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A drilling program was prepared for an infill drill in the BBB pool. The proposed well is
located at 1-6-13-17W4, as shown in figre AAA. This location was chosen !ecase it is
located in the middle of the BBB pool in a location with a relati"el# low well densit#.
$rom the offset wells, a geological prognosis was completed, and can !e fond in BBB.
$rom the prognosis, it is estimated that the well wold intersect the prodcing formation
at roghl# 1%4% m&B.
The srface hole wold !e drilled to 1'( m&B, as per A)*B Directi"e %%+ ,---.. The
drilling flid sed wold !e a floc water s#stem, which wold pro"ide ade/ate
grondwater protection dring drilling. The srface hole wold !e drilled with an 0AD-
117 t#pe milled tooth roller cone !it. This !it was selected !ecase the srface hole
wold not enconter an# hard formations, so onl# a soft formation !it wold !e needed.
The e1pected 234 with this t#pe of !it is 4% m5hr, which is similar to the drilling rates on
the newer offset wells in the area. The !it si6e wold !e 311.7 mm ,17 154 in., and wold
!e cased with 71'.1 mm ,+ (5+ in., 3(.716 8g5m ,74.%% l!5ft. 9-(( casing. This casing
passed all the re/irements for !rst, collapse and tension failre in the calclation
procedre otlined in the :4) te1t!oo8 ;Applied Drilling )ngineering< ,DDD.. This
casing si6e had to !e interpolated for some properties, !t it passed the tests !# a large
margin for the si6es a!o"e and !elow it ,this specific casing si6e was not listed in the A40
casing ta!les in DDD..
The prodction hole is planned to !e drilled to a depth of 1%'% m&B, and wold reach
TD in the =adison sandstone formation, roghl# (( m !elow the target inter"al. The
e1pected !ottomhole pressre at TD is '(%% 84a, which wold re/ire a md densit# of
1%7% 8g5m3 with a safet# factor of 7%>. $or this reason, the md chosen is an in"ert
s#stem. This md was selected !ecase of its lower densit# and higher "iscosit#. 0n the
e"ent of an ne1pected high pressre 6one or thief 6one, the driller cold alwa#s decide
to md p to contine drilling. The !it chosen for this section is an 0AD- 4D- =447 !it.
These !its were sed in the newer offset wells and ha"e #ielded high 234s and "er#
good wear resistance. The e1pected 234 for the prodction hole is 7( m5hr. The !it si6e
chosen is 7%% mm ,7 75+ in. so that 13'.7 mm ,( 157 in. prodction casing cold !e sed.
This si6e of casing was chosen to facilitate the e/ipment that wold need to !e rn in the
hole, sch as a sc8er rod pmp s#stem. The casing grade chosen is 7%.+34 8g5m ,14.%%
l!5ft. 9-(( casing. This casing also passed all necessar# tests for failre.
The whole drilling process was modeled to determine the rig time to drill the well. *sing
the e1pected 234 for the srface hole and the prodction hole, as well as estimates for
waiting time for operations sch as cementing and installing B34 stac8s, a schedle of
the drilling process was created, and can !e seen in ))). The estimates of time spent for
operations can !e fond in $$$, and are !ased on an a"erage time spent for those t#pes of
operations. 0n addition, a diagram and smmar# sheet was created and otlines all
pertinent information. The diagram can !e fond in ???. The drilling program can !e
fond in @@@.

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