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Rachel Prather


Central and Southwest Asia

Web Quest

1. Why do you think the region is plagued by conflict? I think

because of the conflict of religion between the Arabs and
2. What countries define the region? Cyprus, the Asian part of
Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan,
Iraq, Iran, the countries of the Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia,
Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait),
and Egypt and Libya.
3. Why are there tensions between Israel and the Arabs? Because
of the political, strategic and economic interests in the area of
the great powers.
4. What country was the largest supplier of weapons in Iraq during
this conflict? Soviet Union.
5. What was the name of the Iraqi president? Saddam Hussein.
6. What was he accused of that led to war? Illegally pumping oil
from Iraq’s Rumaila oil field.
7. When was the Iraqi president captured and convincted of during
this war? Dec. 2003 was th date he was captured and in 2004 he
was convicted.
8. What is the name of the sea that is between Egypt and Saudi
Arabia? The Red Sea
9. What is the name of the Sea North of Turkey? Black Sea
10. What is the name of the sea north of Iran? Caspian
11. What is the name of the sea west of Israel? Mediterranean Sea
12. What is the name of the sea south of Oman? Arabian Sea
13. Approximately how many miles is it from Jerusalem to Nazareth?
60 miles
14. Approximately how many miles is it from Jerusalem to Egypt? 70
15.What is the major International dispute in this country? The
seperation and they are creating a barrier along parts of the
Green Line and within the western Bank, their intention to pull
out Israeli settlers and withdraw from the Gaza strip and four
settlements in the northern West Bank.
16.What does the symbol in the middle of the flag represent? The
Blue Star of David
17. Why are there tensions between Israelis and Palestinians?
Because the Arabs that remained in Israel once it was declared
tend to start riots known as the intifada.
18. How many feet below sea level is the Dead Sea? 1,349 ft.
19. Name the neighboring countries…Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Oman,
U.A.E, Kuwait, Catar.
20.Approximately how many miles is it from Duba to Egypt? 100
21.What type of government did this country have? Absolute
22.Why did this country make large financial contributions to the
Iraq war effort during the 1980’s? They were fearful they might
become ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s next target if Iran
conquered Iraq.
23.What is the Taliban? Is a radical Sunni Islamist movement.
24. What countries border Kuwait? Iraq, Saudi Arabia.
25.By examining the map, what would you think would be Kuwait’s
economic strength? Its long coastline.
26. What are their official languages spoken? Arabic
27. What is their main religion? Islam
28. Why did Iraq invade Kuwait? Because they blamed them for
falling oil prices.
29. What was the date that women voted for the first time? 2006.
30. Is Turkey north, south, east, or west of Israel? North.
31. Where is Istanbul located? In the north west portion of the
32. Did Turkey fight in WWII? Why or why not? It was neutral during
most of WWII, on Feb. 23 1945 it declared war on Germany and
Japan, yet took no active part in the conflict.
33. Who are the Kurds? They composed a significant part of the
population in Turkey, they are a separate group of people apart
from the Turks
34. Name two interesting facts about the Kurdish Culture. Their New
Years Day is on March 21 and their woman are not secluded and
do not wear the veil.
35. What tragedy happened on August 17, 1999? Western Turkey
was devastated by an earthquake magnitude 7.4.
36. What countries are considered the main trading partners with
Turkey? Germany, UK, US, Italy, France, Spain, Russia and China.

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