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The CDS 4 unit:

Collected, Edited & typed by: Nandini

Q1.Explain with an example how a structure can be

organised in the 'C' language.
(aug/sep-07,set 1)
What is the use of a structure?Give an example for a
structure with initialised values.
(april/may-07,set 3;
nov/dec-05,set 3;
nov/dec-04,set 2)
What is a structure?How is it declared?How is it
(aug/sep-06,set 3;)
What is the use of struct keyword?Explain the use of
dot operator.Give an example for each.
(nov/dec-05,set 1
june-05,set 3)

What is a structure?Describe the governing rules for
declaring a structure
.(may/june-04,set 3)

Q2.Describe the nested structure.Draw diagrams to

explain nested structure.
(april/may-07,set 4)
What is a structure within structure?Give an example
for it.
(nov/dec-04,set 4)

Q3.When are array of structures used?Declare a

variable as array of structures and initialize it.
(april/may-07,set 4;
nov/dec-05 set 2;
nov/dec-04,set 3)
Q4.Distinguish between an array of structures and an
array within a structure.Give an example each
(aug/sep-07,set 2;
may/june-06,set 2;
nov/dec-05,set 2;
nov/dec-04,set 3)
Q5.Explain the advantages of structure type over the
array type variable.
(aug/sep-07,set 2;
april/may-07,set 1)
Q6.How to compare structure variables?Give an
(aug/sep-07,set 3;)

Q7.(a)Explain the different ways of passing structures

as arguments in functions.
(b)Write a C program to illustrate the method of
sending an entire structure as a parameter to a function.
(may/june-06,set 4;
may/june-04,set 1)
Q8.How are structure elements accessed using
pointers?Which operator is used?Give an example
Q9.Differentiate between a structure and union with
respective allocation of memory by the compiler.Give an
example of each.
(aug/sep-07,set 4)
List out the similarities and differences between
structures and unions.
(may/june-04,set 2)
Q10.Consider a structure master includes the
information like name,code,pay,experience.Write a
program to delete and display the information
contained in master variables for a given code.
(aug/sep-07,set 1;
aug/sep-06,set 1)
Q11.Define a structure to represent a data.Use your
structures that accept two different dates in the format
mmdd of the same year. And do the following:Write a c
program to display the month names of both dates
.(aug/sep-06,set 3;

Q12.A company markets hardware items.Create a

structure "hwitem"that stores the title of the item,it's
price,an array of three floats so that it can record the
sale in rupees of a particular item for the last three
months,category of the item and it's original equipment
manufacturer .Write a short program that provides
facility to read N number of items information,append
new items and display all records
(aug/sep-07,set 4;
aug/sep-06,set 4)

Q13.Write a C program using structure to create a

library catalogue with the following fields:Access
number,author's name,book title,year of
publication,publisher's name,price
(aug/sep-07,set 2;
may/june-06,set 2)

Q14.Define a structure type struct ABS that contains

name,age,designation and salary.Using this
structure,write a C program to read this information
for one person from the keyboard and print the same on
the screen.
Q15.Write a c program to print maximum marks in
each subject along with the student name by using
structures.Take 3 subjects and 3 student records.
nov/dec-04,set 3)
may/june-04,set 4)

Write a C program to illustrate the concept of

structure within the structure
( nov/dec-04,set 4)

Q16.Write a C program to calculate student wise total

for three students using array of structures
.(april/may-07,set 4;
nov/dec-05 set 2;
nov/dec-04,set 3)
Q17.Write a program to use structure within union
.Display the contents of a structure elements..
(june-05,set 1;
june-05,set 4)

Q18.Define a structure that represent a complex

number(contains two floating point members,real and
Write a c program to add,subtract and multiply two
complex numbers
( aug/sep-07,set 1;
aug/sep-07,set 2)

Q19.Write a c program to add the given two complex

numbers.Defin functions add and print with pointers as
arguments. The complex number is a structure object
with real and imaginary fields.
( aug/sep-07,set 1;
aug/sep-06,set 1;
may/june-06,set 3;
may/june-06,set 4)

Q20.The annual examination is conducted for 50

students for three subjects.Write a program

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