Release Procedure For Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002

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Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.

Release Procedure in
Version 1.00
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002
Persistency Layer...............................................................................................................3
Persistency Layer !"#$.............................................................................................................................%
Persistency Layer !&&'............................................................................................................................%
Release Strategy Determination.......................................................................................4
+ustomi,ing-.aster Data.............................................................................................................................*
/ithout classification...............................................................................................................................*
/ith classification....................................................................................................................................*
+ommunication 0tructures...........................................................................................................................5
Release State and State Transitions.................................................................................5
0tate 2ransition 'ld 0tyle 2ransactions......................................................................................................1
0tate 2ransition !n3oy 2ransactions............................................................................................................7
Integration Aspects............................................................................................................7
'ld 0tyle 2ransactions..................................................................................................................................7
.!21 ff.4 .!25......................................................................................rror! "oo#mar# not de$ined.
.!51 ff.4 .!55 .!5*.............................................................................................................................7
!n3oy 2ransactions.......................................................................................................................................7
.!21$ ff.4 .!26$..................................................................................................................................7
.!51$ ff.4 .!5*$................................................................................rror! "oo#mar# not de$ined.
%ser Inter$ace $or n&oy Transactions.............................................................................'
(or#$lo) Inter$ace..............................................................!rror7 "oo8mar8 not defined.
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002
# sound online documentation4 ne)ly created as of release *.1+ can 9e found in the 0#P info :ortal.
Release :rocedures in :urchasing are used to add a state to the 9usiness o93ect4 )hich allo)s some 8ind of
monitoring on )hat can 9e done )ith the document. 2)o different 8inds of release strategies ha(e to 9e
Release strategy determination )ithout classification. 2he old style strategy determination 8no)n
from R-2 and R-% Release ; %.<. =sed only for re>uisition item release.
Release strategy determination )ith classification. =sed in :urchasing documents (header le(el)4
re>uisition item release and re>uisition o(erall release and ser(ice entry sheets. #lso im:ortant
)or8flo) features are only a(aila9le in this :rocedure.
2he follo)ing as:ects are co(ered in this document
2he determination of the release :rocedures 9ased on information of the 9usiness o93ect. ?ere
only the strategy determination )ith classification is considered. 2he old style method is tri(ial
and not co(ered here.
2he se>uence of release codes )hich define the release state of an o93ect and thus the allo)ed
follo)@on :rocesses. Release :rocedures are fleAi9le and can 9e configured in customi,ing
Bntegration as:ects
=ser interface
/or8flo) interface
Persistency Layer
Release strategy attri9utes are :art of the corres:onding 9usiness o93ect. 2)o cases ha(e to 9e considered4
re>uisition items and :urchasing document headers.
Persistency Layer: EBAN
!"#$@CRDDR Release grou:. Bm:ortant for authority chec8s also. 2his field is used in the case of
release strategy )ith classification and is em:ty for the old style method
!"#$@CRD02 Release strategy
!"#$@CRD&E Release indicator. .onitors follo)@on :rocesses
!"#$@CRDE= Release state. Descri9es )hich release codes ha(e already released the o93ect
!"#$@CRDRL Rele(ant for release. Performance indicator. 0et to 0P#+! )hen o93ect is finally
released or o93ect not rele(ant for release
!"#$@D0CRD Re>uisition su93ect to o(erall release. 2riggered (ia customi,ing of the document ty:e.
'ne im:ortant as:ect here in the case of o(erall release no header information is a(aila9le in re>uisitions.
2he release information is shared o(er all items.
Persistency Layer: EKKO
!&&'@CRDDR Release grou:. Bm:ortant for authority chec8s also
!&&'@CRD0< Release strategy
!&&'@CRD&! Release indicator. .onitors follo)@on :rocesses
!&&'@CRDE= Release state. Descri9es )hich release codes ha(e already released the o93ect
!&&'@CRDRL Rele(ant for release. Performance indicator. 0et to 0P#+! )hen o93ect is finally
released or o93ect not rele(ant for release
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002
Persistency Layer: ESSR
!00R@CRDDR Release grou:. Bm:ortant for authority chec8s also
!00R@CRD0< Release strategy
!00R@CRD&L Release indicator. .onitors follo)@on :rocesses
!&&'@CRDE= Release state. Descri9es )hich release codes ha(e already released the o93ect
!&&'@CRDRL Rele(ant for release. Performance indicator. 0et to 0P#+! )hen o93ect is finally
released or o93ect not rele(ant for release
!00R@CFL'+& "loc8 release of entry sheet
Release Strategy Determination
?ere4 only the case Grelease strategy )ith classificationH is considered.
