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Users Guide

Agilent Technologies
ESA SpectrumAnalyzers
This guide documents rmware revision A.05.xx
Manufacturing Part Number: E4401-90189
Supersedes E4401-90174 I ncl udes changes documented i n E4401-90254
Printed in USA
August 2000
Copyri ght 2000 Agi l ent Technol ogi es
This manual provides documentation for the following instruments:
Agilent Technologies ESA-E Series
Agilent Technologies ESA-L Series
E4401B (9 kHz1.5 GHz)
E4402B (9 kHz3.0 GHz)
E4404B (9 kHz6.7 GHz)
E4405B (9 kHz13.2 GHz)
E4407B (9 kHz26.5 GHz)
E4411B (9 kHz1.5 GHz)
E4403B (9 kHz3.0 GHz)
E4408B (9 kHz26.5 GHz)
The i nformati on contai ned i n thi s document i s subject to change
wi thout noti ce.
Agi l ent Technol ogi es makes no warranty of any ki nd wi th regard to thi s
materi al , i ncl udi ng but not l i mi ted to, the i mpl i ed warranti es of
merchantabi l i ty and tness for a parti cul ar purpose. Agi l ent
Technol ogi es shal l not be l i abl e for errors contai ned herei n or for
i nci dental or consequenti al damages i n connecti on wi th the furni shi ng,
performance, or use of thi s materi al .
The fol l owi ng safety symbol s are used throughout thi s manual .
Fami l i ari ze yoursel f wi th the symbol s and thei r meani ng before
operati ng thi s i nstrument.
WARNING Warni ng denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure
which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in
injury or loss of life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note
until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
CAUTION Caution denotes a hazard. I t cal l s attenti on to a procedure that, i f not
correctl y performed or adhered to, coul d resul t i n damage to or
destructi on of the i nstrument. Do not proceed beyond a cauti on si gn
unti l the i ndi cated condi ti ons are ful l y understood and met.
NOTE Note cal l s out speci al i nformati on for the users attenti on. I t provi des
operati onal i nformati on or addi ti onal i nstructi ons of whi ch the user
shoul d be aware.
The i nstructi on documentati on symbol . The product i s
marked wi th thi s symbol when i t i s necessary for the
user to refer to the i nstructi ons i n the documentati on.
Thi s symbol i s used to mark the on posi ti on of the
power l i ne swi tch.
Thi s symbol i s used to mark the standby posi ti on of the
power l i ne swi tch.
Thi s symbol i ndi cates that the i nput power requi red i s
WARNING This is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective
earthing ground incorporated in the power cord). The mains
plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a
protected earth contact. Any interruption of the protective
conductor insideor outsideof theproduct is likely to makethe
product dangerous. Intentional interruption is prohibited.
WARNING If this product is not used as specied, the protection provided
by theequipment couldbeimpaired. Thisproduct must beused
in a normal condition (in which all means for protection are
intact) only.
Thi s Agi l ent Technol ogi es i nstrument product i s warranted agai nst
defects i n materi al and workmanshi p for a peri od of three years from
date of shi pment. Duri ng the warranty peri od, Agi l ent Technol ogi es
wi l l , at i ts opti on, ei ther repai r or repl ace products whi ch prove to be
defecti ve.
For warranty servi ce or repai r, thi s product must be returned to a
servi ce faci l i ty desi gnated by Agi l ent Technol ogi es. Buyer shal l prepay
shi ppi ng charges to Agi l ent Technol ogi es and Agi l ent Technol ogi es
shal l pay shi ppi ng charges to return the product to Buyer. However,
Buyer shal l pay al l shi ppi ng charges, duti es, and taxes for products
returned to Agi l ent Technol ogi es from another country.
Agi l ent Technol ogi es warrants that i ts software and rmware
desi gnated by Agi l ent Technol ogi es for use wi th an i nstrument wi l l
execute i ts programmi ng i nstructi ons when properl y i nstal l ed on that
i nstrument. Agi l ent Technol ogi es does not warrant that the operati on
of the i nstrument, or software, or rmware wi l l be uni nterrupted or
The foregoi ng warranty shal l not appl y to defects resul ti ng from
i mproper or i nadequate mai ntenance by Buyer, Buyer-suppl i ed
software or i nterfaci ng, unauthori zed modi cati on or mi suse, operati on
outsi de of the envi ronmental speci cati ons for the product, or i mproper
si te preparati on or mai ntenance.
Where to Find the Latest Information
Documentati on i s updated peri odi cal l y. For the l atest i nformati on about
Agi l ent Technol ogi es ESA Spectrum Anal yzers, i ncl udi ng rmware
upgrades and appl i cati on i nformati on, pl ease vi si t the fol l owi ng
I nternet URL:
http://www.agi l
1. Preparing for Use
Initial Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Checking the Fuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
AC Power Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Turning On the Analyzer for the First Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
2. Getting Started
What You Will Find in This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Front-Panel Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Rear-Panel Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Display Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Key Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Making a Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
Measurement Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Analyzer Accuracy and the Internal Alignment Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
Warm-up Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
File Menu Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Locate and view files in the catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
Creating a directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Format a Floppy Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28
Save a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Load a file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
Rename a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35
Copy a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-36
Delete a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37
Printer Setup and Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
Interconnection and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-38
Testing Printer Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40
Analyzer Battery Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41
3. Functional Testing
What You Will Find in This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
What Are the Functional Tests? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Functional Test Versus Performance Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Test Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Displayed Average Noise Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Procedure (10 MHz to 500 MHz) E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Procedure (501 MHz to 1.0 GHz) E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Procedure (1.01 GHz to 1.5 GHz) E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Procedure (10 MHz to 1 GHz) E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B . .
Procedure (1.01 GHz to 2 GHz) E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B .
Procedure (2.01 GHz to 3.0 GHz) E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B
Procedure (3.01 GHz to 6.0 GHz) E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Procedure (6.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz) E4404B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
Procedure (6.01 GHz to 12.0 GHz) E4405B, E4407B, E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Procedure (12.01 GHz to 13.2 GHz) E4405B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Procedure (12.01 GHz to 22 GHz) E4407B and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
Procedure (22.01 GHz to 26.5 GHz) E4407B and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
Frequency Readout Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
Marker Count Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Frequency Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Reference Level Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
Log Mode Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
Linear Mode Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38
Scale Fidelity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41
Second Harmonic Spurious Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: HP E4401B and E4411B, Options 1DN and 1DQ . 3-46
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and
E4408B, Option 1DN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
Test Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
Test Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
Required Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50
4. Troubleshooting
What You Will Find in This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Before You Call Agilent Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Check the Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Read the Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Service Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
How to Contact Agilent Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
How to Return Your Analyzer for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Service Tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Original Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Other Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Status Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Informational Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Error Queues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
Error Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22
Error Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
No Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25
499 to 400:
Query Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26
399 to 300:
Device-Specific Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
Device-Specific Error Message Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
299 to 200:
Execution Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Execution Error Message Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
199 to 100:
Command Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30
201 to 799:
Device-Specific Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
Greater than 1000:
Personality Specific Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-45
5. Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
6. Front-Panel Key Reference
AMPLITUDE Y Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Auto Couple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
BW/Avg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
Det/Demod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19
Enter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25
Esc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-26
File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-27
Freq Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-36
FREQUENCY Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-37
Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-39
Input/Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-40
Marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-44
Marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
Meas Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-50
Meas Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51
MEASURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-54
MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-57
MODE SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-58
Next Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-59
Peak Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-60
Preset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-65
Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-69
Print Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-70
Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-72
Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-73
Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-74
Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-75
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-76
SPAN X Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-78
Standby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-82
Sweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-83
System (Local) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-92
Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-100
Viewing Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-104
View/Trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-105
Zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-108
7. Options and Accessories
Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
How to Order Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Delete Manual Set (Option 0B0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Additional Manual Set (Option 0B1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Component Level Service Documentation (Option 0BV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Service Documentation and Adjustment Software
(Option 0BW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
RS-232 and Parallel Interface (Option 1AX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Rack Mount Kit With Handles (Option 1CP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
High Stability Frequency Reference (Option 1D5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Time-Gated Spectrum Analysis (Option 1D6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
50 to 75 Matching Pad (Option 1D7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
50 Tracking Generator (Option 1DN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
75 Input Impedance (Option 1DP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Narrow Resolution Bandwidth (Option 1DR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
75 Tracking Generator (Option 1DQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Pre-amplifier (Option 1DS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
GPIB and Parallel Interface (Option A4H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
IF, Sweep and Video Ports (Option A4J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
12 Vdc Power Cable (Option A5D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Hard Transit Case (Option AXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Operating and Carrying Cases (Option AYT/AYU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Fast Digitized Time Domain Sweeps (Option AYX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
External Mixing (Option AYZ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Benchlink Spectrum Analyzer (Option B70) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Enhanced Memory Upgrade (Option B72) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
RF and Digital Communications Hardware
(Option B74) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Performance Bundle (Option B75) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
TV Trigger and Picture on Screen (Option B7B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
Digital Signal Processing and Fast ADC (Option B7D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
RF Communications Hardware (Option B7E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
Distance to Fault Accessory Kit (Option B7K) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
FM Demodulation (Option BAA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
APC 3.5 Input Connector (Option BAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
cdmaOne Measurement Personality (Option BAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
GSM Measurement Personality (Option BAH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Firmware Upgrade Kit (Option UE2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Commercial Calibration with Test Data
(Option UK6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Front Panel Protective Cover (Option UK9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Low Frequency Extension (Option UKB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
3 Year Calibration Contract (Option W32) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
5 Year Service Support (Option W50) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
5 Year Calibration Contract (Option W52) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
RF and Transient Limiters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
50 /75 Minimum Loss Pad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
75 Matching Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
RF Bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
HP/Agilent E1779A Battery Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
HP/Agilent N2717A Performance Verification Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
AC Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Broadband Preamplifiers and Power Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
External Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
GPIB Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
Parallel Interface Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
RS-232 Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
Carrying Strap (Part Number E4411-60028) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
HP/Agilent 11970 Series Harmonic Mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
HP/Agilent 11974 Series Preselected Millimeter Mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
1 Preparing for Use
Thi s chapter provi des i nformati on on how to i nspect your anal yzer
when i t arri ves and what to expect when i t i s rst powered on. I t al so
i ncl udes the anal yzer power requi rements.
1-2 Chapter 1
Preparing for Use
Initial Inspection
Initial Inspection
I nspect the shi ppi ng contai ner and veri fy that the contents are
compl ete. Keep the contai ner and cushi oni ng materi al unti l you have
i nspected the anal yzer.
Tabl e 1-1 contai ns the accessori es shi pped wi th the anal yzer. I f the
contents are i ncompl ete, or the anal yzer does not pass the performance
tests, noti fy the nearest Agi l ent Technol ogi es ofce. I f the shi ppi ng
contai ner i s damaged or the cushi oni ng materi al shows si gns of stress,
al so noti fy the carri er. Keep the shi ppi ng materi al s for the carri ers
i nspecti on. The Agi l ent ofce wi l l arrange for repai r or repl acement
wi thout wai ti ng for a cl ai m settl ement.
I f the shi ppi ng materi al s are i n good condi ti on, retai n them for possi bl e
future use. You may wi sh to shi p the anal yzer to another l ocati on or to
return i t to Agi l ent Technol ogi es for servi ce. See How to Return Your
Anal yzer for Servi ce i n Chapter 4 for more i nformati on about shi ppi ng
materi al s.
I f cl eani ng i s necessary, use a damp cl oth onl y.
WARNING To prevent electrical shock, disconnect the analyzer mains
before cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with
water to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean
Chapter 1 1-3
Preparing for Use
Initial Inspection
Table 1-1 Accessories Supplied with the Analyzer
Description HP/Agilent Part
Adapter, Type-N (m) to
BNC (f)
1250-0780 Not shi pped wi th Opti on 1DP. Two adapters
are shi pped wi th Opti on 1DN.
Adapter, BNC (m) to F (f),
1250-2477 Shi pped onl y wi th Opti on 1DP. Two adapters
shi pped wi th Opti on 1DQ.
Adapter, Type-N (m) to
SMA (f)
1250-1250 Shi pped onl y wi th Opti on 1DN for Agi l ent
E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B
and E4408B. Not shi pped wi th Opti on BAB.
Adapter, BNC (f) to SMA
1250-1200 Shi pped onl y wi th Opti on BAB.
Cabl e, BNC (m) to BNC
(m), 203 mm
10502A Shi pped onl y wi th Agi l ent E4402B, E4403B,
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B.
Cabl e, SMA (m) to
Type-N (m), 220 mm
8120-5148 Shi pped onl y wi th Opti on 1DN for Agi l ent
E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B
and E4408B.
Power cabl e See the tabl e after
page 1-5.
Shi pped wi th anal yzer.
1-4 Chapter 1
Preparing for Use
Power Requirements
Power Requirements
The anal yzer i s a portabl e i nstrument and requi res no physi cal
i nstal l ati on other than connecti on to a power source. There i s no need
to sel ect a l i ne vol tage.
Checking the Fuse
Where I EC regul ati ons appl y, use a 5 by 20 mm, rated F5A, 250 V I EC
approved fuse. Thi s fuse may be used wi th i nput l i ne vol tages of 115 V
or 230 V. I ts part number i s 2110-0709.
Where UL/CSA regul ati ons appl y, use a 5 by 20 mm rated fast bl ow,
5 A, 125 V UL/CSA approved fuse (part number 2110-0756). Thi s fuse
may onl y be used wi th an i nput l i ne vol tage of 115 V.
The l i ne fuse i s housed i n a fuse hol der i n the upper l eft hand corner of
the rear panel .
To remove the fuse, rst di sconnect the power cord from the
i nstrument. Then i nsert the ti p of a screwdri ver i nto the sl ot at the
mi ddl e of the fuse hol der, and turn countercl ockwi se to extend the fuse
hol der.
WARNING For continued protection against re hazard, replace the line
fuse only with the same type and rating. The use of other fuses
or material is prohibited.
Table 1-2 AC Power Requirements
Vol tage 90-132 Vrms (47 to 440 Hz)
Vol tage 195 - 250 Vrms (47 to 66 Hz)
Power Consumpti on, On l ess than 300 W
Power Consumpti on, Standby l ess than 5 W
Table 1-3 DC Power Requirements
Vol tage 12-20 Vdc
Power Consumpti on l ess than 200 W
Chapter 1 1-5
Preparing for Use
Power Requirements
AC Power Cable
The anal yzer i s equi pped wi th a three-wi re power cabl e, i n accordance
wi th i nternati onal safety standards. When connected to an appropri ate
power l i ne outl et, thi s cabl e grounds the i nstrument cabi net.
WARNING Failure to ground the analyzer properly can result in personal
injury. Before turning on the analyzer, you must connect its
protective earth terminals to the protective conductor of the
main power cable. Insert themain power cableplugonly intoa
socket outlet that has a protective earth contact. DO NOT
defeat the earth-grounding protection by using an extension
cable, power cable, or autotransformer without a protective
ground conductor.
If you are using an autotransformer, make sure its common
terminal is connected to the protective earth contact of the
power source outlet socket.
Vari ous power cabl es are avai l abl e to connect the anal yzer to the types
of ac power outl ets uni que to speci c geographi c areas. The cabl e
appropri ate for the area to whi ch the anal yzer i s ori gi nal l y shi pped i s
i ncl uded wi th the uni t. You can order addi ti onal AC power cabl es for
use i n di fferent areas. The fol l owi ng tabl e l i sts the avai l abl e ac power
cabl es, i l l ustrates the pl ug congurati ons, and i denti es the geographi c
area i n whi ch each cabl e i s appropri ate.
1-6 Chapter 1
Preparing for Use
Power Requirements
Chapter 1 1-7
Preparing for Use
WARNING If this product is to be energized via an external
autotransformer for voltage reduction, make sure that its
common terminal isconnectedtoaneutral (earthedpole) of the
power supply.
CAUTION Thi s i nstrument has autorangi ng l i ne vol tage i nput. Be sure the suppl y
vol tage i s wi thi n the speci ed range. (Refer to the Agilent Technologies
ESA Spectrum Analyzer Specications Guide.)
CAUTION Venti l ati on Requi rements: When i nstal l i ng the product i n a cabi net, the
convecti on i nto and out of the product must not be restri cted. The
ambi ent temperature (outsi de the cabi net) must be l ess than the
maxi mum operati ng temperature of the product by 4 C for every 100
watts di ssi pated i n the cabi net. I f the total power di ssi pated i n the
cabi net i s greater than 800 watts, then forced convecti on must be used.
NOTE I nstal l the i nstrument so that the detachabl e power cord i s readi l y
i denti abl e and i s easi l y reached by the operator. The detachabl e power
cord i s the i nstrument di sconnecti ng devi ce. I t di sconnects the mai ns
ci rcui ts from the mai ns suppl y before other parts of the i nstrument.
The front panel swi tch i s onl y a standby swi tch and i s not a LI NE
swi tch. Al ternati vel y, an external l y i nstal l ed swi tch or ci rcui t breaker
(whi ch i s readi l y i denti abl e and i s easi l y reached by the operator) may
be used as a di sconnecti ng devi ce.
1-8 Chapter 1
Preparing for Use
Turning On the Analyzer for the First Time
Turning On the Analyzer for the First Time
Before usi ng your anal yzer, pl ug the power cord i nto the anal yzer.
Press | (the On key).
Choose a power on preference usi ng the swi tch on the rear panel (refer
to Fi gure 2-2 on page 2-8, i tem 14). The PWR ALWAYSON setti ng turns
the anal yzer on whenever external power i s appl i ed. Thi s mode i s
useful i f an external power swi tch i s used to control a rack of several
i nstruments. The PWR NORMsetti ng (factory defaul t) assi gns anal yzer
on/off control to the front-panel On key (see Fi gure 2-1 on page 2-3,
i tem 23); however i f the external power i s removed for > 20 seconds, the
i nstrument returns to the Standby condi ti on of the front-panel On key
when external power i s reconnected.
When you turn on the anal yzer, the i nformati on screen as shown i n
Fi gure 1-1 wi l l be di spl ayed duri ng i ni ti al i zati on of the i nstrument.
NOTE Thi s screen may be di spl ayed for as l ong as 1 mi nute before the
i ni ti al i zati on process i s compl ete.
Your anal yzer product number, the rmware revi si on number (A.04.01),
and a URL for accessi ng product support i nformati on on the Worl d
Wi de Web are shown.
Figure 1-1 Information Screen Displayed During Initialization
Chapter 1 1-9
Preparing for Use
Turning On the Analyzer for the First Time
NOTE Record the rmware revi si on number and keep i t for reference. I f you
shoul d ever need to cal l Agi l ent Technol ogi es for servi ce or wi th any
questi ons regardi ng your anal yzer, i t wi l l be hel pful to have the
rmware revi si on number readi l y avai l abl e. You can al so obtai n the
rmware revi si on number by pressi ng System, More 1 of 3, Show
To ensure your anal yzer meets speci cati ons, i t must meet operati ng
temperature condi ti ons. Al l ow a 5 mi nute warm-up before maki ng
cal i brated measurements.
I f the anal yzer i s an Agi l ent Technol ogi es E4402B, E4403B, E4404B,
E4405B, E4407B, or E4408B, connect a BNC cabl e from the AMPTD
REF OUTto I NPUT50 usi ng an adapter. After a 5 mi nute warm-up,
press System, Alignments, Align Now, All.
NOTE I t i s normal to hear cl i cki ng when the Auto Al i gnment functi on i s on.
Duri ng the i nterval between sweeps, porti ons of the anal yzers ci rcui try
are real i gned. Some of the ci rcui try i s control l ed by rel ays. I t i s the
rapi d swi tchi ng of these rel ays between sweeps whi ch causes the
cl i cki ng sound. Under normal operati on, these rel ays wi l l l ast over
50 years.
To el i mi nate the cl i cki ng sound, turn off the automati c al i gnment. (See
the Alignments key descri pti on i n Chapter 6 ,Front-Panel Key
Reference.) Wi th Auto Align turned off, however, the Al i gn Now Al l
functi on shoul d be performed peri odi cal l y. For more i nformati on on how
often to perform Al i gn Now Al l when the Auto Al i gnment functi on i s off,
refer to the appropri ate Speci cati ons and Characteri sti cs chapter i n
the Agilent Technologies ESA Spectrum Analyzer Specications Guide.
CAUTION When operati ng i n DC coupl ed mode on spectrum anal yzers wi th
Option UKB, ensure protecti on of the i nput mi xer by l i mi ti ng the i nput
l evel to 0 VDC, +30 dBm.
I f you wi sh to use an external 10 MHz source as the reference
frequency, connect an external reference source to the 10 MHz REF IN
connector on the rear panel . The si gnal l evel shoul d be greater than
15 dBm.
2 Getting Started
2-2 Chapter 2
Getting Started
What You Will Find in This Chapter
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Thi s chapter i ntroduces the basi c functi ons of the anal yzer. I n thi s
chapter you wi l l :
Get acquai nted wi th the front-panel and rear-panel features.
Get acquai nted wi th the functi on keys.
Learn about di spl ay annotati on.
Make a basi c measurement (usi ng the i nternal al i gnment si gnal ).
Learn about anal yzer accuracy and the i nternal al i gnment process.
Learn about l e menus.
Set up your pri nter.
Learn about the anal yzer battery for retai ni ng i nternal memory.
NOTE Before usi ng your anal yzer, pl ease read Chapter 1, Prepari ng for Use
whi ch descri bes how to set up your anal yzer and how to veri fy that i t i s
operati onal . I t al so descri bes many safety consi derati ons that shoul d
not be overl ooked.
Chapter 2 2-3
Getting Started
Front-Panel Features
Front-Panel Features
Figure 2-1 Front-Panel Feature Overview
1 ViewingAnglekeys al l ow you to adjust the di spl ay so
that i t can be opti mal l y vi ewed from di fferent angl es.
2 Esc. The Esc (escape) key cancel s any entry i n progress.
Esc wi l l abort a pri nt (i f one i s i n progress) and cl ear
error messages from the status l i ne at the bottom of the
di spl ay. I t al so cl ears i nput and tracki ng generator
overl oad condi ti ons.
3 Menu keys are the unl abel ed keys next to the screen.
The menu key l abel s are the annotati on on the screen
next to the unl abel ed keys. Most of the l abel ed keys on
the anal yzer front panel (al so cal l ed front-panel keys)
access menus of keys havi ng rel ated functi ons.
2-4 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Front-Panel Features
Scale are the three l arge keys that acti vate the pri mary
anal yzer functi ons and access menus of rel ated
functi ons. The secondary l abel s on these keys (Channel ,
X Scal e, and Y Scal e) are used i n some measurements.
5 CONTROL functi ons access menus that al l ow you to
adjust the resol uti on bandwi dth, adjust the sweep ti me,
and control the i nstrument di spl ay. They al so set other
anal yzer parameters needed for maki ng
6 MEASURE accesses a menu of keys that automate some
common anal yzer measurements. Once a measurement
i s runni ng, Meas Setup accesses addi ti onal menu keys
for deni ng your measurement. Meas Control and
Restart access addi ti onal measurement control
functi ons.
7 SYSTEM functi ons affect the state of the enti re
spectrum anal yzer.
Vari ous setup and al i gnment routi nes are accessed
wi th the System key.
The green Preset key resets the anal yzer to a known
The File key menu al l ows you to save and l oad traces,
states, l i mi t-l i ne tabl es, and ampl i tude correcti on
factors to or from anal yzer memory or the oppy di sk
dri ve. The Save key i mmedi atel y executes the Save Now
functi on dened under File i n Chapter 6 ,Front-Panel
Key Reference.
The Print Setup menu keys al l ow you to congure
hardcopy outputs. The Print key i mmedi atel y sends
hardcopy data to the pri nter. See Chapter 6 for more
detai l s.
8 MARKER functi ons control the markers, read out
frequenci es and ampl i tudes al ong the anal yzer trace,
automati cal l y l ocate the si gnal s of hi ghest ampl i tude,
and access functi ons l i ke Marker Noise and Band Power.
9 The Media Door on the ri ght si de of the front panel
accesses the 3.5 i nch di sk dri ve and the Earphone
connector. The earphone connector provi des a
connecti on for an earphone jack whi ch bypasses the
i nternal speaker.
Chapter 2 2-5
Getting Started
Front-Panel Features
10 The Data Control Keys, whi ch i ncl ude the step keys,
knob, and numeri c keypad, al l ow you to change the
numeri c val ue of an acti ve functi on.
Data control keys are used to change val ues for
functi ons such as center frequency, start frequency,
resol uti on bandwi dth, and marker posi ti on.
The data control s wi l l change the acti ve functi on i n a
manner prescri bed by that functi on. For exampl e, you
can change center frequency i n ne steps wi th the
knob, i n di screte steps wi th the step keys, or to an exact
(1 Hz resol uti on) val ue wi th the numeri c keypad.
The Knob provi des ne i ncremental changes of
functi ons such as center frequency, reference l evel , and
marker posi ti on. Cl ockwi se rotati on of the knob
i ncreases val ues. The extent of al terati on i s determi ned
by the si ze of the measurement range. The speed at
whi ch the knob i s turned affects the rate at whi ch the
val ues are changed.
For sl ow sweeps, the anal yzer uses a smooth panni ng
feature whi ch i s desi gned to move the trace di spl ay to
the l atest functi on val ue as the knob i s turned. When
center, stop or, start frequency or reference l evel i s
adjusted, the si gnal wi l l shi ft ri ght or l eft or up or down
wi th the rotati on of the knob before a new sweep i s
actual l y taken. An asteri sk i s pl aced i n the message
bl ock (the upper ri ght-hand corner of the anal yzer
di spl ay) to i ndi cate that the data on the screen does not
reect data at the current setti ng.
The Numeric Keypad al l ows entry of exact val ues for
many of the anal yzer functi ons. You may i ncl ude a
deci mal poi nt i n the number porti on. I f not, the deci mal
poi nt i s pl aced at the end of the number.
Numeri c entri es must be termi nated wi th a uni ts key.
When a numeri c entry i s begun, the menu keys show
the uni ts key l abel s. The uni ts keys change dependi ng
on what the acti ve functi on i s. For exampl e, the uni ts
keys for frequency span are GHz, MHz, kHz, and Hz,
whereas the uni ts for reference l evel are +dBm, dBm,
mV, and V.
NOTE I f an entry from the numeri c keypad does not coi nci de wi th an al l owed
functi on val ue (for exampl e, that of a 12 MHz bandwi dth), the anal yzer
defaul ts to the nearest al l owabl e val ue.
2-6 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Front-Panel Features
The Step Keys ( ) i ncrease or decrease the acti ve
functi on val ue. The step si ze depends upon the current
anal yzer measurement. Each press resul ts i n a si ngl e
step change. For those parameters wi th xed val ues
(resol uti on bandwi dth), the next val ue i n a sequence i s
sel ected each ti me a step key i s pressed. Changes are
predi ctabl e (10% of span for center frequency) and can
be set for some functi ons (100 MHz for center
frequency). Out-of-range val ues or out-of-sequence
val ues wi l l not occur usi ng these keys.
11 VOLUME. The VOLUME knob adjusts the vol ume of the
i nternal speaker. The speaker i s turned on and off wi th
the Speaker On Off key i n the Det/Demod menu.
12 EXT KEYBOARD. The EXT KEYBOARD connector i s a
6-pi n mi ni -DI N connector. The keyboard can be used to
enter screen ti tl es and l enames.
NOTE To avoi d damage to the anal yzer, al ways turn off power before pl uggi ng
a keyboard i nto the i nstrument.
13 PROBE POWER provi des power for hi gh-i mpedance AC
probes or other accessori es. (+15 V, 12.6 V, 150 mA
14 LO OUTPUT provi des the proper l ocal osci l l ator si gnal
for use wi th external mi xers (Opti on AYZ).
15 IF INPUT connects to the I F OUTPUT of the external
mi xer (Opti on AYZ).
16 Return. The Return key accesses the previ ousl y sel ected
menu. Conti nui ng to press Return accesses earl i er
17 AMPTD REF OUT provi des an ampl i tude reference si gnal
of 50 MHz at 20 dBm. Agilent Technologies E4402B,
E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B only.
18 Tab Keys are used to move around i n the Li mi t edi tor
and the Correcti on edi tor.
19 INPUT 50 (INPUT 75 for Opti on 1DP) i s the si gnal
i nput for the anal yzer.
CAUTION When operati ng i n DC coupl ed mode on spectrum anal yzers wi th
Option UKB, take care to protect the i nput mi xer by l i mi ti ng the i nput
l evel to 0 VDC, +30 dBm.
Chapter 2 2-7
Getting Started
Front-Panel Features
20 The Next Window key can be used to sel ect the acti ve
wi ndow i n functi ons whi ch support spl i t-screen di spl ay
modes, such as Zone markers. (Refer to Zone i n
Chapter 6 for more i nformati on.) I n such modes,
pressi ng Zoom al l ows you to swi tch between the
spl i t-screen and ful l -si zed di spl ay of the acti ve wi ndow.
21 Help. Press the Help key and then any front panel or
menu key to get a short descri pti on of the key functi on
and the associ ated SCPI command. The next key you
press wi l l remove the hel p wi ndow from the di spl ay.
22 RF OUT 50 (for Opti on 1DN) or RF OUT 75
(for Opti on 1DQ) i s the source output for the bui l t-i n
tracki ng generator. Option 1DN or 1DQ only.
CAUTION I f the tracki ng generator output power i s too hi gh, i t may damage the
devi ce under test. Do not exceed the maxi mum power that the devi ce
under test can tol erate.
23 The | (On) key turns the anal yzer on, whi l e the
(Standby) key turns most of the anal yzer off. An
i nstrument al i gnment i s performed (i f Auto Align i s on)
every ti me the anal yzer i s turned on. After turni ng on
the anal yzer, al l ow 5 mi nutes of warm-up ti me to
ensure the anal yzer wi l l meet al l speci cati ons.
NOTE The i nstrument conti nues to draw power even i f the l i ne power swi tch
i s i n standby. The detachabl e power cord i s the i nstrument
di sconnecti ng devi ce. I t di sconnects the mai ns ci rcui ts from the mai ns
suppl y before other parts of the i nstrument. The front-panel swi tch i s
onl y a standby swi tch and i s not a LI NE swi tch (di sconnecti ng devi ce).
2-8 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Rear-Panel Features
Rear-Panel Features
Figure 2-2 Rear-Panel Feature Overview
1 Power input i s the i nput for the AC l i ne power source.
Make sure that the l i ne-power source outl et has a
protecti ve ground contact.
2 DC Power i s the i nput for the DC power source. Refer to
the Power Requi rements secti on i n the speci cati ons
chapter of the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers
Calibration Guide.
CAUTION AC l i ne power and DC power shoul d not be pl ugged i n si mul taneousl y.
3 Line Fuse. The fuse i s removed by twi sti ng
countercl ockwi se 1/4 turn. Repl ace onl y wi th a fuse of
the same rati ng. See the l abel on the rear panel .
Chapter 2 2-9
Getting Started
Rear-Panel Features
4 Service Connector. The servi ce connector i s for
servi ce use onl y.
5 Inputs/Outputs (Refer to Agilent Technologies ESA
Spectrum Analyzer Specications Guidefor more
i nformati on.)
5a VGA OUTPUT dri ves an external VGA
compati bl e moni tor wi th a si gnal that
has 31.5 kHz hori zontal , 60 Hz verti cal
synchroni zi ng rate, non-i nterl aced.
5b GATE/HI SWP OUT (TTL) i s hi gh when
the anal yzer i s sweepi ng or when Gate
(Option 1D6) i s acti ve.
5c GATE TRIG/EXT TRIGIN(TTL) accepts the
posi ti ve edge of an external vol tage
i nput that tri ggers the anal yzer
i nternal sweep source or the gate
functi on (Time Gate, Option 1D6).
Tabl e 2-1 and Tabl e 2-2 show the appropri ate rear panel sl ots to be used
for the opti onal cards avai l abl e wi th the Agi l ent ESA spectrum
anal yzers. Refer to Tabl e 2-1 i f you have an Agi l ent ESA-L Seri es
spectrum anal yzer. Refer to Tabl e 2-2 i f you have an Agi l ent ESA-E
Seri es spectrum anal yzer.
(P) = Preferred Card Sl ot
(A) = Acceptabl e Card Sl ot
() = Unacceptabl e Card Sl ot
Table 2-1 Agilent ESA-L Series (E4403B, E4408B, E4411B)
Slot # GPIB
(Opt A4H)
(Opt 1AX)
IF and
Sweep Ports
(Opt A4J )
1 P P
2 A A
5 P
6 P
1. The Frequency Extensi on Assembl y comes standard wi th the
Agi l ent E4408B.
2-10 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Rear-Panel Features
6 GPI B and paral l el (Option A4H) i s an opti onal
i nterface. GPI B supports remote i nstrument operati on.
A paral l el port i s i ncl uded for pri nti ng onl y.
7 RS-232 and paral l el (Option 1AX) i s an opti onal
i nterface. RS-232 supports remote i nstrument
operati on. A paral l el port i s i ncl uded for pri nti ng onl y.
NOTE Pri nti ng i s onl y supported from the paral l el port.
NOTE Onl y one opti onal i nterface (Option A4H or Option 1AX) can be
i nstal l ed at a ti me.
8 IF, Video, and Sweep Ports (Option A4J or Option
AYX): (Refer to Agilent Technologies ESA Spectrum
Analyzer Specications Guidefor more i nformati on.)
NOTE Onl y one I F and Sweep Port (Option A4J or Option AYX) can be
i nstal l ed at a ti me.
SWP OUT provi des a vol tage ramp correspondi ng to the
sweep of the anal yzer (0 V to 10 V).
HI SWP IN (TTL) can be grounded to stop and reset the
HI SWP OUT (TTL) i s hi gh when the anal yzer i s
sweepi ng.
Table 2-2 Agilent ESA-E Series(E4401B,E4402B,E4404B,
E4405B, E4407B)
Slot # GPIB
IF and
A4J )
2 A A A A A A
3 A A P A A A
4 A A A A P A P
5 P A A P
6 A A P
1. The Frequency Extensi on Assembl y comes standard wi th the Agi l ent
E4404B, E4405B and E4407B.
2. Some cards may not be i nstal l ed due to mechani cal i nterference.
Chapter 2 2-11
Getting Started
Rear-Panel Features
AUX VIDEO OUT provi des detected vi deo output (before
the anal og-to-di gi tal conversi on) proporti onal to
verti cal deecti on of the trace. Output i s from 0 V to
1 V. Ampl i tude-correcti on factors are not appl i ed to thi s
si gnal .
The output si gnal i s bl anked duri ng retrace.
AUX IF OUT i s a 50 , 21.4 MHz I F output that i s the
down-converted si gnal of the RF i nput of the anal yzer.
Ampl i tude-correcti on factors are not appl i ed to thi s
si gnal . Thi s output i s taken after the resol uti on
bandwi dth l ters and step gai ns and before the l og
ampl i er. The output si gnal i s bl anked duri ng retrace.
9 FM Demod (Option BAA) al l ows you to demodul ate,
di spl ay, and measure devi ati on on FM si gnal s. You can
l i sten to audi o si gnal s on a bui l t-i n speaker or wi th an
earphone. Refer to Det/Demod i n Chapter 6 and FM
Demodul ati on (Opti on BAA) i n Chapter 7 for more
i nformati on about thi s opti on.
10 Frequency Extension Assembly control s the
mi crowave front-end components i n the Agi l ent
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B.
PRESEL TUNE OUTPUT provi des a si gnal to control
external presel ected mi xers (Option AYZ). Refer to
Det/Demod i n Chapter 6 or FM Demodul ati on
(Opti on BAA) i n Chapter 7 for more i nformati on about
thi s opti on.
11 Card Slot Identication Numbers. Refer to Tabl e
2-1 and Tabl e 2-2 for card sl ot versus opti on card
compati bi l i ty i nformati on.
12 10 MHz REF IN accepts an external frequency source to
provi de the 10 MHz, 15 to +10 dBm as a ti mebase.
13 10 MHz REF OUT provi des a 10 MHz, 0 dBm mi ni mum,
ti mebase reference si gnal .
14 Power On Selection sel ects an i nstrument power
preference. The PWR ALWAYS ON setti ng turns the
anal yzer on whenever external power i s appl i ed. Thi s
mode i s useful i f an external power swi tch i s used to
control a rack of several i nstruments. The PWR NORM
setti ng assi gns anal yzer on/off control to the
front-panel On key (see Fi gure 2-1 on page 2-3, i tem
23); however, i f the external power i s removed for >20
seconds, the i nstrument returns to the Standby
condi ti on of the front-panel On key when external
power i s reconnected.
2-12 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Rear-Panel Features
15 DC Fuse protects the anal yzer from drawi ng too much
DC power. Repl ace onl y wi th a fuse of the same rati ng.
See the l abel on the rear panel .
Chapter 2 2-13
Getting Started
Display Annotation
Display Annotation
Here i s an exampl e of the annotati on that may appear on an anal yzer
di spl ay. The di spl ay annotati on i s referenced by numbers whi ch are
l i sted i n the fol l owi ng tabl e. The Functi on Key col umn i ndi cates whi ch
key acti vates the functi on rel ated to the annotati on. Refer to
Chapter 6 , Front-Panel Key Reference for more i nformati on on a
speci c functi on key.
Figure 2-3 Screen Annotation
2-14 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Display Annotation
Table 2-3 Screen Annotation
Item Description Function Key
1 Detector mode Detector
2 Reference l evel Ref Level
3 Acti ve functi on bl ock Refer to the descri pti on of the
acti vated functi on.
4 Screen ti tl e Change Title
5 Ti me and date di spl ay Time/Date On Off
6 RF attenuati on Attenuation Auto Man
7 Marker frequency Marker Count On Off
8 Marker ampl i tude Marker
9 GPI B annunci ators See Tabl e 2-7 on page 2-17 for
more i nformati on.
10 Data i nval i d i ndi cator Sweep (Single) or View/Trace
11 Status I nformati onal
See Chapter 4 ,Troubl eshooti ng.
12 Key menu ti tl e Dependent on key sel ecti on.
13 Key menu See key l abel descri pti ons i n
Chapter 6 ,Front-Panel Key
14 Frequency span or stop
Span or Stop Freq
15 Sweep ti me/Poi nts Sweep Time Auto Man, Sweep
16 Vi deo bandwi dth Video BW Auto Man
17 Frequency offset Freq Offset
18 Di spl ay status l i ne Di spl ays i nstrument status and
error messages. Cl eared by
pressi ng Esc key.
See Chapter 4 ,Troubl eshooti ng.
19 Resol uti on bandwi dth Resolution BW Auto Man
20 Center frequency or start
Center Freq or Start Freq
21 Auto al i gnment routi ne
i s on
Auto Align
See bel ow for more i nformati on.
Chapter 2 2-15
Getting Started
Display Annotation
When the anal yzer i s set to the external mi xer state (Opti on AYZ), i tem
6 changes to di spl ay Ext Mix i n pl ace of Atten XdB. I n addi ti on, i f
Mi xer Bi as i s on, a +I or I i s appended to Ext Mix.
I tem 10 refers to the data i nval i d i ndi cator. When the (*) i s di spl ayed,
i t means that some or al l trace data may not match the annotati on due
to possi bl e changes i n i nstrument setti ngs.
I tem 21 refers to the auto al i gnment mode. AA i ndi cates that auto
al i gnment of al l anal yzer parameters, except the tracki ng generator
and FM demodul ati on opti ons, wi l l occur. AB i ndi cates that auto
al i gnment of al l anal yzer functi ons except the RF secti on (and tracki ng
generator and FM demodul ati on opti ons) wi l l occur. No i ndi cator wi l l
appear i f auto al i gnment i s off.
I tem 23 refers to the tri gger and sweep modes of the anal yzer. The rst
l etter F i ndi cates the spectrum anal yzer i s i n free-run tri gger mode. The
second l etter C i ndi cates the spectrum anal yzer i s i n conti nuous-sweep
mode. Refer to Tabl e 2-5 on page 2-16 for other val i d annunci ators for
the rst l etter. Refer to Tabl e 2-6 on page 2-16 for other val i d
annunci ators for the second l etter.
22 Ampl i tude correcti ons
are on (Thi s i ndi cates
that the overal l
correcti on state i s On.
There may be any or
none of the i ndi vi dual
correcti ons On.)
Correction On Off
23 Tri gger/Sweep Trig, Sweep
See bel ow for more i nformati on.
24 Trace mode Trace
See bel ow for more i nformati on.
25 Average Average On Off
VAvg i ndi cates vi deo average on.
PAvg i ndi cates power average on.
26 Di spl ay l i ne Display Line On Off
27 Ampl i tude offset Ref Lvl Offst
28 Ampl i tude scal e Scale Type Log Lin
Table 2-3 Screen Annotation
Item Description Function Key
2-16 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Display Annotation
I tem 24 refers to the trace modes of the anal yzer. The rst l etter W
i ndi cates that the anal yzer i s i n cl ear-wri te mode. The second l etter i s
1, representi ng trace 1. The trace 2 trace mode i s S2, i ndi cati ng trace 2
(2) i s i n the store-bl ank mode (S). The trace mode annotati on for trace 3
i s di spl ayed under the trace mode annotati on of trace 1. The trace 3
trace mode i s S3, i ndi cati ng trace 3 (3) i s i n the store bl ank mode (S).
Refer to Tabl e 2-4 for other val i d trace mode annunci ators.
A #i n front of di spl ay annotati on i ndi cates that the functi on i s
uncoupl ed. (Refer to Auto Coupl e i n Chapter 6)
Refer to the fol l owi ng tabl es for the screen annotati on codes for trace,
tri gger, and sweep modes.
Table 2-4 Screen Annotation for Trace Mode
W Cl ear Wri te
M Maxi mum Hol d
V Vi ew
S Store Bl ank
m Mi ni mum Hol d
Table 2-5 Screen Annotation for Trigger Mode
F Free Run
L Li ne
V Vi deo
E External
Table 2-6 Screen Annotation for Sweep Mode
C Conti nuous
S Si ngl e Sweep
Chapter 2 2-17
Getting Started
Display Annotation
Table 2-7 Screen Annotation for GPIB Annunciators
R Remote Operati on
L GPI B Li sten
T GPI B Tal k
2-18 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Key Overview
Key Overview
The keys l abel ed FREQUENCY Channel, System, and Marker are al l
exampl es of front-panel keys. Pressi ng most front-panel keys accesses
menus of functi ons that are di spl ayed al ong the ri ght si de of the
di spl ay. These are cal l ed menu keys.
Front-panel keys that are whi te perform an i mmedi ate acti on rather
than bri ngi ng up a menu.
Menu keys l i st functi ons other than those accessed di rectl y by the front
panel keys. To acti vate a menu key functi on, press the key i mmedi atel y
to the ri ght of the annotati on on the screen. The menu keys that are
di spl ayed depend on whi ch front-panel key i s pressed and whi ch menu
l evel i s enabl ed.
I f a menu key functi ons val ue can be changed, i t i s cal l ed an acti ve
functi on. The functi on l abel of the acti ve functi on i s hi ghl i ghted after
that key has been sel ected. For exampl e, press AMPLITUDE Y Scale. Thi s
cal l s up the menu of rel ated ampl i tude functi ons. Note the functi on
l abel ed Ref Level (the defaul t sel ected key i n the Ampl i tude menu) i s
hi ghl i ghted. Ref Level al so appears i n the acti ve functi on bl ock,
i ndi cati ng that i t i s the acti ve ampl i tude functi on and can now be
changed usi ng any of the data entry control s.
A menu key wi th On and Off i n i ts l abel can be used to turn the menu
keys functi on on or off. To turn the functi on on, press the menu key so
that On i s underl i ned. To turn the functi on off, press the menu key so
that Off i s underl i ned. I n the manual , when On shoul d be underl i ned, i t
wi l l be i ndi cated as Function (On).
A functi on wi th Auto and Man i n the l abel can ei ther be auto-coupl ed or
have i ts val ue manual l y changed. The val ue of the functi on can be
changed manual l y usi ng the numeri c keypad, knob, or step keys. To
auto-coupl e a functi on, press the menu key so that Auto i s underl i ned.
I n the manual , when Auto shoul d be underl i ned, i t wi l l be i ndi cated as
Function (Auto).
I n some menus of keys, one key l abel wi l l al ways be hi ghl i ghted to show
whi ch key has been sel ected. For exampl e, when you press Det/Demod,
Demod, you wi l l access a menu of keys i n whi ch some of the keys are
grouped together by a bl ue bar (on anal yzers wi th a col or di spl ay) on
the l eft si de of the menu. The Off key, whi ch i s the Det/Demod, Demod
menu defaul t key, wi l l be hi ghl i ghted. When you press another key
wi thi n the bl ue bar regi on, such as AM, the hi ghl i ght wi l l move to that
key to show i t has been sel ected.
Chapter 2 2-19
Getting Started
Key Overview
I n some menus of keys, one key l abel wi l l al ways be hi ghl i ghted to show
whi ch key has been sel ected but the menu i s i mmedi atel y exi ted when a
sel ecti on i s made. For exampl e, when you press the Orientation key (a
Print Setup menu key), i t wi l l bri ng up i ts own menu of keys. The Portrait
key, whi ch i s the Ori entati on menu defaul t key, wi l l be hi ghl i ghted.
When you press the Landscape key, the hi ghl i ght wi l l move to that key
to show i t has been sel ected.
A summary of al l front panel keys and thei r rel ated menu keys can be
found i n Chapter 6 ,Front-Panel Key Reference.
2-20 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Making a Measurement
Making a Measurement
Lets begi n usi ng the anal yzer by measuri ng an i nput si gnal . Si nce the
i nternal 50 MHz ampl i tude reference si gnal i s readi l y avai l abl e, we wi l l
use i t as our test si gnal .
NOTE You cannot hurt the anal yzer by usi ng thi s reference si gnal and
pressi ng any of the keys descri bed i n thi s secti on. Dont be afrai d to
pl ay wi th the knob, step keys, or numeri c keypad. (I f you have
experi mented wi th other keys and wi sh to return to a known state,
press the green Preset key and, i f present, the Factory Preset menu key.)
1. Fi rst, turn the i nstrument on by pressi ng On. Wai t for the power-up
process to compl ete.
2. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory).
3. Press the green Preset key. Turn on the i nternal 50 MHz si gnal by
pressi ng Input, Amptd Ref Out (f=50 MHz) (On) and connecti ng a cabl e
from the AMPTD REF OUT to the INPUT 50 .
NOTE For the Agilent E4401B and E4411B, the above key l abel i s Amptd Ref
(f=50 MHz), and no cabl e i s requi red.
4. Set the frequency.
Press the FREQUENCY Channel key. Center appears on the l eft si de
of the screen, i ndi cati ng that the center-frequency functi on i s acti ve.
The Center Freq menu key l abel i s hi ghl i ghted to i ndi cate that center
frequency i s the acti ve functi on. The acti ve functi on bl ock i s the
space on the screen wi thi n the grati cul e where the acti ve functi on
messages appear. Acti ve functi on val ues can be changed usi ng the
knob, step keys, or numeri c keypad. Set the center frequency to
50 MHz wi th the DATA keys by pressi ng 50 MHz. The knob and step
keys can al so be used to set the center frequency.
CAUTION When operati ng i n DC coupl ed mode on spectrum anal yzers wi th
Option UKB, take care to protect the i nput mi xer by l i mi ti ng the i nput
l evel to 0 VDC and +30 dBm.
5. Set the span.
Press SPAN X Scale. Span i s now di spl ayed i n the acti ve functi on
bl ock, and the Span menu key l abel i s hi ghl i ghted to i ndi cate i t i s the
acti ve functi on. Reduce the span to 20 MHz by usi ng the knob,
pressi ng the down key (), or pressi ng 20 MHz.
Chapter 2 2-21
Getting Started
Making a Measurement
6. Set the ampl i tude.
When the peak of a si gnal does not appear on the screen, i t may be
necessary to adjust the ampl i tude l evel on the screen. Press
AMPLITUDE Y Scale. Ref Level 0.0 dBm appears i n the acti ve
functi on bl ock (48.75 dBmV with Option 1DP). The Ref Level menu
key l abel i s hi ghl i ghted to i ndi cate that reference l evel i s the acti ve
functi on. The reference l evel i s the top grati cul e l i ne on the di spl ay
and i s set to 0.0 dBm (48.75 dBmV with Option 1DP). Changi ng the
val ue of the reference l evel changes the ampl i tude l evel of the top
grati cul e l i ne.
I f desi red, use the reference l evel functi on to pl ace the si gnal peak at
the top of the screen usi ng the knob, step keys, or numeri c keypad.
Fi gure 2-4 demonstrates the rel ati onshi p between center frequency
and reference l evel . The box i n the gure represents the anal yzer
di spl ay. Changi ng the center frequency changes the hori zontal
pl acement of the si gnal on the di spl ay. Changi ng the reference l evel
changes the verti cal pl acement of the si gnal on the di spl ay.
I ncreasi ng the span i ncreases the frequency range that appears
hori zontal l y on the di spl ay.
NOTE Anal yzers with Option 1DP defaul t to di spl ay ampl i tude val ues i n
dBmV when i n a l og scal e mode.
NOTE For E4402B, E4404B, and E4405B anal yzers wi th Opti on UKB,
frequenci es bel ow 100 kHz can be measured by setti ng the i nput to DC
coupl ed mode. (Input, Coupling (DC))
Figure 2-4 Relationship between Frequency and Amplitude
2-22 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Making a Measurement
7. Set the marker.
Marker functi ons measure the frequency and ampl i tude of a si gnal .
You can pl ace a di amond-shaped marker on the si gnal peak to nd
the si gnal s frequency and ampl i tude.
To acti vate a marker, press the Marker key (l ocated i n the MARKER
secti on of the front panel ). The Normal softkey i s hi ghl i ghted to show
that the marker i s the acti ve functi on. Turn the knob to pl ace the
marker at the si gnal peak. You can al so use the Peak Search key,
whi ch automati cal l y pl aces a marker at the hi ghest poi nt on the
Readouts of marker frequency and ampl i tude appear i n the acti ve
functi on bl ock and i n the upper ri ght corner of the di spl ay. Look at
the marker readout to determi ne the ampl i tude of the si gnal .
I f another functi on i s acti vated, the marker frequency and
ampl i tude can sti l l be i denti ed by l ooki ng at the marker readout i n
the upper ri ght corner of the di spl ay.
Measurement Summary
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory). Press the green
Preset key. Turn on the i nternal 50 MHz si gnal by pressi ng Input,
Amptd Ref Out (f=50 MHz) (On), and connecti ng a cabl e from the
NOTE For the Agilent E4401B and E4411B, the above key l abel i s Amptd Ref
(f=50 MHz), and no cabl e i s requi red.
2. Set the center frequency by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys: Frequency,
5,0, MHz.
3. Set the span by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys: Span, 2,0, MHz.
4. The ampl i tude reference si gnal i s about 27 dBm (25 dBmV for
Opti on 1DP) for the Agilent E4411B and E4401B. The ampl i tude
reference si gnal i s about 20 dBm for the Agilent E4402B, E4403B,
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B. I f desi red, adjust the
reference l evel : press AMPLITUDE Y Scale to acti vate the reference
l evel , and use the knob or step keys to change the reference l evel and
bri ng the si gnal to the top of the screen.
5. Determi ne the ampl i tude and frequency of the si gnal . You can ei ther
press Peak Search or press Marker and move the marker to the si gnal
peak. Read the ampl i tude and frequency. The di spl ay shoul d l ook
l i ke the one i n Fi gure 2-5. Frequency i s di spl ayed hori zontal l y, and
ampl i tude (power) i s di spl ayed verti cal l y.
Chapter 2 2-23
Getting Started
Making a Measurement
Figure 2-5 Reading the Amplitude and Frequency
2-24 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Analyzer Accuracy and the Internal Alignment Process
Analyzer AccuracyandtheInternal Alignment
Data from the i nternal al i gnment routi ne i s necessary for spectrum
anal yzer operati on. The i nternal al i gnment routi ne runs conti nuousl y
to ensure that the anal yzer i s usi ng current al i gnment data that
i mproves the anal yzer frequency and ampl i tude accuracy. Press the
System, Alignments keys to vi ew the al i gnment menus. For more
detai l ed i nformati on on the al i gnment keys, refer to Al i gnments i n
Chapter 6.
Warm-up Time
I n order for the anal yzer to meet i ts speci cati ons, al l ow i t to warm up
for 5 mi nutes after bei ng turned on before attempti ng to make any
cal i brated measurements. I f the anal yzer i s an Agi l ent E4402B,
E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, or E4408B, connect a BNC cabl e
between AMPTD REF OUT and I NPUT 50 usi ng an adapter. After a
5 mi nute warm-up, press System, Alignments, Align Now, All. I f Auto
Align Off i s sel ected, refer to the anal yzer speci cati ons for the
condi ti ons requi red to mai ntai n cal i brati on.
Chapter 2 2-25
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
File Menu Functions
Thi s secti on descri bes how to use the functi ons l ocated under the
front-panel File key. Data storage and retri eval are handl ed si mi l arl y to
that of personal computers (PCs). Li ke PCs, these anal yzers i ncl ude an
i nternal storage dri ve and a oppy di sk dri ve, both of whi ch have
di rectory and sub-di rectory capabi l i ty.
NOTE The descri pti ons i n thi s secti on assume the anal yzer has rmware
revi si on A.04.00 or l ater. The l e menu functi ons i n earl i er rmware
are di fferent. I f you woul d l i ke to upgrade your anal yzer to the l atest
rmware revi si on, pl ease vi si t the fol l owi ng web si te:
You wi l l l earn how to do al l of the fol l owi ng:
l ocate and vi ew l es i n the catal og
create a di rectory
format a oppy di sk
save a l e
l oad a l e
rename a l e
copy a l e
del ete a l e
NOTE The di spl ay exampl es i n thi s secti on are made usi ng the
Agi l ent E4407B, you may see some vari ati ons dependi ng upon your
anal yzer.
Locate and view les in the catalog
Techni ques for l ocati ng l es and di rectori es are consi stent throughout
the vari ous l e menu functi ons. Al though thi s secti on provi des speci c
i nformati on about navi gati on i n the catal og, you may wi sh to refer back
to thi s secti on when performi ng other operati ons of the l e menu.
