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Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n

Unit 9/ 50
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. ch emist B. change C. child D. ch eap
2/ A. fork B. wor ld C. spor t D. nor th
3/ A. plenty B. fairy C. sky D. weekly
4/ A. fe ther B. he d C. he lthy D. me t
5/ A. m!ch B. c!te C. c! t D. s! n
6/ A. sft en B. fift een C. ent er D. part y
!/ A. no" B. ho" C. kno" D. do"n
"/ A. thi s B. mi ne C. fi le D. ni ght
#/ A. whe n B. settle C. $e cme D. fe llw
1%/ A. where B. here C. fer D. der
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. headmaster B. hliday C. attracti&e D. internet
2/ A. matter B. happen C. listen D. $elw
3/ A. e'plain B. pr$lem C. st(dy D. wrry
4/ A. ha$it B. $ecme C. learner D. mther
5/ A. fifteen B. fifty C. center D. $iggest
6/ A. st(dent B. mem$er C. prefer D. teacher
!/ A. s($)ect B. hell C. teacher D. th(sand
"/ A. lessn B. wman C. repair D. father
#/ A. a$&e B. sister C. widen D. &ery
1%/ A. crner B. answer C. dctr D. prepare
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ *hen y( meet y(r friends+ which tpic d y( ften talk a$(t, - #i$%&.
A. plays B. m&ies C. theatres D. stries
2/ . &t!'y in class 1%A with frty/fi&e ther st(dents.
A. learn B. teach C. instr(ct D. re&iew
3/ . st(dy %ny s($)ects s(ch as 0ath+ 1hysics+ Chemistry+ Bilgy+ 2ietnamese 3iterat(re+ 4istry+
5egraphy etc.
A. a lt B. a lt f C. lts D. m(ch
4/ B(t . $i(e 6nglish $est $eca(se it7s an imprtant means f internatinal cmm(nicatin.
A. want B. need C. en)y D. wish
5/ . dn7t really like getting (p er$y $(t . ha&e t $eca(se . ften ha&e lessns at !.15.
A. late B. later C. first D. sn
6/ .7m the he'%&ter f Ch( 2an An 4igh 8chl.
A. head B. master C. teacher D. principal
!/ 9hey are &ery (in' t the st(dents and they en)y teaching &ery well.
A. handsme B. nice C. pretty D. $ea(tif(l
"/ .7m interested in teaching )ro*e&&ion $eca(se . l&e wrking with children.
A. science B. technlgy C. career D. department
#/ *e li&e in a &%$$ flat a$&e the crner shp in 9ay 8n 8treet.
A. y(nger B. minr C. tiny D. shrt
1%/ Decide whether the statements are tr(e r *$&e.
A. wrng B. failed C. (ntr(e D. tr(stless
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ 4e lks he$thy en(gh.
A. sick B. strng C. (gly D. slim
2/ . &t!'y many s($)ects s(ch as 0ath+ 1hysics+ Chemistry+ Bilgy+ 2ietnamese 3iterat(re+ 4istry+
5egraphy etc.
A. learn B. teach C. see D. re&iew
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
3/ B(t . $i(e 6nglish $est $eca(se it7s an imprtant means f internatinal cmm(nicatin.
A. l&e B. miss C. hate D. ignre
4/ .7&e $een learning 6nglish fr f(r years nw+ s . can speak 6nglish :(ite "e$$.
A. pretty B. $adly C. rather D. helplessly
5/ 9hey are &ery (in' t the st(dents and they en)y teaching &ery well.
A. (nimprtant B. hpeless C. irreg(lar D. (nkind
6/ .7m intere&te' in teaching prfessin $eca(se . l&e wrking with children.
A. (ncncerned B. wrried C. (nhappy D. $red
!/ *e li&e in a &%$$ flat a$&e the crner shp in 9ay 8n 8treet.
A. h(ge B. immense C. titanic D. $ig
"/ 4e has t ride his $ike in narrw and cro"'e' streets n the way t and frm schl.
A. little B. few C. empty D. minr
#/ . dn7t really like getting (p er$y $(t . ha&e t $eca(se . ften ha&e lessns at !.15.
A. lately B. late C. early D. firstly
1%/ *e li&e in a small flat +o,e the crner shp in 9ay 8n 8treet.
A. (nder B. $eneath C. $elw D. after
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ *e wish ;;;;;;; t cllege ne't year.
A. g B. t g C. ging D. shall g
2/ 9hey agreed ;;;;;;; (s sme mre mney.
A. lend B. t lend C. lending D. lent
3/ 4e s(ggested ;;;;;;; t <rance this s(mmer time.
A. tra&el B. t tra&el C. tra&eling D. tra&eled
4/ 8he desn7t mind ;;;;;;; me with my e'ercises.
A. help B. t help C. helping D. helps
5/ *e w(ld l&e ;;;;;;; three c(ps f cffee.
A. ha&e B. t ha&e C. ha&ing D. had
6/ Dn7t y( think my )eans need ;;;;;;;,
A. clean B. t clean C. cleaning D. cleans
!/ 9hey will ne&er frget ;;;;;;; the 1rince.
A. see B. t see C. seeing D. will see
"/ 4is teacher regrets ;;;;;;; him that his applicatin fr the )$ has $een t(rned dwn.
A. tell B. t tell C. telling D. tells
#/ 9he wrkers stpped ;;;;;;; a rest $eca(se they felt tired.
A. take B. t take C. taking D. tk
1%/ 9hat girl tried t a&id ;;;;;;; sme f my :(estins.
A. answer B. t answer C. answering D. answered
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ 9hey were )(st ;;;;;;; (s a$(t Anna=s new $yfriend.
A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling
2/ *(ld y( mind ;;;;;;; mre clearly+ please,
A. speak B. speaking C. t speak D. spke
3/ ;;;;;;; me a$(t y(r s(mmer &acatin then.
A. 8ay B. 9alk C. 9ell D. 8peak
4/ >ney ;;;;;;; gd$ye t all his friends and left.
A. tld B. spke C. talked D. said
5/ ?eedless ;;;;;;;+ my $ss will $e ff wrk fr a min(te.
A. t tell B. t say C. saying D. telling
6/ .s it )(st y( r was he ;;;;;;; nnsense in the get/tgether,
A. saying B. talking C. telling D. speaking
!/ @*(ld y( like anther c(p f cffee,A A. w(ldn=t ;;;;;;; n.A
A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk
"/ 5enerally ;;;;;;;+ she7s :(ite a gd st(dent.
A. talking B. speaking C. saying D. telling
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ 9hat $y is always ;;;;;;; lies.
A. saying B. talking C. telling D. speaking
1%/ / .s it ;;;;;; that 6nglish is ;;;;;; $y many peple in the wrld,
/ Bes+ it is.
A. tld/talked B. talked/said C. spken/tld D. said/spken
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD 4er $rther is CBD interested in CCD t )in the CDD 6nglish Cl($.
2/ *e knw that CAD there is CBD n pint in CCD help the p(pils CDD at the present.
3/ A CAD preferred CBD prfessin CCD amng children is CDD the $(ilding sandcastles.
4/ B( c(ldn7t CAD pre&ent that l&ely dg frm CBD fllwing y( CCD where&er y( CDD t g .
5/ *hat w(ld $e CAD the mst effect CBD way f CCD marketing (r CDD gds ,
6/ CAD *(ld y( $e CBD en(gh kind CCD t pen the drs CDD please ,
!/ A. think we CAD sh(ld depart at ten.A ACBD *here,A A. CCD said . think we CDD sh(ld g at ten.A
"/ B( CAD arri&e at a pint in any pr)ect CBD when y( )(st CCD desire t get the thing CDD cmpleted.
#/ 0r. ?g(yen CAD was )(st getting CBD int the $ath CCD what the cell phne CDD rang.
1%/ CAD 9he plice asked me t make clear CBD which . hadn=t reprted CCD the disaster CDD earlier.
VIII/ $ead the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the best option A, B, C or D gi%en
1EB3.C 6DECA9.F? .? 946 E?.96D 89A968
1($lic 6d(catin in the Enited 8tates+ prgrams f instr(ctin C1D ;;;;;;; t children+
adlescents+ and ad(lts in the Enited 8tates thr(gh schls and clleges C2D ;;;;;;; $y state and lcal
g&ernments. C3D ;;;;;;; the natinally reg(lated and financed ed(catin C4D ;;;;;;; f many ther
ind(strialiGed scieties+ American p($lic ed(catin is C5D ;;;;;;; the respnsi$ility f the states and
indi&id(al schl districts.
9he natinal system f frmal C6D ;;;;;;; in the Enited 8tates de&elped in the 1#
cent(ry. .t
differed C!D ;;;;;;; ed(catin systems f ther *estern scieties in three f(ndamental respects. C"D
;;;;;;;+ Americans were mre inclined t regard ed(catin C#D ;;;;;;; a sl(tin t &ari(s scial
pr$lems. 8ecnd+ C1%D ;;;;;;; they had this cnfidence in the pwer f ed(catin+ Americans C11D
;;;;;;; mre years f schling fr a larger percentage f the pp(latin than C12D ;;;;;;; c(ntries.
9hird+ ed(catinal instit(tins were primarily g&erned $y lcal C13D ;;;;;;; rather than $y federal
9he C14D ;;;;;;; nta$le characteristic f the American ed(catin system is the C15D ;;;;;;;
n(m$er f peple it ser&es. .n 2%%2+ "6 percent f Americans C16D ;;;;;;; age 25 and 2# had grad(ated
C1!D ;;;;;;; high schl+ 5" percent had C1"D ;;;;;;; at least sme cllege+ and 2# percent had earned
at C1#D ;;;;;;; a $achelr7s degree. 6'panding access t cllege ed(catin is an imprtant pririty C2%D
;;;;;;; the E.8. g&ernment.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ t reg(late C&.DH IiJ( chKnh+ sLa lMi ch INngO IiJ( hPa
/ inclined Cad).DH cQ R sSn sTng+ cQ R thUch+ cQ R thiVn &J+ cQ kh(ynh hWXng+ cQ chiJ( hWXng
/ instit(tin Cn.DH cY :(an+ trZ s[ cY :(anO th\ ch]O s^ thTnh l_p
/ nta$le Cad).DH cQ ti]ng+ tr` danhO Iang k\+ Iang chN R
/ pririty Cn.DH :(yJn IWbc trWXc+ s^ W( tiVn
1/ A. ffered B. srted C. sent D. ga&e
2/ A. $(ght B. $(ilt C. cnstr(cted D. perated
3/ A. Dislike B. Enlike C. Cntrary D. Fppsite
4/ A. netwrks B. schls C. systems D. we$s
5/ A. primarily B. nly C. shrtly D. ttally
6/ A. schls B. (ni&ersities C. ed(catin D. learning
!/ A. in B. n C. $y D. frm
"/ A. Fne B. <irst C. 8n D. 6arly
#/ A. like B. as C. fr D. t
1%/ A. while B. alth(gh C. $eca(se D. where
11/ A. pr&ided B. $r(ght C. ffered D. ga&e
12/ A. tgether B. ne anther C. anther D. ther
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
13/ A. plice B. a(thrities C. peple D. peples
14/ A. first B. well C. mst D. $est
15/ A. large B. $ig C. h(ge D. titanic
16/ A. f B. in C. $etween D. amng
1!/ A. in B. n C. $y D. frm
1"/ A. dne B. cmpleted C. made D. created
1#/ A. last B. least C. the end D. tp
2%/ A. t B. f C. fr D. $y
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1/ 3inh is impressed A/ as she was getting ff the cach.
2/ *hen we last saw her+ B/ $(t we dn7t $elie&e he tr(ly l&es
3/ 0r. 3ng is fnd f 0iss ?gc+ C/ her mther was cking in the
4/ 0r. ?g(yen met 0iss 4anh in 2%%2 D/ $eca(se f the remarka$le $(ildings.
5/ *hen my (ncle was y(ng+ 6/ he (sed t play ft$all &ery well.
6/ 4is ld grandmther fell </ when they came t see me.
!/ Beca(se my sister was ill 5/ and they gt married three years
"/ . was learning my lessns at 3 7clck
yesterday e&ening
4/ since she came $ack frm her
s(mmer &acatin.
#/ *hile 3an was reading+ ./ she c(ldn7t g t the m&ies with
her friends last night.
1%/ 9he little girl has $een sick c/ she was wrking as a secretary.
II/ ill the gap in each sentence with the correct form of the pro%ided word:
1/ B( can=t wrk Ccntin(eD ;;;;;;; fr si' h(rs with(t a $reakd
2/ 4a&e y( gt anything C$reakD ;;;;;;; in y(r $ag,
3/ *hat d y( call a y(ng persn wh is a$(t t lea&e r has )(st left secndary schl, - A CschlD
4/ C.mmediateD ;;;;;;; she=d gne+ the $ys started t mess a$(t.
5/ 9he cmpany had t make CrepairD ;;;;;;; t thse wh s(ffered ill health as a res(lt f chemical
6/ 8he was a Cst(dyD ;;;;;;; child+ happiest when reading.
!/ 9here were lts f kids in my Cneigh$rD ;;;;;;; when . was grwing (p.
"/ *e ha&en=t $een a$le t find a Cp(rchaseD ;;;;;;; fr (r h(se yet.
#/ 9he phtgraphs will $e n Ce'hi$itD ;;;;;;; (ntil the end f the mnth.
1%/ 9hank y( fr a mst Cen)yD ;;;;;;; e&ening.
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ 9here=s nt m(ch in the way f CentertainD ;;;;;;; in this twn / )(st the cinema and a c(ple f
2/ 8i' r(g$y CnatinD ;;;;;;; Ce playersD were charged with taking dr(gs t impr&e their perfrmance.
3/ 9here=s &ery little Ccmm(nicateD ;;;;;;; $etween mther and da(ghter Ce they d nt ha&e a gd
4/ Chris+ y(=re a n(rse+ s can . ask y(r CprfessinD ;;;;;;; pinin n $andaging ankles,
5/ 8he seemed Crela'D ;;;;;;; and in cntrl f the sit(atin.
6/ B(=re nt dressed CwarmD ;;;;;;; en(gh / p(t a sweater n.
!/ 9hey $riskly e'changed CgreetD ;;;;;;; $efre starting the sessin.
"/ @*(ld y( get in&l&ed in a fight,f @.t w(ld depend n the Csit(ateD ;;;;;;;.f
#/ . m(st say . find his CschlD ;;;;;;; h(mr rather tiresme.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1%/ . ga&e her a gd CtalkD ;;;;;;;/t a$(t ding her hmewrk n time.
IV/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
painting+ rela'atin+ cmmn+ gegraphical+ entertaining+ crwded+ imagine+ internatinally+ $ilgy+
1/ B( can=t ;;;;;;; what a mess the h(se was in after the party.
2/ 9he imprtance f the twn is d(e t its ;;;;;;; lcatin.
3/ 4e was in a $ad md at $reakfast and wasn=t &ery ;;;;;;;.
4/ *e were ta(ght ;;;;;;; and drawing at Art Cllege.
5/ 4er ;;;;;;; cele$rated n&el has wn se&eral literary priGes.
6/ . g fishing fr ;;;;;;;.
!/ By ten =clck the $ar was ;;;;;;;.
"/ 9he s(rname =8mith= is &ery ;;;;;;; in Britain.
#/ 9he $k deals with the reprd(cti&e ;;;;;;; f the $(ffal.
1%/ 4is $ks aren=t partic(larly well/written+ $(t they=re always ;;;;;;;.
V/ (oo! at the situation and as! a suitable )uestion in each case:
1/ B( want t knw the name f a children $k y(r friend is reading.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 8me$dy has )(st $rken in y(r h(se+ stlen y(r laptp and r(n away. B( want t knw why
they did that.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ B( are in y(r clse friend7s h(se. B( dn7t knw hw t t(rn ff the air cnditiner. Ask y(r
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ B(7&e f(nd sme mney in the schl li$rary. B( d want t gi&e it $ack t its wner+ $(t y(
dn7t knw wh it $elngs t.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ B( really like y(r classmate7s )acket and y( want t $(y ne like it. Ask y(r friend the price.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ B( want t knw where y(r friend7s family are ging n &acatin this s(mmer.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ B( met a new $yfriend wh speaks 6nglish &ery well. Ask him hw lng he has st(died 6nglish.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ All f y(r rmmates went t a get/tgether last weekend $(t y( were ill in $ed s y( c(ldn7t g.
Ask ne f them the names f the peple wh were there.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ B( are astnished at the fact that y(r c(sin has gt a new cmp(ter. Ask him when he $(ght it.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ B(r father has helped t crrect y(r assignment+ $(t y( dn7t (nderstand the mistakes. Ask why
the assignment is wrng.
g ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VI/ Supply the correct preposition "if any# and the *I&+ form "+erund# of the %erbs in brac!ets:
1/ 9hank y( ChelpD ;;;;;;; (s.
2/ 0aradna is &ery gd CplayD ;;;;;;; ft$all.
3/ Britney 8pears is &ery fnd CsingD ;;;;;;; and CdanceD ;;;;;;;.
4/ *e7re lking frward CseeD ;;;;;;; y( and y(r family again.
5/ Are y( afraid Cdri&eD ;;;;;;; at night,
6/ *e aren7t interested ClistenD ;;;;;;; t thse sngs.
!/ 8he&a insisted Cm&eD ;;;;;;; t Chelsea ft$all cl($.
"/ .7m thinking C)inD ;;;;;;; the 6nglish 8peaking Cl($.
#/ D y( ha&e any $)ectin CcarryD ;;;;;;; (t the scheme,
1%/ *e dn7t think she7s acc(stmed CgetD ;;;;;;; (p early in the mrning.
VII/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1/ . l&e the $k. .7m interested in it.
/ *hat a great $kd .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
2/ Didn7t y(r teacher let y( speak a wrd,
/ Did y(r teacher make ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
3/ 4is :(estins were mre diffic(lt than . e'pected.
/ 4is :(estins weren7t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ .t w(ld $e a great idea fr y( t see a dctr.
/ . think y( sh(ld ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ *e7re afraid y( can7t park y(r car &er there.
/ 8rry+ $(t y( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 4alf way thr(gh the meeting there was a knck n the frnt dr.
/ *hile ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ . think she7s a$le t st(dy maths &ery well.
/ . think she ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ .t7s essential t keep y(r file in a safe place.
/ B( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ 0ay . $rrw y(r pencil,
/ *(ld y( mind ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ .t wn7t $e pssi$le fr me t pay a &isit t that place again.
/ . am afraid . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VIII/ $ead the passage and statements below carefully, and then say whether the statements are true
",#, false "# or not gi%en "&o#:
4F* A>6 BA3369 DA?C6>8 9>A.?6D,
5irls wh st(dy $allet generally $egin $y age eight t ten. Bys ften start later. Ballet training is
hard wrk. Ballet st(dents m(st de&elp strength+ $alance+ and fle'i$ility as well as grace. 9hey m(st
learn a set f m&ements and gest(res. 5irls als learn t dance n their tes. 9hey (s(ally $egin pointe
Ctip/f/the/tesD wrk after three years f training.
All $allet st(dents practice fi&e $asic psitins f the feet. 9hese fi&e psitins frm the $asis f
almst all $allet steps. All f these psitins are perfrmed with the legs t(rned (tward at the hip. 9he
feet sh(ld $e a$le t frm a straight line n the flr.
9he t(rned/(t psitin gi&es a dancer a mre pleasing @line.f 3ine has t d with the placement
f the dancer7s $dy+ in mtin and at rest. All parts f the dancer7s $dy m(st $e placed in the crrect
psitin t achie&e gd line. 9raining can impr&e a dancer7s line. 5d line gi&es a dancer the
greatest sta$ility and ease f m&ement. .t als makes the dancer7s $dy seem light in weight.
All dancers take daily classes t keep their $dies fle'i$le and strng. 0st classes $egin with
warm/(p e'ercises at the barre, a railing that dancers hld nt fr s(pprt. 9he secnd part f the class
cnsists f slw e'ercises that de&elp $alance and fl(id Cflwing+ nt )erkyD mtin. After this+ dancers
practice :(ick m&ements+ s(ch as small )(mps and leg e'tensins+ and then large steps+ t(rns+ and
1/ 5irls wh st(dy $allet generally $egin later than $ys.
2/ Ballet st(dents dn7t ha&e t $(ild (p might+ steadiness+ fle'i$ility and elegance.
3/ Bys als learn t dance n their tes.
4/ Fnly $allet girls practice fi&e $asic psitins f the feet.
5/ Ballet st(dents perfrm all f these psitins with the legs t(rned e'ternal at the hip.
6/ 9he t(rned/(t pse gi&es a perfrmer a mre satisfying @line.f
!/ Dancers m(st place all parts f their $dy in the crrect psitin t attain gd line.