2he release strategy determination is 9ased on the classification system.
# class ty:e 0%2 )as defined and shi::ed4 )hich allo)s a release strategy consisting of a 3oin of
release grou: and release strategy to 9e classified.
2he characteristics used here ha(e to 9e defined )ith a reference to a ta9le field )hich is noting
else 9ut a com:onent of the rele(ant communication structure +!"#$ ( re>uisitions ) or +!&&'
( :urchasing documents ).
/hene(er a 9usiness o93ect is :rocessed the rele(ant communication structure is filled (see 9elo))
and the release strategy determination gets called. 2he lin8 9et)een a characteristic and the
corres:onding (alue of the communication structure com:onent is esta9lished and a class search is
eAecuted automatically (ia function module +L0+F0!L!+2F'"I!+20.
2he search result is filtered. 2his is 9ecause the classification system handles a search
characteristic (alue 0P#+! as a )ild card4 9ut our 9usiness logic treats s:ace as a (alid (alue.
2he filtered result contains no4 one or more than one search result. Bn the case of a non@uni>ue
result usually a configuration :ro9lem eAist. Bn that case )e ta8e any of the hits.
2he result of character length * is s:lit into release grou: and release strategy.
Example: Characteristic FRG_EBAN_KNTTP with label Accout Assi!met Cate!or"#
sta$s %or the accout assi!met cate!or" a$ poits the table &el$ CEBAN'KNTTP(
)he a re*uisitio is chec+e$ %or a release strate!", CEBAN'KNTTP !ets &lle$ with
the -alue o% compoet KNTTP o% the re*uisitio( The search is carrie$ out with
FRG_EBAN_KNTTP . CEBAN'KNTTP( As a result we obtai GF/0 which is split ito
release !roup GF a$ release strate!" /0(
Note: The ob1ect search ca be carrie$ out also mauall" -ia trasactio C234N( This
is -er" help%ul %or trouble shooti! purposes(
Customizing/Master ata
Release strategy determination is 9ased on the follo)ing customi,ing-master data ta9les.
Without classification
2111B. #ccount assignment category4 material grou:4 :lant and (alue of the item are used for the
strategy determination.
With classification
+ustomi,ing ta9les
2111 Document ty:e. Bn the case of re>uisitions 2111@D0CRD s:ecifies )hether o(erall or item
release has to 9e carried out.
211CD Release grou:s. +ontains a lin8 to the class. #lso )hether release grou: is used for o(erall
or item release. Cor each of these t)o categories eAactly one class can 9e s:ecified.
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002
211C0 Release strategies
.aster data
+lass as defined in 211CD
+haracteristics4 each )ith the im:ortant lin8 to a reference ta9le com:onent.
+lassification data lin8ed to 3oined release grou:-release strategie.
Communication Structures
Re>uisition item release Cilled in function module .!FR!LF02R#2!DB!F!"#$4 form
+!"#$@#=C"#=!$. #ccount assignment and then item data are mo(ed into corres:onding
fields of the communication structure. 2he total (alue of the item is calculated and stored in
+!"#$@D0/R2. # +C+ E56T_/AP2EBN7_880 allo)s a modification of the communication
Re>uisition o(erall release. #ll items and accounting lines are transferred to function module
.!FR!LFD!$!R#LF02R#2!DJF!"#$. Bn form +!"#$F#=C"#=!$FD!0#.2CRD +!"#$ get
filled from the first item. $eAt for all com:onents4 )hich are defined in the characteristics4 a chec8 for
uni>ueness is carried out and if so this uni>ue (alue is stored in the corres:onding +!"#$ com:onent. Cor
amount characteristics the first one is ta8en and the single total amounts are cumulated and stored in
+!"#$@DC/R2. # +C+ !<B2F0#PL!"$DF00* is used to allo) the customer to mani:ulate the result.
2he communication structure +!&&' is filled outside of the release strategy determination in the
res:onsi9le 9usiness o93ect. Corm 02R#2!DB!F+!&&'(..01!C00F02R#2!DB!F+!&&').
