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S No Package Description of Job Status

SD Job
1 FD FAN -A Hoist track work balance 28-Aug-14 N
2 FD FAN -B Hoist track work balance 29-Aug-14 N
3 PA FAN-A Hoist track work balance 31-Aug-14 N
4 GT-4 R phase gravel to be levelled Completed N
5 TRANSFORMER YARD AREA AWU towards U#3, founds not completed Completed N
6 TRANSFORMER YARD AREA Grouting required for AWU base - U#5 side. Completed N
Balance precast RCC cover slabs for drains and cable
trenchesto be completed
Completed N
8 TRANSFORMER YARD AREA Drain between GT/UT area and CST missing. N/A N
As CW pipe raised by1
Mtr due to strata
,hence surface drain
9 TRANSFORMER YARD AREA Pending works of drain along A row to be completed Completed N
10 TRANSFORMER YARD AREA Balance paving adjancent to CST to complete Completed N
Cable trench final lift/precast kerb wall and left out
areas to be completed
Completed N
12 TRANSFORMER YARD AREA Painting of fencing gates to be done. N
Asian make paint
RA9002 Grey
Tie rods cutting and touch ups for transformer fire
walls to be done.
Completed N
Mooring points: Hooks to be painted. Cover slabs to be
Asian make paint
RA9002 Grey
Gravel filling in UAT transformers to be completed
upto -0.400 EL
Completed N
Drainage free flow from sump pits of transformers to
common oil pit to be checked.
Completed N
To inspect & clear the
17 " 0 " M of TG area
Balance ironite flooring along with placing of left out
conduits in the floor, grouting insert plates.
Completed N
18 " 0 " M of TG area Proper fixing & painting of Chequered plate N
19 " 0 " M of TG area
Balance brickwork & plaster along C row and Gable
Completed N
20 " 0 " M of TG area Encasement of left out steel columns to be completed. N
Engineering need to
review the
encasement of
columns up to 300
mm from floor level.
In long term it was
experienced that the
column bases are
corroded and weaked
the bases.
21 " 0 " M of TG area
Providing floor drain pipes in grade slab and
connection to C & A row drains.
22 " 0 " M of TG area
Covering of cable pits & trenches with Chequered
Completed N
23 " 0 " M of TG area General painting of walls and structural steel. N
24 " 0 " M of TG area CEP pit drain pipe upto CW pit to be checked. Completed N
25 " 0 " M of TG area Swas Room Block: N
26 " 0 " M of TG area Fixing of acid resistant tiles & vitrified tiles. N
27 " 0 " M of TG area False ceiling work N
In this room direct
false ceiling provided.
Above this ceiling,
pipelines are passing.
During any leakage in
the pipes, the false
ceiling and the
equipmen below will
get damaged. Engg, to
review to provide CGI
sheeting below the
28 " 0 " M of TG area Acid resistant paint & OBD to be completed. Completed N
29 " 0 " M of TG area Drains to be cleaned and connected to main drain N
30 " 0 " M of TG area Windows to be fixed. Completed N
31 " 0 " M of TG area
Toilet: Balance brickwork, plaster, slab, doors fixing,
fixtures and fittings, painting etc to be completed.
Also septic tank, soak pit and required connection to
be made.
32 " 0 " M of TG area LT SWGR room: N
33 " 0 " M of TG area
Proper fixing & painting of Chequered plate to be
Asian make paint
RA9002 Grey
34 " 0 " M of TG area Final painting to be done. N
35 6.90 m floor
RCC Kerb walls around all openings(as per dwg) to be
Completed N
Very important to
avoid water felling
over the equipments
and panel at 0m level
during operations.
36 6.90 m floor
Covering of floor openings with gratings along B row
to be provided on priority.
37 6.90 m floor Ironite flooring to be completed. Completed N
38 6.90 m floor
Cutting off the exposed tie rods of TG columns and
proper finishing to be done.
will be done during
shut down
39 6.90 m floor
Providing rain water down comers and connecting
with floor bends (As per dwg)
Essential to avoid
water stagnation on
the floor.
40 6.90 m floor
MLDB Panel room: Proper fixing and painting of
chequered plates.
41 6.90 m floor Compleiton of toilet works N
42 8.50 m floor
AVR room: Fixing of false ceiling and providing grills
for ventilation duct inlets
Completed N
43 8.50 m floor
Turbine MCC room: Balance brickwork and plaster,
Balance window glass fixing and proper fixing of
chequered plate to be done.
Completed N
44 8.50 m floor
Providing rain water down comers and connecting
floor bends(As per dwg)
Essential to avoid
water stagnation on
the floor.
45 8.0 m floor
Balance left out Chequered plates along A row(near
Rain water pipes).
46 8.0 m floor
Windows W317 & W318 have been eliminated along A
Eliminated as per site
47 8.0 m floor 1 no door SD 321 has been eliminated N
To be carried out as
per drawing.