Press File, Catalog to bri ng up a screen di spl ay as shown i n Fi gure 2-6.
2-26 Chapter 2
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
Figure 2-6 Catalog Menu
1. The entry el ds show the parameters for the l es vi ewed. Entry
el ds that are bei ng modi ed or are modi abl e are i ndi cated by
hi ghl i ghti ng (i nverse vi deo). Each l e menu functi on has i ts own
uni que set of entry el ds pertai ni ng to that functi on. Bel ow are the
el ds l i sted under the catal og key:
a. Name: el d states the l ename.
b. Show Type: el d di spl ays the type of l es vi ewed.
c. Path: el d di spl ays the dri ve and di rectory l ocati on of the l es.
2. The di rectory i nformati on box di spl ays the dri ves, di rectori es, and/or
l es currentl y descri bed i n the entry el ds. Hi ghl i ghti ng a row of
i nformati on sel ects that l ocati on and updates the entry el ds. There
are four col umn headi ngs i n thi s area of the di spl ay. They are
descri bed as fol l ows:
a. Name: col umn states the dri ve ([-A-] or [-C-]) i f at the top l evel
on the dri ve, di rectory name, or l ename.
b. Type: col umn di spl ays the extensi on of the l ename, for exampl e,
.SET, .STA, .TRC. Di rectori es are di spl ayed as DIR and dri ves
have nothi ng l i sted under Type:. They are onl y desi gnated by the
Name: col umn ([-A-] or [-C-]).
c. Size: col umn di spl ays the si ze of the l e i n bytes.
Chapter 2 2-27
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
d. Modified: col umn di spl ays the date and ti me the l ast change
3. The softkey menu has four opti ons:
a. Type: al l ows you to choose the type of l e you wi sh to vi ew. (You
may vi ew al l types by usi ng the All key under Type.)
b. Sort: Under the Sort key, you can sort by any of the four col umns
and you can choose up (ascendi ng) or down (descendi ng).
c. Dir Up: moves you up one di rectory l evel . I f you are al ready at the
top l evel , thi s key moves you up to the dri ve l evel , di spl ayi ng the
avai l abl e di sk dri ves.
d. Dir Select: moves you down i nto the hi ghl i ghted di rectory or up
i nto the next l evel (di rectory or dri ve) i f the . . under the Name:
col umn i s hi ghl i ghted.
NOTE Navi gati on keys: Use the front-panel Step Keys or Knob and the Dir Up
or Dir Select keys to move around i n the di rectory i nformati on box.
4. The dri ve space l i ne shows the number of bytes used on the dri ve
and the number of bytes sti l l free on the dri ve.
Creating a directory
Di rectori es and sub-di rectori es can be created on both the A: oppy di sc
and the i nternal C: dri ve. Thi s al l ows maxi mum exi bi l i ty i n
organi zi ng l es. For thi s exampl e, we wi l l create a di rectory on the C:
dri ve.
1. Press File, More 1 of 2, Create Dir. Your screen shoul d l ook si mi l ar to
Fi gure 2-6, except the entry el ds wi l l be Dir Name: and Path: and
the Headi ng wi l l read: Directories.
2. Navi gate through the l e system unti l the Path: el d di spl ays C:\.
(Use the Step Keys, Knob, Di r Up, and/or Di r Sel ect keys.)
3. Press Name and enter the name, START usi ng the Al pha Edi tor.
(The numeri c keypad i s al so avai l abl e for the l ename.) Press Enter
(hardkey) when the Dir Name: el d contai ns thi s di rectory ti tl e.
(Use the Bk Sp hardkey on the front panel to make correcti ons.)
4. Press Create Dir Now to execute the operati on. The message:
Creating Directory appears on the screen. Then the status bar
di spl ays: Directory C:\START created.
5. To make a sub-di rectory, scrol l down to the START di rectory you just
created and press Dir Select. The Path: el d shoul d now read:
C:\START\. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 above, usi ng a new name. The
status bar now shoul d read: Directory C:\START\new name
2-28 Chapter 2
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
Format a Floppy Disk
You can format a oppy di sk i n the anal yzer. The format i s MS-DOS
Note that i t i s not necessary to format your oppy di sk wi th the
anal yzer; preformatted di sks can be used wi th the anal yzer.
1. Pl ace the di sk you wi sh to format i nto the oppy dri ve (A:\) of the
anal yzer.
NOTE Onl y 1.44-MB oppy di sks are supported by the anal yzer. 720-KB
oppy di sks wi l l not work rel i abl y.
2. Access the Format key by pressi ng File, More 1 of 2, and then Format.
The di rectory i nformati on box i s acti ve (hi ghl i ghted), however, onl y
the oppy di sk vol ume [-A-] i s shown on the di spl ay.
NOTE The di rectory i nformati on box di spl ays al l l es present on the oppy
di sk i nserted i n dri ve (A:\). I f the di sk you are attempti ng to format has
no pre-exi sti ng formatti ng, or i s not i nserted i n dri ve (A:\), the error
message: bad, missing, or unformatted disk i s di spl ayed i n the
status l i ne.
3. Press Format Now. The fol l owi ng message appears i n the di spl ay
wi ndow: WARNING: You are about to destroy ALL data on
Volume A:. Press Format Now again to proceed or any other
key to abort.
CAUTION To abort di sk format, press any key but Format Now. When a di sk i s
formatted, al l data on the di sk i s destroyed.
4. Press Format Now a second ti me to format the di sk. See Fi gure 2-7.
1. MS-DOS i s a U.S. regi stered trademark of Mi crosoft Corporati on.
Chapter 2 2-29
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
Figure 2-7 Format Menu
You wi l l see the message: Formatting Disk i n the di spl ay wi ndow.
Pressi ng any other key after recei vi ng the warni ng i n step 3 on
page 2-28, wi l l abort the formatti ng process.
5. When formatti ng i s compl ete, a message, Volume A: formatted
appears on the status l i ne. The format process takes approxi matel y
three mi nutes.
Save a File
You can save l es (setups, states, traces, l i mi ts, correcti ons, or screens)
to a oppy di sk (A:\), or the i nternal dri ve (C:\). I n thi s exampl e you
wi l l save a trace to the i nternal C: dri ve.
Step 1. Set up the analyzer trace
1. Turn on the 50 MHz ampl i tude reference si gnal of the anal yzer.
For the Agilent E4401B and E4411B, use the 50 MHz ampl i tude
reference si gnal of the anal yzer as the si gnal bei ng measured. Press
Preset, Factory Preset (i f present), Input/Output, Amptd Ref (On).
For al l other model s, connect a cabl e between the front-panel
AMPTD REF OUT to the anal yzer INPUT, then press Preset, Factory
Preset (i f present), Input/Output, Amptd Ref Out (On).
2-30 Chapter 2
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
2. Set the center frequency to 50 MHz and the span to 75 MHz: press
The reference si gnal appears on the di spl ay.
3. Vi ew trace 1 and put i t i nto maxi mum hol d by pressi ng View/Trace,
Max Hold. (Trace 1 shoul d al ready by underl i ned, but i f not, press
Trace 1 2 3 unti l 1 i s underl i ned. and then press Max Hold.) Your
anal yzer di spl ay shoul d l ook si mi l ar to Fi gure 2-8.
Figure 2-8 Viewing Trace 1
4. Acti vate trace 2 and put i t i nto mi ni mum hol d by pressi ng Trace (2),
Min Hold. Your anal yzer di spl ay shoul d l ook si mi l ar to Fi gure 2-9.
Chapter 2 2-31
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
Figure 2-9 Viewing Traces 1 and 2
5. Acti vate trace 3 by pressi ng Trace (3), Clear Write. Your anal yzer
di spl ay shoul d l ook si mi l ar to Fi gure 2-10.
Figure 2-10 Viewing Traces 1, 2, and 3
2-32 Chapter 2
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
Step 2. Save the le
1. To access the Save menu, press, File, Save.
2. Sel ect the type of l e you want to save. I n thi s exampl e you are
savi ng a trace; press Type, Trace.
3. Sel ect the trace you wi sh to save (1, 2, 3, or al l traces). I n thi s
exampl e you wi l l save trace 3; press Source (softkey), Trace 3.
4. Sel ect the format for whi ch you wi sh to save the trace: trace pl us
state (Trace + State) or comma separated val ue (CSV). I n thi s
exampl e you wi l l save as trace pl us state; press Format, Trace + State.
5. Enter a l ename by pressi ng Name. The Al pha Edi tor appears. For
thi s exampl e you wi l l name the l e, TEST1. (The numeri c keypad
i s al so avai l abl e for the l ename.) Note that the l e extensi on i s
al ways set by the system and for thi s l e type the extensi on i s TRC.
You must now press the Enter (hardkey) to get back to the Save
6. The desti nati on for the saved l e i s shown i n the Path: el d. I n thi s
exampl e, you wi l l sel ect the path as C:\START\.
NOTE I f the correct l ocati on i s not l i sted i n the Path: el d, change di rectori es
by pressi ng Dir Up (softkey) or usi ng the step keys or knob, hi ghl i ght the
di rectory you wi sh. Pressi ng Dir Select then conrms your choi ce whi ch
i s di spl ayed i n the Path: el d.
7. Press Save Now or Save (hardkey) to save the l e to the C:\Start\
l ocati on. The message Saving Now i s di spl ayed duri ng thi s
operati on. For thi s exampl e, the status l i ne di spl ays:
C:\START\TEST1.TRC file saved.
NOTE When savi ng to dri ve (A:), never remove the oppy di sk duri ng the save
operati on. To do so coul d corrupt all data on the oppy di sk.
NOTE You need to use a l ename that does not al ready exi st i n the current
di rectory. The l ename i s l i mi ted to ei ght characters, al pha (A-Z) or
numeri c (0-9) i n any combi nati on. The anal yzer wi l l not al l ow you to
overwri te an exi sti ng l e. I f you sel ect a l ename that al ready exi sts,
the status bar wi l l di spl ay the message: File already exists. I f you
do not choose a l ename, the anal yzer wi l l automati cal l y generate a
name based on the type of l e you are savi ng (Setup: SETUP, State:
STATE, Trace: TRACE, Li mi ts: LIMIT, Correcti ons: COREC, Screen: SCREN).
I t al so generates a three di gi t i nteger (starti ng at 000 and extendi ng
through 999, rememberi ng the previ ousl y saved val ue through a power
cycl e) whi ch i t adds to the name, for exampl e: TRACE056.TRC. Al so note
that thi s three di gi t i nteger i ncrements upon each attempted save unti l
a uni que l ename i s created, wi thout regard to the success of the save.
Chapter 2 2-33
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
Load a le
1. Reset the anal yzer by pressi ng Preset, Factory Preset (i f present).
2. To access the Load menu, press File, Load.
3. Sel ect the type of l e you want to l oad (setup, state, trace, l i mi ts, or
correcti ons). I n thi s exampl e you are l oadi ng a trace l e; press Type,
NOTE Not al l l e types can be l oaded back i nto the anal yzer. For exampl e,
Screen l es and CSV (comma separated val ue) cannot be l oaded. CSV
and Screen l es are desi gned for use wi th a PC.
4. Sel ect the di rectory where your l e i s l ocated. I n thi s exampl e, sel ect
the C:\START\ di rectory. (Use the front-panel step keys, knob, Dir Up,
and/or Dir Select keys to l ocate the di rectory.)
5. Sel ect the l e you want to l oad i nto the anal yzer by movi ng the
cursor wi th the front-panel knob to hi ghl i ght the l e name. I n thi s
exampl e the l e i s TEST1.TRC. Sel ect the trace i nto whi ch you wi sh
to l oad the l e. I n thi s exampl e, l oad i t i nto Trace 2. (Destination,
Trace 2).
6. Press Load Now to l oad the speci ed l e. Your di spl ay shoul d l ook
si mi l ar to Fi gure 2-11. The status bar reads: C:\START\TEST1.TRC
file loaded.
Figure 2-11 File Loaded
2-34 Chapter 2
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
NOTE You shoul d noti ce that the trace you saved, i n thi s exampl e trace 3, i s
l oaded to trace 2. I f you wi sh to veri fy thi s condi ti on, remove the si gnal
i nput. For Agi l ent E4401B and E4411B, press Input/Output, Amptd Ref
On Off (Off), for al l other model s, press Input/Output, Amptd Ref Out On
Off (Off).
Note that when a trace i s l oaded, i t i s pl aced i n vi ew mode. To see that
trace 2 i s i n vi ew mode, bl ank traces 1 and 3 by pressi ng View/Trace,
Trace 1, Blank, Trace 3, Blank. Then press Trace 2. Noti ce that trace 2 i s
the onl y trace di spl ayed i n vi ew mode (the vi ew key i s sel ected, and the
trace i s not sweepi ng). Your di spl ay shoul d l ook si mi l ar to Fi gure 2-12.
Figure 2-12 Verifying Trace 1
CAUTION When operati ng i n DC coupl ed mode on spectrum anal yzers wi th
Option UKB, take care to protect the i nput mi xer by l i mi ti ng the i nput
l evel to O VDC and +30 dBm.
NOTE When l oadi ng Li mi ts l es, be sure you have sel ected the appropri ate X
Axi s Uni ts: frequency or ti me (Di spl ay, Li mi ts, Properti es, X Axi s
Uni ts). I f you are i n ti me X-Axi s Uni ts, and you l oad frequency l i mi ts,
al l current l i mi t l i ne data wi l l be erased and the anal yzer wi l l swi tch to
the frequency domai n. The reverse of the thi s si tuati on al so hol ds true.
Chapter 2 2-35
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
Rename a File
1. To access the Rename menu, press File, Rename.
2. Sel ect the type of l e you want to rename (setup, state, trace, l i mi ts,
screens, or correcti ons). I n thi s exampl e you are renami ng a trace
l e; press Type, Trace.
3. Sel ect the dri ve and di rectory where your l e i s l ocated. I n thi s
exampl e, choose dri ve C:\START.
4. Sel ect the l e you want to rename. I n thi s exampl e, choose the l e
5. Press Name to open the Al pha Edi tor menu. For thi s exampl e,
rename the l e to RENAME usi ng the Al pha Edi tor softkeys. (The
Name: el d i s l i mi ted to ei ght characters.) Your di spl ay shoul d l ook
si mi l ar to Fi gure 2-13.
6. Press Enter, Rename Now: your l e i s now renamed and vi si bl e wi thi n
the di rectory di spl ayed on your anal yzer. The status l i ne di spl ays the
message: C:\START\TEST1.TRC file renamed to
Figure 2-13 Renaming a File
2-36 Chapter 2
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
Copy a File
1. To access the Copy menu, press File, Copy. Thi s menu functi on
bri ngs up 2 di rectory boxes as descri bed by the From: and To: el ds
l ocated di rectl y above the boxes. Refer to Fi gure 2-14.
Figure 2-14 Copy Menu
2. Put a formatted oppy i n the A: dri ve.
3. Sel ect the type of l e you want to copy (setup, state, trace, l i mi ts,
screens, or correcti ons). I n thi s exampl e you are copyi ng a trace l e
from the C: dri ve to the A: dri ve; press, Type, Trace.
4. Press Dir (i n the key menu) to underl i ne From:. Noti ce the From:
el d (just above the top di rectory box) hi ghl i ghts the l ocati on from
whi ch you wi l l be copyi ng. Usi ng the navi gati on keys (Dir Up, Direct
select, step keys, or front panel knob), l ocate the C:\START\
di rectory.
5. Scrol l to hi ghl i ght the l e di spl ayed i n the di rectory box from whi ch
you wi sh to copy. I n thi s exampl e, you wi l l need to hi ghl i ght the l e
6. Press Dir (i n the key menu) to underl i ne To:. The To: el d (just
above the bottom di rectory box) i s hi ghl i ghti ng the l ocati on to whi ch
you wi l l be copyi ng. Usi ng the navi gati on keys as descri bed above,
hi ghl i ght the A:\ dri ve.
NOTE When pressi ng Dir (To), the l e chosen i n the From: l ocati on i s no l onger
hi ghl i ghted, however the Name: el d above the From di rectory box
di spl ays the chosen l e; i n thi s exampl e: RENAME.TRC.
Chapter 2 2-37
Getting Started
File Menu Functions
NOTE Hi ghl i ghti ng a l ename i n the To: di rectory box has no si gni cance.
The l e cannot be pl aced i nsi de another l e.
7. Press Copy Now to execute the operati on. The message: Copying
file i s di spl ayed duri ng the copyi ng process. Upon compl eti on, the
status bar reads: C:\START\RENAME.TRC file copied. You have
now copi ed the l e RENAME from the C: dri ve to the A: dri ve.
Delete a File
1. To access the Del ete menu, press File, Delete.
2. Sel ect the type of l e you want to del ete (setup, state, trace, l i mi ts,
screens, or correcti ons). I n thi s exampl e, you are del eti ng a trace l e;
press Type, Trace.
3. Sel ect the dri ve and di rectory where the l e you wi sh to del ete i s
l ocated. I n thi s exampl e, choose C:\START\. Use the navi gati on keys
(Dir Up, Dir Select, step keys, front panel knob) to hi ghl i ght thi s
l ocati on i n the Path: el d. (Refer to Locate and vi ew l es i n the
catal og on page 2-25 for more i nstructi ons.)
4. Sel ect the l e you want to del ete. I n thi s exampl e, choose the l e
RENAME.TRC. Move the cursor wi th the navi gati on keys to hi ghl i ght
the l e name.
5. Press Delete Now. The message: Deleting file pops up on the
di spl ay duri ng the operati on. Upon compl eti on, the status bar reads:
C:\START\RENAME.TRC file deleted. Your l e i s now del eted and
i s no l onger vi si bl e i n the di rectory di spl ayed on your anal yzer.
2-38 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Printer Setup and Operation
Printer Setup and Operation
Agi l ent ESA Spectrum Anal yzer equi pped wi th Opti ons A4H (GPI B
and Paral l el I nterface) or 1AX (RS-232 and Paral l el I nterface)
I EEE 1284 compl i ant pri nter cabl e (such as HP/Agi l ent C2950A)
Supported pri nter equi pped wi th a paral l el i nterface. (A supported
pri nter i s one that accepts Pri nter Control Language (PCL) Level 3
or 5.)
PCL3 pri nters i ncl ude most Hewl ett-Packard (HP) DeskJet
pri nters.
PCL5 pri nters i ncl ude most HP LaserJet pri nters (LaserJet I I I
and after) and the HP 1100C, 1200C, 1600C, and 2000C DeskJet
pri nters. (Earl y HP LaserJet pri nters, such as the HP LaserJet I I ,
are not PCL5 compati bl e.)
Interconnection and Setup
1. Turn off the pri nter and the anal yzer.
2. Connect the pri nter to the anal yzer paral l el I /O i nterface connector
usi ng an I EEE 1284 compl i ant paral l el pri nter cabl e.
3. I f appropri ate, congure your pri nter usi ng congurati on menus or
swi tches. Refer to your pri nters documentati on for more speci c
i nformati on on conguri ng your pri nter.
4. Turn on the anal yzer and pri nter.
5. Press Print Setup on the front panel and then press the Printer Type
menu key. Printer Type accesses the fol l owi ng keys:
None None di sabl es the anal yzer from attempti ng to pri nt
to a pri nter. Thi s i s the appropri ate setti ng i f no
pri nter i s connected to the anal yzer.
Custom Custom al l ows you to access the Dene Custom menu
keys. The Dene Custom menu keys al l ow you to
speci fy pri nter characteri sti cs such as PCL Level
and pri nter col or capabi l i ty.
Auto Auto enabl es the anal yzer to automati cal l y attempt
to i denti fy the connected pri nter when the Print key
i s pressed or when Printer Type i s set to Auto.
Chapter 2 2-39
Getting Started
Printer Setup and Operation
6. Press Printer Type to access the Printer Type menu keys. Press Auto to
make the anal yzer attempt to i denti fy the connected pri nter. When
you press Auto, the anal yzer wi l l respond i n one of the three
fol l owi ng ways:
The Print Setup menu wi l l be di spl ayed wi th the Auto key sel ected
and no new message wi l l be di spl ayed i n the di spl ay status l i ne.
Thi s i ndi cates that the anal yzer has successful l y i denti ed the
connected pri nter and no further setup i s requi red. As l ong as
Auto remai ns sel ected i n the Printer Type menu, the anal yzer wi l l
attempt to i denti fy the pri nter when the front panel Print key i s
pressed. The sel ected pri nter wi l l be di spl ayed by pressi ng
System, More 1 of 3, Show System.
The Print Setup menu wi l l be di spl ayed wi th the Custom key
sel ected and one of the fol l owi ng di agnosti c messages wi l l be
di spl ayed i n the di spl ay status l i ne:
Unknown printer, Define Custom to set up printer
No printer response, Define Custom to set up printer
Invalid printer response, Define Custom to set up
Thi s i ndi cates that the anal yzer was unabl e to automati cal l y
i denti fy the connected pri nter, and Custom has been sel ected i n
the Printer Type menu. Press Print Setup, Dene Custom to sel ect
speci c pri nter characteri sti cs such as the pri nter l anguage
(PCL3 or PCL5) and col or pri nti ng capabi l i ty. Once you have set
these characteri sti cs to match those of your connected pri nter, the
pri nter setup process i s compl ete. As l ong as Custom remai ns
sel ected i n the Printer Type menu, the anal yzer wi l l not attempt to
automati cal l y i denti fy the connected pri nter when the front panel
Print key i s pressed.
The Print Setup menu wi l l be di spl ayed wi th the None key sel ected
and the fol l owi ng message wi l l appear i n the di spl ay status l i ne:
Unsupported printer, Printer Type set to None
Thi s i ndi cates that the anal yzer has successful l y i denti ed the
connected pri nter, but the pri nter i s not supported by the
anal yzer. As l ong as None i s sel ected i n the Printer Type menu, the
anal yzer wi l l respond to any pri nt command by di spl ayi ng the
message Printer Type is None i n the di spl ay status l i ne.
2-40 Chapter 2
Getting Started
Printer Setup and Operation
Testing Printer Operation
When you have compl eted the anal yzers pri nter setup, press Print
Setup, Print (Screen) and then press Print on the front panel . I f the
pri nter i s ready and the pri nter setup was successful , a pri ntout of the
anal yzer di spl ay wi l l be pri nted. I f the pri nter i s not ready, the message
Printer Timeout wi l l appear on the anal yzer di spl ay. Printer
Timeout wi l l remai n on the di spl ay unti l the pri nter i s ready or unti l
you press ESC to cancel the pri ntout request.
Chapter 2 2-41
Getting Started
Analyzer Battery Information
Analyzer Battery Information
The anal yzer uses a l i thi um battery to enabl e the i nternal memory to
retai n data. The date when the battery was i nstal l ed i s on a l abel on the
rear panel of the anal yzer. See Fi gure 2-15.
The mi ni mum l i fe expectancy of the battery i s 7 years at 25 C, or
1 year at 55 C. I f you experi ence probl ems wi th the battery or the
recommended ti me peri od for battery repl acement has el apsed, see
How to Return Your Anal yzer for Servi ce i n Chapter 4.
I f you wi sh to repl ace the battery yoursel f, you can purchase the servi ce
documentati on that provi des al l necessary test and mai ntenance
i nformati on.
You can order the servi ce documentati on for an Agi l ent ESA spectrum
anal yzer through your Agi l ent Sal es and Servi ce ofce. The
documentati on i s descri bed under Servi ce Documentati on and
Adjustment Software (Opti on 0BW) i n Chapter 7 of thi s manual .
After repl aci ng the anal yzer battery, wri te the date of battery
repl acement on the rear-panel l abel .
Figure 2-15 Rear-Panel Battery Information Label
3 Functional Testing
3-2 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
What You Will Find in This Chapter
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Thi s chapter descri bes the functi onal tests and provi des i nformati on on
how to perform them.
What Are the Functional Tests?
Functi onal tests are tests of vari ous i nstrument parameters that gi ve a
hi gh degree of condence that the i nstrument i s operati ng correctl y.
They are recommended as a check of i nstrument operati on for i ncomi ng
i nspecti on or after a repai r. Measurement uncertai nty anal ysi s i s not
avai l abl e for functi onal tests, and the i nstrument i s checked agai nst
l i mi ts that are wi der than the publ i shed speci cati ons. The functi onal
tests are desi gned to test an i nstrument operati ng wi thi n the
temperature range dened by the i nstrument speci cati ons usi ng a
mi ni mum set of test equi pment. I f a test does not pass, performance
tests must be run to conrm a probl em exi sts.
Functional Test Versus Performance Verication
Performance veri cati on tests check a wi de range of i nstrument
parameters and provi de the hi ghest l evel of condence that the
i nstrument i s operati ng sati sfactori l y. They are used to veri fy that the
i nstrument conforms to publ i shed speci cati ons. They are ti me
consumi ng and requi re extensi ve test equi pment. The functi onal tests
check a much smal l er range of parameters and a l i mi ted number of
data poi nts for each parameter. They requi re onl y l i mi ted test
equi pment.
Chapter 3 3-3
Functional Testing
Test Descriptions
Test Descriptions
Each of the fol l owi ng test descri pti ons i ncl ude the test l i mi ts (pass/fai l
cri teri a), a descri pti on of what the test does or what i t measures, a l i st
of equi pment requi red for the performance of the test, an i l l ustrati on of
the test setup used, and a step by step test procedure. The tests are
desi gned to be run on an i nstrument operati ng wi thi n the operati onal
temperature range dened by the i nstrument speci cati ons. Onl y
perform tests after the speci ed warmup ti me.
The tests i ncl uded i n thi s chapter are as fol l ows:
Di spl ayed Average Noi se Level page 3-4
Frequency Readout Accuracy page 3-23
Marker Count Accuracy page 3-26
Frequency Response page 3-27
Reference Level Accuracy page 3-32
Resol uti on Bandwi dth Swi tchi ng Uncertai nty page 3-37
Scal e Fi del i ty page 3-40
Second Harmoni c Spuri ous Responses page 3-43
Tracki ng Generator Level Fl atness
(E4401B and E4411B)
page 3-46
Tracki ng Generator Level Fl atness
(E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B)
page 3-49
3-4 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
Displayed Average Noise Level
Test Limits
Frequency Range Model (50 Inputs) Maximum
(50 Inputs)
TR Entry
10 MHz to 500 MHz E4401B, E4411B 119 dBm 1
501 MHz to 1.0 GHz 117 dBm 2
1.01 GHz to 1.5 GHz 113 dBm 3
10 MHz to 1.0 GHz E4402B, E4403B 117 dBm 4
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B,
116 dBm 5
1.01 GHz to 2.0 GHz E4402B, E4403B 116 dBm 6
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B,
115 dBm 7
2.01 GHz to 3.0 GHz E4402B, E4403B 114 dBm 8
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B,
112 dBm 9
3.01 GHz to 6.0 GHz E4404B, E4405B, E4407B,
112 dBm 10
6.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz E4404B 110 dBm 11
6.01 GHz to 12.0 GHz E4405B, E4407B, E4408B 110 dBm 12
12.01 GHz to 13.2 GHz E4405B 107 dBm 13
12.01 GHz to 22 GHz E4407B, E4408B 107 dBm 14
22.01 GHz to 26.5 GHz E4407B, E4408B 101 dBm 15
Frequency Range Model (75 Inputs) Maximum
(75 Inputs)
TR Entry
10 MHz to 500 MHz E4401B, E4411B 65 dBmV 16
501 MHz to 1.0 GHz 60 dBmV 17
1.01 GHz to 1.5 GHz 53 dBmV 18
Chapter 3 3-5
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
Test Description
The Di spl ayed Average Noi se Level i s measured wi thi n the frequency
range speci ed. The anal yzer i nput i s termi nated i nto ei ther 50 or
75 , dependi ng on anal yzer opti ons.
The test tunes the anal yzer frequency across the band, uses the marker
to l ocate the frequency wi th the hi ghest response, and then reads the
average noi se i n zero span.
Required Equipment
Figure 3-1
Adapters Recommended
HP/Agilent Model
Termi nati on, 50 Type-N(m) 908A
Additional Equipment for 75 Input
Termi nati on, 75 Type-N(m) 909E
Adapter, Type-N(f), to BNC (m), 75 1250-1534
3-6 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
Procedure (10 MHz to 500 MHz) E4401B and E4411B
1. Connect the equi pment as shown i n Fi gure 3-1.
2. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 10 MHz
Stop Freq, 500 MHz
AMPLITUDE, 70 dBm (50 I nput onl y)
AMPLITUDE, More 1 of 2, Amptd Units, dBmV, Ref Level, 21.24 dBmV
(75 I nput onl y)
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
3. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps, then stop).
4. Press Peak Search. Record the measured frequency i n the Measured
Frequency col umn (a) i n Tabl e 3-1 on page 3-22 for 10 MHz to
500 MHz.
5. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
6. Press Center Freq, and set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (a) of
Tabl e 3-1 for 10 MHz to 500 MHz.
Chapter 3 3-7
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
8. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay so that i t i s centered on the average trace noi se,
i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
9. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 1 (TR Entry
16 for a 75 I nput) i n Tabl e 3-1. The Average Noi se Level shoul d be
l ess than the Maxi mum for the appropri ate i nput i mpedance.
Procedure (501 MHz to 1.0 GHz) E4401B and E4411B
1. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 501 MHz
Stop Freq, 1.0 GHz
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps, then stop).
3. Press Peak Search, and record the frequency i n the Measured
Frequency col umn (b) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 501 MHz to 1.0 GHz.
3-8 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (b) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 501 MHz to 1.0 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 2 (TR Entry
17 for a 75 I nput) i n Tabl e 3-1. The Average Noi se Level shoul d be
l ess than the Maxi mum for the appropri ate i nput i mpedance.
Chapter 3 3-9
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
Procedure (1.01 GHz to 1.5 GHz) E4401B and E4411B
1. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 1.0 GHz
Stop Freq, 1.5 GHz
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps, then stop).
3. Press Peak Search, and record the marker frequency i n the Measured
Frequency col umn (c) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 1.01 GHz to 1.5 GHz.
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (c) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 1.01 GHz to 1.5 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
3-10 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 3 (TR Entry
18 for a 75 I nput) i n Tabl e 3-1. The average noi se l evel shoul d be
l ess than the Maxi mum for the appropri ate i nput i mpedance.
Procedure (10 MHz to 1 GHz) E4402B, E4403B,
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 10 MHz
Stop Freq, 1.0 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take three sweeps, then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (d) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 10 MHz to 1.0 GHz.
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
Chapter 3 3-11
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (d) i n Tabl e
3-1 for 10 MHz to 1.0 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. I f the anal yzer i s an E4402B or an E4403B, record the di spl ay l i ne
ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 4 i n Tabl e 3-1. Otherwi se, record the
di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 5 i n Tabl e 3-1. The
average noi se l evel shoul d be l ess than the Maxi mum.
Procedure (1.01 GHz to 2 GHz) E4402B, E4403B,
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 1.01 GHz
Stop Freq, 2 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps and then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (e) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 1.01 GHz to 2 GHz.
3-12 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (e) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 1.01 GHz to 2 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. I f the anal yzer i s an E4402B or an E4403B, record the di spl ay l i ne
ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 6 i n Tabl e 3-1. Otherwi se, record the
di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 7 i n Tabl e 3-1.The
average noi se l evel shoul d be l ess than the Maxi mum.
Procedure (2.01 GHz to 3.0 GHz) E4402B, E4403B,
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 2.01 GHz
Stop Freq, 3.0 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
Chapter 3 3-13
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps and then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (f) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 2.01 GHz to 3.0 GHz.
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (f) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 2.01 GHz to 3.0 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. I f the anal yzer i s an E4402B or an E4403B, record the di spl ay l i ne
ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 8 i n Tabl e 3-1. Otherwi se, record the
di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 9 i n Tabl e 3-1. The
Average Noi se Level shoul d be l ess than the maxi mum.
3-14 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
Procedure (3.01 GHz to 6.0 GHz) E4404B, E4405B,
E4407B, E4408B
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 3.01 GHz
Stop Freq, 6.0 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps and then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (g) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 3.01 GHz to 6.0 GHz.
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (g) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 3.01 GHz to 6.0 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
Chapter 3 3-15
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 10 i n
Tabl e 3-1. The Average Noi se Level shoul d be l ess than the
Maxi mum.
Procedure (6.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz) E4404B
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 6.01 GHz
Stop Freq, 6.7 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps and then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (h) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 6.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz.
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
3-16 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (h) i n Tabl e
3-1 for 6.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 11 i n Tabl e
3-1. The Average Noi se Level shoul d be l ess than the Maxi mum.
Procedure (6.01 GHz to 12.0 GHz) E4405B, E4407B,
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 6.01 GHz
Stop Freq, 12.0 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps and then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (i ) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 6.01 GHz to 12.0 GHz.
Chapter 3 3-17
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (i ) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 6.01 GHz to 12.0 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 12 i n
Tabl e 3-1. The average noi se l evel shoul d be l ess than the Maxi mum.
Procedure (12.01 GHz to 13.2 GHz) E4405B
1. Press Preset System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset, on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 12.01 GHz
Stop Freq, 13.2 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
3-18 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps and then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (j) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 12.01 GHz to 13.2 GHz.
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (j) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 12.01 GHz to 13.2 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 13 i n
Tabl e 3-1. The Average Noi se Level shoul d be l ess than the
Maxi mum.
Chapter 3 3-19
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
Procedure (12.01 GHz to 22 GHz) E4407B and E4408B
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 12.01 GHz
Stop Freq, 22 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the
anal yzer wi l l take 3 sweeps and then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (k) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 12.01 GHz to 22 GHz.
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (k) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 12.01 GHz to 22 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
3-20 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 14 i n
Tabl e 3-1. The Average Noi se Level shoul d be l ess than the
Maxi mum.
Procedure (22.01 GHz to 26.5 GHz) E4407B and
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh.
Set the anal yzer by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 22.01 GHz
Stop Freq, 26.5 GHz
Attenuation (Man), 0 dB
BW/Avg, 1 MHz
Video BW Auto Man, 10 kHz
2. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, Average (On), 3, Enter
Wai t unti l AVG 3 i s di spl ayed to the l eft of the grati cul e (the anal yzer
wi l l take 3 sweeps and then stop).
3. Press Peak Search. Record the frequency i n the Measured Frequency
col umn (l ) i n Tabl e 3-1 for 22.01 GHz to 26.5 GHz.
Chapter 3 3-21
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
4. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
BW/Avg, Average (Off)
BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Auto)
Video BW (Auto)
SPAN, 50 kHz
5. Press Center Freq. Set the center frequency of the anal yzer to the
frequency recorded i n the Measured Frequency col umn (l ) i n
Tabl e 3-1 for 22.01 GHz to 26.5 GHz.
6. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
Wai t for the sweep to ni sh.
7. Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Display, Display Line (On)
Adjust the di spl ay l i ne so that i t i s centered on the average trace
noi se, i gnori ng any resi dual responses.
8. Record the di spl ay l i ne ampl i tude setti ng as TR Entry 15 i n
Tabl e 3-1. The Average Noi se Level shoul d be l ess than the
Maxi mum.
3-22 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Displayed Average Noise Level
Table 3-1
Model Number Frequency Range
Noise Level
(TR Entry)
E4401B, E4411B 10 MHz to 500 MHz (a) _________ (1) or (16) _____ 119 dBm 65 dBmV
501 MHz to 1.0 GHz (b) ________ (2) or (17) _____ 117 dBm 60 dBmV
1.01 GHz to 1.5 GHz (c) _________ (3) or (18) ____ 113 dBm 53 dBmV
E4402B, E4403B 10 MHz to 1.0 GHz (d) _________ (4) ___________ 117 dBm N/A
E4404B, E4405B,
E4407B, E4408B
10 MHz to 1.0 GHz (5)___________ 116 dBm N/A
E4402B, E4403B 1.01 GHz to 2.0 GHz (e) _________ (6) ___________ 116 dBm N/A
E4404B, E4405B,
E4407B, E4408B
1.01 GHz to 2.0 GHz (7) ___________ 115 dBm N/A
E4402B, E4403B 2.01 GHz to 3.0 GHz (f) _________ (8) ___________ 114 dBm N/A
E4404B, E4405B,
E4407B, E4408B
2.01 GHz to 3.0 GHz (9) ___________ 112 dBm N/A
E4404B, E4405B,
E4407B, E4408B
3.01 GHz to 6.0 GHz (g) _________ (10) __________ 112 dBm N/A
E4404B 6.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz (h) _________ (11) __________ 110 dBm N/A
E4405B, E4407B,
6.01 GHz to 12.0 GHz (i ) __________ (12) __________ 110 dBm N/A
E4405B 12.01 GHz to 13.2 GHz (j) __________ (13) __________ 107 dBm N/A
E4407B, E4408B 12.01 GHz to 22 GHz (k) _________ (14) __________ 107 dBm N/A
E4407B, E4408B 12.01 GHz to 26.5 GHz (l ) __________ (15) __________ 101 dBm N/A
Chapter 3 3-23
Functional Testing
Frequency Readout Accuracy
Frequency Readout Accuracy
Test Limits
Test Description
The frequency readout accuracy of the anal yzer i s tested wi th an i nput
si gnal of known frequency. Frequency reference error i s el i mi nated by
usi ng the same frequency standard for the anal yzer and the
synthesi zed sweeper.
Required Equipment
Span Minimum Maximum
10 MHz 1.48988 GHz 1.49012 GHz
100 kHz 1.4899988 GHz 1.4900012 GHz
Marker Count
Accuracy wi th Counter
Resol uti on at 1 Hz
1.489999999 GHz 1.490000001 GHz
Instrument Critical Specications
(for this test)
HP/Agilent Model
Signal Sources
Synthesi zed Sweeper 10MHz to 1.5GHz
External Reference I nput
8340A/B or 836XX
Seri es
Type-N(f), to APC
Cabl es
(60-i n)
BNC,122-cm (48-i n) 10503A
Additional Equipment for 75-ohm Input
Pad, mi ni mum l oss 11852B
Type-N(f), to
BNC(m), 75
3-24 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Frequency Readout Accuracy
Figure 3-2
1. Connect the equi pment as shown i n Fi gure 3-2. Remember to
connect the 10MHz REF OUTof the anal yzer to the 10MHz REF I N
of the synthesi zed sweeper.
2. Perform the fol l owi ng steps to set up the equi pment:
a. Press INSTRUMENT PRESET on the synthesi zed sweeper, then set
the control s as fol l ows:
CW, 1.490 GHz
b. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer, then wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the
anal yzer by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
Frequency, 1.490 GHz
SPAN, 10 MHz
BW/Avg, Resolution BW Auto Man, 100 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 kHz
CAUTION Use onl y 75 cabl es, connectors, or adapters on i nstruments wi th 75
i nputs, or damage to connectors wi l l occur.
3. Press Peak Search on the anal yzer to measure the frequency readout
accuracy. I f the i nstrument i s functi oni ng correctl y, the resul t i n the
acti ve functi on shoul d be between 1.48991 GHz and 1.49009 GHz.
Record thi s i n the Marker Frequency Readout col umn i n Tabl e 3-2.
4. Press Span, 100 kHz, BW/Avg, Resolution BW (Man), 1 kHz,
Video BW (Man), 1 kHz.
Chapter 3 3-25
Functional Testing
Frequency Readout Accuracy
5. Repeat step 3. I f the i nstrument i s functi oni ng correctl y, the resul t
shoul d be between 1.4899990 GHz and 1.4900009 GHz.
NOTE The Frequency Readout Accuracy i n now compl ete. Conti nue wi th the
Marker Count Accuracy functi onal check.
3-26 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Marker Count Accuracy
Marker Count Accuracy
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer, then wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer
to measure the marker count accuracy by pressi ng the fol l owi ng
Frequency, 1.490 GHz
SPAN, 10 MHz
BW/Avg, Resolution BW Auto Man, 100 kHz
Freq Count, Resolution (Auto), 1 Hz
2. Press Peak Search, then wai t for a count to be taken (i t may take
several seconds).
3. I f the anal yzer i s functi oni ng correctl y, the Cntr1 readi ng i n the
upper l eft-hand corner of the di spl ay shoul d be between
1.489999998 MHz and 1.490000002 MHz. Record the Cntr1
frequency as the Marker Frequency Readout i n Tabl e 3-2.
Table 3-2
Span Minimum
10 MHz 1.48988 GHz 1.49012 GHz
100 kHz 1.4899988 GHz 1.4900012 GHz
Marker Count
Resol uti on at
1 Hz
1.489999998 GHz 1.490000002 GHz
Chapter 3 3-27
Functional Testing
Frequency Response
Frequency Response
Test Limits
Test Description
The output of the synthesi zed sweeper i s fed through a power spl i tter to
a power sensor and the anal yzer. The synthesi zed sweepers power
l evel i s adjusted at 50 MHz to pl ace the di spl ayed si gnal at the anal yzer
center hori zontal grati cul e l i ne. Measurements are made at vari ous
poi nts dependi ng on the model bei ng tested. The si gnal source
ampl i tude i s measured wi th a power meter to el i mi nate errors due to
source atness. The power meter i s zeroed and cal i brated before
starti ng the measurement.
ESA Model Frequency Minimum
E4411B &
9 kHz to 1.5 GHz 1.5 1.5
E4402B &
9 kHz to 3 GHz 1.5 1.5
E4404B 9 kHz to 3 GHz 1.5 1.5
3.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz 3.0 3.0
E4405B 9 kHz to 3 GHz 1.5 1.5
3.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz 3.0 3.0
6.71 GHz to 13.2 GHz 3.5 3.5
E4407B &
9 kHz to 3 GHz 1.5 1.5
3.01 GHz to 6.7 GHz 3.0 3.0
6.71 GHz to 13.2 GHz 3.5 3.5
13.21 GHz to 25 GHz 4.0 4.0
25 GHz to 26.5 GHz 4.0 4.5
3-28 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Frequency Response
Required Equipment
(for this test)
HP/Agilent Model
Signal Sources
Synthesi zed Sweeper 8340A/B or 83630A
Seri es
Type-N (f) to BNC (f) 1250-1474
APC 3.5 (f) to
APC 3.5 (f)
BNC(f) to SMA(m) 1250-1237
Type-N(m), to APC
(2) APC 3.5mm (36i n) 8120-4921
BNC(m) both ends,
(48i n)
Additional Equipment for 75-ohm Input
Pad, mi ni mum l oss 11852B
Type-N (f), to
BNC (m)
Power Meter EPM-441A (E4418A)
Power Sensor, 75 8483A
Power Sensor, 50 8485A
Power Spl i tter 11667B
Chapter 3 3-29
Functional Testing
Frequency Response
Figure 3-3
1. Zero and cal i brate the power meter and power sensor as descri bed i n
the power meter operati on manual .
2. Connect the equi pment as shown i n Fi gure 3-3 for a 50 anal yzer
i nput.
CAUTION Use onl y 75 cabl es, connectors, or adapters on i nstruments wi th 75
connectors, or damage to the connectors wi l l occur.
3. Set the synthesi zed sweeper control s as fol l ows:
4. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer and wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer
by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys.
CF Step Auto Man, 50 MHz
SPAN, 20 kHz
AMPLITUDE, More, Amptd Units, dBm (75 RF I nput Onl y)
AMPLITUDE, 10 dBm, Attenuation Auto Man, 10 dB
Scale/Div, 2 dB
BW/Avg, 10 kHz
3-30 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Frequency Response
Video BW Auto Man, 3 kHz
Peak Search
FREQUENCY, Signal Track (On)
5. Adjust the synthesi zed sweeper ampl i tude for a marker ampl i tude
readi ng of 14 dBm +/ 0.10 dB.
NOTE The power l evel of the synthesi zed sweeper remai ns unchanged for the
durati on of the test. For each new test frequency, the power sensor cal
factor shoul d be entered to mi ni mi ze measurement errors.
6. Refer to Tabl e 3-3, Frequency Response Report. Enter the marker
readout ampl i tude for 50 MHz as di spl ayed on the anal yzer i n the
Anal yzer Ampl i tude col umn.
7. Enter the power meter readi ng i n the Power Meter Ampl i tude
col umn.
8. Compute the atness error at 50 MHz usi ng the fol l owi ng equati on
and record the resul ts i n the Fl atness Error col umn:
Fl atness Error = Anal yzer Ampl i tude Power Meter Ampl i tude
9. Perform the fol l owi ng steps for each center frequency setti ng l i sted
i n Tabl e 3-3.
a. Tune the source to the next frequency l i sted i n the Center
Frequency col umn.
b. Enter the power sensor cal factor for the new test frequency.
c. Tune the anal yzer center frequency by pressi ng the key or press
FREQUENCY, Center Freq, n, and MHz (where n i s the next test
frequency i n Tabl e 3-3).
d. Press Peak Search.
e. Enter the power meter readi ng i n the Power Meter Ampl i tude
col umn.
f. Enter the anal yzer readi ng i n the Anal yzer Ampl i tude col umn.
g. Compute the atness error usi ng the fol l owi ng equati on and
record the resul ts i n the Fl atness Error col umn:
Fl atness Error = Anal yzer Ampl i tude Power Meter Ampl i tude
The atness error shoul d be l ess than the speci ed amount.
Chapter 3 3-31
Functional Testing
Frequency Response
Table 3-3 Frequency Response Report
Model Center
Error Test
Al l Model s 50 MHz 1.5
100 MHz 1.5
750 MHz 1.5
1250 MHz 1.5
1500 MHz 1.5
2000 MHz 1.5
2500 MHz 1.5
3000 MHz 1.5
4250 MHz 3.0
5750 MHz 3.0
6700 MHz 3.0
8000 MHz 3.5
9000 MHz 3.5
10000 MHz 3.5
11000 MHz 3.5
13200 MHz 3.5
E4407B &
14000 MHz 4.0
19000 MHz 4.0
24000 MHz 4.0
26500 MHz 4.0
3-32 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Reference Level Accuracy
Reference Level Accuracy
Test Limits
Test Description
A 50 MHz CW si gnal i s appl i ed to the I nput of the anal yzer. The
ampl i tude of the source and the anal yzers reference l evel are decreased
i n 10 dB steps. The anal yzer marker functi ons are used to measure the
ampl i tude di fference between steps. Reference Level Accuracy i s tested
i n both Log and Li near Scal e Modes. Most of the error i s contri buted
from the output attenuator i naccuracy i n the synthesi zed sweeper and
not the anal yzer.
Reference Level Minimum
dBm dBmV
30 21.76 Reference Reference
20 31.76 1.40 1.40
10 41.76 1.40 1.40
40 11.76 1.40 1.40
50 1.76 1.40 1.40
60 8.24 1.40 1.40
70 18.24 2.0 2.0
Chapter 3 3-33
Functional Testing
Reference Level Accuracy
Required Equipment
Figure 3-4
Instrument Critical Specications
(for this test)
HP/Agilent Model
Signal Sources
Synthesi zed Sweeper 8340A/B or 836XX Seri es
Type-N(m), to BNC(f) 1250-1476
(60-i n)
BNC,122-cm (48-i n) 10503A
Additional Equipment for 75-ohm Input
Pad, mi ni mum l oss 11852B
Type-N(f), to BNC(m) 1250-1534
3-34 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Reference Level Accuracy
Log Mode Procedure
1. Connect the equi pment as shown i n Fi gure 3-4.
2. Press PRESET on the synthesi zed sweeper. Set the synthesi zed
sweeper control s as fol l ows:
CW, 50 MHz
Power Level, 30 dBm
3. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer, then wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Press System,
Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the anal yzer by pressi ng the fol l owi ng
SPAN, 50 kHz
AMPLITUDE, 30 dBm (50 I nput onl y)
AMPLITUDE, 21.76 dBmV (75 I nput onl y)
Attenuation (Man), 5 dB
BW/Avg, Resolution BW Auto Man, 3 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 30 Hz
4. Press Peak Search on the anal yzer. Adjust the ampl i tude on the
synthesi zed sweeper unti l the marker ampl i tude on the anal yzer
reads 30 dBm +/ 0.10 dB. Enter the synthesi zed sweeper power
l evel as the Synthesi zed Sweeper Ampl i tude reference i n Tabl e 3-4
on page 3-35.
NOTE Under these anal yzer condi ti ons, the sweep ti me i s 1.7 seconds.
Therefore, the marker ampl i tude updates are fai rl y sl ow when
adjusti ng the synthesi zer output power.
5. Now that the reference has been establ i shed i n step 4, adjust the
synthesi zed sweeper power l evel and the anal yzer reference l evel
accordi ng to Tabl e 3-4 on page 3-35. (The synthesi zed sweeper
output power and the anal yzers reference l evel wi l l be changed i n
10 dB steps.)
6. On the anal yzer, press Single and wai t for a sweep to ni sh. Press
Peak Search, Marker, Delta.
7. For each new synthesi zed sweeper power l evel and anal yzer
reference l evel change, press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Peak Search
Record the Anal yzer Marker Ampl i tude readi ng i n Tabl e 3-4.
Chapter 3 3-35
Functional Testing
Reference Level Accuracy
Linear Mode Procedure
1. Set the power l evel on the synthesi zed sweeper to 30 dBm.
2. Set the anal yzer by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
Sweep, Sweep (Cont)
AMPLITUDE, 30 dBm (50 I nput)
AMPLITUDE, +21.76 dBmV (75 I nput)
Scale Type (Lin)
AMPLITUDE, More 1 of 2, Amptd Units, dBm (50 I nput)
AMPLITUDE, More 1 of 2, Amptd Units, dBmV (75 I nput)
Marker, Off
3. Adjust the ampl i tude on the synthesi zed sweeper unti l the marker
ampl i tude on the anal yzer reads 30 dBm +/ 0.10 dB. Enter the
synthesi zed sweeper power l evel as the Synthesi zed Sweeper
Ampl i tude reference i n Tabl e 3-5 on page 3-36.
NOTE Under these anal yzer condi ti ons, the sweep ti me i s 1.7 seconds.
Therefore, the marker ampl i tude updates are fai rl y sl ow when
adjusti ng the synthesi zer output power.
Table 3-4
Reference Level
Sweeper Amplitude
dBm dBmV
30 21.76 Reference + _____ 0 (Reference) 0 (Reference) 0 (Reference)
20 31.76 Reference + (10 dB) 8.60 11.40
10 41.76 Reference + (20 dB) 18.60 21.40
40 11.76 Reference + (10 dB) 11.40 8.60
50 1.76 Reference + (20 dB) 21.40 18.60
60 8.24 Reference + (30 dB) 31.40 28.60
70 18.24 Reference + (40 dB) 42.0 38.0
3-36 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Reference Level Accuracy
4. Now that the reference has been establ i shed i n step 4, adjust the
synthesi zed sweeper power l evel and the anal yzer reference l evel
accordi ng to Tabl e 3-5. (The synthesi zed sweeper output power and
the anal yzers reference l evel wi l l be changed i n 10 dB steps.)
5. On the anal yzer, press Single and wai t for a sweep to ni sh. Press
Peak Search, Marker, Delta.
6. For each new synthesi zed sweeper power l evel and anal yzer
reference l evel change, press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Peak Search
Record the Anal yzer Marker Ampl i tude readi ng i n Tabl e 3-5.
Table 3-5
Reference Level
Sweeper Amplitude
dBm dBmV
30 21.76 Reference + _____ 0 (Reference) 0 (Reference) 0 (Reference)
20 31.76 Reference + (10 dB) 8.60 11.40
10 41.76 Reference + (20 dB) 18.60 21.40
40 11.76 Reference + (10 dB) 11.40 8.60
50 1.76 Reference + (20 dB) 21.40 18.60
60 8.24 Reference + (30 dB) 31.40 28.60
70 18.24 Reference + (40 dB) 42.0 38.0
Chapter 3 3-37
Functional Testing
Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty
Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty
Test Limits
Test Description
To measure the resol uti on-bandwi dth swi tchi ng uncertai nty, an
ampl i tude reference i s taken wi th the resol uti on bandwi dth set to
1 kHz. The resol uti on bandwi dth i s changed to setti ngs between 5 MHz
and 3 kHz and the ampl i tude vari ati on i s measured at each setti ng
usi ng the marker del ta functi on and compared to the speci cati on. The
span i s changed as necessary to mai ntai n approxi matel y the same
aspect rati o.
Resolution Bandwidth Minimum (dB) Maximum (dB)
1 kHz 0 (Ref) 0 (Ref)
3 kHz 0.3 dB 0.3 dB
10 kHz 0.3 dB 0.3 dB
30 kHz 0.3 dB 0.3 dB
100 kHz 0.3 dB 0.3 dB
300 kHz 0.3 dB 0.3 dB
1 MHz 0.3 dB 0.3 dB
3 MHz 0.3 dB 0.3 dB
5 MHz 0.6 dB 0.6 dB
3-38 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty
Required Equipment
(No Equi pment Requi red)
NOTE The 50 MHz reference output wi l l automati cal l y be swi tched i nternal l y
on the E4401B and E4411B and wi l l not requi re any external
connecti ons. Al l other ESA anal yzers requi re that the AMPTD REF
OUT be connected to the I NPUT to perform thi s test.
1. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer by
pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
Input/Output, Amptd Ref (f=50 MHz) (On) (E4401B and E4411B)
Input/Output, Amptd Ref Out (f=50 MHz (On) (E4402B, E4403B,
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B). Connect a cabl e from the
SPAN, 50 kHz
Scale/Div, 1 dB
More 1 of 2, Amptd Units, dBm (75 I nput onl y)
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 1 kHz
2. Press AMPLITUDE and use the knob to adjust the reference l evel unti l
the si gnal appears ve di vi si ons (mi d-screen) bel ow the reference
l evel . Press the fol l owi ng keys on the anal yzer:
Peak Search
Marker, Delta
FREQUENCY, Signal Track (On)
3. Set the anal yzer Resol uti on Bandwi dth and Span accordi ng to
Tabl e 3-6 on page 3-39.
4. Press Peak Search, then record the Mkr 1 ampl i tude readi ng i n
Tabl e 3-6.
Chapter 3 3-39
Functional Testing
Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty
5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for each of the remai ni ng resol uti on bandwi dth
and span setti ngs l i sted i n Tabl e 3-6. The Mkr 1 ampl i tude readi ng
shoul d be wi thi n the range i ndi cated i n the tabl e Test Li mi ts on
page 3-37.
