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/* Calculation of simple interest */

[H] Write C programs for the following:

1. Rameshs basic salary is input through the keyboard. His dearness allowance is 40 of basic
salary! and house rent allowance is "0 of basic salary. Write a program to calculate his
gross salary.
#ote :
$llowance is 40 of %asic &alary is : '%asic &alary ( 40)*+00.
House rent is "0 of %.&. is : '%asic &alary ("0 ) * +00,
-ross &alary : %.&. . $l . H.R.
2. /he distance between two cities 'in km.) is input through the keyboard. Write a program to
con0ert and print this distance in meters! feet! inches and centimeters.
1.2. to 2eter 3 +000m
/o feet 3 +" inches
/o inches 3
/o Cm 3
3. 4f the marks obtained by a student in fi0e different sub5ects are input through the keyboard!
find out the aggregate marks and percentage marks obtained by the student. $ssume that the
ma6imum marks that can be obtained by a student in each sub5ect is +00.
4. /emperature of a city in 7ahrenheit degrees is input through the keyboard. Write a program to
con0ert this temperature into Centigrade degrees.
5. /he length 8 breadth of a rectangle and radius of a circle are input through the keyboard.
Write a program to calculate the area 8 perimeter of the rectangle! and the area 8
circumference of the circle.
6. /wo numbers are input through the keyboard into two locations C and 9. Write a program to
interchange the contents of C and 9.
7. 4f a fi0e:digit number is input through the keyboard! write a program to calculate the sum of
its digits. 'Hint: ;se the modulus operator <)
8. 4f a fi0e:digit number is input through the keyboard! write a program to re0erse the number.
9. 4f a four:digit number is input through the keyboard! write a program to obtain the sum of the
first and last digit of this number.
10. 4n a town! the percentage of men is =". /he percentage of total literacy is 4>. 4f total
percentage of literate men is ?= of the total population! write a program to find the total
number of illiterate men and women if the population of the town is >0!000.
11. $ cashier has currency notes of denominations +0! =0 and +00. 4f the amount to be withdrawn
is input through the keyboard in hundreds! find the total number of currency notes of each
denomination the cashier will ha0e to gi0e to the withdrawer.
12. 4f the total selling price of += items and the total profit earned on them is input through the
keyboard! write a program to find the cost price of one item.
13. 4f a fi0e:digit number is input through the keyboard! write a program to print a new number
by adding one to each of its digits. 7or e6ample if the number that is input is +"?@+ then the
output should be displayed as "?40".

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