o under2 You*e created a total turnaround situation and your
company' my lo*e' has become one *ery enticin3 little pi3eon2 I want it2A
&alinda swallowed in shock and outra3e2 It was se*eral seconds before she could control her an3er into
an icy refusal2 A"ut of the @uestion2 Brady )ata Processin3 is not interested in mer3in3 with anyone'
)a*id' and @uite definitely not your firmBA
AYou arent 3oin3 to ha*e any choice2 Im filin3 forms with the Securities and $Dchan3e Commission
this week2A
A-hatBA &alinda stared at the phone2 ,ilin3 forms with the S$CE %here could be only one reason for
A%hats ri3ht' lo*e'A he taunted with pleased satisfaction2 AIm 3oin3 to force the mer3er on you since
you werent willin3 to discuss it under more amicable conditions2A
AYou mean since I wasnt willin3 to 3i*e you an opportunity of tryin3 to seduce me into surrenderin3
the company without a fi3htBA
APrecisely'A he a3reed smoothly2 AI would ha*e preferred a Ifriendly sort of takeo*er but since you*e
pro*en obstinate' you may as well know I dont mind a fi3ht2 It will cost more this way' of course'
because I shall ha*e to offer a premium price for your stock' but it will be worth it in the end2A
A!ow much of the outstandin3 stock ha*e you picked up alreadyEA &alinda forced herself to ask
A7ust under the fi*e percent limit'A he acknowled3ed easily2
She winced2 Anyone 3oin3 after more than fi*e percent of a publicly held stock had to re3ister that
intention with the S$C2 !ence the papers )a*id claimed to be filin32 !e could now start huntin3 down
*ast @uantities of the shares on the open market2 All he needed were enou3h to 3i*e him control of the
firm2 &alinda felt the panic be3in to rise in her2 After all her work in 3ettin3 Brady )ata Processin3
back on its feetB She couldnt bear the thou3ht of ha*in3 it forcibly taken from her2 -hat about all the
people who worked for herE Company morale would 3o to hell when word of this leaked out2 Nothin3
sent shi*ers of fear throu3h a firm faster than rumors of an intended hostile takeo*er mo*e2 And there
were so few defenses for a company in Bradys position2
A-hy are you doin3 this' )a*idEA she asked coldly' tryin3 desperately to think of defense tactics2 She
knew so little of this sort of thin32 Shed ne*er faced it before2
A%he usual reasons'A he retorted bluntly2 A?y firm is hea*y in cash ri3ht now and we need some
ac@uisitions2 I*e seen your balance sheet' darlin3' and you are ripe2A
AYoure tellin3 me theres nothin3 personal in this' ri3htE 7ust businessEA she scoffed an3rily2
A"h' no' I wouldnt say that'A he chuckled arro3antly2 AIt will 3i*e me 3reat personal satisfaction to take
Brady )ata Processin32 It should ha*e been mine two years a3o2A
AYou didnt want it two years a3oBA she flun3 back2
AI*e chan3ed my mind2 %hanks to you' &alinda2 No one thou3ht you could pull it off' you know2
$*eryone was sure that firm was headed for the bottom2 But now that you*e done all the hard workFA
AYou think you can Cust step in and help yourselfE I*e 3ot news for you' )a*id2 -ell fi3ht2A
A%hey all say that in the be3innin32 +o ahead' lo*e2 It will only make the process that much more
interestin32 Perhaps somewhere alon3 the tine youll e*en consider that little mountain rende8*ous we
planned2 Now that would be amusin3' wouldnt itE I wonder how many chief eDecuti*e officers of
firms facin3 a hostile mer3er ha*e tried to buy off the raidin3 company with their bodiesE Interestin3
thou3ht' isnt itFEA
&alinda slammed the phone down' his confident' knowin3 lau3hter rin3in3 in her ears2
She sat in stunned silence for se*eral minutes' 3a8in3 with unseein3 eyes at the framed mirror on the
opposite wall2 It reflected her well:tailored white business suit with its narrow skirt and close:fittin3
!er hair was up' as usual'' and the yellow silk blouse she wore was open at the neck with a rakish air2
?y +od' she thou3ht da8edly2 -hat did she do nowE !andlin3 hostile mer3ers wasnt one of those
subCects stressed when she had been in business mana3ement school2 It was somethin3 one learned on
the streets' a true urban 3uerrilla warfare2 She knew all about buildin3 a company up from within'
obtainin3 capital' promotin3 research' makin3 the firms stock appear attracti*e to the analysts of
brokera3e houses so that they would' in turn' encoura3e in*estors to buy itJ she knew about those
thin3s2 Shed learned some the hard way and some shed studied in school2
But this was a different kind of 3ame2 #nfriendly mer3ers were somethin3 that happened to other
companies' not to ones ownB She closed her eyes briefly in self:reprisal2 She had made a bad error in
not plannin3 ahead for such an e*entuality2 But she had been so swamped Cust tryin3 to sa*e the
business it had ne*er occurred to her that someone would come alon3 and take the sal*a3e pri8e ri3ht
out of her hands2
Not to mention the hands of the loyal mana3ement2 Breakin3 the news to them would be the hardest
part2 It was their Cobs' after all' which were most likely to be destroyed by such an action2 %he rank and
file were probably the safest2 %hey would be needed to keep thin3s runnin32 But all those in
mana3ement positions who had worked their way up durin3 the years would find themsel*es in real
Ceopardy2 %hey could be replaced and most likely would be by a33ressi*e youn3 mo*ers from the
ac@uirin3 firm2
$*erythin3 she had worked for durin3 the past two years would be 3one2 &alinda' of course' would be
the first to 3oF2
But that was ne3ati*e thinkin3' she told herself furiously' 3ettin3 restlessly to her feet and walkin3 back
to the window2 She was 3oin3 to fi3ht2 She had to2 She owed it to her company to try to sa*e its
independence2 %omorrow mornin3 she would call in the company officers for an emer3ency strate3y
meetin32 She shook her head sadly2 It was 3oin3 to be a shock for all of them2
But in spite of the crisis and the need for plannin3' there was nothin3 she could realistically do that
e*enin32 She couldnt *ery well call off the party and it wouldnt do her any 3ood e*en if she could2
+rimly she paced back to her desk2
Se*eral hours later &alinda paused in her duties as hostess to take stock of the cocktail partys success2
%here were se*eral important business associates here this e*enin3' many of them male and that meant
she had to be especially nice to their wi*es2 %he last thin3 she wanted was to risk a case of wifely
Cealousy2 She had walked a fine line for two years and thou3ht shed done a 3ood Cob of reassurin3
suspicious wi*es and still maintainin3 the solid business contacts she needed2
She 3lanced around the room' takin3 in the well:dressed' affluent crowd in their eDpensi*e suits and
3owns' wonderin3 who amon3 them she mi3ht 3o to for ad*ice and professional consultation2 She
needed to talk to someone' she thou3ht2 Someone who knew about the dirty in:fi3htin3 that went on in
a hostile mer3er situation2 It was a cinch she wouldnt 3et much constructi*e help from her own staff2
%heyd ne*er encountered such a maneu*er2
Before she could decide if there was someone in the crowd who could be potentially helpful' &alinda
was interrupted by the effusi*e thanks of a charmin3' older woman who 3lided up to her in a cloud of
perfume and wispy chiffon2
A&alinda' my dearB %hank you so much for the lo*ely picture you 3a*e !arold and IB So nice of you to
think of us while you were on *acationB But your dear father was like that' too2 Always so thou3htful of
AIm 3lad you like it'A &alinda smiled' thinkin3 of the price shed paid for the watercolor shed
purchased in Rands 3allery2 A weekend affairF
AIt looks perfect in !arolds denB And you look @uite perfect yourself toni3ht'A ?rs2 Sebastian added
with a warm smile' sur*eyin3 her hostesss printed beet:red silk Cac@uard sheath with its touches of
peacock blue2 A fine 3old braid ed3ed the neckline and wrists2 It was a sumptuous' almost oriental
effect which &alinda wore well2 %he buttery material slid fluidly o*er her small breasts and rounded
A%hank you'A &alinda said' hastenin3 to return the compliment2 She stood talkin3 for se*eral minutes to
the wife of one of her top mana3ers and then ed3ed away with the eDcuse of checkin3 the buffet table2
Around her the crowd swirled happily amid the lush 3reen and ripe apricot decor of the town house2
%he 3reen in the plush ru3 3a*e the apricot print:co*ered furniture a dramatic back3round2 %he color
scheme emphasi8ed the focal point of the room which was a hu3e sun parlor that formed one entire
Brilliant patches of white had been used sparin3ly a3ainst the rich colors in the form of an occasional
lamp and 3lass:topped coffee table2 %he dinin3 table was also a stark white and stood in front of a
mirrored wall which reflected the colorful buffet food set out on it2
As usual' &alinda spared no eDpense when she entertained' deemin3 it a business necessity2 But e*en
she had to smile at that Custification2 %he truth was' she enCoyed entertainin32 %oni3ht was an eDception2
But' then' who could take pleasure in such thin3s with a sword han3in3 o*er ones headE
"nly a few people knew that she' herself' prepared the ele3ant little canapKs and hors doeu*res ser*ed
at her parties2 "thers Cust seemed to assume she used a caterer and she let them think that2 "nly she
knew that such 3ourmet cookin3 was a source of relaDation for her2 She had disco*ered it durin3 the
past year and was continually ama8ed at how she could escape her business concerns for a few hours in
a kitchen2
Across the room she cau3ht Colin -aynes eye and smiled at him as he ad*anced2 She had 3one out
with him on a couple of occasions recently and found his easy charm made for pleasant e*enin3s2 !e
was in his early thirties' with carefully styled blond hair and lau3hin3 blue eyes2 !e was also' she had
disco*ered' a brilliant player on the li*ely )en*er Stock $Dchan3e2
AAnother 3reat party' &alinda'A he 3rinned appro*in3ly' reachin3 behind her to help himself to a little
cracker co*ered with rich' dark ca*iar2 ABeats me how you throw these affairs to3ether so easily when
you work so hardB Youd ha*e made a 3reat corporate wife' you knowBA
AYou*e 3ot a lot of ner*e eatin3 my food and insultin3 me at the same timeBA she 3rumbled in
response to his teasin32
AI know' I know' youd rather be a 3reat corporate mana3er than a 3reat corporate wife2 But thats only
because you ha*ent met the ri3ht man2 SomedayFA
A!a*e some more ca*iar'A she ad*ised dryly2 A-e both know Id be bored to tears as a housewifeBA
A!ow can I ar3ue with thatE Id feel the same'A he lau3hed2
AIt is rather difficult to picture you as a housewife'A she a3reed2
AStill'A he went on Cokin3ly' Aif I can find myself a woman who can keep me in the style to which I
would like to become accustomedFA !e 3lanced meanin3fully around the ele3ant town house and
back at &alinda who narrowed her eyes at him in mock warnin32
A)ont look at me'A she said hastily2
A!ow about a business marria3eEA he su33ested bri3htly' munchin3 more ca*iar2 AI can keep track of
your companys stock mo*ements for you and you can do thin3s that make it mo*e2 Preferably upward2
-hich it seemed to be doin3 this past week'A he added slyly2
She 3lanced at him @uickly and then deliberately forced a smile2 AYou noticedEA
A%hat *olume was pickin3 upE Yes2 And the price went up a bit' too2 Somethin3 I should know' lo*eE
Always happy to help spread the 3ood word if it will raise a stocks price2 +ot somethin3 new comin3
out on the marketEA
AIts nice to know you lo*e me for myself and not for business reasons'A she mocked' hidin3 a wince as
she reali8ed the acti*ity in her companys stock was undoubtedly from )a*ids mo*e to start buyin3
ANo reason the two cant be combined'A he obser*ed cheerfully2
A-ell' I hate to disappoint you' but theres no smashin3 new product about to hit the market2 I 3uess the
stock acti*ity is Cust a matter of people knowin3 a 3ood in*estment when they see it'A she tried to say
li3htly2 She didnt want to discuss the mer3er with Colin or anyone else until she knew what she was
3oin3 to do' how she was 3oin3 to react2 )ammitB She needed professional ad*ice2 %here were law
firms and in*estment bankers who speciali8ed in this sort of thin32 If she Cust knew someone who could
point her in the ri3ht directionB %he sense of panic had to be forcefully fou3ht back down2
ANo hot tips' huhEA he asked sadly2
ANot toni3ht'A she retorted firmly' wonderin3 why she had hardly e*en 3i*en Colin a passin3 thou3ht
since shed returned from the mountains2 But she knew the answer to that' she told herself honestly2 It
was 3oin3 to be a lon3 time before she thou3ht of him in a romantic conteDt a3ain2 !ow lon3 was the
ima3e of Rand Alastair 3oin3 to dominate herE She supposed that' e*en with a full:fled3ed business
crisis facin3 her' he would be the last thin3 she thou3ht of before she went to sleep toni3ht2 7ust as he
had been last ni3ht and the ni3ht before that2
A-ell' how about a hot date' insteadEA Colin countered with a lau3hin3 leer2 A%hat new ,rench place
sounds interestin32A
&alindas mouth cur*ed ruefully2 ACan I let you know' ColinE Im 3oin3 to be *ery busy this week and
I really dont know my schedule yetA It was the only way she could think of to phrase the eDcuse2
!is 3ood:lookin3 features contri*ed to appear disappointed and philosophical at the same time2 AAh'
well2 Perhaps neDt weekEA
AIll check my calendar'A she promised apolo3etically2
A%he perils of datin3 a lady eDecuti*e'A he 3roaned and 3lanced automatically toward the door as a
knock sounded2 Aooks like you*e 3ot a late arri*al2A
&alinda frowned' unable to think of anyone still unaccounted for2 A$Dcuse me2 Ill see who it is2A
She crossed the lush 3reen carpet' skirtin3 a chattin3 cluster of 3uests and reached for the doorknob' an
automatic smile on her face as she opened it2
%he polite words of welcome died in her throat as the li3ht spilled o*er the fi3ure in her doorway2
Chestnut hair 3leamed from a recent shower' chestnut hair that had been trimmed and carefully combed
since shed seen it last2 %he li3ht:colored suit looked hand:tailored and was complimented by a satin
bow tie2 %he crisp white shirt was understated and ele3ant2
ARand'A she whispered finally2 A-hat are you doin3 hereEA
A%hats ob*ious' isnt itEA he murmured' ha8el eyes re3ardin3 her with an intent' considerin3
eDpression2 AIm here to rescue you2A
ARescue meBA she s@ueaked' still tryin3 to reco*er from the initial shock of seein3 him on her doorstep2
She stared up at him' dumbfounded' unable to comprehend his meanin32 -hy had he come like thisE It
was 3oin3 to be hard enou3h 3ettin3 o*er him without seein3 him a3ain2 But if he tried to prolon3 the
hopeless affair it would be impossible2
!e lifted his hand and she saw for the first time he was carryin3 an orchidJ one *ery perfect' *ery
eDotic' *ery brilliant 3olden orchid2 !e smiled as she instincti*ely put out her hand to accept the
proffered 3ift2
A!oney'A he murmured softly' puttin3 both hands li3htly on her shoulders and pullin3 her close lon3
enou3h to drop a warm' hun3ry kiss on her astonished' parted lips' AIf you dont e*en know yet that
you need rescuin3' youre in worse trouble than I thou3htBA
A"h' Rand' you shouldnt ha*e come'A she heard herself whisper brokenly2 A%his is cra8y2 Its 3oin3 to
make e*erythin3 so much harderFA She lifted misty:3ray eyes to his2
A!adnt you better let me inEA he drawled in*itin3ly2 AYour 3uests are be3innin3 to wonder if Im a
tra*elin3 salesman youre tryin3 to 3et rid ofBA
#nwillin3ly' &alinda smiled2 AI dont 3et many salesmen dressed like thatBA %hat much was the truth'
she thou3ht *a3uely2 Rand could hold his own with anyone else in the room toni3ht2 She wondered
why he had in*ested in such a wardrobe for the mountains2 But' then' it rather went with the otus2 She
shook her head in confusion2
AI dont know what youre doin3 here'A she be3an firmly' feelin3 a new kind of panic2 ABut its all
wron32 Cant you seeE You shouldnt ha*e come after me2 I wontF I 2wont ha*e an affair with you'
Rand2 -ere totally unsuited2 I should ne*er ha*e 3one to your house that mornin3FA she broke off
helplessly under the impact of the memory that flamed warmly in his eyes2
APersonally' I happen to think that was the only smart thin3 you did last weekendB Now mo*e' out of
the doorway' sweetheart' and let your rescuer inside2A
#nable to think of anythin3 else to do' &alinda did as instructed2
A+ot anythin3 to eatEA Rand went on easily' takin3 in the crowded room with a sin3le' sweepin3
3lance2 AIm star*ed2A
A"*er there'A she admitted' 3esturin3 toward the lon3 white table in front of the mirrored wall2 A!elp
yourself'A she added wryly2 She still held the 3olden orchid clutched in her hand2
!e put a proprietary hand on her lower back and ur3ed her forward2 AStop lookin3 like a cornered
kitten2 Im friendly' rememberE Althou3h why I should be after wakin3 up and findin3 youd run offFA
AId rather we didnt discuss that'A she be3an stiffly2
AYou want to discuss the rescue operation insteadEA he in*ited' brin3in3 her to a halt beside the buffet
and perusin3 it with keen interest2
A-hat are you talkin3 aboutE -hat rescueEA she finally mana3ed a little blankly2 !e was throwin3 one
cur*e after another toni3ht2
