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1he llrsL World War (1914)

LecLure 8reakdown:

! lnLernauonal 8elauons Lheory: 8eallsm

! LnLangllng alllances among greaL powers (1882-1907)
! CuLbreak of War (1914)
kenneLh WalLz, ln hls paradlgmauc work, !"#$%& $( )*+#%*,-$*,.
/$.0-12 (1979) denes Lheory:

A Lheory ls a plcLure, menLally formed, of a bounded realm or
domaln of acuvlLy.A Lheory lndlcaLes LhaL some facLors are more
lmporLanL Lhan oLhers and specles relauons among Lhem. A
theory |s not the occurrences seen and the assoc|anons
recorded, but |s |nstead the exp|ananon of them.

neoreallsLs share s|x core assumpnons abouL Lhe naLure of
lnLernauonal relauons:

1. SLaLes are Lhe mosL slgnlcanL acLors.
2. Anarchy ls a feaLure of Lhe lnLernauonal arena.
3. SLaLes seek Lo maxlmlze Lhelr securlLy or power.
4. SLaLes adopL rauonal pollcles Lo achleve securlLy or power.
3. SLaLes rely upon LhreaL or mlllLary use Lo obLaln ob[ecuves.
6. 1he dlsLrlbuuon of power among sLaLes ls a cause of baslc
pauerns ln lnLernauonal relauons.
ln anarchy, securlLy ls Lhe hlghesL end. Cnly lf survlval ls assured
can sLaLes safely seek such oLher goals as LranqulllLy, proL, and
power. 8ecause power ls a means and noL an end, sLaLes prefer Lo
[oln Lhe weaker of Lwo coalluons. lf sLaLes wlshed Lo maxlmlze
power, Lhey would [oln Lhe sLronger slde.Lhls does noL happen
because balanclng, noL bandwagonlng, ls Lhe behavlor lnduced by
Lhe sysLem. 1he rsL concern of sLaLes ls noL Lo maxlmlze power buL
Lo malnLaln Lhelr posluons ln Lhe sysLem.

- kenneLh WalLz, !"#$%& $( )*+#%*,-$*,. /$.0-12, (1979) p.126.
ln 1882 lLaly
[olned Lhe dual
alllance beLween
Cermany and

1he 1r|p|e
A|||ance was
now compleLe.
1he r|s|ng nava| power of Germany
concerned 8rlLaln:

" Wllhelm ll became kalser 1888

" Wllhelm ll pursued !"#
$!%&'(%")* or world pollcy and saw
lL ln hls duLy Lo make Cermany a
$!%&+,-.&, or world power.

" ulsmlssal of 8lsmarck 1890
uropplng Lhe lloL3 /4*1", 1890.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 7
Cerman colonles ln

- Cerman LasL Afrlca

- Cerman SouLh-WesL
Afrlca (now namlbla)

- Lhe Cameroons

- 1ogo
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 8
Cerman lmperlallsm
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 9
Cerman /!%&'(%")* advocaLed colonlal
expanslon overseas.

Cerman Admlral A|fred von 1|rp|tz wroLe a
memorandum ln 1894:
- a eeL was essenual for Cermanys
posluon as a colonlal power and as a
bargalnlng counLer wlLh 8rlLaln ln
lnLernauonal aalrs.
- Lhe Cerman navy need noL be Lhe
sLrongesL ln Lhe world, buL lL should be
sumclenLly large for no greaLer naval ower
[eg. 8rlLaln] Lo rlsk Lhe losses Lhrough an
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 10
1lrplLz memorandum won hlm Lhe supporL of Lhe kalser, and Lhe
posluon of MlnlsLer of Marlne ln 1897.

WlLh Lhe agreemenL of Lhe kalser and oLher members of
governmenL, 1lrplLz lald plans for a greaL n|gh Seas eet LhaL
would challenge Lhe 8rlush 8oyal navy.

ln 1898 Cermany passed a navy Law calllng for a bulld-up Lo a
nlneLeen-bauleshlp eeL, a goal whlch was doubled by Lhe 1900
naval Law.

PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 11
8rlLaln deslred Lo malnLaln a 8a|ance of
power ln Lurope:
" lf one counLry appeared Lo be growlng
Loo powerful, 8rlLaln would supporL Lhe
second sLrongesL power ln order Lo
balance Lhe sLrongesL.

A sLrong 8rlush navy was essenual:
" Secured llnes of communlcauon wlLhln
" ro[ecLed power
" Secured Lrade rouLes
" roLecLed Lhe home lslands
oseldon and 8rlLannla
boLh wlLh LrldenLs
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 12
Cur stakes are out of propornon to those of any other ower.
1o us defeat |n a mar|nme war wou|d mean a d|saster of
a|most unpara||e|ed magn|tude |n h|story. It m|ght mean the
destrucnon of our mercann|e mar|ne, the stoppage of our
manufacturers, scarc|ty of food, |nvas|on, and destrucnon of
Lmp|re. No other country runs the same r|sks |n a war w|th us.

-Larl of Selbourne, llrsL Lord of Lhe 8rlush AdmlralLy, 1901.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 13
1902: 8rlLaln and !apan forged a naval alllance.
1904: 8r|ta|n and Irance s|gned
the Lntente Cord|a|e, whlch
helped Lo ensure dlplomauc
cooperauon beLween Lhe Lwo
sLaLes, and whlch provoked
concern ln Cermany.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 14
Cermanys sLraLegy for a a declslve
vlcLory was ouLllned ln Lhe Sch||een
|an (190S): Cermany would dellver a
rapld knockouL blow agalnsL lrance
and a subsequenL campalgn agalnsL
8ussla. 1he anuclpaLed slowness of
8usslan moblllzauon creaLed a
wlndow of opporLunlLy for
lmplemenung such a sLraLegy.
"0 (#! "2 &(( /!,* &( ,3,-* &.! /.(%!4 (#! 2.(5%6 ,3,-* , 2!-)(#
- Schlleen. ClLed ln !. Snyder, )5#$.$6& $( +"# 78#*209# (1984).

PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 13
:;< =%#,5*$46"+ (bauleshlp, 1906)
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 16
1he Dreadnought:

- Maln bauery of 12-lnch guns
- SLeam Lurblne powerplanL
- 21-knoL maxlmum speed

1he ureadnoughL was revoluuonary ln lLs Lechnologlcal advances,
and Lhoroughly ecllpsed earller Lypes of bauleshlps. lL could sLeam
fasLer, shooL furLher, and shooL harder Lhan any oLher shlp,
lmmedlaLely renderlng oLher bauleshlps obsoleLe.
8y 1907, 8rlush Admlral S|r Iohn I|sher, as llrsL Sea Lord,
persuaded seven more dreadnoughLs and baule crulsers Lo be bullL.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 17
ln 1907, the
entente was

WlLh Lhe lranco-8usslan alllance (1892) and Anglo-lranco enLenLe-
cordlale (1904), Lhe 1r|p|e Lntente between 8r|ta|n, Irance and
kuss|a was compleLe.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 18
1he out|ook |s very om|nous. neruc|ean eorts, of wh|ch we
know secret|y and certa|n|y, are be|ng made by Germany.

-Slr !ohn llsher Lo klng Ldward, 1909.
1he 1909-1910 esumaLes provlded for 8 addluonal 8rlush
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 19
1he anlc of 1909: 8rlLaln

Lng|ands nanona| ex|stence may be |n per|| w|th|n |ess than a
generanon from.[Germanys] navy.
-Mr. lrederlc Parrlson, 1he 8rlush naval Scare, !"# )*5#>#*5#*+,
March 1909.

an|c, a|ways |nfecnous, |s spread|ng ||ke the p|ague
?!"# =,0.& @#A2

1he Conservauves shouLed, We want e|ght and we wont wa|t!.

!"# 7B2#%9#% Lold voLers Lo |ns|st on the L|ght, the who|e L|ght,
and noth|ng but the L|ght.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 20
ln Lhe end a curlous and characLerlsuc soluuon was reached.
1he AdmlralLy had demanded slx shlps: Lhe economlsLs oered
four: and we nally compromlsed on elghL.