48 8.0 m floor Left out plastering to be completed N
49 8.0 m floor Final painting to be done. N
50 8.0 m floor
Providing rain water down comers and connecting
with floor bends(As per dwg)
Essential to avoid
water stagnation on
the floor.
51 10 m floor Final painting to be done. N
52 11 m floor
Providing rain water down comers and connecting
with floor bends(As per dwg)
Essential to avoid
water stagnation on
the floor.
53 13.7 m TG floor Ironite flooring to be completed. N
54 13.7 m TG floor Granite flooring to be completed. N
55 13.7 m TG floor S.S handrailing. N
56 13.7 m TG floor Construction of parapet wall Completed N
57 13.7 m TG floor
Providing rain water down comers and connecting
with floor bends(As per dwg)
Essential to avoid
water stagnation on
the floor.
58 13.7 m TG floor
Construction of toilet block, water supply
arrangement, Sewerline, Septic tank & soak pit and
Septic tank & soak pit
to be taen up before
grid slab work.
59 19.0m Floor Ironite flooring to be completed. completed N
60 19.0m Floor Balance brickwork around openings in AHU room Completed N
61 19.0m Floor Windows to be fixed in AHU room. Completed N
62 19.0m Floor Balance 1no door to be provided. N
63 19.0m Floor Final painting to be done. N
64 22.0m floor Final painting to be done. N
65 22.0m floor Fixing of window glass incomplete. N
66 26.0 m floor Hardener flooring to start N
67 26.0 m floor Hand railing. Completed N
parapet wall
68 26.0 m floor Roof water treatment. N
69 26.0 m floor Kerb wall and parapet wall to complete. N
70 26.0 m floor Windows along B row to complete. N
71 26.0 m floor AWU towards U#3 not completed Completed N
72 26.0 m floor Over head tank of 5000 lit for toilets & pipeing main. N
73 37.6m floor Roof water treatment. N
74 37.6m floor Parpet wall to complete. N
75 BOILER area Completion of balance C row drain, cover slabs. N
76 BOILER area Balance Sewer line Man Holes and connectivity. N
77 BOILER area All columns encasement. N
78 BOILER area Balance paving near TP4A N
79 BOILER area Bottom ash trensh covers. N
80 BOILER area
Floor finish and kerb wall at 17m and 54m level to be
completed in Bunker 4A and 4B
81 BOILER area
Roof treatment works and parapet to complete in
Bunker 4A and 4B.
82 BOILER area I/O room final painting to complete. N
83 BOILER area Tipper floor level Toilet to construct. N
84 TURBINE AREA D row cladding to complete N
Very essential to
minimise water
seepage into CER
Pending cladding works of C row, Gable end,B row and
A row to complete.
86 TURBINE AREA Closing of openings around roof extractors. N
It has been observed
that during rains, from
these openings water
gets stagnated on TG
floor. To avoid this,
need to close the
openings immediately.
Painting of hand rails and touch ups of structural steel
wherever required.
88 TURBINE AREA Working platforms of CW pit & CEP Pits N
Floor concreting finishing work pending in some
Cable trench dewatering are pending. Permanent
drain point to be provided.
Completed N
91 LT SWGR Temporary holes on the walls to be sealed. Completed N
Chequered plates to be placed properly and all cable
trench should be covered.
Completed N
93 LT SWGR All windows are to be placed intact. Completed N
94 LT SWGR House keeping to be done. Completed N
95 HT CABLE GALLERY House keeping to be done. Completed N
96 HT CABLE GALLERY Wall opening are not closed. N
97 HT CABLE GALLERY All windows are to be placed intact. Completed N
98 HT CABLE GALLERY Door key not provided. Completed N
Upper portion of the wall above SPBD entry opening is
in open condition .
100 HT SWGR SPBD entry opening in open condition . Completed N
101 HT SWGR opening in the wall not covered. Completed N
102 HT SWGR chequered plate work pending. N
103 BOILER AUX CABLE GALLERY Door not installed. N
104 BOILER AUX CABLE GALLERY windows not closed. Completed N
105 BOILER AUX CABLE GALLERY Door key not provided. Completed N
106 BOILER AUX wall opening are not closed. Completed N
107 BOILER AUX windows not installed. Completed N
108 BOILER AUX Floor concreting work pending ( some parts ) Completed N
109 BOILER AUX Civil waste material should be removed. Completed N
110 TURBINE AUX Windows not fixed. Completed N
111 TURBINE AUX Wall opening not covered. Completed N
112 TURBINE AUX Chequered plates not fixed properly. Completed N
113 BATTERY ROOM Exhaust fan not installed. Completed N
114 BATTERY ROOM Water seepage observed. Completed N
115 MLDB ROOM Wall opening not covered. Completed N
116 MLDB ROOM Door key not provided. Completed N
117 MLDB ROOM Windows not fixed. Completed N
118 TRANSFORMER YARD Penting of wall pending N
119 TRANSFORMER YARD Fenching not proper . N
120 TRANSFORMER YARD Cable tray not cover of SAT N

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