A%he rescue of Brady )ata Processin3 from the 3raspin3 talons of a corporate raider' naturally2A Rand
reached for a salmon and cucumber canapK2 Se*eral of them2
&alinda stared at him' openmouthed2 A!ow in the world did you know about thatEA she breathed2
A%here had to be a reason !utton wanted to try his hand at seducin3 you after all this time2 -hen you
told me a little about the history of your firm and !uttons newly aroused interest in you' I 3ot
suspicious2 I asked you to consider the fact that it mi3ht be the business he was after' if youll recall2A
A-ell' yes' I know' but I ne*er dreamedFA &alinda si3hed2 AYou ha*e no idea how shocked I was
when he called todayBA
ASure I do'A he contradicted calmly' slantin3 a 3lance at her2 AIt always hits the unsuspectin3 ones like a
ton of bricks2A
ABut how did you know what was 3oin3 onEA
A?onday I did some checkin32 %heres always someone in a company who will talk2 I 3ot hold of one
of !uttons *ice:presidents2A
A7ust like thatEA she demanded2
A7ust like that2A
AYoull eDcuse me if I seem to be ha*in3 a hard time takin3 all this inBA she snapped' 3rowin3 a little
irritated o*er his complacency2 %he shock of findin3 him on her doorstep was wearin3 off to be
replaced by confusion2 She thou3ht she understood this man2 !ow was it he was surprisin3 her like
thisE -hat did he know of the hi3h:powered business worldE
A%ake your time2A !e reached for another morsel from the table2
A%hanksBA she muttered and then took a short rein on her temper in fa*or of an attempt at reason2 ARand
what do you know about all thisE -hat do you mean by Irescuin3 meEA
AIf theres anythin3' that can be done' Ill do it'A he promised simply' munchin3 contentedly2
ABut how is it you know what to doEA she almost wailed2
!e stopped munchin3 for a moment and eyed her thou3htfully2 %hen he swallowed politely and a slow
smile shaped his mouth2
AAll it takes is total ruthlessness' an instinct for makin3 war' and a willin3ness to stop at nothin32A
&alindas eyes widened as she momentarily sensed a menace in him she hadnt dreamed eDisted2 An
instant later she shook her head' tellin3 herself she was mistaken2
ABut you dont ha*e any of those awful @ualifications' Rand'A she smiled wanly' thinkin3 of his
leisurely' undemandin3 lifestyle2 If hed had any of those @ualities he would ha*e been makin3 his
li*in3 in a far different manner than the one hed chosen2
A-ant to betE -atch this2A
Somethin3 flickered in the ha8el eyes' hardenin3' turnin3 unbelie*ably cold2 %he smile he wore became
far more dan3erous than &alinda would ha*e belie*ed possible2 A-hat would Brady mana3ement think
if the members disco*ered that their president had arran3ed to spend the weekend at a secluded motel
with the head of the firm which is tryin3 to force a mer3erE %hey mi3ht be for3i*en for belie*in3
theyd been sold down the ri*er' dont you a3reeE Id say theres a 3ood chance they mi3ht turn on their
little lady chief eDecuti*e officer' lose all confidence in her' and make it utterly impossible for her to
rally the firm for the comin3 battle2 %he company would fall into !uttons lap with only a whimper2A
ARandBA &alinda couldnt belie*e what she was hearin32 NoB %he problem was she could belie*e it2
%here was somethin3 in him that proclaimed him capable of such an action and the knowled3e shook
her deeply2 AYouF you wouldnt do anythin3 like thatFA
AI mi3ht'A he countered la8ily2 AIf you dont a3ree to continue the affair we started last weekendBA
%he chatterin3' happy crowd seemed to recede into the distance as &alinda for3ot about e*eryone else
in the room and stared' appalled at her unin*ited 3uest2
AAre you sayin3 youd blackmail me into an affairEA she finally whispered2
!e continued to re3ard her with that incredibly ruthless eDpression' e*erythin3 about him hard'
unyieldin3' and determined2 Rand said nothin32 !e didnt need to say anythin32 %he messa3e was plain2
Shakily &alinda reached out to steady herself with a hand on the ed3e of the white table2 AIF I would
ne*er ha*e thou3ht you capable of doin3 anythin3 like this2A
APerhaps In the short time we spent to3ether you didnt 3et a chance to know me as well as you mi3ht
ha*e'A he su33ested coolly2
ANo'A she 3ot out' her words barely a thread of sound as she tried to think what to do' how to handle
him2 ANo' perhaps I didnt2A
ANow youre seein3 another side of me2 )o you belie*e this side is capable of a certain ruthlessnessEA
he persisted2
AYes2A It was the truth and he must ha*e seen it in her eyes2
A+ood'A he nodded' the hardness in him fadin3 away on the instant as he turned to reach for another
interestin3 tidbit AI think I*e still 3ot the old shark instincts and talents2A
&alinda heard the wry satisfaction in his words and blinked' confused more than e*er2 A-hats 3oin3
on here' RandE Are you tellin3 me you were teasin3 me Cust thenE %hat you were fakin3 thatF that
She put a hand on the slee*e of his Cacket' ur3ently demandin3 his attention2 !is head swun3 back to
her' the white teeth flashin3 in a reassurin3 3rin that made her want to kick him2
AYou belie*ed me' didnt youEA he countered pointedly2 A,or a minute or two you thou3ht me fully
capable of blackmailin3 you into an affair2A
AYou sound proud of itBA she accused' cheeks stainin3 with annoyance and 3rowin3 embarrassment at
her ob*ious 3ullibility2
%he 3rin faded into a self:mockin3 3rimace2 ANo' Im not proud of it2 But it is a useful business skill'
Im sorry to say2A
A-hats a useful business skillE BlackmailEA she ra3ed heatedly' ha*in3 difficulty keepin3 her *oice
A%he skill of bein3 able to make people think Ill stop at nothin3 when it comes to 3ettin3 what I want'A
he eDplained kindly' soothin3ly2 AI Cust wanted you to ha*e a small demonstration so you can introduce
me to yourFA
AIntroduce you as whatEA she 3ritted2
A%he outside consultant you*e hired to direct the defenses of Brady )ata Processin3'A he retorted
easily2 !e appeared about to add to that when his 3lance went suddenly to a point beyond her head2 %he
ha8el eyes 3leamed warmly2 A!ey' you really did like the pot' huhEA
AYour con*ersation is 3ettin3 more and more difficult to follow'A &alinda muttered and turned to follow
his 3a8e2 %he lo*ely' wide:mouthed bowl she had bou3ht that first day in his 3allery sat in a prominent
position at the far end of the table2 It held lon3 loa*es of sliced ,rench bread which 3uests had used to
build small sandwiches2
!e 3lanced down at her' lookin3 enormously pleased2 AIm 3lad you didnt try to for3et me completely2
I*e still 3ot a token of your short *isit' too2A
A-hat tokenEA she asked warily2
A%he earrin3s I took off you that first ni3ht2A
A"h2A Shed for3otten about those2
AYou shouldnt ha*e run away that mornin3 after we made lo*e' sweetheart'A he went on' dark *oice
turnin3 sli3htly husky as he re3arded her a little hun3rily2 AAlthou3h I understand why you did2A
&alinda flicked an uneasy 3lance up throu3h her lashes2 AYou doEA
A"f course2 You thou3ht there was no future for us' didnt youE You thou3ht I wasnt the kind of man
you should be 3i*in3 yourself to so completely2 And it was completely' honey2 You came to my bed
without any reser*ations' didnt youE ,or a little while you stopped thinkin3 about the fact that I was an
unmoti*ated' unambitious' undynamic wastrel who had no further 3oal in life eDcept to fish and seduce
bored touristsBA
&alinda felt her blush deepenin3 and she could no lon3er meet his eyes' e*en throu3h the partial *eil of
her lashes2 She remembered her unwise surrender only too well2 -hat really worried her now was the
flash of pure happiness shed eDperienced when shed opened her door a few minutes a3o and found
him standin3 there2
AYou ha*e to admit we do come from two different worlds' Rand'A she mana3ed a little 3rimly2
A-hich is a polite way of sayin3 you dont admire my lifestyle'A he retorted dryly2 AIm here to chan3e
all that2 Im 3oin3 to pro*e myself to you' sweetheart2 And your eD:fiancK has put the tool I need ri3ht
into my hands2 You admire successful' dynamic' a33ressi*e businessmenE "kay' Ill show you I can
wheel and deal in your world with the best of them2 )ont worry' &alinda' you wont ha*e to be
ashamed of our affair2 Youll be 3i*in3 yourself to a man who can out:shark anyone on the business
ARandB %his is cra8y2 I dont know what youre talkin3 about' but I certainly ha*e no intention ofF of
continuin3 what should ne*er ha*e been started up there in the mountains2 I do not routinely indul3e in
affairs' for hea*ens sakeB I ha*ent been e*en remotely serious about any man since my en3a3ement
with )a*id ended2A
A$Dcept me'A he pointed out' smilin32 A"r are you 3oin3 to stand there and tell me you werent
perfectly serious that mornin3 in the mountainsEA
&alinda 3lared at him' aware that he was deliberately 3oadin3 her and still too confused and upset by
the combination of the days e*ents to think clearly enou3h to flatten him *erbally2
She was desperately tryin3 to concoct a suitable response when !arold Sebastian and his wife emer3ed
from the crowd with pleasantly eDpectant eDpressions2
A&alinda' my dear' you must introduce us to your new 3uestA %all' stately' and sil*er:haired' !arold
beamed complacently down at her2 -hile she was his superior at Brady )ata Processin3' his lon3
association with her father had 3i*en him a decidedly paternalistic air toward the new president of the
firm2 It was an attitude &alinda encountered from many of the lon3time employees of the firm2 %hey
3a*e her their loyalty and e*en admired her ability' but they ne*er @uite let her for3et they all
considered themsel*es honorary uncles and aunts2
AIm afraid my arri*al was somethin3 of a surprise for &alinda'A Rand said smoothly' thrustin3 out a
polite hand2 AIm Rand Alastair2A
A!arold Sebastian2 %his is my wife' $dna'A !arold said 3enially2 AAlastair'A he repeated with a
thou3htful look2 A%hat name sounds familiar2 !a*e we metEA
ANo' I dont belie*e so2 But I can assure you the name is 3oin3 to sound a lot more familiar in the
future2 Im 3oin3 to be workin3 for &alinda2A
&alinda fro8e as !arolds in@uirin3' interested 3a8e switched to her2 AI see2 In what capacityEA
AIll' uh' be eDplainin3 ?r2 Alastairs role to e*eryone tomorrow mornin3'A she 3ot out weakly' feelin3
trapped2 A!e will be with us in a *ery limited' short:term capacity'A she added spitefully as Rand shot
her an amused look2
A-ell' well' Ill look forward to ha*in3 you with us' Rand2 You wont find a nicer boss in townBA
!arold assured him with a *ast chuckle2
Aike father' like dau3hter'A $dna Sebastian added warmly2 A$*eryone at the company is deli3hted that
she took o*er the reins two years a3o2 7ust ask anyone in the roomBA $dna wa*ed 3aily at the crowd
behind them2
AIm sure I shall thorou3hly enCoy my association with her' also'A Rand said 3libly' his eyes still on
&alindas studiously composed face2
!e 3rinned down at her as the Sebastians faded back into the crowd2 AYou seemed to be well:liked by
your staff'A he drawled2
AIts positi*ely feudal at times'A she si3hed' acknowled3in3 the truth2 A-ere a publicly owned
company but somehow e*eryone still thinks of it as a family firm2A
A!ow lon3 a3o did you 3o public with your stockEA he asked' suddenly serious2
AAlmost as soon as I took o*er2 -e needed capital and we needed it badly2 I had to con*ince e*eryone
that it was a clear turnaround situation' make in*estors think that they could 3et in on the 3round floor
of a company that was about to make a bi3 comeback2 I*e ne*er worked so hard in all my lifeBA
AIll bet'A he nodded assessin3ly2 A%he stock is now widely heldEA
AYes' Im afraid so2A She winced2 ANot so lon3 a3o I was 3lad of thatBA
ANow you reali8e that it Cust makes it easier for !utton to buy up shares2 You dont ha*e any lar3e
controllin3 blocks sittin3 in friendly hands2A
AYou neednt look so superior2 I had no choice at the timeB I couldnt 3et the loans I needed from the
banks2 %here was no choice but to raise capital by sellin3 shares in the firmBA
AYou dont ha*e to defend your actions to me' sweetheart'A he murmured caressin3ly2 AI understand
She fiDed him with a narrow 3lance2 A7ust how much do you understandE -ho are you' RandE -hy
does !arold think he remembers your nameE !ow do you come to ha*e contacts hi3h enou3h in the
business world to find out what !uttons doin3 e*en before I doEA
AIts a lon3 story' honey2 Remind me to tell it to you later2 ,or now' thou3h' I think wed better
circulate2 People are be3innin3 to notice that Im 3ettin3 your undi*ided attentionBA
!e put a hand firmly under her elbow and waded into the crowd2 &alinda felt herself helplessly swept
alon3' her thou3hts in a turmoil' her heart beatin3 a little too fast and her ner*es sin3in3 a tune on the
ra33ed ed3e of an emotion she didnt want to admit to feelin32
But she knew how to deal with a crowd of business:oriented people2 By the time the last of the 3uests
had re3retfully taken his lea*e' &alinda would ha*e been willin3 to wa3er that none of them had
3uessed at her inner uncertainty and confusion2 She was aware' howe*er' that more than one knowin3
3lance had absorbed the fact that Rand seldom left her side durin3 the e*enin32 She saw the assessin3
look in Colin -aynes eyes althou3h he was cordial when he' was introduced2 Rand paid him no
particular attention' apparently obli*ious to the @ueryin3 3lance in the other mans 3a8e2
&alinda was also conscious of the pleased speculation from the members of her own staff in the crowd
and the curious' smilin3 looks from others2 And some' like !arold' looked as if they could almost place
It seemed like fore*er before she 3ratefully closed the door on the last 3uest and turned to see Rand
pourin3 himself a snifter of co3nac2 !e had drunk *ery little durin3 the course of the e*enin3 and he
looked as if he were anticipatin3 the ni3htcap with relish2
She watched 3rimly as he lowered himself into an apricot chair and put up his feet2 !e saluted her
briefly with the 3lass in his hand2
AI must thank you for an interestin3 e*enin3' honey2 I trust I didnt embarrass you with my
unsophisticated mountain mannersEA
She started forward' not certain yet how she was 3oin3 to deal with him but knowin3 she must handle
matters firmly2 AYou know *ery well you fit in as if youd been in the business world all your adult
!e took a tentati*e sip of co3nac as she came to a halt in front of him' his 3reen:and:3old eyes
lau3hin3 up at her2
A%o the manner born'A he intoned2 A$Dcept for the past year and a half2A
She fit her hands to her hips' the silk dress soft beneath her fin3ers2 AI would like an eDplanation' Rand2
Is that too much to askEA
AI would like to 3o to bed with you2 Is that too much to askEA
%he sudden la8y desire in his words stopped her for an instant2 It also sidetracked her from her initial
intent2 Somethin3 far more immediately crucial was *ibratin3 in the atmosphere between them2
She 3athered her coura3e2 AYoure not stayin3 here toni3ht2 I meant what I said2 ast weekend was a
mistake and I dont intend to repeat it2A
!e sur*eyed her with a probin3 eDpression2 AA mistakeE )o you really think of it that wayEA
AYes' dammitB I doBA %he protest was a little too *ehement and &alinda was aware of it2
ACome here and let me chan3e your mind'A he offered deeply' eDtendin3 in*itin3ly upward to draw her
down onto his lap2
&alinda stepped away' tryin3 *ainly to co*er her ner*ousness by scoopin3 up a stack of 3lasses and
headin3 for the kitchen2 She knew he was followin3 her' his footfalls soft on the thick 3reen carpet2
She couldnt retreat any further than the sink2 7ust as she set the 3lasses down with a clink Rand came
up behind her' his hands 3lidin3 possessi*ely' lon3in3ly around her waist2
AI want you' sweetheart'A he murmured' his breath warm on her hair2 A?ore than I wanted you that
mornin3 in the mountains and at the time I didnt think anythin3 could be stron3er than that need2A
A"h' Rand' please dont do this to meB I dont want an affair2 I dont want to be one of your weekend
A%here wont be any other women' &alinda'A he promised with absolute con*iction' his fin3ers slidin3
up to cup her breasts2 AYou are the only one I want2 -hy do you think I followed you back to )en*erE
-hat we found to3ether was *ery special' sweetheart2 Cant you at least admit that muchEA
She trembled as his lips touched the back of her neck2 !e kissed her nape and the cur*e of her shoulder
as his fin3ertips 3ently circled the tips of her breasts throu3h the material of the silk2 She felt the need
and want in him and it was like a dru3' stirrin3 her own responses e*en while she desperately tried to
talk herself into a rational course of action2
A-eF we had somethin3 *ery short and meanin3lessF2A
A?eanin3lessBA !e swun3 her around to face him' a raw' demandin3 look on his face2 AIll 3rant it was
a little short'A he said ri3htly' Abut it sure as hell wasnt meanin3lessB At least'A he went on accusin3ly'
Anot to me2 Are you tryin3 to tell me you were usin3 me' &alindaE %hat you only came by my house on
your way out of town to conclude a weekend flin3 with a man who amused youEA
A)ont put words in my mouthB You know it wasnt like thatBA