-WlnsLon Churchlll, !"# C$%.5 D%0202 EFEE?EFEG, (1928) p.33
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 21 PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 22
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 23
1he CuLbreak of War
28 !une 1914: Austr|an Archduke Iranz-Ierd|nand and h|s w|fe
are assass|nated ln Sara[evo, 8osnla by Serblan nauonallsL,
Cavrllo rlnclp.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 24
The Chain of Friendship, The Brooklyn Eagle (USA), July 1914.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 23
6 !uly: Lhe Cerman kalser, Wllhelm ll, assured AusLrla of Cermanys
guaranLeed supporL ln whaLever measures were Lo be Laken agalnsL
Serbla (Cermanys 8|ank Cheque).

28 !uly: Austr|a-nungary dec|ared war aga|nst Serb|a.

29 !uly: 8ussla ordered a general moblllsauon of lLs Lroops.

31 !uly: Cerman governmenL demanded LhaL 8ussla cancel Lhe
moblllsauon of lLs Lroops. 8ussla falled Lo comply.

1 AugusL: Germany dec|ared war aga|nst kuss|a. lrance ordered a
general moblllsauon of lLs Lroops.

3 AugusL: Germany dec|ared war aga|nst Irance. Cerman Lroops
enLered (neuLral) 8elglum Lo lnvade lrance.

PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 26
8rlLaln became lnvolved
ln Lhe lnLense mlllLary
bulld-up when German
troops entered 8e|g|um
on Lhelr wary Lo lnvade
lrance, vlolaung 8elglan
/4*1", 12 AugusL 1914.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 27
8r|ta|n dec|ared war aga|nst
Germany and Austr|a-
nungary on 4 August 1914.

8rlLalns overseas colonles/
domlnlons would also be
called Lo arms for
compulsory servlce.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 27
!"# <4* (vancouver), AugusL 1914.
1he Mad uog of Lurope
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 28
1he 8rlush Lmplre 1914
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 29
!"# H,*1$49#% =,0.& /%$90*1#, AugusL 3, 1914.
Answerlng Lhe Call: 1he whelps of Lhe llon are [olnlng Lhelr slre.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 30
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 31
A rush of exc|tement lled Canadlan sLreeLs, parucularly ln
1oronLo where a band marched along playlng songs Lo cheerlng
crowds of Lhree Lhousand specLaLors, slnglng I$5 <,9# +"# J0*63
K4.# L%0+,**0, and 7 D,*,5,.
When the war broke out - you cannot 7!%"!8! un|ess you
were there. 1he country went mad! eop|e s|ng|ng on the
streets and roads. Lverybody wanted to be a hero,
everybody wanted to go to war.

-8eecuons of a Canadlan veLeran 19 years of age ln AugusL 1914. ClLed ln
uaphne 8ead (ed.), !"# I%#,+ C,% ,*5 D,*,50,* <$10#+&M N* 7%,. :02+$%&
(1978), p.90.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 32
Why dld l enllsL? Well, my mouves are mlxed. l was only [usL
pasL my LwenLy-rsL blrLhday. 1he prospecL of advenLure and
Lravel and so on had a very sLrong appeal for me. l would say l
had oLher reasons for lL Loo. My readlng was almosL enurely
based on L$&2 7A* N**4,. and D"4O2 and PenLy and so on.
So l had Lhe bellef LhaL 8rlLaln always won lLs wars and LhaL
Lhey were always rlghL. 1hls was a feellng my generauon
-Larry nelson, Canadlan veLeran. ClLed ln uaphne 8ead (ed.), !"# I%#,+
C,% ,*5 D,*,50,* <$10#+&M N* 7%,. :02+$%& (1978).
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 33
l Lhlnk mosL people [olned from a sense of perhaps duLy and
deslre for a change perhaps - you know, occupauon,
exclLemenL, advenLure. l Lhlnk l would puL Lhe emphasls on Lhe
facL LhaL mosL of us were young and saw lL as a wonderful
opporLunlLy Lo Lhrow o Lhe shackles of worklng ln an omce or
a facLory or on a farm or whaL-have-you.

-Larry nelson, Canadlan veLeran.
PlsL 432: Wk2, L.Sllver 34
Canadlan soldlers leave by rall: Lroops o Lo war, 1914

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