Table 3-6 Test Li mi ts Tabl e
Bandwidth Setting
SPAN Setting Mkr 1 Amplitude Reading
1 kHz 50 kHz 0 (Ref)
3 kHz 50 kHz
10 kHz 50 kHz
30 kHz 500 kHz
100 kHz 500 kHz
300 kHz 5 MHz
1 MHz 10 MHz
3 MHz 10 MHz
5 MHz 50 MHz
3-40 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Scale Fidelity
Scale Fidelity
Test Limits
Test Description
A 50 MHz CWsi gnal i s appl i ed from a synthesi zed sweeper to the i nput
of the anal yzer. The source i s adjusted for a response at the reference
l evel . The synthesi zed sweeper ampl i tude i s adjusted to achi eve a
nomi nal ampl i tude bel ow the reference l evel . The anal yzers ampl i tude
marker i s compared to the actual source change to determi ne the scal e
del i ty error. Most of the error i s the sources output attenuator
i naccuracy from the synthesi zed sweeper.
Required Equipment
dB from Reference Level Minimum (dB) Maximum (dB)
4 1.0 1.0
16 1.40 1.40
28 1.40 1.40
40 1.40 1.40
52 1.40 1.40
64 2.0 2.0
Instrument Critical Specications
(for this test)
HP/Agilent Model
Signal Sources
Synthesi zed Sweeper Output Level Accuracy
0 to 15 dBm: 1.0 dB
16 dBm to 63 dBm 1.4 dB
64 dBm: 2.0 dB
8340A/B or 836XX
Seri es
(2) Type-N(m), to
BNC (f)
(60-i n)
BNC,122-cm (48-i n) 10503A
Chapter 3 3-41
Functional Testing
Scale Fidelity
Figure 3-5
1. Connect the equi pment as shown i n Fi gure 3-5.
2. Preset the synthesi zed sweeper. Set the synthesi zed sweeper
control s as fol l ows:
CW, 50 MHz
Power Level, 0 dBm (50 I nput)
Power Level, 4 dBm (75 I nput)
3. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer, then wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Press System,
Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the anal yzer by pressi ng the fol l owi ng
SPAN, 45 kHz
AMPLITUDE, Attenuation Auto Man, 10 dB
BW/Avg, Resolution BW Auto Man, 3 kHz
Video BW, 1 kHz
Additional Equipment for 75 Input
Pad, mi ni mum l oss 11852B
Type-N(f), to
BNC (m)
Instrument Critical Specications
(for this test)
HP/Agilent Model
3-42 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Scale Fidelity
Peak Search
4. Adjust the ampl i tude on the sythesi zed sweeper unti l the marker
ampl i tude on the anal yzer reads 0 dBm +/ 0.10 dB. Record the
synthesi zed sweeper output l evel as the reference i n Tabl e 3-7 on
page 3-42.
NOTE 75 I nput only. Adjust the synthesi zed sweeper ampl i tude unti l the
anal yzers marker reads 48.8 dBmV +/ 0.10 dB.
5. On the anal yzer, press the fol l owi ng keys:
Peak Search
Marker, Delta
6. Record the marker del ta readi ng i n Tabl e 3-7. At each new
synthesi zed sweeper power l evel , press Single, Peak Search, and
record the marker ampl i tude l evel .
Table 3-7 Scale Fidelity
Sweeper Level
Minimum (dB) Marker Level
Maximum (dB)
Reference=______ 0 (Reference) 0 (Reference)
Reference 4 dB 5.0 3.0
Reference 16 dB 17.40 15.60
Reference 28 dB 29.40 26.60
Reference 40 dB 41.40 38.60
Reference 52 dB 53.40 50.60
Reference 64 dB 66.0 62.0
Chapter 3 3-43
Functional Testing
Second Harmonic Spurious Responses
Second Harmonic Spurious Responses
Test Limits
Test Description
To test second harmoni c di storti on, a 50 MHz l ow pass l ter i s used to
l ter the source output, ensuri ng that harmoni cs read by the anal yzer
are i nternal l y generated and not comi ng from the source. The source
power and i nput attenuati on on the anal yzer are adjusted so 20 dBm
i s the power l evel at the rst mi xer.
Model Number Maximum
E4401B 55 dBc
E4402B 55 dBc
E4403B 50 dBc
E4404B 55 dBc
E4405B 55 dBc
E4407B 55 dBc
E4408B 50 dBc
E4411B 55 dBc
3-44 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Second Harmonic Spurious Responses
Required Equipment
Figure 3-6
Instrument Critical Specications
(for this test)
HP/Agilent Model
Signal Sources
Synthesi zed Sweeper 8340A/B or 836XX
Seri es
50 MHz Low pass l ter Rejecti on at 80 MHz: >60dB 0955-0306
(2) Type-N(m) to BNC(f) 1250-1476
BNC(f) to BNC(f) 1250-0080
Type-N(f), to APC 3.5(f) 1250-1745
(2) BNC,122-cm (48-i n) 10503A
Additional Equipment for 75 Input
Pad, mi ni mum l oss 11852B
Type-N(f), to BNC(m) 1250-1534
Chapter 3 3-45
Functional Testing
Second Harmonic Spurious Responses
1. Connect the equi pment as shown i n Fi gure 3-6.
2. Set the synthesi zed sweeper control s as fol l ows:
Frequency, 40 MHz
Amplitude, 10 dBm (50 I nput onl y)
Amplitude, 4.3 dBm (75 I nput onl y)
NOTE 75 I nput only. Connect the mi ni mum l oss adapter between the l ow
pass l ter and 75 I nput.
3. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer. Wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh.
Set the anal yzer by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
AMPLITUDE, 10 dBm (50 I nput onl y)
AMPLITUDE, 44 dBmV (75 I nput onl y)
Attenuation (Man), 10 dB
BW/Avg, 30 kHz
4. Adjust the synthesi zed sweeper ampl i tude to pl ace the peak of the
si gnal at the reference l evel .
5. Set the anal yzer by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
SPAN, 50 kHz
BW/Avg, 1 kHz
Video BW Auto Man, 100 Hz
6. Wai t for two sweeps to ni sh, then press the fol l owi ng anal yzer keys:
Peak Search
Mkr CF Step
Marker, Delta
7. Press the key on the anal yzer to step to the second harmoni c (at
80 MHz). Press Peak Search. The marker del ta ampl i tude readi ng
shoul d be l ess than the Maxi mum val ue l i sted i n the Test Li mi ts
Tabl e.
3-46 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: HP E4401B and E4411B, Options 1DN
and 1DQ
Tracking Generator Level Flatness:
HP E4401B and E4411B, Options 1DN and 1DQ
Test Limits
Test Description
A cal i brated power sensor i s connected to the tracki ng generator output
to measure the power l evel at 50 MHz. The power meter i s set for REL
mode so that future power l evel readi ngs are i n dB rel ati ve to the power
l evel at 50 MHz.
The tracki ng generator i s then stepped to several frequenci es
throughout i ts range. The output power di fference rel ati ve to the power
l evel at 50 MHz i s measured at each frequency and recorded.
Anal yzers wi th 75 tracki ng generators are onl y tested from 1 MHz to
1500 MHz.
Required Equipment
Minimum Maximum
Fl atness 10 MHz, 50 2.5 dB 2.5 dB
Fl atness > 10 MHz, 50 2.0 dB 2.0 dB
Fl atness > 10 MHz, 75 3.0 dB 3.0 dB
Fl atness > 10 MHz, 75 2.5 dB 2.5 dB
Instrument Critical Specications
(for this test)
HP/Agilent Model
Power Meter 438A or E4418A,
RF Power Sensor Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 1.5GHz 8482A
Additional Equipment for 75 Input
75 Power Sensor Frequency Range: 1 MHz to 1.5GHz 8483A
Type-N (f) to BNC
(m), 75 Adapter
Chapter 3 3-47
Functional Testing
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: HP E4401B and E4411B, Options 1DN
and 1DQ
Figure 3-7
1. Cal i brate the tracki ng generator by pressi ng System, Alignments,
Align Now, TG. Connect the RF Out to the I nput when prompted.
2. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer, then wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer
by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
CF Step Auto Man, 500 MHz
SPAN, Zero Span
Source, Amplitude (On), 0 dBm (50 RF Output onl y)
Source, Amplitude (On), +42.76 dBmV (75 RF Output onl y)
3. Zero and cal i brate the power meter and RF power sensor. Make sure
the power meter i s readi ng out i n dBm. Enter the power sensor
5 MHz cal factor i nto the power meter.
NOTE 75 RF Out only: Zero and cal i brate the 75 power sensor.
4. Connect the 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz power sensor to the RF Out on the
anal yzer as shown i n Fi gure 3-7.
NOTE 75 RF Out only: Connect the 75 power sensor through an adapter
to the RF Out 75 .
5. Press REL on the power meter. The power meter readout
ampl i tudes are now rel ati ve to the power l evel at 50 MHz.
6. Set the anal yzer center frequency to 100 kHz.
NOTE 75 RF Out only: Set the anal yzer center frequency to 1 MHz.
3-48 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: HP E4401B and E4411B, Options 1DN
and 1DQ
7. Enter the appropri ate power sensor Cal Factor for the test frequency
i nto the power meter as i ndi cated on the l abel of the power sensor.
8. Record the power l evel di spl ayed on the power meter as the Level
Fl atness i n Tabl e 3-8.
9. Repeat steps 7 through 8 to measure the atness at each center
frequency setti ng l i sted i n Tabl e 3-8. The may be used to tune to
center frequenci es above 500 MHz.
NOTE 75 RF Out only: Repeat steps 5 through 7 to measure the atness at
the frequenci es above 1 MHz l i sted i n Tabl e 3-8.
Table 3-8 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet
Center Frequency Level Flatness (dB)
100 kHz or 1 MHz
a. Thi s frequency i s 100 kHz for anal yz-
ers wi th 50 tracki ng generators,
and 1 MHz for anal yzers wi th 75
tracki ng generators.
5 MHz
40 MHz
50 MHz 0 (Ref)
80 MHz
500 MHz
1000 MHz
1500 MHz
Chapter 3 3-49
Functional Testing
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B,
E4407B and E4408B, Option 1DN
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: E4402B,
E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B,
Option 1DN
Test Limits
Test Description
A cal i brated power sensor i s connected to the tracki ng generator output
to measure the power l evel at 50 MHz. The power meter i s set for REL
mode so that future power l evel readi ngs are i n dB rel ati ve to the power
l evel at 50 MHz. The tracki ng generator i s then stepped to several
frequenci es throughout i ts range. The output power di fference rel ati ve
to the power l evel at 50 MHz i s measured at each frequency and
Required Equipment
Minimum Maximum
Fl atness 10 MHz 3.5 dBm +3.5 dBm
Fl atness > 10 MHz 2.5 dBm 2.5 dBm
Instrument Critical
(for this test)
HP/Agilent Model
Power Meter 438A or E4418A,
RF Power Sensor Frequency Range:
100 kHz to 3.0 GHz
Type-N (f) to BNC
3-50 Chapter 3
Functional Testing
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B,
E4407B and E4408B, Option 1DN
Figure 3-8
1. Cal i brate the tracki ng generator by pressi ng System, Alignments,
Align Now, TG. Connect the RF OUT to the RF I NPUT when
2. Press System, Power On/Preset, Preset (Factory), Preset on the
anal yzer, then wai t for the preset routi ne to ni sh. Set the anal yzer
by pressi ng the fol l owi ng keys:
CF Step Auto Man, 100 MHz
SPAN, Zero Span
Source, Amplitude (On), 20 dBm
System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off
3. Zero and cal i brate the power meter and power sensor. Make sure the
power meter i s readi ng out i n dBm. Enter the power sensor 50 MHz
cal factor i nto the power meter.
4. Connect the power sensor to the RF Out on the anal yzer as shown i n
Fi gure 3-8.
5. Press REL on the power meter. The power meter readout
ampl i tudes are now rel ati ve to the power l evel at 50 MHz.
6. Set the anal yzer center frequency to 100 kHz.
7. Enter the appropri ate power sensor Cal Factor for the test frequency
i nto the power meter as i ndi cated on the l abel of the power sensor.
Thi s must be done at each test frequency.
8. Record the power l evel di spl ayed on the power meter as the Level
Fl atness i n Tabl e 3-9 on page 3-51.
Chapter 3 3-51
Functional Testing
Tracking Generator Level Flatness: E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B,
E4407B and E4408B, Option 1DN
9. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to measure the atness at each center
frequency setti ng l i sted i n Tabl e 3-9. The may be used to tune to
center frequenci es above 500 MHz.
10.Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, On.
Table 3-9 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet
Center Frequency Level Flatness (dB)
100 kHz
5 MHz
40 MHz
50 MHz 0 (Ref)
80 MHz
500 MHz
1000 MHz
1500 MHz
2000 MHz
2300 MHz
2500 MHz
2700 MHz
3.0 GHz
4 Troubleshooting
4-2 Chapter 4
What You Will Find in This Chapter
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Thi s chapter i ncl udes i nformati on on how to check for a probl em wi th
your Agi l ent Technol ogi es ESA spectrum anal yzer, and how to return i t
for servi ce. I t al so i ncl udes descri pti ons of al l of the anal yzer bui l t-i n
Your anal yzer i s bui l t to provi de dependabl e servi ce. However, i f you
experi ence a probl em, or i f you desi re addi ti onal i nformati on, or wi sh to
order parts, opti ons, or accessori es, Agi l ent Technol ogi es worl dwi de
sal es and servi ce organi zati on i s ready to provi de the support you need.
I n general , a probl em can be caused by a hardware fai l ure, a software
error, or a user error. Fol l ow these general steps to determi ne the cause
and to resol ve the probl em.
1. Perform the qui ck checks l i sted i n Check the Basi cs on page 4-3. I t
i s possi bl e that a qui ck check may el i mi nate your probl em
al together.
2. I f the probl em i s a hardware probl em, you have several opti ons:
Repai r i t yoursel f; see Servi ce Opti ons on page 4-4.
Return the anal yzer to Agi l ent Technol ogi es for repai r; i f the
anal yzer i s sti l l under warranty or i s covered by an Agi l ent
Technol ogi es mai ntenance contract, i t wi l l be repai red under the
terms of the warranty or pl an (the warranty i s at the front of thi s
manual ).
I f the anal yzer i s no l onger under warranty or i s not covered by
an Agi l ent Technol ogi es mai ntenance pl an, Agi l ent Technol ogi es
wi l l noti fy you of the cost of the repai r after exami ni ng the
i nstrument. See How to Contact Agi l ent Technol ogi es and How
to Return Your Anal yzer for Servi ce for more i nformati on.
WARNING No operator serviceable parts inside the analyzer. Refer
servicing to qualied personnel. To prevent electrical shock do
not remove covers.
Chapter 4 4-3
Before You Call Agilent Technologies
Before You Call Agilent Technologies
Check the Basics
A probl em can often be resol ved by repeati ng the procedure you were
fol l owi ng when the probl em occurred. Before cal l i ng Agi l ent
Technol ogi es or returni ng the anal yzer for servi ce, pl ease make the
fol l owi ng checks:
J Check the l i ne fuse.
J I s there power at the receptacl e?
J I s the anal yzer turned on? Make sure the fan i s runni ng, whi ch
i ndi cates that the power suppl y i s on.
J I f the di spl ay i s dark or di m, press the upper Viewing Angle key i n
the upper-l eft corner of the front panel . I f the di spl ay i s too bri ght,
adjust the l ower Viewing Angle key i n the upper-l eft corner of the
front panel .
J I f other equi pment, cabl es, and connectors are bei ng used wi th your
Agi l ent Technol ogi es ESA spectrum anal yzer, make sure they are
connected properl y and operati ng correctl y.
J Revi ew the procedure for the measurement bei ng performed when
the probl em appeared. Are al l the setti ngs correct?
J I f the anal yzer i s not functi oni ng as expected, return the anal yzer to
a known state by pressi ng the Preset key.
Some anal yzer setti ngs are not affected by a Preset. I f you wi sh to
reset the anal yzer congurati on to the state i t was i n when i t was
ori gi nal l y sent from the factory, press System, Power On/Preset,
Preset (Factory), Preset (on the front panel ).
J I s the measurement bei ng performed, and the resul ts that are
expected, wi thi n the speci cati ons and capabi l i ti es of the anal yzer?
Refer to the Speci cati ons and Characteri sti cs chapters i n the
Agilent Technologies ESA Spectrum Analyzers Specications Guide
for anal yzer speci cati ons.
J I n order to meet speci cati ons, the anal yzer must be al i gned. Ei ther
Auto Al i gn Al l must be sel ected (press System, Alignments, Auto
Align, All), or the anal yzer must be manual l y al i gned at l east once
per hour, or whenever the temperature changes more than 3
centi grade. When Auto Align, All i s sel ected, AA appears on the l eft
edge of the di spl ay.
4-4 Chapter 4
Before You Call Agilent Technologies
J Perform an Align Now, All. I f the anal yzer i s an Agi l ent Technol ogi es
E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, or E4408B, connect a
cabl e between the AMPTD REF OUT and the I NPUT 50 . Press
System, Alignments, Align Now, All. I f the anal yzer i s equi pped wi th a
3.0 GHz tracki ng generator (Option 1DN on Agi l ent Technol ogi es
E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, or E4408B), connect a
short cabl e from AMPTD REF OUT to I NPUT
50 , and press System, Alignments, Align Now, TG. I f the anal yzer i s
equi pped wi th FM Demod (Option BAA), press System, Alignments,
Align Now, FM Demod.
J I f the previ ousl y performed al i gnments di d not resol ve the probl em,
press System, Alignments, Load Defaults. Now press System,
Alignments, Align Now, All. I f the anal yzer i s an Agi l ent Technol ogi es
E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, or E4408B, be sure to
connect a cabl e from AMPTD REF OUT to I NPUT 50 . Si nce Load
Defaults has been performed, the anal yzer wi l l perform three
compl ete al i gnment sequences.
J I s the anal yzer di spl ayi ng an error message? I f so, refer to Error
Messages on page 4-10.
J I f the necessary test equi pment i s avai l abl e, perform the
performance veri cati on tests i n the Agilent Technologies ESA
Spectrum Analyzers Calibration Guide. Record al l resul ts on a
Performance Veri cati on Test Record form whi ch fol l ows the tests.
J I f the equi pment to perform the performance veri cati on tests i s not
avai l abl e, you may sti l l be abl e to perform the functi onal checks i n
the Agilent Technologies ESA Spectrum Analyzers Users Guide.
Read the Warranty
The warranty for your anal yzer i s at the front of thi s manual . Pl ease
read i t and become fami l i ar wi th i ts terms.
I f your anal yzer i s covered by a separate mai ntenance agreement,
pl ease be fami l i ar wi th i ts terms.
Service Options
Agi l ent Technol ogi es offers several opti onal mai ntenance pl ans to
servi ce your anal yzer after the warranty has expi red. Cal l your Agi l ent
Technol ogi es sal es and servi ce ofce for ful l detai l s.
I f you want to servi ce the anal yzer yoursel f after the warranty expi res,
you can purchase the servi ce documentati on that provi des al l necessary
test and mai ntenance i nformati on.
Chapter 4 4-5
Before You Call Agilent Technologies
You can order the servi ce documentati on, Option 0BW (assembl y l evel
troubl eshooti ng and adjustment procedures) and Option 0BV
(component l evel i nformati on i ncl udi ng parts l i sts, component l ocati on
di agrams and schemati c di agrams), through your Agi l ent Technol ogi es
sal es and servi ce ofce. Servi ce documentati on i s descri bed under
Servi ce Documentati on and Adjustment Software (Opti on 0BW) and
Component Level Servi ce Documentati on (Opti on 0BV) i n Chapter 7.
How to Contact Agilent Technologies
Agi l ent Technol ogi es has sal es and servi ce ofces around the worl d to
provi de you wi th compl ete support for your anal yzer. To obtai n
servi ci ng i nformati on or to order repl acement parts, contact the nearest
Agi l ent Technol ogi es sal es and servi ce ofce l i sted i n Tabl e 4-1. I n any
correspondence or tel ephone conversati ons, refer to your anal yzer by i ts
product number, ful l seri al number, and rmware revi si on. (Press
System, More 1 of 3, Show System, and the product number, seri al
number, and rmware revi si on i nformati on wi l l be di spl ayed on your
anal yzer screen.) A seri al number l abel i s al so attached to the rear
panel of the anal yzer.
4-6 Chapter 4
Before You Call Agilent Technologies
Table 4-1 Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Ofces
I nstrument Support Center
Agi l ent Technol ogi es
(800) 403-0801
Agi l ent Technol ogi es S.A.
150, Route du Nant-dAvri l
1217 Meyri n 2/Geneva
Swi tzerl and
(41 22) 780.8111
Agi l ent Technol ogi es France
1 Avenue Du Canada
Zone DActi vi te De Courtaboeuf
F-91947 Les Ul i s Cedex
(33 1) 69 82 60 60
Agi l ent Technol ogi es GmbH
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Strasse
61352 Bad Homburg v.d.H
(49 6172) 16-0
Great Bri tai n
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Ltd.
Eskdal e Road, Wi nnersh Tri angl e
Woki ngham, Berkshi re RG41 5DZ
Engl and
(44 118) 9696622
Agi l ent Technol ogi es
3495 Deer Creek Rd.
Pal o Al to, CA 94304-1316
(415) 857-5027
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Japan, Ltd.
Measurement Assi stance Center
9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachi oji -Shi
Tokyo 192-8510, Japan
TEL (81)- 426-56- 7832
FAX (81)- 426-56- 7840
Austral i a
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Austral i a
31-41 Joseph Street
Bl ackburn, Vi ctori a 3130
(61 3) 895-2895
Si ngapore
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Si ngapore
(Pte.) Ltd.
150 Beach Road
#29-00 Gateway West
Si ngapore 0718
(65) 291-9088
Agi l ent Technol ogi es
(Canada) Ltd.
17500 South Servi ce Road
Trans-Canada Hi ghway
Ki rkl and, Quebec H9J 2X8
(514) 697-4232
Tai wan
Agi l ent Technol ogi es Tai wan
8th Fl oor, H-P Bui l di ng
337 Fu Hsi ng North Road
Tai pei , Tai wan
(886 2) 712-0404
Chi na
Chi na Agi l ent Technol ogi es
38 Bei San Huan X1 Road
Shuang Yu Shu
Hai Di an Di stri ct
Bei ji ng, Chi na
(86 1) 256-6888
Chapter 4 4-7
How to Return Your Analyzer for Service
How to Return Your Analyzer for Service
Service Tag
I f you are returni ng your anal yzer to Agi l ent Technol ogi es for servi ci ng,
l l i n and attach a bl ue servi ce tag. Several servi ce tags are suppl i ed at
the rear of thi s chapter. Pl ease be as speci c as possi bl e about the
nature of the probl em. I f you have recorded any error messages that
appeared on the di spl ay, or have compl eted a Performance Test Record,
or have any other speci c data on the performance of your anal yzer,
pl ease send a copy of thi s i nformati on wi th your anal yzer.
Original Packaging
Before shi ppi ng, pack the uni t i n the ori gi nal factory packagi ng
materi al s i f they are avai l abl e. I f the ori gi nal materi al s were not
retai ned, seeOther Packagi ng on page 4-9.
NOTE Ensure that the i nstrument handl e i s i n the rear-faci ng posi ti on i n
order to reduce the possi bi l i ty of damage duri ng shi ppi ng. Refer to
Fi gure 4-1.
NOTE I nstal l the transportati on di sk i nto the oppy dri ve to reduce the
possi bi l i ty of damage duri ng shi ppi ng. I f the ori gi nal transportati on
di sk i s not avai l abl e, a bl ank oppy may be substi tuted.
4-8 Chapter 4
How to Return Your Analyzer for Service
Figure 4-1
Chapter 4 4-9
How to Return Your Analyzer for Service
Other Packaging
CAUTION Anal yzer damage can resul t from usi ng packagi ng materi al s other than
those speci ed. Never use styrene pel l ets i n any shape as packagi ng
materi al s. They do not adequatel y cushi on the equi pment or prevent i t
from shi fti ng i n the carton. They cause equi pment damage by
generati ng stati c el ectri ci ty and by l odgi ng i n the anal yzer l ouvers,
bl ocki ng ai row.
You can repackage the i nstrument wi th commerci al l y avai l abl e
materi al s, as fol l ows:
1. Attach a compl eted servi ce tag to the i nstrument.
2. I nstal l the transportati on di sk or a bl ank oppy di sk i nto the di sk
dri ve.
3. I f you have a front-panel cover, i nstal l i t on the i nstrument. I f you do
not have a front panel cover, make sure the i nstrument handl e i s i n
the forward-faci ng posi ti on to protect the control panel .
4. Wrap the i nstrument i n anti stati c pl asti c to reduce the possi bi l i ty of
damage caused by el ectrostati c di scharge.
5. Use a strong shi ppi ng contai ner. The carton must be both l arge
enough and strong enough to accommodate the anal yzer. A
doubl e-wal l ed, corrugated cardboard carton wi th 159 kg (350 l b)
bursti ng strength i s adequate. Al l ow at l east 3 to 4 i nches on al l
si des of the anal yzer for packi ng materi al .
6. Surround the equi pment wi th three to four i nches of packi ng
materi al and prevent the equi pment from movi ng i n the carton. I f
packi ng foam i s not avai l abl e, the best al ternati ve i s S.D.-240 Ai r
Cap from Seal ed Ai r Corporati on (Hayward, Cal i forni a, 94545).
Ai r Cap l ooks l i ke a pl asti c sheet l l ed wi th 1-1/4 i nch ai r bubbl es.
Use the pi nk-col ored Ai r Cap to reduce stati c el ectri ci ty. Wrappi ng
the equi pment several ti mes i n thi s materi al shoul d both protect the
equi pment and prevent i t from movi ng i n the carton.
7. Seal the shi ppi ng contai ner securel y wi th strong nyl on adhesi ve
8. Mark the shi ppi ng contai ner FRAGI LE, HANDLE WI TH CARE to
assure careful handl i ng.
9. Retai n copi es of al l shi ppi ng papers.
4-10 Chapter 4
Error Messages
Error Messages
The anal yzer can generate vari ous messages that appear on the di spl ay
duri ng operati on. There are four types of messages.
Status Messages appear on the ri ght si de of the anal yzer di spl ay
and/or set status bi ts i n the SCPI Status Regi ster system. These
messages i ndi cate a condi ti on that may resul t i n erroneous data
bei ng di spl ayed. Most messages wi l l onl y be di spl ayed unti l the error
condi ti on i s corrected. Mul ti pl e messages can be di spl ayed and wi l l
be l i sted i n the di spl ay area.
I nformati onal Messages provi de i nformati on that requi res no
i nterventi on. These messages appear i n the status l i ne at the bottom
of the di spl ay, i n green i f you have a col or di spl ay. The message wi l l
remai n unti l you preset the anal yzer, press ESC, or another message
i s di spl ayed i n the status l i ne.
User Error Messages appear when an attempt has been made to set
a parameter i ncorrectl y or an operati on has fai l ed (such as savi ng a
l e). These messages are often generated duri ng remote operati on
when an i nval i d programmi ng command has been entered. These
messages appear i n the status l i ne at the bottom of the di spl ay, i n
yel l ow i f you have a col or di spl ay. The message wi l l remai n unti l you
preset the anal yzer, press ESC, or another message i s di spl ayed i n
the status l i ne. A summary of the l ast 11 error messages may be
vi ewed by pressi ng, System then Show Errors. When generated by
acti vi ty on the remote i nterface, the messages are output to the
remote bus. When output to the remote i nterface, they are preceded
by an error number. Note that the error number i s not di spl ayed
under the System, Show Errors key sequence.
Pop-up Messages i ndi cate a condi ti on that may requi re i nterventi on.
They di spl ay i n the mi ddl e of the di spl ay i n a framed box. The
message wi l l remai n unti l the appropri ate i nterventi on has taken
pl ace or the condi ti on has been corrected.
Chapter 4 4-11
Status Messages
Status Messages
The fol l owi ng messages i ndi cate a condi ti on that may resul t i n
erroneous data bei ng di spl ayed. I n each case the name of the
correspondi ng status bi t i s i ndi cated i n parenthesi s. I t wi l l be noted i f
onl y a status bi t i s used (no message).
* (Invalid Data)
Thi s i ndi cator i s di spl ayed when data on the screen
may not match the screen annotati on, for exampl e
whi l e anal yzer setti ngs are changi ng or when any trace
i s i n vi ew mode.
50 MHz Osc Unlevel (50 MHz Osc Unleveled)
The i nternal 50 MHz ampl i tude reference source has
become unl evel ed. Thi s condi ti on must be corrected
before a val i d al i gnment can be performed.
(ADC Align Failure)
A status bi t onl y, no message. The al i gnment routi ne
was unabl e to al i gn the anal og-to-di gi tal converter
Align Now All Needed (Align Needed)
The i nstrument requi res an Align Now, All. Restore the
al i gnment by pressi ng System, Alignments, Align Now,
All. On al l Agi l ent Technol ogi es ESA spectrum anal yzer
model s except Agi l ent Technol ogi es E4401B and
Agi l ent Technol ogi es E4411B you must connect the
AMPTD REF OUT to the INPUT wi th the appropri ate
cabl e to perform thi s al i gnment.
Align Now RF Needed (Align Now RF Needed)
The i nstrument requi res an Align Now, RF. Restore the
al i gnment by pressi ng System, Alignments, Align Now,
RF (EXT Cable). On al l Agi l ent Technol ogi es ESA
spectrum anal yzer model s except Agi l ent
Technol ogi es E4401B and Agi l ent Technol ogi es
E4411B, you must connect the AMPTD REF OUT to the
INPUT wi th the appropri ate cabl e to perform thi s
al i gnment. For Agilent Technologies E4401B and
4-12 Chapter 4
Status Messages
E4411B only: di sconnect any si gnal s from the INPUT
pri or to performi ng thi s procedure.
Align RF Skipped (Align RF Skipped)
The RF al i gnment has been ski pped because a 50 MHz
si gnal was detected at the I NPUT; al i gnment wi l l
resume when the 50 MHz si gnal i s removed. The
al i gnment wi l l not work when there i s too much i nput
power at 50 MHz. The i nstrument may not conti nue to
measure properl y. To remove the message, remove the
50 MHz i nput si gnal , then perform an Align Now, RF.
Press System, Alignments, Align Now, RF. Be sure to
connect the AMPTD REF OUT to the INPUT wi th the
appropri ate cabl e to perform the al i gnment.
Ext Ref (no corresponding status bit)
I ndi cates that the frequency reference i s bei ng suppl i ed
by an external 10 MHz source.
Frequency Reference Error (Freq Ref Unlocked)
The frequency reference has been tuned too far off of
10 MHz. Thi s condi ti on may be corrected by cycl i ng
power on the anal yzer.
(FM Demod Align Failure) status bit only, no
A fai l ure has occurred duri ng the FM Demod
al i gnment. Measurement resul ts may be i nval i d.
(IF Align Failure) status bit only, no message
A fai l ure has occurred duri ng the I F al i gnment.
Measurement resul ts may be i nval i d.
IF Overload (IF/ADC Over Range)
The I F secti on has been overl oaded. Measurement
resul ts may be i nval i d.
Chapter 4 4-13
Status Messages
Input is internal (no corresponding status
This message applies to the Agilent Technologies
E4401B and E4411B only. I ndi cates the 50 MHz Amptd
Ref sel ecti on i s On. Wi th the 50 MHz ampl i tude
reference on, the i nput i s routed through an i nternal
si gnal path.
(LO Align Failure) status bit only, no message
A fai l ure has occurred duri ng the al i gnment of the l ocal
osci l l ator (LO). Measurement resul ts may be i nval i d.
LO Out Unlevel (LO Out Unleveled)
I ndi cates the output of the l ocal osci l l ator (LO) has
become unl evel ed. Thi s condi ti on must be corrected to
make val i d measurements.
LO Unlevel (LO Unleveled)
I ndi cates the i nternal ci rcui try of the l ocal osci l l ator
(LO) has become unl evel ed. Thi s condi ti on must be
corrected to make val i d measurements.
LO Unlock (Synth Unlocked)
I ndi cates the phase l ocked ci rcui try of the l ocal
osci l l ator (LO) has become unl ocked. Thi s condi ti on
must be corrected to make val i d measurements.
Meas Uncal (Oversweep)
The measurement i s uncal i brated. Check the sweep
ti me, span and bandwi dth setti ngs, or press Auto
4-14 Chapter 4
Status Messages
Overload: Reduce Signal and press <ESC> (Input
Overload Tripped)
This message applies to the Agilent Technologies
E4401B and E4411B only. A si gnal has been appl i ed to
the i nput connector that caused the overl oad protecti on
ci rcui try to engage. The i nput si gnal must be reduced.
After the si gnal i s reduced, press ESC to reset the
overl oad detector so that you can conti nue usi ng the
anal yzer.
CAUTION Exposi ng the anal yzer to hi gh l evel s of i nput power over a prol onged
peri od of ti me can damage the i nternal ci rcui try.
(RF Align Failure) status bit only, no message
A fai l ure has occurred duri ng the al i gnment of the RF
secti on. Measurement resul ts may be i nval i d.
Signal Ident On, Amptd Uncal (Signal Ident On)
I ndi cates that the ampl i tude measurement coul d be
uncal i brated because the si gnal i denti cati on feature i s
Source LO Unlevel (Source LO Unleveled)
The i nternal ci rcui try of the l ocal osci l l ator (LO) i n the
tracki ng generator has become unl evel ed. Thi s
condi ti on must be corrected to make val i d
Source LO Unlock (Source Synth Unlocked)
The phase-l ocked ci rcui try of the l ocal osci l l ator (LO) i n
the tracki ng generator has become unl ocked. Thi s
condi ti on must be corrected to make val i d
Chapter 4 4-15
Status Messages
Source Unlevel (Source Unleveled)
I ndi cates the source power i s set hi gher or l ower than
the anal yzer can provi de, the frequency span extends
beyond the speci ed frequency range of the tracki ng
generator, or the cal i brati on data for the source i s
i ncorrect.
(TG Align Failure) status bit only, no message
A fai l ure has occurred duri ng the tracki ng generator
(TG) al i gnment.
4-16 Chapter 4
Informational Messages
Informational Messages
The fol l owi ng messages provi de i nformati on that requi res no
i nterventi on. The i nformati on provi ded i n brackets, for exampl e
<l ename> or <di rectory>, i s a vari abl e that represents a speci c i nput
provi ded previ ousl y.
I nformati onal messages are di spl ayed at the bottom of the screen i n the
status l i ne (green on col or di spl ays).
<directoryname> directory deleted
The di rectory i ndi cated has been successful l y del eted.
<directoryname1> directory renamed to
Di rectory name1 has been successful l y renamed to
di rectory name2.
<filename> file loaded
The l ename i ndi cated has been successful l y l oaded.
<filename> file saved
The l ename i ndi cated has been successful l y saved.
<filename> file copied
The l ename i ndi cated has been successful l y copi ed.
<filename> file deleted
The l ename i ndi cated has been successful l y del eted.
<filename1> file renamed to <filename2>
Fi l ename1 has been successful l y renamed to l ename2.
Chapter 4 4-17
Informational Messages
Atten auto set to 15 dB
I ndi cates that an i nput si gnal has been detected whi ch
i s of sufci ent l evel to force the i nput attenuator to be
autocoupl ed at 15 dB. I f the si gnal l evel i s reduced, the
attenuator wi l l stay at 15 dB. Thi s overl oad protecti on
occurs at an i nput power l evel of 13 dBm (68 dBmV for
Option 1DP) and 7 dB when the i nput attenuati on i s
autocoupl ed and set to <15 dB. To return to the ori gi nal
measurement setup, reduce the i nput si gnal l evel and
press Amplitude. Then press Attenuation (Auto).
Overl oad protecti on i s onl y avai l abl e i n the Agi l ent
Technol ogi es E4401B and E4411B.
Auto ranging...
Di spl ayed duri ng autorangi ng.
B7D and/or B7E not found. Code Domain not
Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng and Fast Anal og to Di gi tal
Converter (B7D) and/or RF Communi cati ons Hardware
(B7E) are not i nstal l ed opti ons on your anal yzer. Code
domai n i s therefore not avai l abl e.
B7D and/or B7E not found. Mod Acc not
Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng and Fast Anal og to Di gi tal
Converter (B7D) and/or RF Communi cati ons Hardware
(B7E) are not i nstal l ed opti ons on your anal yzer.
Modul ati on accuracy i s therefore not avai l abl e.
Carrier Not Present.
A carri er si gnal /burst i s expected at the anal yzer i nput.
Thi s si gnal cannot be found; however, the measurement
wi l l sti l l run.
Channel frequency outside devices transmit
Reset channel number or frequency.
4-18 Chapter 4
Informational Messages
Default spur table values loaded.
No spur tabl e has been previ ousl y saved when the
Out-of-Band Spuri ous measurement begi ns. Press Meas
Setup, Edit Table to enter the frequency ranges of
i nterest and press Save Table to save that i nformati on.
Thi s saved tabl e wi l l be l oaded the next ti me the
measurement i s run.
Device = Mobile. Code Domain not available.
Code Domai n measurement i s grayed out when the
devi ce i s set to mobi l e under the Mode Setup front-panel
key. Code Domai n measurement i s onl y accessi bl e when
the devi ce i s set to base and Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng
and Fast Anal og to Di gi tal Converter (Option B7D) or
RF Communi cati ons Hardware (Option B7E) are
i nstal l ed.
Device = Mobile. Mod Acc not available.
Modul ati on accuracy measurement i s grayed out when
the devi ce i s set to mobi l e under Mode Setup,
front-panel key. Modul ati on accuracy i s onl y accessi bl e
when the devi ce i s set to base and Di gi tal Si gnal
Processi ng and Fast Anal og to Di gi tal Converter
(Option B7D) or RF Communi cati ons Hardware
(Option B7E) are i nstal l ed.
Directory already exists
Each di rectory and l e must have a uni que name. The
di rectory name you have entered i s currentl y bei ng
used on the sel ected dri ve. You may ei ther enter a new
name or rename the di rectory currentl y exi stent. Refer
to Fi l e Menu Functi ons on page 2-25.
Entire trace is below the threshold level.
The measurement cannot operate properl y because the
trace has fal l en compl etel y bel ow the threshol d l evel .
Chapter 4 4-19
Informational Messages
Measurement halted. Press a measurement key to
Thi s error occurs after you choose Cancel to refrai n
from setti ng the attenuator to 0 dB duri ng the Recei ve
Channel Power and Recei ve Spur measurements.
Not enough frequency range to measure
harmonics for channel.
Sel ected harmoni cs are above the frequency range of
the i nstrument.
Option activated
Thi s message i s di spl ayed after enteri ng the sel ected
opti ons Li cense Key.
Please set RF input range (INPUT menu) to
manual first.
I n order to manual l y set the reference l evel and/or the
attenuati on under the Amplitude front-panel key, the
RF I nput Range menu under the Input front-panel key
must be set to Man (manual ).
Table loaded successfully.
When the Load Table key was pressed on the second
page of the edi t tabl e form whi l e i n the out-of-band
spuri ous measurement, the l e was present. The
i nformati on has been l oaded i nto the measurement
where i t may be edi ted agai n by the user. Thi s message
wi l l al so appear when the out-of-band spuri ous
measurement i s opened i f a spur tabl e has been
previ ousl y saved.
Table saved successfully.
Thi s message appears after the user presses the
Save Table key on the second page of the edi t tabl e for
the out-of-band spuri ous measurement. I t i ndi cates
that the current spur tabl e has been wri tten
successful l y to di sk and i s avai l abl e to be l oaded by
means of the Load Table key.
4-20 Chapter 4
Informational Messages
Table saved successfully.
Thi s message appears after the user presses the
Save Table key on the second page of the edi t tabl e for
the out-of-band spuri ous measurement. I t i ndi cates
that the current spur tabl e has been wri tten
successful l y to di sk and i s avai l abl e to be l oaded by
means of the Load Table key.
Volume <name> formatted
The i ndi cated di sk has been successful l y formatted.
The calibration data is invalid, and has been
A parameter has changed that affects cal i brati on.
Therefore the cal i brati on data has been reset, and for
best resul ts recal i brati on i s recommended.
The file containing the list of cable types
has been updated.
The l e update was successful .
This operation requires a measurement to be
The anal yzer cannot perform thi s operati on, as i t
requi res a measurement to be runni ng.
Chapter 4 4-21
Error Queues
Error Queues
When a user-error condi ti on occurs i n the i nstrument as a resul t of
SCPI (remote i nterface) acti vi ty, i t i s reported to both the front-panel
di spl ay error-queue and the SCPI error queue. I f i t i s a resul t of
front-panel acti vi ty, i t reports to the front panel di spl ay error queue,
and may al so report to the SCPI error queue dependi ng on the error.
These two queues are vi ewed and managed separatel y.
Table 4-2 Characteristics of the Error Queues
Characteristic Front-Panel Display
Error Queue
SCPI Remote Interface
Error Queue
Capaci ty (number of errors) 11 30
Overow Handl i ng Ci rcul ar (rotati ng).
Drops ol dest error as new
error comes i n.
Li near, rst-i n/rst-out.
Repl aces newest error wi th:
350,Queue overflow
Vi ewi ng Entri es Press: System, Show Errors Use SCPI query
Cl eari ng the Queue Press: System, Show Errors,
Clear Error Queue
Power up.
Send a *CLS command.
Read l ast i tem i n the queue.
4-22 Chapter 4
Error Message Format
Error Message Format
The systemdened error numbers are chosen on an enumerated (1 of
N) basi s. The error messages are l i sted i n al phabeti cal order wi thi n
each error message type secti on.
I n thi s chapter, an expl anati on i s i ncl uded wi th each error to further
cl ari fy i ts meani ng. The l ast error descri bed i n each cl ass (for exampl e,
400, 300, 200, 100) i s a generi c error. There are al so references to
the I EEE Standard 488.2-1992, I EEE Standard Codes, Formats,
Protocols and Common Commands for Use with ANSI / I EEE Std
488.1-1987. New York, NY, 1992.
Error messages are di spl ayed at the bottom of the screen i n the status
l i ne (yel l ow on col or di spl ays).
Chapter 4 4-23
Error Message Types
Error Message Types
Events do not generate more than one type of error. For exampl e, an
event that generates a query error wi l l not generate a devi ce-speci c,
executi on, or command error.
499 to 400:
Query Errors
These errors i ndi cate that the i nstrument output queue control has
detected a probl em wi th the message exchange protocol descri bed i n
I EEE 488.2, Chapter 6. Errors i n thi s cl ass set the query error bi t (bi t
2) i n the event status regi ster (I EEE 488.2, secti on 11.5.1). These errors
correspond to message exchange protocol errors descri bed i n I EEE
488.2, 6.5. I n thi s case:
Ei ther an attempt i s bei ng made to read data from the output queue
when no output i s ei ther present or pendi ng, or
data i n the output queue has been l ost.
399 to 300:
Error Messages
These errors i ndi cate that the i nstrument output queue control has
detected a probl em wi th the message exchange protocol descri bed i n
I EEE 488.2, Chapter 6. Errors i n thi s cl ass set the query error bi t (bi t
2) i n the event status regi ster (I EEE 488.2, secti on 11.5.1). These errors
correspond to message exchange protocol errors descri bed i n I EEE
488.2, 6.5. I n thi s case:
Ei ther an attempt i s bei ng made to read data from the output queue
when no output i s ei ther present or pendi ng, or
data i n the output queue has been l ost.
299 to 200:
Execution Error
These errors i ndi cate that an error has been detected duri ng
i nstrument executi on.
199 to 100:
Command Errors
These errors i ndi cate that the i nstrument parser detected an I EEE
488.2 syntax error. Errors i n thi s cl ass set the command error bi t (bi t 5)
i n the event status regi ster (I EEE 488.2, secti on 11.5.1). I n thi s case:
Ei ther an I EEE 488.2 syntax error has been detected by the parser
(a control -to-devi ce message was recei ved that i s i n vi ol ati on of the
I EEE 488.2 standard. Possi bl e vi ol ati ons i ncl ude a data el ement
whi ch vi ol ates devi ce l i steni ng formats or whose type i s
unacceptabl e to the devi ce.), or
an unrecogni zed header was recei ved. These i ncl ude i ncorrect
devi ce-speci c headers and i ncorrect or uni mpl emented I EEE 488.2
common commands.
4-24 Chapter 4
Error Message Types
201 to 799:
These errors i ndi cate that a devi ce operati on di d not properl y compl ete,
possi bl y due to an abnormal hardware or rmware condi ti on. These
codes are al so used for sel f-test response errors. Errors i n thi s cl ass set
the devi ce-speci c error bi t (bi t 3) i n the event status regi ster (I EEE
488.2, secti on 11.5.1).
The <error_message> stri ng for a posi ti ve error i s not part of the SCPI
standard. A posi ti ve error i ndi cates that the i nstrument detected an
error wi thi n the GPI B system, wi thi n the i nstrument rmware or
hardware, duri ng the transfer of bl ock data, or duri ng cal i brati on.
Greater than
Specic Error
These errors i ndi cate that an error has been detected whi l e executi ng
measurements requi ri ng Option BAH.
Chapter 4 4-25
0: No Error
No Error
0 No error
The queue i s empty. Every error i n the queue has been
read or the queue was purposel y cl eared by power-on or
4-26 Chapter 4
499 to 400: Query Errors
499 to 400:
Query Errors
The i nstrument output queue control has detected a probl em wi th the
message exchange protocol descri bed i n I EEE 488.2, Chapter 6. Errors
i n thi s cl ass set the query error bi t (bi t 2) i n the event status regi ster
(I EEE 488.2, secti on 11.5.1). These errors correspond to message
exchange protocol errors descri bed i n I EEE 488.2, 6.5.
I n thi s case, ei ther an attempt i s bei ng made to read data from the
output queue when no output i s ei ther present or pendi ng, or data i n
the output queue has been l ost.
I ndi cates that a SCPI output queue has l l ed,
preventi ng further SCPI command executi on, and there
i s no more room l eft i n the correspondi ng SCPI i nput
queue to accept a query to read from the output queue.
The system automati cal l y di scards output to correct the
deadl ock.
400 Query Error
Thi s i s a generi c query error for devi ces that cannot
detect more speci c errors. The code i ndi cates onl y that
a query error as dened i n I EEE 488.2,, and
6.3 has occurred.
I ndi cates that a condi ti on causi ng an I NTERRUPTED
query error occurred (see I EEE 488.2, For
exampl e, a query was fol l owed by DAB or GET before a
response was compl etel y sent.
I ndi cates that a condi ti on causi ng an
UNTERMI NATED query error occurred (see I EEE
488.2, For exampl e, the devi ce was addressed
to tal k and an i ncompl ete program message was
recei ved.
Chapter 4 4-27
499 to 400: Query Errors
440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response
I ndi cates that a query was recei ved i n the same
program message after a query requesti ng an i ndeni te
response was executed (see I EEE 488.2,
4-28 Chapter 4
399 to 300: Device-Specic Error Messages
399 to 300:
Device-Specic Error Messages
An error number i n the range [399 to 300] i ndi cates that the
i nstrument has detected an error where some devi ce operati ons di d not
properl y compl ete, possi bl y due to an abnormal hardware or rmware
condi ti on. Thi s i s not a error i n response to a SCPI query or command,
or command executi on. The occurrence of any error i n thi s cl ass wi l l
cause the devi ce-speci c error bi t (bi t 3) i n the event status regi ster to
be set.
Device-Specic Error Message Descriptions
(Number) Description
(-310) System error
I ndi cates that an error, termed system error by the
devi ce, has occurred.
(-300) Device-specific error
Thi s i s a generi c devi ce-dependent error for devi ces
that cannot detect more speci c errors. The code
i ndi cates onl y that a devi ce-dependent error as dened
i n I EEE 488.2, has occurred.
Chapter 4 4-29
299 to 200: Execution Error Messages
299 to 200:
Execution Error Messages
An error number i n the range [299 to 200] i ndi cates that an error has
been detected duri ng i nstrument executi on.
Execution Error Message Descriptions
221 Settings conflict; parameter currently
Thi s parameter i s grayed out (unavai l abl e) i n the
current context. Check the i ndi vi dual parameter
hel p/documentati on for more i nformati on.
223 Too much data; <description of the type of
data exceeded>
I ndi cates that a l egal program data el ement of bl ock,
expressi on or stri ng type was recei ved that contai ned
more data than the devi ce coul d handl e due to memory
or rel ated devi ce-speci c requi rements.
230 Data corrupt or stale.
Possi bl y i nval i d data. A new measurement was started
but not compl eted.
4-30 Chapter 4
199 to 100: Command Errors
199 to 100:
Command Errors
The i nstrument parser detected an I EEE 488.2 syntax error. Errors i n
thi s cl ass set the command error bi t (bi t 5) i n the event status regi ster
(I EEE 488.2, secti on 11.5.1). I n thi s case:
Ei ther an I EEE 488.2 syntax error has been detected by the parser
(a control -to-devi ce message was recei ved that i s i n vi ol ati on of the
I EEE 488.2 standard. Possi bl e vi ol ati ons i ncl ude a data el ement
whi ch vi ol ates devi ce l i steni ng formats or whose type i s
unacceptabl e to the devi ce.), or
an unrecogni zed header was recei ved. These i ncl ude i ncorrect
devi ce-speci c headers and i ncorrect or uni mpl emented I EEE 488.2
common commands.
160 Block data error
Thi s error, as wel l as errors 161 through 169, i s
generated when parsi ng a bl ock data el ement. Thi s
parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce cannot
detect a more speci c error.
168 Block data not allowed
A l egal bl ock data el ement was encountered, but not
al l owed by the devi ce at thi s poi nt i n the parsi ng.
140 Character data error
Thi s error, as wel l as errors 141 through 149, i s
generated when parsi ng a character data el ement. Thi s
parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce cannot
detect a more speci c error.
148 Character data not allowed
A l egal character data el ement was encountered where
prohi bi ted by the devi ce.
144 Character data too long
The character data el ement contai ns more than twel ve
characters (see I EEE 488.2,
Chapter 4 4-31
199 to 100: Command Errors
100 Command error
Thi s i s a generi c syntax error for devi ces that cannot
detect more speci c errors. The code i ndi cates onl y that
a command error as dened i n I EEE 488.2,
has occurred.
110 Command header error
An error was detected i n the header. Thi s message i s
used when the devi ce cannot detect the more speci c
errors descri bed for errors 111 through 119.
104 Data type error
The parser recogni zed a data el ement that i s not
al l owed. For exampl e, numeri c or stri ng data was
expected, but bl ock data was encountered.
123 Exponent too large
The magni tude of an exponent was greater than 32000
(see I EEE 488.2,
170 Expression data error
Thi s error, as wel l as errors 171 through 179, i s
generated when parsi ng an expressi on data el ement.
Thi s parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce
cannot detect a more speci c error.
178 Expression data not allowed
A l egal expressi on data was encountered, but was not
al l owed by the devi ce at thi s poi nt i n parsi ng.
105 GET not allowed
A Group Execute Tri gger was recei ved wi thi n a
program message (see I EEE 488.2, 7.7). Correct the
GPI B control l er program so that the GET does not occur
wi thi n a l i ne of GPI B program code.
111 Header separator error
A character whi ch i s not a l egal header separator was
encountered whi l e parsi ng the header.
4-32 Chapter 4
199 to 100: Command Errors
114 Header suffix out of range
The val ue of a header sufx attached to a program
mnemoni c makes the header i nval i d.
161 Invalid block data
A bl ock data el ement was expected, but was i nval i d (see
I EEE 488.2, For exampl e, an END message was
recei ved before the end l ength was sati sed.
101 Invalid character
A syntacti c command contai ns a character whi ch i s
i nval i d for that type. For exampl e, a header contai ni ng
an ampersand, such as SETUP&. Thi s error mi ght be
used i n pl ace of error numbers 114, 121, 141 and
some others.
141 Invalid character data
Ei ther the character data el ement contai ns an i nval i d
character or the parti cul ar el ement recei ved i s not val i d
for the header.
121 Invalid character in number
An i nval i d character for the data type bei ng parsed was
encountered. For exampl e, an al pha i n a deci mal
numeri c or a 9 i n octal data.
171 Invalid expression
The expressi on data el ement was i nval i d (see I EEE
488.2, For exampl e, unmatched parentheses or
an i l l egal character.
103 Invalid separator
The parser was expecti ng a separator and encountered
an i l l egal character. For exampl e, the semi col on was
omi tted after a program message uni t.
Chapter 4 4-33
199 to 100: Command Errors
151 Invalid string data
A stri ng data el ement was expected, but was i nval i d
(see I EEE 488.2, For exampl e, an END
message was recei ved before the termi nal quote
131 Invalid suffix
The sufx does not fol l ow the syntax descri bed i n I EEE
488.2,, or the sufx i s i nappropri ate for thi s
devi ce.
109 Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were recei ved than requi red for the
header. For exampl e, the *ESE common command
requi res one parameter, so recei vi ng *ESE i s not
al l owed.
120 Numeric data error
Thi s error, as wel l as errors 121 through 129, i s
generated when parsi ng a data el ement whi ch appears
to be numeri c, i ncl udi ng non-deci mal numeri c types.
Thi s parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce
cannot detect a more speci c error.
128 Numeric data not allowed
A l egal numeri c data el ement was recei ved, but the
devi ce does not accept one i n thi s posi ti on for the
108 Parameter not allowed
More parameters were recei ved than expected for the
header. For exampl e, the *ESE common command onl y
accepts one parameter, so recei vi ng *ESE 0,1 i s not
al l owed.
112 Program mnemonic too long
The header contai ns more than twel ve characters (see
I EEE 488.2,
4-34 Chapter 4
199 to 100: Command Errors
150 String data error
Thi s error, as wel l as errors 151 through 159, i s
generated when parsi ng a stri ng data el ement. Thi s
parti cul ar error message i s used i f the devi ce cannot
detect a more speci c error.
158 String data not allowed
A stri ng data el ement was encountered, but not al l owed
by the devi ce at thi s poi nt i n the parsi ng.