AnDiously she frowned up at him' her fin3ers splayed across the finely wo*en material of his suit
Cacket2 AIF I felt I had to see you a3ain to tell you that you had succeeded in makin3 me see reason
where )a*id was concerned2 You were so worried about me2A
A-ith 3ood reason' as it turned out2 %he mans tryin3 to destroy youBA
ABut I ne*er intended to 3o to bed with youBA
A%hen why did youEA he countered with the trace of a smile2
ABecauseF becauseFA She broke off' flounderin3 for an eDplanation of the uneDplainable2
ABecause you wanted me as much as I wanted you'A he finished for her' all sure' masculine triumph as
he pulled her close2 AAnd Im 3oin3 to see if I cant make you want me e*en more in the days to come2
Startin3 toni3ht2A
ANoB All you want from me is seD2 I wont fall into that trap'A she cried as he lowered his head to take
her lips2
AYoure wron3' honey'A he whispered seducti*ely a3ainst her mouth2 AI want somethin3 much more
important from you2 I want a commitment2A
&alinda stru33led2 Stru33led to ask him what he meant by a commitment' stru33led to free herself from
his embrace2 Both efforts failed abysmally as his kiss swamped her senses2
7ust as it had that mornin3 in his home by the lake' the potent desire in him reached out to trap her
senses and send them reelin32 It fed the desire in herself until &alinda could barely sustain the futile
stru33le to control it2
!e seemed obli*ious of her hands pushin3 on his shoulders' his hold on her a warm' confinin3'
unshakable thin3 that kept her 3ently' securely in his 3rasp2 It lured her' seduced her' promised the stars
to her and her traitorous body belie*ed e*erythin32
!e 3roaned with relief and lon3in3 as he coaDed apart her lips' feelin3 them soften and yield beneath
his own2 !is hands slid down her back' ur3in3 her body more firmly a3ainst tautenin3 thi3hs2
&alinda felt herself sinkin3 a3ainst him' respondin3 to his passion with a desperate cra*in3 of her own2
A cra*in3 she had ne*er known before she had met this man who mystified her2 Reality spun away'
lea*in3 only the knowled3e that he was here with her a3ain2 %he emptiness she had eDperienced as she
dro*e away from him that mornin3 in the mountains was at last bein3 filled2 L
!is ton3ue' mo*in3 with hot a33ression in her mouth' slowly withdrew as Rand 3ently' reluctantly
broke the kiss2
A%ake me into your bed' &alinda2 I swear Ill be as loyal as any of your faithful band of employees2 Ill
keep the maraudin3 sharks away from your door for you2A
She turned her head into his shoulder' felt his damp' arousin3 kisses on the *ulnerable' sensiti8ed skin
behind her ear and then on her throat2
AI thou3ht it was yourself you called a shark'A she reminded him shakily' tryin3 to think strai3ht and
knowin3 it was hopeless2
AIt takes one to fi3ht one' sweetheart2A !e trembled a3ainst her' elicitin3 that seducti*e feelin3 of
female power that she had known before with him2 It was power combined with the illo3ical desire to
satisfy2 It made no sense to &alinda but it seemed to make perfect sense to her body2
AAre you really a sharkEA she whispered' rippin3 her head back to meet his eyes searchin3ly2
!e sucked in his breath' his hands ti3htenin3 around her waist2
AYes'A he said with hea*y honesty2 ABut you can control me' darlin32 Ill only work for you' ne*er
a3ainst you2 Please belie*e meBA
She shook her head' da8ed2 ABut I dont understand' Rand2 If you know all about the ruthless side of the
business world' if you ha*e those abilities' what were you doin3 for the past year and a half in the
!e hesitated' as if uncertain how to eDplain himself2 AI was runnin3 away from what those abilities had
made me2 I was runnin3 away from the shark I had become2 A year and a half a3o I took a 3ood look at
myself' sweetheart' and decided I didnt like what I saw2 I needed time to think' time to disco*er
another side of life2 So I went to the mountains2A
&alinda saw the naked' *ulnerable look in his eyes and knew in that moment that hed ne*er told
another soul what hed Cust told her2 Before she could stop to think' she lifted her palms to either side of
his harshly car*ed face2
AAnd now you think you want to come back to the life you left behindE -hat makes you belie*e it will
be any different this time' RandEA
A%his time I ha*e you2 %his time I ha*e somethin3 more important than buildin3 an empire2A
In spite of the tension of the moment' &alindas lips twitched2 AIm supposed to be a ci*ili8in3
influence on a sharkEA
AI seem'A he obser*ed' sweepin3 her up into his arms with an easy mo*ement' Ato be fated to ser*e as a
source of amusement for 2youBA
AI wasnt lau3hin3 at you'A she protested' clin3in3 automatically as he be3an stridin3 out of the kitchen2
AYes' you were'A he said be3uilin3ly2 ABut I know how to wipe that smile out of your lo*ely eyesBA
-hen he turned unerrin3ly down the hall to her bedroom' &alindas head fell back a3ainst his shoulder'
her lashes droopin3 softly to flicker on her cheeks2
!er implicit surrender made itself felt Rand held her with fierce passion as he walked into the bedroom
at the end of the hall2 -ith a 3lance around the room' he made his way to the bed and settled her 3ently
down on it2
%he 3reen and apricot color scheme had been re*ersed in this roomJ the apricot in the carpet' the
*erdant 3reen in the bedspread and chair2 In her red and 3old and peacock blue silk' &alinda was a
splash of *ibrant color as she lay on the 3reen spread2
AYou look like some eDotic creature from a harem lyin3 there waitin3 for me2A Rand stood beside the
bed' pullin3 free the satin bow tie and droppin3 it onto the carpet2
AYour haremEA she asked throatily' her 3a8e trapped by his2
A)efinitely'A he smiled' his fin3ers on the buttons of his white shirt ABut its a harem of one2A
&alinda felt herself meltin3 beneath the heat of his 3a8e and when he had finished undressin3 himself
and reached for her' she shi*ered *iolently with the emotion his touch aroused2
A&alinda' my 3entle' passionate &alinda'A he rasped' pullin3 her into his arms and findin3 the
fastenin3s of her dress with fin3ers that shook e*er so sli3htly2 AI couldnt belie*e you had left me
when I awoke that mornin32 I couldnt belie*e you hadnt found in my arms what I had found in yours2
You credited me with 3ood perception but you were wron32 I would ne*er ha*e 3uessed you would
ha*e left like thatF2A
AI saw so little future for us2A She stirred as the coolness in the room bathed her skin2 !e remo*ed her
dress with deftness and a sensual touch that was a caress in itself2 She lifted appealin3 eyes to his intent
face2 AAnd Im not sure theres any more of a future now than there was before2 -hy did you follow
me' RandEA
A!ush' darlin3'A he whispered' bendin3 to kiss the nipple of her breast as it hardened beneath his hand2
AStop tryin3 to put obstacles in our path' -e need each other toni3ht2 et that be enou3h for the time
#nder his possessi*e' eDplorin3 touch' &alinda had no choice but to put the doubts and fears aside2
-hat he offered at that moment was too important' too wonderful to turn down2 And he knew it2 !e
was usin3 that fact to seduce her as surely as he used his lips and fin3ers and the stren3th of his hard'
lean body2
Cradlin3 her a3ainst him' Rand rested on one elbow' his free hand trailin3 eDcitin3 patterns down the
len3th of her side to her thi3hs2 !e felt her response and slowly built the tempo of the random patterns
until she moaned and turned her mouth into his chest2
,indin3 the male nipples with her @uick' 3entle teeth' &alinda returned the mountin3 eDcitement'
3loryin3 in his reaction2 She felt him shift his le3s' insertin3 one foot between her own2 %hen his
circlin3' featherin3 hand went to the inside of her thi3hs2
A"hBA %he sob of desire was muffled a3ainst his skin but he heard it and 3rowled her name a3ainst her
A?y +od' &alinda' you make me wonder how I e*er 3ot alon3 without you in my bedBA
She raked her nails con*ulsi*ely but li3htly alon3 his back' down to the sensiti*e point at the base of
his spine and beyond2 !e arched into her' his hand mo*in3 eD@uisitely at the point where her thi3hs
Coined her body2
She felt the arousin3' passionate sensations take her beyond the ed3e of reasonin3 thou3ht2 All that
mattered was Rand2 She wondered how she could e*er ha*e sur*i*ed without knowin3 this powerful
emotion a3ain2 In the back of her mind' &alinda acknowled3ed the truth2 She would ha*e e*entually
3one back to the mountains lookin3 for him2
AI would ha*e come back' Rand'A she confessed huskily2 AI told myself I had to 3et o*er you' that there
was no future for us2 But I know now I would ha*e come back2A
+ently he turned her on her back' his le3 thrown hea*ily across hers2 AI couldnt wait' sweetheart2 I had
to follow you2 I had to know if I could make you need me as badly as I needed youBA
!e strun3 fiery little kisses all down her throat' across her soft breasts and alon3 the cur*e of her
stomach2 She sur3ed beneath his @uestin3 hands' unable to hide her desire2
A)o you ha*e any idea what it does to me when you i3nite like this in my armsE I couldnt stand the
thou3ht of you comin3 back to )en*er and findin3 someone elseB Youre mine' &alinda2 I made you
mine last weekend2 I swear youll find me worthy of your sweet surrender2A
&alinda 3asped at his pro3ressi*ely intimate demands' her eyes ti3htly shut as her head fell back o*er
his outstretched arm2 ASuch a risk' its such a riskMA
ANo'A he whispered forcefully2 AIll take care of e*erythin32 You dont ha*e to worry about 3ettin3
And &alinda' who had been too far 3one in the da88lin3 world of sensation he had created to e*en think
about that particular risk' 3a*e up tryin3 to tell him her real fears2
!e soothed her body with his hands and lips' findin3 the secret places he had disco*ered once before
and refor3in3 the bond hed created then2 $*en as he made lo*e to her' tunin3 her body to his' &alinda
reali8ed the stren3th of the link he had bound her with that mornin3 in the mountains2
!e knew her so well' she thou3ht wonderin3ly2 She had called him percepti*e' but e*en she hadnt
reali8ed the depths of that perception2 !e had known he could show up on her doorstep toni3ht and
rewea*e the ma3ic they had found once before2
!er own instincts had been more confused on the issue but under the impact of his desire they homed
in on the truth2
-hen she thou3ht she could stand no more of the teasin3' eDhilaratin3 lo*emakin3' when she thou3ht it
must surely dri*e her insane if he didnt stake the final claim' Rand came to her with a fierce and 3entle
power that left her no option but to respond in kind2
In the darkness she clun3 to him as she had that mornin3 by the lake' knowin3 an almost *iolent
satisfaction at the knowled3e that this time she couldnt run away when it was o*er2
%he dri*in3 force of his need took them both into a timeless world of sensuality that left no room for
the unbidden @uestions a portion of &alindas mind still asked2
&alinda awoke the neDt mornin3 with a curious sense of eDpectancy2 She sensed the missin3 wei3ht
beside her in the bed and turned her tousled head on the pillow2 At the same moment that she re3istered
the empty place where Rand had been she reali8ed the shower was 3oin3 full blast2
She lay perfectly still for a moment' lettin3 the memories of last ni3hts passion and intimacy wash
o*er her2 A3ain and a3ain in the darkness Rand had reached for her' pullin3 her close' tellin3 her of his
And she had 3one to him' refusin3 to think of the future' allowin3 only her womans need to satisfy and
be satisfied to 3uide her2
In the mornin3 li3ht' &alinda lay 3a8in3 across the eDpanse of apricot carpet and asked herself the
@uestion she hadnt wanted to ask durin3 the ni3ht2
-hy had Rand followed her back to )en*erE It was hard to belie*e that he wanted an affair so badly he
felt obli3ed to Apro*eA himself worthy of her re3ard2 !e didnt strike her as the sort of man who had
e*er felt it necessary to pro*e himself to anyone2
!e must ha*e met and probably seduced any number of tourists' she thou3ht wretchedly' flin3in3 back
the co*ers2 But how many had he followed back to )en*er' seekin3 an affairE
But if it was routine for him' it was not routine for her2 &alinda had not been seriously interested in
anyone after )a*id !utton had taken back his rin32 %here had been two reasons for maintainin3 the
most casual of relationships2 "ne had been the necessity for almost complete attention to Brady )ata
Processin32 She had always been a hard worker' but the effort to sa*e the company had re@uired a
ceaseless effort for the first couple of years2 And memories of the fool she had been for trustin3 in
)a*id had constituted the second reason for eDtreme caution in her associations with men2
Yet within two days of knowin3 Rand Alastair she had 3one to bed with him' and when he had shown
up on her doorstep last ni3ht' she had known the probable result2 &nown it and put up *ery little
ar3ument a3ainst it2
&alinda 3ot to her feet and winced at the uneDpected soreness in her muscles2 %he e*idence of the
intensity of Rands lo*emakin3 was 3oin3 to be undeniable for a day or two' she thou3ht dryly'
reachin3 for a soft *elour robe and beltin3 it firmly around her waist2
She took a deep' steadyin3 breath and headed for the bathroom where it sounded as if Rand was 3oin3
throu3h her hot water in record time2 It was as she tentati*ely opened the door' the steam hittin3 her full
in the face' that she reali8ed she didnt know eDactly what she was 3oin3 to say2
But somethin3 had to be said' she told herself resolutely2 ast ni3ht had been only the be3innin3 of an
affair as far as Rand was concerned' but for her it had brou3ht the blindin3 reali8ation that she was in
lo*e with the man2
She didnt want to be2 &alinda had no real desire to be in lo*e with anyone2 %he last time she had
allowed her emotions to become *ulnerable she had been made to look a fool2 Yet two years later she
found herself swept into a far more passionate situation than she had e*er known with )a*id and with a
man she barely knew2
!ow e*en as she stood there in the bathroom doorway lettin3 the steam escape &alinda reco3ni8ed the
depths of her feelin3s for the man standin3 complacently under her shower2 She had let him in last
ni3ht because she had taken one look at him and reali8ed the stren3th of the bonds he had for3ed that
mornin3 in the mountains2 She had 3one to bed with him last ni3ht and let him stren3then those
intimate bonds until by mornin3 she had no alternati*e but to acknowled3e them2
ACome on in and close the door' youre lettin3 all the heat outBA Rand called from behind the shower
curtain2 AAbout time you 3ot up2 I was Cust about to come in and wake youBA !e stuck his head around
the curtain' water plasterin3 the chestnut hair to his head' the ha8el eyes 3leamin3 with remembered
satisfaction as he took in her robe:co*ered fi3ure2
&alinda found herself respondin3 to his ob*ious 3ood mood in spite of her newfound resolution to ha*e
a serious talk2 A-ere you 3oin3 to wait until youd used all the hot water before you called meEA
AI*e been sa*in3 some for you'A he retorted imperturbably2 ACome on in2A
AIll wait'A she declared firmly2 ARand' I want to talk to youFA
ACome a little closer' its hard to hear o*er the noise of the water'A he remarked innocently' duckin3
back behind the shower2
#ncertainly &alinda mo*ed forward2 AI suppose it can wait until youre finished'A she be3an and then
belatedly tried to step backward as a lon3' wet arm darted out to sna3 her wrist2 An instant later he
reappeared from behind the curtain' a teasin3 3rin slashin3 his tanned face2
ACome on in' honey2 %he waters fine2A
I IRand' this is serious' she be3an earnestly and then had to stop her ar3ument in order to push away
his fin3ers as they reached for the belt on the robe2 AI need to talk to you2A
AIm listenin32A !e pulled her closer' slippin3 the robe off her shoulders and' still holdin3 her' plunkin3
the 3reen shower cap down on her head2 AYou look cute in the mornin3'A he murmured' sur*eyin3 her
with a satisfied nod2 ARather like a 3rumpy cat2A
AAre you always in such a li*ely mood at this hour of the dayEA she demanded caustically as he tu33ed
her into the stall beside him2 %he full force of the water struck her and she found it pleasantly re*i*in3
in spite of her mood2
AYoull ha*e a chance to do a statistical analysis on the subCect and find out' wont youEA Rand reached
for the soap and' cradlin3 her with one arm a3ainst his slippery side' be3an to lather her back2
A%hatsF thats what I wanted to talk to you about'A she said breathlessly' *iolently aware of the
uncompromisin3 maleness of him2 It was entirely disconcertin3 to ha*e him takin3 o*er her bathroom
and her life and &alinda fou3ht for a means of self:defense2
A,irst my 3ood:mornin3 kiss'A he intoned' bendin3 his head to find her lips as his hand slid
possessi*ely down her back and o*er the cur*e of her hip2
ARand' please listen to me2 %his is *ery seriousF2A
A#mmm'A he 3rowled a3ainst her mouth' tastin3 her with e*ident enCoyment2 A7ust what a man needs to
3et the day started properlyBA
Beneath the warm water streamin3 o*er them his mouth mo*ed e*en more warmly on hers' probin3