"/ *ith(t training dancers can impr&e their line.
#/ 8 as t keep their $dies fle'i$le and strng all dancers take daily classes.
1%/ 0st classes $egin with slw e'ercises that increase $alance and fl(id Cflwing+ nt )erkyD mtin.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. fo! nd B. sho! t C. $o!ght D. mo! se
2/ A. (nwn B. ( ing C. ma( e D. dar(
3/ A. :(estion B. ed(cation C. sit(ation D. cllection
4/ A. fi nd B. gi ft C. pri &ate D. ni ght
5/ A. mt(re B. $ck C. d d D. mtter
6/ A. m! ch B. s! nny C. t ! tr D. c! t
!/ A. $re d B. de d C. re d D. he d
"/ A. wme n B. spe nd C. de gree D. re t(rn
#/ A. $y B. many C. my D. sky
1%/ A. $lack$ard& B. lessn& C. st(dent& D. master&
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. peple B. classmate C. lessn D. de&te
2/ A. $ackgr(nd B. t(tr C. degree D. master
3/ A. st(dent B. career C. tiny D. research
4/ A. passage B. (nit C. little D. $ecme
5/ A. mther B. mat(re C. sister D. tragic
6/ A. secndary B. impssi$le C. la$ratry D. cnditinal
!/ A. ?&em$er B. Decem$er C. Fct$er D. can(ary
"/ A. recei&e B. pri&ate C. $rther D. children
#/ A. general B. cnditin C. anther D. tgether
1%/ A. psitin B. e'tremely C. cntin(e D. diffic(lt
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ >ead the passage and d the tasks that *o$$o".
A. cme after B. cme $efre C. cme in D. cme n
2/ As a $rilliant and %t!re st(dent with a rare gift f cncentratin+ 0arie har$red the dream f a
scientific career which was impssi$le fr a wman at that time.
A. ld B. f(ll/grwn C. well/knwn D. tall
3/ 8he recei&ed a general ed(catin in lcal schls and sme scientific trinin4 frm her father.
A. learning B. g(iding C. instr(ctin D. lessn
4/ As a $rilliant and mat(re st(dent with a rare gift f cncentratin+ 0arie har$red the dream f a
scientific creer which was impssi$le fr a wman at that time.
A. cc(patin B. wrk C. (nit D. knwledge
5/ B(t lack f f(nds frced her t wrk as a )ri,te t(tr.
A. wn B. interested C. imprtant D. persnal
6/ And in 1"#1+ the shy 0arie+ with &ery little mney t li&e n+ came t 1aris t contin!e her st(dies at
the 8r$nne.
A. g after B. g away C. g $efre D. g n
!/ .f y( listen caref(lly t this piece f m(sic+ y( can hear a fl(te in the +c(4ro!n'.
A. psitin B. e'perience C. training D. en&irnment
"/ .n spite f her diffic(lt li&ing cnditins+ she wrked e5tre%e$y hard.
A. hardly B. &ery C. pretty D. e'cellently
#/ 8he passed a physics 'e4ree with flying clrs+ and went n t take anther 'e4ree in mathematics.
A. am(nt C. :(ality C. le&el D. mark
1%/ 1ierre ften helped her+ and they 'e,ote' all their time t wrking in their la$ratry.
A. dedicated B. sent C. ga&e D. ffered
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ -e*ore y( read+ wrk in pairs+ ask and answer the :(estins.
A. *hile B. After C. *hen D. By the time
2/ 8he recei,e' a general ed(catin in lcal schls and sme scientific training frm her father.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. ffered B. had C. ga&e D. asked
3/ As a +ri$$int and mat(re st(dent with a rare gift f cncentratin+ 0arie har$red the dream f a
scientific career which was impssi$le fr a wman at that time.
A. (gly B. dark C. d(ll D. dirty
4/ As a $rilliant and mat(re st(dent with a rare gift f cncentratin+ 0arie har$red the dream f a
scientific career which was i%)o&&i+$e fr a wman at that time.
A. imprtant B. likely C. (nreal D. may$e
5/ And in 1"#1+ the shy 0arie+ with &ery $itt$e mney t li&e n+ came t 1aris t cntin(e her st(dies at
the 8r$nne.
A. many B. a lt C. few D. m(ch
6/ And in 1"#1+ the shy 0arie+ with &ery little mney t $i,e on+ came t 1aris t cntin(e her st(dies at
the 8r$nne.
A. g (t B. die away C. cme dwn D. get &er
!/ .n spite f her diffic(lt li&ing cnditins+ she wrked e'tremely hr'.
A. laGily B. sftly C. simply D. easily
"/ After the tr4ic death f 1ierre C(rie in 1#%6+ she nt nly tk charge f ed(cating her tw children
$(t als tk the psitin which her h(s$and had finally $tained at the 8r$nne.
A. f(nny B. l&ely C. fascinating D. happy
#/ After the tragic death f 1ierre C(rie in 1#%6+ she nt nly tk charge f ed(cating her tw children
$(t als tk the psitin which her h(s$and had *in$$y $tained at the 8r$nne.
A. ne B. firstly C. early D. sn
1%/ After the tragic death f 1ierre C(rie in 1#%6+ she nt nly tk charge f ed(cating her tw children
$(t als tk the psitin which her h(s$and had finally o+tine' at the 8r$nne.
A. ga&e away B. threw away C. lst D. left
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ By the end f last s(mmer+ the farmers ;;;;;;; all the crp.
A. har&ested B. had har&estedC. har&est D. are har&ested
2/ *hen we went $ack t the $kstre+ the $kseller ;;;;;;; the $k we wanted.
A. sld B. had sld C. sells D. has sld
3/ 9he directr already ;;;;;;; fr the meeting $y the time . gt t his ffice.
A. left B. had left C. lea&es D. will lea&e
4/ 0y mther tld me she ;;;;;;; &ery tired since she came $ack frm a &isit t (r
A. was B. had $een C. is D. has $een
5/ 8(san ;;;;;;; her family after she had taken the (ni&ersity entrance e'aminatin.
A. phned B. had phned C. phnes D. is phning
6/ 4w many cities y( and y(r (ncle ;;;;;;; $y c(ly last s(mmer,
A. &isited B. had &isited
C. did y( &isit D. had y( &isited
!/ 0iss cane ;;;;;;; typing the reprt when her $ss came in.
A. didn7t finish B. hadn7t finished
C. desn7t finish D. can7t finish
"/ 1eter was in ?ew Brk last weekO he ;;;;;;; in *ashingtn D.C. three days earlier.
A. was B. had $een C. is D. was $eing
#/ 9hree wmen+ nne f whm we ;;;;;;; $efre+ ;;;;;;; (t f the hall.
A. saw/had cme B. had seen/came
C. saw/came D. had seen/had cme
1%/ 9hey ;;;;;;; thr(gh hrri$le times d(ring the war years.
A. li&ed B. had li&ed C. li&e D. are li&ing
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ 8am didn=t get m(ch frmal ;;;;;;;.
A. schl B. schling C. schldays D. schlgirl
2/ *wd *hat a ;;;;;;; y(r sister isd . c(ldn=t get ff the phned
A. talk B. talking C. talker D. talkati&e
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
3/ 4e=ll $e remem$ered $th as a $rilliant ft$aller and as a tr(e ;;;;;;;.
A. sprt B. sprting C. sprtsman D. sprts car
4/ 9his seasn=s ;;;;;;; incl(de fi&e new plays and se&eral cncerts f Chinese and .ndian
A. entertainments B. entertainer
C. t entertain D. entertaining
5/ 8he was a ;;;;;;; child+ happiest when reading.
A. st(dy B. st(died C. st(di(s D. st(di(sly
6/ 8he seems t ha&e spent all her life st(dying in ;;;;;;; esta$lishments.
A. ed(catin B. ed(cate C. ed(cated D. ed(catinal
!/ 8pace tra&el is ne f the mar&els/wnders f mdern ;;;;;;;.
A. science B. scientific C. scientifically D. scientist
"/ 0y cmp(ter makes a ;;;;;;; lw $(GGing nise.
A. cntin(e B. cntin(ed C. cntin(ing D. cntin((s
#/ All her life she had a ;;;;;;; tr(st in ther peple.
A. child B. childlike C. childish D. childless
1%/ After he had spken+ a ;;;;;;; silence fell n the rm.
A. die B. death C. deathly D. deathless
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ 9he waiters asked CAD if we were all CBD ne anther CCD s we e'plained CDD that we were tw
separate parties.
2/ 9he ld man walked CAD hme CBD $y himself+ CCD in spite f he knew CDD that it was danger(s.
3/ 8he CAD left her )$ sn CBD t de&te CCD mre time CDD int her family.
4/ CAD ?t nly CBD she t(rned (p CCD late + she CDD als frgt her $ks and pens.
5/ 4e says that his father CAD wrks fr a cmpany CBD that CCD des garden CDD f(rnit(re .
6/ 9hey didn=t CAD seem CBD &ery interested CCD in CDD that . was saying.
!/ CAD 4istrical speaking+ CBD the island is CCD f great CDD interest+ isn7t it,
"/ .s the cmpetitin CAD pen t children CBD amng ten CCD and fifteen CDD years f age,
#/ 4e=d )(st met CAD his girlfriend7s parents CBD fr first time CCD s he was n his $est CDD $eha&ir.
1%/ CAD <inal + .=d like CBD t thank e&eryne CCD fr cming t &isit my CDD sick mther this e&ening.
VIII/ $ead the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the best option A, B, C or D gi%en
ADE39 6DECA9.F?H 4.89F>.CA3 BACh5>FE?D
6arly frmal ad(lt ed(catin acti&ities fc(sed C1D ;;;;;;; single needs s(ch as reading and
writing. 0any early prgrams were C2D ;;;;;;; $y ch(rches t teach peple t read the Bi$le. *hen the
riginal p(rpse was C3D ;;;;;;;+ prgrams were ften ad)(sted t meet mre general ed(catinal needs
f the C4D ;;;;;;;. 3i$raries+ lect(re series+ and disc(ssin scieties $egan in &ari(s c(ntries d(ring
the C5D ;;;;;;;. As mre peple e'perienced the $enefits f C6D ;;;;;;;+ they $egan t participate
increasingly in scial+ plitical+ and cc(patinal C!D ;;;;;;;. By the 1#
cent(ry+ ad(lt ed(catin was
de&elping as a frmal+ rganiGed m&ement in the C"D ;;;;;;; wrld.
9he largest early prgram in the E.8.+ the 3yce(m+ C#D ;;;;;;; C1"26D in 0assach(setts $y
csiah 4l$rk+ was a lcal C1%D ;;;;;;; f men and wmen with sme schling wh wanted t
e'pand their wn ed(catin C11D ;;;;;;; wrking t esta$lish a p($lic schl system. 9he 3yce(m C12D
;;;;;;; enc(raged the de&elpment f ther ad(lt ed(catin instit(tins C13D ;;;;;;; li$raries+
e&ening schls+ and gifted lect(re series. By mid/cent(ry+ emplyers and philanthrpists $egan t
endw C14D ;;;;;;; s(ch as the Cper Enin fr the Ad&ancement f 8cience and Art C1"5#D in ?ew
Brk City C15D ;;;;;;; the 1ea$dy .nstit(te C1"5!D in Baltimre+ 0aryland+ fr ad(lt ed(catin. 3arge
a(diences were C16D ;;;;;;; t the Cha(ta(:(a m&ement+ which $egan C1"!4D in ?ew Brk 8tate C1!D
;;;;;;; a s(mmer training prgram fr 8(nday schl teachers and e&l&ed int a tra&eling lect(re
series and C1"D ;;;;;;; schl. Cha(ta(:(a was the prttype f instit(tins esta$lished t f(rther C1#D
;;;;;;; ed(catin in the E.8. By 1"!6+ (ni&ersities started ffering e'tensin prgrams that C2%D
;;;;;;; ed(catin directly t the p($lic...
&ew %ocabulary:
/ philanthrpist Cn.DH ngWii yV( nWXc+ ngWii nhjn I`c
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ t endw C&.DH phN chH cNng &kn ch C1 tl ch`c+...D
/ ad&ancement Cn.DH prgress+ de&elpment
/ prttype Cn.DH e'ample+ sample
1/ A. in B. n C. $y D. fr
2/ A. started B. $eg(n C. made D. dne
3/ A. interested B. fascinated C. satisfied D. am(sed
4/ A. peple B. c(ntry C. cmm(nity D. pp(latin
5/ A. 1"
cent(ry B. 1#
cent(ry C. 2%
cent(ry D. 21
6/ A. schling B. learning C. ed(catin D. teaching
!/ A. deeds B. things C. acti&ities D. scieties
"/ A. 6astern B. *estern C. 8(thern D. ?rthern
#/ A. created B. $(ilt C. held D. f(nded
1%/ A. relatinship B. friendship C. g&ernrship D. schlarship
11/ A. after B. $efre C. while D. when
12/ A. m&ement B. mtin C. actin D. refreshment
13/ A. like B. s(ch as C. s(ch D. as
14/ A. schls B. centers C. instit(tins D. ffices
15/ A. and B. $(t C. r D. s
16/ A. interested B. e'cited C. fascinated D. attracted
1!/ A. s(ch B. as C. like D. fr
1"/ A. spring B. s(mmer C. a(t(mn D. winter
1#/ A. cmmn B. imprtant C. main D. pp(lar
2%/ A. sent B. ga&e C. $r(ght D. threw
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1/ 9hat new married c(ple ha&e li&ed in
this twn
A/ and we ha&e $een gd friends since
2/ 1eple say B/ (ntil the secretary has finished typing
the letter.
3/ *e will let y( knw a$(t that C/ . (sed t play in the rain with my
4/ *hen . last saw his mther+ D/ that drinking t m(ch $eer is nt
gd fr (r health.
5/ 0y and . met in 2%%2 6/ since they first started tra&eling.
6/ 0y a(nt7s family ha&e tra&eled t
se&eral cities in China
</ since last mnth.
!/ 0y $rther ser&ed in the army 5/ she was in &ery gd health.
"/ *e will wait 4/ frm 1##5 t 2%%%.
#/ *hen she was a little girl+ ./ after they ha&e tld me the res(lt.
1%/ *hen . was in grade 6+ c/ she was &ery fnd f eating ice cream.
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ . try t arrange things in sme kind f a system+ $(t .=m nt &ery CscienceD ;;;;;;; a$(t it.
2/ 5&ernment targets fr increased prd(cti&ity are descri$ed as At(gh $(t CmanageD ;;;;;;;A.
3/ 9he cmpany is making a CcncentrateD ;;;;;;; effrt t $raden its market.
4/ 4is face went red with CshyD ;;;;;;; when he walked int the crwded rm.
5/ 8he seems t ha&e spent all her life st(dying in Ced(cateD ;;;;;;; esta$lishments.
6/ .f we ser&ed mre sft drinks+ there w(ld $e fewer hang&ers and+ mre CimprtanceD ;;;;;;;+
fewer drink/dri&ing incidents.
!/ 4e is pr$a$ly the $est knwn Cli&eD ;;;;;;; architect.
"/ . dn=t feel ready fr CmtherD ;;;;;;; yet.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ . felt :(ite CsisterD ;;;;;;; twards him+ $(t . c(ldn=t marry him.
1%/ C(ples wh are CchildD ;;;;;;; can feel e'cl(ded frm the rest f sciety.
III/ $ead each numbered sentence- ,hen circle the letter of the sentences whose meaning is similar:
1/ *hen they gt hme+ the film started.
A. <irst they gt hme. 9hen the film started.
B. <irst the film started. 9hen they gt hme.
2/ *hen he arri&ed at the schl+ the first lessn had started.
A. <irst he arri&ed at the schl. 9hen the first lessn started.
B. <irst the first lessn started. 9hen he arri&ed at the schl.
3/ By the time she retired+ she had appeared in a$(t twenty plays.
A. <irst she retired. 9hen she appeared in a$(t twenty plays.
B. <irst she appeared in a$(t twenty plays. 9hen she retired.
4/ 0ark had written 15 n&els $y the time he decided t gi&e (p writing.
A. <irst 0ark wrte 15 n&els. 9hen he decided t gi&e (p writing.
B. <irst 0ark decided t gi&e (p writing. 9hen he wrte 15 n&els.
5/ 1eter had already gt a )$ $efre he started his wn $(siness.
A. <irst 1eter gt a )$. 9hen he started his wn $(siness.
B. <irst 1eter started his wn $(siness. 9hen he gt a )$.
6/ 9he girl left the rm after they had cme in.
A. <irst the girl left the rm. 9hen they came in.
B. <irst they came in. 9hen the girl left the rm.
!/ By the end f the m&ie+ we had gne.
A. <irst the m&ie ended. 9hen we went.
B. <irst we went. 9hen the m&ie ended.
"/ *hen my $rther went t $ed+ he had switched ff the lights.
A. <irst my $rther went t $ed. 9hen he switched ff the lights.
B. <irst my $rther switched ff the lights. 9hen he went t $ed.
#/ 9m sld his $ike after he had sld his car.
A. <irst 9m sld his $ike. 9hen he sld his car.
B. <irst 9m sld his car. 9hen he sld his $ike.
1%/ 9ny had $(ght a new cmp(ter $efre he $(ght a new laptp.
A. <irst 9ny $(ght a new cmp(ter. 9hen he $(ght a new laptp.
B. <irst 9ny $(ght a new cmp(ter. 9hen he $(ght a new laptp.
IV/ Complete the sentences, using the correct past tense of the %erb in brac!ets:
1/ 0inh didn7t wn a mtrcycle any mre. 4e CsellD ;;;;;;; it.
2/ hhang lked pale when he arri&ed fr the e'am. 4e Cst(dyD ;;;;;;; t hard.
3/ 9hat g(y7s knees were $leeding when he came $ack hme. 4e Cfall &erD ;;;;;;;.
4/ *e in&ited Fanh t (r party $(t she c(ldn7t cme. 8he CarrangeD ;;;;;;; t g smewhere ealse.
5/ 9hanh $(ght tw la&es f $read and tk them hme+ $(t his mther Calready/ $(yD ;;;;;;; ne.
6/ 0y sister gt annyed when sme$dy $(ght thse )eans in the clthing shp $eca(se she Csa&e (pD
;;;;;;; fr them.
!/ 9hat man ffered (s tickets fr the fashin shw+ $(t we Calready/ seeD ;;;;;;; it.
"/ 4e knew he recgniGed the waterfall. 4e C$eD ;;;;;;; there $efre.
#/ After 3ng had finished his wrk+ he CgD ;;;;;;; hme.
1%/ By the time the plicemen arri&ed+ the thief Cg awayD ;;;;;;;.
V/ Choose the right tenses "present perfect, past or past perfect. simple or progressi%e#:
1/ 9hey reprt that tw cars CcrashD ;;;;;;; near the pst ffice. Accrding t eyewitnesses+ they ChitD
;;;;;;; a few $ig stnes which smene CthrwD ;;;;;;; nt the street.
2/ 4alfway t the cncert hha CstpD ;;;;;;; his mtrcycle and CdrpD ;;;;;;; in a stre t $(y
sme fd and drink.
3/ 0y mther CdD ;;;;;;; h(sewrk all day tday+ she CwashD ;;;;;;; all f (r dirty clthes.
4/ . ClieD ;;;;;;; n the grass thinking f the ne't s(mmer hlidays when my $rther Carri&eD ;;;;;;;.
5/ .t wasn7t astnishing that he CstartD ;;;;;;; getting tthache. 4e CeatD ;;;;;;; a lt f candies.
6/ 0y clse friend CplayD ;;;;;;; a lt f &ilin recently.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
!/ *hen he Carri&eD ;;;;;;; hme his family Cha&eD ;;;;;;; l(nch.
"/ . Cnt seeD ;;;;;;; y( fr a lng time.
#/ 4w lng Cy( st(dyD ;;;;;;; <rench,
1%/ 0y hmetwn CchangeD ;;;;;;; a lt since y( first CcmeD ;;;;;;; t &isit it.
VI/ /ut the parts of this story in the right order "&umber 0 and number 01 ha%e been done first for
0B DF5
1/ 0y dg7s name is 3ittle 0ama.
2/ 8he is gd at playing sccer.
3/ 3ittle 0ama always plays with me at the park.
4/ 3ittle 0ama likes me $(t nt my $rther.
5/ 8he is $rwn and $lack and a female 1it B(ll.
6/ 8he is s gd at thatd
!/ *hen we g t the water she is s scared f the water.
"/ 8he can d sme tricks n the gr(nd.
#/ 8he is nt mean t the ther dgs $(t she is s l(d at $arkingO we can7t sleep $eca(se f the $arking.
1%/ 8he can catch the <ris$ee.
