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1. Introduction
2. Simulation Control
3. Simulation Flow
4. Camera Control
5. Goal of Simulation
6. Airport Editor
1. Introduction
Tower Simulator is an edutainment simulation. During development we
were mainly focused on gameplay and level of details.
If you want to start immediately as an air traffic controler, then please
click directly on SELET S!I"T# in the $%I& $E&'# section. If you
did that, you will have a selection of some different shifts, already
included in the SI$.
That(s not the end of all the gameplay fun) The %I*+,*T EDIT,*# will
help you with creation of own airports and almost unlimited new game
levels. The SI$ additionaly allows to add your own -d models, if you
want. $ore information regarding modding the simulation with your own
ideas and add ons, you will find here)
The will provide you with news and updates, as well as with
support options and contacts.
To get in contact with us, please go direct to our company
/e hope that you will have the same level of fun, as we had during the
whole period of development0
1est regards,
Stephan 2uenther
S+%E D*E%$ ST'DI,S
2. Simulation Control
%fter selection of your shift in the SELET S!I"T# menu, you should
start your shift .y clicking on the S!I"T ST%*T# .utton.
&ow you will .e flown# directly into the tower where you will e3perience
following camera view)
!ere you see all the systems and tools you need to work as a
successful air traffic controler)
Airpace!"adar helps you to manage all the flying traffic.
Ground!"adar shows you where all the aircraft on the ground
Fli#$plan!%&er&iew informs you regarding origin and
destination of the aircraft as well as a.out the altitude they
have to fly.
The 'ind!(anel keeps you updated with wind and air
pressure. %dditionally it ena.les you to switch on4off the
%TI,& %$# mode.
To acti&ate one of t$e panel) *ut clic+ on it directl, or $it a
function +e, -F5 . Ground!"adar / F6 . Airpace!"adar / F0 .
Fli#$tplan!%&er&iew / F1 . 'ind!(anel23 lick into the area
outside the activated panel to close the panel again.
%s soon as you hover over an aircraft sym.ol, all the most
important flight data will show up like) callsign 5*E26, destination
5DES6 and altitude 5%LT6 in feet, as well as speed 5S+D6 in knots.
Destinations are)
AAA, 444, CCC, 555, regarding the %++4DE+ 7ones.
6C6) it(s your local airport. Land the aircraft here0
To communicate with all the aircraft in the SI$, you need to use the
ontroler+ad. The pad comes up as soon as you select an aircraft.
5ifferent wa, to elect an aircraft7
8. Directly click on aircraft on the screen.
9. %irspace:*adar) click on one of the aircraft icons.
-. 2round:*adar) click on one of the green aircraft dots.
;. "lightplan:,verview) click on one oft the .ars.
3. Simulation Flow
<ou need to select an aircraft .efore you can clear it to ta3i. See
e3planation .efore. %fter selection the ontroler+ad comes up on
the screen. &ow click on the green ta3i clearance .utton, followed
.y a .lue ta3i target .utton)
To send an aircraft from a parking position to a runway, choose one
of the red ta3i target .uttons, representing different runway
%fter landing and clearing the runway, send an aircraft to a final
parking position .y assigning one of the .lue ta3i target .uttons. "or
reference, look up runway and parking position names in the
2round:*adar panel.
<ou can control ta3i speed of aircraft with two green keys)
%s soon as an aircraft comes to a full stop at a holding position,
short of a runway, the pilot will report ready for departure# via radio.
&ow you can clear the aircraft for take off .y clicking the .lue take
off clearance .utton)
Don(t forget to select the aircraft .efore0
C%;;A95S 5<"I9G T=E F6IG=T
During the flight of an aircraft, you can control following)
clim. 4 descent to altitude assigned
heading changes
increase 4 reduce airspeed
assign holding patterns
clear to land
cancel clearances
Clim> / 5ecent
To assign altitudes to an aircraft, 5dou.le6click on
intended altitude scale on ontroler+ad.
2rey mark shows current altitude in 8=== feet steps.
1y the way 8=== ft > ca. -== m.
alculation formular) m > ft 4 8= 3 -
%ll altitudes a.ove ?=== ft are defined as flight levels
with - digits, for e3ample) @=== ft > "L =@=, A=== ft >
"L =A= etc.
=eadin# C$an#e
will .e assigned .y using the heading
selector. 5Dou.le6click on the grey
inner segment. Initially the heading
selector shows the current heading of
an selected aircraft.