deeply' la8ily' possessi*ely2 &alinda found herself clutchin3 his 3listenin3 shoulders' aware of Cust how
much he was tellin3 her with this proprietary 3ood:mornin3 kiss2 It was *ery clear that as far as Rand
Alastair was concerned' she was now his2 &alinda wasnt sure how to ar3ue with that o*erwhelmin3
assumption' especially since her whole bein3 lon3ed to a3ree2
%he hand on her hip be3an 3lidin3 upward' fin3ers spreadin3 briefly across her stomach before
continuin3 the Courney to her breasts2 !e caressed her with slick' sensuous motions that made her
tremble a3ainst him2
But when she unconsciously moaned a throaty response and mo*ed her own hand down to his waist
and beyond' it was Rand who lifted his head and turned her firmly around to break the contact2
A$nou3h of that wantonness' ?iss Brady2 You and I ha*e work to do today'A he chided bracin3ly2
ANone of which is 3oin3 to 3et done if you seduce me here in the showerBA
AI wasnt seducin3 you'A she be3an wrathfully' feelin3 the lau3hter in him2 AI was the innocent *ictimBA
AIts all in ones point of *iew' I suppose'A he shru33ed philosophically2 ANow' what was it you had to
tell meEA Briskly he finished soapin3 her body2
AIllF Ill tell you durin3 breakfast'A she si3hed2 %hen she reali8ed there had been no scrape of
mornin3 beard when he had kissed her2 A!ow did you mana3e a sha*eEA
AI had my thin3s downstairs in the car2 I threw on my slacks and went down to 3et them before you
AYou really came prepared' didnt youEA she muttered2
AA man has to look his best first day on a new Cob2A
AYou meant what you said last ni3htE Youre really 3oin3 to help my company fi3ht off )a*ids
takeo*er bidEA she asked uncertainly2
A)ont worry' honey2 "ne way or another Ill see to it !utton doesnt 3et the firm2A
It was only later o*er the breakfast of scrambled e33s and toast she prepared that &alinda finally found
the coura3e to brin3 up the subCect which had been on her mind since she awoke2
A-here did you plan on stayin3 while youre in )en*er' RandEA She didnt meet his eyes as she set the
plates down on the table2
%here was a hea*y pause from the other side of the table2 #nwillin3ly &alinda finally looked up from
her e33s2 Rand was re3ardin3 her with a rather eni3matic speculation2
AIs this the openin3 *olley in your small war to make sure I dont stay here with youEA
She held onto her determination2 AI think that as lon3 as youre intent on workin3 for Brady we ou3ht
to maintain aF a more businesslike association2A
AIm supposed to pro*e myself worthy of the affair before youll continue with itEA he murmured
AIm not askin3 you to pro*e anythin3' Rand2 Youre the one who showed up unannounced on my
doorstep last ni3ht in the middle of a party and said you were comin3 to work for meBA she flared2
AI didnt come back to )en*er only to work for you2A
&alinda felt herself 3o warm under the caressin3 3lance he poured o*er her2 A)o you always follow
your latest female interest in order to pursue an affairEA she whispered2
AI ha*ent been out of those mountains for ei3hteen months'A he said e*enly2
A%hen why ha*e you come after meEA she mana3ed ti3htly2
!is face 3entled2 AI thou3ht I made that ob*ious last ni3ht2A
She shook her head2 ARand' we knew each other for only a couple of daysF2A
%he ed3e of his mouth turned upward and he said carelessly' AAs you are soon 3oin3 to learn' I am
nothin3 if not a first:rate strate3ist and decision:maker2 I know what I want' &alinda2A
AAnd you think you want meEA
AI know I want you2 I also want to show you Im fully capable of the business skills you seem to
admire so 3reatly2 I saw the disappro*al in your eyes when you commented on my rather easy3oin3
way of life in the mountains2 You admire men from your own world2 So Im 3oin3 to show you I can
handle myself in that world2A
A%heres no needFA
A%heres e*ery need2 But if it will make you less fretful this mornin3 Ill tell you I ha*e a place to stay2
You dont ha*e to worry about 3i*in3 me room and board2A !e du3 into his e33s with 3usto2
A-hereEA she asked' wishin3 it didnt seem so ri3ht ha*in3 him here sittin3 across from her at
breakfast2 But she had to know more about him' more about his moti*es2 She simply could not belie*e
he had followed her Cust to take her to bed a3ain2
AAn apartment here in town'A he smiled2 ANow eat your breakfast' sweetheart' we ha*e a lot to do
It wasnt until later that mornin3 when &alinda con*ened an emer3ency meetin3 of the hi3hest:rankin3
members of her staff that she reali8ed she wasnt the only one with a profound wariness of Rand
Alastairs moti*es2
But the hard chill in the air that 3reeted her as she walked into the conference room with Rand at her
side took &alinda by surprise2 She was accustomed to an easy' comfortable' respectful familiarity from
the circle of mostly middle:a3ed faces2 %he shock of the cold ner*ousness she saw in e*en !arold
Sebastians eyes left her momentarily unner*ed2
Rand seemed totally unaffected by it' takin3 a seat with a casual nod to the rin3 of eyes that focused on
him2 %hen he politely turned his attention to &alinda and she automatically took control2
A-hat I ha*e to say will be a shock for all of you'A she be3an 3rimly' 3lancin3 around the table2 ABut
perhaps thats my fault2 I should ha*e anticipated such an e*ent' 3i*en the current mer3er fe*er in this
country2 %o put it bluntly' Brady )ata Processin3 has become the tar3et company of a hostile bidFA
%he rumble of stunned' accusin3 *oices interrupted her2 Before &alinda could recall the meetin3 to
order' she reali8ed that Rand was the focus of the 3rim 3lances and an3ry murmurs2 !e sat unheedin3'
his eyes on &alinda2
AIf I may ha*e your attention'A she said dryly' still not fully comprehendin3 the reaction of her staff2
-hy were they starin3 at Rand like thatE
AYoull ha*e to understand' ?iss Brady'A Palmer +reyson said finally' his portly body ri3id with
indi3nation2 A-ere all a little stunned by this2 -hen !arold told us this mornin3 that youd been seen
on friendly terms with Rand Alastair' well' we Cust couldnt belie*e it2 !ow could youE Your father
would ne*er ha*e done such a thin32 Im sure he would be as shocked as the rest of us to know youFA
AI assure you' Palmer'A &alinda said' appalled' Athe takeo*er attempt is not my idea2 I belie*e I
mentioned the bid bein3 made is a hostile oneBA
ABut !arold said you were more than a little friendly with Alastair last ni3ht and others saw youFA
&alinda' reali8in3 the drawbacks to runnin3 business in a more or less democratic way' ti3htened her
mouth and re3arded her accusers coolly2
AIm sorry to ha*e to admit it' but' frankly' I dont ha*e the skills necessary to combat the bid2 And
neither' if youre honest with yoursel*es' do any of youB -e ha*e 3one our own way here at Brady'
stayin3 out of the con3lomeration mo*ement and concentratin3 on buildin3 our firm from within2 As a
result' we*e allowed oursel*es to be taken by surpriseF2A
AYou cant Cust turn the company o*er to him without a fi3htBA !arold Sebastian interrupted forcefully'
brin3in3 his hand down flatly on the table2 !e swun3 his head around to stare at Rand who merely
arched an eyebrow in response2 AI knew your name was familiar last ni3ht but it took me until this
mornin3 to place it2 !ow did you talk &alinda into thisE Shes always been as concerned with Brady as
her father wasF2A
A%hats enou3h' !arold'A &alinda said @uietly' the authority in her *oice brin3in3 all eyes back to her2
A%here seems to be some misunderstandin3 here2 If you know somethin3 I dont know than perhaps
you should tell me about it2 In the meantime' hear me out2 -e will then throw the subCect open for
discussion2 Is that a3reeableEA
-ith muttered remarks and a few resentful 3lances at Rand &alindas staff settled back into their seats'
clearly eDpectin3 to hear nothin3 hopeful from her2
A-e need an eDpert ?r2 Alastair claims competence in the speciali8ed area of business we need at this
moment2 -ith your appro*al I intend to hire him to ad*ise us durin3 the neDt few weeks2A
A!ire himBA %he startled eDclamation was repeated around the table as e*eryone turned to stare
uncomprehendin3ly at e*eryone else2 "nly Rand remained aloof' lookin3 half:amused2
AYes' unless' as I noted earlier' you ha*e some serious obCection or a better su33estion'A &alinda
finished forcefully2
A?iss Brady'A ?ar3aret Hannon said *ery slowly' her 3rayin3 blond hair still an attracti*e frame for her
pleasant features2 A-ho' eDactly' is proposin3 to take o*er BradyEA
She told them the name of )a*id !uttons firm and saw the astonishment in their faces2
A!utton is tryin3 to force a mer3er on usEA !arold asked a little blankly' starin3 at Rand a3ain2 ANot
It was &alindas turn to look blank2 A%hats correct2A
AAnd youre proposin3 to hire Rand AlastairE %o ha*e him on our sideEA Palmer +reyson said in
wonderin3 disbelief2
AYes2 Now Im prepared to throw this discussion onto the table' althou3h it already appears to be
there'A she noted dryly2 AIm @uite willin3 to ha*e your input since this affects all of us22 !utton' by the
way' has already filed with the S$C2 -ere runnin3 out of time2 ?ay I ha*e your comments' pleaseE
Perhaps you would like to @uestion Rand on his @ualifications2A
A!is @ualificationsBA ?ar3aret Hannon echoed wryly2 A%hey could hardly be any better' as Im sure you
know2A She looked frankly at Rand2 A!a*e you really a3reed to help Brady in this matterEA
Rand inclined his head in silent a3reement2
AYoull be workin3 for usEA
AYes'A he smiled politely2
%here was a thou3htful silence while e*eryone absorbed this2 &alinda was still tryin3 to fi3ure out what
her staff knew about Rand that she didnt when the *ice:president in char3e of marketin3 said half:
humorously' A!ows it 3oin3 to feel bein3 on the other side of the action' ?r2 AlastairEA
AInterestin3'A Rand replied' a small' anticipatory 3rin on his lips2
As if the sin3le word had remo*ed a barrier' the @uestions started comin3 fast and furiously2 But this
time they were asked with a 3rowin3 eDcitement and confidence that told &alinda the turnin3 point had
been reached2
Rand had 3one from bein3 the *illain at the table to the hero2 She didnt understand it but she was too
3ood a businesswoman to @uestion her luck2 !er staffs ob*ious confidence in Rands abilities
reinforced her own decision to belie*e in him2 She sat musin3ly and watched him handle the @uestions
and comments with easy skill2 !e really did know what he was doin32 And he appeared familiar with
the respect he was recei*in32 Yes' she thou3ht pri*ately' she had a lot of @uestions for Rand Alastair2
But it was !arold Sebastian who answered many of them for her2 !e approached her as the meetin3
broke up sometime later' an apolo3etic smile on his now:pleased face2
AYou*e really pulled off a coup' &alinda2 Your father would ha*e been proud of you2 Alastair may
ha*e been maintainin3 a low profile for the past couple of years but theres no doubt hes still 3ot the
abilityB Ill admit when I finally remembered who he was this mornin3 and reali8ed Cust how friendly
the two of you seemed last ni3ht' I had a few bad moments2 So did e*eryone else2 %hat mans
reputation alone mi3ht be enou3h to spike )a*id !uttons 3unsB !ow did you e*er persuade Alastair to
come back into battleE -ord had it hed retired a couple of years a3o2A
A7ust what is his reputation' !aroldEA &alinda asked ruefully2 AI mean' hes admitted he knows
somethin3 about the con3lomeration business' butFA
A&nows somethin3 about itB ?y +od' &alinda' that man was the terror of e*ery firm in the Rockies up
until about two years a3o2 !e had a reputation as a corporate raider that made +en3his &han look
tameB !e had a piece of the action where*er he wanted it2 Sometimes he would force a takeo*er'
sometimes he only wanted a seat on the board of a particular firm2 !e manipulated stock' added any
firm that took his eye to his own con3lomerate' and 3enerally seemed unstoppable2 It 3ot to the point
where the mere mention that he was interested in a company was enou3h to send the mana3ement into
A!ow is it I ne*er heard of himEA
A%he timin3' I suppose2 You were workin3 at that firm in !ouston until about three months before your
father was killed2 You 3ot en3a3ed' as I recall' shortly after you mo*ed up here from %eDas2 Alastair
was 3oin3 into retirement about the time you were 3oin3 throu3h the shock of your fathers death2
-hen I saw you walk in with Alastair this mornin3 I knew we were headed for disaster2 And then when
you said we were a tar3et companyFA
AYou saw Rand sittin3 there and assumed Id Cust handed o*er the reins to a sharkEA &alinda mused
with a wry smile2
AI should ha*e known youd ne*er do anythin3 like that I 3uess I panicked' too' Cust the way e*eryone
used to do when they heard Alastair was comin3BA !arold 3rinned2 ABut to ha*e him actually workin3
for usFBA
AYou dont mind ha*in3 a shark around as lon3 as hes on your sideEA
ABusiness is business'A !arold chuckled and then eDcused himself to hurry off to his office2 Rand had
already be3un dispatchin3 people for the *arious reports and records he wanted to see2
%he mana3ement offices of Brady )ata Processin3 took on the atmosphere of an armed camp preparin3
for battle2 -ord went like wildfire throu3h the company of the takeo*er bid' but word of Rands
presence spread e@ually as fast2 Instead of the sudden depression in morale' &alinda was ama8ed to
find e*eryone in*i3orated with a purposefulness that told its own story2 Brady mana3ement had a
battlefield 3eneral and they were prepared to follow him into the fray' no @uestions asked2 %here was
nothin3 like ha*in3 a shark on your side' &alinda thou3ht idly at one point when +eor3e Barrett
appeared with coffee and sandwiches2
A%hanks' +eor3e'A &alinda smiled 3ratefully' lookin3 up from the pile of papers on her desk2 Rand'
sittin3 across from her 3lanced up almost curiously and then looked appreciati*ely at the sandwiches2
AI didnt know an order for food had 3one out'A he 3rinned' helpin3 himself to a thick pastrami on rye2
+eor3e lifted an eyebrow2 A?iss Brady would ne*er think to send me out for sandwiches'A he
murmured2 AShe respects my professionalism far too much' e*en in a crisis' to do such a thin32 But I
ha*e eyes and it was clear neither of you had remembered lunch todayBA
!e left the room with a stack of rou3h drafts that needed typin3' all business2 Rand watched him 3o'
one brow cocked bemusedly2
A%hin3s seem to ha*e chan3ed in the business world durin3 the past couple of years'A was his only
A+eor3e is the perfect secretary'A &alinda said calmly' watchin3 his eDpression2
ABosses'A Rand drawled' Aare known for fallin3 in lo*e with their secretaries2A
A+eor3e would ne*er allow such an improper situation to de*elop'A &alinda said blandly2 A!eres that
breakdown on Bradys line of credit you re@uested2A
?ost of the mana3ement staff stayed late that day' but not as late as &alinda and Rand2 %he ultimate
responsibility was on their shoulders and &alinda found her new employee seemed a*id to accept his
share2 It was' she decided' as if the shark had swum back into his element2 An impressi*e si3ht2
%he dinner hour came and went' sandwiches and coffee once a3ain the only fare2 After the brief break
durin3 which Rand asked a series of probin3 @uestions concernin3 the material hed been 3oin3
throu3h they both plun3ed back into the task of plannin3 the defense strate3y2 Rand was intent on
immersin3 himself in a thorou3h understandin3 of Bradys resources' weaknesses' and possible
,inally' shortly after ten oclock he closed the manila folder in front of him and 3ot to his feet2 ACome
on' honey' lets 3o home2 -ere not 3oin3 to be worth a damn tomorrow if we dont 3et some sleep
A-here is your apartment' RandEA &alinda asked bra*ely' risin3 to her feet and stretchin3 as a yawn
threatened2 She must be firm2
AIm 3oin3 to show you'A he smiled beni3nly2
AI meant what I said this mornin3'A she be3an determinedly2 AI think we ou3ht to maintain a business
relationship until we ha*e a chance to know each other better2A
AI said Id show you the apartment' I didnt promise to seduce you' too2A !e 3athered up a stack of
papers and sho*ed them into a leather case2 AIm not e*en sure I could at this sta3e'A he reflected
seriously2 AIts been awhile since I worked liked this2 Im a little out of shapeBA
She smiled at that2 AYou dont look it2 You look like an ea3er warhorse 3ettin3 back into harnessBA
!e took her arm and walked her toward the door2 ANe*ertheless' the stamina re@uirements are a trifle
different than those of fishin3 and pottery:makin3BA
%he white otus sped throu3h the ni3ht toward an ele3ant apartment buildin3 near the downtown area2
It was not far from her own town house' she thou3ht ruefully2
ACome on up for a ni3htcap2 -e deser*e it'A Rand instructed' 3i*in3 her little option as he took her arm
once a3ain and assisted her out of the car2
A!ow do you happen to ha*e an apartment' RandEA she murmured' tryin3 not to think of the decision
which lay ahead of her toni3ht2 !ow could she refuse him if he made lo*e to herE !is touch was like
ma3ic on her skin and the warmth in him was almost irresistible2 She lo*ed the man2 But she had to
ha*e the answers to her @uestions about him2 No amount of lo3ic could con*ince her he had followed
