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Victor is creator Eldon Tyrell is creator Both creators use power that no
one else has ever accessed. In
Frankenstein, no one else has
ever achieved what F has. His is
unique. Tyrell also creates
unique beings. The tets raise the
questions o! what happens to the
creatures. "hat happens to the
creators# how !ar should we go
$ust because we have the ability%
knowledge# we &ust take
responsibility !or our actions.
The 'onster is an aberration o! nature, an
unnatural being
The (eplicants are per!ect yet
arti!icial and unnatural )'ore
hu&an than hu&an*
Hu&ans are unique and cannot
be created eactly. both tets
raise issues about where
creations !it in the natural order.
"hether physically grotesque or
beauti!ul, they do not have a
place on earth. +ne is hideous in
appearance, the others are hu&an
in appearance, but still re$ected
and hunted down, Blade runners.
It is ironic that they are labelled
that they are abled as being &ore
hu&an than hu&an but they are
treated inhu&anely. These tets
are both &oral tets, they pose
&oral dile&&as and raise
questions o! ethics o! what is
-ontrast o! settings,
'ountains, lakes, the .orth /ole, laboratory.
0od in .ature.
1os 2ngeles 3456, absence o!
nature% beauty, arti!icial
everything, &anu!actured, no
light, acid rain. 7egraded
The degraded environ&ent in
blade runner represents the
e&phasis we have placed on
consu&eris& and capitalis& as a
opposed to nature and preserving
the environ&ent. This is a world
devoid o! happiness, $oy, love,
any )natural* !eeling o! e&otion.
"orld o! arti!ice. Hu&anity has
beco&e ugly, no connection
between people, and no
relationships shown other then
with (eplicants.
2n ugly environ&ent causes
unnatural behaviour
+utco&e o! ignoring the
necessity o! beauty in our lives,
sensory deprivation 8change9
Fear o! scienti!ic progress The !uture outco&e o!
scienti!ic progress
"here will knowledge take us#
:uestions the boundaries o!
Fear o! technological
advance&ents 8genetic
/ose ethical questions on the
creation% &odi!ication o! li!e.
;nowledge doesn<t equal the
right to do it.
Victor re$ects his creation as an aberration Tyrell takes pride in his
creation, but abandons the&
once &ade, he only views the&
as ob$ects, even thought he
clai&s they are = &ore hu&an
then hu&an<
-reators &ust take responsibility
!or the creations
'onster wants revenge !or being created and
then abandoned
(eplicants de&and a longer li!e
span and also want revenge !or
being !orced to retire. They are
also abandoned by their creator
"hat does it &ean to be hu&an
i! you &ake so&ething hu&an
like, you cannot epect it not to
act like a hu&an.
'onster !eels e&otions. He develops
destructive e&otions as a result o! these being
de&onstrated to hi&.
The (eplicants are given
&e&ories and develop
e&otions over a series o!
events. E.g. &urder o! another
.ot shown any positive
e&otions, there!ore learn
revenge and hate. "hat does it
&ean to be hu&an#
-o&panionship, love>
-ontet o! industrial revolution, changing
world, new social order. The develop&ent o!
the working class, the wealthy industrialists,
an upper class based on wealth not heritage.
/ro&otion o! &ultinational
businesses and a lack o!
individualis&. ?&all nu&ber o!
wealthy people owning
&a$ority o! &oney. 2wareness
o! hu&an destruction o! the
Technological advance&ents @
i! technology is o&nipotent and
o&nipresent, what is hu&anity<s
place in society#
environ&ent and the !ear o!
hu&anity<s abuse o!
Fear !or destruction o! the environ&ent
through develop&ent o! industry
2wareness that hu&an actions
were threatening nature through
the develop&ent o! technology
and continuation o! industry
Environ&ental degradation
through technology and science
The &onster is =endowed with a !igure
hideously de!or&ed and loathso&e>< He is
clearly unnatural.
(eplicants are pre!ect, angels,
and better then hu&ans,
+ur knowledge can develop to
the point where we wont be able
to tell what is natural and what
The 'onster begins as intelligent and
sensitive but his eperiences with hu&anity
trans!or& hi& into a dark creature.
The 'onster is the outsider, di!!erent, alone,
devoid o! !a&ily and love. He is the !allen
angel, hell bent on revenge.
Victor shows no co&passion to his creation
Victor shows no integrity in developing his
creature, sel!ish purpose, not bene!it to
Victor lacks !oresight, doesn<t look ahead to
what he will do with the &onster, what the
&onster will be, or what kind o! li!e it will

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