11/ 8he is ging t ha&e $a$ies n Decem$er 14.
12/ *hen she catches the <ris$ee she des flips and sme frnt flips.
13/ 8he is my fa&rite dg.
14/ . can7t wait t see what her p(ppies will lk like.
VII/ $ewrite the first sentences so that the second one means nearly the same as the first one:
1/ *e wrked &ery hard fr the e'am. 9hen we passed it.
/ Befre ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ <irst my sister cnsidered what t say. 9hen she decided t talk t her headmaster.
/ After ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ . learned my lessns. 9hen . went (t fr a walk.
/ Befre ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 4er $rther $(ght a new washing machine. <irst he checked the prices.
/ After ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ 0y mther tk an aspirin. 9hen she felt a little $etter.
/ Befre ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 9he $ys arg(ed. 9hen they f(ght.
/ After ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ 4is a(nt went (t t the fd stre. 9hen she had an accident.
/ Befre ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ *e decided t g n a trip t 4(e. <irst we had sme pr$lems.
/ After ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ 9he st(dents read sme materials. 9hen they wrte their assignments.
/ Befre ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ 4e watched the ft$all match. 9hen he wrte a reprt.
/ After ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:
-c(4ro!n'+ in relatin t cmp(ters+ n the screen+ the clr n which characters are
displayed. C1D ;;;;;;;+ a white $ackgr(nd may $e (sed fr $lack characters. .n a windwing
en&irnment in which mre than ne prgram r dc(ment can $e a&aila$le t the (ser+ pen $(t
c(rrently inacti&e C2D ;;;;;;; are said t $e in the $ackgr(nd.
.n the cnte't f perating systems and prgram e'ec(tin+ background refers t a prcess+ r
task+ assigned a lwer pririty in the micrprcessr=s share f time t tasks ther than the task r(nning
in the C3D ;;;;;;;. A $ackgr(nd prcess th(s ften perfrms its wrk+ s(ch as printing r checking fr
arri&ing messages n an electrnic mail netwrk+ in&isi$ly (nless the (ser re:(ests an (pdate r $rings
the task t the fregr(nd. C4D ;;;;;;;+ nly m(ltitasking perating systems are a$le t s(pprt
$ackgr(nd prcessing. 4we&er+ sme perating systems that d nt s(pprt m(ltitasking may $e a$le
t perfrm ne r mre types f $ackgr(nd tasks. <r e'ample+ in the Apple 0acintsh perating
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
system r(nning in 8ingle/3a(nch 0de Cwith m(ltitasking C5D ;;;;;;;D+ the Backgr(nd 1rinting
ptin can $e (sed t print dc(ments while the (ser is ding ther wrk.
Ne" ,oc+!$ryH
/ pririty Cn.DH s^ W( tiVn
/ micrprcessr Cn.DH mMch &i 'L lR
/ fregr(nd Cn.DH cmnh gnn+ c_n cmnh
1/ A. <r s(re B. .n fact C. <r e'ample D. .n general
2/ A. windws B. systems C. tasks D. characters
3/ A. $ackgr(nd B. fregr(nd C. cmp(ter D. prgram
4/ A. >eally B. 8imilarly C. 5enerally D. 4pef(lly
5/ A. t(rned n B. t(rned ff C. t(rned dwn D. t(rned (p
6/ *hat is a separate area n a cmp(ter screen which shws infrmatin and which y( can m&e
A. windw B. $ackgr(nd C. fregr(nd D. en&irnment
!/ *here can ne prgram r dc(ment $e a&aila$le t the (ser,
A. Fn the screen B. .n a windwing en&irnment
C. .n the fregr(nd D. Fn an electrnic mail netwrk
"/ *hat ften perfrms wrk+ s(ch as printing r checking fr arri&ing messages n an electrnic mail
A. 1rgram e'ec(tin B. <regr(nd prcessing
C. 0icrprcessrD. A $ackgr(nd prcess
#/ *hich wrd in the reading means @kindsf,
A. dc(ments B. systems C. tasks D. types
1%/ *hat is the reading a$(t,
A. wrk B. time C. cmp(ter D. windws
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in
each group:
1/ A. py B. $y C. dy D. :(y
2/ A. kni fe B. r(ti ne C. di nner D. kick
3/ A. $ro"n B. do"n C. no" D. sho" n
4/ A. kitche n B. whe n C. me ss D. de $t
5/ A. desk& B. r(ler& C. $ag& D. pen&
6/ A. min! te B. m! ddy C. f! nny D. n! m$er
!/ A. $or n B. wor ld C. for k D. shor t
"/ A. h (se B. h (r C. h w D. h rse
#/ A. sky B. pretty C. why D. $y
1%/ A. die' B. cntin(e' C. cntente' D. fllwe'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. r(tine B. arri&e C. mrning D. prefer
2/ A. dinner B. harrw C. neigh$r D. crrect
3/ A. dinner B. d(ring C. alth(gh D. n(m$er
4/ A. e&ening B. (s(ally C. afternn D. anther
5/ A. alarm B. disc(ss C. friendly D. $egin
6/ A. mrning B. repair C. happy D. p(pil
!/ A. $(ffal B. e'actly C. t$acc D. cntin(e
"/ A. min(te B. a$(t C. 1hysics D. 6nglish
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ A. :(arter B. $efre C. partner D. weather
1%/ A. peasant B. finish C. cmpare D. ad&er$
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the
1/ Ask and answer :(estins a$(t y(r daily ro!tine + (sing the c(es $elw.
A. actin B. trip C. way D. ha$it
2/ . drink sme c(ps f tea+ ha&e a 9!ic( $reakfast and then lead the $(ffal t the
A. strng B. fast C. mighty D. pwerf(l
3/ . lea&e the h(se at 9!rter past fi&e and arri&e in the field at e'actly 5.3%.
A. 1% min(tes B. 15 min(tes C. 2% min(tes D. 3% min(tes
4/ . contin!e t wrk frm a :(arter past eight till 1%.3%.
A. keep away B. keep $ack C. keep dwn D. keep n
5/ D(ring my $reak . ften drink tea with my *e$$o" peasants and smke lcal t$acc.
A. men B. wmen C. persn D. peple
6/ 9hen . g hme+ take a shrt re&t and ha&e l(nch with my family at 11.3%.
A. $reak B. rela'atin C. while D. time
!/ *e finish (r wrk at 6 pm+ &o%eti%e& m(ch later.
A. nw and then B. lately C. recently D. and s n
"/ *e ha&e dne e&erything as )$nne' .
A. prgrammedB. th(ght C. said D. mentined
#/ 9he plice want t 'i&c!&& these recent racist attacks with lcal peple.
A. say t B. tell a$(t C. speak f D. talk t
1%/ .t takes me 3% min(tes t )re)re .
A. get ready B. make easy C. keep clean D. $e gd
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the
1/ A&( and answer :(estins a$(t y(r daily r(tine+ (sing the c(es $elw.
A. o(estin B. >eply C. 9ell D. >epeat
2/ *hat time d y( 4o to +e' ,
A. g (t B. sit dwn C. lea&e fr D. get (p
3/ . drink sme c(ps f tea+ ha&e a 9!ic( $reakfast and then lead the $(ffal t the
A. weak B. strict C. slw D. thin
4/ . lea&e the h(se at a :(arter past fi&e and arri&e in the field at e5ct$y 5.3%.
A. :(ickly B. weakly C. wrngly D. s(ccessf(lly
5/ . contin!e t wrk frm a :(arter past eight till 1%.3%.
A. cmplete B. finish C. cme D. start
6/ F(r neigh$rs ha&e always $een &ery *rien'$y twards (s.
A. cl B. ht C. warm D. mad
!/ Chse the answer A+ B+ r C that +e&t s(its the meaning f the italiciGed wrdCsD.
A. lastly B. late C. wrst D. weakly
"/ *e are nt $o&in4 anything.
A. stpping B. finding C. $(ying D. selling
#/ Are they h))y with their li&es r nt, *hy,
A. tired B. disappintedC. sad D. (nl(cky
1%/ Alth(gh it7s a lng day fr (s+ we feel we are contente' with what we d.
A. dissatisfied B. e'cited C. shcked D. interested
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ D y( think fd+ air+ and clthes ;;;;;; necessary fr life,
A. were B. are C. ha&e $een D. will $e
2/ 0y (ncle ;;;;;;; a &isit t 5ermany in 2%%5.
A. paid B. pays C. has paid D. will pay
3/ 9w mnths ag my $rther ;;;;;;; elected headmaster f his schl and he
;;;;;;; a &acatin since then.
A. was/hadn7t had B. was/hasn7t had
C. had $een/didn7t ha&e D. had $een/w(ldn7t ha&e
4/ F(r principal ;;;;;;; t 9hailand se&eral times.
A. was B. had $een C. is D. has $een
5/ Besterday mrning my mther ;;;;;;; me a new $icycle as my ld ne ;;;;;;;
A. $(ght/was B. $(ght/had $een
C. had $(ght/was D. had $(ght/had $een
6/ @Did anyne see the thief,f/@?+ he already ;;;;;;; away $y the time we ;;;;;;;
A. ran/had cme B. had r(n/came
C. r(ns/ha&e cme D. has r(n/cme
!/ Besterday afternn while my mther ;;;;;;; fr the ta'i+ the shwer ;;;;;;;.
A. waited/stpped B. was waiting/was stpping
C. waited/was stpping D. was waiting/stpped
"/ 1eple reprted that $efre help ;;;;;;; them+ a small child ;;;;;;; f infantile
A. had reached/died B. reached/had died
C. reaches/has died D. has reached/dies
#/ @. ;;;;;;; y( at # tmrrw mrning. *ill that $e Fh,f
/@At #, ?+ . ;;;;;;; shpping with my mther.f
A. phne/will g B. am phning/ ha&e gne
C. will phne/will $e ging D. ha&e phned/am ging
1%/ 0y $rther smetimes asked himself what ;;;;;;; t the trees if spring didn7t
cme at last.
A. happened B. happens C. w(ld happen D. will happen
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ Are y( planning t g ;;;;;;; 1a(l=s )$ when he lea&es,
A. after B. ahead C. n D. (p
2/ *e=&e recei&ed permissin t g ;;;;;;; with the m(sic festi&al in spite f
ppsitin frm lcal residents.
A. alng B. ahead C. &er D. ff
3/ . dn7t g ;;;;;;; her &iews n pri&ate medicine.
A. tgether with B. n with C. away with D. alng with
4/ 1($lic pinin is ging ;;;;;;; the g&ernment n this iss(e.
A. t B. fr C. against D. $y
5/ Their relationship goes _______ when they were at university together.
A. ba! to B. int C. out o" D. "ar away
6/ B( can watch the trains ging ;;;;;;; frm this windw.
A. in B. ff C. n D. $y
!/ #e went _______ on his !nees an$ begge$ "or "orgiveness.
A. t B. $own C. by D. (t
"/ 9heir dg had t $e p(t t sleep after it went ;;;;;;; the pst wman.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. after B. fr C. ahead D. alng
#/ 8he=s decided t g ;;;;;;; $(siness as a freelance cmp(ter prgrammer.
A. int B. n C. fr D. $y
1%/ 9he lights went ;;;;;;; in se&eral &illages $eca(se f the strm.
A. $y B. (t C. (p D. ff
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ 4is mther CAD (sed t make CBD m(ch him CCD when he went hme CDD fr hlidays.
2/ .t=s CAD terri$ly smky CBD in here / .=m )(st CCD ging n fr a $reath f CDD fresh air.
3/ 0any p(pils ha&e CAD e'tra classes CBD in the e&enings CCD with CDD at weekends.
4/ *e=&e $een ha&ing CAD a little CBD pr$lems CCD with the CDD new cmp(ter.
5/ >emem$er CAD ging thr(gh the pckets CBD $efre y( CCD p(t thse )eans CDD in the
washing machine.
6/ Fne CAD certainly hpes t gain CBD a little CCD wise as ne grws CDD lder .
!/ . knw chnsn CAD finished last in the race+ $(t CBD wh was CCD secnd t CDD the last.
"/ .f y( d smething CAD $y the mment+ y( are ding it CBD nw+ $(t might d CCD
smething different CDD in the f(t(re.
#/ 8he said+ @CAD ?e&er tr(st a man CBD whse eyes are CCD s clse CDD ne antherdf
1%/ CAD Enless anyne rings CBD fr me + CCD please tell them CDD .=ll $e $ack in the ffice at 4
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:
0A?B h.?D8 F< 0.C>FB68
9here are th(sands f different kinds f micr$es. 0icr$es called C1D ;;;;;;; are the
smallest li&ing things. Bacteria li&e almst e&erywhereH n land+ in water+ and e&en C2D ;;;;;;;
8me micrscpic life frms are like plants. 9iny diatms are micr$es that li&e in lakes
and the cean. Diatms sak (p C3D ;;;;;;; and (se its energy t make fd+ )(st like plants.
8me micrscpic life frms are mre C4D ;;;;;;; animals. 1rtGa s(ch as the ame$a
and parameci(m are animal/like micrrganisms. An ame$a can m&e C5D ;;;;;;; changing
the shape f its $dy. .t sticks (t a pse(d pd+ r false ft. A parameci(m is C6D ;;;;;;; with
tiny hairs. .t wa&es its hairs rapidly t swim.
2ir(ses are C!D ;;;;;;; kind f micr$e. 2ir(ses smetimes act like li&ing things and
ther times act like nnli&ing things. 2ir(ses smetimes li&e in the cells f plants and animals.
C"D ;;;;;;; a cell+ a &ir(s reprd(ces like a li&ing thing. 9he &ir(s (ses the cell t make many
cpies f itself. 2ir(ses are C#D ;;;;;;; small t see with an rdinary micrscpe. B( need a
pwerf(l electrn micrscpe t see a &ir(s. F(tside f a plant r animal cell+ a C1%D ;;;;;;; is
like a nnli&ing thing.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ micr$e Cn.DH &i trpng+ &i kh(qn
/ micrscpic Cad).DH th(rc kUnh hi\n &iO rst nht
/ diatm Cn.DH Cth^c &_t hucD tm cat
/ prtGa Cn.DH ngTnh Irng &_t ng(yVn sinh
/ ame$a Cn.DH Amip
1/ A. animals B. bateria C. plants %. viruses
2& '. in (. out ). outsi$e %. insi$e
3& '. sunlight (. water ). air %. lightning
4& '. as (. sa*e ). li!e %. si*ilar
5& '. by (. a"ter ). be"ore %. $uring
6& '. *a$e (. $one ). +lle$ %. overe$
7& '. other (. one another ). another %. eah other
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
8& '. ,utsi$e (. -nsi$e ). (esi$e %. .ear
9& '. very (. so ). too %. al*ost
10& '. ell (. plant ). $iato* %. virus
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e
meaningful sentences:
1/ 4we&er+ they arri&ed at the park A/ it was a pleasant e&ening.
2/ .n the afternn+ B/ right near the seashre.
3/ 9he cncert starts at " p.m.+ C/ in the middle f the hall.
4/ 9hey are sitting D/ we w(ld g t schl at 12.45.
5/ 3ast Christmas+ 6/ $(t finally+ it t(rned (t t $e a
&ery appealing pict(re.
6/ 5enerally speaking+ </ fr s(pper.
!/ <irstly we th(ght we w(ld nt
en)y it+
5/ we went t the resta(rant &ery
near here.
"/ <rm time t time+ 4/ we held a small party at hme.
#/ F(r family stayed at a $ea(tif(l
./ s y( ha&e t get there $efre
time t find y(r seats.
1%/ *e7d like t ha&e smething light c/ in n time at all $y mtrcycle.
II/ ill each gap with a word from the list below:
e'hi$itin+ neigh$rhd+ timeta$le+ immediately+ $rken+ p(rchased+ fields+ repair+ sta$le+
1/ .f the f(ndatins f the h(se aren=t ;;;;;;;+ cllapse is pssi$le.
2/ 9he president ;;;;;;; $y saying that his c(ntry was a free c(ntry and w(ld always
remain s.
3/ 9here were lts f kids in my ;;;;;;; when . was grwing (p.
4/ 9he athlete=s third+ and winning+ )(mp was an ;;;;;;; f skill and strength.
5/ .s it t late t ;;;;;;; the damage we ha&e dne t (r planet,
6/ 9he schl playing ;;;;;;; were marked (t fr ft$all and r(g$y.
!/ 9he peple mst ;;;;;;; affected $y the dr(ght are the farmers themsel&es.
"/ 9he ;;;;;;; fr (r trip t 1aris incl(des &isits t ?tre Dame+ the 6iffel 9wer and the
#/ 8he ;;;;;;; her first h(se with the mney.
1%/ *e=&e ;;;;;;; the $ack f it nw and we sh(ld $e finished $y <riday.
III/ Complete the sentences with an appropriate word:
1/ *e all knw that the s(n always ;;;;;;; in the west.
2/ 9 ;;;;;;; y( the tr(th+ . didn=t (nderstand a wrd f what he was saying.
3/ ;;;;;;; y(r eyes / .=&e gt a s(rprise fr y(.
4/ 8he=s s thin yet she ;;;;;;; like a hrse.
5/ . wnder if y( c(ld ;;;;;;; me / .=d like sme infrmatin a$(t flights t ?ew vealand.
6/ 9he accident ;;;;;;; me a lessn .7ll ne&er frget.
!/ 9he cmpany (ght t ;;;;;;; smething a$(t the pr ser&ice.
"/ 9he h(se was ;;;;;;; f wd with an irn rf.
#/ Carrying hea&y lads ar(nd all day is hard ;;;;;;;.
1%/ Ben ne&er frgets t ;;;;;;; A1leaseA and A9hank y(A.
IV/ /ut the %erb in the correct form:
1/ 0y sister Cnt listenD ;;;;;;; t the radi at all.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
2/ 4w many lang(ages Cy(r teacher/ speakD ;;;;;;;,
3/ *hat time Cshps/ penD ;;;;;;; in y(r hmetwn,
4/ 0y $rther has a mtr$ike $(t he Cnt (seD ;;;;;;; it &ery ften.
5/ 4w many c(ps f cffee Cy(r father/ drinkD ;;;;;;; a day,
6/ *hat Cy(r (ncle/ dD ;;;;;;;, - 4e7s a pliceman.
!/ *hat Cthese wrds/ meanD ;;;;;;;,
"/ *here Cy(r grandparents/ li&eD ;;;;;;; nw,
#/ . Cnt likeD ;;;;;;; 3iterat(re $(t . Cen)yD ;;;;;;; learning 6nglish.
1%/ Birds CsingD ;;;;;;;+ Cthey/ dD ;;;;;;;,
V/ 'a!e sentences based on the gi%en words:
1/ the children/ always/ fnd/ candy/ s(ch/ chclate/ cakes
2/ my teacher/ smetimes/ get/ angry/ me/ $eca(se/ ./ nt hmewrk
3/ ?h(ng/ gd/ st(di(s/ st(dent/ and/ ne&er/ late/ schl
4/ my mther/ g/ wrk/ 6.3%/ e&ery day
5/ it/ seldm/ rain/ s(mmer/ that place
6/ she/ ccasinally/ mis(nderstand/ me/ $(t/ it/ nt/ matter
!/ my mther/ g/ market/ twice/ week
"/ she/ (s(ally/ afraid/ dgs/ $(t/ she/ like/ cats
#/ hw ften/ y(/ g/ dancing/ cl($/ s(mmer,
1%/ we/ ften/ g/ there/ f(r times/ mnth/ s(mmer
VI/ Arrange the words to ma!e complete sentences:
1/ with demand we=re ha&ing a si'/day week t cpe t wrk.
2/ the wrld mi't(re f and gl(cse sa&e a simple li&es in many parts f water can.
3/ lea&ing schl after+ a year she spent tra&eling+ mstly in and Asia Africa .
4/ and dne gne it 0ike=s really nw / fr $reaking he=ll $e tr($le in terri$le that windw.
5/ gi&e me c(ld y( sme idea will finish the $(ilding f when wrk,
6/ $een st(dying researchers ha&e hw peple make decisins (nder stress.
!/ 8chl they at the .nternatinal ha&e p(pils different natinalities f 46.
"/ this year=s ne har&est was f the since the mst s(ccessf(l f 1#"5 recrd crp.
#/ had any ha&e y( seri(s relatinships past year in the,
1%/ the whle she e'plained idea again+ $(t still didn=t . (nderstand.
VII/ $ewrite the following sentences, using the words gi%en in brac!ets:
1/ @B(7&e $rken my glasses+ 9hanhdf said 8ang. Cacc(sedD
/ 8ang ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; his glasses.
2/ 0y $icycle needs t $e repaired sn. Cm(stD
/ . really ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; repaired sn.
3/ 0inh regrets nt $(ying that watch. CwishesD
/ 0inh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; that watch.