130 Suffix error
Thi s error, as wel l as errors 131 through 139, i s
generated when parsi ng a sufx. Thi s parti cul ar error
message i s used i f the devi ce cannot detect a more
speci c error.
138 Suffix not allowed
A sufx was encountered after a numeri c el ement
whi ch does not al l ow sufxes.
134 Suffix too long
The sufx contai ned more than twel ve characters (see
I EEE 488.2,
102 Syntax error
An unrecogni zed command or data type was
encountered. For exampl e, a stri ng was recei ved when
the devi ce does not accept stri ngs.
124 Too many digits
The manti ssa of a deci mal -numeri c data el ement
contai ned more than 255 di gi ts excl udi ng l eadi ng zeros
(see I EEE 488.2,
113 Undefined header
The header i s syntacti cal l y correct, but i t i s undened
for thi s speci c devi ce. For exampl e, *XYZ i s not dened
for any devi ce.
Chapter 4 4-35
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
201 to 799:
Device-Specic Errors
Some devi ce operati ons di d not properl y compl ete, possi bl y due to an
abnormal hardware or rmware condi ti on. These codes are al so used
for sel f-test response errors. Errors i n thi s cl ass set the devi ce-speci c
error bi t (bi t 3) i n the event status regi ster (I EEE 488.2, secti on 11.5.1).
The <error_message> stri ng for a positive error i s not dened by SCPI .
A posi ti ve error i ndi cates that the i nstrument detected an error wi thi n
the GPI B system, wi thi n the i nstrument rmware or hardware, duri ng
the transfer of bl ock data, or duri ng cal i brati on.
653 Auto Align not available when using
Calibration Defaults
The Auto Al i gnment system cannot be used unti l an
Align Now All i s executed by pressi ng System,
Alignments, Align Now, All. For Agi l ent Technol ogi es
E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and
E4408B onl y, you must connect the AMPTD REF OUT to
the INPUT wi th the appropri ate cabl e to perform thi s
al i gnment.
614 Bad or missing floppy disk
The oppy i s not i nserted or the di rectory coul d not be
read. I nsert a known good di sk and try agai n.
205 Command not recognized
I ndi cates that the command sent from the remote
i nterface was not recogni zed. Check the programmi ng
gui de for correct syntax.
205 Command not recognized
I ndi cates that the command sent from the remote
i nterface was not recogni zed. Check the programmi ng
gui de for correct syntax.
4-36 Chapter 4
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
219 Command not valid in this model
I ndi cates that the command sent from the remote
i nterface does not appl y to thi s model number. For
exampl e, attempti ng to center the presel ector i n an
anal yzer wi thout a presel ector wi l l generate thi s error.
222 Command not valid when no measurement is
I ndi cates that the command sent from the remote
i nterface must be i ssued whi l e a measurement i s
runni ng i n the anal yzer.
772 Cannot load a directory, please choose a file
You have sel ected a di rectory i nstead of a l e when
attempti ng to perform the Load functi on under the File
front-panel key.
652 Connect Amptd Ref Output to Input
For Agilent Technologies E4402B, E4403B, E4404B,
E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B only: you must connect
the AMPTD REF OUTPUT to the anal yzer INPUT wi th the
appropri ate cabl e.
651 Connect RF OUT to INPUT
Attempt to al i gn the tracki ng generator wi thout i ts
output connected. Connect the tracki ng generator RF
OUT to the anal yzer INPUT.
615 Corrupted file
The l e that you were tryi ng to l oad i s corrupt.
610 File access is denied
The l e i s protected or hi dden and cannot be accessed.
604 File already exists
Attempt to save to a l e that al ready exi sts. Del ete or
rename the ol d l e and try agai n.
Chapter 4 4-37
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
607 File Name Error
An i nval i d l e name has been speci ed. Use l enames
wi th a maxi mum of 8 characters (l etters and di gi ts
onl y) and use a 3 character extensi on. Note that
l owercase and uppercase are percei ved as the same.
Thi s error wi l l al so occur i f you attempt to del ete a
nonexi stent l e.
612 File not found
The anal yzer coul d not nd the speci ed l e.
613 Flash memory is full
The i nternal ash memory i s ful l . Cl ear some space by
del eti ng unwanted l es. You may al so i ncrease the ash
memory si ze by purchasi ng Option B72.
602 Floppy disk error
An unknown error has occurred whi l e accessi ng the
oppy di sk.
601 Floppy disk full
The oppy di sk i s ful l . Cl ear some space by del eti ng
unwanted l es.
618 Illegal write access of Flash memory
Attempt to wri te to an unavai l abl e area of i nternal
ash memory.
727 In <filename>: [DATA] header missing
Thi s message i ndi cates that the data secti on of a l e
di d not begi n wi th the token [DATA].
728 In <filename>, line <nnn>: separator missing
The [HEADER] secti on of a l e contai ns entri es
requi ri ng an equal (=) si gn, such as <keyword> =
<val ue>. Thi s message appears i f the equal si gn does
not appear on the l i ne.
4-38 Chapter 4
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
729 In <filename>: error reading file
Appears when l oadi ng data from a l i mi t l i ne or
correcti ons di sk l e and a fai l ure to the l e occurs.
730 In <filename>, line <numeric_value>: line too
When l oadi ng data from a l i mi t l i ne or correcti ons di sk
l e, thi s message wi l l appear i f the l ength of any l i ne i n
the l e exceeds 255 characters.
731 In <command>: bad data count
(<numeric_value>): expected multiple of
Thi s message i ndi cates that the data sent to a
correcti ons or l i mi t tabl e vi a the DATA or MERGE
commands does not have the expected l ength for the
tabl e. For exampl e, thi s message woul d appear i f an
attempt were made to merge 7 numeri c val ues i nto a
l i mi t tabl e, si nce each l ogi cal entry requi res 3 val ues
(frequency, ampl i tude, and connected).
732 In <filename>, line <numeric_value>: error
parsing tokens
Thi s message may appear when l oadi ng data from a
l i mi t l i ne or correcti ons di sk l e. I t i ndi cates a probl em
i n the attempt to break a stri ng of text i nto tokens.
There may be too few tokens i n the stri ng. Thi s
typi cal l y happens when there are too few numeri c
val ues i n the [DATA] secti on of a l i mi t or correcti ons l e.
733 In <filename>, line <numeric_value>: <xxx> is
not numeric
Thi s message may appear when l oadi ng data from a
l i mi t l i ne or correcti ons di sk l e. I t i ndi cates that a
non-numeri c token <xxx> was found where a numeri c
token was expected.
735 In <filename>: bad amplitude unit <unit>
Thi s message i ndi cates that uni t <uni t> i s not
recogni zed or supported.
Chapter 4 4-39
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
763 Incorrect filename, allowable extensions are
.gif or .wmf
Attempt to save a screen i mage to a l e wi th an
i ncorrect extensi on.
762 Incorrect filename, allowable extensions are
.trc or .csv
Attempt to save a trace to a l e wi th an i ncorrect
extensi on.
770 Instrument mode requested is not supported
I nstrument mode speci ed wi th: I NST command i s not
val i d. Refer to Chapter 5, I nstrument Subsystem of
Agilent Technologies ESA Series Spectrum Analyzers
Programmers Guide for more i nformati on.
751 Instrument state may be corrupt, state has
been reset to initial values
An error i n the i nternal i nstrument state has been
detected. The state has been reset to a defaul t val ue.
734 Interpolation error: cannot compute log of
Occurs when the frequency i nterpol ati on of a l i mi t l i ne
i s set to l og and the start frequency of the i nstrument i s
negati ve. The <negati ve_frequency_val ue> i s l i mi ted to
80 MHz, so i t may not match the frequency that
caused the error.
216 Invalid Baud Rate
Attempt to use i nval i d baud rate. Refer to Chapter 5,
I nstrument Subsystem of Agilent Technologies ESA
Series Spectrum Analyzers Programmers Guide for
more i nformati on.
4-40 Chapter 4
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
769 Invalid instrument mode
You have attempted to swi tch to an i nstrument mode
that i s currentl y not i nstal l ed. Conrm that the mode
name (for INST:SEL) or number (for INST:NSEL) was
entered correctl y and that the requested personal i ty i s
actual l y i nstal l ed i n the i nstrument.
221 Invalid option, unable to uninstall package
You have attempted to remove a personal i ty that i s not
currentl y i nstal l ed. Veri fy command was entered
correctl y.
701 Invalid printer response
I n attempti ng to i denti fy the pri nter an i nval i d
response was recei ved. Check that you are usi ng a
supported pri nter. Be sure you are usi ng the proper
cabl e and that i t i s securel y fastened.
606 Media is corrupt
A save was attempted to a corrupt devi ce.
609 Media is not writable
A save was attempted to a read-onl y devi ce.
605 Media is protected
A save was attempted to a wri te-protected devi ce.
202 No peak found
No si gnal peak was found.
201 Option not installed
The desi red operati on cannot be performed because a
requi red opti on i s not i nstal l ed. For exampl e, pressi ng
Source wi th no tracki ng generator i nstal l ed i n the
anal yzer wi l l generate thi s error.
Chapter 4 4-41
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
224 Option not licensed.
The sel ected opti on requi res a l i cense. Refer to the
i nstal l ati on procedures i n the users gui de avai l abl e for
thi s parti cul ar opti on.
209 Preselector centering failed
An attempt to center the presel ector fai l ed.
704 Printer interface error
An error occurred whi l e tryi ng to pri nt. Make sure the
pri nter i s turned on and properl y connected.
705 Printer Type is None
The current pri nter type i s set to None, so no pri nt
operati ons are possi bl e. Change the type i n the
Print Setup menu and try agai n.
211 RBW limited to 1kHz when Span > 5MHz
I n spans greater than 5 MHz, narrow (di gi tal )
resol uti on bandwi dths, bel ow 1 kHz, are not avai l abl e.
217 RS-232 Interface Error
An error occurred on the seri al i nterface.
213 Span limited to 5MHz when RBW < 1kHz
I n narrow (di gi tal ) resol uti on bandwi dths, bel ow 1 kHz,
spans greater than 5 MHz are not avai l abl e.
771 Store Ref trace before turning on Normalize
A reference trace must be avai l abl e for the Normal i ze
functi on to be acti vated. Refer to Vi ew/Trace on
page 6-105 where the Normalize key functi on i s
expl ai ned i n detai l .
4-42 Chapter 4
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
223 Trigger Offset unavailable in swept spans
Tri gger Offset i s onl y avai l abl e i n Zero Span. Refer to
Tri g on page 6-100 for a descri pti on of thi s functi on.
215 TG start freq is less than 1/2 res bw
TG uncal i brated at start frequenci es bel ow 1/2 the
current resol uti on bandwi dth.
214 TG start freq is less than 9kHz
TG uncal i brated bel ow 9 kHz.
204 TG Frequency Limit
The tracki ng generator has reached the l i mi t of i ts
al l owabl e frequency range.
736 Too many data values at <freq_or_time_value>
Thi s message may appear when data i s sent to a
correcti ons or l i mi t tabl e usi ng the DATA or MERGE
commands. These tabl es l i mi t the number of
ampl i tudes associ ated wi th a frequency or ti me to 2 or
l ess. Thi s message wi l l appear i f an attempt i s made to
attach 3 or more val ues to a frequency or ti me.
206 Unable to initialize flatness data
A fai l ure occurred i n setti ng the atness data i n the
i nternal EEROM. Contact your l ocal Agi l ent
Technol ogi es sal es and servi ce ofce.
762 Unable to load file
A fai l ure occurred whi l e l oadi ng a l e; the l e was not
l oaded.
759 Unable to load state saved from firmware
Rev A.03.00
A saved state l e from a newer rmware revi si on was
attempted to be l oaded i nto an ol der i nstrument.
Chapter 4 4-43
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
752 Unable to load state from file
Loadi ng of state from a l e fai l ed.
755 Unable to load state from register
Loadi ng a state from an i nternal state regi ster fai l ed.
757 Unable to load user state, factory preset was
An attempt to perform a User Preset fai l ed, so the
Factory Preset val ues were used. Save a val i d state i nto
User Preset and try agai n.
760 Unable to query state
Query of state over the remote i nterface was
unsuccessful .
764 Unable to save file
A fai l ure occurred whi l e savi ng a l e; the l e was not
756 Unable to save state to register
Savi ng of state to an i nternal regi ster fai l ed.
753 Unable to save state to file
Savi ng of state to a l e fai l ed.
758 Unable to save user state
An attempt to save to the User Preset state fai l ed.
761 Unable to set state
Attempt to set the state over the remote i nterface was
unsuccessful .
4-44 Chapter 4
201 to 799: Device-Specic Errors
207 Unable to store flatness data
A fai l ure occurred i n setti ng the atness data i n the
i nternal EEROM. Contact your l ocal Agi l ent
Technol ogi es sal es and servi ce ofce.
703 Unknown printer
I n attempti ng to i denti fy the pri nter, a val i d response
was recei ved but the pri nter i s not known to the
anal yzer. Use the Custom pri nter menu under Print
Setup to congure the pri nter.
702 Unsupported printer
A pri nter whi ch i s recogni zed, but known to be
unsupported was i denti ed. Thi s pri nter cannot be
used wi th the anal yzer. For exampl e, a pri nter onl y
supported by Mi crosoft Wi ndows wi l l generate thi s
617 Wrong density floppy inserted
The oppy di sk has the wrong densi ty. I t shoul d be
1.44 MB.
Chapter 4 4-45
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
Greater than 1000:
Personality Specic Error Messages
An error detected wi th a number greater than 1000 i ndi cates the
i nstrument has detected an error rel ati ng to an i nstal l ed personal i ty.
For more i nformati on on these errors, refer to the users gui de for the
personal i ty i n use.
10219 Awaiting trigger
A tri gger event from the sel ected tri gger source has not
been detected.
10164 Band Measurement not defined for Out of Band.
User i s attempti ng to moni tor the band but has set the
frequency outsi de the band. Reset the band for the
parti cul ar standard for whi ch you are testi ng or use the
channel setti ng whi ch does not requi re a frequency to
be set. (Meas Setup, Method (Channel)).
10228 Cannot correlate to input signal.
Thi s error i s normal l y generated because of one of the
fol l owi ng reasons: 1. There i s no carri er si gnal .
2. Wal sh channel s other than the pi l ot are acti ve.
3. There i s some other modul ati on probl em that wi l l
prevent the measurement from bei ng made.
Thi s probl em must be corrected before the
measurement can conti nue.
10163 Cannot find the Power vs Time Limits File.
The l i mi t l i ne deni ti on l e for the GSM standards has
been del eted. Thi s message i s di spl ayed whi l e the
Measure key i s grayed out. Rei nstal l the GSM
measurement personal i ty.
10166 Cannot update the list of cable types.
The cabl e l e may have been moved or del eted
acci dental l y. Rei nstal l the GSM measurement
personal i ty.
4-46 Chapter 4
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
10168 Cannot update the list of cable types on drive
The l e update fai l ed.
10179 Carrier Present. Test Stopped!
A carri er was found i n the transmi t band. Ei ther
di sabl e the carri er or i nsert a bandpass l ter for the
recei ve bandwi dth.
10153 DSP algorithm timeout, aborting measurement
The Di gi tal Si gnal Processor demodul ati on al gori thm
ti med-out for an unknown reason. Thi s message
normal l y i ndi cates a probl em wi th the modul ated
si gnal .
10230 DSP timed out, resetting DSP.
Di gi tal Si gnal Processor was unabl e to ni sh the
sel ected measurement wi thi n the gi ven peri od of ti me.
Restart the measurement.
10264 Emission bandwidth not found. Consider
increasing span.
Thi s error i s normal l y generated when attempti ng
occupi ed bandwi dth measurements. The X dB val ue
you entered (Meas Setup, Emis BWX dB) to cal cul ate the
emi ssi on bandwi dth i s the di fference between the
hi ghest poi nt on the trace and the poi nt X dB down on
ei ther si de of the maxi mum. I f the actual di fference i s
l ess than the val ue entered, the emi ssi on bandwi dth
cannot be computed. Some responses to thi s si tuati on
are as fol l ows:
1. Connect a si gnal to the i nput. (I f there i s no si gnal
present, the di fference between the trace mi ni mum
and maxi mum wi l l general l y be l ess than X dB.)
2. I ncrease the span. (I f the si gnal i s wi de, the
shoul ders of the si gnal mi ght not be present on the
screen, and agai n, the di fference between the trace
mi ni mum and maxi mum wi l l be l ess than X dB.)
Chapter 4 4-47
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
3. Center the si gnal . (There must be a poi nt on the
trace that i s X dB down from the maxi mum on
both si des of that maxi mum.)
10246 Error reading file: CDMASTUN.CSV. Please
reinstall cdmaOne.
The l e i s mi ssi ng or corrupt. Pl ease rei nstal l the
cdmaOne personal i ty.
10247 Error reading file: CDPDMDA. Please reinstall
the cdmaOne.
The l e i s mi ssi ng or corrupt. Pl ease rei nstal l the
cdmaOne personal i ty.
10248 Error reading file: CDPPMCO. Please reinstall
the cdmaOne.
The l e i s mi ssi ng or corrupt. Pl ease rei nstal l the
cdmaOne personal i ty.
10249 Error reading file: CDPPMDA. Please reinstall
The l e i s mi ssi ng or corrupt. Pl ease rei nstal l the
cdmaOne personal i ty.
10256 Error reading file: OOBSTAB.CSV. Use Edit
Table | Save Table.
Thi s error i s generated when you try to l oad a tabl e
(usi ng the Load Table key on page 2 of the edi t tabl e
form menu) before a tabl e has been saved. You must
rst save a tabl e usi ng the Save Table key before tryi ng
to l oad a tabl e usi ng the Load Table key.
10250 Error reading file: RHODMDA. Please reinstall
The l e i s mi ssi ng or corrupt. Pl ease rei nstal l the
cdmaOne personal i ty.
4-48 Chapter 4
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
10251 Error reading file: RHOPMCO. Please reinstall
The l e i s mi ssi ng or corrupt. Pl ease rei nstal l the
cdmaOne personal i ty.
10245 Error reading file: SPCLIMIT.CSV. Cannot use
custom limits.
The l e coul d be mi ssi ng or corrupt. Create a new
l i mi ts l e. Al ternati vel y, the actual l i mi ts dened i n the
l e mi ght not al l ow the measurement to be executed.
Redene the l i mi ts or use the defaul t l i mi ts. Restart
the measurement.
10180 Gate option not installed. Results may not be
Thi s measurement method requi res the use of the
ti me-gate (opti on 1D6) i n order to gate the spectrum
duri ng the 50-90% part of the burst. I f the gate opti on
i s not i nstal l ed, the measurement wi l l sti l l run
al though thi s warni ng wi l l be di spl ayed.
10218 Hardkeys are disabled.
Some of the forms (for exampl e Recei ver Spuri ous i n
GSM) do not al l ow the user to cl ose the form wi thout
ei ther formal l y accepti ng or cancel l i ng the form
setti ngs. For thi s reason, al l of the hardkeys are
di sabl ed unti l the user termi nates the form.
10233 Level is low, results may degrade.
The si gnal bei ng measured i s of l ow power. The resul ts
may not be as accurate as they woul d be i f the si gnal
was stronger.
10152 Lost trigger, aborting measurement.
The sel ected tri gger source was present at the start of
the measurement, but ti med out before the
measurement compl eted.
Chapter 4 4-49
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
10161 Lower Custom Mask is Invalid!
The user-speci ed l ower custom mask cannot be
resol ved i nto a l i mi t l i ne.
10231 Measurement failed for unknown reasons.
Check i nstrument setti ngs and restart measurement.
10154 Measurement not defined for Out of Band.
User has changed to an out-of-band frequency range.
The band measurement onl y operates i n the sel ected
10227 Measurement suspended until carrier is turned
The recei ve channel power and the recei ve spur
measurements are speci ed wi th the attenuati on set to
0 dB. To prevent overl oad, the frequency spectrum of
i nterest i s moni tored for si gnal l evel s whi ch exceed a
speci ed threshol d before setti ng the attenuator to
0 dB. I f a carri er i s found, thi s message i s di spl ayed and
the compl eti on of the measurement wi l l not occur unti l
the carri er i s removed. The carri er check may be turned
off usi ng the properti es form under the front-panel
Mode Setup key. You may al so change the si gnal
threshol d whi ch determi nes a carri er on the properti es
10155 No Fast ADC hardware installed. Meas
The anal yzer cannot use sweep ti mes of l ess than 5
msec when (Option B7D or Option AYX) i s not
i nstal l ed. Therefore the measurement wi l l not be
10147 Opt B7D bootrom requires upgrade.
The (Option B7D) bootrom revi si on i s not supported by
the currentl y l oaded personal i ty versi on. Refer to the
users gui de for the personal i ty i n use.
4-50 Chapter 4
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
10149 Opt BAH DSP algorithm code file requires
The Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng al gori thm code l e
revi si on i s not supported by the currentl y l oaded
personal i ty versi on. Refer to the users gui de for the
personal i ty i n use for more i nformati on on
i nstal l ati on/upgrade.
10150 Opt BAH DSP algorithm coef. file requires
The Di gi tal Si gnal Processor al gori thm coefci ent l e
revi si on i s not supported by the currentl y l oaded
personal i ty versi on. Refer to the users gui de for the
personal i ty i n use.
10151 Opt BAH DSP algorithm files failed to load,
aborting measure.
The Di gi tal Si gnal Processor al gori thm l es requi red to
perform the demodul ati on are corrupt and cannot be
l oaded properl y. Rei nstal l measurement personal i ty.
10148 Opt BAH DSP algorithm files not installed.
Meas unavailable.
The Di gi tal Si gnal Processor al gori thm l es requi red to
perform the demodul ati on are not present i n the
anal yzer.
10145 Opt AYX hardware required. Meas unavailable.
Option AYX must be i nstal l ed for thi s measurement to
be enabl ed.
10146 Opt B7D & B7E hardware required. Meas
The (Option B7E) and (Option B7D) cards requi red to
perform the demodul ati on are not present i n the
anal yzer.
Chapter 4 4-51
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
10239 Opt Freq Ref setting does not match external
Thi s message i s generated i f Source i s set to External
on the properti es form under the front-panel Mode
Setup key and the frequency on the same form i s set to
a frequency that does not match the frequency of the
si gnal bei ng used as the external reference.
10232 RF Signal not found.
Thi s message i s generated i f there i s no si gnal at the
center frequency that i s greater than 10 dB above the
di spl ayed average noi se l evel .
10241 RF Board could not detect any bursts in
Thi s message i s generated when the tri gger i s set to RF
Burst and (Option B7E) cannot detect a burst.
10237 RF Board LO Unlocked. Contact service center.
Thi s message occurs i f the l ocal osci l l ator on the
(Option B7E) i s i n an unl ocked state. Thi s i ndi cates
broken hardware.
10240 RF Board RF Osc Unlocked. Contact service
Thi s message occurs i f the reference osci l l ator on the
(Option B7E) i s i n an unl ocked state. Thi s i ndi cates
broken hardware.
10238 RF Board SR Osc Unlocked. Contact service
Thi s message occurs i f the sampl e rate osci l l ator on
Option B7E i s i n an unl ocked state. Thi s i ndi cates
broken hardware.
10162 Resolution BW<300kHz.
Thi s error message i s a warni ng that the resol uti on
bandwi dth has been set bel ow 300 kHz. The test resul ts
wi l l not meet GSM speci cati ons.
4-52 Chapter 4
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
10172 Sweep Time too fast(<2sec)
The sweep ti me must be set to 2 seconds or l onger for
the resul ts to be val i d.
10141 Sync word not found in frame (Burst Type)
One or more acti ve GSM bursts that match the sel ected
Burst Type have been detected i n the RF I nput si gnal ,
but none contai n the sel ected Trai ni ng Sequence Code
(TSC). The search was performed over the compl ete
GSM frame.
10143 Sync word not found in frame (Ref Burst)
One or more acti ve GSM bursts that match the sel ected
Burst Type have been detected i n the RF I nput si gnal ,
but none contai n the sel ected Trai ni ng Sequence Code
(TSC). The search was onl y performed usi ng the
Reference Burst type and Reference TSC setti ngs over
the compl ete GSM frame.
10142 Sync word not found in specified timeslot
(Burst Type)
One or more acti ve GSM bursts that match the sel ected
Burst Type have been detected i n the RF I nput si gnal ,
but none contai n the sel ected Trai ni ng Sequence Code
(TSC). The search was onl y performed over the
speci ed ti mesl ot setti ng.
10259 Table could not be loaded.
When tryi ng to l oad a tabl e, the previ ous tabl e has been
somehow corrupted. Use the Save Table key to save a
val i d tabl e. Then edi t the val i d tabl e, save i t, and try to
l oad i t agai n.
10259 Table could not be saved.
Thi s message occurs i f C: dri ve i s ful l or corrupt. Check
the amount of space l eft on the dri ve.
Chapter 4 4-53
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
10170 The Cable Fault Measurement is active. Mode
Setup is disabled.
Mode setup i s not avai l abl e i n the cabl e faul t uti l i ty.
10177 There are no spurs to inspect.
The user has attempted to swi tch the Inspect Spur
softkey to the On posi ti on after the measurement has
ni shed, but found no spurs.
10229 The regression portion failed.
Thi s message occurs when (Option B7D) i s not
functi oni ng properl y. Demodul ati on measurements
(modul ati on accuracy and code domai n) mi ght fai l as a
resul t of thi s error.
10157 Tracking Generator hardware is not present.
Meas unavailable.
The measurement requi res a bui l t-i n tracki ng
Unable to uninstall personality, file not
Thi s message occurs when you try to del ete a
personal i ty whi ch has been marked as non-del etabl e.
The personal i ty i s marked non-del etabl e at the factory.
Contact your nearest servi ce center for further
probl ems.
10144 Unknown demod status.
Demodul ati on i s i n an unknown state. Press Preset. I f
the error persi sts, contact your servi ce center.
10160 Upper Custom Mask is Invalid!
The user-speci ed upper custom mask cannot be
resol ved i nto a l i mi t l i ne. The format i s i ncorrect.
4-54 Chapter 4
Greater than 1000: Personality Specic Error Messages
10138 Valid GSM burst not found in frame (Burst
No acti ve GSM bursts that match the sel ected Burst
Type have been detected i n the RF i nput si gnal . The
search was performed over the compl ete GSM frame.
10140 Valid GSM burst not found in frame (Ref
No acti ve GSM bursts that match the sel ected Burst
Type have been detected i n the RF i nput si gnal . The
search was performed usi ng the Ref Burst type setti ng
over the compl ete GSM frame.
10139 Valid GSM burst not found in specified
timeslot (Burst Type).
No acti ve GSM bursts that match the sel ected Burst
Type have been detected i n the RF i nput si gnal . The
search was onl y performed over the speci ed ti mesl ot
setti ng.
5 Menu Maps
Thi s chapter provi des a vi sual representati on of the front panel keys
and thei r associ ated menu keys. Refer to the Chapter 6 , Front-Panel
Key Reference for key functi on descri pti ons.
5-2 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Thi s chapter provi des menu maps for the front-panel keys havi ng
associ ated menus. The Al pha Edi tor Menus are associ ated wi th both
the Display and File keys, but they are shown separatel y. The
front-panel key menus appear i n al phabeti cal order as fol l ows:
Table 5-1
Alpha Editor Menus Page 5-3
AMPLITUDE Y Scale Page 5-4
BW/Avg Page 5-5
Det/Demod Page 5-6
Display Page 5-7
File Page 5-8, 5-9, 5-10
Freq Count Page 5-11
FREQUENCY Channel Page 5-12
Input/Output Page 5-13
Marker Page 5-14
Marker Page 5-15
Meas Control Page 5-16
Meas Setup Page 5-17
MEASURE Page 5-18
Peak Search Page 5-19
Preset Page 5-20
Print Setup Page 5-21
Source Page 5-22
SPAN X Scale Page 5-23
Sweep Page 5-24
System Page 5-25
Trig Page 5-26
View/Trace Page 5-27
Chapter 5 5-3
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-4 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-6 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-7
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-8 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-9
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-10 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-11
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-12 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-13
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-14 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-15
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-16 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-17
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-18 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-19
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-20 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-21
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-22 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-23
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-24 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-25
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
5-26 Chapter 5
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
Chapter 5 5-27
Menu Maps
What You Will Find in This Chapter
6 Front-Panel Key Reference
The front-panel keys i n thi s chapter are l i sted al phabeti cal l y and are
descri bed wi th thei r associ ated menu keys. The menu keys are
arranged as they appear i n your anal yzer menus. Use the fol l owi ng
tabl e to l ocate a speci c key.
6-2 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Key Label
< Di spl ay Li ne page 6-64
> Di spl ay Li ne page 6-64
1 2 page 6-105
1 3 page 6-105
2 3 page 6-106
2 3 page 6-106
2 DL 2 page 6-106
ACP page 6-54
Adj Chan BW page 6-51
Al i gn Now page 6-94
Al i gnments page 6-93
Al l page 6-94
Al l but RF page 6-93
AM page 6-17
Ampl i tude page 6-11
Ampl i tude page 6-22
AMPLI TUDE Y Scal e page 6-8
Ampl i tude On Off page 6-76
Amptd I nterp Log Li n page 6-23
Amptd Offset page 6-77
Amptd Ref (f = 50 MHz)
On Off
page 6-40
Amptd Ref Out
(f=50 MHz) On Off
page 6-40
Amptd Step Auto Man page 6-77
Annotati on On Off page 6-24
Antenna page 6-10
Antenna page 6-29
Attenuati on Auto Man page 6-8
Attenuati on Auto Man page 6-77
Auto page 6-70
Auto Al i gn page 6-93
Auto Coupl e page 6-13
Average On Off page 6-15
Average Type Vi deo
page 6-15
Avg Number On Off page 6-53
Band Pai r Start Stop page 6-45
Band Power page 6-60
Bi tmap page 6-29
Bl ank page 6-105
BW/Avg page 6-14
Cabl e page 6-10
Cabl e page 6-29
Center Freq page 6-37
CF Step Auto Man page 6-37
Chan Pwr Span page 6-51
Chan Spaci ng page 6-51
Change Ti tl e page 6-24
Channel Power page 6-54
Cl ear Error Queue page 6-92
Cl ear Ti tl e page 6-24
Cl ear Wri te page 6-105
Coarse page 6-94
Col or Capabl e Yes No page 6-70
Col or On Off page 6-71
Col or Pal ette page 6-95
Connected No Yes page 6-22
Conti nuous Pk On Off page 6-62
Copy page 6-33
Correcti on On Off page 6-10
Key Label
Chapter 6 6-3
Front-Panel Key Reference
Correcti ons page 6-9
Correcti ons page 6-33
Correcti ons On Off page 6-9
Counter Zoom On Off page 6-53
Coupl i ng AC DC page 6-40
CSV page 6-29
Custom page 6-70
Date Mode MDY DMY page 6-93
Dene Custom page 6-70
Defaul t page 6-95
Del ete page 6-32
Del ete Li mi ts page 6-20
Del ete Poi nt page 6-12
Del ete Poi nt page 6-23
Del ta page 6-44
Del ta page 6-60
Demod page 6-17
Demod Ti me page 6-18
Demod Vi ew On Off page 6-18
Det/Demod page 6-17
Detector page 6-17
Di agnosti cs page 6-96
Di spl ay page 6-19
Di spl ay Li ne On Off page 6-19
EBW Span page 6-52
Edge Setup page 6-85
Edge Pos Neg page 6-85
Edi t page 6-22
Eject Page page 6-71
EMI Res BW page 6-16
Key Label
Emi ss BW X dB page 6-52
Emi ssi on BW page 6-55
Enter page 6-25
Enti re Frame page 6-101
Esc page 6-26
Ext Amp Gai n page 6-12
Ext Mi x Band page 6-41
Ext Vi deo I n page 6-102
External Pos Neg page 6-100
Fi el d page 6-101
Fi el d One page 6-102
Fi el d Two page 6-102
Fi l e page 6-27
Fi ne page 6-94
FM page 6-17
FM Demod page 6-94
Format page 6-29
Free Run page 6-100
Freq Correct On Off page 6-94
Freq Count page 6-36
Freq I nterp Log Li n page 6-23
Freq Offset page 6-37
Frequency page 6-11
Frequency page 6-22
FREQUENCY Channel page 6-37
Front Panel Test page 6-96
Ful l Screen page 6-19
Ful l Span page 6-78
Functi on page 6-46
Functi on page 6-60
Key Label
6-4 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Gate Del ay page 6-85
Gate Length page 6-85
Gate On Off page 6-84
Gate Setup page 6-84
Grati cul e On Off page 6-24
Harmoni c Auto Man page 6-42
Harmoni c Di st page 6-55
Harmoni cs page 6-53
Hel p page 6-39
Hi gh page 6-85
I mage Shi ft page 6-42
I mage Suppress page 6-41
I nput/Output page 6-40
I nput Mi xer page 6-40
I nput Mi xer I nt Ext page 6-40
I nput Z Corr 50 75 page 6-40
I nstal l page 6-99
I nt Preamp On Off page 6-9
I ntegrati on BW page 6-51
I nverse Ti me page 6-46
Landscape page 6-71
Language PCL3 PCL5 page 6-70
Last Span page 6-79
Level Setup page 6-85
Li mi t 1 2 page 6-21
Li mi t On Off page 6-21
Li mi ts page 6-19
Li mi ts page 6-19
Li mi ts Fi xed Rel page 6-20
Li ne page 6-100
Key Label
Load page 6-30
Load Defaul ts page 6-94
(Local ) page 6-92
Low page 6-85
Mai n Chan BW page 6-51
Man Track Adj page 6-77
Margi n On Off page 6-21
Marker page 6-44
Marker page 6-49
Marker Al l Off page 6-48
Marker Count On Off page 6-36
Marker Noi se page 6-61
Marker Tabl e On Off page 6-48
Marker Trace Auto 1 2 3 page 6-45
Max Hol d page 6-105
Max Hol d On Off page 6-52
Max Mi xer Lvl page 6-12
Meas Control page 6-50
Meas Off page 6-54
Meas Setup page 6-51
Meas Tool s page 6-60
MEASURE page 6-54
Measure Cont Si ngl e page 6-50
Metal e page 6-29
Mi n Hol d page 6-105
Mi n Search page 6-62
Mi xer Bi as On Off page 6-42
Mi xer Cong page 6-42
Mi xer Type Presel Unpre page 6-42
Mkr CF page 6-49
Key Label
Chapter 6 6-5
Front-Panel Key Reference
Mkr CF Step page 6-49
Mkr Ref Lvl page 6-49
Mkr Start page 6-49
Mkr Stop page 6-49
Mkr Span page 6-49
MODE page 6-57
Modi fy page 6-11
Modi fy page 6-21
Monochrome page 6-96
N dB Poi nts On Off page 6-62
Negati ve Peak page 6-17
Next Peak page 6-62
Next Pk Left page 6-62
Next Pk Ri ght page 6-62
Next Wi ndow page 6-59
None page 6-70
Norm Ref Lvl page 6-107
Norm Ref Posn page 6-107
Normal page 6-44
Normal page 6-64
Normal i ze page 6-106
Normal i ze On Off page 6-106
OBW Span page 6-52
Occ BW % Pwr page 6-52
Occupi ed BW page 6-55
Occupi ed Pwr page 6-52
Operati ons page 6-105
Opti cal Fi l ter page 6-96
Ori entati on page 6-71
Other page 6-10
Key Label
Other page 6-29
Pause page 6-50
Peak page 6-17
Peak Excursn page 6-63
Peak Readout page 6-64
Peak Search page 6-60
Peak Search Param Max page 6-64
Peak Sort Freq Ampl page 6-64
Peak Tabl e page 6-64
Peak Tabl e On Off page 6-64
Peri od page 6-46
Pk-Pk Search page 6-62
Pk Threshol d page 6-63
Poi nt page 6-10
Poi nt page 6-22
Poi nts page 6-85
Portrai t page 6-71
Power On Last Preset page 6-92
Power On/Preset page 6-92
Power Sweep On Off page 6-76
Preferences page 6-24
Presel Adjust page 6-9
Presel Center page 6-9
Preset page 6-65
Pri nt page 6-69
Pri nt Setup page 6-70
Pri nter Type page 6-70
Pri nts/Page 1 2 page 6-71
Properti es page 6-19
Readout page 6-46
Key Label
6-6 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Ref Lvl Offst page 6-9
Ref Level page 6-8
Remote Port page 6-95
Rename page 6-34
Resol uti on Auto Man page 6-36
Resol uti on BWAuto Man page 6-14
Restart page 6-50
Restore Sys Defaul ts page 6-96
Return page 6-73
Reverse Bi tmap page 6-29
Reverse Metal e page 6-29
RF (Ext Cabl e) page 6-94
SA page 6-102
Sampl e page 6-17
Save page 6-74
Save page 6-74
Scal e/Di v page 6-8
Scal e Type Log Li n page 6-8
Screen page 6-28
Search page 6-60
Search Param page 6-63
Segmented Sweep page 6-86
Sel ect page 6-11
Sel ect Marker 1 2 3 4 page 6-45
Servi ce page 6-99
Set Date page 6-93
Set Ti me page 6-93
Setup page 6-28
Show Errors page 6-92
Show Hdwr page 6-95
Key Label
Show System page 6-95
Si gnal I D Mode page 6-41
Si gnal I dent On Off page 6-41
Si gnal Track On Off page 6-38
Si ngl e Sweep page 6-75
Source page 6-76
Span page 6-78
Span Pai r Span Center page 6-45
SPAN X Scal e page 6-78
Span Zoom page 6-78
Speaker On Off page 6-18
ST/Harmoni c Auto Man page 6-53
Standard page 6-102
Standby page 6-82
Start Freq page 6-37
State page 6-28
Stop Freq page 6-37
Sweep page 6-83
Sweep Cont Si ngl e page 6-84
Sweep Ti me Auto Man page 6-83
Swp Coupl i ng SR SA page 6-84
Sync Pos Neg page 6-102
System page 6-92
Test On Off page 6-21
TG (Ext Cabl e) page 6-94
Ti me page 6-46
Ti me/Date page 6-93
Ti me/Date On Off page 6-93
Ti me Base page 6-94
Ti tl e page 6-24
Key Label
Chapter 6 6-7
Front-Panel Key Reference
Trace page 6-105
Trace + State page 6-28
Trace 1 2 3 page 6-105
Tracki ng Peak page 6-77
Tri g page 6-100
Tri g Del ay On Off page 6-103
Tri g Type Edge Level page 6-84
TV page 6-100
TV Moni tor page 6-102
TV Source page 6-102
TV Tri g Setup page 6-101
Type Upper Lower page 6-21
User page 6-10
User page 6-29
VBW/RBW Rati o page 6-14
Vi deo page 6-100
Vi deo BW Auto Man page 6-14
Vi ew page 6-105
Vi ew/Trace page 6-105
Vi ewi ng Angl e page 6-104
Vi si on I mpai r 1 page 6-95
Vi si on I mpai r 2 page 6-95
X Axi s Uni ts Freq Ti me page 6-19
Y Axi s Uni ts page 6-9
Zero Span page 6-78
Zone page 6-79
Zone Center page 6-80
Zone On Off page 6-79
Zone Pk Left page 6-81
Zone Pk Ri ght page 6-81
Key Label
Zone Span page 6-80
Zoom page 6-108
Key Label
6-8 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Acti vates the reference l evel functi on and accesses the ampl i tude menu
keys. Ampl i tude menu keys al l ow you to set functi ons that affect the
way data on the verti cal axi s i s di spl ayed or corrected.
Ref Level Al l ows the reference l evel to be changed. Thi s functi on i s acti vated
when AMPLITUDE Y Scale i s pressed. The reference l evel i s the
ampl i tude power or vol tage represented by the top grati cul e on the
di spl ay. Changi ng the val ue of the reference l evel changes the absol ute
ampl i tude l evel (i n the sel ected ampl i tude uni ts) of the top grati cul e
l i ne. The reference l evel can be changed usi ng the step keys, the knob,
or the numeri c keypad. Pressi ng any di gi t (0 through 9) on the numeri c
keypad bri ngs up the termi nator menu.
Auto Man
Sets the i nput attenuati on i n 5 dB i ncrements. The anal yzer i nput
attenuator, whi ch i s normal l y coupl ed to the reference l evel control ,
reduces the power l evel of the anal yzer i nput si gnal at the i nput mi xer.
The attenuator i s recoupl ed when Attenuation (Auto) i s sel ected.
Attenuati on can be changed usi ng the step keys, the knob, or the
numeri c keypad.
CAUTION To prevent damage to the i nput mi xer, do not exceed a power l evel of
+30 dBm at the i nput. To prevent si gnal compressi on, keep the power at
the i nput mi xer bel ow 0 dBm. Wi th the attenuator set to Auto, a si gnal
at or bel ow the reference l evel wi l l resul t i n a mi xer l evel at or bel ow
the Max Mixer Lvl.
Scale/Div Sets the l ogari thmi c uni ts per verti cal grati cul e di vi si on on the di spl ay.
The Scale/Div functi on i s onl y avai l abl e when the Scale Type key i s set to
Log. Scal e/Di v val ues may range from 0.1 to 20 dB per di vi si on (Wi th
Option BAA, the range i s 1 kHz to 240 kHz/di v when FM Demod Vi ew
i s enabl ed.)
Scale Type
Log Lin
Scal es the verti cal grati cul e di vi si ons i n l ogari thmi c uni ts when Log i s
underl i ned. Logari thmi c uni ts may range from 0.1 to 20 dB per
di vi si on. When Lin i s underl i ned, the verti cal di vi si ons are l i nearl y
scal ed and the defaul t ampl i tude uni ts are vol ts. The reference-l evel
val ue i s set to the top of the di spl ay and the bottom grati cul e becomes
zero vol ts. (Each di vi si on of the grati cul e i s one-tenth of the reference
l evel i n vol ts.) Pressi ng Scale Type Log Lin al ways sets the uni ts
speci ed for the current ampl i tude scal e. Pressi ng Preset or poweri ng
on the anal yzer sets the defaul t uni ts.
Chapter 6 6-9
Front-Panel Key Reference
Presel Center Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B only. Adjusts the
frequency of the presel ector l ter to opti mi ze the ampl i tude accuracy at
the acti ve marker frequency. Wi th Input Mixer (Ext) sel ected, Presel
Center adjusts the frequency of the external presel ector l ter to
maxi mi ze the ampl i tude at the acti ve marker frequency. I f acti vated i n
a non-presel ected band, Presel Center does nothi ng.
Presel Adjust Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B only. Al l ows manual
adjustment of the presel ector frequency to opti mi ze i ts response on the
si gnal of i nterest.
Y Axis Units Accesses the menu keys that change the ampl i tude uni ts. Ampl i tude
uni ts are mai ntai ned for both l ogari thmi c and l i near modes. The
ampl i tude uni ts can be changed by pressi ng dBm, dBmV, dBV, Volts, or
Watts. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2
Ref Lvl Offst Adds an offset val ue to the di spl ayed reference l evel . Reference-l evel
offsets are onl y entered by usi ng the numeri c keypad. Enteri ng an
offset does not affect the trace or the attenuati on val ue. Reference-l evel
offsets are used when gai n or l oss occurs between a devi ce under test
and the anal yzer i nput. Thus, the si gnal l evel measured by the anal yzer
may be referred to as the l evel at the i nput of an external
ampl i tude-conversi on devi ce. When an ampl i tude offset i s entered, i ts
val ue appears on the l eft si de of the di spl ay under Offst (as opposed to
frequency offsets whi ch appear at the bottom of the di spl ay). To
el i mi nate an offset, press Ref Lvl Offst, 0, dB. Pressi ng Preset al so sets
the offset to zero. See al so the Ext Amp Gain key descri pti on. Key Access:
AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2
Int Preamp
On Off
Agilent ESA-E Series only (E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and
E4407B) with Option 1DS. Turns the i nternal preamp on and off.
Pressi ng Int Preamp (On) resul ts i n a correcti on bei ng appl i ed to
compensate for the gai n of the preamp, so that ampl i tude readi ngs
show the val ue at the i nput connector. The preamp i s swi tched off i n
frequency bands above 3 GHz and the correcti on not appl i ed. When the
preamp i s on, a PA i ndi cati on appears on the l eft si de of the di spl ay. Key
Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2
Corrections Accesses the Corrections On Off and Modify keys. Pressi ng Corrections
(On) turns on the ampl i tude-correcti on factors. Correcti ons wi l l onl y be
appl i ed to the sets of correcti on factors whose correcti on state i s set to
On. To turn a set of correcti on factors on, use the Correction On Off key
i n the Modi fy menu. When Corrections (On) i s sel ected, an A wi l l appear
on the screen annotati on whether or not a correcti on set has been
turned on usi ng the Correction (On) key i n the Modi fy menu. Pressi ng
Modify accesses the fol l owi ng menu of keys that wi l l al l ow you to create
or modi fy an ampl i tude-correcti on factors tabl e. Key Access:
AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2
6-10 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Select Sel ects whi ch set of correcti on factors i s to be modi ed.
Once the sel ecti on has been made, the menu
automati cal l y returns to the previ ous menu. Pressi ng
Return wi l l return you to the previ ous menu wi thout
maki ng a sel ecti on. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale,
More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify
Al l ows you to correct for antenna l oss, but may be used
for any ki nd of correcti on. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y
Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify, Select
Al l ows you to correct for cabl e l oss, but may be used for
any ki nd of correcti on. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale,
More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify, Select
Al l ows you to correct for gai n or l oss other than those
for antenna, cabl e, or user. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y
Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify, Select
Al l ows you to correct for gai n or l oss and may be used
for any ki nd of correcti on. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y
Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify, Select
On Off Turns the ampl i tude correcti on functi on on or off for
the sel ected set. The correcti ons state must be set to On
for the correcti on to be appl i ed. Key Access: AMPLITUDE
Y Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify
Edit Accesses menu keys that al l ow you to create and edi t
an ampl i tude-correcti on factor set. I t puts the anal yzer
i nto a spl i t-screen mode where the correcti on data i s
di spl ayed i n a tabl e under the trace data. Pressi ng ESC
whi l e i n thi s menu wi l l exi t the menu and remove the
tabl e from the screen. New poi nts wi l l be appl i ed onl y
after the edi tor i s cl osed. The Tab keys are very useful
for navi gati on between rows i n the correcti ons tabl e.
Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections,
Chapter 6 6-11
Front-Panel Key Reference
Al l ows you to create or edi t an ampl i tude-correcti on
factor data poi nt. Up to 200 poi nts may be dened for
each set. Enter the poi nt number to be created or edi ted
by usi ng the numeri c keypad, then press Enter, or use
the knob, Tab, or step keys to move to an exi sti ng poi nt.
Press Bk Sp to correct errors. After sel ecti ng a poi nt,
Frequency becomes acti ve. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y
Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify, Edit
Al l ows you to enter the frequency val ue for an
ampl i tude-correcti on poi nt. Enter the frequency val ue
by usi ng the numeri c keypad. Change the frequency
val ue by usi ng the step keys or the knob. Press Bk Sp to
correct errors. After sel ecti ng a poi nt, Amplitude
becomes acti ve.
NOTE The ampl i tude correcti on entered for the l owest frequency wi l l be
appl i ed to al l frequenci es l ess than the l owest frequency entered.
Si mi l arl y, the ampl i tude correcti on for the hi ghest frequency entered
wi l l be appl i ed to al l frequenci es greater than the hi ghest frequency
A frequency coordi nate must al ways be speci ed for
ampl i tude-correcti on factors. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y
Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify, Edit
NOTE For ampl i tude-correcti on factors, a maxi mum of two entri es wi th the
same frequency are val i d. Onl y the rst and l ast poi nts of a seri es wi th
the same frequency val ues are used; any mi ddl e poi nts are i gnored.
NOTE Ampl i tude-correcti on data i s sorted i n the tabl e by frequency. The
sorti ng occurs i mmedi atel y after you have entered the frequency val ue
vi a the front-panel .
Al l ows you to enter the ampl i tude val ue for the current
ampl i tude-correcti on poi nt. After sel ecti ng a poi nt, the
poi nt number automati cal l y i ncrements and Frequency
becomes acti ve to al l ow entry of the frequency of the
next poi nt. Press Bk Sp to correct errors. Key Access:
AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify, Edit
6-12 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Delete Point
Al l ows you to del ete the ampl i tude-correcti on data for
the currentl y sel ected poi nt. The prompt If you are
sure, press key again to delete wi l l appear on the
di spl ay. Pressi ng Delete Point agai n wi l l del ete the poi nt
and adjust al l of the poi nt numbers as appropri ate. Key
Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2, Corrections,
Modify, Edit
Delete Al l ows you to cl ear al l data from the sel ected
ampl i tude-correcti on set. The prompt If you are
sure, press key again to delete wi l l appear on the
di spl ay. Pressi ng Delete agai n wi l l del ete the correcti on
set. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2,
Corrections, Modify
Freq Interp
Log Lin Al l ows you to determi ne how trace val ues are computed
between poi nts i n a correcti on tabl e. I f the l i near mode
i s sel ected, a strai ght l i ne i s used between poi nts i n a
correcti on tabl e. I f the l ogari thmi c mode i s sel ected,
frequency val ues between poi nts are computed by rst
taki ng the l ogari thm of both tabl e val ues and the
i ntermedi ate val ue. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale,
More 1 of 2, Corrections, Modify
Ext Amp Gain Adds a posi ti ve or negati ve preampl i er gai n val ue, whi ch i s subtracted
from the di spl ayed si gnal . The functi on i s si mi l ar to the Ref Lvl Offset
functi on, however wi th the Ext Amp Gain functi on, the attenuati on may
be changed dependi ng on the preampl i er gai n entered. A preampl i er
gai n offset i s used for measurements that requi re an external
preampl i er or l ong cabl es. The offset i s subtracted from the ampl i tude
readout so that the di spl ayed si gnal l evel represents the si gnal l evel at
the i nput of the preampl i er. The preampl i er gai n offset i s di spl ayed
at the top of the screen and i s removed by enteri ng zero. The
preampl i er gai n offset can onl y be entered usi ng the numeri c keypad.
The preampl i er gai n val ue i s not affected by an i nstrument preset or a
power cycl e. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y Scale, More 1 of 2
Max Mixer Lvl Al l ows you to change the maxi mum i nput mi xer l evel from 10 dBm to
100 dBm i n 10 dB steps usi ng the step keys, and 1 dB steps usi ng the
knob. The mi xer l evel i s equal to the reference l evel mi nus the
attenuator setti ng. As the reference l evel changes, the i nput attenuator
setti ng i s changed to keep the power l evel s of on-screen si gnal s l ess
than the sel ected l evel at the i nput mi xer. Pressi ng Preset resets the
maxi mum i nput mi xer l evel to 10 dBm. Key Access: AMPLITUDE Y
Scale, More 1 of 2
Chapter 6 6-13
Front-Panel Key Reference
Auto Couple
Auto Couple
Coupl es the fol l owi ng functi ons: resol uti on bandwi dth, vi deo
bandwi dth, sweep coupl i ng (SR/SA), attenuati on, sweep ti me,
center-frequency step, and frequency counter resol uti on.
NOTE Coupl ed functi ons are functi ons that are l i nked. I f one functi on i s
changed, the coupl ed functi on i s changed. Duri ng normal operati on, the
sweep ti me, resol uti on bandwi dth, and vi deo bandwi dth are coupl ed to
span, the i nput attenuati on i s coupl ed to the reference l evel , and the
center frequency step i s coupl ed to the span.
NOTE Thi s functi on i s not avai l abl e when the segmented sweep functi on i s set
to On (Segmented (On)).
6-14 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Acti vates the resol uti on bandwi dth functi on and accesses the menu
keys that control the bandwi dth functi ons and averagi ng.
Resolution BW
Auto Man
Changes the 3 dB resol uti on bandwi dth on the anal yzer from 1 kHz to
5 MHz i n a 1, 3, 10 sequence usi ng the knob or step keys. I f an
unavai l abl e bandwi dth i s entered usi ng the numeri c keypad, the cl osest
avai l abl e bandwi dth i n the 1, 3, 10 sequence i s used. (Option 1DR
provi des addi ti onal 300 Hz, 100 Hz, 30 Hz and 10 Hz bandwi dths.) As
the resol uti on bandwi dth i s decreased, the sweep ti me i s i ncreased to
mai ntai n ampl i tude cal i brati on. Resol uti on bandwi dth i s al so rel ated to
span. As span i s decreased, the resol uti on bandwi dth i s decreased. As
the resol uti on bandwi dth changes, the vi deo bandwi dth, i f i n auto
coupl e mode, changes to mai ntai n the VBW/RBW rati o. A # mark
appears next to Res BW on the di spl ay when i t i s not coupl ed. To
recoupl e the resol uti on bandwi dth, press Resolution BW(Auto) (or press
Auto Couple). The resol uti on bandwi dth can be changed usi ng the step
keys, the knob, or the numeri c keypad.
Video BW
Auto Man
Changes the anal yzer post-detecti on l ter from 30 Hz to 3 MHz i n a 1,
3, 10 sequence usi ng the knob or step keys. I f an unavai l abl e bandwi dth
i s entered usi ng the numeri c keypad, the cl osest avai l abl e bandwi dth i n
the 1, 3, 10 sequence i s used. (Option 1DR provi des addi ti onal 1 Hz,
3 Hz and 10 Hz vi deo bandwi dths when the resol uti on bandwi dth i s
300 Hz.)
As the vi deo bandwi dth i s decreased, the sweep ti me i s i ncreased to
mai ntai n ampl i tude cal i brati on. A # mark appears next to VBW on
the bottom of the anal yzer di spl ay when i t i s not coupl ed. To coupl e the
vi deo bandwi dth, press Video BW (Auto) (or press Auto Couple).
The vi deo bandwi dth can be changed by usi ng the step keys, knob, or
numeri c keypad.
