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Materials technological challenges for the biodiesel industry development

in Mexico
Marcos Alberto Coronado Ortega
, Gisela Montero Alprez
, Amir Eliezer
, Conrado Garca Gonzlez
Jess Cerezo Romn
, Laura Janet Prez Pelayo
, Jos Ramn Ayala Bautista

UNIVERSIDAD AUTNOMA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA, Institute of Engineering, Av. de la Normal, 21280, Mexicali,
SAMI SHAMOON COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Corrosion Research Center, Bialik and Bazel Str., Beer- Sheva
84100, Israel
INSTITUTO TECNOLGICO DE MEXICALI, Academy of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Av. Tecnolgico, Col. Elas
Calles, 21396, Mexicali, Mexico
Biodiesel as a fuel substitute of diesel has acquired great importance for its sustainable nature and contribution in reducing
emissions. Its development and production at industrial level in the international context has been successful and continues
to grow. Biodiesel also has a range of technological proven options for its obtaining. In Mexico, the current situation in
economic, energy, environmental and social, has led a number of opportunities for biodiesel production and to increase its
share in the energy matrix, in order to reduce the consumption of diesel, which in 2011 was 136.5 million barrels. Proof of
this it is the following regulatory framework covered in the laws: use of renewable energy and energy transition funding,
promotion and development of bioenergy. However, biodiesel is currently not exploited at industrial scale in Mexico since
the development of this industry has a number of significant technological challenges. One of them is related to the
interaction or contact of biofuel with a great variety of metallic and polymeric materials along the supply chain, including
production, transportation and distribution, storage and consumption, operated by PEMEX (Mexican Petroleum). PEMEX
infrastructure for transportation and distribution of fuels has 8,835 km of pipelines, 77 storage and distribution terminals,
15 marine terminals and fuel tankers, ship tankers and 9,232 fueling stations. Despite the existence of such infrastructure,
it cannot be used as a support in the supply chain of biodiesel as its composition and characteristics differ from those of
diesel. Biodiesel is more susceptible to oxidation, microbiological attack and sensitive to temperature and humidity
changes, which cause variation in pH and water content. These conditions increase their corrosion and degradation effects
on materials comprised in the systems implemented. Therefore, this chapter aims to provide an overview and analysis of
the challenges and the materials proposed for the biodiesel supply. All of this is supported by an exhaustive review of the
state of the art for an industry that shows its first developments in Mexico.
Keywords: Biodiesel; materials; technological challenges.
1. Introduction
Biodiesel is a green fuel that constitutes a sustainable option for the transportation sector internationally to replace
diesel. Its contribution in reducing emissions, wide availability of raw materials for its production and energy policy
have positioned it as one of the fastest growing biofuel in recent years. Biodiesel has a wide range of proven
technologies to be produced it. Its production at industrial level in the global context has been successful and continues
to rise. The development of the biodiesel industry in Mexico has shown its first steps.
The current situation in economic, energy, environmental and social, has led a number of opportunities for biodiesel
production and to increase its share in the energy matrix, in order to reduce the consumption of diesel, which in 2011
was 136.5 million barrels [1]. Proof of this it is the following regulatory framework covered in the laws: use of
renewable energy and energy transition funding, promotion and development of bioenergy. Among its purposes, is to
promote the production of biofuels such as biodiesel and bioethanol, without endangering food security and assist in
mitigating emissions, considering the international treaties that Mexico has signed and has pledged gradually reduce the
consumption of fossil fuels. However, biodiesel production in Mexico is still incipient and not exploited on a
commercial scale because there are major technological challenges. One of them is related to the interaction or contact
of biofuel with a great variety of metallic and polymeric materials along the supply chain, including production,
transportation and distribution, storage and consumption operated by PEMEX. Because biodiesel is similar to diesel
fuel, it could be assumed that would have no problems in using the existing infrastructure. This is not recommended at
all, since its composition and characteristics differ and can cause severe problems of corrosion and degradation of
Therefore, it is important to provide an overview and analysis of the challenges and the materials proposed for the
biodiesel supply, supported by an exhaustive review of the state of the art for an industry that shows its first
developments in Mexico.