#n aggregation o(er all items is carried out and the total net (alue is stored in +!&&'@D$!2/
in the case of :urchase orders. Bn the case of outline agreements4 the header 2arget (alue is used if
filled4 other)ise the sum of the item target (alues. 0ince a note )e ha(e a reasona9le +C+
!<B2F0#PL!"$DF0024 )hich recei(es nearly all of the rele(ant information form the 9usiness
2he communication structure +!00R is filled outside of the release strategy determination in the
res:onsi9le 9usiness o93ect. Corm CBLLF+!00R(L.L0RC%&). +!00R is filled from !00R and
some :urchase order header data lin8ed to the entry sheet. +C+ !<B2F0#PL!"$DF00% is
a(aila9le to mani:ulate the data.
Cunction grou: EBN7
0trategy determination re>uisition item Cunction module 9E_RE2_/TRATEG6E_EBAN. Corm
CEBAN_A:FBA:EN to fill +!"#$ from item-accounting data. Corm /TRATEG6E_NE: in
order to eAecute the o93ect search
0trategy determination re>uisition o(erall release Cunction module
fill +!"#$. Corm /TRATEG6E_NE: in order to eAecute the o93ect search.
0trategy determination :urchasing document Cunction module 9E_RE2_/TRATEG6E_EKK<.
Corm /TRATEG6E_CEKK<=998>EF8/_/TRATEG6E_CEKK<? to fill +!&&' from
header-item data. Corm /TRATEG6E_NE: in order to eAecute the o93ect search
0trategy determination ser(ice entry sheet Cunction module 9E_RE2_/TRATEG6E_E//R.
Corm F622_CE//R=292/RF@K? to fill +!00R from !00R and !&&' data. Corm
/TRATEG6E_NE: in order to eAecute the o93ect search.
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002
Release State and State Transitions
#llo)ed state transitions ( :rere>uisites of a release code are fulfilled ) and the action to 9e carried out
)hen a release code releases an o93ect can 9e configured in customi,ing. 0uch a state transition changes
the CRDE= field of the 9usiness o93ect. CRDE= is a 5 character field4 each character stands for a certain
release code as defined in customi,ing. 2he assignment of a release indicator as a function of the release
state CRDE= is also highly configura9le and defined in customi,ing.
Customizing !a"#es
Release strategy without classification
2111B as descri9ed a9o(e.
2111! Release code and Descri:tion
21110 Release indicator
2111D #ssignment to release indicator
2111C Prere>uisites
Release strategy with classification
211CD4 211C0 as descri9ed a9o(e.
211C? descri:tion of the release grou:
211C2 descri:tion of the release strategy
211C+ Release code
211CD Descri:tion of the release code
211CV Prere>uisites and actions
211C& #ssignment to release indicator
211C" (:urchasing documents)4 21110(Purchase re>uisitions)4 211CL(0er(ice !ntry sheet) is the
release indicator
2111=(re>uisition)4 211C!(:urchasing document)4 211C.(ser(ice entry sheet) are the
descri:tions of the release indicator
$ow t%e game wor&s
"asically the state engine for the release strategy )ith or )ithout classification are the same4 only the
customi,ing layer differs. 2herefore the discussion can 9e restricted to the case )ith classification.
Di(en a release strategy 211C04 a set of release codes are defined there in fields CRD+1 through
CRD+5 ( 9loc8ed4 non@orthogonal data9ase re:resentation ). 2he code in CRD+1 9ecomes the
logical num9er 14 the code in CRD+5 the logical num9er 5. 2hese logical num9ers are used from
no) on.
Prere>uisites-#ctions for each grou:-strategy-code com9ination are defined in 2a9le 211CV. #gain
)e ha(e a 9loc8ed structure )ith fields CRD#1 through CRD#5 )ith the same logical num9ering
as a9o(e. !ach field CRD#K +an ha(e three (alues
1. G G the logical num9er is not in use
2. G<H )hen the release code of the current line releases4 a G<H is )ritten into the release state
CRDE= of the 9usiness o93ect at the corres:onding logical :osition of the string
%. GLH the logical code of that :osition is the :rere>uisite of the release code of the line.
2he assignment to a release indicator is done (ia 2a9le 211C&. Di(en a release state CRDE= and
grou:-strategy of a 9usiness o93ect find an entry in 211C& )hich corres:onds to the release state.