her out of the mountains merely for an affair2 And hed said nothin3 of lo*eF2
AI own the buildin3'A he confessed2
A"wn itBA
AIt was one of the few thin3s I hun3 onto when I opted out a year and a half a3o'A he eDplained'
watchin3 her face as he pushed the ele*ator button2 AIt was somethin3 that didnt ha*e to be mana3ed
in person and pro*ided a nice income2A
She shook her head2 AYoure pro*in3 to be one surprise after another2A
A+ood surprises' I trust'A he smiled2
AAre you so *ery concerned about my opinionEA she breathed' steppin3 into the ele*ator2
AI prefer seein3 respect in your eyes rather than disappro*al2 Is that so stran3eEA he asked wistfully2
&alinda could think of nothin3 to say to that2 But some instinct warned her that a man like Rand
Alastair didnt worry much about other peoples opinions2
A moment later the ele*ator opened and they emer3ed into a thickly carpeted hallway2 Rand fished a
key out of his pocket and paused before the only door in si3ht2
AI phoned ahead and had the place put in order'A he be3an as he opened the door2 AI hope its decent2A
!e flipped on2 the li3ht' re*ealin3 a clean' uncluttered room furnished in an utterly masculine style2 It
was similar to the decor in his house by the lake' &alinda thou3ht' walkin3 inside curiously2 Browns
and caramels were the predominant colors of the low:slun3' modern furniture2 -ide' sweepin3 *istas of
the )en*er ni3ht were pro*ided by an eDpanse of windows2
Automatically &alinda walked toward the *iew' knowin3 he was watchin3 her2 AIts lo*ely'A she
smiled' lookin3 out into the darkness and pickin3 out familiar buildin3s2 %hey were on the twentieth
AI prefer your place'A he said dryly2
She swun3 around to see him 3oin3 o*er to a li@uor cabinet and be3in huntin3 throu3h the collection of
She accepted the snifter he held out to her a moment later' meetin3 his eyes silently o*er the rim as they
each lifted their 3lasses2 ,or an instant as she met the 3litterin3 promise in the ha8el eyes' &alinda
for3ot all about her promise to herself2 And when he took her wrist and led her silently across the tan
carpet to the sofa' she couldnt find the words of protest2 !e sank down onto the leather cushions'
tu33in3 her 3ently down beside him2 %hen' wrappin3 the arm holdin3 his drink around her shoulders so
that she was forced to curl into his side' Rand reached for the leather case he brou3ht with him2
!e put his feet up on a hassock and fumbled briefly in the case2 ANow' I*e 3ot a couple more @uestions
about your relationship with the banks'A he said calmly2
&alinda turned her head @uickly to stare at him and saw that he was @uite serious2 !e didnt appear to
ha*e any intention of tryin3 to seduce her toni3ht2 She honestly didnt know whether to be 3lad or feel
%he amusement lit her eyes and @uirked her mouth as she dutifully answered his precise @uestions2
!alf an hour later she was still answerin3 the occasional @uestion as Rand continued readin3 beside
her2 -ith a stran3e feelin3 of contentment she settled more closely a3ainst him' findin3 his ob*ious
interest in the work at hand somehow endearin32 !e was enCoyin3 this' she thou3ht sleepily2
!er eyes were closin3 when the impact of that statement finally made itself felt2
!e was enCoyin3 himselfB !e was thri*in3 on the opportunity to 3et back into the dan3erous 3ame he
knew so well2 Belatedly &alinda remembered the occasional feelin3 shed had in the mountains that
hed latched onto her because he had been as bored as she was up there2
She was almost asleep when the plausible answer to all her @uestions popped into her head2
!ad Rand followed her back out of the mountains because she had made him reali8e he was bored with
the easy lifeE -as he usin3 her to find his way back to the hi3h:powered business world hed once
%he thou3ht of ser*in3 as an accidental catalyst for a man who once a3ain was seekin3 a chan3e of
lifestyle was not a pleasant one2 -hat happened to the catalyst after it had ser*ed its purposeE
&alinda awoke hours later to find dawn pearlin3 the sky outside the massi*e windows2 She blinked'
stirred warmly and finally opened her eyes to find herself wed3ed between the back of the sofa and
Rands lean frame2
%hey were still wearin3 their business suits' she reali8ed' minus the Cackets2 !er camel skirt and white'
bow:tie blouse would ne*er be the same2 Sometime durin3 the ni3ht Rand had located a blanket and
pulled it o*er both of them before 3oin3 to sleep himself2 &alinda shifted position carefully and found
herself snu3ly cradled' Rands arm firmly wrapped around her2
She mana3ed to prop herself on one elbow' desperate to stretch cramped muscles2 !er hair was han3in3
loosely around her shoulders and she felt terribly mussed and sleep:tousled2
In the pale mornin3 li3ht Rands firmly etched features appeared more relaDed2 %here was an
unmistakable contentment in the eased lines around his mouth and eyes2 !is shirt had been undone at
the collar' tie remo*ed2
,or a lon3 moment &alinda stared down at him' absorbin3 each detail alon3 with the fact that she lo*ed
him2 %hat look of contentment' she now reali8ed' wasnt because hed spent the ni3ht by her side2 It
was because Rand Alastair was finally back where he wanted to be2 !e had emer3ed from his year and
a half of retirement to resume the fast:paced' perilous life he had known before optin3 out of the
business world2
,or how lon3 would he see &alinda as his means of 3ettin3 back into the hi3h:powered atmosphere
hed once dominatedE !elpin3 Brady )ata Processin3 fi3ht off a hostile mer3er attempt could only be
a steppin3:stone for such a man2 &alinda mi3ht ha*e been the one to 3al*ani8e him into reali8in3 he
was bored with retirement' but how lon3 would she hold his interest once the transition back to the
business world had been madeE
If her time with Rand was fated to be short:li*ed' why was she tellin3 herself that she must control the
passion in the relationshipE -hy shouldnt she be takin3 ad*anta3e of the precious' stolen momentsE
-ith luck she mi3ht ha*e weeks' perhaps e*en a few months before he 3ot swept up completely in the
world hed left behind2 But it was already 3oin3 to be incredibly difficult to say 3ood:bye2 !ow much
worse would it be if the affair went on for monthsE %he thou3ht of watchin3 Rand 3row bored with her
was fri3htenin32
She was starin3 at him' wonderin3 unhappily how she would eDplain her feelin3s to Rand when the
chestnut lashes flickered a3ainst his cheekbones and lifted2 %he ha8el 3a8e 3leamed at her with sleepy
A+ood mornin3' ?iss Brady'A he 3rowled la8ily' mo*in3 the hand that cradled her up to sna3
luDuriously in her hair2 AYou ha*e an interestin3 way of conductin3 late:ni3ht business conferences2 )o
you always 3o to sleep in the middle of themEA
AI dont appear to be the only one who do8ed off at this particular conference'A she replied' warmin3
under the possessi*eness in his 3a8e2 APerhaps you should ser*e coffee instead of co3nac when you
conduct your late meetin3s2A
A?y only re3ret'A he murmured' his mouth @uirkin3 with an intimate' teasin3 eDpression' Ais the
unfinished business we failed to 3et throu3h2A
&alinda knew her cheeks were reddenin3 under the complacent' *ery male look in his eyes2 But before
she could frame a properly li3ht retort' the hand in her hair was mo*in3 to ur3e her head down to his2
-ith a muffled si3h &alinda let herself be pulled across Rands chest' her hair tumblin3 o*er his
shoulders as he kissed her with slow satisfaction2
AI think we*e 3ot time to tie up a few loose ends'A he whispered a3ainst her mouth2
&alinda tried to take a firm 3rip on her new resolutions2 AI a3ree'A she said li3htly and saw the pleased
look on his face2 AAnd I think an early:mornin3 walk would be Cust the way to do it2A
AA walkBA
A#mmm2 A little eDercise to 3et us re*itali8ed for the new day2A
AIf its eDercise youre after' I ha*e a better su33estion'A he be3an determinedly' slidin3 his fin3ers up
her throat and encirclin3 the nape of her neck2
&alinda resisted the temptation and the want in him with e*ery atom of restraint she possessed2 She had
to start drawin3 the line2 She had to ease out of this relationship before it became impossible to do so2
AConsider this little su33estion of mine as an order from your boss'A she said' easin3 herself to a sittin3
position beside him2
!e re3arded her with a measure of fascination2 AIm not accustomed to takin3 orders'A he finally
pointed out2
AAs you said yesterday' thin3s ha*e chan3ed a bit in the business world since you opted out a year and
a half a3oBA
ASome thin3s are basic2 %hey ne*er chan3e2A !e reached for her2
AIm serious' Rand'A she said @uietly' e*adin3 his arm2 AI want to 3o for a walk2 -eF we need to talk2A
!e hesitated' as if testin3 the determination in her and then he shru33ed elo@uently2 A"kay' boss' if
thats really what you want2A
%hey must ha*e made a rather stran3e si3ht' &alinda decided later as they walked briskly alon3 the
path of a nearby park2 It was one of many such islands strun3 throu3hout the city2 %here were more
than one hundred and fifty parks in )en*er and &alinda would ha*e been willin3 to bet that few of
them were bein3 used at this hour of the mornin3 by a couple dressed in business suits that had recently
been slept in2
But it was in*i3oratin32 %he be3innin3 of a Colorado summer day shone down on them and to the west
the mountains seemed to hold out the same promise they had for 3enerations2
A)o you do this a lotEA Rand 3rinned wryly' claspin3 her hand as they walked2
A"f course not2 Id be afraid of 3ettin3 mu33edBA
AYou think I can protect youEA he asked' slantin3 her an interested 3lance2
AIf anyone dares menace us well Cust tell him who you are and use your reputation to scare him offBA
!e winced2 A%hat took you by surprise yesterday' didnt itEA
AYour reputationE ,rankly' yes'A &alinda said simply' inhalin3 the mornin3 air2 AIm told you really
were the shark you Coked about bein3 that ni3ht at the party2A
A)oes that worry youEA he asked with surprisin3 hesitation' not lookin3 at her2
AShould itEA
ANo2 Its supposed to con*ince you Im the sort of man you admire'A he said softly2
A-hich brin3s us to the subCect I wanted to discuss'A &alinda said' ama8ed at the calm in her *oice2
AI had a feelin3 it mi3ht'A he si3hed2 A-hats wron3' &alindaEA !is fin3ers ti3htened around hers' as if
he were preparin3 for physical stru33le2
A%heres nothin3 wron3' Rand2 I Cust want to make it clear that I meant what I said yesterday mornin3
about maintainin3 aF a businesslike relationship for a while2 %heres a lot we ha*e to learn about each
AYou were upset about findin3 out about my past' werent youEA he interrupted harshly2 ABut' honey'
its that past which is 3oin3 to help your company2 )ont you seeEA
AI see2 And Im 3rateful2 But thats not the point2A She tried to speak rationally' keepin3 her emotions
under control2 But it was difficult with him lookin3 at her like that' as if she really were more important
to him than business2
!e drew her to a halt on the path' turnin3 her so that she had to face him2 A%hen what is the point'
&alindaE -hat are you tryin3 to sayEA
She faced him bra*ely2 ARand' Im 3rateful for your help in this crisis2 But' please' dont confuse your
feelin3s about comin3 back to the business world withF with any feelin3s you mi3ht ha*e for meBA
A-hat the hell are you talkin3 aboutEA he rasped' his hands ti3htenin3 forcefully around her upper
arms' his face darkenin32
APlease'A she be33ed earnestly' 3ray eyes wide with concern for him' Adont be an3ry2 Im Cust pointin3
out the ob*ious2 Youre findin3 it eDcitin3 to 3et your feet wet a3ain in the world in which you were
once so successful2 It was *ery clear yesterday that you were enCoyin3 yourself2 And if its what you
want' then I dont mind ha*in3 been the catalyst that drew you out of the mountains' really I dontFA
AYesB Remember how I asked you a couple of times if you were bored with your trout fishin3 and the
little 3alleryE You denied it' but I think the truth is that you were 3ettin3 restless2 After a year and a
half' you felt the ur3e to compete and win 3ettin3 the better of you2 -hen I came alon3 representin3 a
portion of the world youd left behind' somethin3 clicked' didnt itE I became an eDcuse' a reason' for
comin3 back to )en*er and pickin3 up the reins of business2A
!e stared at her2 AYou*e 3ot it all worked out' ha*ent youEA
AIs my conclusion so *ery far from the truthEA she whispered sadly2 AAre you 3oin3 to deny that youre
enCoyin3 yourself as you be3in to wheel and deal a3ainEA
A%hats a *ery neat trap you*e worked out' &alinda Brady'A he muttered icily' ha8el eyes hardenin3 as
he sur*eyed her face2 AI cant *ery well deny the fact that there is somethin3 in the business world
which challen3es and interests me2 You saw me at work yesterday2 I ne*er stayed up half the ni3ht
workin3 on a piece of potteryBA
She nodded in mute understandin3' tryin3 to hide her unhappiness2
AAnd Im not 3oin3 to deny that I mi3ht ha*e been 3rowin3 bored with my lifestyle in the mountains2 A
year and a half of fishin3 and part:time employment can be a bit more than relaDin32 It can make a man
AI knew it'A she murmured' lowerin3 her eyes as she listened to the confirmation of her fears2
ABut youre cau3ht in the trap with me'A he went on relentlessly' liftin3 her chin with thumb and
forefin3er2 AYou made it *ery clear in a lot of little ways that you werent interested in an affair with a
la8y trout fisherman and pottery:makerB You wanted a man from your own world2 "kay' you*e 3ot
him2 I not only understand and function *ery well in your world' &alinda' I can dominate it if I wish2
Im 3i*in3 you what you asked for in a man2 )ont you dare try to back out of our deal nowBA
&alinda fro8e at the cold' hard ed3e in his *oice2 A-e didnt ha*e any sort of Ideal' RandBA
A-e do now'A he countered and crushed her lips beneath his own as if to seal it2
It was a harsh' ruthless' dominatin3 kiss' with none of the warm' seducti*e persuasi*eness shed known
in the past2 It was as if he was intent on lettin3 her know that he could dominate not only the world in
which she made her li*in3' but &alinda' herself2
!is mouth mo*ed a33ressi*ely on her lips' forcin3 them apart and 3i*in3 her no option but to accept
the in*asion of his ton3ue2 )esperately &alinda tried to pull away' break the ruthlessness of the kiss'
but he only wrapped his arms around her and forced her closer2 In the chill mornin3 air he molded her
body to his own' lettin3 his inner heat trap her2
-hen she tried to free her lips' he used his teeth to nip warnin3ly and she crumpled a3ainst him at the
first threat2 !e accepted the surrender as if it were his due' not takin3 his mouth from hers until she had
stopped fi3htin3 him completely2
-hen at last he lifted his head to 3a8e forbiddin3ly down at her helpless face' &alinda sa33ed in his
!e let her bury her face a3ainst his shoulder' holdin3 her with bonds of steel2
,or a lon3 moment they stood silently2 &alinda knew she was tremblin3 with reaction2 Not Cust to the
kiss' itself' but to all the male implacability that lay behind it2 !e did want her2 Re3ardless of his other
reasons for followin3 her out of the mountains' he wanted her2 -ould that e*er be enou3hE
A)ont fi3ht me' &alinda'A he finally 3ot out on a hoarse thread of sound2 APlease dont fi3ht meBA !e
turned his lips into her hair' kissin3 her 3ently now' almost apolo3etically2 She felt a tremor 3o throu3h
him and knew he was shaken by the moment2
AIs that a warnin3' RandEA she mana3ed' her words muffled by the fabric of his Cacket AAre you sayin3
Ill 3et hurt if I dont 3o alon3 with what you wantEA
!is 3rasp on her tautened2 AI would ne*er hurt you' honey2 But I cant let you 3o' either2 I need you too
She wasnt sure Cust what she was 3oin3 to say under the tension of the moment' but whate*er it mi3ht
ha*e been died in her throat as he 3ently set her a little ways from him and forced a @uirkin3 smile2
A)ont say anythin3 more this mornin3' sweetheart2 ,or both our sakes' I think wed better 3et back to
business2 Come on' lets 3o find oursel*es some breakfast2A
-ithout waitin3 for a response' he tu33ed her 3ently down the path2
%he rest of the day passed much as the precedin3 one2 Rand was constantly on the phone to banks' old
ac@uaintances who owed him fa*ors' and people who knew an astonishin3 amount about the inside
workin3s of )a*id !uttons fled3lin3 empire2 -hen he wasnt usin3 her telephone' he was 3oin3
throu3h the endless paperwork 3enerated by a thri*in3 enterprise such as Brady )ata Processin32
AYou know' this whole thin3 is turnin3 out to be @uite an education'A &alinda obser*ed truthfully at one
point as they munched sandwiches and prepared once more to stay late at the office2 AIm 3oin3 to be a
much more aware businesswoman when this is all o*erBA
!e smiled' a 3enuine flash of humor2 A%hats one thin3 that can be said about a company that 3ets
cau3ht up in a mer3er battle2 ?ana3ement is ne*er @uite the same thereafter2A
AA matter of facin3 reality' I suppose'A she nodded seriously2
!e took her home that ni3ht around ten oclock and he didnt try to in*ite himself inside2 &alinda