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2. Biodiesel
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel to diesel that is produced from renewable resources such as vegetable oils and animal
fats. It is called first generation biofuel when it is obtained from competing food resources (e.g. sunflower, corn,
safflower, canola, soybean), second generation from waste (e.g. waste vegetable oil, yellow and brown grease, tallow)
and third generation from microalgae. The process by which it is produced the biodiesel is called transesterification, as
can be seen in Fig. 1. This process consists reacting the oil or fat with a short chain alcohol, usually methanol, in the
presence of catalysts that may be acidic, basic or enzymatic [2-4]. The result is a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters
(FAME) known as biodiesel. The main reason to convert the oil or fat into biodiesel is to reduce its viscosity obtaining
similar properties of diesel. While biodiesel is a lipid-based fuel, diesel is a mix of paraffinic, olefinic and aromatic
hydrocarbons derived from the processing of crude oil.

Fig. 1 Reaction of transesterification.

The biodiesel quality has to be assured by producers and suppliers meeting the specifications stated by ASTM
D6751, EN 14214 standards or accordingly to quality regulations of each country, shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Requirements for biodiesel (B100) blend stock as listed in ASTM D6751.
Property Test Method Limits Units
Calcium and Magnesium Combined EN14538 5 max. ppm
Flash Point D93 93.0 min. C
Alcohol Control - One of the following must be met:
1. Methanol Content
2. Flash Point


0.2 max.
130 min.

vol %
Water and Sediment D2709 0.050 max. vol %
Kinematic Viscosity, 40C D445 1.96.0 mm
Sulfated Ash D874 0.020 max. % mass
Sulfur D5453 0.0015 max. (S15)
0.05 max. (S500)

% mass
Copper Strip Corrosion D130 No. 3 max.
Cetane Number D613 47 min.
Cloud Point D2500 Report to customer C
Carbon Residue
D4530 0.050 max. % mass
Acid Number D664 0.50 max. mg KOH/g
Free Glycerin D6584 0.020 max. % mass
Total Glycerin D6584 0.240 max. % mass
Phosphorus Content D4951 0.001 max. % max.
Distillation Temperature, 90% Recovered (T90)
D1160 360 max. C
Na and K Combined EN14538 5 max. ppm
Oxidation Stability EN14112 3 min. h
Cold Soak Filterability Annex A1 360 max.
Carbon residue shall be run on the 100% sample.
Atmospheric equivalent temperature.
B100 intended for
blending into diesel fuel that is expected to give satisfactory vehicle performance at fuel temperatures at or below
10F (-12C) shall comply with a cold soak filterability limit of 200 s maximum.
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It is important to meet the quality standards to avoid or minimize failures in the CI engines and systems where the
biofuel is implemented. The impact of using an out-spec biodiesel could cause severe problems of corrosion,
degradation, filter clogging, poor combustion, low performance, among others.
Currently biodiesel is blended with diesel at different proportions. The typical levels of blends sold in the biofuel
market are B2, B5, B10 and B20, where the consequent numbers to the letter B indicate the biodiesel percentage. This
is suggested because many vehicles and infrastructure are not adapted to support the use of higher blends levels and
manufacturers do not comprehend it on their warranties, as well.
The chemical composition, physical and chemical properties of biodiesel are closely related to the feedstock used in
its production. Its nature makes it more sensitive to oxidation than diesel. Biodiesel oxidation stability depends on the
fatty acid profile in the esters. Therefore, biodiesels with high contents of unsaturated fatty acids, are more susceptible
to be oxidized [5]. This is due to the fact that they contain the most reactive sites (double bonds), which are particularly
vulnerable to the free-radical attack. For example, FAME containing fatty acids with no C=C bonds and with multiple
C=C bonds will have stability in the sequence: palmitic (0) > oleic (1) > linoleic (2) > linolenic (3).
The oxidation stability of biodiesel is low, and it is necessary to measure because describes the degradation tendency.
The degradation is accelerated by the air, humidity and UV radiation. The oxidation products of biodiesel are peroxides,
hydroperoxides, mono-carboxylic acids (e.g. formic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid and caproic acid), aldehydes,
ketones and alcohols. The presence of acids increases the total acid number and potential issues of corrosion [6,7].
Among others features that make biodiesel more corrosive and a higher degradation potential than diesel are the
following [8]:

1. Biodiesel aging plays an important role, as well as vegetable oils, it becomes rancid in a matter of weeks.
2. It has higher electrical conductivity.
3. Dissolved water up to 10 times. This makes it more prone to corrosion influenced by microorganisms, besides
causing the hydrolysis of esters.
4. As a solvent may accelerate the degradation of polymers and elastomers, causing its swelling and loss of
mechanical properties.
3. Compatibility of metallic and polymeric materials with biodiesel
Biodiesel presents compatibility issues with a wide variety of metallic and polymeric materials. It has been identified
and evaluated its corrosive and degradation effects on materials from the production systems, until its end use. It is vital
to consider these aspects for the development of the biodiesel industry in Mexico, in order to ensure the optimum
performance of the equipment, machinery, and transport systems involved along the biofuel supply chain. Hence, in this
section it is presented a review of the literature where it has been assessed the compatibility of biodiesel with different
3.1 Metallic Materials
Diaz et al. evaluated the effect of canola biodiesel, containing various levels of contaminants (residual catalyst,
methanol, glycerol and water) on pure aluminum using electrochemical techniques. This work showed that aluminum
corrosion in biodiesel is closely linked to the degree of purity of the biofuel. Therefore, the quality is critical to prevent
damage to the metal [9].
An assessment of aluminum (99% commercially pure) corrosion in diesel and palm biodiesel by static immersion
was performed. Aluminum experienced higher pitting corrosion in biodiesel than that in diesel [10].

Jakab et al. [11] evaluated the corrosion rate of steel in biodiesel and diesel-biodiesel blends using gravimetric
techniques, optical examination of pitting and electrochemical characterization. Some of the samples contained water to
simulate the worst conditions. The specimens were exposed to biodiesel and blends for a period of 12 weeks at slightly
elevated temperatures, to simulate the conditions of a typical fuel tank for a period of 12 months. The average corrosion
rates calculated from the gravimetric tests were below 0.04 mm/year, indicating excellent corrosion resistance.
Maru et al. [12], analyzed the interaction between three fuels (petroleum diesel and two types of biodiesel soybean
and sunflower) and structural carbon steel ASTM A36. Results highlighted weight loss of carbon steel exposed to
biodiesel was slightly higher than diesel. Moreover, the soybean biodiesel proved to be less reactive to the metal than
the sunflower biofuel. These findings were contrary with the general statement that biodiesel is inert to carbon steel.
An investigation of the corrosion resistance of carbon steel in a diesel oil solution containing different amounts of
fatty acid methyl ester (as the biocomponent) and microorganisms was performed. It was concluded that the corrosion
rate of steel A 765(IV) in the interface water-fuel is dependent on the concentration of bacteria degrading fuel and on
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forming of three-component system biofuel-esters-water in environments with a high content of FAME. In the presence
of sulfate reduction bacteria (SRB), an increase of the corrosion rate is observed [13].
Tsuchiya et al. [14], tested a terne sheet of steel by immersion in diesel and at a maximum of B5 at 80 C. Terne
sheet is a Pb8% Sn coated rolled steel sheet which is commonly used to fabricate fuel tanks. After 500 h, it was
observed pitting corrosion on the material surface of the sample in B2 and B5 blends.

Corrosion characteristics of copper in palm biodiesel have been assessed. Pitting corrosion and coloration changes were
observed in the surface of copper. The color is associated with the type of oxide species formed. It was found a
correlation between the biodiesel concentration and corrosion rate [15].
Fazal et al. [10], studied and compared the corrosive characteristics of petroleum diesel and palm biodiesel for
automotive materials. One of them was copper. It was found that copper is very susceptible to attack by biodiesel
(B100), reflected by weight loss and corrosion rate measurement, density of pits, and results from inductively coupled
plasma test. Also, it was determined that copper acts as a strong catalyst oxidizing palm biodiesel.

Stainless steel
The microbial corrosion resistance of stainless steel 304 in diesel, biodiesel and blends (B5, B20, B35, B50) with the
presence of bacteria was determined. The results showed that stainless steel 304 in the biofuel environment is
characterized with a high corrosion resistance [13].
Fazal et al. [10], studied the corrosion behavior of stainless steel 316 in diesel and palm biodiesel through immersion
tests at 80C. It was concluded that stainless steel it is compatible with biodiesel.

Sgroi et al.[16], observed pitting corrosion on sintered bronze filters in oil nozzle after 10 h of operation with biodiesel
at 70 C.
Haseeb et al. [15] evaluated the corrosive effects of palm biodiesel to leaded bronze at different blends with diesel,
B0, B50 and B100. The metallic material experienced higher corrosion rate with the increasing of biodiesel
concentration. Also, it was suggested that the degree of corrosivity of biodiesel is associated with an important
parameter known as total acid number, which reflects the amount of free fatty acids present in the biofuel. Moreover,
the source of vegetable oil or animal fat used for biodiesel production plays an influential role, since depending on its
chemical composition and the presence of unsaturated fatty acids determine if it is more prone to oxidation.