4/ B( c(ldn7t ha&e $een s(ccessf(l with(t her help. CsheD
/ B( c(ldn7t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; her.
5/ 0y mther th(ght she might r(n (t f cash+ s she tk her che:(e/$k with her. CcaseD
/ 0y mther tk her che:(e/$k with her ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (t f cash.
6/ 9heir plans fr the camping ha&e $een spilt $y the weather. CfallenD
/ 9heir plans ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $eca(se f the weather.
!/ 9he milk was t stale t drink. CfreshD
/ 9he milk ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; t drink.
"/ 0ay$e 1hng went hme early. CmayD
/ 1hng ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; hme early.
#/ *e can7t pssi$ly st(dy in all this nise. Cimpssi$leD
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; in all this nise.
1%/ 9he r$$er s(ddenly realiGed that a pliceman was watching him. CwatchedD
/ 9he r$$er s(ddenly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $y a pliceman.
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then do as directed:
Animals li&e e&erywhere. C1D ;;;;;;;. 9hey +!rro" in the gr(nd. 9hey swim in the
sea. 9hey fly thr(gh the air. 9hey creep+ they leap+ they sar+ and they di&e. A &ery feww
incl(ding crals and $arnacleswstay in ne place.
C2D ;;;;;;;. 9he $iggest animals are whales+ which can $e 1%% feet C3% metersD lng.
9he smallest animals can nly $e seen thr(gh a micrscpe.
Zoologists Cscientists wh st(dy animalsD ha&e f(nd mre than 2 millin species CkindsD
f animals. C3D ;;;;;;;.
8e&eral things make animals 'i**erent *ro% ther li&ing things. C4D ;;;;;;;. Animals
eat ther li&ing thingswplants and ther animalswt get energy. Animal $dies are made (p f
mre than ne cell+ (nlike $acteria and ther life frms with nly ne cell. Cells are the $(ilding
$lcks f li&ing things. C5D ;;;;;;;.
x Put the sentences below (A, B, C, D and E) in the suitable place (1, 2, , ! and ") to #ake a
#eaning$ul reading%
A. Enlike plants+ animals cannt make their wn fd.
B. 9hey think they ha&e disc&ered nly a small prtin f all animals n 6arth.
C. Animals als ha&e senses+ s(ch as eyes r ears+ that tell them what is ging n ar(nd
D. 9hey ram the land.
6. Animals cme in all siGes.
x Choose the correct option%
6/ @$(rrwf in line 1 meansH
A. f(rrw B. hle C. t(nnel D. ca&ity
!/ 9he ppsite f @different frmf in the first line in paragraph 4 is ..........
A. cnnected t B. )ined in C. tgether with D. similar t
"/ *hich wrd in the reading means @a hard s($stance that is red+ pink r white in clr+ and
that frms n the $ttm f the sea frm the $nes f &ery small creat(resf,
A. cral B. $arnacle C. $acteria D. energy
#/ *hich wrd in the reading means @t )(mp high r a lng wayf,
A. creep B. leap C. rar D. di&e
1%/ *hat is the $est title f the reading a$&e,
A. Cells B. *hales C. Animals D. 8pecies
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. spe cial B. pare nt C. mental D. &e ry
2/ A. e&ery B. easy C. why D. grad(ally
3/ A. pr&ide B. primary C. si gn D. pr&i nce
4/ A. diffic! lt B. cmm! ne C. r! nning D. s! ffer
5/ A. reliGe B. techer C. re sn D. fet(re
6/ A. act in B. f(rt een C. inst ead D. act i&e
!/ A. acte' B. )gge' C. retarde' D. sacre'
"/ A. d(m+ B. r+ C. + k D. + ring
#/ A. ed(cation B. :(estion C. e'amination D. attraction
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1%/ A. " rng B. " rd C. " est D. "ith
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. ed(catin B. specialty C. ppsitin D. demnstratin
2/ A. special B. mental C. f(rteen D. within
3/ A. l(ggage B. retard C. happen D. lessn
4/ A. s($tract B. parent C. message D. passage
5/ A. disa$le B. manager C. cnditin D. parental
6/ A. srry B. happy C. cmm(ne D. s($) ect
!/ A. instead B. welcme C. cnstr(ct D. arri&e
"/ A. primary B. e&erything C. afternn D. e'citing
#/ A. pr&ince B. prepare C. finger D. meeting
1%/ A. $etter B. standing C. attend D. pen
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ *hy did the parents ppse t the idea f sending their children t the &)eci$ class at first,
A. imprtant -. &)eci*ic C. gd D. ma)r
2/ .n 9ra Bng District+ o(ang ?gai pr&ince+ the class +e4n se&en years ag with a mi' f children+
sme d(m$+ deaf r s(ffering a lisp and thers mentally retarded.
A. went B. perfrmed C. &trte' D. appeared
3/ 9heir parents were frced t wrk n farms all day t make mney fr their family+ which r$$ed
them f a chnce t gi&e their children an ed(catin.
A. ffer B. s(pply C. s(ggestin 3. o))ort!nity
4/ At first+ there was a lt f ppsitin frm the parents f the disa$led children as they did nt +e$ie,e
that their children c(ld learn anything at all.
A. tr!&t B. say C. reprt D. r(mr
5/ .r'!$$y mre children were sent t the class as their parents realiGed that the y(ng teacher was
trying her $est t help their pr kids.
A. Pro4re&&i,e$y B. <irstly C. 8lwly D. *eakly
6/ D(ring a small lessn+ she ri&e' $th arms and pened (p her fingers ne $y ne (ntil all ten std
A. $i*te' B. went (p C. cntin(ed D. gt
!/ *hat w(ld h))en t the disa$led children in 9ra y(an Cmm(ne if a special class was nt
rganiGed fr them,
A. g t B. lea&e fr C. occ!r D. take
"/ 9he children ha&e e&ery reasn t $e )ro!' as it (s(ally takes them at least three mnths t learn hw
t prn(nce ne wrd.
A. honore' B. capa$le C. happy D. frt(nate
#/ *hat d y( ften d in the $reaks $etween the )erio'&,
A. times B. areas C. inter,$& D. stps
1%/ *hat are ,i&itor& t the class welcmed with,
A. 4!e&t& B. callers C. sightseers D. lkers/n
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ *hich nes d y( think w(ld $e 'i**ic!$t fr $lind and deaf peple,
A. slight B. easy C. light D. sft
2/ *hich nes d y( think w(ld $e diffic(lt fr +$in' and deaf peple,
A. clear B. sharp/sighted C. smth D. da(ntless
3/ B(t fr the determinatin f 1ham 9hi 9h( 9h(y+ twenty/fi&e 'i&+$e' children in 9ra y(an
Cmm(ne w(ld still $e st(ck at hme instead f in primary schl learning hw t read and write.
A. ,i4oro!& B. interested C. wealthy D. learned
4/ B(t fr the determinatin f 1ham 9hi 9h( 9h(y+ twenty/fi&e disa$led children in 9ra y(an
Cmm(ne w(ld still $e st(ck at hme instead f in )ri%ry schl learning hw t read and write.
A. later B. fllwing C. s($rdinate 3. &econ'ry
5/ .n 9ra Bng District+ o(ang ?gai pr&ince+ the class $egan se&en years ag with a mi' f children+
sme '!%++ deaf r s(ffering a lisp and thers mentally retarded.
A. l(d B. hea&y C. 4rr!$o!& D. strng
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
6/ 5rad(ally mre children were sent t the class as their parents realiGed that the y(ng teacher was
trying her $est t help their )oor kids.
A. gd -. rich C. strng D. l(cky
!/ At first+ there was a lt f ppsitin frm the parents f the disa$led children as they did nt +e$ie,e
that their children c(ld learn anything at all.
A. d($t B. reply C. regret D. ignre
"/ <ill each f the $lanks $elw with a &!it+$e wrd frm the reading passage.
A. (nimprtant B. irrele&ant C. (ninteresting D. impssi$le
#/ *rk with a partner and fill in the $lanks with the ri4ht :(estins.
A. sick B. li$eral C. (nhealthy 3. i%)ro)er
1%/ *hy did the parents ppse t the idea f sending their children t the &)eci$ class at first,
A. (nlimited B. e&eryday C. nor%$ D. (ndefined
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ *e=re ging t try t keep ;;;;;;; as we grw lder.
A. act B. acti&e C. actin D. acti&ity
2/ 9he ;;;;;;; f plicy is nt (r $(siness / (r )$ is t p(t it int practice.
A. determine B. t determine C. determinatin D. determined
3/ 4is wife was pssi$ly the mst highly ;;;;;;; prime minister f this cent(ry.
A. ed(cate B. ed(catin C. ed(catinal D. ed(cated
4/ 0y sister wasn=t en)ying the chance s she th(ght she=d spil it fr e&ery$dy else / it
was &ery ;;;;;;; f her.
A. children B. childish C. childhd D. childlike
5/ *e7re srry that we weren=t ;;;;;;; t telephne y( and y(r friends yesterday
A. a$le B. (na$le C. ena$led D. disa$led
6/ . feel s ;;;;;;; $eca(se there=s nthing . can d t make the y(ngster $etter.
A. help B. helpf(l C. helpless D. helper
!/ ;;;;;;;+ we ask fr a depsit f z2%% $efrehand.
A. Added B. Additin C. Additinal D. Additinally
"/ 9he kids really liked the m(se(m+ ;;;;;;; the elephants.
A. special B. specialty C. specialiGe D. specially
#/ 9ra&elers t the natin ha&e $een asked t fill in a thr(gh ;;;;;;;.
A. :(estin B. :(estinnaire C. :(estiner D. :(estina$le
1%/ 4e had an ;;;;;;; fr a )$ with a freign cmpany tw days ag.
A. inter&iew B. inter&iewee C. inter&iewer D. inter&iewing
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ .t7s tr(e ;;;;;;; y(r a(nt=s gne $ack t teaching+ isn7t it,
A. that B. when C. which D. where
2/ ;;;;;;; f y(r $rthers and sisters d y( feel clser t,
A. *h B. *hat C. *hse D. *hich
3/ *e met in an ancient $(ilding+ ;;;;;;; (ndergr(nd rm had $een cn&erted int a
A. that B. whse C. whm D. which
4/ .7m ging t meet a wman with ;;;;;;; . (sed t st(dy.
A. wh B. whse C. whm D. that
5/ 0y teaher as!e$ *e i" - !new _______ ha$ got that 1ob.
A. who B. whm C. that D. whih
6/ ;;;;;;; are they ding that fr, 1lease tell me.
A. *hm B. 9hat C. *hat D. *hy
!/ 0y ol$er sister was 1ust getting into the !ithen _______ the reeiver rang.
A. when B. where C. what D. which
"/ 9here is n reasn ;;;;;;; they sh(ldn=t $e s(ccessf(l.
A. that B. what C. why D. when
#/ 4er (ncle li&ed in Barcelna fr se&eral years+ ;;;;;;; he ta(ght 8panish.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. when B. where C. which D. that
1%/ ;;;;;;; m&ie w(ld y( prefer t see - @>me and c(lietf r @9itanicf,
A. *hat B. *h C. *hm D. *hich
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD *hen . CBD was y(nger+ . CCD (sed nt t $e allwed CDD eating t many sweets.
2/ 4e CAD (sed t l&e dgs $(t ne CBD attacked him and he CCD desn=t like them CDD n mre.
3/ .t CAD was CBD ne f CCD the $etter plays CDD we=&e e&er seen.
4/ .s it tr(e that CAD <rench CBD were defeated CCD at 2ietnam CDD in 1#45,
5/ CAD 9he death f her da(ghter CBD was an e'perience CCD frm that she ne&er CDD f(lly rec&ered.
6/ B(=&e seen CAD her new car+ CBD ha&en=t y(, CCD *hat des it CDD like ,
!/ 9hat CAD will make+ D(ng. *e dn=t want t see CBD any mre f CCD that srt f CDD $eha&ir again.
"/ 9rickery CAD detecti&es are in&estigating that cmpany+ tw f CBD which senir e'ec(ti&es ha&e CCD
already $een CDD arrested.
#/ CAD 9he &isitr list reads CBD s(ch as a CCD *h=s *h f CDD tp British $(sinessmen.
1%/ 4is wife was CAD merely twenty CBD when she CCD had her CDD ne infant.
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
8pecial 6d(catin+ specially designed instr(ctin t C1D ;;;;;;; the (ni:(e needs and a$ilities f
disa$led r gifted children. Disa$led children ha&e cnditins C2D ;;;;;;; ad&ersely affect their
prgress in cn&entinal ed(catin prgrams. 5ifted children+ wh demnstrate high capacity in
intellect(al+ C3D ;;;;;;;+ r artistic areas+ may als fare prly in reg(lar ed(catin prgrams. 8pecial
ed(catin ser&ices can help $th disa$led and C4D ;;;;;;; children make prgress in ed(catin
prgrams. 0st children ser&ed $y special ed(catin prgrams are C5D ;;;;;;; the ages f 6 and 1!.
.n the Enited 8tates+ federal law re:(ires states t identify and ser&e all children C6D ;;;;;;;
disa$ilities. 1($lic ed(catin and health fficials in the Enited 8tates identified appr'imately 5.4
millin infants+ tddlers+ C!D ;;;;;;;+ and y(th as disa$led in 1##4. 9hat same year+ the E.8.
Department f 6d(catin reprted that 12.2 percent f all children C"D ;;;;;;; the age f 21 recei&ed
sme frm f special ed(catin. 9he mst fre:(ently reprted disa$ilities are speech r lang(age
impairmentsO mental retardatin and C#D ;;;;;;; de&elpmental disrdersO seri(s emtinal
dist(r$anceO and specific learning disrders+ C1%D ;;;;;;; memry disrders. Fther disa$ilities incl(de
hearing+ &is(al+ r rthpedic impairmentsO a(tismO C11D ;;;;;;; tra(matic $rain in)(ry. An increasing
n(m$er f children in the Enited 8tates are identified as ha&ing attentin/deficit hyperacti&ity disrder
CAD4DD and C12D ;;;;;;; special ed(catin ser&ices.
0any schls in the Enited 8tates pr&ide special ed(catin ser&ices C13D ;;;;;;; gifted
children+ alth(gh federal law des nt mandate these ser&ices. 5ifted children demnstrate C14D
;;;;;;; high a$ilities in intellect(al+ creati&e+ academic+ leadership+ r artistic areas. 6stimates f the
gifted C15D ;;;;;;; in the Enited 8tates range frm 3 t 15 percent f all schlchildren.
1/ A. meet B. see C. ha&e D. find
2/ A. what B. that C. whm D. this
3/ A. create B. creatin C. creati&e D. creat(re
4/ A. pr B. rich C. learned D. gifted
5/ A. amng B. $etween C. in D. inside
6/ A. with B. $y C. fr D. f
!/ A. men B. wmen C. children D. ad(lts
"/ A. $elw B. a$&e C. (nder D. &er
#/ A. anther B. ther C. each ther D. tgether
1%/ A. as B. like C. fr instance D. s(ch as
11/ A. and B. $(t C. r D. s
12/ A. ha&e B. gi&e C. thrw D. recei&e
13/ A. fr B. with C. $y D. t
14/ A. e'cept B. e'ceptin C. e'ceptinal D. e'ceptinally
15/ A. peple B. peples C. pp(latin D. cmm(nities
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ 9he engineer ..... is my father7s friend. A/ that e&er wn the title @5reatest
8ccer 1layerf.
2/ 3ng and 4(y+ ..... ha&e $ecme
prfessinal ft$allers.
B/ wh is nly 36
3/ 9he lake ..... is a kilmeter wide. C/ wh in&ented that machine
4/ *e ha&e nthing t d+ ..... D/ they rwed acrss
5/ 1el{ is the $est ft$aller ..... 6/ which y( ha&e dne.
6/ 4e will pay a &isit t the cmpany..... </ which makes (s $red.
!/ 0y sister was &ery glad t find the
schl$ag .....
5/ which disappeared a week ag.
"/ 0r. 2inh+ .....+ desn7t really like new
4/ whm y( met tw weeks ag
#/ 3et me see all the hmewrk ..... ./ whse tr(sers are silly
1%/ 0r. Ca+ .....+ is the new manager f
that cmpany.
c/ where his mther wrks.
II/ ill each gap with a word from the list below:
ed(catin+ perid+ cntact+ pr&ided+ escape+ away+ sched(led+ sign+ la$r+ delays
1/ 3ng ;;;;;;; are predicted n the mtrway $eca(se f the accident.
2/ .t=s a c(ntry which places great imprtance n ;;;;;;;.
3/ 0ay 1
is ;;;;;;; day in a lt f c(ntries.
4/ 9he st(dy will $e carried (t &er a si'/mnth ;;;;;;;.
5/ | is the ;;;;;;; fr the British p(nd.
6/ .=d hate t lse ;;;;;;; with my ld schl friends.
!/ 9he meeting has $een ;;;;;;; fr tmrrw afternn.
"/ 4e=s welcme t cme alng+ ;;;;;;; that he $eha&es himself.
#/ 9he recent fld has swept ;;;;;;; the ft$ridge.
1%/ ;;;;;;; frm this windw and ret(rn t the main men(.
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ 8he had the a$ility t e'plain things clearly and cncisely.
2/ 9he amaGing thing is that it was kept secret fr s lng.
3/ 8he tld (s hw easy it was t (se the cmp(ter+ then $y way f demnstratin simply pressed a few
keys n the key$ard.
4/ .t gi&es y( a sense f achie&ement if y( act(ally make it t the end f a &ery lng $k.
5/ 9he treas(rer has $een taking a mre ptimistic &iew f ecnmic rec&ery in his recent p($lic
6/ A lt f the children at the schl d nt li&e in the twn+ $(t cme in frm the s(rr(nding
!/ .t is the )(dgment f this c(rt that y( are g(ilty f m(rder.
"/ 9he athlete=s third+ and winning+ )(mp was an e'hi$itin f skill and strength.
#/ 9he article was a$(t the internatinal aid rganiGatins.
1%/ 9he g&ernment repeatedly stressed its s(pprt fr parental chice in the selectin f a child=s
IV/ Complete the sentences with 2used to3V4 or 2didn5t use to3V4:
1/ 9m ;;;;;;; a fam(s singer $(t he desn7t sing nw.
2/ 9hey eat rice nw $(t they ;;;;;;; ptates when they were in the &illage.
3/ ?w mst f (s ha&e a mtr$ike t get t wrk. *e ;;;;;;; a $ike t schl when we were p(pils.
4/ ?w there are se&eral resta(rants in this twn $(t there ;;;;;;; nly ne a few years ag.
5/ *hen my $rther was a little $y she ;;;;;;; play in rains $(t he desn7t nw.
6/ 9he little girl desn7t cry nw $(t she ;;;;;;; a lt after she was $rn.
!/ 4e likes )gging nw $(t he ;;;;;;; ding it.
"/ 0y neigh$rs play with me nw $(t they ;;;;;;; with mw and my sisters.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ 0y (ncle ;;;;;;; $(t nw he has gi&en (p smking.
1%/ 8he li&es with her parents nw $(t she ;;;;;;; alne.
V/ Combine the sentences to ma!e one sentence- 'a!e any necessary changes:
1/ 9he $(s ges (p 4(ng 2(ng street. .t desn7t stp at the hspital.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 0y y(nger $rther is laGy. 9his annys his teachers.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ 9he fashin shw went n fr three h(rs. .t was caref(lly prepared.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 9he plant had died. *e c(t it dwn last week.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ 1hng (s(ally cmes t class late. 9his makes his frm teacher angry.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 0y friend decided t chse the red mtrcycle. 4e had wanted a red mtrcycle $efre.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ ?e't 8at(rday my $rther will ha&e t &isit the dctr again. 4e hates &isiting a dctr.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ Fanh wrks &ery hard and always gets gd marks. 9his pleases her parents a lt.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ 9hey are talking a$(t ?am. ?am is &ery interested in math.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ 0r. o(ang has a lt f mney. 9his p(ts him in tr($le with his friends.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VI/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1/ *e ha&en7t seen her since 1###.
/ *e last ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 4w lng ha&e y( learning 6nglish,
/ *hen ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
3/ 0y mther desn7t ha&e anyne make clthes fr her.
/ 0y mther makes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 9hey went t 1aris fr the first time.
/ .t was ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ F(r friends recgniGed that man immediately.
/ .mmediately (r friends knew ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 9hat pliceman arri&ed t late+ s the r$$er escaped.
/ By the time that pliceman arri&ed+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ D y( knw ?ew Brk at all,
/ 4a&e y( e&er ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
"/ *hen did y( $(y y(r laptp,
/ 4w lng ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
#/ 4er &isit interr(pted my family7s dinner.