VBW/RBW Ratio Sel ects the rati o between the vi deo and resol uti on bandwi dths. I f si gnal
responses near the noi se l evel are vi sual l y masked by the noi se, the
rati o can be set to l ess than 1 to l ower the noi se. The knob and step keys
change the rati o i n a 1, 3, 10 sequence. Pressi ng Preset sets the rati o to
1.000 X. The rati o can be changed usi ng the step keys, knob, or numeri c
Average On Off Turns the sel ected averagi ng functi on (vi deo or power) on or off. The
detector i s changed to sampl e when averagi ng i s on. Pressi ng Restart
resets the average trace and set the average count to 0.
Chapter 6 6-15
Front-Panel Key Reference
Average Type
Video Power
Average Type (Video) i ni ti ates a di gi tal averagi ng routi ne that averages
on a poi nt-by-poi nt basi s over a number of successi ve sweeps. The effect
i s to mi ni mi ze the i mpact of transi ents on the di spl ayed si gnal s and
noi se. The number of sweeps (N) to average i s the number that i s set by
thi s functi on. Thi s functi on automati cal l y sel ects the Sample detector,
but does not affect the sweep ti me, bandwi dth, or other anal og
characteri sti cs of the anal yzer. Annotati on on the l eft si de of the di spl ay
i ndi cates the current number of sweeps averaged. The defaul t number
of sweeps i s 100. I ncreasi ng the number of sweeps wi l l further averages
the trace. To turn off the averagi ng functi on, press Average (Off). The
number of sweeps can onl y be entered usi ng the numeri c keypad.
I n si ngl e sweep mode (Sweep, Sweep (Single)), N sweeps are taken. After
each sweep, the new val ue of each di spl ay poi nt i s averaged i n wi th the
previ ousl y averaged data usi ng the fol l owi ng formul a:
I n conti nuous sweep mode (Sweep, Sweep (Cont)), the same sequence i s
fol l owed unti l M=N. At that poi nt, the sweeps conti nue rather than
stoppi ng. For each new sweep, the measured val ue of the current sweep
di vi ded by N i s added to (N-1)/N ti mes the pri or average, creati ng a
wei ghted rol l i ng average.
I f any measurement parameter, such as Center Freq, Span, Ref Level, or
N, i s changed whi l e Video Average i s On, the vi deo average counter i s
reset to 0, i .e. M=0, and the trace average resets. I f the anal yzer i s i n
si ngl e sweep mode, a new set of sweeps i s taken onl y after Sweep
(Single) i s pressed agai n.
When Average Type (Video) i s sel ected, VAvg appears on the l eft si de of
the anal yzer di spl ay i f Average i s On.
When Average Type (Power) i s sel ected, power averagi ng i s performed by
converti ng the trace data from dB to power uni ts, and then averagi ng
the power trace data. When Average Type (Power) i s sel ected, PAvg
appears on the l eft si de of the anal yzer di spl ay i f Average i s On. Power
averagi ng i s sl ower than vi deo averagi ng due to the addi ti onal
computati ons necessary.
M 1
-------------- A
prior avg
----- A
+ =
new average value =
prior avg
average from prior sweep =
measured value on current sweep =
M number of current sweep =
6-16 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
EMI Res BW Accesses the EMI Res BW menu keys and al l ows you to choose between
bandwi dths of 120 kHz, 9 kHz and 200 Hz. The 200 Hz bandwi dth i s onl y
avai l abl e i f Option 1DR (narrow resol uti on bandwi dth) i s i nstal l ed and
the span i s l ess than 5 MHz. (Option 1DR is available with Agilent
ESA-E Series only (E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B.)
Thi s functi on i s set to None when the resol uti on bandwi dth i s set to any
other val ue usi ng the Resolution BW key.
Chapter 6 6-17
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses the menu keys control l i ng detector functi ons, demodul ati on
functi ons, the speaker, and FM gai n.
Detector Accesses the Detector menu keys whi ch al l ow you to sel ect between
Peak, Sample, and Negative Peak detecti on.
When Peak detecti on i s sel ected, Peak appears i n the upper-l eft corner
of the di spl ay. Peak detecti on i s used pri mari l y when measuri ng
si nusoi dal (spectral ) components. Peak detecti on obtai ns the maxi mum
vi deo si gnal val ue between the l ast di spl ay poi nt and the present
di spl ay poi nt and stores thi s val ue i n memory. Peak detecti on i s
sel ected at power on and by pressi ng Preset.
When Sample detecti on i s sel ected, Samp appears i n the upper-l eft
corner of the di spl ay. Sampl e detecti on i s used pri mari l y to di spl ay
noi se or noi se-l i ke si gnal s. Thi s detecti on shoul d not be used to make
the most accurate ampl i tude measurement of non noi se-l i ke si gnal s. I n
sampl e mode, the i nstantaneous si gnal val ue at the present di spl ay
poi nt i s pl aced i n memory. Sampl e detecti on i s acti vated automati cal l y
for noi se l evel markers or duri ng averagi ng.
Negati ve peak detecti on functi ons the same as peak detecti on, but
sel ects the mi ni mum vi deo si gnal val ue. When Negative Peak i s sel ected,
NPeak appears i n the upper-l eft corner of the screen. Thi s detecti on
shoul d not be used to make the most accurate ampl i tude measurements
of si gnal s.
Demod Accesses the menu keys to sel ect AM demodul ati on, FM demodul ati on or
demodul ati on Off. I t al so accesses the Demod View On Off, Speaker On
Off, and Demod Time menu keys descri bed bel ow.
NOTE The FM menu key onl y appears when the FM demod opti on (Option
BAA) i s i nstal l ed. Option BAA i s avai l abl e on Agilent ESA-E Series
spectrum analyzers only (E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and
NOTE Segmented sweep i s not avai l abl e wi th the demodul ati on functi ons i n
thi s secti on.
6-18 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Demod View
On Off When Demod View(On) i s pressed, the verti cal scal i ng of
the di spl ay i s i n frequency, and marker wi l l read out
the FM devi ati on i n kHz when. When Demod Vi ew i s
On, the fol l owi ng functi ons are not avai l abl e: Log/Li n
(the di spl ay i s cal i brated i n Hz), Y Axi s Uni ts, Marker
Search functi ons, Normal i ze, Di spl ay Li ne, Peak
Excursi on, and Peak Threshol d. I n AM Demod,
pressi ng Demod View (On) has no effect.
Speaker On Off Turns the i nternal speaker on and off. The vol ume from
the speaker i s control l ed by the front-panel vol ume
control knob. Pressi ng Preset sets the speaker functi on
to Speaker (Off).
Demod Time Al l ows you to set the ti me, i n non-zero spans, to pause
and demodul ate the si gnal after each sweep. The
demodul ated si gnal can be heard duri ng demodul ati on
when i n Speaker (On) mode. I n AM, the Vi deo BWi s set
to 3 kHz and the Resol uti on BW i s set to 10 kHz. I n
FM, the Vi deo BW i s set to 30 kHz and the Resol uti on
BW i s set to 100 kHz.
I n zero span, demodul ati on i s performed (and can be
heard) throughout the sweep. When AM or FM Demod
i s enabl ed, the i nstrument wi l l tune to the marker
frequency and wai t for the Demod to take pl ace. For
l ong Demod ti mes, pressi ng Preset wi l l abort the Demod
functi on. The defaul t val ue i s 500 ms. Key Access:
Det/Demod, Demod
NOTE I t i s normal to hear cl i cki ng sounds when the Auto Al i gnment functi on
i s On. Duri ng retrace, a smal l porti on of the anal yzer ci rcui try i s
real i gned. Some of the swi tchi ng of the anal yzer ci rcui try i s done usi ng
rel ays. I t i s the rapi d swi tchi ng of these rel ays duri ng retrace that
causes the cl i cki ng sounds. To el i mi nate the cl i cki ng sounds, turn the
auto al i gnment off by pressi ng System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off.
When thi s i s done, the Align Now, All functi on shoul d be performed
peri odi cal l y. Refer to the appropri ate Speci cati ons and
Characteri sti cs chapter i n the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers
Specications Guidefor more i nformati on on how often to perform Align
Now, All when the auto al i gnment i s off
Chapter 6 6-19
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses menu keys that al l ow you to control what i s di spl ayed on the
anal yzer, i ncl udi ng ti tl es, the di spl ay l i ne, grati cul e and annotati on, as
wel l as the testi ng of trace data agai nst user entered l i mi ts.
Full Screen Al l ows the measurement wi ndow to expand hori zontal l y over the enti re
i nstrument di spl ay. Pressi ng a key that bri ngs up a new menu wi l l
cancel the ful l screen functi on.
Display Line
On Off
Acti vates an adjustabl e hori zontal l i ne that i s used as a vi sual
reference l i ne. The l i ne, whi ch can be used for trace ari thmeti c, has
ampl i tude val ues that correspond to i ts verti cal posi ti on when
compared to the reference l evel . The val ue of the di spl ay l i ne appears i n
the acti ve functi on bl ock and on the l eft si de of the di spl ay. The di spl ay
l i ne can be adjusted usi ng the step keys, knob, or numeri c keypad.
Pressi ng any di gi t, 0 through 9, on the numeri c keypad bri ngs up the
sel ected termi nator menu. To deacti vate the di spl ay l i ne, press Display
Line (Off). The di spl ay l i ne turns off when i n demod vi ew (Det/Demod,
Demod, Demod View (On) and turns back on when demod vi ew i s turned
Limits Accesses menu keys that al l ow you to create, modi fy, and change the
properti es of l i mi t l i nes.
Properties Accesses the fol l owi ng Properties menu keys:
X Axis Units Freq Time
Sel ects whether l i mi t l i nes wi l l be entered usi ng
frequency or sweep ti me to dene the segments. They
can be speci ed as a tabl e of l i mi t l i ne segments of
ampl i tude versus frequency, or of ampl i tude versus
ti me. Ti me val ues are eval uated wi th respect to the
anal yzer sweep ti me. A ti me val ue of zero corresponds
to the start of the sweep, whi ch i s at the l eft edge of the
grati cul e.
Swi tchi ng the l i mi t l i ne deni ti on between frequency
and ti me wi l l erase both of the current l i mi t l i nes. The
message Changing X axis units will delete all
limits. If you are sure, press key again to
change units wi l l appear. Press X Axis Units Freq Time
agai n to purge both l i mi t l i nes and swi tch between
frequency and ti me.
Key Access: Display, Limits, Properties
6-20 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Limits Fixed Rel
Al l ows you to choose xed or rel ati ve l i mi t l i nes. The
xed (Fixed) type uses the current l i mi t l i ne as a
reference wi th xed frequency and ampl i tude val ues.
The rel ati ve (Rel) setti ng causes the current l i mi t l i ne
val ue to be rel ati ve to the di spl ayed center frequency
and reference l evel ampl i tude val ues. When l i mi t l i nes
are speci ed wi th ti me, rather than frequency, the Rel
setti ng onl y affects the ampl i tude val ues. The current
ampl i tude val ues wi l l be rel ati ve to the di spl ayed
reference l evel ampl i tude, but the ti me val ues wi l l
al ways start at the l eft edge of the grati cul e.
As an exampl e, assume you have a frequency l i mi t l i ne.
I f the l i mi t l i ne i s speci ed as xed, enteri ng a l i mi t
l i ne segment wi th a frequency coordi nate of 300 MHz
di spl ays the l i mi t l i ne segment at 300 MHz. I f the same
l i mi t l i ne tabl e i s speci ed as rel ati ve, i t i s di spl ayed
rel ati ve to the anal yzer center frequency and reference
l evel . I f the center frequency i s at 1.0 GHz, a rel ati ve
l i mi t l i ne segment wi th a frequency coordi nate of
300 MHz wi l l di spl ay the l i mi t l i ne segment at 1.3 GHz.
I f the ampl i tude component of the rel ati ve l i mi t l i ne
segment i s 10 dB, then 10 dB i s added to the
reference l evel val ue to obtai n the ampl i tude of the
gi ven segment (reference l evel offset i ncl uded).
A l i mi t l i ne entered as xed may be changed to rel ati ve,
and one entered as rel ati ve may be changed to xed.
When changi ng between xed and rel ati ve l i mi t l i nes,
the frequency and ampl i tude val ues i n the l i mi t l i ne
tabl e change so that the l i mi t l i ne remai ns i n the same
posi ti on for the current frequency and ampl i tude
setti ngs of the anal yzer. I f a ti me and ampl i tude l i mi t
l i ne i s used, the ampl i tude val ues change but the ti me
val ues remai n the same. Key Access: Display, Limits,
Delete Limits Al l ows you to purge data from the l i mi t-l i ne tabl es.
Pressi ng Delete Limits after the prompt, If you are
sure, press key again to delete, wi l l del ete the
l i mi ts.
Chapter 6 6-21
Front-Panel Key Reference
Modify Accesses menu keys that al l ow you to modi fy i ndi vi dual
l i mi t l i nes. Key Access: Display, Limits
Limit 1 2
Al l ows you to sel ect between the two avai l abl e l i mi ts.
The menu keys bel ow the Limit 1 2 key al l ow you to set
parameters for the sel ected l i mi t. Key Access: Display,
Limits, Modify
Type Upper Lower
Al l ows you to dene the l i mi t you are edi ti ng as ei ther
an upper or l ower l i mi t. An upper l i mi t fai l s i f the trace
exceeds the l i mi t. A l ower l i mi t fai l s i f the trace fal l s
bel ow the l i mi t. Key Access: Display, Limits, Modify
Test On Off
Turns the testi ng of the l i mi t l i nes on and off. I f the
trace i s at or wi thi n the bounds of the set l i mi t or
margi n, PASS LIMIT # or PASS MARGIN # i s di spl ayed
i n green i n the upper l eft corner of the measurement
area where # i s the number of the sel ected l i mi t l i ne.
(Col ored annotati on appears onl y wi th a col or di spl ay.)
Onl y posi ti ve margi ns are al l owed for l ower l i mi ts and
onl y negati ve margi ns are al l owed for upper l i mi ts. I f
the trace i s out of the l i mi t or margi n boundari es, FAIL
LIMIT # or FAIL MARGIN # i s di spl ayed i n red. The
resul ts for Li mi t 2 are di spl ayed bel ow those for Li mi t
1. Ei ther Limit or Margin must be turned on for Test to
work. Key Access: Display, Limits, Modify
Limit On Off
Turns l i mi t l i ne di spl ay on and off. Ei ther Limit or
Margin, as wel l as Test, must be turned on for a l i mi t
test to work. Key Access: Display, Limits, Modify
Margin On Off
Margin (Off) turns the margi n off. Margin (On) al l ows you
to set a l i mi t l i ne offset for the sel ected l i mi t l i ne.
Ei ther Limit or Margin as wel l as Test, must be turned on
for a l i mi t test to work. Key Access: Display, Limits,
6-22 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses the Edit menu keys whi ch i ncl ude Point,
Frequency, (or Time i f X Axis Units (Time) has been
sel ected), Amplitude, Connected No Yes, and Delete Point.
Edit al so accesses the l i mi ts tabl e. The Tab keys al l ow
you to move between the rows i n the l i mi ts tabl e. New
l i mi t segments wi l l onl y be appl i ed after the edi tor i s
cl osed. Pressi ng Return, or any key not associ ated wi th
the edi tor, wi l l cl ose the edi tor. Key Access: Display,
Limits, Modify, More 1 of 2
Point al l ows you to create or edi t a l i mi t poi nt. Up to
200 poi nts may be dened for each l i mi t l i ne. Enter the
poi nt number to be created or edi ted usi ng the numeri c
keypad, then Press Enter, or use the knob, Tab or step
keys to move to an exi sti ng poi nt. After sel ecti ng a
poi nt, Frequency becomes acti ve. Key Access: Display,
Limits, Modify, More 1 of 2, Edit
Frequency (The key l abel i s Time i f X Axis Units (Time)
has been sel ected.) Al l ows you to enter the frequency
val ue for a l i mi t poi nt. After enteri ng a val ue, the l i mi t
tabl e i s sorted to pl ace the frequency or ti me i n the
correct order. For a new poi nt, Amplitude defaul ts to
0 dBm and Connected defaul ts to Yes. Amplitude then
becomes acti ve. Key Access: Display, Limits, Modify, More
1 of 2, Edit
Amplitude al l ows you to enter the ampl i tude val ue for
the current l i mi t poi nt. After enteri ng a val ue,
Connected becomes acti ve. I f a Tab key i s pressed
wi thout enteri ng a val ue, the current Amplitude and
Connected val ues of the poi nt are sel ected. I f Tab i s
pressed, the Poi nt number automati cal l y i ncrements to
al l ow entry of the ampl i tude of the next poi nt, or i f a
new poi nt, to al l ow Frequency to be entered for the new
poi nt. Key Access: Display, Limits, Modify, More 1 of 2,
Connected No Yes al l ows you to determi ne whether the
current poi nt wi l l be connected to the previ ous poi nt.
No l i mi t testi ng i s performed between di sconnected
poi nts. Pressi ng thi s key when the Connected el d i s
sel ected toggl es the Connected val ue of the current
poi nt and i ncrements the Poi nt number to al l ow entry
or edi ti ng of the Frequency of the next poi nt. I f a Tab
key i s pressed wi thout enteri ng a val ue, the current
Connected val ue of the poi nt i s sel ected. I f Tab i s
pressed, the Poi nt number automati cal l y i ncrements to
al l ow entry of the Connected val ue of the next poi nt, or
Chapter 6 6-23
Front-Panel Key Reference
i f a new poi nt, to al l ow Frequency to be entered for the
new poi nt. Key Access: Display, Limits, Modify, More 1 of
2, Edit
Delete Point al l ows you del ete the current poi nt i n the
l i mi t l i ne. You wi l l be prompted wi th the message If
you are sure, press key again to delete.
Pressi ng Delete Point agai n wi l l del ete the poi nt. Key
Access: Display, Limits, Modify, More 1 of 2, Edit
Delete al l ows you to del ete the current l i mi t set. You
wi l l be prompted wi th the message If you are sure,
press key again to delete. Pressi ng Delete agai n
wi l l del ete the l i mi t set. Key Access: Display, Limits,
Modify, More 1 of 2
Freq Interp Log Lin al l ows you to determi ne how l i mi t
trace val ues are computed between poi nts i n a l i mi t
tabl e. The avai l abl e i nterpol ati on modes are l i near and
l ogari thmi c. I f the l i near mode i s used for both
frequency and ampl i tude, a strai ght l i ne i s used when
i nterpol ati ng between poi nts i n a l i mi t tabl e. I f
frequency i nterpol ati on i s l ogari thmi c, frequency
val ues between l i mi t poi nts are computed by rst
taki ng the l ogari thm of both the tabl e val ues and the
i ntermedi ate val ue. A l i near i nterpol ati on i s then
performed i n thi s l ogari thmi c frequency space. An
exactl y anal ogous mani pul ati on i s done for l ogari thmi c
ampl i tude i nterpol ati on. Key Access: Display, Limits,
Modify, More 1 of 2
Amptd Interp Log Lin al l ows you to determi ne how l i mi t
trace val ues are computed between poi nts i n a l i mi t
tabl e. The avai l abl e i nterpol ati on modes are l i near and
l ogari thmi c. I f the l i near mode i s used for both
frequency and ampl i tude, a strai ght l i ne i s used when
i nterpol ati ng between poi nts i n a l i mi t tabl e. Key
Access: Display, Limits, Modify, More 1 of 2
NOTE I nterpol ati on modes determi ne how l i mi t val ues are computed between
poi nts i n the l i mi t tabl e. The appearance of a l i mi t trace i s al so affected
by the ampl i tude scal e, whi ch may be l i near or l ogari thmi c.
6-24 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Title Accesses the fol l owi ng Title menu keys whi ch al l ows you to change or
cl ear a ti tl e on your di spl ay. Key Access: Display
Change Title Al l ows you to wri te a ti tl e across the top of the di spl ay.
The marker readout may i nterfere wi th the l ast
characters. The markers can be turned off by pressi ng
Marker, More 1 of 2, Marker All Off. Pressi ng Change Title
accesses the Al pha Edi tor Menus that contai n avai l abl e
characters and symbol s.
NOTE Pressi ng ESC before exi ti ng the Al pha Edi tor menus wi l l retai n the
previ ous ti tl e.
The di spl ay ti tl e wi l l remai n unti l ei ther Change Title i s
pressed agai n, or a trace i s recal l ed that was previ ousl y
saved wi th a ti tl e. A di spl ay ti tl e can al so be cl eared by
usi ng the cl ear functi on. Press Display, Title, Clear Title.
Key Access: Display, Title
Clear Title Al l ows you to cl ear a ti tl e from the front-panel di spl ay.
Once cl eared, the ti tl e cannot be retri eved. Key Access:
Display, Title
Preferences Accesses a menu of the fol l owi ng di spl ay functi ons whi ch al l ow you to
turn the grati cul e and annotati on on or off. Key Access: Display
On Off Turns the di spl ay grati cul e on and off.
Key Access: Display, Preferences
On Off Turns the screen annotati on on or off, however, menu
key annotati on wi l l remai n on the screen. The screen
annotati on may not be requi red for pri nts or duri ng
remote operati on. Key Access: Display, Preferences
Chapter 6 6-25
Front-Panel Key Reference
Termi nates and enters i nto the anal yzer a numeri cal val ue that has
been entered from the front panel usi ng the numeri c keypad. (For most
appl i cati ons, i t i s better to use the uni ts menu keys.)
When usi ng the File key menus, the Enter key i s al so used to termi nate
l ename entri es.
When enteri ng ti tl es (Display, Title, Change Title), the Enter key i s al so
used to termi nate ti tl e entri es.
6-26 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Deacti vates the acti ve functi on and bl anks the acti ve functi on text from
the di spl ay. No data can be acci dental l y entered usi ng the knob, step
keys, or numeri c keypad.
Pressi ng Esc wi l l al so abort a pri nt, cl ear i nput or output overl oads, and
cl ear error messages from the status l i ne al ong the bottom of the
di spl ay.
When enteri ng a ti tl e, pressi ng Esc wi l l cause the ti tl e to revert to the
previ ous name.
I f the peak threshol d l i ne i s on, pressi ng Esc wi l l cl ear i t from the
di spl ay (turn i t off).
Chapter 6 6-27
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses the menu keys used to vi ew, save, l oad, and manage data on a
oppy di sk or the i nternal anal yzer dri ve. See page 2-25 for more
i nformati on.
Catalog Di spl ays al l di rectori es and l es l ocated on the sel ected dri ve,
dependi ng upon the preferences set under the Type and Sort keys
dened bel ow.
Type Al l ows you to sel ect al l types or one type of l e(s) for
vi ewi ng.
Di spl ays al l l es l ocated on the sel ected dri ve.
Di spl ays al l setup l es i n the sel ected di rectory. Setups
are a compl ete set of i nstrument parameters i ncl udi ng
traces, states, l i mi ts, and correcti ons.
Di spl ays al l state l es i n the sel ected di rectory. State
l es contai n most i nstrument setti ngs.
Di spl ays al l trace l es i n the sel ected di rectory.
Di spl ays al l l i mi ts l es i n the sel ected di rectory.
Di spl ays al l screen (GI F and WMF) l es i n the sel ected
di rectory.
Di spl ays al l correcti on l es i n the sel ected di rectory.
Key Access: File, Catalog, Type, More 1 of 2
Sort Accesses the Sort menu keys that al l ow you to sort your
l es accordi ng to a sel ected l e attri bute.The sel ecti ons
i ncl ude, By Date, By Name, By Extension, By Size, and
Order Up Down. Order (Up) al l ows you to sort l es i n
ascendi ng order (for i nstance, A,B,C). Order (Down)
al l ows you to sort l es i n descendi ng order (for
i nstance, C,B,A).
6-28 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses menu keys that al l ow you to save anal yzer setups, states,
traces, l i mi ts, correcti ons and screen data to a oppy (A:) dri ve or
i nternal ash (C:) dri ve.
NOTE Never remove the oppy di sk duri ng a save operati on. To do so coul d
corrupt all data on the oppy di sk.
Save Now Executes the save functi on. When the save i s compl ete,
the message XXXXXX file saved (where XXXXXX i s
the l ename) wi l l appear i n the status l i ne on your
di spl ay.
NOTE I f the Path: el d above the di rectory box i s empty when pressi ng Save
Now, the status l i ne wi l l di spl ay the error message: Unable to save
file, invalid path. I n thi s case, pl ease sel ect a dri ve.
Type Al l ows you to sel ect the type of data you want to save.
Di spl ays al l previ ousl y saved setup l es and detects the
current setup parameters i n preparati on to save them
i n a l e for retri eval at a future date. Setup l es i ncl ude
al l i nstrument setti ngs i ncl udi ng traces, states, l i mi ts,
and correcti ons.
Di spl ays al l previ ousl y saved state l es and detects the
current state parameters i n preparati on to save them
i n a l e for retri eval at a future date. State l es i ncl ude
al l i nstrument setti ngs but not traces, l i mi ts, and
correcti ons. (Thi s i s the defaul t setti ng when power i s
appl i ed to the anal yzer.)
Di spl ays al l previ ousl y saved trace l es and detects the
current trace i n preparati on to save i t i n a l e for
retri eval at a future date. A trace can be saved
i ndi vi dual l y (for i mporti ng i nto spreadsheets) or
accompani ed by the anal yzer state (for l ater recal l i ng
i nto the anal yzer). Refer to the Format key descri pti on.
Di spl ays al l previ ousl y saved l i mi ts l es and detects
the current l i mi ts i n preparati on to save them i n a l e
for retri eval at a future date. Li mi ts provi de data sets
to determi ne whether a trace has exceeded preset
speci cati ons. Li mi t sets can hol d up to 200 poi nts and
Chapter 6 6-29
Front-Panel Key Reference
can onl y be saved i ndi vi dual l y. Refer to the File, Source
key descri pti on.
Di spl ays al l previ ousl y saved screen l es and captures
the current screen di spl ayed i n preparati on to save i t i n
a l e for retri eval at a future date. Screen l es can be
saved i n any of the fol l owi ng formats: Bi tmap, Metal e,
Reverse Bi tmap, and Reverse Metal e. Refer to the
Format key descri pti on.
NOTE Screen l es saved i n WMF format can only be l oaded i nto Mi crosoft
Appl i cati ons such as Mi crosoft Word.
NOTE The screen saved i s that whi ch was di spl ayed before pressi ng File. For
thi s reason, the screens seen whi l e i n the l e menus cannot be saved.
Di spl ays al l previ ousl y saved correcti on l es and
detects the current correcti ons i n preparati on to save
them i n a l e for retri eval at a future date. Correcti ons
provi de a way to adjust the trace di spl ay for preset gai n
factors (such as for cabl e l oss). A correcti on set may
hol d up to 200 poi nts. Refer to the Source key
descri pti on. Key Access: File, Save, Type, More 1 of 2
Format When Type is set toTrace, Format al l ows you to save a
trace i ndi vi dual l y or accompani ed by the anal yzer
state. The CSV format i s readabl e by a spreadsheet on
your PC, but cannot be l oaded back i nto the anal yzer.
When Type is set toScreen, Format al l ows you to choose
between bi tmap and metal e formats. Bitmap saves the
screen i mage i n Graphi cs I nterchange Format (GI F)
and Metale saves the screen i mage i n Wi ndows
Metal e Format (WMF). Reverse Bitmap and Reverse
Metale turn bl ack backgrounds to whi te and yel l ow
traces to green so they can be pri nted vi si bl y and wi th
l ess use of bl ack i nk. Screen i mages cannot be l oaded
back i nto the anal yzer.
Source When Type is set toTrace, Source al l ows you to save
trace 1, 2, or 3, al ong wi th state. Savi ng trace All saves
al l traces i n a si ngl e.trc l e, al ong wi th the state.
1.Mi crosoft i s a U.S. regi stered trademark of Mi crosoft Corporati on.
6-30 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
When Type is set toCorrections, Source accesses the
Antenna, Cable, Other and User menu keys, whi ch al l ow
you to sel ect the type of correcti on to be saved.
When Type is set toLimits, Source accesses the Limit 1
and Limit 2 menu keys. Limit 1 and Limit 2 provi de data
sets to determi ne whether a trace has exceeded preset
speci cati ons. Li mi t sets can hol d up to 200 poi nts and
can onl y be saved i ndi vi dual l y.
Name Accesses the Al pha Edi tor and al l ows you to enter a
l ename. The external keyboard can al so be used to
enter a l ename whi l e the al pha edi tor i s accessed.
NOTE Onl y capi tal l etters (A-Z) and di gi ts (0-9) may appear i n l e names (8
characters, maxi mum). Addi ti onal l y, l e names i ncl ude a 3 di gi t
extensi on whi ch i s automati cal l y set by the i nstrument.
Dir Up Al l ows you to move up one di rectory l evel . I f at the top
l evel , Dir Up moves to the dri ve l evel , di spl ayi ng the
avai l abl e di sk dri ves.
Dir Select Accesses the hi ghl i ghted di rectory on your di spl ay.
Load Accesses menu keys that al l ow you to l oad anal yzer setups, states,
traces, l i mi ts and correcti ons i nto the anal yzer from a oppy (A:) dri ve
or i nternal ash (C:) dri ve.
Load Now Executes the l oad functi on. When the l oad i s compl ete,
the message XXXXXX file loaded (where XXXXXX i s
the l ename) wi l l appear i n the status l i ne on your
di spl ay.
Type Al l ows you to sel ect the type of l e you want to l oad.
Di spl ays al l setup l es you may wi sh to l oad (SET).
Setup l es i ncl ude a compl ete set of i nstrument
parameters i ncl udi ng traces, states, l i mi ts, and
correcti ons. Loadi ng a setup restores the anal yzer (as
cl osel y as possi bl e) to al l previ ous i nstrument setti ngs
at the ti me of the save.
Di spl ays al l state l es you may wi sh to l oad (STA).
Loadi ng a state restores most setti ngs to the previ ousl y
saved val ues.
Chapter 6 6-31
Front-Panel Key Reference
Di spl ays al l trace l es you may wi sh to l oad (TRC and
CSV). Traces can be l oaded i ndi vi dual l y or as a group.
When a trace i s l oaded, the state that exi sted when that
trace was saved i s l oaded al ong wi th the trace. Al so, the
l oaded trace i s pl aced i n vi ew mode.
NOTE I f you wi sh to compare two saved traces, pl ace traces i n vi ew mode
before savi ng them. Thi s prevents the trace from bei ng rewri tten based
on a state change from subsequent l oads.
Di spl ays al l l i mi ts l es you may wi sh to l oad to
determi ne whether a trace has exceeded preset
speci cati ons (LI M). Li mi t sets can hol d up to 200
poi nts. Li mi ts can onl y be l oaded i ndi vi dual l y.
NOTE When l oadi ng Li mi ts l es, be sure you have sel ected the appropri ate X
Axi s Uni ts: frequency or ti me (Display, Limits, Properties, X Axis Units). I f
you are i n ti me X-Axi s Uni ts, and you l oad frequency l i mi ts, al l current
l i mi t l i ne data wi l l be erased and the anal yzer wi l l swi tch to frequency
uni ts. The reverse of the thi s si tuati on al so hol ds true.
Di spl ays al l correcti ons l es you may wi sh to l oad
(CBL, ANT, OTH, AMP). Correcti ons provi de a way to
adjust the trace di spl ay for preset gai n factors (such as
for cabl e l oss). A correcti on set may hol d up to 200
poi nts.
Sort Accesses the Sort menu key.
Sort accesses a menu of keys that al l ow you to vi ew
your saved l es accordi ng to a sel ected l e attri bute.
The sel ecti ons i ncl ude, By Date, By Name, By Extension,
By Size, and Order Up Down. Order (Up) al l ows you to
vi ew l es i n ascendi ng order (for i nstance, A,B,C). Order
(Down) al l ows you to vi ew l es i n descendi ng order (for
i nstance, C,B,A).
Destination When Type is set toTrace, Destination al l ows you to
di rect your data to Trace 1, Trace 2, or Trace 3. I f the data
i s for al l three traces (for i nstance, Source was All when
they were saved), the data wi l l be returned to the
ori gi nal trace regi sters.
When Type is set toLimits, Destination al l ows you to
di rect your data to Limit 1 or Limit 2.
6-32 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Dir Up Al l ows you to move up one di rectory l evel . I f at the top
l evel , Dir Up moves to the dri ve l evel , di spl ayi ng the
avai l abl e di sk dri ves.
Dir Select Accesses the hi ghl i ghted di rectory on your di spl ay. I f
[..] i s hi ghl i ghted, thi s key acts i n the same manner
as Dir Up.
Delete Al l ows you to del ete l es and di rectori es.
Delete Now Executes the del ete functi on. I f a di rectory i s sel ected to
be del eted, the message WARNING: You are about to
delete the contents of directory XXXXXX (where
XXXXXX i s the ful l path and di rectory name) wi l l
appear on your di spl ay. After a successful del ete, the
message XXXXXX file deleted (where XXXXXX i s the
l ename) wi l l appear i n the status l i ne on your di spl ay.
Type Al l ows you to sel ect the type of l e you want to del ete.
Di spl ays al l l es you may wi sh to del ete.
Di spl ays al l setup l es you may wi sh to del ete (SET).
Di spl ays al l state l es you may wi sh to del ete (STA).
Di spl ays al l trace l es you may wi sh to del ete (TRC and
Di spl ays al l l i mi ts l es you may wi sh to del ete (LI M).
Di spl ays al l screen l es you may wi sh to del ete (GI F
and WMF).
Di spl ays al l correcti ons l es you may wi sh to del ete
Chapter 6 6-33
Front-Panel Key Reference
Sort Sort accesses a menu of keys that al l ow you vi ew the
l es you wi sh to del ete, accordi ng to a sel ected l e
attri bute. The sel ecti ons i ncl ude, By Date, By Name, By
Extension, By Size, and Order Up Down. Order (Up) al l ows
you to vi ew l es you may wi sh to del ete i n ascendi ng
order (for i nstance, A,B,C). Order (Down) al l ows you to
vi ew l es you may wi sh to del ete i n descendi ng order
(for i nstance, C,B,A).
Copy Al l ows you to copy l es from one di rectory to another or to one or more
mass storage devi ces.
Copy Now Executes the copy functi on. I f the copy i s successful , the
message xxxxx file copied (where xxxxx i s the
l ename) wi l l appear on the di spl ay.
Type Al l ows you to sel ect the type of l e you want to copy.
Di spl ays al l l es you may wi sh to copy.
Di spl ays al l setup l es you may wi sh to copy (SET).
Di spl ays al l state l es you may wi sh to copy (STA).
Di spl ays al l trace l es you may wi sh to copy (TRC and
Di spl ays al l l i mi ts l es you may wi sh to copy (LI M).
Di spl ays al l screen l es you may wi sh to copy (GI F and
Di spl ays al l correcti ons l es you may wi sh to copy
Sort Sort accesses a menu of keys that al l ow you to vi ew the
l es you wi sh to copy accordi ng to a sel ected l e
attri bute. The sel ecti on i ncl udes, By Date, By Name, By
Extension, By Size, and Order Up Down. Order (Up) al l ows
you to vi ew l es you may wi sh to copy i n ascendi ng
order (for i nstance, A,B,C). Order (Down) al l ows you to
vi ew l es you may wi sh to copy i n descendi ng order (for
i nstance, C,B,A).
6-34 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Dir From To Al l ows you to sel ect the source and desti nati on
di rectori es for your copy on one or more dri ves.
Dir Up Al l ows you to move up one di rectory l evel . I f at the top
l evel , Dir Up moves to the dri ve l evel , di spl ayi ng the
avai l abl e di sk dri ves.
Dir Select Accesses the hi ghl i ghted di rectory on your di spl ay.
Rename Al l ows you to rename a l e.
Rename Now Executes the rename functi on. When the rename i s
compl ete, the message XXXXXX file renamed to
YYYYYY (where XXXXXX and YYYYYY are the
l enames) wi l l appear i n the status l i ne on your
di spl ay.
Type Al l ows you to sel ect the type of l e you want to rename.
Di spl ays al l l es you may wi sh to rename.
Di spl ays al l setup l es you may wi sh to rename (SET).
Di spl ays al l state l es you may wi sh to rename (STA).
Di spl ays al l trace l es you may wi sh to rename. (TRC
and CSV).
Di spl ays al l l i mi t l es you may wi sh to rename (LI M).
Di spl ays al l screen l es you may wi sh to rename (GI F
and WMF).
Di spl ays al l correcti ons l es you may wi sh to rename
Sort Sort accesses a menu of keys that al l ow you to vi ew the
l es you wi sh to rename accordi ng to a sel ected l e
attri bute. The sel ecti ons i ncl ude, By Date, By Name, By
Extension, By Size, and Order Up Down. Order (Up) al l ows
you to vi ew l es you may wi sh to rename i n ascendi ng
order (for i nstance, A,B,C). Order (Down) al l ows you to
vi ew l es you may wi sh to rename i n descendi ng order
(for i nstance, C,B,A).
Chapter 6 6-35
Front-Panel Key Reference
Name Accesses the Al pha Edi tor and al l ows you to enter a
l ename. The external keyboard can al so be used to
enter a l ename whi l e the al pha edi tor i s accessed.
Compl ete your entry by pressi ng Return or Enter.
NOTE Onl y capi tal l etters (A-Z) and di gi ts (0-9) may appear i n l e names (8
characters, maxi mum). Addi ti onal l y, l e names i ncl ude a 3 di gi t
extensi on whi ch i s automati cal l y set by the i nstrument.
Dir Up Al l ows you to move up one di rectory l evel . I f at the top
l evel , Dir Up moves to the dri ve l evel , di spl ayi ng the
avai l abl e di sk dri ves.
Dir Select Accesses the hi ghl i ghted di rectory on your di spl ay.
Create Dir Al l ows you to create subdi rectori es.
Create Dir
Now Executes the create di rectory functi on. When the
di rectory has been created, the message Directory
XXXXXX created (where XXXXXX i s the di rectory
name) wi l l appear i n the status l i ne on your di spl ay.
Name Accesses the Al pha Edi tor and al l ows you to enter a
l ename. The external keyboard can al so be used to
enter a l ename whi l e the al pha edi tor i s accessed.
Compl ete your entry by pressi ng Return or Enter.
NOTE Onl y capi tal l etters (A-Z) and di gi ts (0-9) may appear i n l e names (8
characters, maxi mum). Addi ti onal l y, l e names i ncl ude a 3 di gi t
extensi on whi ch i s automati cal l y set by the i nstrument.
Dir Up Al l ows you to move up one di rectory l evel . I f at the top
l evel , Dir Up moves to the dri ve l evel , di spl ayi ng the
avai l abl e di sk dri ves.
Dir Select Accesses the hi ghl i ghted di rectory on your di spl ay.
Format Formats a doubl e-densi ty oppy di sk to 1.44 MB format. 720 KB di sks
are not supported.
Format Now Executes the format functi on. After pressi ng
Format Now, the fol l owi ng message wi l l appear on the
di spl ay: WARNING: You are about to destroy ALL
data on volume A: Press Format Now again to
proceed or any other key to abort. Duri ng the
formatti ng, Formatting Disk wi l l appear on the
di spl ay. Once formatted, Volume A: formatted wi l l
appear i n the status l i ne on the di spl ay.
6-36 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Freq Count
Freq Count
Acti vates the Marker Normal functi on i f there are no markers, and then
turns the marker count functi on on.
Marker Count
On Off
Marker Count (On) turns on the marker counter. I f no marker i s acti ve
before Marker Count (On) i s pressed, a marker i s acti vated at the center
of the di spl ay. Press Marker Count (Off) to turn the marker counter off.
Press Resolution (Man) to change the marker counter resol uti on to an
uncoupl ed val ue.
NOTE Marker Count frequency readi ngs are not affected by the frequency
offset functi on.
An asteri sk (*) may appear i n the upper-ri ght area of the di spl ay al ong
wi th the message Cntr 1 (the number i n the message depends on the
acti ve marker). The rati o of the resol uti on bandwi dth to span must be
greater than 0.002 for the marker count functi on to work properl y.
Marker Count iden Res BW appears on the di spl ay i f the bandwi dth to
span rati o i s l ess than 0.002. Widen RES BW i ndi cates that the
resol uti on bandwi dth must be i ncreased or the span decreased.
Auto Man
Al l ows the resol uti on of the marker counter to be sel ected manual l y or
auto-coupl ed. The marker counter has a resol uti on range of 1 Hz to
100 kHz. The avai l abl e resol uti on val ues are 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz,
1 kHz, 10 kHz, and 100 kHz. The resol uti on can be changed by usi ng
the step keys or by enteri ng the resol uti on usi ng the numeri c keypad or
knob. The marker counter resol uti on can be auto coupl ed to the span by
pressi ng Resolution (Auto).
Chapter 6 6-37
Front-Panel Key Reference
Acti vates the center frequency functi on, and accesses the menu of
frequency functi ons. The center frequency, or start and stop frequency
val ues appear bel ow the grati cul e on the di spl ay.
Al though the anal yzer al l ows entry of frequenci es greater than the
speci ed frequency range, usi ng frequenci es greater than the frequency
span of the anal yzer i s not recommended
NOTE When changi ng both the center frequency and the span, change the
frequency rst si nce the span can be l i mi ted by the frequency val ue.
CAUTION When operati ng i n DC coupl ed mode on spectrum anal yzers wi th
Option UKB, take care to protect the i nput mi xer by l i mi ti ng the i nput
l evel to 0 VDC and +30 dBm.
Center Freq Acti vates the center frequency functi on whi ch al l ows you to set the
hori zontal center of the di spl ay to a speci c frequency.
Start Freq Sets the frequency at the l eft si de of the grati cul e. The l eft and ri ght
si des of the grati cul e correspond to the start and stop frequenci es.
When these frequenci es are acti vated, thei r val ues are di spl ayed bel ow
the grati cul e i n pl ace of center frequency and span.
Stop Freq Sets the frequency at the ri ght si de of the grati cul e. The l eft and ri ght
si des of the grati cul e correspond to the start and stop frequenci es.
When these frequenci es are acti vated, thei r val ues are di spl ayed bel ow
the grati cul e i n pl ace of center frequency and span.
CF Step Auto Man Changes the step si ze for the center frequency functi on. Once a step
si ze has been sel ected and the center frequency functi on i s acti vated,
the step keys change center frequency by the step-si ze val ue. The step
si ze functi on i s useful for ndi ng harmoni cs and si debands beyond the
current frequency span of the anal yzer. When auto-coupl ed, the center
frequency step si ze i s set to one di vi si on (10 percent of the span).
Freq Offset Al l ows you to i nput a frequency offset val ue that i s added to the
frequency readout of the marker, center frequency, start frequency and
stop frequency, to account for frequency conversi ons external to the
anal yzer. Offsets may onl y be entered usi ng the numeri c keypad.
Offsets are not added to the span or frequency count readouts. Enteri ng
an offset does not affect the trace di spl ay. To el i mi nate an offset, press
Preset or Freq Offset, 0, Hz.
6-38 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
When a frequency offset i s entered, i ts val ue appears on the bottom of
the di spl ay (as opposed to reference l evel offsets, whi ch appear on the
l eft si de of the di spl ay). To el i mi nate an offset, press Freq Offset, 0, and
Enter. Pressi ng Preset al so sets the offset to zero.
Signal Track
On Off
Moves the si gnal that i s nearest to the acti ve marker to the center of
the di spl ay and keeps the si gnal there. ST appears i n the l ower-l eft
corner of the di spl ay. An (*) may appear i n the upper-ri ght corner of the
di spl ay whi l e the anal yzer i s veri fyi ng that i t has the correct si gnal .
Pressi ng Signal Track (Off), Preset or Marker, More 1 of 2, Marker All Off
turns off the si gnal track functi on.
When si gnal track i s on and the span i s reduced, an automati c zoom i s
performed and the span i s reduced i n steps so that the si gnal remai ns
at the center of the di spl ay. I f the span i s zero, si gnal track cannot be
acti vated.
NOTE I f no marker i s acti ve, pressi ng Signal Track (On) wi l l acti vate a marker,
perform a peak search, and center the marker on the di spl ay.
NOTE Pressi ng Marker, Delta or Marker, Normal sets Signal Track (Off).
NOTE Swi tchi ng to zero span sets Signal Track (Off).
NOTE Segmented sweep i s not avai l abl e when Signal Track(On) i s sel ected.
Chapter 6 6-39
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses a short descri pti on of any front panel or menu key. After
pressi ng Help, an expl anati on of the next key pressed wi l l appear on the
di spl ay. After the i nformati on i s di spl ayed, press ESC or any other key
to remove the hel p wi ndow.
NOTE After the hel p text i s di spl ayed, pressi ng any key wi l l remove the hel p
wi ndow. Pressi ng ESC al l ows you to remove the hel p wi ndow wi thout
changi ng functi ons.
6-40 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Input Z Corr 50
Sets the i nput i mpedance for vol tage-to-power conversi ons. The
i mpedance you sel ect i s for computati onal purposes onl y, si nce the
actual i mpedance i s set by i nternal hardware to 50 (except for
Option 1DP). The defaul t i s 50 (75 wi th Option 1DP). Sel ect the
computati onal i nput i mpedance by pressi ng Input Z Corr (75). Thi s i s
useful when measuri ng a 75 devi ce on an anal yzer havi ng a 50
i nput i mpedance, and when usi ng a 75 to 50 adapter on the
anal yzer i nput.
Coupling AC DC Agilent E4402B wi th Opti on UKB, E4404B and E4405B only.
Speci es al ternati ng current (AC) or di rect current (DC) coupl i ng at the
anal yzer i nput. Sel ecti ng AC coupl i ng bl ocks any DC vol tage at the
anal yzer i nput, but al so decreases the frequency range of the anal yzer.
I nput coupl i ng i s set to AC by an i nstrument preset. Ampl i tude
speci cati ons appl y onl y when coupl i ng i s set to DC.
CAUTION When DC coupl i ng i s sel ected, ensure there i s no DC component to the
i nput si gnal before appl yi ng the si gnal to the anal yzer i nput. The
anal yzers i nput ci rcui try can be damaged i f DC i s appl i ed to the
anal yzer i nput and DC coupl i ng i s sel ected.
Amptd Ref
(f=50 MHz)
On Off
Agilent E4401B and E4411B only. Turns the i nternal ampl i tude
reference si gnal on or off. When the i nternal ampl i tude reference si gnal
i s on, the RF i nput i s di sabl ed.
Amptd Ref Out
(f=50 MHz)
On Off
Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B only.
Turns the external ampl i tude reference si gnal on or off.
Input Mixer Agilent E4407B with Option AYZ only. Accesses the fol l owi ng I nput
Mi xer menu keys:
Input Mixer
Int Ext Al l ows you to sel ect ei ther the i nternal or an external l y
connected mi xer as the i nput devi ce. Sel ecti ng Input
Mixer (Ext) acti vates al l other keys i n the I nput Mi xer
menu and changes the attenuator annotati on to Ext
Mix. When Input Mixer (Ext) i s sel ected, the attenuator
functi on i n the AMPLITUDE key menu i s unavai l abl e.
Chapter 6 6-41
Front-Panel Key Reference
Ext Mix Band Accesses the Ext Mi x Band key menus and al l ows you
to sel ect one of the pre-dened bands correspondi ng to
the external mi xer bei ng used. The start and stop
frequenci es and a l etter correspondi ng to the l etter
sufx of the mi xer model number i n use, appears on
each menu key. I f Mixer Type (Presel) i s sel ected,
sel ecti ng (K), (E), (W), (F), (D), (G), (Y), or (J) i s not
al l owed. I f Harmonic (Man) i s sel ected, the word User
wi l l appear on the Ext Mix Band key.
NOTE Segmented sweep i s onl y operabl e for thi s functi on when center
frequency and span are set wi thi n the frequency band of the mi xer. I f
the mi xer range i s changed, segmented sweep i s turned off.
Signal Ident
On Off Acti vates a si gnal i denti cati on al gori thm when Signal
Ident (On) i s sel ected, that ei ther removes or ai ds wi th
the i denti cati on of mul ti pl e and i mage responses of
true i nput si gnal s. Mul ti pl e and i mage responses
maybe generated when usi ng unpresel ected external
mi xers.
NOTE Segmented sweep i s not avai l abl e when Signal Ident (On) i s sel ected.
NOTE I f the i nput si gnal i s too broad band or unstabl e for the i denti cati ons
process to properl y i denti fy i t, turn off the si gnal i denti cati on and l ook
for two si mi l ar responses separated by about 640 MHz (twi ce the
321.4 MHz rst I F). I f a - mi xer mode (for exampl e: 8-) i s acti ve, the
ri ght member of the response pai r i s the correct response; i f a + mi xer
mode i s acti ve, the l eft member of the response pai r i s the correct
The ampl i tude accuracy of the anal yzer i s degraded
when si gnal i denti cati on i s acti ve, and the message
Signal Ident On, Amptd Uncal wi l l appear on the
di spl ay.
Signal ID
Mode Al l ows you to sel ect ei ther of the fol l owi ng types of
si gnal i denti cati on methods:
Image Suppress
Sel ects a si gnal i denti cati on mode that attempts to
suppress al l but val i d responses by mathemati cal l y
removi ng al l i mage and mul ti pl e responses of si gnal s
present at the mi xer i nput. The anal yzer i nternal l y
acqui res the data i n a two sweep sequence, operates on
the acqui red data, and di spl ays the resul t i n Trace 1.
6-42 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Si nce two measurements are taken for each di spl ay
cycl e, the di spl ay update rate i s reduced. Key Access:
Input/Output, Input Mixer, Signal ID ModeImage Shift
Image Shift
Al l ows the anal yzer, i n a two sweep sequence, to pl ace
data from the rst sweep i n Trace 1, and data from the
second (frequency shi fted) sweep i n Trace 2. Si gnal
responses of Trace 1 and Trace 2 havi ng the same
hori zontal posi ti on are consi dered to be i n the current
band and therefore can be anal yzed wi th the ampl i tude
and frequency measurement systems of the anal yzer.
Al l other responses are i nval i d and shoul d be i gnored.
Key Access: Input/Output, Input Mixer, Signal ID Mode
Mixer Cong Accesses the Mi xer Cong menu keys al l owi ng you to
manual l y set the harmoni c, control the presel ected
mi xers, and adjust the i nternal bi as source for use wi th
mi xers requi ri ng bi as.
Harmonic Auto Man
The harmoni c val ue wi th i ts associ ated si gn i s
automati cal l y determi ned from the Ext Mi x Band
sel ected when i n Harmonic (Auto) mode. Harmonic (Man)
al l ows you to enter a harmoni c val ue when requi red. I f
the harmoni c mode for the external mi xer i s l i sted as
8 , for exampl e, enter the harmoni c number as 8.
The mi nus si gn i ndi cates that the tuned frequency i s
bel ow the desi red LO harmoni c by the I F of 321.4 MHz.
Si mi l arl y, i f the harmoni c mode of the external mi xer i s
l i sted as 8 +, enter the harmoni c number as 8. Key
Access: Input/Output, Input Mixer, Mixer Cong
Mixer Type Presel Unpre
Al l ows you to sel ect whi ch type of mi xer i s i n use. Mixer
Type (Presel) acti vates a tuni ng si gnal that i s routed to
the PRESEL TUNE OUTPUT connector on the rear panel
of the anal yzer. Thi s si gnal has a sensi ti vi ty of
1.5V/GHz and dri ves the tune i nput of the HP/Agi l ent
11974 seri es of presel ected mi xers. The sweep rate i n
Presel mode i s l i mi ted to 40 MHz/msec. Key Access:
Input/Output, Input Mixer, Mixer Cong
Mixer Bias On Off
Chapter 6 6-43
Front-Panel Key Reference
Mixer Bias (On) acti vates and al l ows adjustment of an
i nternal bi as source for use wi th external mi xers. The
bi as si gnal i s present on the center conductor of the I F
I NPUT connector on the front panel . The mi xer bi as
wi l l be Off i f Harmonic (Auto) and Mixer Type (Presel) i s
sel ected. Key Access: Input/Output, Input Mixer,
Mixer Cong
6-44 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses the marker control keys whi ch sel ect the type and number of
markers and turns them on and off. Markers are di amond-shaped
characters that i denti fy poi nts of traces. Up to four pai rs of markers
may appear on the di spl ay si mul taneousl y; onl y one pai r can be
control l ed at a ti me. The marker that i s control l ed i s cal l ed the acti ve
marker. Pressi ng Marker acti vates the Normal menu key.
Select Marker
1 2 3 4
Sel ects one of the four possi bl e markers. A marker that has al ready
been turned on wi l l become acti ve when i t i s sel ected. I f a marker has
been turned on and assi gned to a speci c trace, i t wi l l become acti ve on
that trace i f that marker i s sel ected.
Normal Acti vates a si ngl e frequency marker at the center frequency on the
acti ve trace i f a marker i s not al ready di spl ayed. I f a marker i s
di spl ayed before the Normal functi on i s enabl ed, the marker i s enabl ed
at the posi ti on of the sel ected marker. The marker number i s i ndi cated
above the marker. Use the data control s to posi ti on the marker. The
knob and/or Up/Down keys move the marker l eft or ri ght. I f a val ue i s
entered from the numeri c keypad, the marker i s moved to the trace
poi nt nearest to that val ue. Annotati on i n the acti ve functi on bl ock and
i n the upper-ri ght corner of the di spl ay i ndi cates the frequency and
ampl i tude of the marker. Pressi ng Normal turns off the Delta functi on
and moves the acti ve marker to the del ta marker posi ti on.
Delta Acti vates a second marker at the posi ti on of the rst marker. (I f no
marker i s present, two markers appear at the center of the di spl ay.) The
ampl i tude and frequency of the rst marker i s xed. The marker
number i s i ndi cated above the del ta marker, and the same number i s
i ndi cated wi th an R (for exampl e, 1R) above the reference marker. Use
the data control s to posi ti on the del ta marker. Annotati on i n the acti ve
functi on bl ock and i n the upper-ri ght corner of the di spl ay i ndi cates the
frequency and ampl i tude di fferences between the two markers. The
del ta marker readout wi l l be i ncorrect i f the scal e type i s changed
between l og and l i near. (For i nformati on on usi ng thi s functi on whi l e i n
segmented sweep, refer to I nteracti on wi th Other Anal yzer Functi ons
i n the segmented sweep secti on of thi s chapter whi ch begi ns on page
NOTE Pressi ng Delta agai n moves the reference marker to the acti ve marker
posi ti on, so you can make del ta measurements from di fferi ng reference
poi nts wi thout havi ng to turn off the markers and begi n agai n.