It had been mentioned that the only metallic materials compatible and recommended being used with biodiesel are
stainless steel and aluminum [8]. Materials like brass, copper, zinc, bronze, lead and tin are incompatible with biodiesel
and can accelerate the biofuel degradation, leading to the formation of insoluble (sediments) and salts or gels when
reacted with one of the fuel components [17].
The effect of biodiesel fuel made from rapeseed oil on the corrosion properties of copper, mild carbon steel,
aluminum and stainless steel was studied and compared with those of diesel fuel. The metals were immersed in the fuels
at 60C for 60 days. It was observed that corrosive effects of biodiesel on copper and carbon steel are more severe than
those on aluminum and stainless steel [18].
A static immersion study to evaluate the corrosive action of biodiesel from pongamia glabra, salvadora oleoides,
madhuca indica and jatropha curcas on constituent materials piston engine, was conducted for 300 days at room
temperature. The qualitative and quantitative results indicated that the salvadora oleoides biodiesel was quite corrosive
to the materials tested, and biodiesel from jatropha curcas was moderately corrosive. The authors suggested that the
corrosiveness of the first one is due to the high sulfur content and for jatropha biodiesel is associated with a high
amount of linoleic acid (C18: 2, 19-41%), which is more susceptible to oxidation due to the double bond presented in its
chemical structure [19].
Lee et al. [20], conducted an investigation on characterizing microbiologically influenced corrosion in biodiesel (B5,
B20, B80, B100) and diesel with water content. They found biodiesel had the highest propensity for biofouling. Carbon
steel (C1020), stainless steel (SS304L) and aluminum (A5052) were the alloys tested. Carbon steel showed passive
behavior in B100 and biodiesel-diesel blends, but active uniform corrosion in diesel. Stainless steel remained passive in
all exposures while A5052 was susceptible to pitting corrosion.
The degradation of different automotive materials, copper, brass, aluminum and cast iron in palm biodiesel was
investigated by static immersion test. Upon exposure to palm biodiesel, the degradation order for the different metals
was: copper > brass > aluminum > cast iron. Each metal presented higher degradation in biodiesel than that in diesel
An evaluation of the influence of natural light incidence and temperature in the corrosion rate of brass and copper
immersed in commercial biodiesel was conducted. The tests were performed at room temperature and 55C in light
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presence and absence. The results showed that both materials corroded with a higher rate in the presence of light at
higher temperature and influenced by dissolved oxygen in the biodiesel [22].
3.2 Polymeric materials
High density polyethylene (HDPE)
The interaction of HDPE material with diesel, sunflower and soybean biodiesel was studied. The petroleum diesel was
found to cause higher weight gain in the HDPE, that is, swelling, than the biodiesels [12].

Nitrile rubber
Nunes et al. [23], investigated the resistance of different nitrile rubber samples with acrylonitrile content of 28%, 33%
and 45% to biodiesel produced from castor and coconut oil. It was concluded that at higher content of acrylonitrile the
nitrile rubber it becomes more resistant to biodiesel degradation.

The effects of soybean biodiesel and diesel blends on the tensile strength, elongation, hardness and swelling of several
elastomers were investigated. Results highlighted that nitrile rubber, nylon 6/6 and high density polypropylene
experienced changes in physical properties while Teflon, Viton 401-C y Viton GFLT remained unchanged [24].
Haseeb et al. [25], assessed the impact of palm biodiesel and its blends with diesel in the degradation behavior of
nitrile rubber, polychloroprene and fluoro-viton A. The mass and the volume of nitrile rubber and polychloroprene
increased by increasing the biodiesel concentration while for fluoro-viton A, remained almost constant for all fuels.
After immersion tests in biodiesel, the tensile strength, elongation and toughness were significantly reduced for the
nitrile rubber and polychloroprene, whereas the fluoro-viton A changes were negligible.
Through this literature review, it was evidenced the lack of studies related to the corrosive and degradation effects of
biodiesel to metallic and polymeric materials. Since biodiesel is produced from different feedstocks, its interaction with
materials will vary. Therefore, it is essential to test more types of biodiesels. Further research is needed. It is quite
difficult to compare the results obtained by all the cited works because the differences of the experimental conditions
under which the tests were performed. However, it is useful to count with this information for the correct selection of
materials in the biodiesel industry.
4. Current fuels infrastructure in Mexico
PEMEX is the official institution empowered by the federal government and the only one capable to produce, distribute,
and sell fuels all over the country. It has to ensure and guarantee the supply of quality fuels in Mexico. The fuels supply
chain operated by PEMEX it is comprised by production, transportation and distribution, storage and consumption,
illustrated it in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Generic diesel supply chain.