/ 0y family was ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ *e last saw y(r sister in 0ay.
/ *e ha&en7t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VII/ Arrange the words to ma!e complete sentences:
1/ disa$le the the $(ilding and then alarm system enter.
2/ smene wh . knew (p in was mi'ed crr(ptin scandal that.
3/ acc(sed $radcasters 9he 5eneral 8ynd dwn religi(s f d(m$ing prgrams.
4/ the flat terri$le cnditin they left in a / there mess e&erywhere was .
5/ fr children it=s a gd imprtant t get ed(catin.
6/ are in the (nins ppsitin t &er the the g&ernment f pri&atiGatin iss(e.
!/ that all he $elie&es children with are $rn e:(al intelligence.
"/ is n the meeting the fifth hping e&eryne will attend and we=re.
#/ $een a there has grad(al impr&ement sales fig(res in (r last tw &er the years.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1%/ starts when the n&el f (nknwn a child parentage is the h(se left at lcal priest f the.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then decide whether the statements are true ",#, false "#
or not gi%en "&#:
6d(catin f st(dents wh are hard f hearing r deaf may in&l&e the (se f pwerf(l
amplificatin de&ices+ s(ch as hearing aids+ r it may (se captins Cprinted wrds that appear n a
tele&isin screen r cmp(ter mnitrD. 0any deaf r hard f hearing st(dents learn sign lang(age+ an
rganiGed system f gest(res fr cmm(nicatin. Fthers learn t speechread ClipreadD+ a methd f
interpreting speech $y @readingf the patterns f a persn7s m(th as he r she speaks. 8me deaf
st(dents recei&e cchlear implants+ which are recei&ers s(rgically implanted $ehind the ear and
cnnected t electrdes placed in the cchlea f the inner ear+ ena$ling indi&id(als t hear s(nds t a
&arying degree.
5ifted children are ften m&ed thr(gh the reg(lar schl c(rric(l(m at a faster pace than their
peers. 8me children with e'ceptinally high a$ility in a partic(lar s($)ect area may $e allwed t
red(ce the time they spend in their ther s($)ects t permit mre time t fc(s n challenging cntent in
their specialty. A high schl st(dent wh is partic(larly gifted in math+ fr e'ample+ may attend
ad&anced math classes at a lcal cllege rather than m(sic classes at the high schl. 8me gifted
st(dents may als skip grades r they may enter kindergarten+ high schl+ r cllege at an early age.
1/ 4earing aid is a de&ice wrn inside r ne't t the ear $y peple wh cannt hear well in rder t help
them t hear $etter.
2/ c(st few deaf r hard f hearing st(dents learn sign lang(age.
3/ 8e&eral d(m$ st(dents recei&e cchlear implants.
4/ 9he first paragraph is a$(t deaf and hard f hearing st(dents.
5/ 9here are many deaf st(dents in the Enited 8tates f America.
6/ 5ifted children ften find it easier t m&e thr(gh the reg(lar schl c(rric(l(m at a faster pace than
their friends.
!/ All the children ha&e t spend e:(al time in their st(dy in these schls.
"/ A gifted high schl st(dent may attend any classes at a lcal cllege that he r she wants t.
#/ 6d(catin in freign c(ntries is &ery gd.
1%/ 9he secnd paragraph is a$(t gifted st(dents.
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. te chnlgy B. different C. mental D. de ntist
2/ A. co mp(ter B. fro m C. $o ' D. doctr
3/ A. happy B. weekly C. acc(racy D. m(ltiply
4/ A. prd(ce' B. wante' C. neede' D. s($tracte'
5/ A. magaGine B. de&ice C. li &e D. (nit
6/ A. tee n B. spee d C. ree nter D. kee p
!/ A. * B. * ten C. * reign D. * i&e
"/ A. m! sic B. cmp! ter C. dc! ment D. ill! strate
#/ A. in&ention B. ption C. calc(lation D. :(estion
1%/ A. sk B. nswer C. nd D. cti&e
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. technlgy B. ill(stratin C. definitin D. electrnic
2/ A. cmp(ter B. different C. capa$le D. calc(late
3/ A. n(m$er B. sftware C. manage D. in&ent
4/ A. $ecme B. hardware C. letter D. m(sic
5/ A. ffice B. lang(age C. ar(nd D. ther
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
6/ A. $ea(ty B. machine C. dail y D. mdern
!/ A. newspaper B. m(ltiply C. magical D. allwance
"/ A. magaGine B. cllectin C. perfrmer D. in&entin
#/ A. re:(est B. s($tract C. prd(ce D. actin
1%/ A. de&ice B. lighting C. magic D. wrry
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ *e ,i&it shps+ ffices+ and places f scenic $ea(ty with the help f cmp(ters.
A. stay with B. lk at C. stp &er D. cme t see
2/ *e &isit &ho)&+ ffices+ and places f scenic $ea(ty with the help f cmp(ters.
A. h(ses B. p($s C. stres D. inns
3/ *e read newspapers and magaGines which ha&e $een )ro'!ce' n cmp(ters.
A. $rn B. shaped C. $eg(n D. man(fact(red
4/ *hat makes cmp(ter a %irc!$o!& de&ice,
A. strange B. s(perh(man C. wnderf(l D. fam(s
5/ 6ach time y( t(rn it n+ with ))ro)rite hardware and sftware+ it is capa$le f ding almst
anything y( ask.
A. s(ita$le B. gd C. right D. imprtant
6/ .t is a calc(lating machine which speeds (p calc(latinsH it can add+ s($tract+ m(ltiply+ and di&ide
with lightning speed and )er*ect acc(racy.
A. f(ll B. ttal C. capa$le D. e'act
!/ .t is a calc(lating machine which speeds (p calc(latinsH it can add+ s($tract+ m(ltiply+ and di&ide
with lightning speed and perfect cc!rcy.
A. precisin B. gdness C. l&eliness D. wnder
"/ .t is an electric stre which %n4e& large cllectins f data.
A. handles B. wrks C. dri&es D. pilts
#/ Decide which f the three o)tion& $elw is the $est title fr the passage.
A. &ices B. desires C. chices D. answers
1%/ Ask and answer :(estins a$(t the (ses f %o'ern in&entins.
A. (p/t/date B. new C. late D. present
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ 3k at the ill(stratins f 'i**erent parts f a cmp(ter system.
A. tgether B. similar C. a&erage D. p(re
2/ 8he was wearing a +e!ti*!$ dress.
A. (nsightly B. dirty C. d(sty D. $ad
3/ *e recei&e letters frm and &en' letters t almst e&ery part f the wrld with the help f cmp(ters.
A. take B. $(y C. sell D. $reak
4/ And we can e&en learn *orei4n lang(ages n cmp(ters.
A. knwn B. nati&e C. nat(ral D. e'pected
5/ 6ach time y( t(rn it n+ with ))ro)rite hardware and sftware+ it is capa$le f ding almst
anything y( ask.
A. (ns(ita$le B. (nimprtant C. ill/prepared D. irreg(lar
6/ 9he man (nderstd the lessns &ery "e$$.
A. ill B. hardly C. prly D. wrng
!/ 3isten t the ld man7s stry again and write in the %i&&in4 wrds.
A. e'isting B. near C. here D. near$y
"/ 1laces f scenic $ea(ty are places where the scenes are intere&tin4 and $ea(tif(l.
A. incrrect B. tiresme C. irrele&ant D. (nl(cky
#/ *hy is cmp(ter a %irc!$o!& de&ice,
A. rdinary B. imprper C. false D. (gly
1%/ 0y )er&on$ pinin is that the st(dents sh(ld $e ding mre wrk (tside the classrm.
A. natinal B. inner C. spirit(al D. p($lic
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 8he nticed a marked ;;;;;;; in the children n her secnd &isit.
A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
2/ 8he had $een a ;;;;;;; in her day.
A. $ea(ty B. $ea(tician C. $ea(tify D. $ea(tif(l
3/ By my ;;;;;;;+ we made a prfit f |2% %%% last year.
A. calc(late B. calc(latr C. calc(latin D. calc(lated
4/ 9he g&ernment pr&ided an ;;;;;;; |25 millin t e'pand the ser&ice.
A. additi&e B. additin C. additinal D. additinally
5/ %isagree*ents about $e"ene uts have opene$ up $eep _______ within the
A. di&ide B. $ivisions C. di&ided D. $ivisional
6/ Ese cnditiner reg(larly t make y(r hair sft and ;;;;;;;.
A. manage B. management C. manager D. managea$le
!/ . f(nd the talk $th infrmati&e and ;;;;;;;.
A. entertain B. entertainer C. entertaining D. entertainment
"/ *hat7s y(r ;;;;;;; f happiness,
A. definitin B. definite C. indefinite D. definiti&e
#/ *e dn7t knw whether he7s ;;;;;;; r dead.
A. li&e B. li&ely C. ali&e D. li&ing
1%/ 8he has a highly ;;;;;;; mind.
A. in&ent B. in&enti&e C. in&entr D. in&entin
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ 9he ta'i dri&ers7 strike ;;;;;;; last mnth+ and it still ;;;;;;; n these days.
A. $egan/ is ging B. had $eg(n/ ges
C. $egan/ ges D. had $eg(n/ is ging
2/ B( ;;;;;;; the wrk that y( ;;;;;;; assigned t.
A. didn7t finish/ had $een B. dn7t/ are
C. ha&en7t finished/ were D. can7t finish/ c(ld $e
3/ 0y teacher ;;;;;;; while he ;;;;;;; a car.
A. didn7t smke/is dri&ing B. hasn7t smked/was dri&ing
C. desn7t smke/is dri&ing D. hadn7t smked/was dri&ing
4/ By the end f this week+ 2alentine ;;;;;;; and ;;;;;;;.
A. cmes/ges B. w(ld cme/g
C. will cme/g D. will ha&e cme/gne
5/ 2hen *y aunt _______ ol$3 she o"ten _______ o" all the things she _______ when
she _______ young.
A. grew4thought4$i$4was B. grws/thinks/des/is
C. has grown4thin!s4ha$ $one4was D. grows4thought4ha$ $one4is
6/ *e ;;;;;;; her $rther since last 8(nday+ $(t we ;;;;;;; he ;;;;;;; an essay n Build
a $ire at the mment.
A. didn7t see/$elie&ed/wrte
B. ha&en7t seen/$elie&e/is writing
C. dn7t see/$elie&e/writes
D. ha&en7t seen/ha&e $elie&ed/has written
!/ 0y "rien$ an$ - _______ your sister to*orrow a"ternoon a"ter she _______ her
A. will *eet4will +nish B. will *eet4has +nishe$
C. will have *et4has +nishe$ D. will ha&e met/will finish
"/ .n a shrt time+ when the clck ;;;;;;; nine+ we ;;;;;;; here an h(r.
A. strikes/will ha&e $een waiting B. has str(ck/will wait
C. strikes/will ha&e waited D. has str(ck/will $e waiting
#/ D y( knw tw straight lines which ;;;;;;; at a pint ;;;;;;; an angel,
A. met/frmed B. ha&e met/ha&e frmed
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
C. meet/ha&e frmed D. meet/frm
1%/ *hat y( ;;;;;;; a few min(tes ag while y(r sister ;;;;;;; the dishes,
A. did...d/washed B. did...d/was washing
C. were...ding/washed D. were...ding/was washing
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD 9he y(thf(l scientist declares CBD that he has cncl(ded CCD the e'periment CDD s(ccessf(l.
2/ .t7s said that a team CAD has $een setted (p CBD t lk int the matter CCD since CDD last week.
3/ 0en CAD ha&e tra&eled CBD fr they first CCD appeared CDD n the earth+ ha&en7t they,
4/ 0r. Ta*3 5'6 who has 5(6 a lot teahing s!ill 5)6 at 1unior level3 will be 1oining our
shool 5%6 in 'ugust.
5/ #er well4!nown +l*3 5'6 that 5(6 won several awar$s3 was 5)6 about the li"e 5%6
o" 7enin.
6/ *e CAD met the wmen CBD with &ehicles CCD that went t CDD market .
!/ 0s. 4anh is CAD the $est CBD $ea(tif(l lady CCD that CDD .7&e e&er met.
"/ F(r teacher is CAD ne f CBD the kindest and CCD mst intelligent+ CDD desn7t mentin handsme+
men we knw.
#/ 4er ld grandmther is nt CAD en(gh strng CBD t g CCD walking CDD (p hills.
1%/ *hat their c(ntry CAD desires is a CBD lng/term plicy fr in&estment in CCD science and CDD
technlgical .
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
9echnlgy+ general term fr the prcesses $y C1D ;;;;;;; h(man $eings fashin tls and
machines t increase C2D ;;;;;;; cntrl and (nderstanding f the material C3D ;;;;;;;. 9he term is
deri&ed frm the 5reek wrds tekhn&, which refers t an art r craft+ and logia, C4D ;;;;;;; an area f
st(dyO th(s+ technlgy means+ literally+ the st(dy+ r science+ f crafting.
0any histrians f science arg(e nt nly that technlgy is an essential cnditin f ad&anced+
ind(strial ci&iliGatin C5D ;;;;;;; als that the rate f technlgical change has de&elped its C6D
;;;;;;; mment(m in recent cent(ries. .nn&atins nw C!D ;;;;;;; t appear at a rate that increases
gemetrically+ C"D ;;;;;;; respect t gegraphical limits r plitical systems. 9hese inn&atins tend t
transfrm traditinal c(lt(ral C#D ;;;;;;;+ fre:(ently with (ne'pected scial cnse:(ences. 9h(s
technlgy can $e cncei&ed as $th a creati&e and a destr(cti&e C1%D ;;;;;;;.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ t $e deri&ed frmH cQ ng(}n gkc t~
/ mment(m Cn.DH Cthng tZcD IT
/ inn&atin Cn.DH sang ki]n+ s^ Ili mXi
/ gemetrical Cad).DH th(rc hnh huc
/ gegraphical Cad).DH th(rc Ia lR
/ t cncei&e C&.DH ngh+ hi\(O din IMt+ $Ty tt
1/ A. that B. which C. whm D. what
2/ A. the B. its C. their D. his
3/ A. air B. atmsphere C. s(rr(ndings D. en&irnment
4/ A. meaning B. saying C. telling D. reading
5/ A. and B. $(t C. r D. s
6/ A. pri&ate B. pssessi&e C. wn D. ha&ing
!/ A. like B. want C. l&e D. seem
"/ A. fr B. $y C. with D. with(t
#/ A. systems B. netwrks C. wrld D. matters
10& '. wor! (. tas! ). proess %. assign*ent
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1& 8ou will be at the *eeting '& isn9t it:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
2& There is a lot o" tra;3 (& won9t you:
3& <hanh will get better soon3 )& $o they:
4& They won9t be late "or
%& won9t he:
5& The girls $on9t li!e tea3 =& will you:
6& #e hasn9t got a laptop3 >& isn9t there:
7& 8ou aren9t going out tonight3 ?& are you:
8& -t9s a stri!ing villa3 #& has he:
9& 7et9s go out "or a wal!3 -& will they:
10& Turn on the telly3 @& shall we:
II/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
emergency+ pressed+ central+ capa$ly+ acc(racy+ magical+ e'c(se+ de&ice+ in&entin+ m(ltiply
1/ Be caref(l what y( $elie&e / her pwers f ;;;;;;; are well knwn.
2/ 9he pilt f the aircraft was frced t make an ;;;;;;; landing n 3ake 5ene&a.
3/ .n warm weather these germs ;;;;;;; rapidly.
4/ 9he crwd ;;;;;;; against the lcked drs trying t get int the $(ilding.
5/ >esc(ers (sed a special ;;;;;;; fr finding peple trapped in cllapsed $(ildings.
6/ ? am(nt f financial recmpense can ;;;;;;; the way in which the cmpany carried (t its plicy.
!/ Ff c(rse+ y( pay mre fr premises with a ;;;;;;; lcatin.
"/ Diamnds were nce th(ght t ha&e ;;;;;;; pwers.
#/ *e can predict changes with a s(rprising degree f ;;;;;;;.
1%/ 8he dr&e &ery ;;;;;;;.
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ <alling h(se prices are Cill(strateD ;;;;;;; f the crisis facing the cnstr(ctin ind(stry.
2/ 8he started writing CpemD ;;;;;;; at a y(ng age.
3/ *ell+ y(=&e made a CmiracleD ;;;;;;; rec&ery since last nightd
4/ 8he is lking fr a persnal assistant with gd CrganiGeD ;;;;;;; skills.
5/ *e walked hme arm/in/arm in the CmagicD ;;;;;;; mnlight.
6/ 4e is &ery Cin&entD ;;;;;;;+ always dreaming (p new gadgets fr the hme.
!/ 4e ga&e me strict Cinstr(ctD ;;;;;;; t get there $y eight =clck.
"/ B( ha&e t ha&e s(ch a lt f CpatientD ;;;;;;; when y(=re dealing with kids.
#/ 9he Cgrad(ateD ;;;;;;; are marked n the side f the cntainer.
1%/ B( say that a $a$y has a ChealthD ;;;;;;; pair f l(ngs when it cries l(dly.
IV/ Complete the following sentences with 2yes, no, already, yet, 6ust, once, often, recently, ago,
1/ A lng time ;;;;;;;+ there li&ed a girl called Cinderella.
2/ .f y(=d say ;;;;;;; t the re:(est y(=d sa&e a lt f tr($le.
3/ @Are y( ready,f @?t ;;;;;;; / wait a mment.f
4/ An pprt(nity as gd as this arises ;;;;;;; in a lifetime.
5/ ;;;;;;; we make a decisin+ des anyne want t say anything else,
6/ 4w ;;;;;;; d y( wash y(r hair,
!/ As . ha&e ;;;;;;; mentined+ . d($t that we will a$le t raise all the mney we need.
"/ @*(ld y( like any mre cake,f @;;;;;;;+ thank y(.f
#/ 4e=d ;;;;;;; gt int the $ath when the phne rang.
1%/ Entil &ery ;;;;;;; he wrked as a teacher and he still sh(dders at the memries.
V/ Arrange the words so as to ma!e meaningful sentences:
1/ there list f was a cmplaints as y(r as lng arm.
2/ why they write can=t these plain 6nglish instr(ctins in,
3/ . knw hw dn=t actrs learn all manage t thse lines.
4/ she int hw des research children lang(age ac:(ire.
5/ this cntains a $k series e'ercises fr f elementary learners.
6/ . pay a think .=ll &isit hairdresser=s while t twn the .=m in.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
!/ the starts when n&el a child parentage is f (nknwn left at f the the h(se lcal priest.
"/ f the sngs all heard tnight .=&e+ $est yet that=s the.
#/ e&ent(ally+ $(t ne all f them cme t prmised t lea&ing his party.
1%/ it great is with srrw infrm y( that . f the (r directr death f.
VI/ /ut the %erbs in the correct tenses:
1/ .=m nt s(rprised he Csh(tD ;;;;;;; at y(d 4w w(ld y( like t $e p(shed int a wall,
2/ 9he wine is in the fridge / it )(st CwantD ;;;;;;; cling fr a c(ple f min(tes.
3/ 0re peple Cnw emplyD ;;;;;;; in ser&ice ind(stries than in man(fact(ring.
4/ 8he Cst(dyD ;;;;;;; fr her dctrate fr three years already.
5/ 6&ery night when . C$eD ;;;;;;; a child my father (sed t read me t sleep.
6/ Being afraid f the dark+ she always CsleepD ;;;;;;; with the light n.
!/ C. knwD ;;;;;;; y( were cming+ .=d ha&e $ked a larger rm.
"/ .=&e learned a lt a$(t cmp(ters since . CstartD ;;;;;;; wrk here.
#/ 9he dinsa(rs Cdie (tD ;;;;;;; 65 millin years ag.
1%/ ?wadays+ . C$akeD ;;;;;;; my wn $read rather than $(y it.
VII/ Complete the second sentences using the word gi%en in brac!ets so that it has a similar meaning
to the first one:
1/ 9he fire in the kitchen was disc&ered $y a $y. CwhD
/ .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the fire in the kitchen.
2/ 9hese girls are t y(ng t get married. CldD
/ 9hese girls ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; married.
3/ @D these tys interest y(,f the dealer asked Fanh. CwasD
/ 9he dealer asked Fanh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thse tys.
4/ 0y sister really wishes she c(ld dance well. Ca$leD
/ 0y sister regrets nt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; well.
5/ 9rang said that . had $rken the glass. C$lamedD
/ 9rang ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the glass.
6/ ?h(ng did nt need t register fr the 6nglish c(rse. CnecessaryD
/ .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the 6nglish c(rse.
!/ 4er sn ne&er finishes his wrk n time alth(gh he wrks hard. CmatterD
/ 4er sn ne&er finishes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; he wrks.