2he result is the desired release indicator.
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002
/ith this (ery sim:le ( and (ery ugly ) :attern a (ery fleAi9le release strategy determination can 9e carried
out. 2he dra)9ac8s of the game are o9(ious and causes customer com:lains from time to time
changes in customi,ing are fatal.
'ld strategy :rere>uisites and all :ossi9le assignments to release states ha(e to 9e maintained
manually. Very error@:rone.
State !ransition: O#' Sty#e !ransactions
Releasing in old style transactions is carried out (ia function modules .!FR!LF0!2 and
.!FR!LFR!0!2 in the case of release strategy )ith classification. Bn the case of strategy )ithout
classifications the functions modules are .!F0!2FR!L!#0! and .!FR!0!2FR!L!#0! M genious
naming con(ention7
State !ransition: En(oy !ransactions
0ince the a9o(e function modules couldnHt 9e eAtended to su::ort a se:aration 9et)een 9usiness logic and
:resentation4 a ne) function grou: has 9een made )hich contains all information on the release strategy
configuration .!R!L. 2his strategy engine consists of :u9lic interfaces
BCFR!L!#0!F02R#2!DJF.#$#D!RF.. and BCFR!L!#0!F02R#2!DJF.. and :ro(ides all
information-ser(ices on a gi(en strategy. #9o(e interfaces are im:lemented as local classes in .!R!L. #s
of release *.7 this function grou: is also a9le to set or reset a release (ia method PR'P#D#2!F02#2! and
therefore the ne) !n3oy transactions .!26$ and .!5*$ )ere :ossi9le.
Integration Aspects
Purc%asing ocuments
2he release strategy determination ta8es :lace during the chec8. Corm PR=!C!$ calls form
02R#2!DB!F!R.B22!L$(..01!C00F02R#2!DB!F!R.B22!L$) )here the
communication structure is 9uild and function module .!FR!LF02R#2!DB!F!&&' is called.
# modification of the messages ha(e to 9e carried out after that (i.e. no out:ut )hen release is
2he release :rocess is carried out (ia .!254 .!%5&4 .!%5L4 .!*5. form
CRDF0!2(C.01LCCRFCRDF0!2) and CRDFR!0!2(C.01LCCRFCRDFR!0!2). =:date ta8es
:lace in form CRDF=PD#2!FC"(C.01LCCRFCRDF=PD#2!FC"). 2echnically function
modules are used for that )hich are :laced in function grou: !B$B. /hen :osting the documents4
the chec8-u:date runs (ia :ruefen-9uchen of module :ool 0#P..01!. 2herefore one single
u:date module is used for :urchasing documents.
!n3oy 2ransactions. !Aactly as a9o(e. 2he interface to the release (ie) is
BCFR!L!#0#"L!F.. )hich is im:lemented on header le(el in class
+LFP'F?!#D!RF?#$DL!F... #s of release *.7 this interface is also a9le to release Pos (io
interface methods B$B2B#2!FR!L!#0!. #lso re3ection of the document is :ossi9le (ia method
Denerally much more com:licated since se(eral :rograms eAist and t)o release methods ( item and o(erall
release) ha(e to 9e su::orted.
Old style transactions ME51 ff
Btem release strategy is determined in module CRD02 on the detail screen. 2he leading accounting
line is determined and :assed together )ith the item to function module
.!FR!LF02R#2!DJFR!N=B0B2B'$ )hich calls .!FR!LF02R#2!DB!F!"#$.
'(erall release determination gets called at the 9eginning of for "=+?!$.
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002
0et-Reset release (.!5*) is done (ia forms '&+'D!F0!2C-'&+'D!FD!LC.for 9oth4 item and
o(erall release.
Collectie Release
Corm =+'..F"=CR sets the release and u:dates the re>uisition in a s:ecial 9ranch of form
E!ternal re"uisitions
Cunction grou: !"$!.
Release strategy determination for item release in form D!2F02R#2!DJ(L!"$!C0B). 0ee note
%22250. 2his is done )hen an item is :rocessed (ia .!FR!N=B0B2B'$F!<2
'(erall release (ia form D!0#.2CR!BD#"!(L!"$!C0B). 0ee note 111566. 2his is done during
final chec8s (ia function module .!F+R!#2!FR!N=B0B2B'$F!<2.
