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Calgary Islamic School

General Psychology 20 & Experimental Psychology 30 Course

Outline 2014-2015

Teacher: Ms. Kadaoui

Half of Semester 1

General Psychology 20 (3 Credits)
Students will be provided with a general background of the history of psychological schools of
thought; the principles of learning; how to learn efficiently; the process of thinking; facing
frustration and conflict; emotional problems of adolescents; behaviour disorders and their
treatment, and; career opportunities in psychology.

Psychology and You (3
Ed.), National Textbook Company, 2000.

General Psychology 20 Evaluation
Student progress will be cumulative and include:
Assignments & Projects 40%
Tests & Quizzes 25%
Journal 5%
Final Exam 30%
Half of Semester 1

Experimental Psychology 30 (3 Credits)
Students will gain an understanding of intelligence and intelligence testing, personality, and
statistical analysis. Also, students will be required to complete an independent research project in
which they will incorporate design, data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Psychology and You (3
Ed.), National Textbook Company, 2000.

Experimental Psychology 30 Evaluation
Student progress will be cumulative and include:
Assignments 25%
Tests & Quizzes 25%
Research Project (via 15%
Journal 5%
*Final Exam (check note below) 30%

General Psychology 20 & Experimental Psychology 30 Expectations
A positive and successful experience in my class requires you to:
Be present and arrive on time *Note: You may be exempt from the Experimental
Psychology 30 final exam only if you have no unexcused lates (throughout), 3 or
fewer excused absences (throughout), and an 80% or higher prior to the exam*
Come prepared and show readiness to learn
Use class time effectively
Follow instructions carefully
Complete work to the best of your ability (in and out of class)
Hand in work on time
Be respectful to others as well as to school property
Be in full uniform (applies to both boys and girls)
Ask permission

Plagiarism is a serious offense; it will be brought to the attention of the Vice Principal's office.
Plagiarized work will result in a grade of "zero" as well as an "academic dishonesty" for the
assignment and can result in a grade of "zero" for the course, as well as academic
Students are highly encouraged to see me if they require any additional assistance. I do make
myself available before school, at lunch, and after school if the times are arranged with me in
advance. For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school at
(403) 248-2773 or (E-mail).

I wish you much success in the course. Good luck!

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