"/ 9here ha&en7t $een many changes in this schl since y( last &isited it. Cm(chD
/ 8ince my last ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; has changed in this schl.
#/ 4ardly did any$dy apply fr that )$. CapplicantsD
/ 9here were &ery ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; that )$.
1%/ 3inh des a part/time )$ and takes care f her grandparents t. CwellD
/ 3inh des ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; her grandparents.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then decide whether the statements are true ",#, false "#
or not gi%en "&#:
9he meanings f the terms science and technolog' ha&e changed significantly frm ne
generatin t anther. 0re similarities than differences+ hwe&er+ can $e f(nd $etween the terms.
Bth science and technlgy imply a thinking prcess+ $th are cncerned with ca(sal
relatinships in the material wrld+ and $th emply an e'perimental methdlgy that res(lts in
empirical demnstratins that can $e &erified $y repetitin. 8cience+ at least in thery+ is less cncerned
with the practicality f its res(lts and mre cncerned with the de&elpment f general laws+ $(t in
practice science and technlgy are ine'trica$ly in&l&ed with each ther. 9he &arying interplay f the
tw can $e $ser&ed in the histrical de&elpment f s(ch practitiners as chemists+ engineers+
physicists+ astrnmers+ carpenters+ ptters+ and many ther specialists. Differing ed(catinal
re:(irements+ scial stat(s+ &ca$(lary+ methdlgy+ and types f rewards+ as well as instit(tinal
$)ecti&es and prfessinal gals+ cntri$(te t s(ch distinctins as can $e made $etween the acti&ities
f scientists and technlgistsO $(t thr(gh(t histry the practitiners f @p(ref science ha&e made
many practical as well as theretical cntri$(tins.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ practicality Cn.DH tUnh th^c t]+ tUnh thc tin
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ ine'trica$le Cad).DH khng th\ g ra IWbcO khng th\ gimi :(y]t IWbc C&sn IJ+...D
/ interplay Cn.DH mnh hW[ng ln nha(+ s^ tac Irng :(a lMi
/ instit(tinal Cad).DH th(rc cY :(an+ th(rc tl ch`c
/ practitiner Cn.DH thny th(kc Cl(_t sWD Iang hTnh nghJ
1/ 9he meanings f the terms science and technolog' ha&e stayed the same.
2/ *e can find mre similarities than differences $etween the terms.
3/ Fnly science implies a thinking prcess.
4/ 9echnlgy emplys a mre e'perimental methdlgy than that f science.
5/ 8cience+ at least in thery+ is mre cncerned with the de&elpment f general laws and less
cncerned with the practicality f its res(lts.
6/ 9he changea$le relatinship f the tw can $e seen in the histrical de&elpment f s(ch practitiners
as chemists+ engineers+ physicists+ astrnmers+ carpenters+ ptters+ and many ther specialists.
!/ 9here are distinctins $etween the acti&ities f scientists and technlgists.
"/ .nstit(tinal $)ecti&es and prfessinal gals d nt cntri$(te t s(ch distinctins.
#/ 9hr(gh(t histry the practitiners f @p(ref science ha&e made a lt f practical as well as
theretical cntri$(tins.
1%/ 9he reading a$&e is a$(t science and technlgy.
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. e'c(r&ion B. prmtion C. cca&ion D. intention
2/ A. wonder B. perio d C. co mpany D. ton
3/ A. site B. kil C. mi ght D. ni ne
4/ A. & ri(s B. $ d C. h ng D. ) m
5/ A. frest B. sell C. &e ry D. left
6/ A. lastly B. srry C. fl y D. firstly
!/ A. fer B. ger C. her D. ter
"/ A. foo d B. moo d C. noo n D. coo k
#/ A. s! nshine B. lt! s C. perf! me D. m! st
1%/ A. wrke' B. matche' C. place' D. neede'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. e'c(rsin B. ccasin C. prtecti&e D. m(ltiple
2/ A. n(m$er B. recent C. pr$lem D. ahead
3/ A. m(ntain B. e&ent C. natin D. c(ntry
4/ A. $ea(ty B. painting C. wnder D. rela'
5/ A. different B. tgether C. cmp(ter D. ccasin
6/ A. therwise B. $tanic C. e'cellent D. s(ita$le
!/ A. &ari(s B. in&enti&e C. cn&enient D. permissin
"/ A. arrangement B. delici(s C. cc(py D. cmpnent
#/ A. glri(s B. fficial C. rapidly D. hspital
1%/ A. in&ent B. press(re C. remain D. prefer
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ Fn this ccasin+ my class is making an e5c!r&ion t &isit sme ca&es near (r city.
A. depart(re B. t(r C. shift D. di&ersin
2/ 9he sight f the 5rand Canyn stretching (t $efre them filled them with "on'er.
A. miracle B. dynamite C. dynam D. rarity
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
3/ 3er 0inh+ .7m srry . didn7t ha&e time t write t y( earlier.
A. Bel&ed B. 3iked C. ?eeded D. *anted
4/ .7m s(re y( !n'er&tn' that the perid )(st ended is the time fr the terminal e'ams.
A. gather B. fllw C. cmmand D. knw
5/ .7m s(re y( (nderstand that the )erio' )(st ended is the time fr the terminal e'ams.
A. end B. finish C. limit D. time
6/ Fn this occ&ion+ my class is making an e'c(rsin t &isit sme ca&es near (r city.
A. gala B. date C. e&ent D. ca(se
!/ 0re&er+ we hpe the e'c(rsin will help (s re$5 a lt after wrking hard fr a term s that we will
$e a$le t res(me (r wrk with a new start.
A. lsen B. sften C. lwer D. rest
"/ 0re&er+ we hpe the e'c(rsin will help (s rela' a lt after wrking hard fr a term s that we will
$e a$le t res(me (r wrk with a new &trt.
A. stpping B. $eginning C. $(ilding D. r(nning
#/ 0re&er+ we hpe the e'c(rsin will help (s rela' a lt after wrking hard fr a term s that we will
$e a$le t re&!%e (r wrk with a new start.
A. g (t B. take after C. reenter D. repen
1%/ *hy c(ld sme f the st(dents sleep &o!n'$y,
A. l(dly B. nicely C. pretty D. well
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ 0(ntain resrt Caltit(deH 1+5%% mD with ,rio!& ideal e'c(rsin places are y(an 4(ng 3ake+ pine
frests+ waterfalls...
A. similar B. like C. (ni:(e D. likely
2/ *e ha&e recently st(died rck frmatins $(t many f (s ha&e ne&er $een in&i'e a ca&e.
A. (t B. (tside C. (t f D. ne side
3/ 0re&er+ we hpe the e'c(rsin will help (s rela' a lt after wrking hard fr a term s that we will
$e a$le t res(me (r wrk with a new &trt.
A. ending B. cmplete C. pa(se D. sh(tting
4/ At *ir&t+ we wanted t tra&el t 9hay 1agda $eca(se it is nly &er 2% kilmeters away and we c(ld
make a day e'c(rsin.
A. (nessential B. least C. e'treme D. last
5/ 4we&er+ nly tday ha&e we learnt that the ca&es ner 9hay 1agda are clsed (ntil after 9et.
A. lng distance B. distant C. far D. away
6/ *ell+ it will $e a 4ret e&ent in (r schldays $eca(se this is the first time we can spend a night
tgether $y a campfire.
A. tiny B. lesser C. pr D. (nimprtant
!/ *ell+ it will $e a great e&ent in (r schldays $eca(se this is the first time we can spend a ni4ht
tgether $y a campfire.
A. mrning B. afternn C. e&ening D. day
"/ *e are trying t tra&el as cheaply as )o&&i+$e.
A. incncei&a$le B. a$s(rd C. (nimprtant D. irreg(lar
#/ 0y father is easy t )er&!'e $(t my mther is t prtecti&e twards me.
A. dislike B. deny C. disc(rage D. ignre
1%/ *hat is An n5io!& a$(t, *hy,
A( con$ident B. cl C. n wrry D. happy
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 0st plice ;;;;;;; get a priGe fr their infrmatin.
A. infrm B. infrmers C. infrmatin D. infrmatinal
2/ 9ents cme in ;;;;;;; shapes and siGes.
A. &ary B. &ariety C. &ari(s D. &ari(sly
3/ 4e is in a m(ch ;;;;;;; md than (s(al.
A. well B. gd C. $etter D. $est
4/ 9he girl )(st sat there giggling like a na(ghty ;;;;;;;.
A. schlchild B. schl day C. schl h(se D. schling
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
5/ #er eAplanation ertainly soun$e$ _______.
A. belie" B. believe C. believer D. believable
6/ 4e asked t $e p(t (nder plice ;;;;;;;.
A. prtect B. prtected C. prtectin D. prtecti&e
!/ ;;;;;;;+ we7ll arri&e $efre dark.
A. 4pe B. 4pef(l C. 4pef(lly D. 4pef(lness
"/ 9he weather is &ery ;;;;;;; at this time f year.
A. change B. changed C. changea$le D. changeless
#/ 8mene had ;;;;;;; left a windw pen.
A. care B. careless C. carelessness D. carelessly
1%/ . like mst sprts $(t tennis is my first ;;;;;;;.
A. l&e B. l&er C. l&ely D. l&eless
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
a/ Besterday afternn while D(ng C1D ;;;;;;; in her st(dy+ o(ang C2D ;;;;;;; in and
C3D ;;;;;;; her t lend him an 6nglish e'ercise $k. @. C4D ;;;;;;; tmrrw7s 6nglish
lessn+f he C5D ;;;;;;;+ @and . C6D ;;;;;;; a few wrds that . C!D ;;;;;;;.f
1/ A. read B. was reading C. ha&e read D. am reading
2/ A. came B. had cme C. cmes D. has cme
3/ A. asked B. had asked C. asks D. has asked
4/ A. prepared B. prepare C. was preparing D. am preparing
5/ A. had said B. said C. ha&e said D. say
6/ A. had f(nd B. f(nd C. find D. ha&e f(nd
!/ A. hadn7t knwn B. wasn7t knwn C. dn7t knw D. am nt knwn
$/ @Fn 8at(rday and 8(nday there is n class. 8 . likely C"D ;;;;;;; t the cncert with my
friends tmrrw e&ening and . C#D ;;;;;;; $ack at a$(t 11 p.m.f - @C1%D ;;;;;;; t late+ dear.f
"/ A. g B. will g C. am ging D. ha&e gne
#/ A. am B. will $e C. was D. ha&e $een
1%/ A. ?t t cme $ack B. *n7t cme $ack
C. Didn7t cme $ack D. Dn7t cme $ack
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ *e wn=t mind y(r CAD $eing late - CBD $eside+ it=s CCD hardly y(r CDD mistake.
2/ CAD 9he whle reprt is CBD $adly typed. CCD 0re&er+ it=s CDD imacc(rate.
3/ .=m nt CAD astnish she CBD sh(ted at (sd CCD 4w w(ld we like CDD t $e p(shed int a wall,
4/ .guyen is 5'6 everything weB$ ever 5(6 want 5)6 in a *an 4 brilliant3 5%6 "un an$
5/ They 1ust hope 5'6 that the *oney 5(6 goes to those 5)6 who are *ainly in 5%6
6/ A dctr CAD with prfessin + this is his first CBD pleas(re trip CCD int writing CDD fr the theatre.
!/ 8he CAD &iews her life CBD like a spirit(al CCD &yage twards a s(perir CDD (nderstanding f her
"/ 9r(ng was a CAD y(thf(l sailr CBD n his first CCD sea CDD e'c(rsin.
#/ 9he CAD )(rney g(ide CBD pinted (t the message CCD that r(ns r(nd CDD the inside f the sprts
1%/ CAD 8(persnic airplanes can CBD g CCD mre fast than CDD the speed f s(nd.
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
<.>89 8961 B6A06D 9F A *A.9.?5 *F>3D
A$(t si' and a half h(rs after Eagle landed+ its hatch C1D ;;;;;;; and the Apll 11
cmmander $acked slwly (t t its little prch. Fn the C2D ;;;;;;; he pa(sed+ p(lled a lanyard+ and
th(s deplyed the 068A+ r md(lariGed e:(ipment stwage assem$ly+ )(st t the left f the ladder. As
the 068A lwered int C3D ;;;;;;; with its lad f e:(ipment fr l(nar prspecting+ a se&en/p(nd
*estingh(se 92 camera m(nted atp the lad $egan shting $lack/and/white C4D ;;;;;;;. <(GGy
and scred with lines+ the pict(res nnetheless held earthlings spell$(nd.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
? ne wh sat that c(ly night welded t his 92 screen will e&er frget the C5D ;;;;;;; f that
ghstly ft grping slwly past the ladder t Eagle)s ftpad+ and then stepping tentati&ely C6D ;;;;;;;
the &irgin sil. 0an had made his first ftprint n the mn.
?eil Armstrng C!D ;;;;;;; int his micrphne. And in less than tw secnds the message that
will li&e in the annals f e'plratin flew with the C"D ;;;;;;; f radi t the h(ge telescpe dish at
4neys(ckle Creek+ near Can$erra+ A(stralia+ thence t the Cmsat C#D ;;;;;;; &er the 1acific+ then t
the switching center at the 5ddard 8pace <light Center (tside *ashingtn+ D.C.+ and finally t
4(stn and the C1%D ;;;;;;; f the wrldH
@9hat=s ne small step fr a man+ ne giant leap fr mankind.f
&ew %ocabulary:
/ hatch Cn.DH cLa s_p+ cLa hnm+ cLa I_p nWXc
/ prch Cn.DH clng Cra &TD+ clng &Pm+ hTnh lang
/ lanyard Cn.DH djy $(rc cPi+ djy ne th(yJn
/ stwage Cn.DH s^ ']p hTng hQa dWXi tT(+ hTng hQa ']p &T
/ atp Cad&.+ prep.DH [ IKnh+ [ chQp
/ nnetheless Cad&.DH ne&ertheless
/ earthling Cn.DH cn ngWii+ ngWii phTm tZc
/ spell$(nd Cad).DH mV+ mV say C:(a kh`+ :(a kh` phjn t~ ca @spell$indfD
/ t weld C&.DH hTn+ gn cht
/ t grpe C&.DH si sMng tm+ dP dm+ mP mm
/ tentati&e Cad).DH WXm+ thL
/ thence Cad&.DH t~ IQ+ d IQ+ d Isy
1/ A. ended B. started C. pened D. clsed
2/ A. ladder B. lift C. ele&atr D. tp
3/ A. place B. psitin C. rder D. line
4/ A. painting B. drawing C. psters D. pict(res
5/ A. sight B. scene C. &iew D. lk
6/ A. in B. n C. int D. nt
!/ A. said B. talked C. tld D. spke
"/ A. hands B. wings C. legs D. feet
#/ A. plane B. ship C. satellite D. car
10& '. rest (. re*ain ). last %. others
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1& -" we were you3 '& they woul$ have o*e to
visit hi*.
2& 8our sister woul$ get the 1ob (& so that he an per"et his
3& -" only *y *other ha$ ha$
enough *oney3
)& he $i$n9t get any a$*ire.
4& -" our lass*ates ha$ !nown
that your "ather was ill3
%& we woul$ not $o suh a
stupi$ thing.
5& -" that $river ha$ $riven
*ore are"ully3
=& so he $ran! two big glasses
o" water.
6& =ven though 0r. .a*
wor!e$ har$3
>& his ar woul$n9t have
hurtle$ against that la*ppost.
7& 0ai too! the train to #anoi ?& beause she $isli!e$ Cying.
8& 2hen we live$ in (en Tre3 #& i" she oul$ spea! =nglish
an$ )hinese well.
9& #e wishes to stu$y in that -& we ate lots o" oonut.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
language enter
10& The boy "elt thirsty3 @& she oul$ have bought that
beauti"ul biyle "or *e.
II/ ill each gap with words from the list below:
infrmatin+ cn&eniently+ pers(asin+ cncentrated+ p(nct(ality+ glri(s+ e'c(rsin+ s(ita$ility+ simple+
1/ 8he will help y( / she )(st needs a $it f gentle ;;;;;;;.
2/ *hen y( g (t in the ht s(n+ y( sh(ld always p(t cream n y(r skin t a&id getting ;;;;;;;.
3/ *e ha&e relia$le ;;;;;;; that a strike is planned ne't mnth.
4/ 9hey had three weeks f ;;;;;;; s(nshine.
5/ 9he h(se is ;;;;;;; sit(ated near the statin and the shps.
6/ ;;;;;;; has ne&er $een his strng pint.
!/ . like ;;;;;;; fd $etter than fancy dishes.
"/ 9here is n d($t a$(t her ;;;;;;; fr the )$.
#/ 9he cmpany is making a ;;;;;;; effrt t $raden its market.
1%/ ?e't week we=re ging n an ;;;;;;;.
III/ Choose the correct word from the pair in brac!ets to complete the sentences:
1/ 9hey say that real Brkshire $eers dn=t tra&el Ctra&el/ tripD ;;;;;;; well.
2/ 9he first year f a l&ing relatinship is a &yage C&yage/ cr(iseD ;;;;;;; f disc&ery.
3/ *e $rke (r )(rney C)(rney/ tra&elD ;;;;;;; in 6din$(rgh $efre tra&eling n t .n&erness the
ne't day.
4/ *e did a $it f sightseeing Ce'c(rsin/ sightseeingD ;;;;;;; in 1aris.
5/ *e went n a g(ided t(r Cdri&e/ t(rD ;;;;;;; f the m(se(m.
6/ 9here (sed t $e a hstel Chstel/ htelD ;;;;;;; fr the hmeless in that twn.
!/ . was hired Crented/ hiredD ;;;;;;; $y the first cmpany . applied t.
"/ B( stay there with the l(ggage C$aggage/ l(ggageD ;;;;;;; while . find a ca$.
#/ 4e started ff in the $(ilding C&illa/ $(ildingD ;;;;;;; trade $efre pening his wn resta(rant.
1%/ *e need a large/scale map Cmap/ g(ide$kD ;;;;;;; shwing all the ftpaths that we can walk
IV/ Complete the sentences, using the correct tense and form of the %erb in brac!ets:
1/ Cy( ha&eD ;;;;;;; any e'perience f CwrkD ;;;;;;; with children wh Cha&eD ;;;;;;; ClearnD
;;;;;;; diffic(lties,
2/ / .f she act(ally CmarryD ;;;;;;; him . CeatD ;;;;;;; my hat. / Bes+ she CdD ;;;;;;; nw.
3/ . CwnderD ;;;;;;; if y( ChelpD ;;;;;;; me - . ClikeD ;;;;;;; sme CinfrmD ;;;;;;; a$(t CflyD
;;;;;;; t ?ew vealand.
4/ B( Cnt p(tD ;;;;;;; n CweighD ;;;;;;; when y( CspendD ;;;;;;; all day Cr(nD ;;;;;;; r(nd
after small children.
5/ 8he CcryD ;;;;;;; $itter tears when she CgetD ;;;;;;; the letter.
6/ . CgetD ;;;;;;; the CfeelD ;;;;;;; . CwatchD ;;;;;;; yesterday.
!/ . C$eD ;;;;;;; &ery $(sy recently. C9akeD ;;;;;;; last week+ . Cha&eD ;;;;;;; CmeetD ;;;;;;; n
f(r e&enings.
"/ A few min(tes ag she ClkD ;;;;;;; (p frm her $k and CsmileD ;;;;;;; at me.
#/ 9he children CspendD ;;;;;;; the afternn CplayD ;;;;;;; in the garden.
1%/ 9he pr $ird Cnt flyD ;;;;;;; $eca(se it Cha&eD ;;;;;;; a C$reakD ;;;;;;; wing.
V/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1/ 9here are ten c(ps n the ta$le.
/ 9he ta$le ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ *e plan t st(dy &ersea in America.
/ *e7re ging ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ . think these e'ercises are easy t sl&e.
/ .t is ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ .7d like t in&ite y( and y(r clse friend t (r dinner tnight.
/ *ill y( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
5/ 0y girlfriend desn7t &ery ften g t the cinema.
/ 0y girlfriend ccasinally ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ Can y( e'plain these new wrds t (s+ please,
/ *hat d ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
!/ 4w lng des the cach )(rney frm Ben 9re t 4 Chi 0inh city take,
/ *hen des ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
"/ B( can $elie&e n me t win that game.
/ . prmise ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ *e dn7t knw where (r &ice/principal is li&ing.
/ *here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
1%/ 9his is nt my (m$rella.
/ 9his (m$rella ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VI/ Complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the similar meaning to the printed one,
using the word in brac!ets:
1/ D y( knw wh this talking dictinary $elng t, CwhseD
/ D y( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;is,
2/ 4(y7s accident meant that he c(ldn7t take part in the r(nning race. Cpre&entedD
/ 4(y7s accident ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;the r(nning race.
