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7 November 2012

Malaysian CropLife & Public Health Association

Pesticide Application Technology

Chooi Lam Khong
Executive Director
Leaking containers pose risk to
Users (persons mixing
Application of Pesticides
Safety storage of products
Filling soft drink
bottles with
pesticide is a prime
example of lack of
responsibility to
Transfer of pesticides
into beverage bottles
for resale
Application of Pesticides
Safety intake of pesticide in unlabeled bottles
Smoking, eating and
drinking while handling
Blowing a blocked
Use a grass stalk
Use the correct
Application of Pesticides
Safety oral entry
Banana transported
together with pesticides
Application of Pesticides
Safety oral entry
1. Read and understand the use instructions on the label.
2. Handle pesticides with care.
3. Look after and maintain the spray equipment.
4. Practice personal hygiene.
5. Wear protective clothing and other PPE when necessary
Application of Pesticides
Safety summary
Avoid torn packages, leaks and spills
Safety before spraying
Wear appropriate protective gear
Safety before spraying
Read the label - Right crop protection product
Safety before spraying
Read the label - Correct amount
Safety before spraying
Choose the correct nozzle type and flow rate
Safety before spraying
Sprayer good working order
Safety before spraying
Sprayer calibrated
Safety before spraying
Spraying right area
Safety before spraying
Spray with care for your own safety (prevent skin
and clothing contamination)
Safety before spraying
Ensure the safety of
other people, especially
children and women
Safety before spraying
Safety of the crop and non-target crops
Safety before spraying
Never mix crop
protection products
with hands
Use a stirrer

Safety before spraying
Wash measuring & mixing equipment
Safety before spraying
Must have
decontamination facilities
Safety before spraying
1 Wear face shield
(protects eyes and

2 Wear gloves
(protect hands)

3 Wear boots
(Protect feet)

Protective clothing second line of defense
Mixing pesticides
Safety before spraying
Mixing pesticides
Safety before spraying
How does it translate in the field mixing?
Do not spray in
strong winds
Safe application techniques
Spray so that wind blows crop protection product
away from you
Safe application techniques
Do not spray in the
Safe application techniques
Never leave crop protection products and
equipment unattended
Safe application techniques
Never allow children to
apply crop protection
Safe application techniques
Never leave crop protection product containers
Safe application techniques
Keep people away from the application area.
Safe application techniques
Spray in cool of day (early morning or late
Safe application techniques
Check nozzles
- even distribution
Safe application techniques
Stop if nozzles blocked or equipment leaks
Safe application techniques
Never clean
nozzles by blowing
into them
Safe application techniques
Use something
soft - grass stem,
Safe application techniques
Avoid contact with recently sprayed foliage
Safe application techniques
Keep spray equipment well maintained

Safe application techniques
Wash hands
before and after
going to the
Safe application techniques

1 Wear hat (and face mask)
Mask not necessary for ground level

2 Wear gloves (nitrile or neoprene)
(EC formulations penetrate natural
rubber gloves easily)

3 Wear rubber boots
(Wear trousers over the boots to avoid
drainage of pesticides into the boots)
Protective clothing second line of defence
Safe application techniques
Application of pesticides
Safe application techniques
How does it translate in the field spraying?
Warning signs
re-entry period
Prevent re-entry
without protective
Safety after spraying
Use up all spray mix.
Apply over surrounds if
Safety after spraying
Collect all wastes, such as empty containers for
safe disposal
Safety after spraying
Dispose of empty
containers in the
legal manner
Safety after spraying
Wash the sprayer and parts
Safety after spraying
Wash gloves before removing
Safety after spraying
Wash yourself after spraying
Safety after spraying
Wash your protective clothing after work
Safety after spraying
Malaysian CropLife & Public Health Association
Thank You

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