MR# generated re"uisitions
Release strategy determination is done (ia function module
.!FR!LF02R#2!JFR!N=B0B2B'$ (item or o(erall) )hen .RP generates !"#$ records or
)hen a :lanned order is con(erted to a re>uisition. Corm !R.B22!L$FCRD02(L.11PC*0)
(:lanned order) or !R.B22!L$FCRD02(L.11=C*R) (.RP run).
En$oy transactions ME51Nff% ME5&N
Btem release in rule L+LFRFR!#L!#0!(L.!R!NC10) (ia .!FR!LF02R#2!DB!F!"#$
'(erall Release in rule L+LFRF?DFR!L!#0!(L.!R!NC11) (ia
+onnection to (ie) interface BCFR!L!#0#"L!F.. is im:lemented for 9oth o93ects4
re>uisition header (o(erall release4 class L+LFR!NF?!#D!R and item (item release)4 class
L+LFR!NFB2!.. #s of release *.7 an single release-reset release is :ossi9le. 0ame techni>ue as
for the P' header.
User Interface for Enjoy Transactions
2he 9usiness logic for release strategies and the logic needed for state transitions is located in function
grou: .!R!L4 as descri9ed a9o(e. 2he (ie) is :laces in function grou: .!R!LVB. 2hechnically this
(ie) inherites from class +LF.'D!LF+'$2R'LFVB!/F.. )hich is a9le to any model an some =B
control com:onents ( a DRBD control is used to dis:lay the release codes). 2he model of that (ie) is4 of
course4 a o93ect )hich im:lements interface BCFR!L!#0#"L!F... 0o P' headers4 re> headers and re>
items can 9e treated in eAactly the same )ay.
Workflo Interface
BOR *ntegration
!(ents ha(e to 9e defined on the le(el of the rele(ant "'R '93ect. "=021054 for eAam:le stands for the
:urchase re>uisition header ( used for o(erall release) "=201* is the RCN etc. 2he follo)ing e(ents are
rele(ant for the release :rocedure system
released Released :urchase re>uisition
reset $ot used
release0te:+reated Re>uisition release ste: generated
significantly+hanged Re>uisition changed significantly
re3ectionFstart Re>uisition re3ected
re3ectionFsto: +ancel re3ection
Re3ected Release of :urchase re>uisition refused. 'ld style
Release Procedure for Purchasing Documents 15.10.2002
e(ent )hich is no longer used 9y !n3oy
Eent creation
!(ents are created in the u:date module of the rele(ant 9usiness o93ect. 2he follo)ing function modules
are used for that
.!FR!LF!V!$2F!"#$ !(ents for 9usiness o93ect "=020064 re>uisition
item. 'ld style transactions
.!FR!LF!V!$2FD!$!R#LF!"#$ !(ents for 9usiness o93ect "=021054 o(erall
release. 'ld style transactions
.!FR!LF!V!$2F!&&' !(ents for 9usiness o93ect :urchasing documents
.!R!LFPR!P#R!F/C+F!"#$ !n3oy transactions Re>uisition header and item
.!R!LFP'02F/C+ =:date .odule general /C !(ents
Chec' (odule
2erminating e(ents for )or8flo) instances ha(e to 9e filtered 9ecause the )or8flo) instance itself does not
contain the release code4 3ust the o93ect 8ey. 2he function module for that is
Role resolution
Role resolution is done (ia standard role )hich uses function module .!FR!LFD!2FR!0P'$0B"L!.
211C+ Release code. Cield CRD/C monitors )hether a
standard role resolution has to 9e carried out ( (ia
2a9le 211C/) or a user defined resolution (ia eAit
in function module
.!FR!LFD!2FR!0P'$0B"L! has to 9e used
211C/ Role resolution ta9le for standard resolution
Wor'flow Syste(
!(ent Lin8age 0/!2 +onnection /or8flo) and !(ents
Bnstance Lin8age 0/!% +onfiguration )or8flo) instances against e(ents.
2he chec8 function module descri(ed a9o(e is (ery4
(ery im:ortant here
/or8flo) 2em:lates .a8e sure a :ro:er user assignment to the )or8flo)
is correctly defined. 'r ma8e the )or8flo) a
general tas8
/or8flo) com:onents .a8e sure that all rele(ant com:onents ha(e a
:ro:er user assignment. 'r ma8e the general.

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