3/ Children are nt allwed t play ft$all in the schl yard. Cm(stD
/ Children ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;the schl yard.
4/ 1eple say that the c(ple are li&ing in 3ndn. CsaidD
/ 9he c(ple ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;in 3ndn.
5/ 9hat $y is t shrt t reach that $k. CtallD
/ 9hat $y ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;that $k.
6/ 1lease ask the prter t take this l(ggage t my rm. Cha&eD
/ 1lease ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;my rm.
!/ *here is the pst ffice+ sir, CwayD
/ C(ld y( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;the pst ffice+ sir,
"/ 9his schlgirl is s intelligent that all f her classmates admire her. Cs(chD
/ 9his schlgirl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;her.
#/ .t7s (n(s(al fr hhanh t get angry with his rmmates. ChardlyD
/ hhanh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;temper with his rmmates.
1%/ 9here is n cffee left. Cr(nD
/ *e ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;cffee.
VII/ Arrange the words to ma!e complete sentences:
1/ said f it was 0arilyn 0nre that camera l&ed the her
2/ a fr galkeeper+ it=s a $ig hands t ha&e great ad&antage.
3/ c(stmer rders all (r handled $y are cmp(ter.
4/ write the the cmp(ter letter n+ then can make y( easily n changes screen.
5/ $(y (r y( can the .nternet gds &er.
6/ a pict(re we tk f n their new $icycles the children.
!/ $(ght the when we h(se+ t d we had a lt and redecrating f painting.
"/ has sl&ed n ne the pr$lem t d f what radiacti&e waste with.
#/ $rief e'c(rsin after a int drama+ n his main interest he cncentrated+ which petry was.
1%/ $etter phtgraphs are if they frm the riginal negati&e are printed .
VIII/ $ead the paragraphs below carefully, and then put them in the correct order to ma!e a
meaningful passage:
0FF? >FCh8 4F3D 4.54 1>.F>.9B
1/ 8hrtly after stepping nt the s(rface+ Armstrng tk a @gra$ sample+f r cntingency sample+
scping it (p int a 9efln $ag n the end f a light cllapsi$le rd. 9he ple he discarded+ $(t the $ag
f sil he rlled (p andwwith sme diffic(ltywt(cked int a pcket a$&e his left knee.
2/ *ith a specially made al(min(m scp n an e'tensin handle+ and with a pair f lng al(min(m
tngs+ Armstrng later gathered a larger :(antity f the dark l(nar sil and representati&e samples f the
l(nar rcks. 9hese he p(t int tw $'es+ each frmed frm a single piece f al(min(m. A ring f sft
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
metal+ indi(m+ lined the lip f each $'O when the $' was clsed and the straps drawn tight ar(nd it+ a
knifelike strip ar(nd the edge f the lid $it deeply int the indi(m+ th(s helping t seal the samples in a
&ac((m and t prtect them against cntaminatin.
3/ .t had $een decided in ad&ance that the mst imprtant single thing the astrna(ts c(ld dw
scientifically speakingww(ld $e t $ring $ack samples f the mn.
4/ All tld+ the astrna(ts $r(ght $ack a$(t 4" p(nds f l(nar material. .n additin+ they (ndertk t
gather a $it f the s(n. 9 $e s(re+ it was a &ery small sample+ less than a $illinth f an (nce at $est+
$(t pres(ma$ly it was en(gh t tell a great deal a$(t the slar f(rnace. 9he sample was gathered $y
trapping particles f the slar wind.
5/ .n e&ery directin+ the l(nar s(rface was pcked with th(sands f little craters and many larger nes+
fi&e t fifty feet acrss and littered with ang(lar $lcks.
6/ As Astrna(t/scientist Dn 3ind cmmented in 4(stn d(ring the flight+ @4e is certainly ging t
get $ack in the spacecraft with his pants n+ s we will ha&e this sample fr s(re.f
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. ch t B. dr ma C. fct D. $ ck
2/ A. media B. ge t C. $e d D. desk
3/ A. dedly B. he lthy C. dre my D. we lthy
4/ A. h (r B. h eight C. h ell D. h ead
5/ A. meet B. deed C. gee se D. reelect
6/ A. fi lm B. $i te C. fi ght D. ni ce
!/ A. :(ickly B. cmedy C. pretty D. try
"/ A. foo t$all B. poo l C. too l D. moo n
#/ A. thing& B. sn& C. pet& D. $y&
1%/ A. like' B. washe' C. wipe' D. staye'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. partner B. smething C. classmate D. disc(ss
2/ A. natinal B. 3i&erpl C. recmmend D. internet
3/ A. animal B. cmedy C. imprtance D. different
4/ A. (nknwn B. wealthy C. mment D. m(ntain
5/ A. cmment B. reading C. healthy D. l(cky
6/ A. headache B. present C. natin D. planet
!/ A. playwright B. acti&e C. gl$al D. tnight
"/ A. painting B. &isit C. prtrait D. en(gh
#/ A. canteen B. s(rprise C. lengthen D. nthing
1%/ A. apprpriate B. dc(mentary C. entertainment D. cnfirmatin
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ 9he 1resident escaped thr(gh a &ecret passage (nderneath the parliament $(ilding.
A. answer B. hidden C. cnfidence D. $asis
2/ *hich channel d y( reco%%en' t smene wh likes animals,
A. s(ggest B. tell C. speak D. talk
3/ Dc(mentary is a film r a radi r tele&isin prgram gi&ing *ct& a$(t smething.
A. things B. n(m$ers C. tr(th D. news
4/ *hat types f the media are the mst and the least i%)ortnt t y(,
A. s(ccessf(l B. significant C. wnderf(l D. attracti&e
5/ 3isten t the tw radi news stries and check the ri4ht cl(mn (nder ?ews stry 1 and ?ews stry
A. hnest B. hnra$le C. gd D. precise
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
6/ 9ele&isin can make things mre memra$le $eca(se it presents infrmatin in a mre e**ecti,e way.
A. cle&er B. e'pensi&e C. s(ccessf(l D. pretty
!/ 8me tele&isin prgrams may make peple ,io$ent.
A. rapid B. insane C. e'treme D. gd
"/ 9ele&isin als inter*ere& with family life and cmm(nicatin.
A. cnflicts B. cmes C. ges D. chats
#/ .7m afraid y(7&e made a %i&t(e.
A. wrngness B. errr C. $adness D. (gliness
1%/ .t makes (s aware f (r 4$o+$ respnsi$ilities.
A. natinal B. wrldly C. (ni&ersal D. &erall
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ 9he %&& media has $ecme ne f the main instr(ments f plitical change.
A. less B. fewer C. tiny D. small
2/ *e (ght t keep these prpsals &ecret frm the chairman fr the time $eing.
A. li&ely B. fre:(ented C. accessi$le D. re&ealed
3/ 0atch the wrd in A with its ))ro)rite definitin in B.
A. indirect B. illegal C. imprper D. (nreal
4/ *hat prgram d y( 'i&$i(e watching and why nt,
A. fancy B. think C. imagine D. want
5/ *hat are the 'i**erence& amng types f the media,
A. peace B. sameness C. likes D. need
6/ He,y rain ca(ses flds all &er the c(ntry.
A. light B. thin C. tiny D. tri&ial
!/ 9ele&isin can make (s )&&i,e.
A. $tr(si&e B. enterprising C. energetic D. strng
"/ .t is an en>oy+$e way t rela'.
A. incrrect B. imprper C. hatef(l D. (npleasant
#/ *e dn7t ha&e t think s (r $rain $ecmes $?y.
A. :(ick B. diligent C. hard D. gd
1%/ 9he c(ncil 'e%o$i&he' it.
A. made B. did C. started D. cnstr(ct
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 9hey take a ;;;;;;; interest in their grandchildren.
A. li&e B. ali&e C. li&ely D. li&ing
2/ *e=re reading a ;;;;;;; $k this week.
A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently
3/ 8he has $een ;;;;;;; criticiGed in the press.
A. hea&y B. hea&iness C. hea&ier D. hea&ily
4/ Ask me again tmrrw. .=ll ha&e t gi&e it sme ;;;;;;;.
A. think B. th(ght C. th(ghtf(l D. th(ghtless
5/ A"ter the ai$ent he suDere$ "ro* loss o" _______.
A. *e*ory B. *e*oriEe C. *e*orable D. *e*orably
6/ Diet plays an imprtant rle in the ;;;;;;; f heart disease.
A. manage B. manager C. management D. managea$le
!/ 8t(dents say it is helpf(l if teachers ;;;;;;; their prn(nciatin.
A. crrect B. crrectin C. crrecti&e D. crrectly
"/ Ffficially+ >$ert=s in charge+ $(t in ;;;;;;; 4annah r(ns the ffice.
A. practice B. practise C. practical D. practically
#/ 0any lcals are ;;;;;;; ppsed t the de&elpment.
A. strength B. strng C. strengthen D. strngly
1%/ heep ;;;;;;; $y eating well and e'ercising reg(larly.
A. health B. healthf(l C. healthy D. healthily
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ *e can=t g t c(lia=s party ;;;;;;; we=re ging away that weekend.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. $eca(se B. $eca(se f C. alth(gh D. in spite f
2/ ;;;;;;; repeated ass(rances that the prd(ct is safe+ many peple ha&e stpped $(ying it.
A. By B. Despite C. *ith D. <r
3/ 8he walked hme $y herself+ ;;;;;;; she knew that it was danger(s.
A. $eca(se B. alth(gh C. and D. $(t
4/ ;;;;;;; his in)(ries+ he $ears n animsity twards his attackers. A. Beca(se f
B. B(t fr C. .n spite f D. *ith(t
5/ .=ll see y( after the shw and gi&e y( |2% fr the tickets+ r ;;;;;;; m(ch they cst.
A. whatever B. nevertheless C. besi$es D. however
6/ . had a train t catch+ s . was ;;;;;;; the clck all thr(gh the meeting.
A. watch B. t watch C. watched D. watching
!/ ;;;;;;; the newspaper article :(ickly and make a nte f the main pints.
A. 8canning B. 8can C. 8canned D. 9 scan
"/ .f y( need any help+ please dn=t hesitate ;;;;;;;.
A. asking B. ask C. will ask D. t ask
#/ . wish Dad w(ld stp ;;;;;;; in n my phne cn&ersatins.
A. listening B. listen C. listened D. t listen
1%/ *hy nt ;;;;;;; CdwnD y(r ideas n a piece f paper $efre y( start,
A. writing B. write C. writes D. t write
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ B( can g t the se&en =clck CAD shw r CBD a eight - CCD whiche&er s(its y( CDD $est.
2/ CAD *e can=t g CBD t c(lia=s party CCD $eca(se f CDD we=re ging away that weekend.
3/ C(ld . CAD speak t CBD whme&er is CCD in charge f .nternatinal 8ales CDD please,
4/ . was CAD )(st getting CBD int the $ath CCD where the telephne CDD rang.
5/ 2e !new 5'6 a lot o" about the topi 5(6 alrea$y3 but 5)6 his tal! was interesting
5%6 nevertheless.
6/ . was CAD merely :(estining CBD weather we had the mney CCD t f(nd CDD s(ch a pr)ect.
!/ CAD *e=ll see y( after the perfrmance CBD als gi&e y( |5% CCD fr the tickets+ r CDD hwe&er
m(ch they cst.
"/ D they CAD play CBD any ther sprts CCD $eside $asket$all CDD and &lley$all,
#/ CAD .n additin her flat CBD in 4ani+ she has a new h(se CCD in 2(ng 9a( and a &illa CDD in 4 Chi
0inh city.
1%/ 9here=s nt CAD m(ch fl(r CBD left CCD $(t y(=re welcme t what CDD few there is.
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
*F>3D *.D6 *6B
*rld *ide *e$ C***D+ cmp(ter/$ased C1D ;;;;;;; f infrmatin res(rces that cm$ines
te't and m(ltimedia. 9he infrmatin n the *rld *ide *e$ can $e accessed and searched thr(gh the
C2D ;;;;;;;+ a gl$al cmp(ter netwrk. 9he *rld *ide *e$ is ften C3D ;;;;;;; t simply as @the
9he *e$ started t $ecme a C4D ;;;;;;; res(rce after 1##3 when the first widely distri$(ted
$rwser pr&ided a cn&enient way t C5D ;;;;;;; a &ariety f infrmatin n the .nternet. 9he *e$
(ses C6D ;;;;;;;+ which means that infrmatin can $e displayed in a wide &ariety f frmats. C!D
;;;;;;; can read te't+ &iew pict(res+ watch animatin+ listen t s(nds+ and e&en e'plre interacti&e
&irt(al en&irnments n the *e$. A (ser can C"D ;;;;;;; seamlessly frm a dc(ment r *e$ page
stred n the cmp(ter t a dc(ment r *e$ page C#D ;;;;;;; n anther cmp(ter.
9he *e$ ffers a place where cmpanies+ (ni&ersities and C1%D ;;;;;;; instit(tins+ and
indi&id(als can display infrmatin a$(t their prd(cts+ ser&ices+ facilities+ r research+ r their C11D
;;;;;;; li&es. Fnly a small percentage f infrmatin n the C12D ;;;;;;; is restricted t s($scri$ers
r ther a(thriGed (sers. 9he ma)rity f *e$ pages are a&aila$le t C13D ;;;;;;; wh can access a
cmp(ter that cnnects t the .nternet. 9he *e$ has $ecme a C14D ;;;;;;; fr many cmpanies selling
prd(cts r ser&ices+ and a fr(m fr peple t e'change pinins and infrmatin. 0(se(ms+ li$raries+
g&ernment agencies+ and schls pst infrmatin n the *e$ t make it C15D ;;;;;;; t thers.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ seamless Cad).DH khng cQ IWing nki+ liJn mrt mnh
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ instit(tin Cn.DH cY :(an+ trZ s[ cY :(an
/ restrict C&.DH hMn ch]+ giXi hMn+ th( hp
/ s($scri$er Cn.DH ngWii It m(a+ ngWii Ing nh_p
1/ A. system B. s(rce C. netwrk D. res(rce
2/ A. Cmp(ter B. >adi C. 9ele&isin D. .nternet
3/ A. said B. referred C. tld D. cnsidered
4/ A. pp(lar B. nrmal C. rdinary D. fa&rite
5/ A. enter B. access C. cme int D. arri&e at
6/ A. yah B. 0edia 1layer C. infrmatin D. m(ltimedia
!/ A. Esers B. 1eple C. C(stmers D. 8hp keepers
"/ A. g B. m&e C. fly D. r(n
#/ A. placed B. p(t C. installed D. stred
1%/ A. anther B. thers C. ther D. ne anther
11/ A. pri&ate B. pp(lar C. cmmn D. pssessi&e
12/ A. Cmp(ter B. ?etwrk C. 8ystem D. *e$
13/ A. n ne B. e&eryne C. smene D. anyne
14/ A. schl B. hspital C. marketplace D. cmpany
15& '. goo$ (. available ). "ree %. valuable
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1& 2e alle$ her 'n. '& ,n the other han$3 we an
give your *oney ba!.
2& The shoolgirl $i$ not
ahieve the neessary average.
(& or else you9ll be late "or
3& 2e $on9t have oranges. )& onseFuently it ollapse$.
4& 8ou *ust hurry up3 %& -n other wor$s3 she "aile$.
5& -" the hair is bro!en $own3
we an replae it.
=& -n ontrast3 it9s not
6& 0rs. 0ai "elt tire$G >& there"ore3 she went to be$
7& The ar rashe$ into the
?& 2oul$ you li!e apples
8& 2e $on9t have spare ti*e to
see the *ovie.
#& but then he woul$ say that.
9& -t9s not a very nie house. -& -n a$$ition3 it has aw"ul
10& #e sai$ he ha$nBt been
@& -n "at3 she is 'nh.
II/ ill each gap with suitable words from the list below:
answerphne+ per+ media+ li&ing+ filming+ m(ntains+ watched+ radi+ listened+ m&ie
1/ *e ;;;;;;; in silence as the names f the dead were read (t.
2/ 9here are mre caf{s ;;;;;;; s:(are mile here than anywhere else in the c(ntry.
3/ ;;;;;;; was halted after the lead actr $ecame ill.
4/ . rang se&eral times last week+ $(t . kept getting his ;;;;;;;.
5/ 5reta 5ar$ was ne f the great ;;;;;;; stars f the 1#3%s.
6/ Bnner ;;;;;;; helplessly as the $all sneaked in at the near pst.
!/ 9he increase in interest rates will raise the cst f ;;;;;;;.
"/ 9he 0atterhrn is ne f the $iggest ;;;;;;; in 6(rpe.
#/ 9he mass ;;;;;;; has $ecme ne f the main instr(ments f plitical change.
1%/ . heard a gd prgram n the ;;;;;;; last night.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ 4e=s $eing &ery secreti&e a$(t his new girlfriend.
2/ *e need t take a lt f factrs int acc(nt in (r decisin/making.
3/ 9he reprt dc(ments the staggering am(nt f dmestic &ilence against wmen.
4/ . ha&en=t seen them since that memra$le e&ening when the $at capsiGed.
5/ 8ince retiring frm the cmpany+ she has dne &l(ntary wrk fr a charity.
6/ .=&e gt t ha&e a wash and make myself presenta$le fr (r g(ests.
!/ .n his :(est fr physical perfectin+ he spends h(rs in the gym.
"/ 9he lighting fr the prd(ctin made a &ery effecti&e (se f shadw.
#/ 8he had the a$ility t e'plain things clearly and cncisely.
1%/ 9he htel was hmely and cmfrta$le.
IV/ Supply either B7CA8S7 or B7CA8S7 9 as appropriate:
1/ @*hy did y( d it,f @;;;;;;; Carls tld me tf.
2/ . did it ;;;;;;; he tld me t.
3/ 9he train was delayed ;;;;;;; $ad weather.
4/ 9hey are here ;;;;;;; (s.
5/ c(st ;;;;;;; . dn7t cmplain+ peple think .7m satisfied.
6/ *e can=t g t c(lia=s party ;;;;;;; we=re ging away that weekend.
!/ 4a&e y( $een away+ ;;;;;;; we ha&en=t seen y( recently,
"/ 4e walked slwly ;;;;;;; his $ad leg.
#/ ;;;;;;; his wife=s $eing there+ . said nthing a$(t it.
1%/ .t was nt easy t deli&er the letter ;;;;;;; there was n address n it.
V/ Complete the following sentences with 2for4 or 2since4, and the correct form of the %erb in
1/ 9here C$eD ;;;;;;; a phne message ;;;;;;; y(.
2/ 8he C$eD ;;;;;;; ff wrk ;;;;;;; 9(esday.
3/ . C$(yD ;;;;;;; smething ;;;;;;; the new $a$y.
4/ *e Cli&eD ;;;;;;; here ;;;;;;; 1##4.
5/ 9here C$eD ;;;;;;; a priGe ;;;;;;; the fastest three r(nners in each categry.
6/ 8he CwrryD ;;;;;;; e&er ;;;;;;; the letter Carri&eD ;;;;;;;.
!/ 8he C$eD ;;;;;;; (t f the ffice ;;;;;;; a few days ne't week.
"/ 4e CwrkD ;;;;;;; in a $ank ;;;;;;; lea&ing schl.
#/ ;;;;;;; the party she Cnly speakD ;;;;;;; t him nce.
1%/ . Cnt playD ;;;;;;; tennis ;;;;;;; years.
VI/ $ewrite the sentences using the word gi%en in brac!ets:
1/ *e dn7t tr(st 3an $eca(se she $eha&es $adly. C$eca(se fD
/ . dn7t tr(st ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 1hng passed the e'ams with gd res(lts $eca(se f his hard wrk. C$eca(seD
/ 1hng passed ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ 0r. ?am was s(ccessf(l in his life alth(gh he came frm a pr family. Cin spite fD
/ 0r. ?am was s(ccessf(l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 0rs. 4a is still interested in playing tennis in spite f her ld age. Calth(ghD
/ 0rs. 4a is still ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ 9h(gh it was raining hard (tside+ they insisted n lea&ing. CdespiteD
/ 9hey insisted ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 8he can7t smile $eca(se her h(s$and died three weeks ag. C$eca(se fD
/ 8he can7t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ 0r. 8n resigned earlier than his age $eca(se f his sickness. C$eca(seD
/ 0r. 8n resigned ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ Dn7t sh(t at her alth(gh she is nt st(di(s. Cin spite fD
/ Dn7t sh(t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ 9his is s(ch an interesting stry$k that we ha&e read it three times. CsD
/ 9his stry$k ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ hha is nt ld en(gh t )in the army. CtD
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ hha is ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VII/ Complete the story below using the gi%en words:
946 B689 DF5 .? 946 *F>3D $y Amy Catlin
0y dg/ name/ BearBear. 8he/ $est dg/ wrld. reasn/ . say/ $est dg/ wrld/ $eca(se/ can d
things/ n ther dg can d. 8he/ fishing/ e&eryday. 8he/ life sa&er t/ and she/ knw/ hw/ h(nt.