thou3ht he looked rather preoccupied' in fact' and wondered at his almost casual 3ood:ni3ht kiss2 But
she didnt ar3ue with it2 She knew she needed the time to herself2
But she came to no re*ealin3 conclusions as she lay alone in her bed2 Instead' she found herself
dreamin3 that Rand was beside her2 -hen she went into work the neDt mornin3' she didnt try to deny
her own ea3erness to see him a3ain2
!e was there ahead of her' already on his second cup of coffee apparently and he looked up in@uirin3ly
as she sto;d in her doorway2
AI 3i*e up'A he smiled2 A-hy the frownEA
AYoure drinkin3 too much coffee'A she said with automatic concern as she walked into the room and
seated herself behind the maho3any desk2
!e 3lanced down at his cup in surprise2 AAn old habit' I 3uess2A
AA little caffeine 3oes a lon3 way2 I think you should switch to tea2A
!e studied her determined eDpression for a lon3 moment and then pushed aside his half:finished cup2
A-hate*er you say' boss2A
%hat made her 3rin2 A%heres nothin3 @uite like a truly deferential' obedient employeeBA
AIll make a bar3ain with you2 Ill be deferential and obedient on the Cob if youll be deferential and
obedient after hoursBA
A,acetiousness and flippancy in employees' howe*er' is not condoned in the offices of Brady )ata
AIll try to remember that2 Now' suppose you pour me a cup of teaEA he su33ested smoothly' eyes
She thou3ht about that2 AIf I do youre liable to 3et the notion you can manipulate the boss2A
A%he only time I intend to manipulate the boss is in bed'A he 3rowled' leanin3 forward with Cust enou3h
menace to make her sit back in her chair2
AYou hae been up in those mountains too lon3'A &alinda complained' Cumpin3 to her feet and stridin3
@uickly o*er to where a pot of hot water simmered on a hot plate alon3side a pot of coffee2 AYou*e
for3otten your office mannersBA
AIll rely on you to keep me in line'A he chuckled as she returned with a mu3 of tea2 !e accepted it with
a smile but there was somethin3 in his eyes that told her hed meant what he Cust said2 !ed rely on her
to keep him in lineE %hat didnt make any sense2
A-hats the battle plan for todayEA she @uestioned in a decidedly businesslike *oice' eyein3 him
A%oday we plan dinner'A he announced' sippin3 the hot tea and watchin3 her interestedly o*er the rim2
A)inner at the restaurant where )a*id !utton will be dinin3 toni3ht'A he amended casually2
She stared at him2 ABut whyEA
A,inancial maneu*erin3 is only half this battle'A he eDplained calmly2 APsycholo3y is a critical aspect'
AYou want him to see you out with meEA she ha8arded as his line of reasonin3 clicked in her brain2
ABy now he knows Im in*ol*ed with Brady2 %oni3ht hell find out Cust how much2A
ABut whyEA
ASo hell see that theres no point in tryin3 to sub*ert me'A Rand told her carelessly2
ASub*ert youB +ood lordB Rand' are you tellin3 me he mi3ht try buyin3 you offEA
A!e already has2 I 3ot the call last ni3ht after Id taken you home2A Rand appeared totally unconcerned2
AIts a lo3ical step2 I didnt talk to !utton directly' of course' I Cust recei*ed a feeler from one of his
hi3her:rankin3 employees2A
A?y +odBA &alinda shook her head' unable to belie*e it2 A-hatF what did you tell the person who
called youEA Somehow she had ne*er en*isioned such a ploy on !uttons part2 She knew such tactics
were used but they had ne*er impin3ed on her world2 &alinda found herself wonderin3 for the first
time if sharks could be bribed2
A-hat do you think I saidEA Rand muttered 3ruffly2
She stared at him' assessin3' rememberin3' analy8in3 and finally came up with the only possible
conclusion2 AYou told him no' of course2A
A-hy Iof courseEA he demanded interestedly' watchin3 her intently2
AYou would ne*er break your word to us'A she replied positi*ely' relaDin3 sli3htly as she reali8ed it was
the simple truth2
%here was a tension:filled moment as they sat re3ardin3 each other in silent understandin3 and then
Rand smiled 3ently2
A%hank you' &alinda2A
She shru33ed2 She trusted him2 %here was nothin3 more to say on that subCect ASo why are we ha*in3
dinner in the same restaurant toni3htEA
ABecause hell try uppin3 the offer a3ain and a3ain' thinkin3 he only has to find the ri3ht price2 I want
to s@uash that notion flat2 I want to start closin3 doors on him as rapidly and as solidly as possible so
that he be3ins to panic2A Rand spoke intently' a frown of concentration creasin3 his forehead2 AIf we
can turn the tables on him @uickly enou3h' I think we can 3et him to withdraw the offer2 !e has to
know we*e 3ot a whole series of options and well use e*ery damn one of them until hes out in the
A!a*e we really 3ot a whole series of optionsEA
AYes' but most of them are eDpensi*e2 It would be nice if we can kill his interest before we ha*e to
resort to them2A
A-hats the worst possible caseEA &alinda asked bluntly2
AA friendly mer3er with another company'A he told her' not shieldin3 the truth2
She 3roaned2 AI was afraid of that2 A white kni3htEA
!e nodded' tossin3 down the stack of papers he had been readin32 A%hats what the Ifriendly company
is usually called in cases like this2 It can be done' &alinda2 I ha*e contacts2 -e can find a friendly suitor
for Brady )ata Processin3 who will a3ree to mer3e with us on our terms2 Its better than turnin3
e*erythin3 o*er to !uttonBA
AI know2 But e*en in the friendliest of situations' Brady )ata Processin3 will lose some of its
AIf it comes to that' well ne3otiate *ery carefully2 But theres another option' I think2 You ha*e
surprisin3ly 3ood credit for a company this si8e2 Your assets are solid and 3enerally rather understated2
I think' with a little fast talkin3' we mi3ht be able to 3et that line of credit eDpanded2A
A,or what purposeEA
ASo that Brady can better !uttons offer for its own shares'A he said @uietly2
AA tender offer for our own sharesE %hat would be eDpensi*e'A she whispered thou3htfully2 ACredit
costs a fortune these days2 Interest rates are hi3hF2A
AI notice from your records that you*e been shy of usin3 bank credit in the past' &alinda2A
AI ha*e an instincti*e dislike of bein3 in debt' I suppose'A she admitted dryly2 AA holdo*er from )ad2A
ABut borrowed money is the way bi3 businesses are run these days2 Brady is 3oin3 to ha*e to reco3ni8e
that if it wants to stay competiti*e and autonomous2A Rand spread out a financial report and be3an
talkin3 in detail2
&alinda listened' fascinated with the eDpertise she was witnessin32 -here would Rand Alastair ha*e
been today if he hadnt dropped out a year and a half a3oE %he thou3ht crossed her mind that he mi3ht
be the one tryin3 to take o*er Brady )ata Processin32 She wouldnt ha*e stood a chanceB
Properly appreciati*e of the importance of fi3htin3 )a*id !utton on all le*els' &alinda dressed with
care for the important e*enin32 She chose a dinner suit of rich' printed *el*et2 %he small' shaped Cacket
fit o*er a softer *el*et skirt and a silk blouse complimented the chic combination2 "*er it she flun3 a
dashin3 se@uined and frin3ed shawl2 !air sleek and held with a 3litterin3 comb' she looked
sophisticated and ele3antly sure of herself2 -hich was eDactly the note she wanted to set in front of
)a*id' she told herself2
As she dressed she thou3ht a3ain of how close she had come to confrontin3 him in the little mountain
town2 $*en if Rand Alastair failed to sa*e Brady )ata Processin3' she would always be 3rateful for his
ha*in3 put a stop to the ill:ad*ised attempt at re*en3e2 She didnt e*en want to think of all the
disastrous complications that mi3ht ha*e ensued2 Somehow' she knew' )a*id would ha*e used the
confrontation a3ainst her' perhaps to compromise her in front of her own staff2 %here was no doubt
about it' shed had a close call2 -hat if !utton had 3otten word to Brady mana3ement that the
companys president was secretly meetin3 its bi33est enemyE
!er 3ray eyes were sparklin3 with inner eDcitement when she opened the door to Rand that e*enin32
And as she took in the si3ht of him in a hand:tailored e*enin3 Cacket and dark trousers' she
acknowled3ed that the eDcitement she was feelin3 wasnt Cust for the ad*enture of combatin3 )a*id
A-e both look dressed to kill this e*enin3' dont weEA she lau3hed as they stood admirin3 each other2
AHery appropriate'A he murmured' takin3 her arm2 A%hats eDactly what were 3oin3 to try to
accomplish2 A little killin32A
A!ow did you know where )a*id would be dinin3 toni3htEA she remembered to ask fifteen minutes
later as Rand turned the otus o*er to a *alet parkin3 attendant and started her toward the eDpensi*e
AIm afraid I made use of your secretary'A he admitted2
AI can see why you hired him2 +eor3e is a *ery competent person2 !e mana3ed to 3et the information
out of !uttons secretary without e*en 3i*in3 her a clue about what was 3oin3 on behind the scenes2A
&alinda had a mental ima3e of +eor3e smoothly eDtractin3 the information he wanted and 3rinned2 She
was still smilin3 as they were shown 3raciously to an intimate table for two2
Rand saw &alinda idly takin3 in the candlelit scene of white linen' shinin3 sil*er and fresh flowers and
APlease dont tell me !utton used to brin3 you here a lot'A he ordered 3ruffly' reachin3 for the wine list2
A!e didnt2 %he place wasnt open back then'A she smiled obli3in3ly2 She thou3ht fleetin3ly of the
whirlwind courtship )a*id had 3i*en her and resi!ed with a start that the memory no lon3er had any
power2 She felt neither the flash of an3er or the hurt shed once known2
A+ood'A he stated e*enly2 AI wouldnt want any misty memories comin3 forth to mar the ima3e were
tryin3 to establish toni3htBA
A%here arent any'A she replied easily' smilin3 at him across the flickerin3 flame of the candle2 She met
his eyes with total honesty and he nodded' apparently satisfied2
ABut I could use a little 3uidance on how to play the comin3 scene'A she went on determinedly2 AAre we
supposed to create the impression of boss and consultant holdin3 a dinner conferenceE "r should I let
him think youre an old friend of the family who stepped in to 3i*e me a hand because of a friendship
you once had with )adE "rFA
AI ne*er met your father'A he reminded her with an eni3matic smile2
ABut it would lend a nice touch to the Iima3e' wouldnt itEA she su33ested seriously' struck with the
brilliance of her own idea2
A7ust follow my lead' all ri3htEA he said repressi*ely2
ABut what' eDactly' is your leadEA
AYoull seeF AhB !ere he comes now2 ooks Cust like his picture2A
&alinda stiffened' the sense of ad*enture 3oin3 out of the e*enin3 as reality intruded2 She looked at
Rand' watchin3 for some sort of si3nal' some indication of how to 3reet )a*id2
And then the other couple was beside the table and Rand was 3ettin3 politely to his feet as )a*id came
to a pointed halt2
A+ood e*enin3' &alinda'A the well:remembered *oice said sua*ely2 AI hadnt eDpected to see you here
toni3ht I dont belie*e you e*er met my wife2 )arlin3' this is &alinda Brady2 She and I are presently
in*ol*ed in some business ne3otiations2A
&alinda could ha*e screamed at the harmless way in which he said that' but she looked beyond )a*ids
handsome features to the face of the woman she had used as one of the ar3uments for not 3oin3
throu3h with the confrontation with )a*id2
It was a lo*ely' charmin3 face' a face that said the other woman knew nothin3 about the darker side of
her husbands nature and preferred it that way2
A+ood e*enin3' ?rs2 !utton'A &alinda said politely' holdin3 out her hand2 It was taken 3raciously as
the other woman smiled and said somethin3 polite in return2 And then &alinda 3lanced at Rand'
preparin3 to introduce him2
AI dont belie*e we*e met'A Rand was already sayin3 smoothly' before &alinda could 3et the proper
words out of her mouth2 !e looked strai3ht at )a*id2 AIm Rand Alastair' &alindas fiancK2A
"nly )a*id !uttons wife appeared to accept Rands decepti*ely casual announcement at face *alue2
&alinda decided rather cynically that she and )a*id both owed ?rs2 !utton a *ote of thanks for 3i*in3
them time to reco*er from the shock2
-ith polished charm the lo*ely woman at )a*ids side eDtended her con3ratulations and made the
proper remarks2 Rand responded to her calmly' easily' until they were interrupted by )a*id who had
ob*iously mana3ed to be3in reasonin3 thin3s out2
AI hadnt reali8ed you were en3a3ed' &alinda2A %he dark 3a8e that &alinda had once found so attracti*e
pierced her' lookin3 for the lie2
AIts a *ery recent de*elopment'A she eDplained' astonished at her own coolness2 She flicked a @uick
look at Rand who came to her rescue2
Aast weekend' in fact'A he elaborated' smilin3 fondly at &alinda who felt herself redden2 A-e ha*ent
e*en had a chance to buy a rin32 -e were on *acation in the mountains'A he went on' speakin3
apparently to )a*ids wife2 ASoon after we arri*ed back in town we disco*ered some rather ur3ent
business had de*eloped2A
&alinda felt )a*id stiffen at the words' his narrow 3a8e 3oin3 to Rands hard profile2
A&alinda and I will ha*e to settle the business matters this week and then well ha*e time for all the
little niceties of an en3a3ementA Rand turned his head with an amused 3leam in his ha8el eyes'
catchin3 )a*id !uttons assessin3 3lance2 ANothin3 *ery complicated' so it shouldnt take too lon32A
AI had heard youd 3one to work for Brady )ata Processin3'A )a*id said coldly2 AIt must ha*e taken the
promise of a considerable financial reward to draw you out of retirementFA
A?oney' Im afraid' had nothin3 to do with it2 &alinda was the reason I decided to 3et in*ol*ed in the
business world a3ain2A
&alinda felt a happy warmth flood her *eins2 Rand had Cust made it *ery clear his interest in 3oin3 to
war a3ainst )a*id was entirely personal' not monetary2 !e could not be bou3ht2
AI see'A )a*id said icily2 AYou dont appear to think this rather ur3ent business matter you mentioned
will take lon3 to settleEA
ANot at all2A Rand smiled his sharks smile2 AA @uite simple bit of corporate 3ame:playin32 I*e had a
3reat deal of eDperience in this sort of thin3' as you may know2 In this instance' its all a piece of cake2
&alindas firm is surprisin3ly stron32 !er credit fleDibility would astound you2 I rather think when the
current matter is settled I may encoura3e her to do a little corporate huntin32 Brady is in a *ery stron3
position to 3et in*ol*ed with the mer3er cra8e as a buyer2A
%he meanin3 in his words hun3 in the air' unsaid' but clear2 Brady )ata Processin3 mi3ht soon be
seriously lookin3 at )a*id !uttons firm as a potential ac@uisition2 %he thou3ht of turnin3 the tables on
)a*id nearly made &alinda lau3h2 It was all she could do to maintain only a polite' amused smile2
A%hats enou3h business for toni3ht' )a*id'A !uttons wife was sayin3 cheerfully' a fine:boned hand on
her husbands slee*e2 A-e really should lea*e these two by themsel*es2 %heyre probably takin3 an
e*enin3 to celebrate their en3a3ementFEA
A!ow did you 3uessEA Rand said dryly2
"Yes, of course' my dear'A )a*id said absently' his an3ry 3a8e on &alindas amused eDpression2
!er smile broadened as she politely inclined her head in farewell2 %here was so much )a*id wanted to
say and so little he could say under the circumstances2 She saw it all in those handsome dark eyes2 !e
was callin3 her e*ery name in the book' frustrated' an3ry' and be3innin3 to percei*e his own potential
-ithout a word he turned and walked stiffly away with his wife2 Rand sat down slowly' his thou3htful
3a8e on his opponent2 &alinda didnt hesitate2 eanin3 forward' she hissed' AYou mi3ht ha*e warned
AIt was a spur:of:the:moment inspiration'A he defended' his 3a8e swi*elin3 back to her accusin3
A%he hell it wasB You*e been plannin3 this all day2 -hy didnt you tell me you were 3oin3 to let )a*id
think we were en3a3edEA
ABecause I thou3ht Id only 3et a lot of static from you'A he retorted imperturbably' reachin3 once more
for the wine menu as the wine steward approached2
&alinda sat impatiently' one toe tappin3 the carpet in irritation as Rand deliberated with the steward2
-hen they were atone a3ain she resumed the attack2
AArent you afraid you mi3ht talk yourself into a corner with lies like that oneEA she 3rumbled' wishin3
with all her heart it hadnt been a lieJ that Rand wanted to marry her' not Cust ha*e an affair2
AI ha*e ne*er talked myself into a corner I didnt want to be in or couldnt 3et out of if I wished'A he
declared emphatically' be3innin3 to study the list of delicate salads on the front pa3e of the menu2
A-ell' thats *ery nice for you' but what about meEA she protested feelin3ly' annoyed at his casual
arro3ance2 A-ord of this so:called en3a3ement is 3oin3 to 3o around like wildfire2 I ha*e no desire to
3o throu3h the process of bein3 Cilted a3ainB ItsF its humiliatin3BA
$*en as she spoke' &alinda thou3ht ahead to Cust what Rands announcement mi3ht mean2 It was easy
for him to use whate*er tactics came to hand in this business battle' but she was the one who was 3oin3
to be left to deal with the aftermath2 And ri3ht now the aftermath of an affair seemed far more
depressin3 than the aftermath of a mer3er action2
Rand set his menu down with care' eyes turnin3 a little 3olden in the flickerin3 candleli3ht as he cau3ht
her half:accusin3' half:despairin3 look2