Currently the production of fuels is centralized and located near the oilfields counting with 6 refineries. Once fuels
such as gasoline and diesel are produced, they are transported over long distances by sea and land through shiptanks,
pipelines and fuel tankers. The infrastructure for transportation and distribution consists of 8,835 km of pipelines, 77
storage and distribution terminals (SDT) and 15 marine terminals [26]. From the SDTs, the fuels are distributed to
selling and consumption stage to 9,232 dispensing stations in Mexico, (see Fig 3).

Production Transportation
Storage and
Dispensing Station /
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Fig. 3 Petroleum infrastructure operated by PEMEX, adapted from [27].

Generally, the materials used in the supply chain of fuels in Mexico are carbon steel, fiberglass and high density
polyethylene. Carbon steel has been the predilection material for the petroleum industry. All the materials specifications
are established by Mexican standards and according to international standards as ISO, UL, ASTM and ASME.
5. Current status of biodiesel production in Mexico
In Mexico, there have been projects and developments in various universities, research centers and institutions, as well
as by some state governments, at the laboratory and pilot scale to promote the production and use of biodiesel. The
States of Michoacn, Chiapas, and Oaxaca have been working on important projects focused on biodiesel production
from energy crops [28]. In Nuevo Len, a private company dedicated to producing and sells biodiesel from tallow to
PEMEX from 2009-2010. PEMEX mixed the biodiesel with diesel at low blend levels in order to improve the low
sulphur diesels lubricity. Unfortunately, PEMEX replaced the biodiesel by another additive, cancelled the contract, and
the company stopped the production of the biofuel. Examples like this evidence the barriers for biodiesel development
in Mexico.
5.1 Biodiesel supply chain
For the development of the biodiesel industry in Mexico, it is necessary to provide proper management of the biofuel
along the supply chain, considering various factors in each of its stages as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 Generic biodiesel supply chain.

Production Transportation
Storage and
Dispensing Station /
Blending Process
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Supply chain begins with the production process of biodiesel (Fig. 5), with the transesterification reaction where the
oil or animal fat react with methanol and catalysts such as NaOH, KOH or H
depending on the percentage of free
fatty acids contained in the feedstock. Then proceeds to a settling stage in which separation of the biodiesel from the
glycerol occurs by the difference of densities. The recovery of methanol is also made. After, crude biodiesel washing
and neutralization processes are undertaken immediately in order to remove impurities such as methanol and residual
catalyst, soap, mono- and di-glycerides, as well as glycerin. Subsequently, biodiesel is dried and ready as an end
product. Further analyses to biodiesel are made to quality assurance purposes base on ASTM or EN standards [29].

Fig. 5 Process diagram of biodiesel production.

Because of the reagents used for the production of biodiesel that conducive highly corrosive conditions to the
equipment used, it is imperative the correct selection of materials throughout the process. Moreover, after obtaining the
product it starts its natural degradation so that the conditions of handling, storage and distribution have to be done with
specific care as they may accelerate the biofuel aging.
During the transportation stage, loading and unloading processes should be done carefully. Fuel tankers must be
always clean. They could be cleaned by special operations, but the easiest way is to secure a usage for always only one
and the same product. Improper loading and unloading can be also a reason for water entry or a decrease of oxidation
stability [30].
The storage stability of biodiesel is a critical issue. Hence, it is suggested to avoid large storage periods from the
storage stage to the dispensing stations because biodiesel shelflife is from four weeks to four months [31].
Another important aspect to be considered is that biodiesel from the production stage to the final consumer, would
remain in contact with a variety of materials and experience various weather conditions in the presence of light, changes
of temperature affecting its quality, leading to changes in pH and water content, making it susceptible to degradation
and, therefore, enhance its corrosive effects. This is a real challenge because, in Mexico, there is an important climate

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Table 2 lists some of the equipment and components in each of the stages of the supply chain and end-use comprising
of metallic and polymeric materials that must be considered in the development of the biodiesel industry. This in order
to take into account their compatibility with the biofuel.

