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Volume 35
Agroforestry Education and Training:
Present and Future
Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Professional Education and Training in Agroforestry,
held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
on 5-8 December 1988
Edited by
Department of Forestry
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida, USA
Reprinted from Agroforestry Systems 12(1)
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN-13:978-94-0l0-7441-4 e-ISBN-13:978-94-009-2095-8
DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-2095-8
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers,
P.O. Box 17.3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
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Technical editor: Nancy Dohn
Printed on acid-free paper
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1990 by Kluwer Academic Publishers
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1990
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Inaugural address
E.T. York, Jr.: The importance of agroforestry education and
Keynote papers
E. Zulberti: Agroforestry education and training programs: an
overVIew 13
H.A. Steppler: Agroforestry education 41
R.F. Fisher: Agroforestry training: Global trends and needs 49
K.G. MacDicken and C.B. Lantican: Resource development for
professional education and training in agroforestry 57
Regional/Country reports
E.O. Asare: Agroforestry education and training: an African
expenence 71
R. Sands: Education in agroforestry at the University of
Melbourne 81
Wang Shiji: A brief account of professional education and
training in agroforestry in China 87
H.-J. von Maydell: Agroforestry education and training in
European institutions 91
Kirti Singh: Status of agroforestry education in India 97
A. Sumitro: The status of professional agroforestry education
and training in Indonesia 103
J.c.L. Dubois: Agroforestry education and training in Latin
America 107
S.T. Warren and W.R. Bentley: Expanding opportunities for
agroforestry education in the U.S. and Canadian Universities 115
Workshop summary and synthesis
J.P. Lassoie: Towards a comprehensive education and training
program in agroforestry 121
Workshop recommendations 133
List of participants 141
Interest and initiatives in agroforestry education and training, as in other
aspects of agroforestry development, have increased tremendously during
the past decade. Coordination of such educational activities was initiated by
the first international workshop on education in agroforestry organized by
the International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) in Decem-
ber 1982, at Nairobi, Kenya. Since then, agroforestry has been incorporated
into the curricula of many educational and training institutions around the
world. Moreover, several institutions have developed entire academic
programs specifically in agroforestry. However, most of these activities are
still isolated initiatives, without common strategies or philosophies. This
second international agroforestry workshop was therefore planned to pro-
vide a forum for reviewing progress, sharing programs and experiences, and
planning and coordinating future directions in agroforestry education and
training. The main objectives were to review the on-going programs, to
assess the scope of professional education and training in relation to the
perceived needs of trained personnel, to recommend guidelines for further
program development, and to establish networking among institutions and
agencies involved in agroforestry education and training.
These proceedings contain the keynote papers, regional/country presenta-
tions and conclusions and recommendations of the International Workshop
on Education and Training in Agroforestry held at the University of
Florida, Gainesville, USA in December, 1988. The strategy of the workshop
was to facilitate focused discussion on identified issues by an invited group
of world leaders in agroforestry education and training. First, four keynote
papers presented global reviews of the (1) current status and trends in
agroforestry education and training, (2) current and future needs in
agroforestry education, (3) current and future needs in training, and (4)
current and future needs in resource development and networking. Follow-
ing these global overviews eight regional/country presentations reported the
present status of education and training at specific institutions throughout
the world. Key issues and questions identified in these sessions were
addressed in meetings of smaller working groups on education, training and
resource development. These intensive sessions produced recommendations
which were critiqued at the final plenary session. The final workshop recom-
mendations are a group effort and product of the insightful thoughts and
discussions during the workshop.
We hope that this Proceedings and its recommendations provide a valu-
able guide for further development and continued growth of agroforestry
education and training in the world.
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
January 1990
P.K.R. Nair
H.L. Gholz
M.L. Duryea
Many individuals and organizations contributed to the success of this
workshop. The attendance by a distinguished gathering of world leaders in
agroforestry education, many relying on their own financial support, was a
testament to the importance of the event. We thank all these invited par-
ticipants for the energy, diligence and diverse skills that they brought to the
workshop, truly making it a success.
The International Council for Research in Agroforestry (lCRAF) was an
official cosponsor; in addition to the participation of two of its senior staff,
it also sponsored four other participants from Africa. A grant from the Ford
Foundation office in India enabled two participants from India to attend.
The Ford Foundation office in Brazil supported the attendance of four
delegates from that country. The Winrock International Institute sent two
of its officials to the workshop - one from Arkansas, USA, and the other
from Bangkok, Thailand - and sponsored the travel of the participant from
Malaysia. The Forestry Support Program of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA-FSP) was represented by two officials from
Washington, D.C. and sponsored the participants from Costa Rica and
Peru. The Center for International Programs, Institute of Food and Agricul-
tural Sciences (IF AS), University of Florida, supported six participants and
The Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida, supported a
delegate from the Dominican Republic. Sincere thanks are due to all these
organizations and institutions for their support.
Special thanks are extended to the Workshop Organizing Committee,
which included Dr. J. Gordon, Yale University, Dr. D.V. Johnson, USDA
Forestry Support Program, Dr. E. Zulberti, ICRAF, and Drs. P.
Hildebrand, C.P.P. Reid, and M. Swisher, University of Florida, for their
guidance during the planning phases of the workshop.
Administrative and logistical arrangements for the workshop were
handled by the Office of Conferences and Institutes, IFAS, University of
We are grateful for the production assistance of Nancy Dohn for technical
editing of the proceedings and to Elizabeth Gaylord for typing the
Finally, we thank the Editor-in-Chief and Kluwer Academic Publishers
for publishing the workshop proceedings as a special issue of Agroforestry

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