A)o you really belie*e I would deliberately humiliate you' &alindaEA he asked softly2
%he simple @uestion stopped her in her tracks' effecti*ely cuttin3 off the flow of an3ry words she had
been preparin3 to launch as the full reali8ation of her new predicament re3istered2 It struck her *ery
forcibly that this was the second time that day Rand had asked her for a show of faith2 %he first had
occurred that mornin3 when hed asked her if she thou3ht hed let !utton buy him off2
She eyed him thou3htfully' wonderin3 why he was pinnin3 her down like this2 But forced to consider
the @uestion in depth' rather than in irritation' she knew there could be only one answer2
ANo'A she si3hed' sittin3 back in her chair and liftin3 her chin with a re3al air2 AI dont belie*e you
would deliberately humiliate me' Rand2A
%here was a lon3' wei3hty pause while the implications of her confession ho*ered between them2
Rands eyes ne*er left hers and she could ha*e sworn there was the faintest of smiles playin3 at the
ed3e of his mouth2
ASo why'A &alinda went on steadily' needin3 to know the answer' Adid you use that line on )a*idEA
ANumber one because it was effecti*eF2A
&alinda said nothin3' waitin3 for number two2
AAnd number two'A he went on obli3in3ly' Abecause I think the idea has a lot of intrinsic merit2A
A?eanin3EA she challen3ed bra*ely2
AYou and I make a 3ood team' &alinda'A he be3an intently2 A-e work well to3ether' were attracted to
each other' wereFA
AIs this a proposalEA she 3asped' horrified2
AIf you likeFA
AIf I likeB I ha*e ne*er heard such an unromantic' unemotional su33estion in my lifeB You mi3ht as well
be proposin3 aF a merger!" &alinda felt like cryin3 and hea*in3 the crystal at him at the same time2
!ow dare he sit there and calmly su33est a business arran3ementE
AA friendly mer3er'A he emphasi8ed dryly' his eyes wary2
ANot so lon3 a3o you only wanted an affairBA she reminded him ti3htly2
A%here are other factors in*ol*ed now' dont you thinkEA he asked reasonably2
ABusiness factorsBA
A?ay I take it from your seethin3 eDpression that youre turnin3 down my proposalEA he in@uired
politely' his eyes eni3matic2
AYou may consider the proposal hurled back in your teethBA
A%hen Im off the hookE %here will be no future accusations that I*e deliberately humiliated youEA he
She whitened' shocked by the twist in the ar3ument2 )esperately she 3rabbed at her pride and her
stren3th of will AYouF you may consider yourself @uite free'A she muttered AYou ha*e' after all' 3i*en
me my chance' ha*ent youEA
!e shru33ed2 AIt wouldnt ha*e been a bad arran3ement' &alinda2A
ANo wonder you call yourself a shark when ft comes to business2 You can be @uite cold:blooded' cant
youEA she snapped' desperately usin3 an3er to shore up her willpower2 She was deeply shocked at her
desire to say yes to his proposalJ to accept him on any terms2
Somethin3 in him hardened perceptibly2 AI would think that Icold:blooded is the one accusation you
wouldnt make2 You are' after all' in a position to Cud3e the issue2 !a*e I e*er been cold toward you'
She 3round her teeth2 A%hats 3ot nothin3 to do with thisBA
Suddenly a slow 3rin be3an to replace the firmly marked line of his lips and the ha8el eyes softened2
A)oes it strike you that youre on the *er3e of becomin3 sli3htly irrational in your ar3umentsE Its a
3ood si3n' actually2 It 3i*es me hope2A
&alindas hands knotted the white linen napkin in her lap but her *oice was properly flippant AA 3ood
businessman doesnt rely on hope2 !e relies on facts and fi3ures2A
AYoure wron3' you know2 Business people are essentially optimists2 -ho else but an optimist would
wa3er such *ast sums of money on anythin3 as tricky as competin3 in the national economic
AAre you 3oin3 to ar3ue with me all e*enin3EA
ANo' honey' Im not2 Im 3oin3 to enCoy this e*enin3 and Im 3oin3 to do my damndest to see that you
enCoy it' tooBA
A"f course2 -e ha*e an ima3e to maintain' dont weE As lon3 as )a*id and his wife are in the
A-e shall do our best to appear the happily en3a3ed couple'A he concluded firmly2
And much to &alindas surprise' Rand proceeded to do eDactly that2 !e was charmin3 and attenti*e2 !e
entertained her throu3hout the first course until she finally be3an to relaD and respond to the intelli3ent'
amusin3 con*ersation2
By the time the entree arri*ed' she had firmly pushed the depressin3 business proposal into the
back3round of her mind' tellin3 herself that it had all arisen out of Rands determination to help her
defend Brady )ata Processin3' ft wasnt his fault she had o*erreacted2
%hey were lin3erin3 o*er dessert' a fresh raspberry torte' when &alinda 3lanced up to see )a*id and his
wife lea*in32 %he other couple did not stop to say 3ood:ni3ht to Rand and &alinda2
AAre you be3innin3 to find it amusin3EA Rand in@uired blandly2
A)a*ids reaction to usE Yes' I am2 I could almost see the little wheels 3oin3 around in his head when
he reali8ed you were firmly on the side of Brady'A she admitted' 3rinnin32
ASo Im for3i*en for my claim to bein3 your fiancKEA he asked whimsically2
AIm sorry I blew up'A she apolo3i8ed meekly2 AIts Cust that it took me by surprise2 You should ha*e
warned me' Rand2A
AI was afraid you wouldnt a3ree to it2A
ASo you sprun3 it on me Cust as you sprun3 it on )a*id2A She shook her head A-hen I first met you in
the mountains I kept tellin3 myself your talents were bein3 wasted2 I was ri3ht2A
AIm not sure thats a compliment'A he 3roaned ABut Ill let it 3o for now2 Are you finishedEA
A"ne last raspberry2A
A+ood2 Its a shame to waste all these fine feathers were wearin32 I thou3ht wed 3o dancin3 at a
ni3htclub I used to know near here2A
&alinda made no protest' knowin3 in her heart that she would do anythin3 to prolon3 the e*enin32
Anythin3 to prolon3 her fra3ile' dan3erous relationship with Rand Alastair2
A few moments later' the frin3ed' se@uined stole 3litterin3 around her shoulders' &alinda found herself
3ently stuffed into the front seat of the otus2 -hen Rand slid in beside her' turnin3 to smile' she
became *ery aware of the dark intimacy of the small car2 And of the proposal she had Cust turned down2
%here was little con*ersation between them as Rand dro*e to the ni3htclub' a delicate' stirrin3'
undeniably sensual feelin3 permeatin3 the confined atmosphere2 &alinda didnt want to fi3ht it e*en
thou3h she knew she should2
But the e*enin3 had made her reali8e how tenuous her relationship with Rand now was2 !e would help
her sta*e off )a*id !uttons takeo*er bid' but after that there would be nothin3 to keep him by her
side2 She sensed he still desired her' but she couldnt shake the feelin3 his need was somehow
connected with the fact that she had been his ticket back to the business world2 !e claimed hed come
back to pro*e himself to her' but she was far too aware of the satisfaction he was takin3 in the effort2
Rand had wanted an eDcuse to come back to the thin3 he knew best and she had been that eDcuse2
%orn by the knowled3e that she would ha*e leaped at his proposal if it had been deli*ered with e*en a
modicum of lo*e' &alinda sou3ht to Custify her response when Rand took her into his arms on the
dance floor2 If she wasnt 3oin3 to marry the man' why was she clin3in3 to him like thisE %here was no
future' or at least not one which boded well2 -hy prolon3 the a3ony of a final 3ood:byeE
!is arms slid warmly around her waist as the soft' slow music drifted throu3h the dark' romantic
ni3htclub2 "ther couples mo*ed nearby' each lost in a pri*ate world2 &alinda rested her head on Rands
shoulder' her arms mo*in3 with an achin3 intimacy around his neck2
Rands fin3ers 3ently kneaded the cur*e of her hip as he pulled her close2 AI think we make a *ery
con*incin3 en3a3ed couple'A he murmured in her hair2 ANo' dont you dare tense up on me2 I was
merely statin3 a fact2 )id you for3et how 3ood we are to3ether when you turned down my proposal this
A?utual desire is not enou3h to Custify marria3e'A she whispered into the fabric of his Cacket2
ABut it is enou3h to Custify an affair' isnt itEA he whispered deeply' lips 3ra8in3 the tip of her ear2 !e
pressed her closer' deliberately meldin3 her body with his until she was keenly aware of the hard
warmth and the be3innin3s of arousal in him2
ARand' I dont think we ou3htFA
!er fumblin3 words were 3ently cut off as he turned her head with one hand and kissed her2 It was an
incredibly seducti*e eDperience' &alinda disco*ered' to be kissed on a dance floor2 %he la8y' probin3
passion of it somehow combined with the flow of music and the 3leamin3 shadows2 She melted a3ainst
him as she always seemed to do when he held her like this2
Sensin3 her surrender to the moment' Rand slowly' deliberately be3an to increase the physical tension
already blossomin3 between them2 !is mouth mo*ed moistly on hers' partin3 her lips' sippin3 her
honey2 !e used his hands to fit her close to the cradle of his thi3hs' shiftin3 his feet occasionally so that
his le3 somehow lod3ed su33esti*ely between hers2
&alinda knew the need and want in her was bein3 coaDed into a smolderin3 fire but she told herself she
was safe enou3h on the dance floor2 And when he took her home later she would ha*e the lon3 ride in
the otus durin3 which to cool off2
!e lifted his mouth from hers' findin3 the nape of her neck' the line of her Caw' the ed3e of her eyebrow
with his lips2 &alinda shi*ered and she could feel his satisfaction at the ob*ious si3n of her response2
A-hy did you turn down my proposal toni3ht' sweetheartEA he asked 3ently2
AI came much too close to aF a business marria3e once before'A she breathed shakily' not meetin3 his
eyes2 She wished he would stop talkin3 and Cust hold her2
AAnd youre afraid thats all it would be between usEA he pressed huskily2
AI think Brady )ata Processin3 is only a first step for you on your road back to an empire2 I dont want
to be usedF2A
AI know you wouldnt do it deliberately'A she placated ur3ently' featherin3 her fin3ertips on the back of
his neck2 AYou really belie*e youre offerin3 a fair deal2A
AArent IEA he demanded rou3hly2
AI suppose2 But its not enou3hFA she trailed off helplessly at the 3litterin3 eDpression in his 3a8e2
A%hen that lea*es us with the affair' doesnt itEA he said coldly2
She drew in her breath' knowin3 the seducti*e moment was o*er and she now had to make her stand2
%he same stand she had tried to make durin3 the early:mornin3 walk in the park2
AI dont think thats *ery wise' Rand'A she be3an steadily2 AYou need time to readCust to the business
world2 Your interest in me is bound to be fleerin3 once you*e reestablished yourself2A
AAnd youre afraid Id be usin3 you' Cust as youre afraid Id be usin3 you if we were to marry'A he
broke in 3rimly2
A-ouldnt youEA she dared' linin3 her lashes to meet his eyes2
A#se youE I dont care what you call it at this point'A he bit out with impatient sa*a3ery2 A-hate*er it
is' its 3oin3 to happen2 Because Im 3oin3 to take you back to your apartment toni3ht and make lo*e to
you until you are no lon3er capable of findin3 reasons for it not to happenBA
ARandBA !is name was almost a cry2 !e meant it2 She could see the intention in his eyes' knew he
wouldnt be stopped now that hed made up his mind2
ACome on' &alinda'A he ordered' his tone softenin3 but becomin3 no less determined2 Aets 3o home2A
%he tension that tautened between them on the dri*e back to &alindas town house was palpable2 It was
also *ery silent2 &alinda didnt know what Rand was thinkin3' but she knew her own mind was
whirlin3 with ar3uments and counter:ar3uments2 !e intended to make lo*e to her toni3ht and she knew
of no practical way of stoppin3 him because' deep down' it was what she wanted' too2
Rand said nothin3 as he 3uided her forcefully throu3h the door of her home and locked it firmly behind
them2 And he said nothin3 as she tried to step ner*ously out of reach2
But his hand closed on her upper arm in an unshakable 3rip and she was hauled a3ainst his chest' the
se@uined shawl slippin3 unnoticed to the 3reen carpet to lie in a sparklin3 heap2
-ordlessly they stared at each other and then whate*er bits of protest &alinda mi3ht ha*e found were
blocked as Rand be3an to renew the claim he had on her2
She should ha*e known' &alinda told herself as he rained a33ressi*e' masterin3 kisses down her throat'
that she could ne*er withstand such a sensuous assault2 %he need in him was 3enuine e*en thou3h at
this moment it was combined with a desire to subdue2 And her desire to match and satisfy that need was
e@ually 3enuine' e*en thou3h she told herself it was a dan3erous path2 She couldnt fi3ht her own lo*e
for him2
A&alinda' you cant deny this feelin3 between us2 You cant possibly say its based on businessBA %he
words were 3rated rou3hly a3ainst her skin as he be3an to undo the *el*et Cacket2
ANo' Rand'A she acknowled3ed 3ently as the Cacket fell to the floor beside the se@uined shawl2
AAdmit you want me' sweetheart'A he commanded 3ruffly' slidin3 the silk blouse off her shoulders2
AYou must know I want you2 Admit that you feel the same2 Neither of us could walk away from an
It was the simple truth2 -ith a moan of acceptance of her fate' &alinda wound her arms around his
neck' returnin3 his kisses with passionate' yieldin3 intensity2 She had no choice but to acknowled3e the
effect he had on her and to admit her inability to walk away from him2 !e mi3ht not know it was based
on lo*e' but she knew it2
AI want you' Rand'A she whispered a3ainst his throat as his hands found her breasts and be3an brin3in3
them to fullness2 She wanted to say she lo*ed him but knew he wouldnt want her lo*e2 !e wanted an
affair and' perhaps' a business:oriented marria3e2
AI know that' darlin3'A he husked2 AYou cant hide it2 I see it e*erytime I look in your eyes' e*erytime
your body comes ali*e under my hands2 But its so damn frustratin3 hearin3 you try to wri33le out of
our affairBA
AI wont try anymore'A she *owed thickly' pushin3 his dinner Cacket onto the floor with in*itin3' ea3er
hands2 She went to work on the buttons of his shirt2 AI should ha*e known I couldnt out:reason a
skilled manipulator like you'A she added wistfully' her mouth liftin3 at the corners2
ANot when youre all wron3 in your reasonin3 processBA
AAm I' RandEA she whispered2
AYes'A he 3rowled as the last of their clothes fell to the carpet AAll wron3FA
!e ran his hands caressin3ly down her back' sinkin3 his fin3ers into the cur*e of her bottom and lettin3
her feel the hardenin3 maleness of him a3ainst her thi3hs2
&alinda spread her fin3ers across his chest' deli3htin3 in the rou3hness of the crisp hair e*en as his
hair:rou3hened le3 mo*ed boldly between hers2
She closed her eyes in eDpectation as he bent to lift her into his arms2 But instead of carryin3 her into
the bedroom' he settled her on the thick 3reen carpet beside the pile of clothes2
!e came down beside her' sweepin3 his hand across her breasts' pausin3 to draw teasin3 circles around
each nipple before mo*in3 lower2 She turned into his arms' the need in her shinin3 in her eyes2
A)id you really think Id let you try to talk me out of an affairEA he demanded hoarsely' pinnin3 her
3ently to the carpet with his le32
AYes' no' I dont know2 I ha*ent been thinkin3 all that clearly lately2A She reached up and pulled his
head down to hers2
Committed now' she kissed him with all the lon3in3 in her heart' usin3 the ancient' womanly wiles
buried in e*ery ner*e endin32 ettin3 her own need and desire take o*er she eDplored his mouth with a
passion that clearly aroused him deeply2 "nce more' as she always seemed to do with this man' &alinda
put the future aside2 It Cust didnt seem as important as eDpressin3 her lo*e in the present2 $*en if that
lo*e must remain mute2
She felt his fin3ers on her thi3hs and then released his head as he 3roaned and be3an to kiss her breasts2
,in3ers locked in his chestnut hair' she held him to her and let her senses swirl2
AYoure so perfect for me'A he said throatily2 ASo eDactly what I need2 You must see I cant 3i*e you up'
She arched upward and felt his lips on her thi3h2 %he tiny' stin3in3 caress nearly dro*e her insane with
desire2 %he shimmerin3' promisin3 currents be3an 3atherin3 once a3ain in her body' seekin3 the release
they had learned to eDpect from this man2
!e cau3ht her archin3 hips with his hand' holdin3 her in delicious bonda3e as she stru33led to
complete the union2 %he sensation of bein3 held back seemed to hone her need to an e*en hi3her peak2
&alinda twisted and curled' 3rateful for each new teasin3' tormentin3 touch' but determined to ha*e it
APlease' Rand' please'A she be33ed' 3raspin3 at him' tryin3 to pull him down on top of her2
!e kissed her na*el and then the slope of her small breasts' lettin3 her writhe a3ainst him but not lettin3
her take control of the lo*emakin32
A%ell me a3ain that you want me' sweetheart'A he whispered be3uilin3ly2
AI want you2 "h' +odB !ow I want youBA %rapped in the depths of her own desire she would ha*e told
him the truth if he had asked it of her2 She would ha*e willin3ly told him of her lo*e2 But he didnt ask
that @uestion2 Instead' incredibly' he asked another2 "ne she wasnt prepared for at all2
AIf you really want me so much'A he 3rated hea*ily' Athen theres no reason for us not to marry' is