Chapter 6 6-45
Front-Panel Key Reference
NOTE The del ta marker functi on permi ts si gnal -to-noi se measurements
provi ded the si gnal i s a si ngl e spectral component (si nusoi d). Pl ace a
normal marker on the si gnal , press Delta, pl ace the del ta marker i n the
noi se, and acti vate Marker Noise (see bel ow). The i ndi cated ampl i tude
di fference i s si gnal -to-noi se/Hz.
Band Pair
Start Stop
Enters a mode that al l ows adjustment of both the ref (start) and del ta
(stop) markers i ndependentl y. Pressi ng Band Pair Start Stop, toggl es
between the start and stop markers. The start marker number i s
i ndi cated wi th a number and an R above the marker (for exampl e, 1R)
and the stop marker i s i ndi cated wi th a marker number. Thi s mode i s
useful i n functi ons such as Band Power. (For i nformati on on usi ng thi s
functi on whi l e i n segmented sweep, refer to I nteracti on wi th Other
Anal yzer Functi ons i n the segmented sweep secti on of thi s chapter
whi ch begi ns on page 6-86.)
Span Pair Span
Enters a mode that al l ows adjustment of both the ref and del ta
markers. Pressi ng Span Pair Span Center, toggl es between the span and
center markers. The start marker number i s i ndi cated wi th a number
and an R above the marker (for exampl e, 1R) and the stop marker i s
i ndi cated wi th a marker number. Adjusti ng the span changes the
di fference between the two markers. Changi ng the center changes the
center poi nt of the two markers. Thi s mode i s useful i n functi ons such
as Band Power. (For i nformati on on usi ng thi s functi on whi l e i n
segmented sweep, refer to I nteracti on wi th Other Anal yzer Functi ons
i n the segmented sweep secti on of thi s chapter whi ch begi ns on page
Off Turns off the marker that has been sel ected by the Select Marker 1 2 3 4
key. Off al so turns off functi ons rel ated to the sel ected marker such as
si gnal track and demodul ati on. I t al so removes marker annotati on from
the di spl ay.
Select Marker
1 2 3 4
Sel ects one of the four possi bl e markers. A marker that has al ready
been turned on wi l l become acti ve when i t i s sel ected. I f a marker has
al ready been turned on and assi gned to a speci c trace, i t wi l l become
acti ve on that trace i f that marker i s sel ected.
Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2
Marker Trace
Auto 1 2 3
Assi gns a marker to a trace. Pressi ng Marker Trace Auto 1 2 3 wi l l
acti vate a marker on trace 1 i f there are no markers turned on. I f a
marker i s currentl y acti ve, press Marker Trace Auto 1 2 3 unti l 1, 2, or 3
are underl i ned. The acti ve marker wi l l be moved to the sel ected trace.
Sel ecti ng the Auto mode wi l l move the marker to the trace that i s
automati cal l y sel ected. The sel ecti on order i s to rst l ook for a trace i n
the cl ear-wri te mode, i n the order of trace 1, then trace 2, then trace 3.
I f no traces are currentl y bei ng wri tten, i t wi l l sel ect a trace i n the
vi ew-store mode, agai n i n the order of trace 1, 2, then 3.
6-46 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2
Readout Accesses the fol l owi ng menu keys that al l ow you to change the acti ve
marker readout. Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2
Frequency Sets the marker to Frequency. The defaul t sel ecti on i n
non-zero spans, di spl ays the absol ute frequency of a
normal marker or the frequency of the del ta marker
rel ati ve to the reference marker.
Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2, Readout
Period Sets the marker readout to Period. Di spl ays the
reci procal of the above frequency.
Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2, Readout
Time Sets the marker readout to Time. The defaul t sel ecti on
i n zero span, di spl ays the ti me i nterval between a
normal marker and the start of the sweep or the ti me of
the del ta marker rel ati ve to the reference marker. Key
Access: Marker, More 1 of 2, Readout
Inverse Time Sets the marker readout to Inverse Time. Di spl ays the
reci procal of the above ti me i nterval .
Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2, Readout
Function Accesses the fol l owi ng marker functi on menu keys l i sted bel ow. Key
Access: Marker, More 1 of 2
Band Power I ndi cates the power over that part of the trace between
the reference and acti ve markers. I f onl y one marker i s
present when you press Band Power, a second marker i s
pl aced at the same l ocati on as the rst marker. To
reposi ti on the markers, press Marker to access Band Pair
and Span Pair keys. Pressi ng Band Power al so changes
the di spl ay mode to sampl e, the correct mode for power
measurements. Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2, Function
NOTE For best accuracy, set the vi deo bandwi dth to at l east ten ti mes the
resol uti on bandwi dth to mi ni mi ze i ts averagi ng effect.
NOTE Band Power has no meani ng i n zero span, and the i ndi cated val ue i s
i ndependent of si gnal l evel and marker pl acement.
Marker Noise Reads out the average noi se l evel , referenced to a 1 Hz
noi se power bandwi dth. I f the marker del ta functi on i s
on and the noi se marker i s acti vated and moved to
measure the noi se oor, the marker readout wi l l di spl ay
the si gnal -to-noi se rati o.
Chapter 6 6-47
Front-Panel Key Reference
NOTE You can use Delta and Marker Noise to i ndi cate noi se l evel rel ati ve to
si nusoi dal si gnal (si gnal to noi se). However, be sure to acti vate the
del ta marker before pressi ng Marker Noise or the reference marker uni ts
may be i ncorrect.
The noi se marker averages 5% of the trace data val ues
(one-hal f a hori zontal di vi si on), centered on the l ocati on
of the marker on the frequency or ti me scal e. Marker
noi se i ndi cates noi se power densi ty per hertz or noi se
vol tage per root hertz dependi ng upon the ampl i tude
uni ts sel ected. The number of sweep poi nts i s noted i n
parenthesi s to the ri ght of the sweep ti me i n the l ower
ri ght corner of the grati cul e. I f the anal yzer has a
rmware revi si on pri or to A.04.00, 32 trace data val ues
are averaged, and the number of poi nts per sweep i s
xed at 401. Note that the data val ues averaged wi l l
not al ways be symmetri cal wi th respect to the marker
posi ti on.
I f the marker i s posi ti oned wi thi n 2.5%of the begi nni ng
of the trace (one-quarter di vi si on), the trace data val ues
i n the rst hal f-di vi si on wi l l be averaged. Si mi l arl y, i f
the marker i s posi ti oned wi thi n 2.5% of the end of the
trace, the trace data val ues i n the l ast hal f-di vi si on wi l l
be averaged. I f the anal yzer has a rmware revi si on
pri or to A.04.00, and the marker i s posi ti oned wi thi n 16
trace poi nts of the begi nni ng or end of the trace, the
rst 32 or l ast 32 trace data poi nts, respecti vel y, wi l l be
NOTE Do not use Marker Noi se to eval uate the di spl ayed average noi se l evel
of the anal yzer rel ati ve to the speci cati on. Read the di spl ayed average
noi se l evel di rectl y from the di spl ay or use the normal marker. Refer to
Appl i cati on Note 150 for a di scussi on of how noi se i s di spl ayed on a
spectrum anal yzer.
A nomi nal correcti on for equi val ent noi se bandwi dth i s
made by the rmware based on a nomi nal 3 dB
resol uti on bandwi dth. The rmware assumes the noi se
bandwi dth i s 1.12 ti mes the resol uti on bandwi dth. Thi s
means the shape of the resol uti on bandwi dth l ters
causes the noi se power to be overstated by 1.12 ti mes.
The detecti on mode al so affects the measurement. I f i n
l og mode, the l og detector understates the noi se
response. To compensate, 2.51 dB i s added to the
measurement. I f the detector i s i n l i near mode, the
rmware uses 1.049 dB as a correcti on val ue.
6-48 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
I n l og detector mode, wi th the resul t reported i n dBm i n
a 1 Hz bandwi dth, the nal reported val ue wi l l be:
I n l i near detector mode (dBm) uni ts, wi th the resul t
reported i n dBm i n a 1 Hz bandwi dth, the nal
reported val ue wi l l be:
I n l i near detector mode wi th the normal di spl ay of
vol tage uni ts, the noi se marker vol tage val ue wi l l be
rel ated to the present marker vol tage by thi s rel ati on.
Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2, Function
Off Turns off the acti ve functi on markers.
Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2, Function
Marker Table
On Off
Compresses the grati cul e and di spl ays marker i nformati on i n a tabl e.
The i nformati on i ncl udes the marker number, trace number, marker
type, X axi s val ue, and the ampl i tude. Key Access: Marker, More 1 of 2
Marker All Off Turns off al l of the markers, i ncl udi ng markers used for si gnal track
and demodul ati on. Marker annotati on i s al so removed. Key Access:
Marker, More 1 of 2
Averaged value over 32 values ( ) 10 log 1.12 Resolution bandwidth [ ] ( ) 2.51 dB +
Averaged value over 32 values ( ) 10 log 1.12 Resolution bandwidth [ ] ( ) 1.049 dB +
V_noise_marker ( )
V_average ( )
1.12 Resolution bandwidth 0.7824 ( ) =
V_noise_marker V_average 1.12 Resolution bandwidth 0.7824 ( )
V_noise_marker V_average 1.06633 Resolution bandwidth ( )
Chapter 6 6-49
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses the fol l owi ng marker functi on menu keys:
Mkr CF Sets the center frequency of the anal yzer to the marker frequency. I n
Del ta mode, Mkr CF sets the center frequency to the marker del ta
val ue. Mkr CF i s not avai l abl e i n zero span.
Mkr CF Step Changes the center-frequency step si ze to match the val ue of the acti ve
marker. Press Frequency then CF Step Auto Man to vi ew the step si ze. I f
marker del ta i s acti ve, the step si ze wi l l be set to the frequency
di fference between the markers. Thi s functi on can be used to step from
one si gnal harmoni c to another. Mkr CF Step i s not avai l abl e i n zero
Mkr Start Changes the start frequency so that i t i s equal to the frequency of the
acti ve marker. I n Del ta mode, Mkr Start sets the start frequency to
the marker del ta val ue. Mkr Start i s not avai l abl e i n zero span.
Mkr Stop Changes the stop frequency so that i t i s equal to the frequency of the
acti ve marker. I n Del ta mode, Mkr Stop sets the stop frequency to
the marker del ta val ue. Mkr Stop i s not avai l abl e i n zero span.
Mkr Span Sets the start and stop frequenci es to the val ues of the del ta markers.
Mkr Span i s not avai l abl e i f the marker i s off, or i n zero span.
NOTE The above menu keys are not avai l abl e when Segmented (On) i s
sel ected.
Mkr Ref Lvl Changes the reference l evel to the acti ve marker val ue, movi ng the
marked poi nt to the reference l evel (top l i ne of the grati cul e). I n Del ta
mode, Mkr Ref Lvl sets the reference l evel to the ampl i tude
di fference between the markers.
6-50 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Meas Control
Meas Control
Accesses a menu of keys that al l ow you to pause or restart one of the
measurements avai l abl e i n the MEASURE key menu. Meas Control al so
al l ows you to sel ect between conti nuous and si ngl e sweeps or
Press MEASURE and then sel ect one of the avai l abl e measurements
(ACP, Channel Power, Occupied BW, Emission BW, or Harmonic Dist).
Once the desi red measurement i s sel ected, press Meas Control. Meas
Control accesses the fol l owi ng keys:
Restart Performs the same functi ons as the Restart front-panel key.
Measure Cont
Measure (Single) al l ows you to take one measurement sweep and di spl ay
the measurement resul ts. Measure (Cont) al l ows you to conti nuousl y run
a measurement, di spl ayi ng the resul ts after each measurement sweep.
Pause Al l ows you to pause a measurement. Pressi ng Pause wi l l toggl e
between pausi ng and resumi ng your measurement. The key l abel wi l l
toggl e between Pause and Resume.
Resume Al l ows you to resume a measurement that had been paused. The key
l abel wi l l toggl e between Pause and Resume.
NOTE The measurements descri bed above are those avai l abl e i n SA mode (see
Mode key). Other measurements are avai l abl e i n other modes i f an
opti onal personal i ty i s i nstal l ed.
Chapter 6 6-51
Front-Panel Key Reference
Meas Setup
Meas Setup
I f i n a measurement, di spl ays one of ve measurement setup menus.
The setup menu di spl ayed depends on whi ch measurement (ACP,
Channel Power, Occupied BW, Emission BW, Harmonic Dist) has been
sel ected i n the MEASURE menu.
ACP Meas Setup Menu Keys
To access the fol l owi ng keys for setti ng up an adjacent channel power
measurement, press MEASURE, ACP and then the front panel
Meas Setup key.
Avg Number
On Off
Press Avg Number (On) to speci fy the number of measurement averages
used when cal cul ati ng the measurement resul t. The average wi l l be
di spl ayed at the end of each sweep. Avg Number (Off) di sabl es the
measurement averagi ng.
Main Chan BW When combi ned wi th Chan Spacing, Main Chan BW al l ows you to speci fy
the range of i ntegrati on used i n cal cul ati ng the power i n the center
reference channel . Changi ng Main Chan BW automati cal l y changes
Adj Chan BW and Chan Spacing to the same val ue.
Adj Chan BW When combi ned wi th Chan Spacing, Adj Chan BW al l ows you to speci fy
the range of i ntegrati on used i n cal cul ati ng the power for the upper and
l ower adjacent channel s.
Chan Spacing Al l ows you to speci fy the di fference between the center frequency of the
center channel and the center frequency of both adjacent channel s.
Adjacent channel s must be symmetri cal .
Channel Power Meas Setup Menu Keys
To access the fol l owi ng keys for setti ng up a channel power
measurement, press MEASURE, Channel Power and then the front panel
Meas Setup key.
Avg Number
On Off
Press Avg Number (On) to speci fy the number of measurement averages
used when cal cul ati ng the measurement resul t. The average wi l l be
di spl ayed at the end of each sweep. Avg Number (Off) di sabl es the
measurement averagi ng.
Integration BW Al l ows you to speci fy the range of i ntegrati on used i n cal cul ati ng the
power i n the channel .
Chan Pwr Span Al l ows you to set the anal yzer span for the channel power
6-52 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Meas Setup
Occupied BW Meas Setup Menu Keys
To access the fol l owi ng keys for setti ng up an occupi ed bandwi dth
measurement, press MEASURE, Occupied BW and then the front panel
Meas Setup key.
Avg Number
On Off
Press Avg Number (On) to speci fy the number of sweep averages used
when cal cul ati ng the measurement resul t. The average wi l l be
di spl ayed at the end of each sweep. Avg Number (Off) di sabl es the
measurement averagi ng.
OBW Span Al l ows you to speci fy the range of i ntegrati on used i n cal cul ati ng the
total power from whi ch the percent occupi ed bandwi dth i s then
cal cul ated. The anal yzer span wi l l be set to the same val ue as the OBW
Span for the measurement. OBWSpan shoul d be set to approxi matel y 2
ti mes the expected occupi ed bandwi dth resul t.
Occ BW % Pwr Al l ows you to change the percentage of si gnal power used when
determi ni ng the occupi ed bandwi dth.
Emission BW Meas Setup Menu Keys
To access the fol l owi ng keys for setti ng up an emi ssi on bandwi dth
measurement, press MEASURE, Emission BW and then the front panel
Meas Setup key.
Avg Number
On Off
Press Avg Number (On) to speci fy the number of sweep averages used
when cal cul ati ng the measurement resul t. The average wi l l be
di spl ayed at the end of each sweep. Avg Number (Off) di sabl es the
measurement averagi ng.
Max Hold On Off Max Hold (On) di spl ays and hol ds the maxi mum responses of a si gnal .
Max Hold (Off) di sabl es the maxi mum hol d feature.
EBW Span Al l ows you to speci fy the measurement span over whi ch to search for
the peak l evel and X dB l evel transi ti on poi nts of the si gnal . The
anal yzer span wi l l be set to the same val ue as the emi ssi on bandwi dth
span for the measurement. The emi ssi on bandwi dth span shoul d be set
to approxi matel y twi ce the expected emi ssi on bandwi dth resul t.
Emiss BW X dB X dB i s the number of dBs bel ow the hi ghest poi nt i n the si gnal at
whi ch to measure the emi ssi on bandwi dth.
Harmonic Dist Meas Setup Menu Keys
To access the fol l owi ng keys for setti ng up a harmoni c di storti on
measurement, press MEASURE, Harmonic Dist and then the front panel
Meas Setup key.
Chapter 6 6-53
Front-Panel Key Reference
Meas Setup
Avg Number
On Off
Press Avg Number (On) to speci fy the number of sweep averages used
when cal cul ati ng the measurement resul t. The average wi l l be
di spl ayed at the end of each sweep. Avg Number (Off) di sabl es the
measurement averagi ng.
Harmonics Harmonics i ndi cates the number of harmoni cs to measure before
computi ng the total harmoni c di storti on. The mi ni mum number i s 2
(onl y the fundamental and second harmoni c wi l l be measured). The
maxi mum number i s 10.
Auto Man
ST/Harmonic (Auto) sets the sweepti me to 200 di vi ded by the resol uti on
bandwi dth or 10 ms, whi chever i s greater. ST/Harmonic (Man) al l ows you
to speci fy any sweepti me from 10 ms to the anal yzer maxi mum. Thi s
sweepti me i s used onl y for measuri ng harmoni cs. The sweepti me set
before the measurement began i s used for ndi ng the fundamental .
Counter Zoom
On Off
Counter Zoom (On) ensures the correct operati on of the i nternal
frequency counter when the resol uti on bandwi dth i s rel ati vel y narrow
compared to the starti ng span. Counter Zoom (Off) turns the counter
zoom functi on off.
NOTE The measurements descri bed above are those avai l abl e i n SA mode (see
Mode key). Other measurements are avai l abl e i n other modes i f an
opti onal personal i ty i s i nstal l ed.
6-54 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
I n the Spectrum Anal yzer (SA) mode, accesses a menu of keys that
al l ow you to make adjacent channel power, channel power, occupi ed
bandwi dth, emi ssi on bandwi dth, and harmoni c di storti on
NOTE When a measurement i s acti vated, Si gnal Track, Vi deo Averagi ng,
Segmented Sweep, Band Power and Marker Noi se wi l l be turned off.
NOTE When Si gnal Track, Vi deo Averagi ng, Band Power, Marker Noi se or
Span Zoom are acti vated, a runni ng measurement wi l l be turned off.
Meas Off Turns the acti ve measurement functi on off.
ACP Sets the span sl i ghtl y wi der than three channel s, each desi gnated by a
pai r of verti cal l i nes and doubl e-headed arrows. Spl i ts the screen, and
i n the l ower wi ndow di spl ays the absol ute power i n the center channel
i n dBm and the power i n each of the adjacent channel s i n dB rel ati ve to
the center-channel power. Al so di spl ayed are center-channel
bandwi dth, adjacent-channel bandwi dth, and channel spaci ng.
The resol uti on bandwi dth i s set to nomi nal l y 1 to 3 percent of the center
channel bandwi dth, and the vi deo bandwi dth i s set ten ti mes wi der
than the resol uti on bandwi dth to mi ni mi ze i ts averagi ng effect.
Pressi ng Meas Setup after sel ecti ng ACP al l ows you to set the bandwi dth
of the center channel and the two adjacent channel s. The two adjacent
channel s al ways have the same bandwi dth. You may al so set the
channel spaci ng; overl appi ng the channel s i s not al l owed.
Channel Power Measures the power and power spectral densi ty i n the channel
bandwi dth speci ed by the user. One marker pai r on the di spl ay
i ndi cates the edges of the channel bandwi dth. The measurement may
be congured by pressi ng Meas Setup after Channel Power has been
sel ected. The measurement can be made i n si ngl e or conti nuous sweep
mode. The center frequency, reference l evel , and channel bandwi dth
must be set by the user.
Pressi ng Meas Setup after Channel Power has been sel ected wi l l access
the channel power measurement setup menu. Pressi ng Meas Control
after Channel Power has been sel ected wi l l access the channel power
measurement control menu whi ch al l ows you to pause or restart your
measurement, or toggl e between conti nuous and si ngl e measurement.
Chapter 6 6-55
Front-Panel Key Reference
Occupied BW I ntegrates the power of the di spl ayed spectrum and puts markers at
the frequenci es between whi ch a sel ected percentage of the power i s
contai ned. The measurement defaul ts to 99%of the occupi ed bandwi dth
power. The power-bandwi dth routi ne rst computes the combi ned
power of al l si gnal responses contai ned i n the trace. For 99% occupi ed
power bandwi dth, markers are pl aced at the frequenci es on ei ther si de
of 99% of the power. 1% of the power i s evenl y di stri buted outsi de the
markers. The di fference between the marker frequenci es i s the 99%
power bandwi dth and i s the val ue di spl ayed.
The occupi ed bandwi dth functi on al so i ndi cates the di fference between
the anal yzer center frequency and the center frequency of the channel .
The measurement can be made i n si ngl e or conti nuous sweep mode.
The center frequency, reference l evel , and channel spaci ng must be set
by the user.
Pressi ng Meas Setup after Occupied BWhas been sel ected wi l l access the
occupi ed bandwi dth power measurement setup menu. Pressi ng Meas
Control after Occupied BW has been sel ected wi l l access the occupi ed
bandwi dth measurement control menu whi ch al l ows you to pause or
restart your measurement, or toggl e between conti nuous and si ngl e
Emission BW Measures the bandwi dth between 2 poi nts on a si gnal whi ch are a
speci ed number of dBs bel ow the hi ghest poi nt wi thi n the occupi ed
bandwi dth span.
For exampl e: I f the Emi ssi on BW X dB i s set to 26 dB, and the
Occupi ed BWSpan i s set to 10 MHz, then the peak si gnal power l evel i s
rst determi ned from the 10 MHz wi de trace sweep. The frequency of
thi s trace maxi mum i s desi gnated as f0. Next, the anal yzer determi nes
the two frequenci es furthest bel ow and furthest above f0 at whi ch the
si gnal l evel i s 26 dB bel ow the peak l evel ; these frequenci es are
desi gnated as f1 and f2 respecti vel y. The emi ssi on bandwi dth = f2 f1.
Pressi ng Meas Setup after Emission BWhas been sel ected wi l l access the
emi ssi on bandwi dth measurement setup menu. Pressi ng Meas Control
after Emission BWhas been sel ected wi l l access the emi ssi on bandwi dth
measurement control menu whi ch al l ows you to pause or restart your
measurement, or toggl e between conti nuous and si ngl e measurement.
Harmonic Dist Measures the harmoni cs of a si ngl e carri er si gnal and computes the
total harmoni c di storti on. The carri er must be the strongest peak
(havi ng a frequency > 0 Hz, a peak excursi on > 6 dB on both si des, and
an ampl i tude 50 dBm) on the di spl ay at the ti me the measurement i s
started. The total harmoni c di storti on i s then cal cul ated from the
measured harmoni cs.
6-56 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
When measuri ng the Nth harmoni c, the anal yzer wi l l choose the
narrowest resol uti on bandwi dth that i s N ti mes the resol uti on
bandwi dth used to measure the fundamental . Wi deni ng the resol uti on
bandwi dth al l ows the measurement to capture al l modul ati on on the
harmoni cs. An asteri sk (*) wi l l appear next to the ampl i tude of
measured harmoni cs for whi ch the desi red resol uti on bandwi dth coul d
not be set. The measurement wi l l sti l l be accurate as l ong as the si gnal
has l i ttl e or no modul ati on.
Pressi ng Meas Setup after Harmonic Dist has been sel ected wi l l access
the harmoni c di storti on measurement setup menu. Pressi ng Meas
Control after Harmonic Dist has been sel ected wi l l access the harmoni c
di storti on control menu whi ch al l ows you to pause or restart your
measurement, or toggl e between conti nuous and si ngl e measurement.
NOTE The measurements descri bed above are those avai l abl e i n SA mode (see
Mode key). Other measurements are avai l abl e i n other modes i f an
opti onal personal i ty i s i nstal l ed.
Chapter 6 6-57
Front-Panel Key Reference
Sel ects the measurement mode of your anal yzer. Spectrum anal yzer
mode (SA) i s the defaul t mode. Other modes i ncl ude GSM (requi res
Option BAH) and cdmaOne (requi res Option BAC).
6-58 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Bri ngs up a menu for setti ng up the current mode. The SA mode has no
mode setup functi ons.
Chapter 6 6-59
Front-Panel Key Reference
Next Window
Next Window
Al l ows you to sel ect the acti ve wi ndow i n functi ons whi ch support
spl i t-screen di spl ay modes, such as zone span. I n spl i t-screen di spl ay
modes, pressi ng Zoom al l ows you to swi tch between spl i t-screen and
ful l -si zed di spl ays of the acti ve wi ndow. See al so Zoom.
NOTE The acti ve wi ndow i s i ndi cated by a sol i d green box around the wi ndow.
6-60 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Peak Search
Peak Search
Pl aces a marker on the hi ghest pri ori ty peak based upon one of two
cri teri a: Max (defaul t) or Param(see Peak Search ParamMax under Search
Param bel ow). I f Max i s the cri teri on, pressi ng Peak Search pl aces a
marker on the hi ghest poi nt of the trace excl udi ng the LO feedthrough.
I f Param i s the cri teri on, pressi ng Peak Search pl aces a marker on the
hi ghest peak of the trace that meets the peak excursi on cri teri on (see
Peak Excursn under Search Param bel ow). I f no peak meets the cri teri on,
the marker i s pl aced at the center of the di spl ay, and the error message:
No Peak Found appears (see System (Local), Show Errors bel ow to
remove the error message). When you preset the anal yzer (see Preset
bel ow), the peak search cri teri on i s set to Max unl ess you make Param
part of the user preset condi ti ons and sel ect that preset opti on.
Meas Tools Accesses the fol l owi ng frequentl y used menu keys whi ch are repl i cated
here for the users conveni ence.
Peak Search Performs peak search as descri bed above. Key access:
Peak Search, Meas Tools
Next Pk Right Refer to page 6-62. Key access: Peak Search, Meas Tools
Next Pk Left Refer to page 6-62 of thi s chapter. Key access: Peak
Search, Meas Tools
Delta Refer to page 6-44. Key access: Peak Search, Meas Tools
Mkr CF Refer to page 6-49. Key access: Peak Search, Meas Tools
Mkr Ref Lvl Refer to page 6-49. Key access: Peak Search, Meas Tools
Function Accesses the fol l owi ng menu keys. Key Access: Peak
Search, Meas Tools
Band Power
Measures the power i n a band speci ed by the user
wi thi n the channel bandwi dth. Two markers on the
di spl ay i ndi cate the edges of the band. The
measurement can be made on a si ngl e sweep or can
conti nuousl y update at the end of each sweep. The
center frequency, reference l evel , channel bandwi dth,
and the measurement band must be set by the user.
Key Access: Peak Search, Meas Tools, Function
Chapter 6 6-61
Front-Panel Key Reference
Peak Search
Marker Noise
Reads out the average noi se l evel , referenced to a 1 Hz
noi se power bandwi dth. I f the marker del ta functi on i s
on and the noi se marker i s acti vated and moved to
measure the noi se oor, the marker readout wi l l di spl ay
the si gnal -to-noi se rati o.
NOTE You can use Delta and Marker Noise to i ndi cate noi se l evel rel ati ve to
si nusoi dal si gnal , (si gnal to noi se). However, be sure to acti vate the
del ta marker before pressi ng Marker Noise or the reference marker
val ue may be i ncorrect.
The noi se marker averages 5% of the trace data val ues
(one-hal f a hori zontal di vi si on), centered on the l ocati on
of the marker on the frequency or ti me scal e. Marker
noi se i ndi cates noi se power densi ty per hertz or noi se
vol tage per root hertz dependi ng upon the ampl i tude
uni ts sel ected. The number of sweep poi nts i s noted i n
parenthesi s to the ri ght of the sweep ti me i n the l ower
ri ght corner of the grati cul e. I f the anal yzer has a
rmware revi si on pri or to A.04.00, 32 trace data val ues
are averaged, and the number of poi nts per sweep i s
xed at 401. Note that the data val ues averaged wi l l
not al ways be symmetri cal wi th respect to the marker
posi ti on.
I f the marker i s posi ti oned wi thi n 2.5%of the begi nni ng
of the trace (one-quarter di vi si on), the trace data val ues
i n the rst hal f-di vi si on wi l l be averaged. Si mi l arl y, i f
the marker i s posi ti oned wi thi n 2.5% of the end of the
trace, the trace data val ues i n the l ast hal f-di vi si on wi l l
be averaged. I f the anal yzer has a rmware revi si on
pri or to A.04.00, and the marker i s posi ti oned wi thi n 16
trace poi nts of the begi nni ng or end of the trace, the
rst 32 or l ast 32 trace data poi nts, respecti vel y, wi l l be
NOTE Do not use Marker Noi se to eval uate the di spl ayed average noi se l evel
of the anal yzer rel ati ve to the speci cati on. Read the di spl ayed average
noi se l evel di rectl y from the di spl ay or use the normal marker. Refer to
Appl i cati on Note 150 for a di scussi on of how noi se i s di spl ayed on a
spectrum anal yzer.
A nomi nal correcti on for equi val ent noi se bandwi dth i s
made by the rmware based on a nomi nal 3 dB
resol uti on bandwi dth. The rmware assumes the noi se
bandwi dth i s 1.12 ti mes the resol uti on bandwi dth. Thi s
means the shape of the resol uti on bandwi dth l ters
causes the noi se power to be overstated by 1.12 ti mes.
6-62 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Peak Search
The detecti on mode al so affects the measurement. I f i n
l og mode, the l og detector understates the noi se
response. To compensate, 2.51 dB i s added to the
measurement. I f the detector i s i n l i near mode, the
rmware uses 1.049 dB as a correcti on val ue. Refer to
Marker Noi se (Marker, More 1 of 2, Function) for more
i nformati on on thi s softkey. Key access: Search, Meas
Tools, Function
Key Access: Search, Meas Tools, Function
Next Peak Pl aces the marker on the next hi ghest peak. The si gnal peak must
exceed the peak threshol d val ue. I f there i s no peak, the marker wi l l not
move. (Al so see the Peak Excursn and Peak Threshold key descri pti ons.)
Key Access: Search
Next Pk Right Moves the marker to the next peak to the ri ght of the current marker.
The si gnal peak must exceed the peak threshol d val ue by the peak
excursi on val ue. I f there i s no peak to the ri ght, the marker wi l l not
move and the No Peak Found error message wi l l appear on the di spl ay.
(Al so see the Peak Excursn and Peak Threshold key descri pti ons.) Key
Access: Search
Next Pk Left Moves the marker to the next peak to the l eft of the current marker.
The si gnal peak must exceed the peak threshol d val ue by the peak
excursi on val ue. I f there i s no peak to the l eft, the marker wi l l not move
and the No Peak Found error message wi l l appear on the di spl ay. (Al so
see the Peak Excursn and Peak Threshold key descri pti ons.) Key Access:
Min Search Moves the acti ve marker to the mi ni mum detected ampl i tude val ue.
Key Access: Search
Pk-Pk Search Fi nds and di spl ays the frequency (or ti me, i f i n zero span) and
ampl i tude di fferences between the hi ghest and l owest trace poi nts. Key
Access: Search
Continuous Pk
On Off
When a marker i s pl aced on a si gnal and Continuous Pk (On) i s pressed,
the marker wi l l remai n on the si gnal even i f the si gnal changes i n
frequency and ampl i tude. Key Access: Search, More 1 of 2
N dB Points
On Off
Acti vates the N dB functi on. Pressi ng N dB Points (On) turns on the
N dB feature and acti vates two arrows that are N dB down from the
marker. The frequency di fference between the two arrows wi l l be
di spl ayed i n the upper ri ght-hand corner of the di spl ay. I f the feature i s
unabl e to nd data N dB bel ow the marker, the val ue of 100 Hz wi l l be
di spl ayed i n the upper ri ght-hand corner of the di spl ay.
Chapter 6 6-63
Front-Panel Key Reference
Peak Search
NOTE For exampl e, N dB Poi nts can be used to measure the 3 dB bandwi dth
of a l ter i n a transmi ssi on test wi th the tracki ng generator. The
defaul t val ue i s -3 dB. Possi bl e val ues range from 1.00 dB to
80.00 dB. You can enter val ues to a resol uti on of 0.01 dB usi ng the
numeri c key pad or 0.1 dB usi ng the knob.
The N dB functi on fol l ows the acti ve marker. I f you turn on a marker
after N dB Poi nts has been acti vated, the arrows wi l l fol l ow that
marker. I f the marker associ ated wi th N dB Poi nts moves, the arrows
wi l l move wi th the marker unl ess there i s no data N dB bel ow the
marker. Key Access: Search, More 1 of 2
Search Param Accesses the fol l owi ng menu keys: Key access: Search, More 1 of 2
Peak Excursn Sets the mi ni mum ampl i tude vari ati on of si gnal s that
the marker can i denti fy as a peak. I f a val ue of 10 dB i s
sel ected, the marker moves onl y to peaks that ri se and
fal l more than 10 dB above the peak threshol d val ue.
Pressi ng Preset or turni ng on power resets the
excursi on to 6 dB, and the threshol d to 90 dB bel ow the
reference l evel .
NOTE Two si gnal peaks, whi ch are so cl ose together that the ampl i tude drop
between them i s l ess than the peak-excursi on val ue, are not recogni zed
as two peaks. A si gnal peak i s recogni zed onl y i f i t has a peak excursi on
drop above the noi se oor, on both si des of the si gnal .
When the peak excursi on val ue i s 6 dB or hi gher, the
marker-peaki ng functi ons do not recogni ze si gnal s l ess
than the peak excursi on val ue above the noi se oor. To
correct thi s, when measuri ng si gnal s near the noi se
oor, the excursi on val ue can be reduced even further.
To prevent the marker from i denti fyi ng noi se as
si gnal s, reduce the noi se oor vari ance to a val ue l ess
than the peak-excursi on val ue by reduci ng the vi deo
bandwi dth or by usi ng vi deo averagi ng. Key access:
Peak Search, More 1 of 2, Search Param
Threshold Sets the mi ni mum ampl i tude of si gnal s that the
marker can i denti fy as a peak. For exampl e, i f a val ue
of 90 dBm i s sel ected, the marker moves onl y to peaks
that ri se and fal l more than the peak excursi on val ue
above -90 dBm. Pressi ng Preset or turni ng the Power on
resets the excursi on to 6 dB and the threshol d to 90
6-64 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Peak Search
The val ue of the threshol d appears i n the
acti ve-functi on bl ock and on the l ower-l eft si de of the
di spl ay. The threshol d l evel does not i nuence the trace
memory or marker posi ti on. The val ue of the peak
threshol d l evel can be changed usi ng the step keys, the
knob, or the numeri c keypad. Pressi ng any di gi t, 0
through 9, on the numeri c keypad bri ngs up the
sel ected termi nator menu. Key access: Search, More 1 of
2, Search Param
Peak Search
Param Max Sets the peak search mode. Peak Search (Max) pl aces a
marker on the hi ghest peak (i gnori ng the LO
feedthrough) when a peak search i s performed. Peak
Search (Param) respects the Peak Excursn and Peak
Threshold parameters. I f no peak sati ses the
parameters, a No Peak Found error wi l l occur. Key
access: Search, More 1 of 2, Search Param
Peak Table Accesses the fol l owi ng Peak Table menu keys: Key Access: Search,
More 1 of 2
Peak Table
On Off Di spl ays a l i st of up to ten si gnal peaks that i s updated
at the end of each sweep. The peaks can be sorted i n
order by descendi ng ampl i tude or by ascendi ng
frequency. Peaks above or bel ow the di spl ay l i ne can be
excl uded from the tabl e. The peak tabl e functi on works
wi th trace 1 onl y. Key Access: Search, More 1 of 2, Peak
Peak Sort
Freq Amptd Swi tches the peak tabl e sorti ng routi ne between l i sti ng
the peaks i n order by descendi ng ampl i tude or by
ascendi ng frequency. Key Access: Search, More 1 of 2,
Peak Table
Peak Readout Accesses the fol l owi ng Peak Readout menu keys: Key
Access: Search, More 1 of 2, Peak Table
Shows up to ten si gnal peaks. Key Access: Search, More
1 of 2, Peak Table, Peak Readout
>Display Line
Shows onl y peaks above the di spl ay l i ne. Key Access:
Search, More 1 of 2, Peak Table, Peak Readout
< Display Line
Shows onl y peaks bel ow the di spl ay l i ne. Key Access:
Search, More 1 of 2, Peak Table, Peak Readout
Chapter 6 6-65
Front-Panel Key Reference
Provi des a conveni ent starti ng poi nt for maki ng most measurements.
You can sel ect whether a factory preset or user preset i s performed. The
defaul t i s factory preset, whi ch wi l l al ways set the anal yzer to the same
state for a gi ven model number. The user preset i s user-dened usi ng
the Save User Preset functi on (System, Power On/Preset). The Preset
sel ecti on (Factory or User) can be set by pressi ng System, Power
On/Preset, and toggl i ng the Preset menu key unti l the desi red sel ecti on
i s underl i ned.
I f Factory Preset i s sel ected:
Pressi ng the Preset front-panel key performs a factory preset, whi ch
resets the anal yzer to Spectrum Anal yzer (SA) mode, bri ngs up the
frequency menu and sets certai n condi ti ons to thei r defaul t val ues. The
factory preset functi on performs a processor test, but does not affect
al i gnment data. Factory Preset cl ears both the i nput and output buffers,
but does not cl ear trace 2. Ampl i tude-correcti on factors are turned off,
but remai n i n anal yzer memory. Li mi t l i ne testi ng i s turned off, but the
l i mi t l i ne tabl es remai n i n anal yzer memory. Segmented sweep i s
turned off, but the segmented sweep tabl es remai n i n anal yzer memory.
The status byte i s set to 0. See Tabl e 6-1 on page 6-66 for the condi ti ons
establ i shed by performi ng a factory preset.
NOTE I nput coupl i ng i s set to AC by a factory preset. For Agilent E4402B with
Option UKB, E4404B and E4405B only, you can speci fy al ternati ng
current (AC) or di rect current (DC) coupl i ng at the anal yzer i nput.
Sel ecti ng AC coupl i ng bl ocks any DC vol tage at the anal yzer i nput, but
al so decreases the frequency range of the anal yzer. Make sure the
i nstrument i s DC coupl ed when measuri ng bel ow 100 kHz. (See
I nput/Output i n thi s chapter for more i nformati on on thi s setti ng.)
I f User Preset i s sel ected:
Pressi ng the Preset hardkey bri ngs up the Factory Preset and User
Preset menu keys. I f Factory Preset i s pressed, a factory preset wi l l be
performed as descri bed above. I f User Preset i s pressed, the user preset
state i s recal l ed. To set the user preset state, change the anal yzer
setti ngs as desi red, then press System, Power On/Preset, Save User
NOTE Recal l i ng any state, i ncl udi ng the user preset state, wi l l affect the
condi ti ons of more parameters than are affected by a factory preset. For
exampl e, external preamp gai n and i nput i mpedance correcti on are not
affected by a factory preset but may be affected by a user preset.
6-66 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
NOTE I f the Power On functi on i s set to Preset and the Preset functi on i s set to
Factory, turni ng on the anal yzer performs a factory preset. Turni ng on
the anal yzer al so fetches al i gnment data; cl ears trace 2, trace 3, and
both the i nput and output buffers; turns off ampl i tude-correcti on
factors; turns off l i mi t l i ne testi ng; and sets the status byte to 0. The
l ast state of the anal yzer (before i t was turned off) i s recal l ed i f the
Power On key i s set to Last (System, Power On/Preset, Power On). The
user preset state i s recal l ed i f the Power On key i s set to Preset and User
Preset i s sel ected.
Table 6-1 Factory Preset Conditions
Ampl i tude correcti on factors off
Ampl i tude Ref off
Ampl i tude uni ts defaul t val ues
Annotati on and grati cul e di spl ay on
Attenuati on 10 dB (auto-coupl ed)
Center frequency:
E4401B and E4411B
E4402B and E4403B
E4407B and E4408B
750 MHz
1.5 GHz
3.35 GHz
6.6 GHz
13.25 GHz
CF step si ze 10% of span
Coupl ed functi ons al l set to AUTO
Detector Peak
Di spl ay l i ne l evel 25 dBm, di spl ay off
Frequency offset 0 Hz
I nput Coupl i ng AC
I nt Preamp off
Li mi t l i ne testi ng off
Log scal e 10 dB/di vi si on
Marker count off
Marker counter resol uti on auto-coupl ed
Markers off
Max Mi xer l evel 10 dBm
Chapter 6 6-67
Front-Panel Key Reference
Reference l evel 0 dBm i n power-on uni ts
Reference l evel offset 0 dB
Reference l evel posi ti on top (10th) grati cul e
Resol uti on bandwi dth 3 MHz (auto-coupl ed)
E4401B and E4411B
E4402B and E4403B
1.5 GHz
3.0 GHz
6.7 GHz
E4407B and E4408B
13.2 GHz
26.5 GHz
SRQ mask 40
Start Frequency 0 Hz
Stop Frequency
E4401B and E4411B
E4402B and E4403B
E4407B and E4408B
1.5 GHz
3.0 GHz
6.7 GHz
13.2 GHz
26.5 GHz
Segmented Sweep off
Sweep conti nuous
Sweep Ti me
E4401B and E4411B
E4402B and E4403B
E4407B and E4408B
4 ms (auto coupl ed)
5 ms (auto coupl ed)
16.75 ms (auto coupl ed)
33 ms (auto coupl ed)
265 ms (auto coupl ed)
Sweep Poi nts 401
Threshol d l evel 90 dBm, di spl ay off
Ti tl e cl eared
Trace 1 cl ear-wri te
Trace 2 bl ank, at bottom of di spl ay
Trace 3 bl ank, at bottom of di spl ay
Table 6-1 Factory Preset Conditions
6-68 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
User Preset Loads the anal yzer congurati on that exi sted when Save User Preset
was pressed. I f Save User Preset has never been pressed, the factory
preset state i s l oaded. I f the user preset state has been saved but the
l oad fai l s for any reason, the error message: Unable to load user
state i s di spl ayed i n the status l i ne and the state i s reset to whatever
i t was before the Preset key was pressed. Thi s can someti mes happen i f
rmware has been upgraded or appl i cati ons (un)i nstal l ed after the user
preset state was saved. Save User Preset can be accessed by pressi ng
System, Power On/Preset.
Tri gger free run
Tri g Del ay Off 1 sec
Tri g Offset Off 0 sec
VBW/RBW rati o 1.000 X
Vi deo averagi ng off
Vi deo bandwi dth 3 MHz (auto-coupl ed)
Table 6-1 Factory Preset Conditions
Chapter 6 6-69
Front-Panel Key Reference
Option A4H (GPI B and Parallel) and 1AX (RS-232 and Parallel) only.
Print i ni ti ates an output of the di spl ay data, wi thout an external
control l er, to a previ ousl y speci ed graphi cs pri nter. Refer to Chapter 1
of thi s manual or the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers Programmers
Guide for detai l ed i nformati on about pri nti ng.
Press the Print key to i mmedi atel y pri nt the screen to the
currentl y-dened pri nter. The screen remai ns frozen (no further sweeps
are taken) unti l the data transfer to the pri nter i s compl ete. Refer to the
Print Setup key descri pti on i n thi s chapter for more i nformati on about
the structure and deni ti ons of the pri nter keys.
I f you need to abort a pri nt i n progress, use the Esc (escape) key.
NOTE Pri nti ng requi res an opti onal i nterface. The Agilent ESA Spectrum
Analyzers Programmers Guide, i ncl uded wi th the opti onal i nterfaces,
provi des i nterface detai l s. Refer to page 2-38 for more i nformati on
about pri nti ng.
6-70 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Print Setup
Print Setup
Option A4H (GPI B and Parallel) or 1AX (RS-232 and Parallel) only.
Accesses the menu keys whi ch al l ow you to dene a pri nter and sel ect
pri nter opti ons.
Printer Type Accesses the Pri nter Type menu keys. When you connect your pri nter
and press the Print key, the anal yzer wi l l attempt to i denti fy your
pri nter. I f i denti cati on i s unsuccessful , None or Custom wi l l
automati cal l y be set i n the Pri nter Type menu.
The Pri nter Type wi l l automati cal l y be set to None when you press the
Print key wi th an unsupported pri nter connected to your anal yzer. Key
Access: Print Setup, Printer Type
When you press the Print key and the anal yzer cannot i denti fy your
pri nter, Custom wi l l automati cal l y be set i n the Pri nter Type menu.
Setti ng the Pri nter Type menu key to Custom al l ows you to dene your
pri nter usi ng the Dene Custom menu keys. Key Access: Print Setup,
Printer Type
When Auto i s sel ected, and the Print key i s pressed, the anal yzer wi l l
attempt to communi cate wi th the pri nter and obtai n i ts i denti cati on.
I f the pri nter i s i denti ed, the pri nt wi l l be successful and no message
wi l l appear on the di spl ay. I f the anal yzer i s not abl e to i denti fy the
pri nter, the Pri nter Type wi l l automati cal l y be set to Custom and an
error message aski ng you to press Dene Custom to set up your pri nter
wi l l be di spl ayed. I f the pri nter i s not supported, the Pri nter Type wi l l
automati cal l y be set to None and an error message wi l l i nform you that
your pri nter i s unsupported. Key Access: Print Setup, Printer Type
Dene Custom Al l ows you to dene your pri nter.
Language PCL3 PCL5
Al l ows you to dene your pri nter as a Hewl ett-Packard PCL3. (Most
DeskJets) or Hewl ett-Packard PCL5 (LaserJets and DeskJets:
1100,1200,1600,2000 seri es) pri nter. Key Access: Print Setup, Dene
Color Capable Yes No
Al l ows you to dene the col or capabi l i ty of your pri nter. Key Access:
Print Setup, Dene Custom
Chapter 6 6-71
Front-Panel Key Reference
Print Setup
Orientation Al l ows you to sel ect ei ther Portrait or Landscape pri nti ng. The
Orientation key wi l l not functi on wi th a PCL3 (HP DeskJet) pri nter.
Color On Off Al l ows you to sel ect between col or or bl ack and whi te pri nti ng. Thi s key
wi l l not functi on when pressed unl ess the connected pri nter supports
col or.
Prints/Page 1 2 Sel ects the number of pri nts per page when ori entati on i s set to Portrait.
I n Landscape pri nti ng, Prints/Page i s al ways set to 1.
Eject Page Ejects your pri nted page.
6-72 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Restarts the current measurement acti vated i n the Measure key menu.
When i n Average (On) mode, (BW/Avg, Average) the averagi ng functi on i s
restarted (the trace i s reset and the average number i s reset to zero).
Chapter 6 6-73
Front-Panel Key Reference
Returns you to the previ ous menu. Repeated presses of thi s key move
back through previ ousl y sel ected menus (i ncl udi ng previ ous pages
sel ected by the MORE key.
NOTE When a menu requi ri ng a yes or no key press has been accessed, the
Return key wi l l not respond.
NOTE When enteri ng an al phanumeri c val ue (a screen ti tl e or l ename),
pressi ng Return termi nates the entry.
6-74 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Executes a save operati on as though you were i n the File, Save menu
and had pressed Save Now. The Save hardkey al ways performs the same
save functi on as i f the user had pressed File, Save, Save Now.
NOTE I n the event that a val i d save cannot be performed because a dri ve has
not been sel ected, the Save key wi l l report the error No dri ve sel ected.
I n thi s case, press File, Save and sel ect a dri ve.
Chapter 6 6-75
Front-Panel Key Reference
When anal yzer i s i n conti nuous sweep mode and not i n a measurement
(Measure, Meas Off), thi s key changes the sweep control to si ngl e sweep
and executes a sweep after the tri gger condi ti on i s met. I f the anal yzer
i s al ready i n si ngl e sweep, pressi ng Single re-executes a new sweep
after the tri gger condi ti on i s met.
When anal yzer i s i n conti nuous sweep mode and al so i n a measurement
(sel ected under the Measure key), thi s key changes the measurement
control to take a si ngl e measurement and executes a si ngl e
measurement after the tri gger condi ti on i s met. I f the anal yzer i s
al ready i n si ngl e, pressi ng Single re-executes a new measurement after
the tri gger condi ti on i s met.
I f Average i s on (BW/Avg, Average(On)), pressi ng Single resets the
average trace and starts the average agai n from a count of zero. N
sweeps are then taken (where N i s the average number) unti l the sweep
i s hal ted.
6-76 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses the tracki ng generator key functi ons (Options 1DN or 1DQ
only). Wi thout Option 1DN or 1DQ, pressi ng Source wi l l cause the error
message Option not installed to appear on the anal yzer di spl ay.
CAUTION I f Auto Align i s on, the 3 GHz tracki ng generator wi l l be momentari l y
retuned to approxi matel y 1.557 GHz between most sweeps. Some
devi ces under test (for exampl e, ampl i ers wi th AGC) may be
suscepti bl e to damage due to thi s momentary retuni ng. To avoi d thi s
momentary retuni ng, turn the auto al i gn off. (Press System, Alignments,
Auto Align, Off.) Refer to the appropri ate Speci cati ons and
Characteri sti cs chapter i n the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers
Specications Guide for i nformati on on usi ng the anal yzer wi th Auto
Al i gn Off.
Amplitude On Off Acti vates (On) or deacti vates (Off) the output power of the tracki ng
generator. The power l evel can then be adjusted usi ng the numeri c
keypad, step keys, or knob. Pressi ng any di gi t, 0 through 9, on the
numeri c keypad bri ngs up the sel ected termi nator menu. See the
speci cati ons chapter i n the cal i brati on gui de for the avai l abl e output
power for your tracki ng generator.
NOTE For spectrum anal yzers wi th Option 1DN or Option 1DQ, the tracki ng
generator must be turned on (Source, Amplitude (On)) before you set up
the segmented sweep tabl e.
NOTE When Amplitude (Off) i s sel ected, the output attenuati on on the Agilent
E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B i s set to the
maxi mum attenuati on.
Power Sweep
On Off
Acti vates (On) or deacti vates (Off) the power-sweep functi on. The val ue
of the power-sweep range i s di spl ayed i n the acti ve-functi on bl ock when
you press Power Sweep (On). The anal yzer conti nues to sweep the
speci ed frequency range when power sweep i s on. (To do a power
sweep at a xed frequency, set the anal yzer to zero span at the desi red
frequency.) The avai l abl e power-sweep range i s a functi on of the source
attenuator setti ng. See the speci cati ons chapter i n the cal i brati on
gui de for the avai l abl e power sweep range.
The output power of the tracki ng generator i s swept accordi ng to the
sweep rate of the anal yzer. The output power i s al ways swept from the
source power setti ng to a hi gher power setti ng (negati ve source power
sweep val ues are not al l owed).
Power-sweep measurements are parti cul arl y useful i n maki ng gai n
compressi on measurements or output power versus frequency
Chapter 6 6-77
Front-Panel Key Reference
Auto Man
Al l ows you to sel ect between automati c and manual adjustment of the
tracki ng generators output attenuator. The Agi l ent E4401B and
Agi l ent E4411B can be manual l y adjusted from 0 to 60 dB i n 10 dB
steps. Al l other Agi l ent ESA anal yzers can be manual l y adjusted from 0
to 56 dB i n 8 dB steps. When auto-coupl ed, the attenuati on functi on
automati cal l y adjusts the attenuator to yi el d the source ampl i tude l evel
speci ed by the Amplitude On Off softkey functi on. For the Agi l ent
E4401B and E4411B, press Attenuation (Man) for power sweeps greater
than 10 dB.
Amptd Step
Auto Man
Al l ows the user to set the step si ze of the power l evel range of the
tracki ng generator. The defaul t setti ng i s one verti cal scal e di vi si on.
Amptd Offset Offsets the di spl ayed power of the tracki ng generator. Usi ng the
ampl i tude offset capabi l i ty of the tracki ng generator al l ows you to take
system l osses or gai ns i nto account, thereby di spl ayi ng the actual
power del i vered to the devi ce under test.
Tracking Peak Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B only.
Acti vates a routi ne that automati cal l y adjusts ne tracki ng
adjustments to obtai n the peak response of the tracki ng generator on
the spectrum anal yzer di spl ay. Tracki ng Peak i s performed i n the acti ve
resol uti on bandwi dth.
Man Track Adj Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B only.
Al l ows you to adjust the frequency of the tracki ng generator osci l l ator
manual l y usi ng the step keys, knob, or numeri c keypad. The tracki ng
adjust i s tuned to maxi mi ze the ampl i tude of the trace.
NOTE When Source i s On, resol uti on bandwi dths l ess than 1 kHz are not
avai l abl e.
NOTE When the resol uti on bandwi dth i s l ess than 1 kHz, Source may not be
turned on.
6-78 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
SPAN X Scale
SPAN X Scale
Acti vates the Span functi on and accesses the menu of span functi ons.
Pressi ng SPAN X Scale al l ows the user to change the frequency range
symmetri cal l y about the center frequency. The frequency-span readout
descri bes the total di spl ayed frequency range; to determi ne frequency
span per hori zontal grati cul e di vi si on, di vi de the frequency span by 10.
Span Zoom Fi nds the hi ghest si gnal peak on the di spl ay. I f a marker i s not al ready
on the peak, i t pl aces a marker there, turns on the si gnal -track
functi on, and acti vates the span functi on. The anal yzer then reduces
the span i n steps, keepi ng the si gnal centered on the screen unti l the
opti mum span i s reached. The anal yzer i s l eft i n Signal Track mode.
Pressi ng Span Zoom performs the routi ne si mi l ar to pressi ng the
fol l owi ng keys: Search, Frequency, Signal Track (On), and Span.
NOTE Span Zoom l eaves the anal yzer i n Si gnal Track mode.
NOTE Span Zoom i s not avai l abl e when Segmented (On) i s sel ected.
