Waj3105 Numerical Literacy

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WAJ3105 NUMERICAL LITERACY (Literasi Nombor)

Course Pro Forma

Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian
Course Title Numerical Literacy
(Literasi Nombor)
Course Code WAJ3105
Credit 2(2+0)
Contact Hours 30 hours
Language Of
Prerequisite To
Semester One/ Two
Demonstrate their understanding to incorporate numeracy approach
and strategy in their future teaching
Explain the need to link mathematical ideas by using real life
situations , concrete materials and appropriate questioning and
discussion techniques
Discuss the appropriateness of using certain methods in solving
a problem or in a particular situation
Synopsis Students will be exposed to the approaches and strategies in the
achievement of numerical literacy in the basic areas of
mathematics. The topics discussed are problem solving, operation
and computation, measurement, spatial sense, and also data
analysis and Interpretation.
Pelajar akan didedahkan tentang pendekatan dan strategi dalam
pencapaian literasi nombor di dalam bidang-bidang
asasmatematik. Topik-topik yang turut dibincangkan ialah
berkenaan penyelesaian masalah, operasi dan pengiraan,
pengukuran, kesedaran ruang, dan juga analisis data dan
Topic Content Hours
1 Problem solving 6
Heuristic approach (non- mechanical)
Understanding the problem statement
Discussion of possible analytic tools or
strategies to solve
Assessment and reasonableness of
Further analysis
Real life examples: practical activities
2 Operation and computation
Means of performing calculation:
o Pencil- and- paper
o Calculators and computers
o Mental computation
o Estimations
o Manipulative materials
Appropriate and inappropriate uses of
calculators and computers
Appropriateness: rough estimates or exact
3 Measurement
Intuitive notions of mathematical concepts
o Practical activities with varied
o Direct experience
Uncoventional instruments and non-
standard units e.g feet and hands
Metric units and conversion
Contextual teaching : taking
measurements to gather data needed to
solve problem in daily life
4 Spatial sense
2D and 3D : plane and solid objects
availability to handle, measure and use in
to construct from simple materials or with
conventional instruments
draw spatial concepts and relationships
from activities
Topic Content Hours
5 Data analysis and interpretation
Read and interpret presented quantitative
information in tables, charts or graphs
o Instructions on reading
Statistics: collection, analysis and
interpretation of numerical data
o Critically examine statistics given
Exploration of events related to chances
(intuitive idea of probability)

Total 30
Assessment Coursework : 100%

Main References Valsa Koshy and Jean Murray (2002). Unlocking
David Fulton Publishers.
David Coles and Tim Copeland (2002). Numeracy and
Across the Primary Curriculum. London. David Fulton Publishers
Share, Margaret (2001). Numeracy on display. Blair Publications
Jerry Howett (2000). Number power ( a real woreld approach to
Maths). Contemporary Books. USA
Mark Patmore (2002). The numeracy skills test. Learning
Matters. UK

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