thereE I could ne*er tolerate lettin3 you 3o to another man after what we*e shared2 Say youll marry
me' sweet &alinda2 ?ake the en3a3ement real2A
Stunned by the demand' &alinda tried to think lo3ically' tried to remember her fears2 But it was
impossible to do so while cradled so ti3htly a3ainst him2 She lo*ed him and he was askin3 her to marry
-eakened with lon3in3 and unable to ar3ue with herself in that moment' &alinda heard herself whisper
the answer2
AYes' Rand2 Ill marry you2 Ill do anythin3 you want2A
Nothin3 had chan3ed2 She knew the odds were that he was still cau3ht up in a combination of desire
and 3ratitude to her for pro*idin3 him the eDcuse hed needed to return to the business world2 !e had
said nothin3 of lo*e2
But she no lon3er had the stren3th to turn down that which her heart so desperately wanted2 She lo*ed
him2 Perhaps' in time' she could teach him to lo*e her2 If not' if the time e*er came when he reali8ed he
no lon3er needed her' she would not re3ret the time shed been his2 Real lo*e mi3ht e*entually cause
sadness' but not re3ret2
%wo days later a somewhat tired:lookin3 Rand appeared in &alindas office doorway2 She had seen him
only at work since the ni3ht he had seduced her into marryin3 him2 !ed made compellin3 lo*e to her
on the plush carpet' whisperin3 words of achin3 need2 And when it was o*er hed carried her tenderly
to the bedroom' kissed her 3ood:ni3ht' dressed' and left2
%he neDt day at work he had been all business' ne*er mentionin3 the traumatic e*ents of the e*enin32
!e had de*oted himself to his task at Brady with sin3le:minded determination2 She knew hed talked to
people hi3h up in )a*id !uttons firm' spellin3 out eDactly how Brady )ata Processin3 was prepared
to match the hostile mer3er offer to shareholders or to find a friendly corporate marria3e partner2 %hat
ni3ht hed taken &alinda home late after work and left her politely on her doorstep2
She had Cust put down the recei*er' a small smile on her face as she considered )a*id !uttons call
when Rand appeared' leanin3 in the doorway with decepti*e casualness2 But she saw the flicker of
eDcitement and satisfaction in his eyes2
AIts all o*er but the shoutin3' honey'A he ad*ised laconically2 AYou should be hearin3 somethin3 soon2 I
Cust talked to my contact at !uttons firm2 %heyre throwin3 in the towel2 -ereF I mean' youre 3oin3
to 3et out of this relati*ely unscathed2A
A%hanks to you2A !er smile broadened as she absorbed the manner in which he was hidin3 his personal
satisfaction2 AI Cust 3ot word from )a*id' himself2A She 3estured at the telephone2
Rand lifted one chestnut brow in@uirin3ly2 ASo soonEA
A!es withdrawin3 the offer2A She decided there was no point mentionin3 what )a*id had said prior to
callin3 off the hostile mer3er attempt2 A!e wasnt particularly pleased' but you mana3ed to lea*e him
with *ery little option2 !e cant afford us2 Not with the kind of credit we can command at the banks2A
A!e was countin3 on Bradys traditional dislike of usin3 credit'A Rand nodded as if to himself2 AAnd
sheer panic2A
A-hich didnt de*elop because we knew we had the best player on our team'A &alinda inserted
warmly2 %here was somethin3 more than satisfaction in Rands eDpression2 A hint of anDietyE Perhaps
e*en warinessE She didnt understand it' but if it was simply a matter of his e3o needin3 a little strokin3
she had no obCections2 !e deser*ed it2
AIts o*er' Rand' and youre the reason Brady is still an independent concern2A &alinda depressed the
intercom button and leaned forward sli3htly2 A+eor3e' would you please round e*eryone up in the main
conference room as soon as possibleEA
A$*eryone' ?iss Brady' or Cust mana3ementEA +eor3e asked carefully2 !e knew shed Cust taken a call
from )a*id !utton2
A$*eryone' +eor3e2 Includin3 you2A
%here was a fractional hesitation and then +eor3es curiosity 3ot the better of him2 A+ood news' ?iss
BradyE "r badEA
A%he best' +eor3e2 And as soon as you notify e*eryone about the meetin3 would you mind takin3 a
minute to find us a place that can accommodate a celebration this afternoonEA
AA place that will accommodate eeryone"" he stressed cautiously2
A%he entire staff' +eor3e2A
AYes' ?iss Brady2A
She released the intercom button and stood up' meetin3 Rands dryly amused 3a8e2
A-hats the matterEA she 3rinned2 ANot used to bein3 on the side of the underdo3EA
!e winced' as if shed stun3 him2 A,rankly' I*e ne*er seen it from this side'A he admitted2
A-ell' Ill ha*e to confess this is the first time we at Brady ha*e had this particular eDcuse for
celebratin32 But we*e had practice at the annual Christmas partyBA She spoke li3htly' tryin3 to erase
whate*er it was shed Cust said that had made him look so rueful2
AYoull be pickin3 up the tab personallyEA Rand asked2
A-e dont run to office slush funds here at Brady'A she affirmed with a 3rimace2 AIll be payin3 the bill2
But it will be worth it2A
%wo hours later the Cubilant Brady staff adCourned from work early to take an eDtended lunch hour
which' &alinda 3uessed with amusement' would last all afternoon2
+eor3e had succeeded in findin3 a colorful beer and pi88a ta*ern that was willin3 to welcome so many
people on such short notice2 ,oamin3 mu3s of beer and pi88as with Ae*erythin3A were bein3 ordered
unstintin3ly2 &alinda decided not to concern herself with the ine*itable price ta32 It was far cheaper
than a mer3er would ha*e beenB
She 3lanced around the room as the staff be3an to break up into familiar 3roups2 +eor3e sat at a corner
table surrounded by the other secretaries' all female2 %he word processin3 3roup had claimed another
table nearby2 ,irst:line super*isors were driftin3 cheerfully into their own territory and Bradys upper
mana3ement occupied a lon3 table with &alinda and Rand in the center2
&alinda smothered a 3rin as a toast went up' beer mu3s on hi3h2 It was one of se*eral and the subCect
this time was Rand2 She could ha*e sworn he was turnin3 a dull red2 Amused' she leaned close and
under co*er of the cheers' whispered' A"ne thin3 about bein3 on the side of the 3ood 3uys9 -ere bi3
on heroesBA
In the dim li3ht' &alinda was positi*e Rand turned an e*en darker shade of red as he slanted her a wry
AIts not a role Im accustomed to playin32A
A!eroE But youre a natural for the partBA
!e looked at her with sudden sharpness2 AYou think soEA
A)efinitely'A she lau3hed2
!e continued lookin3 at her le*elly for a lon3 moment2 A&alinda' I ha*e to talk to you2A
AAs soon as possible2A
She chilled' rememberin3 the wariness in him earlier2 -hat was wron3E !ad he chan3ed his mind
about the marria3e alreadyE Reali8ed he was now back in his natural milieu and no lon3er needed herE
Beneath the rustically car*ed table' &alindas palms went stran3ely damp2
AAll ri3ht' Rand2 I dont think well be missedA She didnt look at him as she spoke2
%here were se*eral 3ood:natured calls protestin3 their departure' but no one seemed unduly upset2 In
fact' &alinda thou3ht sardonically' e*eryone looked a little too understandin3J a little too smu3ly
pleased It didnt take much insi3ht to reali8e her sli3htly feudal staff had decided Rand would make an
eDcellent consort for their presidentB
Rand dro*e back to his apartment without speakin3' the white:knuckled 3rip of his hands on the wheel
the chief e*idence of the intensity of his thou3hts' k made &alinda e*en more ner*ous2
PerhapsF perhaps he would 3o back to the idea of continuin3 the affair2 She could li*e without
marria3e' but she didnt e*en want to consider li*in3 without him alto3ether2 Rand had bound them
to3ether on too many le*els' made her too much a part of him2 She would ne*er be free a3ain2
&alindas tension dro*e her to precipitate the confrontation2 She must know what was happenin32 As
soon as he opened the door of the apartment she stepped inside and turned proudly to face him2
A-hat is it' RandE -hats wron3EA
!e shut the door and leaned back a3ainst it' his hands on the knob as if he needed to brace himself2
%here was hard determination in e*ery line of his body2
A&alinda' I*e done a lot of thinkin3 since the ni3ht you a3reed to marry me2A
A!a*e youEA -hat could she sayE !ow could she stop himE
AI had to finish what I started at Brady2 I had to stop !uttons takeo*erF2A
She waited' not understandin32
!is mouth hardened2 AI reali8e that in so doin3' in showin3 you I could operate effecti*ely in your
world' I*e complicated matters between us2A
A!owEA It was almost a plea2
AIts ob*ious'A he said 3rimly2 AI*e made you afraid of me2A
!e stepped away from the door' liftin3 a hand to stop the impulsi*e denial which leaped to her lips2
ANo' its true2 I wanted you to be proud of me' to admire me2 And instead' I*e 3i*en you e*ery reason
to fear me2 %hats why you tried to call off the affair' isnt itE -hy I had to trick and seduce you into
a3reein3 to marry me2 ?y brilliant plan has backfired2
I reali8ed that after I left you the other ni3ht2 And I*e seen the wariness in you for the past couple of
ABut' RandFBA
!e shook his head' walkin3 restlessly to stare out the window2 AI honestly dont know how to reassure
you' eDcept with time2 I thou3ht about puttin3 off the marria3e' but I cant brin3 myself to make the
sacrifice2 Selfish' I know' but ask anyone9 Selfishness is one of my prime character traits2A
ARand'A &alinda broke in a little breathlessly' hope and despair shreddin3 her ner*es2 A-hat is it you
think Im afraid ofEA
A%hat Ill take Brady away from you2 #se it as the foundation of a new con3lomerate controlled by me2
In short' that Ill do to you what !utton tried to do two years a3o and a3ain this week'A he told her
flatly' keepin3 his back to her2
She stared at the sleek' proud head' her heart almost too full for words2
AYou idiot'A she mana3ed lo*in3ly2 A%hat thou3ht ne*er entered my mind2A
%he broad shoulders were held tautly2 AYou thou3ht I was usin3 youFA
ANot in that sense2 I was only afraid that you were usin3 me in your own mind as an eDcuse for comin3
back to )en*er and your old life2 I didnt want you confusin3 your emotions for me with those for your
work2 I certainly ne*er thou3ht youd try to take Brady from meB Ask )a*id !utton'A she concluded
bluntly as he swun3 around almost *iolently2
A"h' yes'A she smiled' rememberin3 the phone call that mornin32 AIt was his last:ditch effort2 !e tried
to tell me what you would do to me and the firm once you had sal*a3ed it from his 3rasp2 %ried to
con*ince me I was much better off turnin3 e*erythin3 o*er to him2A
A-hat did you tell himEA %he @uestion was low:*oiced and *ulnerable2
A%he same thin3 Im 3oin3 to tell you2 I trust you completely' Rand2A She didnt mo*e' but she knew
her eyes would be reflectin3 her lo*e and trust2
!e watched her with a hun3er that had nothin3 to do with physical desire2
A)o you reali8e'A he said' each word deliberate and car*ed with da8ed wonder' Ayoure probably the
only human bein3 in the Rocky ?ountain $mpire who has e*er said that to meEA !e came forward'
pullin3 her into his arms as if he were afraid she mi3ht break2
A"h' my darlin3 &alinda' thats one of the reasons I need you so much2 I need someone who belie*es in
me2 I know you ha*ent had time to fall in lo*e with me but you want me' you cant hide that' and you
trust me2 Surely thats a start2 Someday Ill make you lo*e me as much as I lo*e you2 I swear itBA
&alinda felt him tremble as she pressed her face into his shoulder2 AAnd to think'A she whispered
shakily' Athat I once credited you with an unusual de3ree of perceptionBA
A-hats that supposed to meanEA he demanded2
AI lo*e you' Rand2 ,rom the be3innin3' I think2 I knew when I left you that mornin3 in the mountains
Id ne*er be completely free of you2 I knew Id ne*er fully reco*er from my I*acation flin32 -hen you
showed up at my door the ni3ht of the party I was ne*er so relie*ed to see anyone in my life2 I reali8ed
that ni3ht I was in lo*e with you2A
A&alinda' my lo*eFA he breathed as if a 3reat wei3ht had been lifted from his shoulders2 She felt the
relief in him2
A)o you really lo*e meEA She pulled back' liftin3 her hands to frame his face2 !e smiled at her' a heart:
stoppin3 look of lo*e that told her e*erythin32
AYou do' dont youEA she said wonderin3ly2
A-ith all my heart2A It was a solemn *ow2 A)idnt you reali8e that when I ri33ed that en3a3ementE I
did it more for my own sake than to ward off !uttons bribery tactics2 I fi3ured once Id 3otten you past
the shock of the idea I could talk you into it on reasonable 3rounds2 Instead' I wound up seducin3 you
into it'A he ended with a 3roan of self:recrimination2 AI should ne*er ha*e done that2 It wasnt ri3ht2 But
I wanted you so muchF2A
A%he sneaky seduction tactics were so successful because I wanted nothin3 more in the world than to
marry youBA she assured him' eyes filled with fond lau3hter2
AI wonder if you ha*e any idea how important you are to meE You told me you were afraid Id only
followed you back to )en*er because youd made me reali8e I wanted to come back to this world2 And
I couldnt ar3ue with your conclusion because it was true in a *ery real sense2 But you didnt
understand the whole truth' &alinda2 I wouldnt ha*e wanted to come back without you2 I would ha*e
found the business life Cust as empty' Cust as destructi*e for me as it had been before2A
A"h' RandFA
AIts true' sweetheart2 I do ha*e the business instincts of a shark2 I learned a lot about myself up there in
the mountains' faced some important facts2 I need that easy' contemplati*e side of life and I need the
hi3h:powered entrepreneurial side2 But it wasnt until I met you that I reali8ed I had a chance of ha*in3
AI dont understand2A She looked up at him wistfully2
A)ont you seeE Youre more important to me than either of those two lifestyles2 Youre the most
important thin3 in my life And that puts thin3s into perspecti*e' makin3 it possible to ha*e it all2 If I
can ha*e you2A
A$*ery time I look at that beautiful piece of pottery you made I reali8e I lo*e the man who made it Cust
as much as the man who sa*ed Brady )ata Processin32 And youre not the only 3reedy one' Rand'A
&alinda smiled2 AI want it all' too2 I want you2 I lo*e you2A
!is hands mo*ed yearnin3ly alon3 her back as he stared down at her2 !e looked as if he didnt fully
trust his luck' &alinda decided2 But she was the lucky one2 !ow could she ha*e e*er run away that
mornin3 in the mountainsE
AIll take care of you' &alinda'A he promised2 AI lo*e you so much2 I need you so much2 I need you to
keep me from drinkin3 too much coffee' to keep me from fallin3 into the trap of becomin3 a business
shark' to keep me from an empty' Incomplete life2A
AAnd I need you2 A man I can trust' a man I can rely on for sound' rational ad*ice' a man who wants me
more than trout fishin3 or empire buildin32A !er lips @uirked in*itin3ly' 3ently2 Ao*e me' Rand2 Please
lo*e me2A
!e folded her to him' a re*erence and a deep desire formin3 opposite ends of the spectrum which
constituted his lo*e for her2 &alinda felt it and re*eled in it' 3i*in3 herself up ea3erly to the ur3ent need
to share the lo*e they had2
AI think'A he rasped close to her ear as he tu33ed at the comb that held her hair' Athe president of Brady
)ata Processin3 should take a little time off now that the immediate crisis is past' dont youEA
She shi*ered as her hair tumbled down her shoulders' aware of his hands mo*in3 throu3h the 3olden:
brown stuff with masculine deli3ht AA *acationEA
AI was thinkin3 more in terms of a honeymoon'A he replied' slippin3 off the Cacket of her suit AIt so
happens I know of a deli3htful mountain retreat situated pictures@uely on the bank of a scenic lakeMA
AIndoor facilities' I trustEA
A"nly the finest'A he assured her simply' remo*in3 her small:collared blouse as she be3an fumblin3
with the buttons of his shirt A,resh trout in the mornin3' arts and crafts in the afternoon' daily picnics2A
AIt sounds charmin32A
As her lacy bra slid to the carpet' Rand 3roaned and crushed her to his naked chest AIt is charmin32 But
to tell you the truth' the place has always lacked somethin32A
AA womans touchEA She nibbled su33esti*ely at the cur*e of his throat2
ANot Cust any womans touch'A he murmured2
AYour touch2 -ill you come back to the mountains for a honeymoon with me' &alindaEA he be33ed' as
they stepped out of the last of their clothes2 AI promise you wont be bored2A
AI wasnt bored last time' not after I met you'A she confessed as he molded her body to his own2 She
trailed her nails sensuously down his back' feelin3 the instant response of his body2 ABut dont you
think that temptin3 the president of the company with *isions of a weekend in the mountains may
constitute some sort of corporate briberyEA
A!a*ent you learned anythin3 at all about meEA he whispered thickly' liftin3 her and carryin3 her o*er
to the sun:dappled couch2 AAsk anyone in town' theyll all tell you Im a man who will stop at nothin3
to 3et what I wantBA
AAs lon3 as Im what you want2A She smiled up at him throu3h her lashes' pullin3 his mouth down to
AYoure the only thin3 I really want2 %he only thin3 that counts2A
And then he was demonstratin3 the wonder and depths of his lo*e to the woman who had de*eloped a
passionate lo*e for a shark2

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