Table 2 Equipment and components to be considered in the biodiesel supply chain.
Stage Equipment & Components
Reactors, mixers, pumps, centrifuge pumps,
pipelines, heaters, methanol recovery equipment,
washing tanks, separators, agitators, storage tanks,
gaskets, seals, process control sensors, valves and
level sensors.
Transportation Fuel tankers, pumps, hoses, pipelines, and valves.
Storage and Distribution
Blending tanks, pipelines, agitators, pumps, fuel
tankers, storage tanks and valves.
Dispensing Stations/Consumption
Underground storage tanks, filters, fuel dispensing
counters, fuel delivery submersible pumps, hoses,
fuel delivery guns, pipelines and connectors.
End-use (vehicles)
Fuel tank, fuel hoses, fuel filter, gaskets, injectors,
high and low pressure pumps, pistons, cylinders and

Evidence to date suggests that biodiesel blends from 1 to 20% appear compatible with existing underground storage
tank systems, and fuel delivery systems designed for petroleum diesel fuels. The dilution that occurs as a result of the
blending process minimizes the solvent characteristics of neat biodiesel and minimizes the oxidation potential of the
blended fuel. Hence the biodiesel supply chain could be supported in the diesel infrastructure from transportation to
final consumption, ignoring the production stage since their production technologies are different. If B100 is handled is
not recommended the utilization of the same infrastructure, and it is suggested the use of materials as stainless steel,
aluminum or HDPE and fiberglass.
It is suggested that biodiesel production plants be located near the source of raw materials and SDTs. This is
important because the elaboration of diesel-biodiesel blends would be carried out on SDTs to facilitate the logistics of
distribution. In addition, this would avoid the high costs of adapting the materials involved in the 9,232 dispensing
stations. Therefore, it will be more feasible to condition the existing 77 SDTs, which are located strategically
throughout the country.
In Mexico, nowadays there is no regulation that establishes the materials to be used in contact with biodiesel while
for diesel is well developed. However, in November 2009, it was published in the Official Journal of the Federation an
agreement to issue guidelines for the granting of permits for the production, storage, transportation and marketing of
biofuels such as anhydrous ethanol and biodiesel. In it, it is recommended the use of materials that are in direct contact
with biodiesel (see Table 3).

Table 3 Materials for equipment, pipelines, facilities, tanks, containers and other elements that remain in contact with biodiesel [32].
Type of material Material
- Aluminum
- Steel
- Stainless Steel
- Viton
- Fluorosilicone
- Hifluour
- Fluorocarbon
- Chemraz
- Teflon
- Polypropylene
- Polyethylene
- Fluorinated materials
- Nylon

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Despite the results of research by the international scientific community mentioned that materials such as steel,
polypropylene and nylon are not entirely compatible with biodiesel, they are included in the previous agreement. It is
worth mentioning that the choice of materials depends on criteria since no national or international normativity
regulates this area in Mexico.
The work of the Mexican biodiesel test labs is in the very beginning. There is no lab available which has a complete
or nearly complete equipment to run the most important test methods. So it is necessary to have certified official
laboratories to carry out biodiesel quality testing and validate their compatibility with materials.
6. Conclusions
Mexico has a high potential for biodiesel production from various sources of raw materials, which partially could
replace diesel fuel. This is possible because, in recent years, there has been an aperture by the laws in the energy sector
for expanding the energetic matrix and decrease the oil dependence. However, for the development of the biodiesel
industry it is essential to consider as a starting point the work and experience by the international scientific community
in order to ensure the durability and performance of the equipment, systems and materials that would remain in contact
with the biodiesel along the supply chain. This represents a significant technological challenge, and it is key to be taken
into account for the success of the marketing of the biofuel in the country.
The Mexican infrastructure of the petroleum industry could be used for the biodiesel supply chain for blends no
higher than B20. In the case of higher-level blends, changes in the current infrastructure will be required.
Also, it is important the development of official regulations, which specify with precision the biodiesel compatible
materials to be used. Moreover, the development of Mexican standards should be carried out for the biodiesel quality
Acknowledgements Support provided by CONACYT through the scholarship 217623 and the Universidad Autnoma de Baja
California to carry out this investigation is gratefully acknowledged.
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