Full Span Changes the anal yzer span to ful l span showi ng the ful l frequency
range of the anal yzer. Ful l span sets Signal Track (Off) and Segmented
Zero Span Changes the frequency span to zero. I n thi s mode, the current center
frequency i s di spl ayed i n the ti me domai n (the x-axi s i s di spl ayed i n
uni ts of ti me), l i ke a conventi onal osci l l oscope.
Sweep ti mes faster than those i n the frequency domai n di spl ay mode
are avai l abl e i f Option AYX or B7D are i nstal l ed.
Resol uti on Bandwi dths l ess than 1 kHz are unavai l abl e when i n zero
span i f the sweep ti me i s bei ng achi eved by uti l i zi ng the Option AYX or
NOTE The mi ni mum number of sweep poi nts i n zero span i s 2.
NOTE Sweep ti mes that woul d requi re the Option AYX or Option B7D are not
avai l abl e i n zero span i f the Resol uti on Bandwi dth i s l ess than 1 kHz.
NOTE Zero Span sets Signal Track (Off).
Chapter 6 6-79
Front-Panel Key Reference
SPAN X Scale
NOTE Zero Span i s not avai l abl e when Segmented (On) i s sel ected. Segments
i n the segmented sweep functi on can be set to zero span by setti ng the
span parameter i n the segmented sweep edi tor to 0 Hz. (Sweep,
Segmented, Modify, Edit, Span)
Last Span Changes the anal yzer frequency span to the previ ous span setti ng. I f
pressed after Signal Track i s turned off, the span setti ng returns to the
span that was i n effect before Signal Track was turned on. Thi s i s true,
even i f Signal Track was turned on as part of Span Zoom. Last span sets
Segmented (Off).
Zone Accesses menu keys that al l ow you to control the two-wi ndow zone
functi on. Thi s functi on al l ows you to have an upper wi ndow wi th a
broad di spl ay of frequency and two zone markers (verti cal bars) that
dene the span for the l ower wi ndow.
Zone On Off Zone (On) al l ows you to change from a one-wi ndow to a
two-wi ndow di spl ay. The top wi ndow wi l l di spl ay the
trace wi th two verti cal l i nes (Zone Markers) di spl ayed
at center frequency pl us and mi nus 5% of the current
span. The top wi ndow wi l l be i nacti ve.
The bottom wi ndow wi l l di spl ay the secti on of the trace
i n the top wi ndow that i s between the Zone Markers.
The span of the bottom wi ndow i s 10% of the span of
the top wi ndow. Both wi ndows have the same center
frequency. The bottom wi ndow i s acti ve and the sweep
ti me, resol uti on bandwi dth, and vi deo bandwi dth have
been coupl ed to the bottom wi ndow span.
There are separate annotati ons for frequency,
bandwi dth, sweep ti me, reference l evel , ampl i tude scal e
and scal e/di v for each wi ndow. The val ues for these
parameters can be changed for each wi ndow
i ndependentl y.
To acti vate the top wi ndow, press the Next Window key
l ocated bel ow the di spl ay. The acti ve wi ndow i s
di sti ngui shed by a green border (for col or di spl ays
onl y). Onl y the acti ve wi ndow wi l l have a sweep taken
and updated to the di spl ay. When the acti ve wi ndow i s
toggl ed, the state for the acti ve wi ndow i s saved, and
the l ast state of the i nacti ve wi ndow i s recal l ed. When
the wi ndow becomes i nacti ve, i ts data i nval i d i ndi cator
wi l l appear on the di spl ay. The data i nval i d i ndi cator
wi l l remai n unti l the wi ndow becomes the acti ve
wi ndow and a compl ete sweep has been executed.
Pressi ng Zoom wi l l change to a one-wi ndow di spl ay
showi ng onl y the acti ve wi ndow. Pressi ng Zoom agai n
wi l l return you to the two-wi ndow di spl ay.
6-80 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
SPAN X Scale
Pressi ng Zone (Off) wi l l return you to a one-wi ndow
di spl ay of the acti ve wi ndow. Key Access: SPAN X Scale,
NOTE Pressi ng Zoom wi l l set Zone (On), i f i t i s off.
Zone Center Al l ows you to change the frequency of the zone markers
wi thout changi ng the zone span. The zone markers are
verti cal l i nes marki ng the zone i n the upper wi ndow.
They determi ne the frequency range di spl ayed i n the
l ower wi ndow. As the zone markers i n the upper
wi ndow are moved, the center frequency of the l ower
wi ndow i s changed but the l ower wi ndow wi l l not be
updated to reect the change unl ess i t i s sel ected as the
acti ve wi ndow. (See Zone On Off.)
The center frequency for the l ower wi ndow i s not
l i mi ted by the sel ected start and stop frequenci es i n the
upper wi ndow. However, i f the frequency span of the
l ower wi ndow i s outsi de of the span for the upper
wi ndow, the verti cal span markers wi l l not be
di spl ayed. When the l ower wi ndow i s acti ve, the
FREQUENCY Channel key wi l l al l ow you to change Zone
Center. Any change to the l ower wi ndow whi l e i t i s
acti ve wi l l change the center frequency. Key Access:
SPAN X Scale, Zone
Zone Span Al l ows the span of the zone markers to be changed
wi thout changi ng the center frequency. The zone
markers are verti cal l i nes marki ng the zone i n the
upper wi ndow. They determi ne the frequency range
di spl ayed i n the l ower wi ndow. As the zone markers are
moved, the span of the l ower wi ndow i s changed but the
l ower wi ndow wi l l not be updated to reect the change
unl ess i t i s sel ected as the acti ve wi ndow. (See Zone On
The span l i mi t of the l ower wi ndow i s the same as the
span l i mi t of the i nstrument. The span for the l ower
wi ndow i s not l i mi ted to the sel ected span of the upper
wi ndow. However, i f the frequency span of the l ower
wi ndow i s outsi de of the span of the upper wi ndow, the
verti cal span markers wi l l not be di spl ayed. When the
l ower wi ndow i s acti ve, the SPAN X Scale key wi l l
change Zone Span, and any change to Zone Span whi l e
the l ower wi ndow i s acti ve, wi l l change the span. Key
Access: SPAN X Scale, Zone
Chapter 6 6-81
Front-Panel Key Reference
SPAN X Scale
NOTE Zone Span i s not avai l abl e when Segmented (On) i s sel ected.
Zone Pk Right Fi nds the next peak to the ri ght of the zone center
frequency on the upper wi ndow trace and then moves
the zone so that i t i s centered around the new peak.
The zone span i s not changed. The center frequency of
the l ower wi ndow changes to reect the new zone
center frequency. The l ower wi ndow wi l l not be updated
unti l i t i s made acti ve. I f no peak i s found, the zone wi l l
not be moved. A si gnal must obey the parameters
dened i n Search, Search Param to be i denti ed as a
peak si gnal .
Pressi ng Zone Pk Right wi l l have no effect i f the upper
wi ndow i s not the acti ve wi ndow or i f i t i s i n zero span.
Key Access: SPAN X Scale, Zone
Zone Pk Left Fi nds the next peak to the l eft of the zone center
frequency on the upper wi ndow trace and then moves
the zone so that i t i s centered around the new peak.
The zone span i s not changed. The center frequency of
the l ower wi ndow changes to reect the new zone
center frequency. The l ower wi ndow wi l l not be updated
unti l i t i s made acti ve. I f no peak i s found, the zone wi l l
not be moved. A si gnal must obey the parameters
dened i n Search, Search Param to be i denti ed as a
peak si gnal .
Pressi ng Zone Pk Left wi l l have no effect i f the upper
wi ndow i s not the acti ve wi ndow or i f i t i s i n zero span.
Key Access: SPAN X Scale, Zone
6-82 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Removes power from the anal yzer, except for a smal l porti on of ci rcui try
i nsi de the swi tchi ng power suppl y. No i nternal ti me base ci rcui try, or
any other functi on outsi de of the power suppl y i s powered when the
anal yzer i s i n standby.
Chapter 6 6-83
Front-Panel Key Reference
Acti vates the sweep ti me functi on and accesses the fol l owi ng menu
Sweep Time
Auto Man
Sel ects the l ength of ti me the anal yzer takes to tune across the
di spl ayed frequency span (or, i n zero span, the ti me the anal yzer takes
to sweep the ful l screen). Reduci ng the sweep ti me i ncreases the sweep
rate. The sweep ti me can be changed usi ng the step keys, the knob, or
the numeri c keypad.
I n non-zero spans:
When the sweep ti me i s auto-coupl ed, the anal yzer sel ects the opti mum
(shortest) sweep ti me for the current setti ngs. Thi s sel ecti on process i s
i nuenced by several factors:
The maxi mum tuni ng rate of the spectrum anal yzer
The sel ected Resol uti on Bandwi dth and Vi deo Bandwi dth l ters
The maxi mum sampl e rate of the Anal og-to-Di gi tal converter
(ADC) (Trace data are di gi ti zed and stored i n memory)
The number of trace poi nts (Sweep, Points)
You may sel ect a sweep ti me l ess than the auto-coupl ed val ue; however
thi s may generate measurement errors. I f thi s happens, the error
message: Meas Uncal i s di spl ayed i n the status l i ne.
I n zero span:
The mi ni mum sweep ti me i s determi ned by the maxi mum sampl e rate
of the ADC and the number of sweep poi nts. Wi th Option B7D, the
fastest sweep ti me i s 2.5 mi croseconds (wi th 101 sweep poi nts). As the
number of poi nts i ncreases, the sweep ti me i ncreases. Wi th Option
AYX, the fastest sweep ti me i s 5 mi croseconds (wi th 101 sweep poi nts).
Wi th nei ther opti on i nstal l ed, the fastest sweep ti me i s 1 mi l l i second
(wi th 101 sweep poi nts) and 4 mi l l i seconds (wi th 401 sweep poi nts).
The maxi mum sweep ti me i s 4000 seconds for any set of condi ti ons.
Refer to the Agilent Technologies ESA Spectrum Analyzers
Specications Guide for more i nformati on about Sweep Ti me and i ts
rel ati on to other i nstrument setti ngs.
6-84 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Sweep Cont
Swi tches the anal yzer between the conti nuous-sweep mode and the
si ngl e-sweep mode. Pressi ng Sweep (Single) puts the anal yzer i n
si ngl e-sweep mode. Press Single on the front panel , to enabl e a sweep
when i n si ngl e-sweep mode. When Sweep (Cont) i s sel ected, one sweep
fol l ows another as soon as i t i s tri ggered. Pressi ng Preset, or turni ng the
power on, sel ects conti nuous sweep.
Swp Coupling
Sel ects sti mul us-response (SR) or spectrum-anal yzer (SA) auto-coupl ed
sweep ti mes. I n sti mul us-response mode, auto-coupl ed sweep ti mes are
usual l y much faster for swept-response measurements.
Sti mul us-response auto-coupl ed sweep ti mes are typi cal l y val i d i n
sti mul us-response measurements when the systems frequency span i s
l ess than 20 ti mes the bandwi dth of the devi ce under test.
Gate On Off Requires Option 1D6 (Time Gate). Turns the gate functi on on and off.
When set to Gate (On), the vi deo si gnal that i s di gi ti zed i s control l ed by
the gate ci rcui try. The gate ci rcui try swi tches between two states. When
the gate i s open, the normal vi deo si gnal of the anal yzer i s passed
through the vi deo l ters to the peak detectors and di gi ti zer of the
anal yzer. When the gate i s cl osed, the vi deo l ters, peak detectors,
and di gi ti zer are gi ven a si gnal at the bottom of the di spl ay.
The gate functi on requi res that a gate tri gger si gnal be connected to the
GATE TRIG/EXT TRIG IN (TTL) i nput on the rear panel . When the gate
functi on i s on, the state of the gate appears at the GATE/HI SWP OUT
(TTL) rear panel connector. A TTL hi gh output i ndi cates that the gate i s
open. The gate out si gnal i s onl y val i d whi l e the anal yzer i s sweepi ng.
Between sweeps, the gate out si gnal i s i nval i d. You can adjust the gate
del ay and gate l ength usi ng an osci l l oscope to vi ew the gate out si gnal .
The anal yzer sweep ti me shoul d be set to a l arge val ue (50 sec) duri ng
the adjustment so that the gate si gnal i s val i d most of the ti me. When
the adjustment i s done you can set the anal yzer back to the desi red
sweep ti me, or set i t back to Auto Couple.
NOTE Thi s functi on i s not avai l abl e when Trig Delay (On) i s sel ected.
Gate Setup Requires Option 1D6 (Time Gate). Accesses the fol l owi ng menu keys
that al l ow you to setup vari ous gate parameters:
Trig Type
Edge Level Al l ows you to sel ect between Edge and Level tri ggeri ng
of the gate. Trig Type (Edge) opens the gate i n response
to an edge tri gger on the tri gger i nput after a del ay set
i n Gate Delay. The gate stays open for the sel ected Gate
Length. When Trig Type (Level) i s sel ected, the gate i s
open as l ong as the tri gger i nput i s true, as dened
under the Level Setup key. Key Access: Sweep, Gate
Chapter 6 6-85
Front-Panel Key Reference
Edge Setup Accesses menu keys that al l ow you to set up edge
tri ggeri ng. Key Access: Sweep, Gate Setup
Edge Pos Neg
Sets the pol ari ty for edge tri ggeri ng of the gate. When
Edge (Pos) i s pressed, a posi ti ve-goi ng edge wi l l tri gger
the openi ng of the gate, after the del ay set wi th the Gate
Delay key. When Edge (Neg) i s pressed, a negati ve-goi ng
edge wi l l tri gger the openi ng of the gate after the set
del ay. Key Access: Sweep, Gate Setup, Edge Setup
Gate Delay
Control s the l ength of ti me from the tri gger unti l the
gate i s turned on. Key Access: Sweep, Gate Setup, Edge
Gate Length
Control s the l ength of ti me that the gate i s on when
usi ng edge tri ggeri ng to control the gate. Key Access:
Sweep, Gate Setup, Edge Setup
Level Setup Sets up l evel pol ari ty that wi l l open the gate. Key
Access: Sweep, Gate Setup
Sel ects a hi gh TTL l evel to open the gate. Key Access:
Sweep, Gate Setup, Level Setup
Sel ects a l ow TTL l evel to open the gate. Key Access:
Sweep, Gate Setup, Level Setup
Points Al l ows you to set the number of poi nts per sweep, from 101 to 8192 i n
non-zero span and 2 to 8192 i n zero span. Use the knob, step keys, or
numeri c keypad to set thi s val ue. When the sweep ti me i s l i mi ted by the
Anal og to Di gi tal Converter (ADC) sampl e rate, the sweep ti me changes
wi th the number of poi nts sel ected. The greater the number of poi nts,
the l onger the sweep ti me becomes. I f Preset i s pressed, or the anal yzer
power i s cycl ed, the number of poi nts per sweep wi l l defaul t to 401. The
current val ue of poi nts i s di spl ayed next to the sweep ti me (refer to
page 2-14).
Changi ng the number of poi nts has several effects on the anal yzer.
Si nce markers are read at the poi nt l ocati on, the marker readi ng may
change. Press Peak Search, agai n for greater accuracy i n the marker
readi ng. Al l trace data for the current wi ndow i s cl eared. I f i n
conti nuous sweep mode, (Sweep, Sweep (Cont)), a new sweep begi ns
i mmedi atel y. I f average i s on (BW/Avg, Average (On)), the averagi ng
starts over wi th a count of 0.
6-86 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
NOTE By sel ecti ng a number of sweep poi nts greater than 401, you are
opti mi zi ng frequency resol uti on and accuracy whi l e accepti ng a reduced
measurement speed. I n addi ti on to sweep poi nts, the span, resol uti on
bandwi dth, vi deo bandwi dth, and center frequency wi l l al so affect
measurement speed.
Thi s functi on i s not avai l abl e when si gnal i denti cati on i s on
(Input/Output, Input Mixer, Signal Ident (On)).
When zone span i s on (Span, Zone. Zone (On)), each wi ndow has i ts own
val ue for poi nts.
Thi s feature i s not avai l abl e i n the E4403B, E4408B, or E4411B (ESA-L
Seri es). The number of poi nts per sweep for these model s i s al ways set
to 401.
Segmented Accesses the segmented sweep functi on and i ts edi tor.
Segmented sweep i s a method i n whi ch you can sel ect mul ti pl e
frequency bands (a maxi mum of 32), speci fy thei r parameters
i ndi vi dual l y, and di spl ay them as a si ngl e trace. Thi s functi on of the
anal yzer resul ts i n faster measurements and provi des greater detai l
and resol uti on i n parti cul ar bands of i nterest. To set the parameters of
i ndi vi dual segments, go to the edi tor (Sweep, Segmented, Modify, Edit)
and refer to the parameter key descri pti ons bel ow. For measurement
exampl es of the segmented sweep functi on, refer to the Agilent
Technologies ESA Spectrum Analyzers Measurement Guide.
NOTE Thi s feature i s onl y avai l abl e on ESA-E seri es anal yzers (E4401B,
E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B) wi th rmware revi si on A.05.00.
Displaying the Trace
Turni ng segmented sweep on (Sweep, Segmented, Segmented (On)),
di spl ays each sweep segment from l eft to ri ght i n order of i ncreasi ng
start frequency. When segments have the same start frequency, the
segments are di spl ayed i n order of i ncreasi ng stop frequency.
Overl appi ng segments are acceptabl e. (The reference marker for a
marker del ta wi l l be di spl ayed i n the rst segment).
Segments are demarcated by verti cal l i nes. The wi dth of a gi ven
segment i s determi ned by the rati o of the number of sweep poi nts i n the
segment to the number of sweep poi nts i n the total trace. For exampl e,
i f there are ve segments wi th 101 sweep poi nts each (505 total poi nts),
each segment occupi es 20% of trace. I f you i ncrease the number of
poi nts i n one of the segments to 404 (808 total poi nts), that segment
wi l l occupy hal f of the trace; the other four segments, 12.5% each. You
can dene up to 32 segments wi th a total maxi mum number of sweep
poi nts equal to 8192.
Chapter 6 6-87
Front-Panel Key Reference
Segmented Sweep Editor
When the edi tor i s entered (Sweep, Segmented, Modify, Edit), the
segmented sweep mode i s turned on, and a dual -di spl ay appears. The
upper wi ndow shows the trace, di spl ayed as descri bed above. The l ower
wi ndow shows the edi tor data i n tabul ar form: one segment per row
wi th segment number and parameter val ues occupyi ng the seven
col umns. The paramenters that can be set are:
Center Freq
Resol uti on BW
Vi deo BW
Poi nts
Sweep Ti me (Zero Span onl y)
The trace i s updated after each segment has a compl ete row of data
entered. Al though thi rty-two segments are possi bl e, onl y 8 rows of data
are shown i n the tabl e at a ti me.
Use the softkey menu to navi gate the edi tor. When deni ng a new
segment, use the numeri c keypad to set val ues. Pressi ng Enter pl aces
the val ue i n the tabl e and hi ghl i ghts the next parameter avai l abl e for
modi cati on.
NOTE The order of the segments may change when you enter center frequency
or span because the sequence i s based upon i ncreasi ng start frequency.
Vari ous parameters are coupl ed to ensure accurate measurements. You
wi l l not be abl e to enter a val ue that woul d resul t i n a measurement
that i s uncal i brated.
Ampl i tude parameters are common to al l segments and are dened vi a
the ampl i tude softkey menu. Refer to page 6-8 for more i nformati on.
The data i n the segmented sweep tabl e i s retai ned through a power
cycl e. Tabl e val ues can onl y be del eted by the Delete keys descri bed
bel ow.
To exi t the edi tor press any key except Print, Help, and the vi ewi ng angl e
NOTE Exi ti ng the edi tor does not turn off segmented sweep. Segmented (Off)
must be sel ected.
6-88 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Interaction with Other Analyzer Functions
Certai n condi ti ons prevent segmented sweep from bei ng acti vated,
whi l e others cause thi s mode to be turned off. For anal yzers wi th Option
AYZ, the mi xer frequency range (Input, Input Mixer (Ext), Ext Mix Band)
must be set to i ncl ude the frequenci es of i nterest i n the segmented
sweep tabl e. I f the mi xer range i s not the same, segmented sweep wi l l
not turn on. I f the mi xer range i s changed, segmented sweep wi l l be
turned off.
Segmented sweep i s not avai l abl e when the fol l owi ng anal yzer
functi ons are turned on: Demod, Si gnal I D, and Si gnal Track. I n
addi ti on, keys whi ch access these functi ons are grayed out i f segmented
sweep i s on. Thi s i s al so true for the fol l owi ng functi ons: MkrCF,
MkrCF Step, MkrCF Start, MkrCF Stop, MkrSpan, Span
Zoom, Zone Span, and Zero Span.
Conni ng marker pai rs (marker del ta, band pai r, and span pai r) to one
segment faci l i tates i nterpretati on of marker readi ngs. However, marker
pai rs can provi de useful i nformati on across segments. Ampl i tude
readi ngs are strai ghtforward because the y-axi s i s consi stent over al l
segments. Frequency or ti me readi ngs requi re consi derati on of
di fferences i n sweep ti me, number of poi nts, and span when
i nterpreti ng measurements across segments.
Marker del ta functi ons di fferentl y dependi ng upon the type of segment
i n whi ch i t i s acti vated. I f you turn on marker del ta i n a segment set to
0 Hz span, i t remai ns i n that segment and provi des ampl i tude and ti me
di fference measurements. I f you i ni ti ate a marker del ta i n a non-zero
span segment, i t wi l l functi on across segments conti nui ng to di spl ay
frequency and ampl i tude i nformati on.
Band pai r and span pai r functi on si mi l arl y to marker del ta i n
segmented sweep wi th some characteri sti cs whi ch need to be noted.
When a band or span pai r i s i ni ti ated i n segmented sweep, the anal yzer
defaul ts to the frequency domai n. I f you wi sh to make ti me
measurements i n a zero-span segment, the domai n must be set to ti me
(Marker, More 1 of 2, Readout, Time). The band or span pai r can traverse
al l segments wi thout regard to the type of segment i n whi ch they were
i ni ti ated.
Chapter 6 6-89
Front-Panel Key Reference
NOTE Turn markers off (Marker, Off) when enteri ng or exi ti ng segmented
sweep (Segmented, (On)(Off)).
Performi ng a factory preset wi l l turn segmented sweep off. Thi s i s al so
true i f you sel ect ful l span or l ast span.
Functi ons whi ch are parameters of segmented sweep are not avai l abl e
when accessed by pressi ng the fol l owi ng front-panel keys: Auto Couple,
BW/Avg (Resolution BW and Video BW), Frequency (the enti re softkey
menu), Span (see above), and Sweep (Sweep Time and Points).
When the sweep tri gger i s set to any of the tri gger sel ecti ons other than
free run, no sweep occurs unti l the tri gger condi ti on i s met. Once the
tri gger occurs, al l segments are swept, compl eti ng the enti re trace.
NOTE For spectrum anal yzers wi th Option 1DN or Option 1DQ, the tracki ng
generator must be turned on (Source, Amplitude (On)) before you set up
the segmented sweep tabl e.
The on/off state of the segmented sweep mode and the segmented sweep
tabl e can be saved as a state type l e (see page 6-74) or as part of the
power on/preset functi on (see page 6-92).
NOTE When l oadi ng a state type l e, segmented sweep wi l l not turn on i f
any of the parameters i n the l e contai n opti onal i nstrument setti ngs
not currentl y l oaded on the anal yzer or frequency setti ngs outsi de the
current range of the anal yzer.
Edit Accesses the segmented sweep edi tor, where a
maxi mum of thi rty-two segments can be dened by the
segment number and the si x parameters descri bed
bel ow. Use the data control keys descri bed on page 2-5
to enter the setti ng as each parameter i s hi ghl i ghted.
Refer to the Edi tor secti on above for more
i nformati on.
Al l ows you to sel ect a previ ousl y dened segment or the
next segment for modi cati on. Use the numeri c keypad
to sel ect a speci c segment or press the Tab keys to
access adjacent segments.
Center Freq
Al l ows you to speci fy the center frequency for a
parti cul ar segment usi ng the data control keys. For
more i nformati on on thi s functi on, refer to Center
Freq on page 6-37.
6-90 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Al l ows you to sel ect a frequency range symmetri cal l y
about the center frequency for the current segment
usi ng the data control keys.
NOTE The order of the segments may change when you enter center frequency
or span because the sequence i s based upon i ncreasi ng start frequency.
Refer to the Di spl ayi ng the Trace secti on above, for cl ari cati on.
Zero span i s avai l abl e for any or al l segments. I t must
be set by pressi ng Span, 0, Hz. For more i nformati on on
thi s functi on, refer to Span X Scal e on page 6-78.
Resolution BW
Al l ows you to sel ect the resol uti on bandwi dth to a val ue
between 1 kHz and 5 MHz for the current segment
usi ng the data control keys. For more i nformati on on
thi s functi on, refer to BW/Avg on page 6-14.
Video BW
Al l ows you to set the vi deo bandwi dth for the current
segment to a val ue between 30 Hz and 3 MHz. For more
i nformati on, refer to Vi deo BW Auto Man on page
Al l ows you to set the number of poi nts for the current
segment. The mi ni mum number of poi nts i n a zero span
segment i s 2; i n a non-zero-span segment, 101. The
maxi mum number of poi nts i n the total sweep i s 8192.
I f you exceed the number of poi nts avai l abl e i n one
segment, the message: Too much data; total sweep
points limited wi l l be di spl ayed i n the status l i ne
(yel l ow on col or di spl ays). Refer to Poi nts on page 6-85
for more i nformati on on thi s parameter.
Sweep Time
Al l ows you to set the sweep ti me for the current zero
span segment. For a non-zero span segment, the sweep
ti me i s auto-coupl ed to Span, Resol uti on Bandwi dth,
and Vi deo Bandwi dth and cannot be manual l y dened.
Refer to Sweep Ti me on page 6-83 for more
i nformati on. Key Access: Sweep, Segmented, Modify,
Edit, More 1 of 2
NOTE The parameters for each segment are l i mi ted to ensure the occurrence
of onl y cal i brated measurements.
Chapter 6 6-91
Front-Panel Key Reference
Delete Segment
Del etes the hi ghl i ghted segment. Key Access: Sweep,
Segmented, Modify, Edit, More 1 of 2
Delete I ni ti ates the del eti on of al l segments. After pressi ng
thi s key once, the message: If you are sure, press
key again to delete wi l l be di spl ayed. Pressi ng
Delete agai n wi l l compl ete the process. Key Access:
Sweep, Segmented, Modify
6-92 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
System (Local)
System (Local)
Accesses the System menu keys. Pressi ng System (Local) after the
anal yzer has been pl aced i n the remote mode, pl aces the anal yzer i n the
l ocal mode and enabl es front-panel control . Duri ng remote operati on, R
appears i n the upper-ri ght corner of the screen. A T, L or S may appear
duri ng remote operati on, i ndi cati ng tal k, l i sten, or servi ce request.
Pressi ng the System(Local) key removes the R symbol i n the upper-ri ght
Show Errors Accesses a di spl ay of the l ast errors reported. The most recent error wi l l
appear at the top of the l i st.
Next Page Al l ows you to access the next page of error messages. I t
i s grayed out i f you are on the l ast page or onl y one
page exi sts. Key Access: System, Show Errors
Prev Page Al l ows you to access the previ ous page of error
messages. I t i s grayed out i f you are on the rst page or
onl y one page exi sts. Key Access: System, Show Errors
Clear Error
Queue Cl ears the error queue i n the Show Errors di spl ay. Key
Access: System, Show Errors
Power On/Preset Accesses the fol l owi ng menu keys.
Power On
Last Preset Determi nes the state of the anal yzer when the anal yzer
i s powered on. I f the Power On functi on i s set to Preset,
the state of the anal yzer i s the same as i t i s after Preset
i s pressed, when the anal yzer i s powered on. I f the
Power On functi on i s set to Last, then the state that the
anal yzer was i n when i t was powered off i s recal l ed.
The setti ng (Last or Preset) of the Power On functi on i s
not changed by pressi ng Preset. Use the Power On/Preset
menu key functi on to change the setti ng of the anal yzer
state whi ch i s recal l ed at power on. Li mi t l i nes are not
recal l ed when the anal yzer i s powered on. Refer to
Preset i n thi s chapter for more i nformati on. Key
Access: System, Power On/Preset
Preset Factory
User Pressi ng Preset (Factory) presets the anal yzer to the
congurati on ori gi nal l y set at the factory. Refer to the
Preset key descri pti on for the defaul t factory-
congurati on setti ngs.
Chapter 6 6-93
Front-Panel Key Reference
System (Local)
Pressi ng Preset (User) sets the anal yzer to the setti ngs
dened by the Save User Preset key. Refer to Preset i n
thi s chapter for more i nformati on. Key Access: System,
Power On/Preset
Save User
Preset Saves the acti ve state of the anal yzer i nto the User
Preset regi ster for recal l on Preset i f Save (User) i s
sel ected. Refer to Preset i n thi s chapter for more
i nformati on. Key Access: System, Power On/Preset
Time/Date Accesses the fol l owi ng Time/Date menu keys used to set and di spl ay the
real -ti me cl ock:
On Off Turns the di spl ay of the real -ti me cl ock on or off.
Key Access: System, Time/Date
Date Format
MDY DMY Changes the di spl ay of the date from a month-day-year
format to a day-month-year format. Key Access:
System, Time/Date
Set Time Al l ows you to set the ti me of the real -ti me cl ock. Enter
the ti me i n 24 hour HHMMSS format, usi ng the
numeri c keypad and pressi ng Enter. Val i d hour (HH)
val ues are from 00 to 23. Val i d mi nute (MM) and
second (SS) val ues are from 00 to 59.
Key Access: System, Time/Date
Set Date Al l ows you to set the date of the real -ti me cl ock. Enter
the date i n the YYYYMMDD format usi ng the numeri c
keypad and press Enter. Val i d year (YYYY) val ues are
0000 through 9999. Val i d month (MM) val ues are from
01 to 12, and val i d day val ues are from 01 to 31.
Key Access: System, Time/Date
Alignments Accesses the fol l owi ng Alignments menu keys whi ch al i gn the i nternal
ci rcui try of the anal yzer, l oad defaul t val ues for the al i gnment system,
and adjust the 10 MHz reference.
Auto Align Accesses the Auto Align menu keys. Sel ecti ng All turns
on the automati c al i gnment of al l measurement
systems. All but RF turns on the automati c al i gnment of
al l measurement systems except the RF secti on.
(El i mi nati ng automati c al i gnment of the RF prevents
changes i n the i nput i mpedance between sweeps, whi ch
coul d cause i nput devi ce i nstabi l i ty.) Off turns off
automati c al i gnment. When Auto Align, All i s sel ected,
AA appears al ong the l eft edge of the di spl ay. When
Auto Align, All but RF i s sel ected, AB appears.
Key Access: System, Alignments
6-94 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
System (Local)
Align Now Accesses the Align Now menu keys and i mmedi atel y
executes an al i gnment cycl e of the sel ected system(s).
Menu key sel ecti ons i ncl ude All (for the al i gnment of al l
systems), RF (Ext Cable) (I nternal ), TG (Ext Cable) (i f
Option 1DN i s i nstal l ed i n Agi l ent E4402B, E4403B,
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B), and FMDemod
(i f Option BAA i s i nstal l ed). Key Access: System,
After a ve mi nute warm-up, Align Now, All (wi th a
cabl e connected from AMPTD REF OUTand I NPUT50
) shoul d be performed on Agi l ent E4402B, E4403B,
E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. Refer to the
appropri ate Speci cati ons and Characteri sti cs
chapter i n the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers
Specications Guide for detai l s on usi ng Align Now
when Auto Align i s Off.
Freq Correct
On Off Control s use of some of the correcti on factors. When On
i s underl i ned, frequency correcti on factors are used.
When Off i s underl i ned, frequency correcti on factors
are not used, and Freq Corr Off appears on the
di spl ay. Turni ng the correcti on factors off degrades
frequency accuracy. Key Access: System, Alignments
NOTE Frequency correcti on factors must be on for the anal yzer to meet i ts
speci ed performance.
Time Base Accesses the Fine and Coarse Ti me Base menu keys,
whi ch al l ow control of the 10 MHz ti me base frequency.
Thi s functi on i s used to veri fy the settabi l i ty of the
10 MHz reference and to adjust for changed operati ng
condi ti ons, such as temperature. Pressi ng Load Defaults
or cycl i ng power, resets the ti me base to i ts ori gi nal
val ue. Key Access: System, Alignments
Load Defaults Loads the defaul t val ues for the al i gnment system,
turns on the frequency correcti ons, and resets the ti me
base to the factory val ues. Align Now, All must be
executed 3 ti mes after pressi ng Load Defaults.
Key Access: System, Alignments
Chapter 6 6-95
Front-Panel Key Reference
System (Local)
Remote Port Wi th Opti on A4H (GPI B and Paral l el ) onl y. Sel ects the remote port
to al l ow programmi ng from an external control l er over GPI B. Al so, i t
al l ows the GPI B address to be entered. The defaul t address i s 18.
Wi th Opti on 1AX (RS-232 and Paral l el ) onl y. Sel ects the remote
port to al l ow programmi ng from an external control l er over a seri al
communi cati on l i nk. Al so, i t al l ows the baud rate to be set. Baud rate
val ues are as fol l ows: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200. The defaul t baud rate i s 9600.
Show System Di spl ays the number and descri pti on of the opti ons i nstal l ed i n your
anal yzer. I t al so di spl ays the i nstrument model number, product
number, seri al number, rmware revi si on number, Host I D (for
l i censi ng), bootrom revi si on, and amount of RAM and ROM.
Key Access: System, More 1 of 3
Next Page Al l ows you to access the next page of show system. I t i s
grayed out i f you are on the l ast page or onl y one page
exi sts.Key Access: System, Show System
Prev Page Al l ows you to access the previ ous page of show system.
I t i s grayed out i f you are on the rst page or onl y one
page exi sts. Key Access: System, Show System
Show Hdwr Gi ves detai l ed i nformati on about the hardware i nstal l ed on your
anal yzer. Key Access: System, More 1 of 3
Next Page Al l ows you to access the next page of show hardware. I t
i s grayed out i f you are on the l ast page or onl y one
page exi sts.Key Access: System, Show Hdwr
Prev Page Al l ows you to access the previ ous page of show
hardware. I t i s grayed out i f you are on the rst page or
onl y one page exi sts. Key Access: System, Show Hdwr
Color Palette Agi l ent ESA-E Seri es onl y (E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and
E4407B) Accesses the Color Palette menu keys. These keys are onl y
avai l abl e wi th anal yzers havi ng a col or di spl ay. Key Access: System,
More 1 of 3
Default Sets al l the di spl ay screen attri butes to the factory
dened col ors. Key Access: System, More 1 of 3,
Color Palette
Vision Impair 1
and Vision
Impair 2 The speci al col ors bui l t i nto the Vision Impair 1 and
Vision Impair 2 keys accommodate most col or-deci ent
vi si on probl ems. Key Access: System, More 1 of 3, Color
6-96 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
System (Local)
Optical Filter Accommodates the use of protecti ve goggl es whi l e
vi ewi ng l asers. Key Access: System, More 1 of 3, Color
Monochrome Sets the di spl ay screen to green monochrome. The
monochrome di spl ay uses di fferent shades of green for
each green val ue. Thi s i s especi al l y useful for dri vi ng
external monochrome moni tors. Key Access: System,
More 1 of 3, Color Palette
Diagnostics Accesses the Front Panel Test menu key. Key Access: System, More 1 of 3
Front Panel
Test Al l ows you to veri fy the functi onal i ty of each
front-panel key (except Preset). The number next to
each key name i ncrements once each ti me the key i s
pressed. Rotati ng the knobs causes the number of
pul ses to be counted. Press Esc to exi t. Key Access:
System, More 1 of 3, Diagnostics
Restore Sys
Resets the persi stent state vari abl es to thei r defaul ts. These are
val ues, such as the GPI B address, that are unaffected by a power cycl e
or a preset. Key Access: System, More 1 of 3
Table 6-2 System Default Settings
Feature Default Setting
Power On Last/Preset Preset
Preset Factory/User Factory
RS-232 DTR Control On (hardware paci ng)
RS-232 RTS Control I BFULL (hardware paci ng)
RS-232 Recei ve Paci ng None (data paci ng)
RS-232 Transmi t Paci ng None (data paci ng)
RS-232 Baud Rate 9600
I nstrument Col or Pal ette Defaul t pal ette
Pri nt Format Pri nt screen mode
Pri nter Sel ecti on Auto
Pri nt Ori entati on Portrai t
Custom Pri nter, Language PCL3
Custom Pri nter, Col or Capabi l i ty No
Col or Pri nti ng On
Pri nts/Page 1
Chapter 6 6-97
Front-Panel Key Reference
System (Local)
Licensing Accesses the securi ty system to enabl e l i censi ng for i ndi vi dual opti ons.
For i nformati on on how to use thi s system, see the i nstal l ati on
i nformati on for i ndi vi dual opti ons i n the measurement personal i ti es
users gui des.
NOTE Not al l opti ons can be enabl ed usi ng thi s system and there i s no way to
turn off an opti on through thi s system. Once an opti on has been
l i censed for a gi ven anal yzer, i t cannot be transferred to a di fferent
anal yzer.
Key Access: System, More 1 of 3, More 2 of 3
Option Accesses the Al pha Edi tor al l owi ng you to enter a three
character opti on number. To termi nate the entry, press
Enter or Return. An external keyboard may al so be used
for thi s entry. The opti on number wi l l appear on the
second l i ne of the Option key. Key Access: System, More
1 of 3, More 2 of 3, Licensing
License Key Accesses the Al pha Edi tor al l owi ng you to enter the
l i cense key number. To termi nate the entry, press Enter
or Return. An external keyboard may al so be used for
thi s entry. The l i cense key number wi l l appear on the
second l i ne of the License Key menu key.
Key Access: System, More 1 of 3, More 2 of 3, Licensing
Date Format MDY
Ti me Date Di spl ay On
GPI B Address 18
Di spl ay Vi ewi ng Angl e 4
Speaker Vol ume 0
Manual Tracki ng Adjustment 2048
External Ampl i er Gai n 0 dBm
I nput I mpedance
50 (Ohm)
a. Thi s val ue maybe 75 ohms, dependi ng upon the anal yzer
hardware congurati on.
Table 6-2 System Default Settings
Feature Default Setting
6-98 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
System (Local)
Activate Al l ows you to acti vate the opti on. When a val i d opti on
key number and l i cense key number have been entered,
press Activate. I f your entry was correct, the opti on wi l l
be enabl ed and the message: Option activated wi l l
appear i n the status l i ne of your di spl ay. The opti on
number and l i cense key number wi l l al so be cl eared
from the License Key and Option key.
I f your entry was i ncorrect, the error message Option
not installed wi l l appear i n the status l i ne of your
di spl ay. The opti on number and l i cense key number can
be edi ted unti l they are correct.
NOTE I t i s possi bl e to enabl e an opti on for whi ch the anal yzer i s not yet
congured. Therefore, the message Option activated does not mean
that the opti on wi l l i mmedi atel y functi on. For a di spl ay of opti ons that
are enabl ed and for whi ch the anal yzer i s properl y congured, press
System, More 1 of 3, Show System.
Key Access: System, More 1 of 3, More 2 of 3, Licensing
Personalities Accesses a di spl ay l i sti ng the personal i ti es that are currentl y i nstal l ed
i n the anal yzer. I nformati on about the personal i ti es are under the
col umn headi ngs Opt (opti on number), Name (opti on name), Version
(personal i ty versi on), Licensed (whether or not the personal i ty i s
l i censed), and Size (personal i ty memory). At the bottom of the di spl ay i s
a l i ne showi ng the avai l abl e memory for i nstal l i ng personal i ti es.
NOTE Some l es are shared between personal i ti es. I f shared l es are
i nstal l ed, a personal i ty may requi re l ess room than i s i ndi cated on the
di spl ay. The Uninstall key wi l l not del ete any shared l e unl ess the
personal i ty bei ng del eted i s the l ast personal i ty to be del eted.
Key Access: System, More 1 of 3, More 2 of 3
Next Page Al l ows you to vi ew the next page of i nstal l ed
personal i ti es. I t i s grayed out i f you are on the l ast page
or onl y one page exi sts. Key Access: System, More 1 of 3,
More 2 of 3, Personalities
Prev Page Al l ows you to vi ew a previ ous page of i nstal l ed
personal i ti es. I t i s grayed out i f you are on the rst
page or onl y one page exi sts. Key Access: System, More 1
of 3, More 2 of 3, Personalities
Chapter 6 6-99
Front-Panel Key Reference
System (Local)
Install Al l ows you to i nstal l personal i ti es i n the anal yzer. For
more i nformati on on thi s key, see the documentati on
that accompani es the personal i ti es.
Key Access: System, More 1 of 3, More 2 of 3, Personalities
Uninstall Al l ows you to uni nstal l a personal i ty. Hi ghl i ght the
appropri ate personal i ty and press Uninstall, Uninstall
Now. You wi l l be prompted wi th the di spl ayed message
If you are sure you want to uninstall, press
Uninstall Now again.
Some personal i ti es may not be del eted. I f the attempt i s
made to do so, the message Cant uninstall this
program wi l l appear on the di spl ay. Key Access: System,
More 1 of 3, More 2 of 3, Personalities
Service Accesses the Service menu keys whi ch requi re a password. For
i nformati on, refer to the troubl eshooti ng chapter i n the Agilent ESA
Spectrum Analyzers Service Guide. Key Access: System, More 1 of 3,
More 2 of 3
6-100 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses the menu of keys that al l ow you to sel ect the sweep mode and
tri gger mode of the anal yzer.
Free Run New sweep starts as soon as possi bl e after the current sweep ends.
Video Acti vates the tri gger condi ti on that al l ows the next sweep to start i f the
detected RF envel ope vol tage ri ses to a l evel set by the vi deo tri gger
l evel . When Video i s pressed, a l i ne appears on the di spl ay. The
anal yzer tri ggers when the i nput si gnal exceeds the tri gger l evel at the
l eft edge of the di spl ay.
NOTE Thi s functi on i s not avai l abl e when the Resol uti on Bandwi dth i s l ess
than 1 kHz. I f a Resol uti on Bandwi dth l ess than 1 kHz i s sel ected whi l e
i n Vi deo Tri gger mode, the Tri gger mode changes to Free Run.
Line Acti vates the tri gger condi ti on that al l ows the next sweep to be
synchroni zed wi th the next cycl e of the l i ne vol tage.
NOTE Li ne tri gger i s not avai l abl e when operati ng from a DC power source.
External Pos Neg Acti vates the tri gger condi ti on that al l ows the next sweep to start when
the external vol tage (connected to GATE TRIG/EXT TRIG IN on the rear
panel ) passes through approxi matel y 1.5 vol ts. The external tri gger
si gnal must be a 0 V to +5 V TTL si gnal . Thi s functi on al so control s the
tri gger pol ari ty (for posi ti ve or negati ve-goi ng si gnal s).
TV Option B7B (TV Trigger and Picture on Screen) only. Acti vates the
tri gger condi ti on that al l ows the next sweep to be synchroni zed wi th
the next occurrence of the synchroni zi ng pul se of a sel ected TV l i ne.
Li ne number range i s dependent on the setti ngs of the Standard and
Field menus wi thi n the TV Trig Setup menu. When the l i ne number i s
i ncremented beyond the upper l i mi t, the val ue wi l l change to the l ower
l i mi t and conti nue i ncrementi ng from there. When the l i ne number i s
decremented bel ow the l ower l i mi t, the val ue wi l l change to the upper
l i mi t and conti nue decrementi ng from there.
Chapter 6 6-101
Front-Panel Key Reference
TV Trig Setup Option B7B (TV Trigger and Pictureon Screen) only. Accesses the setup
functi ons for TV Tri gger.
Field Al l ows you to determi ne how the el ds of the TV
pi cture si gnal wi l l be affected by the tri gger system.
One compl ete TV i mage consi sts of one frame of 525 or
625 hori zontal l i nes dependi ng on the TV standard
bei ng used. Each frame i s composed of two el ds of
i nterl aci ng l i nes, each consi sti ng of 262 1/2 l i nes (or 312
1/2 l i nes). The el ds are cal l ed Fi el d One and Fi el d
Two. Fi el d One i s vi ewed as havi ng 263 l i nes (or 313
l i nes) and Fi el d Two i s vi ewed as havi ng 262 l i nes (or
312 l i nes).
For the 525 l i ne NTSC vi deo standard, we refer to TV
l i nes as fol l ows (these are the Fi el d Modes):
Enti re Frame, l i nes 1 to 525
Fi el d One, l i nes 1 to 263
Fi el d Two, l i nes 1 to 262 (note that thi s real l y refers
to actual l i nes 264 to 525)
For the 625 l i ne PAL and SECAM vi deo standards, we
refer to TV l i nes as fol l ows:
Enti re Frame, l i nes 1 to 625
Fi el d One, l i nes 1 to 313
Fi el d Two, l i nes 314 to 625
As the Fi el d i s changed, the appropri ate val ue for Li ne
i s chosen to keep tri ggeri ng on the same l i ne as before,
or i f thi s i s not possi bl e, the correspondi ng l i ne i n the
new Fi el d. For exampl e, suppose l i ne 264 i s sel ected
whi l e i n the NTSC-M standard and the Enti re Frame
mode. Thi s i s the rst l i ne i n Fi el d Two. I f Fi el d Two i s
then sel ected, the Li ne number changes to Li ne 1, the
same actual l i ne i n the TV si gnal . I f Fi el d One i s then
sel ected, the l i ne number stays at 1, but now we are
tri ggeri ng i n the rst l i ne i n Fi el d One. The onl y
excepti on to thi s i s i f we are on the l ast l i ne of Fi el d
One and change to Fi el d Two. I n thi s case, we go to the
l ast l i ne i n Fi el d Two. Key Access: Trig, TV Trig Setup
Entire Frame
Causes the sel ected l i ne number to be vi ewed as an
offset i nto the enti re frame starti ng wi th l i ne 1, the rst
l i ne i n Fi el d One. Key Access: Trig, TV Trig Setup, Field
6-102 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Field One
Causes the sel ected l i ne number to be vi ewed as an
offset i nto the rst el d starti ng wi th Li ne 1, the rst
l i ne i n Fi el d One. Key Access: Trig, TV Trig Setup, Field
Field Two
Causes the sel ected l i ne number to be vi ewed as an
offset i nto the second el d. I f Li ne 1 i s sel ected, i t i s the
264th l i ne of the frame (NTSC-M, NTSC-Japan,
PAL-M) or the 314th l i ne of the frame (PAL-B,D,G,H,I ,
PAL-N-Combi n, SECAM-L). Key Access: Trig, TV Trig
Setup, Field
Sync Pos Neg Refers to the nature of the vi deo waveform. Normal
baseband vi deo has a TV l i ne sync pul se on the bottom
of the waveform (more negati ve vol tage). Thi s i s
referred to as negati ve (Sync Neg). When the anal yzer
i s used as a TV recei ver to produce baseband vi deo, the
detected vi deo i s upsi de down wi th the sync pul se on
the top of the waveform (thi s i s true onl y for NTSC and
PAL transmi ssi on standards, not for SECAM). Thi s
ori entati on i s referred to as posi ti ve (Sync Pos). Key
Access: Trig, TV Trig Setup
Standard Accesses the Standard menu keys whi ch al l ow you to
sel ect from the fol l owi ng TV standards: NTSC-M,
NTSC-Japan, PAL-M, PAL-B,D,G,H,I, PAL-N, PAL-N-Combin,
SECAM-L. Key Access: Trig, TV Trig Setup
TV Source Al l ows you to sel ect between the i nternal anal yzer path
(SA) or the EXTVI DEO I N connector on the rear panel
(Ext Video In) as the source for the TV Tri gger and TV
Moni tor functi ons. Note that thi s does not affect the
si gnal vi ewed on the anal yzer. Key Access: Trig, TV Trig
TV Monitor When TV Monitor i s pressed, the sel ected Standard i s
used to determi ne the proper setup of the anal yzer
hardware for presentati on of the TV pi cture. When the
TV pi cture i s acti ve and on the di spl ay, pressi ng a key
that normal l y accesses a menu, i nstead restores the
ori gi nal ESA graphi cal di spl ay wi th the sel ected menu
enabl ed. The acti ve functi on remai ns acti ve and can be
adjusted whi l e the pi cture i s di spl ayed. Key Access:
Trig, TV Trig Setup
NOTE The col or decodi ng ci rcui try i s al ways enabl ed, even for weak and
monochrome si gnal s.
Chapter 6 6-103
Front-Panel Key Reference
Trig Delay On Off Al l ows you to set and turn on or off a del ay, duri ng whi ch the anal yzer
wi l l wai t to begi n a sweep after recei vi ng an external tri gger si gnal .
Thi s functi on i s not avai l abl e when Gate i s on.
NOTE Thi s functi on i s not avai l abl e i n Free Run or Vi deo Tri gger modes.
Trig Offset On Off Al l ows you to set and turn on or off an offset val ue from the tri gger
poi nt of the sweep at whi ch to begi n stori ng data i n the trace of the
anal yzer. The offset i s speci ed as a functi on of ti me, and permi ts
posi ti ve (pre tri gger) and negati ve (post tri gger) val ues to be speci ed.
NOTE Thi s functi on i s onl y avai l abl e when i n Zero Span. (I t i s grayed out
when i n swept span.) I f thi s key i s pressed i n swept spans, the error
message: Trigger Offset unavailable in swept spans i s di spl ayed
i n the status l i ne. The val ue and state of Tri gger Offset i s remembered
i f Zero Span i s exi ted and restored when Zero Span i s resel ected.
NOTE Thi s functi on i s onl y avai l abl e wi th Resol uti on Bandwi dths of 1 kHz or
greater. I f thi s key i s pressed when the Resol uti on Bandwi dths i s l ess
than 1 kHz, the error message: Trigger Offset unavailable in
bandwidths < 1kHz i s di spl ayed i n the status l i ne. Whi l e Tri gger
Offset i s on, i t i s not possi bl e for the i nstrument to be set to a
Resol uti on Bandwi dth l ess than 1 kHz. Any attempt to do so wi l l cause
the error message: Bandwidths <1 kHz unavailable with Trigger
Offset on to be di spl ayed i n the status l i ne.
6-104 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Viewing Angle
Viewing Angle
Control s the opti mum vi ewi ng angl e of the di spl ay. The vi ewi ng angl e
keys are l ocated next to each other at the upper l eft-hand corner of the
anal yzer, borderi ng the di spl ay. These two keys al l ow you to adjust the
i ntensi ty of the objects on the di spl ay so that i t can be opti mal l y vi ewed
from di fferent angl es.
The Viewing Angle keys automati cal l y repeat when they are hel d down.
Chapter 6 6-105
Front-Panel Key Reference
Accesses the trace keys that al l ow you to store and mani pul ate trace
i nformati on. Each trace i s compri sed of a seri es of data poi nts i n whi ch
ampl i tude i nformati on i s stored. The anal yzer updates the i nformati on
for any acti ve trace wi th each sweep.
Trace 1 2 3 Sel ects the menu keys used for trace 1, trace 2, or trace 3 functi ons.
Press Trace 1 2 3 unti l the number of the desi red trace i s underl i ned.
CAUTION When usi ng normal i zati on, the mode of traces 2 and 3 shoul d not be
Clear Write Erases any data previ ousl y stored i n the sel ected trace and
conti nuousl y di spl ays any si gnal s duri ng the sweep of the anal yzer.
Thi s functi on i s acti vated for trace 1 at power-on and by pressi ng
Max Hold Mai ntai ns the maxi mum l evel for each trace poi nt of the sel ected trace
(1, 2 or 3), and updates each trace poi nt i f a new maxi mum l evel i s
detected i n successi ve sweeps.
NOTE Changi ng the verti cal scal e (Amplitude, Scale Type, Log or Li n), pressi ng
Restart, turni ng averagi ng on (BW/Avg, Average, On), or swi tchi ng
wi ndow i n Zone Span (Span, Zone) restarts the hel d trace.
Min Hold Mai ntai ns the mi ni mum l evel for each trace poi nt of the sel ected trace
(1, 2 or 3), and updates each trace poi nt i f a new mi ni mum l evel i s
detected i n successi ve sweeps.
NOTE Changi ng the verti cal scal e (Amplitude, Scale Type, Log or Li n), pressi ng
Restart, turni ng averagi ng on (BW/Avg, Average, On), or swi tchi ng
wi ndow i n Zone Span (Span, Zone) restarts the hel d trace.
View Hol ds and di spl ays the ampl i tude data of the sel ected trace. The trace
regi ster i s not updated as the anal yzer sweeps. I f a trace i s deacti vated
by pressi ng Blank, the stored trace data can be retri eved by pressi ng
Blank Stores the ampl i tude data for the sel ected trace, and removes i t from
the di spl ay. The sel ected trace regi ster wi l l not be updated as the
anal yzer sweeps. Thi s functi on i s acti vated for traces 2 and 3 at
power-on and by pressi ng Preset.
Operations Accesses the fol l owi ng Operations menu keys: Key Access: View/Trace,
More 1 of 2
6-106 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
12 Exchanges the contents of the trace 1 regi ster wi th the
trace 2 regi ster and puts trace 1 and 2 i n vi ew mode.
Key Access: View/Trace, More 1 of 2, Operations
2 - DL 2 Subtracts the di spl ay l i ne from trace 2 and pl aces the
resul t i n trace 2 and puts trace 2 i n vi ew mode. The
2 - DL 2 functi on i s a math operati on. Key Access:
View/Trace, More 1 of 2, Operations
2 3 Exchanges the contents of trace 2 wi th trace 3 and puts
trace 2 and 3 i n vi ew mode. Key Access: View/Trace,
More 1 of 2, Operations
1 3 Copi es trace 1 i nto trace 3 and puts trace 3 i n vi ew
mode. Key Access: View/Trace, More 1 of 2, Operations
2 3 Copi es trace 2 i nto trace 3 and puts trace 3 i n vi ew
mode. Key Access: View/Trace, More 1 of 2, Operations
Normalize Accesses the fol l owi ng Normalize menu keys: Key Access: View/Trace,
More 1 of 2
Store Ref (1 3) Copi es trace 1 i nto trace 3. Store Ref (1 3) must be
pressed before pressi ng Normalize (On). I f Normalize (On)
i s pressed before Store Ref (1 3), the error message:
Store reference trace before turning on
Normalize i s di spl ayed i n the status l i ne, however
Normal i ze has been acti vated.
