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Location Visit Sheet

Product title: Survival Music video.

Client: A-Hem
Director: Kenny Colliver
Date: 9
September !"#
King Georges Field.
Access: $his location is only a short %al&. 'rom the second location %e(re usin)
*my home+ it is only a ,ve-minute %al& -rom both locations and bac&. 'rom the
school it %ill be only ". minutes a%ay to the ,eld.
Space: $his location is a lar)e ,eld so there %ill be a lar)e amount o- space
available to ,lm on.
/i)htin): $here %ill be mostly natural li)htin)0 due to the -act that it(s a public
Po%er: $here %on(t be any po%er in the ,eld %e are ,lmin) at0 ho%ever %e(ll
have an 1Phone to play our music0 so the artist can lip sync alon).
Positives2ne)atives about ,lmin) here: $he main positive is that the location is a
lar)e open space0 )ivin) us plenty o- room to ,lm in. 3n the other hand4 people
can inter-ere %ith our shot0 alon) %ith the lac& o- electricity so %e can(t char)e
our camera or music playin) e5uipment on location. 'inally the shootin) relies on
the %eather bein) dry0 so it can6t dama)e our cameras and )uitars.
7ame and number o- location contact: Kin) 8eor)es 'ield.
Health and Sa-ety: $he ,rst issue is people interruptin) our shoots or stealin)
our e5uipment. 9e(ll be ,lmin) at the ed)e o- the location to )et out o- peoples
%ay. $o avoid &noc&in) e5uipment over %e %ill have it a -ar enou)h distance to
,lm the per-ormer.
S&etch or photo o- location:
Garage 18 Dudley Drive
Access: 1n terms o- distance -rom the school0 it(s only a ".-minute %al& -rom
both locations.
Space: $he space in location o- the )ara)e o- the house is reasonably %ide.
8iven i- %e move the camera in the ri)ht location it(ll )ive us enou)h space -or
the actors to per-orm0 and -or someone else to ,lm the shot.
/i)htin): $he li)hts %ill come -rom the roo-s o- the room o: the )ara)e o- the
house %e(re ,lmin) at.
Po%er: 8iven the -act that %e(re ,lmin) in a house %e can be able to char)e our
e5uipment such as cameras on set. Also %e %ill be able to brin) a laptop0
spea&er and a )uitar amp in order to play the music on set.
Health and Sa-ety: 3ne o- the main issues %ill be the ris& o- &noc&in)
e5uipment over0 due to the -act that the space is only reasonably %ide. So
%e need to thin& care-ully o- %here everythin) is positioned in this space.
Positives2ne)atives about ,lmin) here: $he positives is that there is electricity
available -or music to play -rom a spea&er so the artist can lip sync to the trac&.
Also %e can char)e our camera on set %e have to.
7ame and number o- location contact: "; Dudley Drive0
S&etch or photo o- location:
PDH Glenthorne High school
Access: Due to the -act that this room is in and a part o- the school. 1n that case there
isn(t a distance that 1 need to travel to -rom the school.
Space: $his room %e %ill be usin) is a reasonably lar)e space. $his %ill )ive our
per-ormer a lar)e amount o- room to per-orm in0 alon) %ith our cre% able to ,lm the
Permissions: <e-ore %e start shootin) in this location0 %e %ill need )ain permission -rom
the head o- the school drama department.
/i)htin): $he li)htin) %ill be comin) -rom the li)hts on the cellin). <ut also due to the
-act that this is drama room4 the sta)e li)hts %ill be used in a ma=ority o- the shots.
Po%er: $he po%er %ill be comin) -rom the electrical soc&et on the %alls in the room.
9hich %ill allo% us to use the li)hts and electricity in the room.
Positives2ne)atives about ,lmin) here: 3ne o- the positives o- usin) this set is
the amount o- space %e %ill have0 %hich %ill help our per-ormer do as much
actions a positive. Also %ith the sta)e li)hts and blac& %alls ma&es the room loo&
li&e a sta)e o- a concert. $he ne)atives is to try a boo& a time %hen the room
isn6t used -or a lesson.
Health and Sa-ety: $he main health and sa-ety issue %ill to not trip over the
%ires -rom the camera char)er0 i- %e char)e the camera on set. 9e also need to
ma&e sure no one &noc&s over any e5uipment such our camera. 1- %e thin&
7ame and number o- location contact: 8lenthorne Hi)h School. !! ;>## >?!@
S&etch or photo o- location:
Traq Motor Racing.
Access: $he location o- this place is in Croydon0 and can ta&e around hal- an hour
to drive to. 3r i- the route is to be ta&en by a bus0 to %hich you then need to )et
on a tram. $he time to )et there %ill be around ". or so minutes0 dependin) on
the situation o- the traAc on the road.
Space: $his location has -our lar)e racin) trac&s that can be ,lmed on0 alon) %ith
a reasonably lar)e ,eld type area near the sta: cabins.
Permissions: <e-ore ,lmin) and travellin) up to the location0 1 and the people
,lmin) the scene. 9e %ill need to )ain permission -rom the mana)er o- the
/i)htin): Since %e %ill be ,lmin) in one o- the outdoor trac& areas0 %e %ill ,lm
the scenes usin) natural li)htin) -rom the sun4 i- the %eather isn6t rainin).
Po%er: 9e %on6t be able to have access to electricity on location0 ho%ever %e
%ill have po%er in the sta: cabins. So i- our camera or phone *%hich %ill be used
to play the trac&+ can be char)ed up i- needed.
Health and Sa-ety: 3ne o- our issues is to not &noc& over e5uipment durin)
,lmin). 8ivin) that %e %ill ,lm on the hills in the area %e have to be clear -ull
not to -all or &noc&in) anythin) -rom the hills.
Positives2ne)atives about ,lmin) here: $he positives that %e have a lar)e
amount o- space to ,ll on. Ho%ever the ne)atives are that %e are ,lmin) in a
public location so %e have to )et out o- the %ay o- the customers the business
)ets. Also the shoot relies on %hether it %on6t be rainin) on the day.
7ame and number o- location contact: $ra5 Motor Bacin). !! ;>>. !.
S&etch or photo o- location:

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