Increae / "educe Airpeed
"or inflight airspeed changes, use following .oth .uttons)
Every click changes the speed .y 8= knots. Beep in mind that every
aircraft has it(s own minimum and ma3imum speed limits,
depending on the type of aircraft. Tower Simulator takes care of it
automatically and does not let fly aircraft .eyond their limits.
%ircraft adCust their speeds automatically regarding to different flight
situations. %irspeed during final approach will .e slower than
cruising speed in higher altitudes, for e3ample. Speed changes, you
advice as a controler, have always priority.
Ai#nin# =oldin# (attern
%s soon as air traffic starts to .ecome too dense, you should send
some aircraft into holding patterns.
Dust click the :.utton, followed .y one of the holding areas
%ircraft will stay in the areas of the assigned holding patterns, .ut
don(t count on it that they will keep the .orders e3actly0
If there are more than one aircraft in a holding pattern, take care
a.out enough hori7ontal and vertical distance .etween each
To leave a holding pattern, Cust assign a new heading to the aircraft,
like descriped in the !eading hanges# section .efore.
Clear To 6and
<ou need to align the aircraft to the runway, like shown in the
screenshot .elow, .efore you clear the aircraft for landing)
%t that point the
aircraft should not fly
higher than 9=== E
-=== ft anymore0 It(s
not possi.le to clear
an aircraft for landing
a.ove -=== ft0
%s soon as the aircraft is prepared for landing, clear it to land .y
clicking the leared To Land# .utton)

%fter landing, the aircraft will leave the runway, followed .y a stop,
automatically. &ow it(s your turn to assign a final parking position
5like descriped in the Ta3i learance section6.
% new destination will .e assigned to the aircraft as soon as it
reaches final parking position. &ow you can start all over again and
send it to the ne3t runway for take off.
Cancel Clearance
If you see in the last moment during approach, that the assigned
landing runway is still in use .y an other aircraft, you should cancel
your landing clearance .y hitting the ancel learance# .utton)
%fter clearance cancellation the aircraft will initiali7e a go
around immediately.
4. Camera Control
To control the view out of the tower, Cust use a intuitive mouse
motion to move the camera around. ontrol camera .y moving
mouse arround and pushing right mouse key at the same time.
Foom in and out .y moving mouse forward or .ackwards and
holding shift key pressed.
S+%E 1%* switches the !%SE %$ mode on and off again. If
switched on, it let follow the camera automtically any currently
selected aircraft.
%dditionally it(s possi.le to activate a so called %ction:am# mode.
If this mode is activated 5default mode6, the cam Cumps
automatically to aircrafts performing special tasks, like undocking
from gate oder like taking off.
To switch %ction:am# mode on or off, please use .utton in /ind:
To leave an action
cam seGuence
immeditely, Cust click
left and right mouse
.uttons at the same
time after the
seGuence has .een
5. Goal %f Simulation
2oal of simulation is to reach a ma3imum of carreer points. <ou get
points as soon as aircraft reaches assigned destinations in goal
altitude0 During simulation, the of aircraft will increase in a
shorter time interval.
That(s why you should always keep an eye on your "lightplan:
,verview#. There you will find all the information you need)
Carreer (oint7
Destination reached, dif. in %LT H ?== ft ) 9=== +oints
Destination reached, dif. in %LT I ?== ft ) ?== +oints
Destination missed ) :9=== +oints
Simulation end a oon a ,ou $it ESC!+e, or a oon a ,ou
#et fired >ecaue of e?ceedin# t$e limit of minimum ditance
>etween aircraft.
6. Airport Editor
%irport Editor is a powerful tool to create almost unlimited new
airports and levels 5shifts6. %dditionally it(s possi.le to e3port your
creations within a single file and share it with all your friends who
own the Tower Simulator too.
It(s not possi.le to e3plain all features within this short instruction
manual. +lease check out our for more information,
tutorials and news, regarding our Tower Simulator)
The %irport Editor is .asically a complete level editor and contains
two main parts)
Airport Editor S$ift Editor
1efore you start designing a new shift, you need to .uild and save
an airport first.
Airport Editor
To place new parts, you need to select a group of parts first. Then
Cust select the part in the part selection view on the left side of the
screen. To place the slected part in the scene, dou.leclick in a short
seGuence, on the spot in the -D scene where you want to place the
new part0 !olding S!I"T key pressed during moving a part, ena.les
an automatic linking function which ensures a perfect connection
.etween two parts.
S$ift Editor
@ideo!Tutorial re#ardin# Airport Editor7

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