On Off Normalize (On) Acti vates the normal i ze functi on. On
each sweep, the normal i zed trace (Trace 3) i s
subtracted from Trace 1 and the resul t i s added to the
normal i zed reference l evel . The di spl ay shows the
resul t of the fol l owi ng cal cul ati on:
Trace 1 Normal i zed Trace + Normal i zed Reference
The trace data i s normal i zed wi th respect to the
normal i zed reference l evel , even i f the val ue of the
normal i zed reference l evel i s changed. Thi s functi on
remai ns i n effect on al l subsequent sweeps unti l i t i s
turned off.
NOTE Segmented sweep i s not avai l abl e when Normalize (On) i s sel ected.
Chapter 6 6-107
Front-Panel Key Reference
CAUTION Trace 1 shoul d be i n cl ear wri te mode pri or to setti ng normal i ze to on.
The normal i ze functi on i s most useful for appl yi ng
correcti on data to a trace whi l e maki ng a sti mul us
response measurement wi th a tracki ng generator. For
exampl e, connect the cabl es and a thru l i ne, i n pl ace of
the devi ce to be measured, between a tracki ng
generator and the anal yzer i nput. Noti ce that the
frequency response i s not perfectl y at, showi ng the
response of the cabl es, as wel l as the atness of both
the tracki ng generator and the anal yzer. Press Store
Ref (1 3), Normalize On. Noti ce that the di spl ayed
trace i s now at, or normal i zed. The posi ti on of the
normal i zed trace can now be moved to a di fferent
posi ti on on the di spl ay by changi ng the normal i zed
reference posi ti on. Thi s may be useful i f the devi ce to be
tested has posi ti ve gai n, such as an ampl i er. Now
repl ace the thru l i ne wi th the devi ce under test, and an
accurate measurement of the gai n or l oss can be made.
Key Access: View/Trace, More 1 of 2, Normalize
Norm Ref Lvl Sets the l evel (i n dB) of the normal i zed reference.
Key Access: View/Trace, More 1 of 2, Normalize
Norm Ref Posn Offsets the di spl ayed trace wi thout affecti ng the
i nstrument gai n or attenuati on setti ngs. Thi s al l ows
the di spl ayed trace to be moved wi thout decreasi ng
measurement accuracy. The normal i zed reference
posi ti on i s i ndi cated wi th a (>) character on the l eft si de
of the di spl ay and a (<) character on the ri ght si de of
the di spl ay. Key Access: View/Trace, More 1 of 2,
6-108 Chapter 6
Front-Panel Key Reference
Al l ows you to swi tch between the spl i t-screen and ful l -si zed di spl ay of
the acti ve wi ndow i n zone span and other functi ons whi ch support
spl i t-screen di spl ay modes. The acti ve wi ndow i s i ndi cated by a sol i d
green l i ne surroundi ng the wi ndow.
I f Zoom i s pressed whi l e i n a non-spl i t-screen di spl ay mode, i t wi l l
acti vate the zone span mode. (See Span, Zone, and al so Next Window.)
I f Zoom i s pressed when zone markers are off, i t wi l l turn on zone
markers and put the di spl ay i n spl i t-screen mode. (See Span, Zone.)
7 Options and Accessories
Thi s chapter l i sts the opti ons and accessori es that can be ordered al ong
wi th your anal yzer. The Opti on Tabl e on the fol l owi ng page shows
whi ch opti ons are avai l abl e for your parti cul ar product.
7-2 Chapter 7
Options and Accessories
Table 7-1 Option Table
0B0 Del ete Manual Set
0B1 Add Manual Set
0BV Servi ce Documentati on, Component Level
0BW Servi ce Documentati on, Assembl y Level
1AX RS-232 and Paral l el I nterface
1CP Rack Mount wi th Handl es
Hi gh Stabi l i ty Frequency Reference

1D6 Ti me-Gated Spectrum Anal ysi s
1D7 50 to 75 Ohm Matchi ng Pad
1DN 50 Ohm Tracki ng Generator
75 Ohm i nput

1DR Narrow Bandwi dths
75 Ohm Tracki ng Generator

1DS RF Preampl i er
A4H GPI B and Paral l el I nterface
A4J I F, Vi deo and Sweep Ports
A5D DC Power Cabl e
AXT Transi t Case
AYT Gray Soft Carryi ng/Operati ng Case
AYU Yel l ow Carryi ng/Operati ng Case
AYX Fast Di gi ti zed Ti me Domai n Sweeps
AYZ External Mi xi ng
B70 Benchl i nk Spectrum Anal yzer
B72 Enhanced Memory Upgrade
B74 RF and Di gi tal Communi cati ons Hardware
Performance Bundl e

TV Tri gger and Pi cture on Screen

Chapter 7 7-3
Options and Accessories
B7D Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng and
Fast ADC

B7E RF Communi cati ons Hardware
B7K Di stance to Faul t Accessory Ki t
BAA FM Demodul ati on
BAB APC 3.5 I nput Connector
BAC cdmaOne Measurement Personal i ty
BAH GSM Measurement Personal i ty
UE2 Fi rmware Upgrade Ki t
UKB Low Frequency Extensi on
Commerci al Cal i brati on

UK9 Front Panel Cover
W32 3 Year Cal i brati on Contract
W50 5 Year Servi ce Support
W52 5 Year Cal i brati on Contract
1. Opti on 1D5 i s onl y avai l abl e at ti me of purchase, except for the Agi l ent E4401B spectrum
anal yzer whi ch can be retrotted.
2. Thi s opti on i s onl y avai l abl e at ti me of purchase.
3. Thi s opti on has a 75 Ohm output i mpedance, and i s onl y avai l abl e wi th Opti on 1DP.
4. Opti on B7B requi res Opti on BAA.
Table 7-1 Option Table
7-4 Chapter 7
Options and Accessories
Opti ons can be ordered by opti on number when you order your
anal yzer. Some of the opti ons are al so avai l abl e as ki ts that can be
ordered and i nstal l ed after you have recei ved your spectrum anal yzer.
Refer to Tabl e 7-1 on page 7-2 to determi ne whi ch opti ons are avai l abl e
for your parti cul ar product.
Chapter 7 7-5
Options and Accessories
How to Order Options
How to Order Options
Opti ons can be ordered usi ng your product number and the number of
the opti on you are orderi ng. For exampl e, i f you are orderi ng
Opti on 1DP for an Agi l ent E4401B, you woul d order E4401B 1DP.
I f you are orderi ng an opti on after the purchase of your anal yzer, you
wi l l need to add a U (for upgrade) to the product number and then
speci fy whi ch opti on you are orderi ng.
Delete Manual Set (Option 0B0)
Opti on 0B0 del etes copi es of the Agilent ESA SpectrumAnalyzersUsers
Guide, Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers Calibration Guide, and the
Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers Reference Guide.
Additional Manual Set (Option 0B1)
Opti on 0B1 provi des an addi ti onal copy of the Agilent ESA Spectrum
Analyzers Users Guide, Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers Calibration
Guide, Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers Specications Guide, and the
Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers Reference Guide.
Component Level Service Documentation
(Option 0BV)
Opti on 0BV provi des a copy of the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers
Component-Level I nformation. The component-l evel i nformati on
i ncl udes parts l i sts, component-l ocati on di agrams, and schemati c
di agrams for sel ected repai rabl e assembl i es.
Service Documentation and Adjustment Software
(Option 0BW)
Opti on 0BW provi des a copy of the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers
Service Guide and PC-based adjustment software on CD-ROM. The
servi ce gui de descri bes assembl y l evel troubl eshooti ng procedures,
provi des a parts l i st, and documents the adjustment procedures.
RS-232 and Parallel Interface (Option 1AX)
Opti on 1AX al l ows you to control your anal yzer from a computer that
uses an RS-232 i nterface. I t i ncl udes an RS-232 9-pi n connector, and a
paral l el i nterface connector for pri nters, and the Agilent ESA Spectrum
Analyzers Programmers Guide.
Opti on 1AX al l ows the anal yzer to copy i ts di spl ay to a pri nter.
7-6 Chapter 7
Options and Accessories
How to Order Options
Rack Mount Kit With Handles (Option 1CP)
Opti on 1CP provi des the parts necessary to mount the anal yzer i n an
HP/Agi l ent System I I cabi net or i n a standard 19 i nch (482.6 mm)
equi pment rack. I t i ncl udes front handl es and rack sl i des for added
conveni ence.
High Stability Frequency Reference (Option 1D5)
Opti on 1D5 i mproves the frequency reference accuracy. The anal yzers
synthesi zer i s phase l ocked to an oven control l ed crystal osci l l ator
(OCXO), i nstead of the standard VCXO.
Opti on 1D5 i s onl y avai l abl e at the ti me of purchase, except for the
Agi l ent E4401B spectrum anal yzer whi ch can be retrotted.
Time-Gated Spectrum Analysis (Option 1D6)
Opti on 1D6 al l ows you to sel ecti vel y measure the spectrum of si gnal s
that may overl ap i n the frequency domai n, but are separated i n the
ti me domai n. By adjusti ng a ti me gate based on a user-suppl i ed tri gger
si gnal , you can si gni cantl y i ncrease the di agnosti c capabi l i ty of your
spectrum anal yzer for ti me-i nterl eaved si gnal s.
50 to 75 Matching Pad (Option 1D7)
Thi s opti on provi des a 50 to 75 matchi ng pad wi th dc bl ock to be
used on the anal yzer i nput. The pad has a frequency range of 9 MHz to
2 GHz. I t adapts your standard 50 anal yzer to be compati bl e wi th a
75 system under test. Connector types are 50 Type-N (m) to 75
BNC (f).
50 Tracking Generator (Option 1DN)
Opti on 1DN provi des a 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz bui l t-i n tracki ng generator for
the Agi l ent E4401B and the Agi l ent E4411B. Opti on 1DN provi des a
9 kHz to 3 GHz bui l t-i n tracki ng generator for the Agi l ent E4402B,
E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B. Thi s source creates a
source-recei ver combi nati on that al l ows i nserti on-l oss, frequency
response, and return-l oss measurements. The tracki ng generator has a
wi de di storti on-free dynami c range, pl us good sensi ti vi ty and
sel ecti vi ty.
75 Input Impedance (Option 1DP)
Thi s opti on provi des a 75 i nput i mpedance i nstead of the standard
50 i mpedance. Anal yzers wi th thi s opti on use cabl es, ci rcui t boards,
and front panel s that are di fferent from the standard uni ts. Opti on 1DP
i s onl y avai l abl e on the Agi l ent E4401B and E4411B.
Opti on 1DP i s not avai l abl e after the purchase of your anal yzer.
Chapter 7 7-7
Options and Accessories
How to Order Options
Narrow Resolution Bandwidth (Option 1DR)
Thi s opti on provi des addi ti onal narrow resol uti on bandwi dths of 10 Hz,
30 Hz, 100 Hz, and 300 Hz. These bandwi dths i mprove the anal yzer
sensi ti vi ty and al l ow you to resol ve cl osel y spaced si gnal s.
75 Tracking Generator (Option 1DQ)
Opti on 1DQ provi des a 1 MHz to 1.5 GHz bui l t-i n tracki ng generator
for the Agi l ent E4401B and the Agi l ent E4411B. Opti on 1DQ provi des a
1 MHz to 3 GHz bui l t-i n tracki ng generator for the Agi l ent E4402B,
E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B. Thi s source creates a
source-recei ver combi nati on that al l ows i nserti on-l oss, frequency
response, and return-l oss measurements. The tracki ng generator has a
wi de di storti on-free dynami c range, pl us good sensi ti vi ty and
sel ecti vi ty.
Opti on 1DQ has a 75 output i mpedance, and i s onl y avai l abl e wi th
Opti on 1DP.
Pre-amplier (Option 1DS)
The pre-ampl i er i mproves the anal yzers sensi ti vi ty (l owers the noi se
oor) by approxi matel y 16 dB.
GPIB and Parallel Interface (Option A4H)
Opti on A4H al l ows you to control your anal yzer from a computer that
uses a general purpose i nterface bus (GPI B). Opti on A4H i ncl udes an
GPI B connector, a paral l el i nterface connector for pri nters, and the
Agi l ent ESA Spectrum Anal yzers Programmer s Gui de.
Opti on A4H al l ows the anal yzer to copy i ts di spl ay to a pri nter.
IF, Sweep and Video Ports (Option A4J )
Opti on A4J provi des the anal yzer wi th addi ti onal i nputs and outputs.
They are as fol l ows: SWP OUT, HI SWP OUT(TTL), HI SWP I N (TTL),
SWP OUT - sweep ramp output, provi des a vol tage ramp proporti onal
to the sweep of the anal yzer (0 V to 10 V).
HI SWP OUT (TTL) - provi des the HI SWP TTL si gnal as an output
(TTL hi gh duri ng a sweep, TTL l ow duri ng a retrace). I t i ndi cates when
the anal yzer i s sweepi ng.
HI SWP I N (TTL) - al l ows external sweep control . I t can be grounded to
stop sweepi ng.
7-8 Chapter 7
Options and Accessories
How to Order Options
AUX VI DEO OUT - provi des detected vi deo output (before the
anal og-to-di gi tal conversi on) proporti onal to verti cal deecti on of the
AUX I F OUT - provi des a 50 , 21.4 MHz I F output that i s the
down-converted si gnal of the RF i nput of the anal yzer.
12 Vdc Power Cable (Option A5D)
Opti on A5D provi des a 12 Vdc power cabl e that al l ows your anal yzer to
be powered from 12 V automoti ve or truck batteri es.
Hard Transit Case (Option AXT)
Opti on AXT provi des a hard transi t case. The hard transi t case wi l l
survi ve commerci al transportati on. Thi s rugged case has two wheel s
and an extendi bl e handl e for easy transport. The case can al so
accommodate two battery packs and ac adapters.
Operating and Carrying Cases (Option AYT/AYU)
Opti ons AYTand AYU are protecti ve soft operati ng and carryi ng cases.
Opti on AYT i s made of gray ri p-stop nyl on and Opti on ATU i s made of
yel l ow ri p-stop nyl on. An outsi de pocket hol ds manual s or other
accessori es. A rei nforced adjustabl e padded shoul der strap provi des
ergonomi c di stri buti on between the hand and shoul der. The front and
rear panel soft covers adjust to be compati bl e wi th the front panel
protecti ve hard cover (Opti on UK9) and snap on battery pack
(HP/Agi l ent E1779A). Si de venti l ati on al l ows for operati on wi thout
removal , but the maxi mum operati ng temperature i s reduced to 45 C.
Fast Digitized Time Domain Sweeps (Option AYX)
Opti on AYX al l ows fast di gi ti zed sweep ti mes as fast as 20 sec i n spans
of 0 Hz. Refer to the Sweep key descri pti on i n Chapter 6 , Front-Panel
Key Reference for i nformati on about possi bl e sweep ti mes. I t al so
provi des the fol l owi ng addi ti onal i nputs and outputs:
Opti on AYX - provi des the anal yzer wi th addi ti onal i nputs and outputs.
They are as fol l ows: SWP OUT, HI SWP OUT(TTL), HI SWP I N (TTL),
SWP OUT - sweep ramp output, provi des a vol tage ramp proporti onal
to the sweep of the anal yzer (0 V to 10 V).
HI SWP OUT (TTL) - provi des the HI SWP TTL si gnal as an output
(TTL hi gh duri ng a sweep, TTL l ow duri ng a retrace). I t i ndi cates when
the anal yzer i s sweepi ng
HI SWP I N (TTL) - al l ows external sweep control . I t can be grounded to
stop and reset the sweep.
Chapter 7 7-9
Options and Accessories
How to Order Options
AUX VI DEO OUT - provi des detected vi deo output (before the
anal og-to-di gi tal conversi on) proporti onal to verti cal deecti on of the
AUX I F OUT - provi des a 50 , 21.4 MHz I F output that i s the
down-converted si gnal of the RF i nput of the anal yzer.
External Mixing (Option AYZ)
Opti on AYZ al l ows the use of HP/Agi l ent 11970 Seri es, and HP/Agi l ent
11974 external mi xers wi th the Agi l ent E4407B anal yzer to extend the
frequency range to 110 GHz. Operati on to 325 GHz i s al so possi bl e wi th
non-HP/Agi l ent mi xers.
Benchlink Spectrum Analyzer (Option B70)
Opti on B70 provi des the Benchl i nk Spectrum Anal yzer software whi ch
can be used to capture screen i mages and trace data usi ng a personal
computer (PC). The captured i nformati on can then be used i n other PC
appl i cati ons, i ncl udi ng word processi ng and spread sheets.
Enhanced Memory Upgrade (Option B72)
Opti on B72 provi des 2 SI MMS whi ch i ncreases the anal yzers RAM to
32 MBytes and i ts ash or data storage memory to 16 MBytes
(10 MBytes of whi ch are avai l abl e to the user for data storage).
RF and Digital Communications Hardware
(Option B74)
Opti on B74 i ncl udes the RF Communi cati ons Hardware (Option B7E),
Di gi tal Si gnal Processi ng and Fast ADC (Option B7D), Ti me-Gated
Spectrum Anal ysi s (Option 1D6), Memory Extensi on (Option B72),
Hi gh Stabi l i ty Frequency Reference (Option 1D5), Preampl i er (Option
1DS), and Narrow Resol uti on Bandwi dth (Option 1DR) assembl i es.
These assembl i es are requi red for opti mum performance of the
cdmaOne (Option BAC) or GSM measurement personal i ty
(Option BAH).
Performance Bundle (Option B75)
Opti on B75 provi des the pre-ampl i er, narrow resol uti on bandwi dths,
and hi gh stabi l i ty frequency reference. Refer to Opti ons 1DS, 1DR, and
1D5 for detai l s.
Thi s opti on i s onl y avai l abl e at ti me of purchase.
7-10 Chapter 7
Options and Accessories
How to Order Options
TV Trigger and Picture on Screen (Option B7B)
Opti on B7B requi res Opti on BAA.
Opti on B7B al l ows you to tri gger the anal yzer sweep on a TV l i ne of a
demodul ated TV waveform and vi ew TV i mages i n NTSC, PAL and
SECAM standards on the anal yzer di spl ay.
Opti on B7B provi des the fol l owi ng addi ti onal ports:
EXT VI DEO I N/TV TRI G OUT - provi des a shared baseband vi deo
i nput and a TTL output for the TV tri gger (output through 75 source
i mpedance).
EXT VI DEO OUT - provi des a detected vi deo output (before the
anal og-to-di gi tal conversi on) proporti onal to the verti cal deecti on of
the trace (si mi l ar to Opti on BAA al one), and provi des passthrough of
the si gnal at EXT VI DEO I N/TV TRI G OUT, i f sel ected (75 ).
Digital Signal Processing and Fast ADC (Option B7D)
Opti on B7D provi des di gi tal si gnal processi ng and fast ADC. Thi s
opti on i s requi red for many of the mobi l e communi cati on
measurements i n the GSM and cdmaOne measurement personal i ti es.
Opti on B7D must be ordered wi th Opti on B7E (RF communi cati ons
hardware) and Opti on 1D5 (hi gh stabi l i ty frequency reference).
RF Communications Hardware (Option B7E)
Opti on B7E provi des the communi cati ons hardware requi red for many
di gi tal communi cati on measurements. Opti on B7E must be ordered
wi th Opti on B7D (di gi tal si gnal processi ng and fast ADC) and Opti on
1D5 (hi gh stabi l i ty frequency reference).
Distance to Fault Accessory Kit (Option B7K)
Opti on B7K i ncl udes the 86205A (RF bri dge), 11636A (power di vi der),
909A (coax termi nati on), 11512A (coax short), 8120-8687 (coax cabl e),
and 9211-0050 (padded case).
FM Demodulation (Option BAA)
Opti on BAA al l ows you to demodul ate, di spl ay and measure devi ati on
on FM modul ated si gnal s. You can l i sten to audi o si gnal s on a bui l t-i n
speaker or wi th an earphone.
Opti on BAA provi des the fol l owi ng addi ti onal port:
EXT VI DEO OUT - provi des a detected vi deo output (before the
anal og-to-di gi tal conversi on) proporti onal to the verti cal deecti on of
the trace (75 ).
Chapter 7 7-11
Options and Accessories
How to Order Options
APC 3.5 Input Connector (Option BAB)
The type-N femal e connector i s repl aced wi th an APC 3.5 mm mal e
connector. An APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f), and BNC (f) to SMA (m)
adapters are i ncl uded for al i gnment purposes.
cdmaOne Measurement Personality (Option BAC)
Opti on BAC provi des transmi tter and recei ver measurements that
compl y wi th vari ous i nternati onal di gi tal communi cati ons standards,
i ncl udi ng TI A/EI A/I S-95-A, TI A/EI A-95-B, TI A/EI A/I S-97-A,
TI A/EI A-97-B, TI A/EI A/I S-98-A, TI A/EI A-98-B, J-STD-008, J-STD-018,
J-STD-019, ARI B STD-T53, CKOR, and PKOR. The set of cdmaOne
measurements i ncl udes, channel power, recei ver channel power,
modul ati on accuracy (RHO), code domai n power, recei ver spuri ous,
out-of-band spuri ous, harmoni cs, occupi ed bandwi dth, moni tor
channel /band, and cl ose-i n spur. Opti on BAC i ncl udes a cdmaOne users
gui de, cdmaOne qui ck reference card, cdmaOne measurement gui de
and cdmaOne programmi ng commands manual .
GSM Measurement Personality (Option BAH)
Opti on BAH provi des transmi tter and recei ver measurements that
compl y wi th vari ous i nternati onal di gi tal communi cati ons standards,
i ncl udi ng ETS 300 607-1, ETS 300 609-1, ETS 300 910, and J-STD-007.
The set of GSM measurements i ncl udes, transmi t power, power steps,
power versus ti me, spuri ous emi ssi ons sui te, i ntermodul ati on
attenuati on sui te, phase and frequency error, cabl e faul t l ocati on sui te,
sl ow frequency hoppi ng cycl e veri cati on, moni tor sui te, and output RF
spectrum sui te. Opti on BAH i ncl udes a GSM users gui de, GSM qui ck
reference card, GSM measurement gui de, and programmi ng commands
manual .
Firmware Upgrade Kit (Option UE2)
Opti on UE2 provi des the most current ESA spectrum anal yzer
rmware on 3-1/2 i nch oppy di sks.
Commercial Calibration with Test Data
(Option UK6)
Opti on UK6 provi des the factory cal i brati on test data and the standard
commerci al cal i brati on certi cate on the i ni ti al anal yzer shi pment.
Opti on UK6 i s onl y avai l abl e at ti me of purchase.
7-12 Chapter 7
Options and Accessories
How to Order Options
Front Panel Protective Cover (Option UK9)
The cover assembl y snaps onto the front of your anal yzer to protect the
front panel duri ng travel and when the uni t i s not i n use. The front
panel protecti ve cover i ncl udes a storage compartment to house smal l
accessori es or cabl es.
Low Frequency Extension (Option UKB)
Opti on UKB al l ows DC i nput (frequenci es < 100 kHz) i nto the anal yzer.
Thi s extends the frequency range on the l ow end to 100 Hz.
3 Year Calibration Contract (Option W32)
Opti on W32 provi des your anal yzer wi th a 3 year i nstrument
cal i brati on contract.
5 Year Service Support (Option W50)
Opti on W50 provi des your anal yzer wi th a total of 5 years of servi ce
support. Thi s adds a 2 year servi ce contract to the anal yzers base 3
year warranty.
5 Year Calibration Contract (Option W52)
Opti on W52 provi des your anal yzer wi th a 5 year i nstrument
cal i brati on contract.
Chapter 7 7-13
Options and Accessories
A number of accessori es are avai l abl e from Agi l ent Technol ogi es to hel p
you congure your anal yzer for your speci c appl i cati ons. They can be
ordered through your l ocal Agi l ent Sal es and Servi ce Ofce. Refer to
Tabl e 4-1 on page 4-6 for a l i st of Agi l ent Sal es and Servi ce Ofces.
RF and Transient Limiters
The HP/Agi l ent 11867A and 11693A RF Li mi ters protect the spectrum
anal yzer i nput ci rcui ts from damage due to hi gh power l evel s. The
HP 11867A operates over a frequency range of dc to 1800 MHz and
begi ns reecti ng si gnal l evel s over 1 mWup to 10 Waverage power and
100 watts peak power. The 11693A mi crowave l i mi ter (0.1 to 12.4 GHz,
usabl e to 18 GHz) guards agai nst i nput si gnal s over 1 mi l l i watt up to 1
watt average power and 10 watts peak power.
The 11947A Transi ent Li mi ter protects the spectrum anal yzer i nput
ci rcui ts from damage due to si gnal transi ents. I t speci cal l y i s needed
for use wi th a l i ne i mpedance stabi l i zati on network (LI SN). I t operates
over a frequency range of 9 kHz to 200 MHz, wi th 10 dB of i nserti on
l oss.
50/75 Minimum Loss Pad
The HP/Agi l ent 11852B i s a l ow VSWR mi ni mum l oss pad that al l ows
you to make measurements on 75 devi ces usi ng an anal yzer wi th a
50 i nput. I t i s effecti ve over a frequency range of dc to 2 GHz.
75 Matching Transformer
The HP/Agi l ent 11694A al l ows you to make measurements i n 75
systems usi ng an anal yzer wi th a 50 i nput. I t i s effecti ve over a
frequency range of 3 to 500 MHz.
RF Bridges
The HP/Agi l ent 86205A 50 RF bri dge and 86207A 75 RF bri dge can
be used to make reecti on measurements usi ng an anal yzer wi th
tracki ng generator Opti on 1DN or 1DQ or wi th an external si gnal
generator. These external di recti onal bri dges offer hi gh di recti vi ty and
excel l ent port match. The 86205A operates over a frequency range of
300 kHz to 6 GHz. The 86207A operates over a frequency range of
300 kHz to 3 GHz.
7-14 Chapter 7
Options and Accessories
HP/Agilent E1779A Battery Pack
The E1779A i s a battery pack that wi l l power an Agi l ent ESA spectrum
anal yzer for 80 to 114 mi nutes, dependi ng on the opti ons i nstal l ed i n
the anal yzer. Refer to the E1779A Battery Pack Users Guide for more
i nformati on.
HP/Agilent N2717A Performance Verication
The N2717A provi des automated performance veri cati on software,
adjustment software, and the cal i brati on gui de on CD-ROM.
AC Probe
The HP/Agi l ent 85024A hi gh frequency probe performs i n-ci rcui t
measurements wi thout adversel y l oadi ng the ci rcui t under test. The
probe has an i nput capaci tance of 0.7 pF shunted by 1 M of resi stance
and operates over a frequency range of 300 kHz to 3 GHz. Hi gh probe
sensi ti vi ty and l ow di storti on l evel s al l ow measurements to be made
whi l e taki ng advantage of the ful l dynami c range of the spectrum
anal yzer.
The HP/Agi l ent 41800A l ow frequency probe has a l ow i nput
capaci tance and a frequency range of 5 Hz to 500 MHz.
Broadband Preampliers and Power Ampliers
Preampl i ers and power ampl i ers can be used wi th your spectrum
anal yzer to enhance measurements of very l ow-l evel si gnal s.
The HP/Agi l ent 10855A preampl i er provi des a mi ni mum of 22 dB
gai n from 2 MHz to 1300 MHz. (Power i s suppl i ed by the probe
power output of the anal yzer.)
The HP/Agi l ent 8447D preampl i er provi des a mi ni mum of 25 dB
gai n from 100 kHz to 1.3 GHz.
The HP/Agi l ent 87405A preampl i er provi des a mi ni mum of 22 dB
gai n from 10 MHz to 3 GHz. (Power i s suppl i ed by the probe power
output of the anal yzer.)
The HP/Agi l ent 85905A CATV 75 ohm preampl i er provi des a
mi ni mum of 18 dB gai n from 45 MHz to 1 GHz. (Power i s suppl i ed
by the probe power output of the anal yzer.)
Chapter 7 7-15
Options and Accessories
External Keyboard
The HP/Agi l ent C1405B keyboard i s an I BM AT compati bl e keyboard
that can be connected to the external keyboard connector on the front
panel of the anal yzer. You may use any I BM AT compati bl e keyboard
wi th a mi ni DI N connector. Screen ti tl es and l enames can be entered
wi th the external keyboard.
GPIB Cable
For use with Option A4H. The HP/Agi l ent 10833 GPI B cabl es
i nterconnect GPI B devi ces and are avai l abl e i n four di fferent l engths.
GPI B cabl es are used to connect pri nters and control l ers to a spectrum
anal yzer.
Parallel Interface Cable
For usewith Option A4H and1AX. The HP/Agi l ent C2950A paral l el
i nterface cabl e i s a 36-pi n to 25-pi n mal e-to-mal e 2 meter cabl e used to
connect supported pri nters to a spectrum anal yzer. Thi s cabl e i s
I EEE-1284 compl i ant.
For use with Option A4H or 1AX. The DeskJet personal pri nters
provi de bl ack and whi te or col or pri nti ng for another form of permanent
records of your test resul ts. The HP LaserJet seri es pri nters are al so
compati bl e. The pri nters connect to the paral l el i nterface i nstal l ed on
the spectrum anal yzer wi th ei ther Opti on A4H or 1AX.
RS-232 Cable
For usewith Option 1AX. The HP/Agi l ent 24542G i s a 3 meter 9-pi n
(f) to 25-pi n (m) RS-232 cabl e. The HP/Agi l ent 24542U i s a 3 meter
9-pi n (f) to 9-pi n (f) RS-232 cabl e for seri al 9-pi n PC connecti on to an
anal yzer. The modem cabl e requi red i s HP/Agi l ent 24542M 9-pi n (f) to
25-pi n (m), and the PC cabl e i s HP/Agi l ent 24542U.
Carrying Strap (Part Number E4411-60028)
Thi s carryi ng strap comes wi th Opti ons AYT and AYU. I t can al so be
ordered separatel y and used wi th Agi l ent ESA spectrum anal yzers.
7-16 Chapter 7
Options and Accessories
HP/Agilent 11970 Series Harmonic Mixers
The 11970 Seri es harmoni c mi xers are avai l abl e to extend the
frequency range of anal yzers wi th Opti on AYZ (external mi xi ng) up to
110 GHz. The fol l owi ng si x model s are avai l abl e:
HP/Agilent 11974 Series Preselected Millimeter
11974 Seri es presel ected mi l l i meter mi xers are avai l abl e to extend the
frequency range of anal yzers wi th Opti on AYZ (external mi xi ng) up to
75 GHz. Presel ecti on reduces mi xer overl oad from broadband si gnal s,
reduces radi ati on of l ocal osci l l ator harmoni cs back to the devi ce under
test, and reduces the l evel of i mage and mul ti pl e responses di spl ayed.
The fol l owi ng four model s are avai l abl e:
Model Number
Frequency Range
11970K 18.0 to 26.5 GHz
11970A 26.5 to 40.0 GHz
11970Q 33.0 to 50.0 GHz
11970U 40.0 to 60.0 GHz
11970V 50.0 to 75.0 GHz
11970W 75.0 to 110 GHz
Model Number
Frequency Range
11974A 26.5 to 40.0 GHz
11974Q 33.0 to 50.0 GHz
11974U 40.0 to 60.0 GHz
11974V 50.0 to 75.0 GHz
Index 1
, 6-64
(Local ) key, 6-92
> Di spl ay Li ne, 6-64
10 MHz REF I NPUT, 2-11
10 MHz REF OUTPUT, 2-11
50 ohm RF bri dge, 7-13
50 ohm/75 ohm mi ni mum l oss
pad, 7-13
75 ohm matchi ng transformer,
7-13, 7-14
75 ohm RF bri dge, 7-13
AC probe, 7-14
Accessori es, 7-13
accessori es
AC probe, 7-14
broadband preampl i ers, 7-14
GPI B cabl e, 7-15
pri nter, 7-15
RF bri dge, 7-13
RF l i mi ters, 7-13
RS-232 cabl e, 7-15
transi ent l i mi ters, 7-13
accessori es shi pped wi th the
anal yzer, 1-3
acti ve functi on, 2-18
Adj Chan BW, 6-51
adjusti ng the di spl ay, 6-104
Al i gn Now, 6-94
al i gnment
l oad defaul t val ues, 6-94
Al i gnments key, 6-93
Al l but RF, 6-93
Al pha Edi tor menu map, 5-3
Ampcor On Off, 6-10
ampl i ers, 7-14
Ampl i tude, 2-21
Ampl i tude (Di spl ay Edi t menu),
ampl i tude correcti on factors
on or off, 6-10
ampl i tude i nterpol ati on, 6-23
Ampl i tude key, 2-4, 6-11
Ampl i tude menu map, 5-3
Ampl i tude On Off, 6-76
ampl i tude scal e, 6-8
ampl i tude uni ts, 6-9
AMPLI TUDE Y Scal e menu, 5-3
ampl i tude-correcti on factors, 6-9
Amptd I nterp Log Li n, 6-23
Amptd Offset, 6-77
Amptd Ref (f=50 MHz) On Off,
Amptd Ref Out (f=50 MHz) On
Off, 6-40
Amptd Step Auto Man, 6-77
anal yzer battery, 2-41
annotati on, 2-13
Annotati on On Off, 6-24
Antenna, 6-10
arrow keys, 2-6
Attenuati on Auto Man, 6-8, 6-77
tracki ng generator, 6-77
Auto Al i gn, 6-93
Auto Coupl e, 6-13
Auto key, 6-70
AUX I F OUT, 2-11
Average On Off, 6-14
Average Type Vi deo Power, 6-15
Avg Number On Off, 6-51
Band Pai r Start Stop, 6-45
Band Power, 6-46, 6-60
bandwi dth rati o
vi deo bandwi dth to resol uti on
bandwi dth, 6-14
anal yzer, 2-41
Bl ank, 6-105
broadband preampl i ers, 7-14
BW/Avg, 6-14
BW/Avg menu map, 5-3
Cabl e, 6-10
CAL, 2-24
cal i brati on
sel f-cal i brati on routi nes, 2-24
Catal og Menu, 2-26
Center Freq, 6-37
center frequency, 6-37
CF Step Auto Man, 6-37
CF step si ze, 6-49
Chan Pwr Span, 6-51
Chan Spaci ng, 6-51
Change Ti tl e, 6-24
Channel Power, 6-54
checki ng the basi cs, 4-3
checki ng the fuse, 1-4
Cl ear Error Queue, 6-92, 6-95
Cl ear Ti tl e, 6-24
Cl ear Wri te, 6-105
cl ock
setup, 6-93
Col or Capabl e Yes No, 6-70
Col or On Off, 6-71
Col or Pal ette, 6-95
command error messages, 4-30
Connected No Yes, 6-22
10 MHz ref i nput, 2-11
10 MHz ref output, 2-11
aux i f output, 2-11
ext tri g i nput, 2-9
external keyboard, 2-6
GPI B, 2-10
hi sweep i n, 2-10
hi sweep out, 2-9, 2-10
I NPUT 50 ohm, 2-6
paral l el i nterface, 2-10
probe power, 2-6
RF OUT 50 ohm, 2-7
RS-232, 2-10
servi ce, 2-9
Conti nuous Pk On Off, 6-62
conti nuous sweep, 6-84
CONTROL functi ons, 2-4
copy l es, 2-36
copy trace 1 i nto 3, 6-106
copy trace 2 i nto 3, 6-106
correcti on factors, 6-94
Correcti on On Off, 6-10
Correcti ons, 6-9
Counter Zoom On Off, 6-53
coupl ed sweep ti me, 6-83
Coupl i ng AC DC, 6-40
Custom key, 6-70
data control s, 2-5
data entry keys, 2-5
data keys, 2-5
date di spl ay, 6-93
Datemode MDY DMY, 6-93
DC Fuse, 2-12
DC probes
use of, 7-14
Dene Custom, 6-70
Del ete, 6-12
Del ete (Di spl ay Edi t menu), 6-23
del ete l es, 2-37
Del ete Li mi ts, 6-20
Del ete Poi nt, 6-12
Del ete Poi nt (Di spl ay Edi t menu),
Del ta, 6-44, 6-60
Demod, 6-17
demodul ati on, 6-17
demodul ati on functi ons, 6-17
Det/Demod, 6-17
Det/Demod menu map, 5-3
detecti on mode
2 Index
negati ve peak, 6-17
posi ti ve peak, 6-17
sampl e, 6-17
Detector, 6-17
detector functi ons, 6-17
devi ce-speci c error messages
201 to 702, 4-35
Di agnosti cs, 6-96
Di r Sel ect key, 2-27
Di r Up key, 2-27
di rectory
creati ng, 2-27
di sk format, 2-28
Di spl ay, 6-19
di spl ay l i ne, 6-19
Di spl ay Li ne On Off, 6-19
Di spl ay menu map, 5-3
down arrow key, 2-6
earphone connector, 2-4
EBW Span, 6-52
Edge Pos Neg, 6-85
Edge Setup, 6-85
Edi t, 6-10, 6-22
Eject Page, 6-71
EMI Res BW, 6-16
Emi ss BW X dB, 6-52
emi ssi on bandwi dth span, 6-52
Emi ssi on BW, 6-55
Enter key, 6-25
Enti re Frame key, 6-101
error messages
-199 to -100, 4-30
201 to 702, 4-35
-499 to -400, 4-26, 4-29
command, 4-30
devi ce-speci c (201 to 702), 4-35
empty error queue, 4-25
format, 4-22
GSM, 4-45
query, 4-26, 4-29
types, 4-23
error queues
empty message, 4-25
front panel , 4-21
SCPI remote i nterface, 4-21
-499 to -400, 4-29
Esc key, 2-3, 6-26
Escape, 6-26
escape key, 2-3
exchange trace 1 and 2, 6-106
exchange trace 2 and 3, 6-106
Ext Amp Gai n, 6-12
Ext Mi x Band key, 6-41
EXT TRI G I N, 2-9
external keyboard connector, 2-6
External Mi xi ng, 7-9
External Pos Neg, 6-100
External preampl i er, 6-12
external reference, 1-9
front panel , 2-3
Fi el d key, 6-101
Fi el d One key, 6-102
Fi el d Two key, 6-102
Fi l e, 6-27
l e copyi ng, 2-36
l e del eti ng, 2-37
Fi l e key, 2-4
l e menu functi ons, 2-25
copy, 2-36
del ete, 2-37
format, 2-28
rename, 2-35
save, 2-29, 2-32, 2-33
Fi l e menu map, 5-3
l e renami ng, 2-35
l e savi ng, 2-29, 2-32, 2-33
xed, l i mi t l i ne type, 6-20
atness, 3-23
frequency response, 3-23
test descri pti on, 3-23
oppy di sk format, 2-28
format a di sk, 2-28
format date, 6-93
Free Run, 6-100
Freq Correct On Off, 6-94
Freq Count, 6-36
Freq Count menu map, 5-3
Freq I nterp Log Li n, 6-12, 6-23
Freq Offset, 6-37
Frequency, 2-20
stop, 6-37
Frequency (Di spl ay Edi t menu),
Frequency (Marker Readout
menu), 6-46
FREQUENCY Channel , 6-37
FREQUENCY Channel menu
map, 5-3
frequency correcti on, 6-94
Frequency Extensi on Assembl y,
frequency i nterpol ati on, 6-12,
Frequency key, 2-4, 6-11
frequency offset, 6-37
frequency response, 3-23
atness, 3-23
test descri pti on, 3-23
frequency span
changi ng to ful l span, 6-78
front panel
error queue characteri sti cs, 4-21
front panel features, 2-3
Ful l Screen, 6-19
Ful l Span, 6-78
Functi on, 6-46, 6-60
functi onal test descri pti ons, 3-3
functi onal testi ng
i ntroducti on, 3-2
performance veri cati on, 3-2
test descri pti ons, 3-3
test l i st, 3-3
fuse, 1-4
fuse hol der, 2-8
fuse l ocati on, 2-8
Gate Del ay, 6-85
Gate Length, 6-85
Gate On Off, 6-84
Gate Setup, 6-84
GPI B cabl e, 7-15
GPI B connector, 2-10
Grati cul e On Off, 6-24
hardware probl ems, 4-2
Harmoni c Auto Man key, 6-42
Harmoni c Di st, 6-56
harmoni c di storti on, 6-56
Harmoni cs, 6-53
Hel p key, 2-7, 6-39
HI SWEEP I N, 2-10
HI SWEEP OUT, 2-9, 2-10
hi ghest peak
ndi ng next, 6-62
hol d key, 2-3
how to cal l Agi l ent Technol ogi es,
how to return your anal yzer for
servi ce, 4-7
I mage Shi ft key, 6-42
I mage Suppress key, 6-41
i ni ti al i nspecti on, 1-2
I NPUT 50 ohm, 2-6
i nput attenuati on control , 6-8
i nput i mpedance, 6-40
Index 3
I nput key, 6-40
I nput menu map, 5-3
I nput Mi xer I nt Ext key, 6-40
I nput Mi xer key, 6-40
I nput Z Corr, 6-40
I nput/Output key, 6-40
i nstrument preset, 2-4
I nt Preamp On Off, 6-9
I ntegrati on BW, 6-51
i nternal al i gnment routi ne, 2-24
i nternal al i gnment si gnal , 2-20
i nternal preampl i er, 6-9
I nverse Ti me (Marker Readout
menu), 6-46
key overvi ew, 2-18
knob, 2-5
Language PCL3 PCL5, 6-70
Last Span, 6-79
Level Setup, 6-85
l i censi ng, 6-97
Li mi t 1 2, 6-21
l i mi t l i nes
xed and rel ati ve, 6-20
sel ect frequency or ti me, 6-19
Li mi t On Off, 6-21
l i mi ters
RF and transi ent, 7-13
Li mi ts, 6-19
Li mi ts Fi xed Rel , 6-20
Li ne, 6-100
l i ne fuse, 2-8
l i near scal e, 6-8
Load, 6-30
Load Defaul ts, 6-94
Load key, 2-4
l oad l i mi ts, 6-30
l oad setup l es, 6-30
l oad states, 6-30
l oad traces, 6-30
l og scal e, 6-8
Mai n Chan BW, 6-51
maki ng a measurement, 2-20,
Man Track Adj, 6-77
Margi n On Off, 6-21
Marker, 2-22, 6-44
sel ecti on, 6-44, 6-45
trace sel ecti on, 6-45
Marker Al l Off, 6-48
marker control keys, 6-44
marker counter, 6-36
resol uti on, 6-36
Marker Counter On Off, 6-36
Marker del ta to span, 6-49
MARKER functi ons, 2-4
Marker menu map, 5-3
Marker Noi se, 6-46
marker noi se, 6-48
Marker Noi se On Off, 6-48
Marker Normal , 2-22
marker readout, 6-46
Marker Tabl e On Off, 6-48
marker to center frequency, 6-49,
Marker to center frequency step,
marker to reference l evel , 6-49,
Marker to start, 6-49
Marker to stop, 6-49
Marker Trace Auto A B C, 6-45
marker tracki ng, 6-38
Max Hol d, 6-105
Max Hol d On Off, 6-52
Max Mi xer Lvl , 6-12
Meas Control , 6-50
Meas Control menu map, 5-3
Meas Off, 6-54
Meas Setup, 6-51
Meas Setup menu map, 5-3
Meas Tool s, 6-60
Measure, 6-54
Measure Cont Si ngl e, 6-50
Measure key, 2-4
MEASURE menu map, 5-3
Medi a Door, 2-4
Menu keys, 2-3
menu keys, 2-18
menu map
Al pha Edi tor, 5-3
Ampl i tude, 5-3
BW/Avg, 5-3
Det/Demod, 5-3
Di spl ay, 5-3
Fi l e, 5-3
Freq Count, 5-3
FREQUENCY Channel , 5-3
I nput, 5-3
Marker, 5-3
Meas Control , 5-3
Meas Setup, 5-3
Preset, 5-3
Pri nt Setup, 5-3
Search, 5-3
Source, 5-3
SPAN X Scal e, 5-3
Sweep, 5-3
System, 5-3
Trace, 5-3
Tri g, 5-3
Vi ew/Trace, 5-3
Mi n Hol d, 6-105
Mi n Search, 6-62
mi ni mum to marker, 6-62
Mi xer Bi as On Off key, 6-42
Mi xer Cong key, 6-42
Mi xer Type Presel Unpre key,
Mkr, 2-22
MODE, 6-57, 6-58
Modi fy, 6-21
moni tor output, 2-9
N db Poi nts On Off, 6-62
Navi gati on keys, 2-27
negati ve peak detecti on mode,
Next Peak, 6-62
Next Pk Left, 6-60
Next Pk Ri ght, 6-60
Next Wi ndow, 6-59
Next Wi ndow key, 2-7
noi se l evel , 6-48
None key, 6-70
Norm Ref Lvl , 6-107
Norm Ref Posn, 6-107
Normal key, 6-44, 6-64
normal marker, 6-44
Normal i ze, 6-106
Normal i ze On Off, 6-106
number/uni ts keypad, 2-5
OBW Span, 6-52
Occ BW % Pwr, 6-52
occupi ed bandwi dth, 6-52
Occupi ed BW, 6-55
on/off swi tch, 2-7
Operati ons key, 6-105
Opti on 1AX, 7-5
Opti on AYZ (external mi xi ng), 7-9
Opti on B7B (TV tri gger and
pi cture on screen), 7-10
Opti ons, 7-4
RS-232 and paral l el i nterface,
orderi ng opti ons, 7-5
Ori entati on, 6-71
Other, 6-10
output screen data, 6-69
4 Index
overvi ew, keys and key menus,
packagi ng, 4-7
paral l el i nterface connector, 2-10
Pause, 6-50
next, 6-62
peak detecti on mode
posi ti ve/negati ve, 6-17
Peak Excursn, 6-63
Peak Readout, 6-64
Peak Search, 2-22, 6-60
Peak Search Param Max, 6-64
Peak Sort Freq Ampl , 6-64
Peak Tabl e, 6-64
Peak Tabl e On Off, 6-64
Peak Threshol d, 6-63
peak to peak measurement, 6-62
Peri od (Marker Readout menu),
Pk-Pk Search, 6-62
Poi nt, 6-11
Poi nt (Di spl ay Edi t menu), 6-22
posi ti ve peak detecti on mode,
power ampl i ers, 7-14
power cabl e, 1-5
power i nput, 2-8
power on key, 2-7
Power On Last Preset, 6-92, 6-93
Power On/Preset, 6-92
power requi rements, 1-4
Power Sweep On Off, 6-76
power-on state of spectrum
anal yzer, 6-92, 6-93
preampl i er gai n, 6-12
preampl i ers, 7-14
Preferences, 6-24
Presel Adjust, 6-9
Presel Center, 6-9
presel ector adjustment, 6-9
presel ector centeri ng, 6-9
Preset menu map, 5-3
Pri nt key, 2-4, 6-69
Pri nt Setup, 6-70
Pri nt Setup menu map, 5-3
pri nter, 7-15
pri nter control , 2-4
Pri nter Type, 6-70
pri nti ng, 6-69
pri nti ng, paral l el
DeskJet, 2-38
LaserJet, 2-38
Pri nts/Page 1 2, 6-71
probe power connector, 2-6
AC and DC, 7-14
Properti es, 6-19
queri es
error messages, 4-26, 4-29
rati o
vi deo bandwi dth to resol uti on
bandwi dth, 6-14
Readout, 6-46
real -ti me cl ock
set date, 6-93
set ti me, 6-93
rear panel features, 2-8
rear-panel battery i nformati on
l abel , 2-41
Ref Level , 6-8
Ref Lvl Offst, 6-9
reference l evel , 6-8
reference l evel offset, 6-9
rel ati ve, l i mi t l i ne type, 6-20
i nterface (SCPI ) error queue,
Remote Port, 6-95
Rename, 6-34
rename correcti on l es, 6-34
rename l es, 2-35
rename l i mi ts, 6-34
rename screen l es, 6-34
rename setup l es, 6-34
rename states, 6-34
rename traces, 6-34
Resol uti on Auto Man, 6-36
resol uti on bandwi dth, 6-14
Resol uti on BW Auto Man, 6-14
resol uti on of marker counter, 6-36
Restart, 6-50
Restart key, 6-72
Restore Sys Defaul ts, 6-96
Resume, 6-50
Return key, 2-6, 6-73
returni ng your anal yzer for
servi ce, 4-7
RF bri dge, 7-13
RF l i mi ters, 7-13
RF OUT 50 ohm, 2-7
RPG knob, 2-5
RS-232 cabl e, 7-15
RS-232 i nterface connector, 2-10
sal es and servi ce ofces, 4-5
sampl e detecti on mode, 6-17
Save, 6-28
save l es, 2-29, 2-32, 2-33
Save key, 2-4
save l i mi ts, 6-28
save setup l es, 6-28
save states, 6-28
save traces, 6-28
Scal e Type Log Li n, 6-8
Scal e/Di v, 6-8
SCPI remote i nterface error
characteri sti cs, 4-21
screen annotati on, 2-13
on or off, 6-24
screen data output, 6-69
screen grati cul e, 6-24
screen ti tl e, 6-24
Search key, 6-60
Search menu map, 5-3
Search Param, 6-63
Segmented sweep, 6-86
segmented sweep
changes i n segment order, 6-87
di spl ayi ng the trace, 6-86
edi tor, 6-87
i nteracti on wi th other anal yzer
functi ons, 6-88
Sel ect, 6-10
Sel ect Marker 1 2 3 4, 6-44, 6-45
sel f-cal i brati on routi nes, 2-24
servi ce connector, 2-9
Servi ce key, 6-99
servi ce key access, 6-99
servi ce opti ons, 4-4
servi ce tag, 4-7
Set Date, 6-93
Set Ti me, 6-93
setti ng the ampl i tude, 2-21
setti ng the center frequency, 2-20
setti ng the marker, 2-22
setti ng the span, 2-20
Show Errors, 6-92
Show Hdwr, 6-95
Show System, 6-95
Si gnal I D Mode key, 6-41
Si gnal I dent On Off key, 6-41
Si gnal Track On Off, 6-38
si gnal tracki ng, 6-38
Si ngl e Sweep, 6-75
si ngl e sweep, 6-84
Source, 6-76
Source menu map, 5-3
source power, 6-76
Span, 2-20, 6-78
ful l , 6-78
Index 5
l ast, 6-79
zero, 6-78
span functi ons, 6-78
Span key, 2-4
Span Pai r Span Center, 6-45
SPAN X Scal e, 6-78
SPAN X Scal e menu map, 5-3
Span Zoom, 6-78
speaker on/off control , 2-4
speaker vol ume control , 2-6
spectrum anal yzer attenuator,
spectrum anal yzer state recal l ed,
6-92, 6-93
ST/Harmoni c Auto Man, 6-53
Standard key, 6-102
Standby key, 6-74, 6-82
start and stop frequenci es, 6-49
Start Freq, 6-37
start frequency, 6-37
state of spectrum anal yzer at
power on, 6-92, 6-93
step keys, 2-6
sti mul us response mode, 6-84
Stop Freq, 6-37
stop frequency, 6-37
subtract di spl ay l i ne from trace 2,
Sweep, 6-83
Sweep Cont Si ngl e, 6-84
sweep control
conti nuous, 6-84
si ngl e, 6-84
Sweep menu map, 5-3
sweep modes, 2-15
sweep output connector
sweep ti me, 6-83
Sweep Ti me Auto Man, 6-83
swi tch trace 1 and 2, 6-106
Swp Coupl i ng SR SA, 6-84
Sync Pos Neg key, 6-102
System key, 2-4, 6-92
System menu map, 5-3
Tab Keys, 2-6
test descri pti ons, 3-3
frequency response, 3-23
test l i st
functi onal testi ng, 3-3
testi ng, 3-3
Test On Off, 6-21
Ti me (Marker Readout menu),
Ti me/Date, 6-93
Ti me/Date On Off, 6-93
Ti mebase, 6-94
ti mebase adjust
Fi ne, Coarse, 6-94
ti mebase veri cati on, 6-94
Ti tl e, 6-24
cl ear wri te, 6-105
Trace 1 2 3, 6-105
trace modes, 2-15
trace regi ster contents, 6-105
trace regi sters
copyi ng contents, 6-105
exchangi ng contents, 6-105
tracki ng generator
output power, 6-76
power sweep, 6-76
power sweep range, 6-77
source power offset, 6-77
source power step si ze, 6-77
tracki ng generator functi ons, 6-76
Tracki ng Peak, 6-77
transi ent l i mi ter, 7-13
Tri g Del ay On Off, 6-103
Tri g key, 6-100
Tri g menu map, 5-3
Tri g Type Edge Level , 6-84
tri gger
external , 6-100
l i ne, 6-100
vi deo, 6-100
tri gger modes, 2-15
turni ng off markers, 6-48
turni ng on the anal yzer for the
rst ti me, 1-9
TV key, 6-100
TV Moni tor key, 6-102
TV Source key, 6-102
TV Tri g Setup key, 6-101
TV Tri gger and Pi cture on Screen,
Type Upper Lower, 6-21
up arrow key, 2-6
User, 6-10
VBW/RBW Rati o, 6-14
VGA connector, 2-9
Vi deo, 6-100
vi deo averagi ng, 6-15
vi deo bandwi dth to resol uti on
bandwi dth rati o, 6-14
Vi deo BW Auto Man, 6-14
vi deo connector, 2-9
Vi ew, 6-105
Vi ew/Trace, 6-105
Vi ew/Trace menu map, 5-3
Vi ewi ng Angl e, 6-104
Vi ewi ng Angl e keys, 2-3
vol ume control , 2-6
VOLUME knob, 2-6
warm-up ti me, 2-24
warranty, 4-4
X Axi s Uni ts Freq Ti me, 6-19
Zero Span, 6-78
Zone, 6-79
Zone Center, 6-80
Zone On Off, 6-79
Zone Pk Left, 6-81
Zone Pk Ri ght, 6-81
Zone Span, 6-80
Zoom, 6-108

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