Verbal Tests: Inserting of Missing Letter

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There are two kinds of intelligence tests, Verbal and Non-verbal.

Verbal Tests
In Verbal Tests, the items are expressed in language forms. These tests are of various
types, like
Inserting of missing letter
!xample" #ay is to night as truth is to $%alsehood$. &In this sentence the missing
word falsehood has been inserted'
!xample (" )an is to run as bird is to ---------
*nswers" %ly, +un, ,eak &correct answer is %ly',
Inserting of missing number or figure
!xample" -omplete the series"
(, ., /, 01, 0., --, --
In missing figure 2uestions, a series of drawing or patterns or designs are arranged
in the particular pattern and the candidate is asked to choose the re2uired figures
out of the choices indicated, which will come next in the series. These are the
non-verbal types of tests.
Words Forming
This test measure the ability of the candidate in word building. 3ere, the words
are built either by prefixing &before' or suffixing &fixing at the end' new letters or
taking off from or adding new letters to the body of the words.
!xample" Imagine a single letter which when added to the body of the following
words forms entirely new words
%I4T, TI-5, 3!*T, 674T
4olution" The candidate will see that if the word + is added to each of the given
words then new words will be %I+4T, T+I-5, 3!*+T, 67+4T
3ence the answer is +
Jumbled Words
The word 8umble means to be mixed together without order.
!xample" ,hich choice mentions the last letter of the word from the following
8umbled spelling9
-hoices" :, 6, %, T
*nswer" : &the correct word is %ootball'
Formation of correct sentence
!xample" +earrange the following 8umbled words to form a sensible sentence.
o &0'The bud nipped must be evil in the.
&('*ll cats are not cats but all animals are animals.
&1';ne of the foretell to shape things cannot come.
o &0'The evil must be nipped in the bud.
&('*ll cats are animals but all animals are not cats.
&1';ne cannot foretell the shape of things to come.
General knowledge tests
This is a test of general knowledge where the candidate is re2uired to keep his
general knowledge up to date.
Alphabetical test
This test is based on alphabets. If a candidate has sharp memory then this 2uestion
becomes 2uite simple.
!xample" It takes 1 minutes to boil an egg. 3ow much times will it take to boil .
eggs together9
-hoices" 0<, ., 1
*nswer" 1
Completion test
In this test, some letters of the words, whose meaning are given against them are
missing, the candidate is asked to fill in those missing letters.
!xample" Insert suitable letters in the following"
o &0'-ar-e &big'
&('2uick-y &fast'
&1'-h-rt &not tall'
&='-m-ll &not big'
&>'-::-3 &creator'
*nswer" &(' : ? &(': &1'4 ; &='4 * &>'**
Snonm test
The word synonym means $a name or word having the same meaning with
!xample" ,rite the number of the pair of the words which do not possess the
same kind of meaning as the others9
o &0'3onesty and Integrity
&('6ondage and %reedom
&1'+isk and #anger
&='@ain and *gony
*nswer" &('
!irection test
This test re2uired a keen sense of section. The candidate must remember the
distance covered in the direction. This will help him to answer the 2uestion
!xample" If you start from point * and walk > miles towards the west, then turn
right and walk = miles towards the north, then turn right again and walk 1 miles,
then which choices mentions the direction in which you are going9
-hoices" North, 4outh, ,est, !ast
*nswer" !ast
Spotting the stranger
The candidates are supplied a group of words or numerical values in this test.
4ome of the words in group relate to one particular class but one or more words
do not belong to that class.
!xample" ,rite the number of the sub8ect which is dissimilar from the other
-hoices" @rincipal, @rofessor, 3eadmaster, Teacher, 4tudents
*nswer is A4tudentA
Coding and decoding
?iving code or artificial values to letter of alphabet. The word code means $a
collection of digit of law or a system of rules and regulations$ . :etters of
alphabets in this test do not stand for themselves but for some other letters.
!xample" if B - V ? T means , * T ! + then what does 3 5 T ? mean9
4olution" In this 2uestion
o B stands for ,
- stands for *
V stands for T
? stands for !
T stands for +
* careful observation brings out that each letter in the alphabets stands for the
letter two paces preceding it. 7sing the same principle, the letter 3 5 T ? will
stand for % I + !.
Commonsense test
This is a simple and easy test and it re2uired only a common sence.
!xample" > years ago, khalid was 0C years older then ali. ,hat is the difference
between their ages at present9
-hoices" 0C, >, 0>
*nswer" 0C
"ultiple choice test
In this test, an incomplete statement is followed by some alternative choices as
answers. The candidate is asked to chose one or more suitable choices of answers
that complete the 2uestion or the statement.
!xample" ,hich choice answers the following 2uestion9
Islamabad is famous because
o &0'It is very clear city.
&(' Numerous foreigners live in it.
&1' The president lives in it.
&=' It is the capital of @akistan.
*nswer is &='
Arithmetic test
These type of tests involves some arithmetic values which are added, multiplied,
divide, subtracted by some other numerical values.
#on$Verbal Tests
The non-verbal intelligence tests comprise of
"atri% test
In these tests a series of designs are displayed. The candidate is re2uired to
complete the series or delete any particular design which does not relate to the
Word association test
The word association means, free association in which a word serves as the
stimulus ob8ect. -andidates are advised that while using a word as stimulus, not to
write lengthy sentences. )eaningful and brief sentences are very helpful.
Thematic apperception &'icture stor( test
'hsiological situational test &the stor of Theo or "r) *+*( etc))

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