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Frankenstein & Blade Runner Notes

Theme Evidence Techniques Explanation/Effect Context

The importance
of natural
aspects in life;
facilitating a
between an
individual and
the world
around them.
They penetrate into the recesses of nature and
show how she works in her hiding-places.
I pursued nature to her hiding-places.
o Penetration and hiding-places connote a sense of invasion into nature. The
personification of nature as she works presents ideas of a systematic environment by
which the natural world operates.
This emphasises the limitations of Enlightenments rational reasoning and
contrastingly conveys the Romantics idealisation of the importance and complexity
of nature.
Opening scene diptych (industrialised world)
Acid rain
Artificial owl must have been expensive.
o The over-industrialised world in the opening diptych reflects a lacking of nature.
o The only natural presence is the constant rain and owl, however ironically the rain is
acidic and the owl is artificial which must have been expensive, reflecting the scarcity
in even seemingly natural commodities.
This contrasts dramatically to the Romantic era, presenting the negative impacts of
the path of the Enlightenment era in a post-modern world.
Science &
limitations &
impacts of rapid
progress on
humanity and
"The beauty of the dream vanished, and
breathless horror and disgust filled my heart."
Gory Imagery
o The metaphor of the heart filled with gory imagery of horror and disgust enforces
this idea of dissatisfaction from scientific progression.
Gothic conventions of Shelleys era portray a dark perspective to the impact of
achieving the dream of rational thinking and scientific reasoning in the
Enlightenment era.
Commerce is our goal here at Tyrell, more
human than human is our motto.
o The paradoxical motto of more human than human and its juxtaposition to the goal
links of commerce creates a subtle link between the technological advancements
going so far as to impact human & artificial life.
The postmodern context in relation to commerce and transnational corporations is
emphasised, having major impacts on ethical reasoning.
Ethical issues of
the value on
what it is to be
human and how
life should be
treated in a
Was I, then, a monster, a blot upon the earth
from which all men fled and whom all men
Rhetorical question
Emotive language
o Emphasises the lack of value placed on his life, which ironically despite displaying
emotions through this expression, is rejected by the creator.
Suggests ideas of the Romantic era conflicting with the Age of Reason by which
rational thinking leads to possession of life and other ethical issues.
This emphasises the Romantics idealisation of nature through the demand for a
systematic environment enriches individuals understanding of the world in which
they live (nature).
Ive seen things you people wouldnt believe
All those moments will be lost like tears in the
rain Time to die. Dove releases.
Acid Rain
Symbolism of Dove
Contrast (sky blue hue)
Religious Allusion
o The simile of tears in the rain, highlights & references the constant acid rain in that
tears would be unnoticeable in the rain.
This does reflect the didactic nature of the film in its ability to convey the dangers
and limitations of such rapid scientific progression, as well as the religious allusions
that hint the need for morality and ethics within society.
The light that burns twice as bright burns half
as long, and you have burned so very very
brightly, Roy. Look at you You're quite a prize!
Analogic metaphor
Religious Allusion
Facial shot, eye motif
o Tyrells metaphor;
Comparing Roys life to a light and its efficiency reinforces the consumerist ideology
of the economic context of the 1980s, reflected in the dominance of emerging
transnational corporations which Tyrell Corp. symbolises.

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