0y dg/ great temperament/ h(mans+ especially/ family. Bear/ get alng/ me great. 0ay$e it/
$eca(se ./ her master. . think/ she ha&e/ great persnality.
Bear/ great dg. And she/ l&e/ play time. 1lay time/ time when/ . d things/ Bear. *e/
swimming and/ we chase/ cw and smetimes/ we )(mp+ r(n+ and frlic/ wds. 8he )(st l&e/ play
. train/ Bear ht/ )(mp+ speak and drp/ $all. And ./ say @Bear+ y( like 5erge *ashingtn,f
8he/ $ark nce. 9hat mean/ yes. 9wice mean/ n and three times mean/ @heck nf. ./ teach/ Bear hw/
g/ Bear7s $ed. 9hat mean/ g/ y(r $ed.
Bear/ special dg and ./ treas(re that/ rest/ my life.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then select the correct option A, B, C or D:
9he *rld *ide *e$ was de&elped $y British physicist and cmp(ter scientist 9imthy
Berners/3ee as a pr)ect within the 6(rpean FrganiGatin fr ?(clear >esearch CC6>?D in 5ene&a+
8witGerland. Berners/3ee cm$ined se&eral e'isting ideas int a single system t make it easier fr
physicists t (se data n the .nternet. 0st imprtant+ he added m(ltimediawthe a$ility t incl(de
graphicswt the hyperlink cncept f(nd in a pre&i(s .nternet ser&ice knwn as gpher. Berners/3ee
had $eg(n wrking with hyperte't in the early 1#"%s. An early prttype implementatin f the *e$
$ecame peratinal at C6>? in 1#"#+ and the idea :(ickly spread t (ni&ersities in the rest f the wrld.
5r(ps at the ?atinal Center fr 8(percmp(ting Applicatins at the Eni&ersity f .llinis at
Er$ana/Champaign researched and e'tended *e$ technlgy. 9hey de&elped the first $rwser that was
(sed at many sites+ named 0saic+ in 1##3. 9 allw the *e$ t $e accessed frm a wide &ariety f
cmp(ter systems+ researchers $(ilt m(ltiple &ersins f 0saic. 6ach &ersin was designed t $e (sed
with a specific perating system+ the sftware that cntrls the cmp(ter. *ithin a year+ cmp(ter
prgrammer 0arc Andreessen had frmed a cmmercial cmpany+ ?etscape Cmm(nicatins
Crpratin+ t $(ild and sell *e$ technlgies.
&ew %ocabulary:
gpher Cn.DH ch(rt tNi+ sQc tNi ma
prttype Cn.DH ngWii C&_tD In( tiVn+ ng(yVn m(
implementatin Cn.DH s^ thi hTnh+ s^ th^c hin Iny IO s^ $l s(ng
peratinal Cad).DH th(rc hMt Irng+ tha tacO cQ th\ cQ hi( l^c
1/ 9he *rld *ide *e$ was de&elped $y .........
A. an American B. a British C. a Canadian D. a <rench
2/ 9he scientist wh de&elped the *rld *ide *e$ was ma)ring in ..........
A. math and physics B. math and cmp(ter
C. cmp(ter and physics D. math+ physics and cmp(ter
3/ *hich sentence $elw is nt crrect,
A. 9imthy Berners/3ee spke 6nglish &ery well.
B. 9imthy Berners/3ee was $rn in 5ene&a+ 8witGerland.
C. 9imthy Berners/3ee was the first persn t de&elp ***.
D. 8me e'isting ideas were cm$ined int a single system $y him.
4/ *hich wrd means @a cnnectin that allws y( t m&e easily $etween tw cmp(ter dc(ments
r tw pages n the .nternetf,
A. graphic B. dat(m C. pr)ect D. hyperlink
5/ *hich sentence is nt crrect,
A. @hyperte'tf means @a way f )ining a wrd r image t anther page+ dc(ment+ etc. n the
.nternet r in anther cmp(ter prgram s that y( can m&e frm ne t the ther easilyf
B. Berners/3ee had $eg(n wrking with hyperte't in the early 1#"%s.
C. An early prttype implementatin f the *e$ $ecame peratinal at C6>? in 1#"#.
D. 9he idea slwly spread t (ni&ersities in the rest f the wrld.
6/ *h researched and e'tended *e$ technlgy,
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. 5r(ps at the ?atinal Center fr 8(percmp(ting Applicatins at the Eni&ersity f .llinis at
B. 9he 6(rpean FrganiGatin fr ?(clear >esearch
C. 9imthy Berners/3ee
D. 0arc Andreessen
!/ *hich sentence is nt crrect,
A. 0saic was ne f the scientists wh de&elped ***.
B. 9he first $rwser that was (sed at many sites was de&elped in 1##3.
C. >esearchers $(ilt n(mer(s &ersins f 0saic t allw the *e$ t $e accessed frm a wide
&ariety f cmp(ter systems
D. 6ach &ersin was designed t $e (sed with a partic(lar wrking system.
"/ @m(ltiplef in the reading means ..........
A. pl(ral B. single C. nly D. n(mer(s
#/ *hich wrd in the reading means @the instr(ctins which cntrl what a cmp(ter desO cmp(ter
A. &ersin B. sftware C. technlgy D. cncept
1%/ *hat did @?etscape Cmm(nicatins Crpratinf d,
A. t de&elp ***
B. t (se data n the .nternet
C. t cntrl the cmp(ter
D. t $(ild and sell *e$ technlgies
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the
others in each group:
1/ A. cmm! nity B. )! st C. s! ggest D. s! ch
2/ A. &illge B. f mily C. c n D. plnt
3/ A. eno!gh B. a$o!t C. fo! nd D. ro! nd
4/ A. dro p B. no thing C. 9o m D. ho t
5/ A. treate' B. aske' C. sacre' D. s(ggeste'
6/ A. sentence& B. place& C. disea&e& D. s(rface&
!/ A. prperty B. a$ility C. capacity D. s(pply
"/ A. impor t B. wor ry C. lor ry D. for m
#/ A. kid& B. year& C. film& D. help&
1%/ A. deci si&e B. ri ng C. pri sn D. himself
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each
1/ A. cmm(nity B. de&elping C. cnditiner D. interested
2/ A. c(nty B. mentin C. disease D. l(ggage
3/ A. cntin(e B. imprtance C. different D. directed
4/ A. medicine B. ppsite C. pll(tin D. capa$le
5/ A. cllapse B. healthy C. dislike D. appear
6/ A. sl(tin B. perfectin C. atmsphere D. depart(re
!/ A. present B. perfect C. prefer D. f(t(re
"/ A. tiss(e B. repeat C. windy D. natin
#/ A. retell B. lengthy C. city D. ret(rn
1%/ A. (sef(l B. res(lt C. agree D. $egin
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in
the unit:
1/ Dr(g trafficking is a matter f cnsidera$le cncern fr the entire internatinal
A. peple B. neigh$rhd C. s(rr(nding D. p($lic
2/ 9he &illagers had t "or( &ery hard n the fields all day+ $(t there was nt en(gh
fd fr them.
A. sweat B. r(n C. s(cceed D. manage
3/ 9he &illagers had t wrk &ery hr' n the fields all day+ $(t there was nt en(gh
fd fr them.
A. slidly B. se&erely C. $arely D. la$ri(sly
4/ 9he &illage had n )ro)er rad r r(nning water.
A. right B. crrect C. nrmal D. e'cl(si&e
5/ 9here were )$enty o* frgs in the fields ar(nd the &illage.
A. m(ch B. many C. lts D. a lt
6/ All they had t d was t ctch them.
A. see B. s(rprise C. capt(re D. ac:(ire
!/ *ith that mney they c(ld d many things/ a p(mping well+ a medical centre+ a
schl+ a prper rad+ )erh)& e&en electricity.
A. &ery B. pssi$ly C. well D. mstly
"/ 9hen peple re$i?e' what was happening.
A. (nderstd B. watched C. $tained D. prd(ced
#/ 9hen peple realiGed what was h))enin4.
A. ging away B. lea&ing fr C. taking place D. cming t
1%/ 9he insects were '%4in4 the crps and spreading diseases amng the peple.
A. r(ining B. c(tting C. drpping D. thrwing
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in
the unit:
1/ 9he &illagers had t wrk &ery hard n the fields all day+ $(t there was nt eno!4h
fd fr them.
A. deficient B. few C. little D. tiny
2/ 9here were )$enty o* frgs in the fields ar(nd the &illage.
A. a&erage B. little f C. shrtage f D. few
3/ 9he &illage had n )ro)er rad r r(nning water.
A. imprtant B. irrespnsi$leC. inapprpriate D. (nnecessary
4/ 9he crps in the fields were nt ding s well+ the children f the &illage were ill mre
o*ten+ and there were mre insects ar(nd.
A. little B. plenty C. rarely D. hard
5/ 9hey hadn7t $een !&e$e&&.
A. practical B. gd C. harmf(l D. needed
6/ 9he &illagers decided t stp catching and &e$$in4 the frgs.
A. taking B. recei&ing C. getting D. p(rchasing
!/ 9hey had t think f sme ther ways f +etterin4 their li&es.
A. wrsening B. c(tting C. killing D. h(rting
"/ 9he sentences in A all ))er in the te't.
A. lse B. hide C. die D. disappear
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ ?w+ when s many frgs were killed+ there were %ore n' %ore insects.
A. lesser and lesser B. fewer and fewer
C. lesser and fewer D. fewer and lesser
1%/ 9he &illagers 4ree' t sell frgs.
A. did nt B. nt C. denied D. stpped
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 3a(ghter is the $est ;;;;;;;.
A. medicine B. medicated C. medicatin D. medicinal
2/ 9here7s a pr$lem with the ;;;;;;;.
A. electric B. electrics C. electrician D. electrical
3/ 8he gets this ;;;;;;; e'pressin n her face when she talks a$(t fd.
A. dream B. dreamer C. dreamy D. dreamlike
4/ 4w can we display this data in a ;;;;;;; frm,
A. (se B. (sage C. (sa$le D. (seless
5/ 8ou nee$ to be *ore _______.
A. $ei$e B. $eision C. $eisive D. $ei$e$
6/ .f the three parties cannt reach ;;;;;;; nw+ there will $e a ci&il war.
A. agree B. agreement C. agreea$le D. agreea$ly
!/ .t seems ;;;;;;; that . c(ld ha&e walked $y with(t nticing her.
A. pssi$le B. impssi$le C. pssi$ly D. impssi$ly
"/ 1lant ;;;;;;; is mst nticea$le in spring and early s(mmer.
A. grw B. grwn C. grwing D. grwth
#/ 9his thery is n lnger ;;;;;;; accepted.
A. wide B. widen C. widely D. width
1%/ 9he ;;;;;;; f the strike ca(sed a lt f p&erty.
A. cntin(e B. cntin((s C. cntin(atin D. cntin(al
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ .=ll pay y( d($le ;;;;;;; y( get the wrk finished $y <riday.
A. (nless B. if C. e&en if D. as lng as
2/ 4e=s welcme t cme alng+ ;;;;;;; he $eha&es himself.
A. s(ppsing that B. e&en if
C. (nless D. pr&ided that
3/ . dn=t want t g and ;;;;;;;+ . ha&en=t $een in&ited.
A. n cnditin B. in any case C. s(ppsing D. (nless
4/ B( can=t get a )$ ;;;;;;; y(=&e gt e'perience.
A. (nless B. s lng as C. if D. in case
5/ ;;;;;;; y( take a ta'i+ y(=ll still miss y(r train.
A. 's long as B. Hrovi$e$ C. Iupposing D. 6&en if
6/ 4e ;;;;;;; (s f his e'trardinary childhd.
A. tld B. said C. asked D. greeted
!/ . ;;;;;;; when the train w(ld lea&e.
A. said B. asked C. tld D. reprted
"/ .=&e ;;;;;;; the applicatin frms int three gr(ps.
A. greeted B. reprted C. rdered D. said
#/ 9he teacher ;;;;;;; each child with a friendly @4elldf
A. greeted B. said C. tld D. asked
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1%/ . ;;;;;;; the g(ard the time f the train=s depart(re.
A. said B. tld C. rdered D. asked
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct
1/ CAD Enless $thered+ CBD the $ird may desert the nest+ CCD lea&ing the chicks CDD t
depart this life.
2/ 9hey CAD can=t get CBD ne )$ CCD (nless CDD they=&e gt skill.
3/ *e CAD dn=t $elie&e we=ll want CBD sme mney $(t we=ll $ring CCD sme )(st CDD in
4/ .=d l&e CAD t cme and see them CBD n 8(nday+ CCD pr&ided . dn=t ha&e t wrk
CDD that day.
5/ CAD As lng as we ha&e the mney CBD in (r acc(nt+ we can take (t CCD (p t |2%%
CDD a day.
6/ 4e CAD asked (s CBD that we were cld and CCD said that he c(ld sn CDD make a
fire .
!/ . CAD tld my sister CBD nt t spend all her mney CCD in &ide games CDD $(t t sa&e
sme fr the $ks.
"/ 0y mther CAD plitely CBD tld 4(y CCD w(ld cme $ack CDD a little later.
#/ *e CAD wndered CBD why 0s. 3inh had $een lking CCD s depressed CDD late.
1%/ 9hey CAD said that y( CBD nt t ha&e t cme with them CCD if y( didn7t CDD
want t .
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D
to complete it:
Cmm(nity Clleges+ instit(tins f higher C1D ;;;;;;; ffering tw/year
prgrams f general st(dy r technical r &catinal training. 0any C2D ;;;;;;; recei&e
the first tw years Cfreshman and sphmre yearsD f pstsecndary ed(catin at
cmm(nity clleges C3D ;;;;;;; p(rs(ing a $achelr=s degree at a f(r/year instit(tin.
Cmm(nity clleges C4D ;;;;;;; a &ariety f prgrams and degrees+ C5D ;;;;;;;
certificate prgrams that re:(ire less than tw years f wrk in a specific C6D ;;;;;;; f
st(dyO terminal assciate degrees in prfessinal C!D ;;;;;;; technical prgramsO and
assciate degrees that may $e transferred tward the cmpletin f a $achelr7s C"D
;;;;;;;. 0st cmm(nity clleges are nnprfit+ p($lic instit(tins s(pprted $y state
and lcal C#D ;;;;;;;+ $(t there are als independent schls that perate C1%D ;;;;;;; a
fr/prfit $asis.
9w/year pstsecndary instit(tins were first C11D ;;;;;;; in the Enited 8tates in
the C12D ;;;;;;; 2%
cent(ry. 9hese schls were called *unior colleges C13D ;;;;;;;
their main f(nctin was t ffer nly the $eginning C14D ;;;;;;; f general cllege
st(dy. Credits earned at )(nir clleges c(ld $e transferred t anther instit(tin C15D
;;;;;;; st(dents c(ld cmplete their final years f cllege. ?w called cmm(nity
clleges+ these tw/year instit(tins C16D ;;;;;;; ffer c(rses f general academic
st(dy t recent high schl grad(ates. 4we&er+ they C1!D ;;;;;;; try t ser&e the
ed(catinal needs f a C1"D ;;;;;;; segment f the cmm(nity+ incl(ding lder st(dents
and wrkers. 9day+ C1#D ;;;;;;; cmm(nity clleges ffer technical+ &catinal+
preprfessinal+ and ad(lt/ed(catin prgrams in additin t C2%D ;;;;;;; academic
&ew %ocabulary:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ &catinal Cad).DH th(rc &J nghJ nghip+ hWXng nghip
/ sphmre Cn.DH C0D sinh &iVn nm th` hai IMi huc
/ assciate Cad).DH k]t hbp+ cpng cng tac
/ )(nir Cn.DH sinh &iVn IMi huc huc lXp liJn ngay lXp c(ki csp
/ segment Cn.DH IMn+ khNc+ Ikt
1/ A. learning B. ed(catin C. st(dy D. schling
2/ A. teachers B. dctrs C. engineers D. st(dents
3/ A. $efre B. after C. while D. d(ring
4/ A. s(pply B. send C. ffer D. gi&e
5/ A. incl(ding B. ha&ing C. cnsisting D. cm$ining
6/ A. Gne B. field C. regin D. area
!/ A. and B. $(t C. r D. s
"/ A. certificate B. degree C. credit D. wrk
#/ A. mney B. payment C. ta'es D. r(les
1%/A. in B. with C. n D. $y
11/A. esta$lished B. $(ilt C. created D. made
12/A. frnt B. $efre C. sn D. early
13/A. $eca(se B. alth(gh C. hwe&er D. $esides
14/A. schl B. le&el C. stage D. space
15/A. what B. which C. where D. when
16/A. still B. already C. yet D. recently
1!/A. and B. als C. t D. as well
1"/A. less B. fewer C. greater D. mre
1#/A. almst B. mst C. nearly D. really
2%/A. general B. pri&ate C. p($lic D. wn
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e
meaningful sentences:
' (
1& %on9t you !now '& as our lass ha$
2& -9* sure (& - "oun$ yester$ay
3& -s that the *an )& so that we an hear
you learly.
4& This is the penil %& that Jnle #o was
born in 1890.
5& -sn9t that the
=& that he bea*e
6& #er unle wor!e$
so har$
>& we *et last wee!en$:
7& 2e will o*e to
visit hi*
?& how to use the "aA
8& =verything was #& where they +rst *et:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
9& Iine 7ong was
too laEy3
-& he was punishe$ by his
10& %on9t spea!
@& when we have spare
II/ ill each gap with suitable words from the list below:
enclses+ past+ atmsphere+ cmm(nity+ risk+ prper+ cast+ res(rfaced+ $etter+ re&isins
1/ >imini is a thri&ing hliday resrt n the east ;;;;;;; f .taly.
2/ 4e was the fifth clim$er t die n these m(ntains &er the ;;;;;;; tw days.
3/ 4e made sme minr ;;;;;;; t the reprt $efre printing it (t.
4/ 9hese factries are releasing t'ic gases int the ;;;;;;;.
5/ .f y(=re ging t walk thse srt f distances y( need ;;;;;;; walking $ts.
6/ 9he $ed was hard+ $(t it was ;;;;;;; than nthing.
!/ 9he park that ;;;;;;; the mn(ment has recently $een enlarged.
"/ Dri&ers will e'perience delays while stretches f the rad are $eing ;;;;;;;.
#/ 9here=s a high ;;;;;;; f anther accident happening in this fg.
1%/ Enlike the present g&ernment+ we $elie&e in ser&ing the ;;;;;;;.
III/ Supply the correct form of the words in brac!ets:
1/ B(=ll $e paid n CcmpleteD ;;;;;;; f the pr)ect.
2/ 9heir attempt t clim$ the 6iger ended in CfailD ;;;;;;;.
3/ . wrry a$(t the CdestryD ;;;;;;; effect that &ilent films may ha&e n children.
4/ 4a&e y( filled in the CapplyD ;;;;;;; frm fr y(r passprt yet,
5/ . think y( sh(ld take it smewhere t ha&e it mended CprperD ;;;;;;;.
6/ .t=s CriskD ;;;;;;; t $(y a car with(t sme gd ad&ice.
!/ 9he CpssessD ;;;;;;; f large am(nts f mney des nt ens(re happiness.
"/ 9he agency sent a CreplaceD ;;;;;;; fr the secretary wh resigned.
#/ . had a headache and . wasn=t feeling &ery CscietyD ;;;;;;;.
1%/ 8he had fi&e days ff wrk d(e t CillD ;;;;;;;.
IV/ ,urn these following sentences into reported speech:
1/ 0r. 9hanh said+ @. want t $(y a new shirt fr my da(ghter.f
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ @9his shp isn7t ging t pen ne't 8(nday+f the wman infrmed me.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ 4e said+ @. nce spent a s(mmer here in this pr&ince.f
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 9he p(pils said+ @*e7ll $e sitting fr (r e'ams ne't <riday.f
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ 9he n(rse said+ @9he patient in this rm didn7t fllw y(r ad&ice+ Dctr.f
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ @9he rm will seem s empty with(t y( and y(r friend+f 0ai said t 1hng.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ @.f my sister knew the tr(th+ she w(ld $e disappinted+f hha said t me.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ 3ng said t 4a+ @. may cme t y(r $irthday party when .7&e finished my wrk.f
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ @9his schlchild speaks 6nglish &ery fl(ently+f the freigner remarked.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ 0ther said+ @. think it wn7t $e t s(nny tmrrw.f
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
V/ ,urn these sentences into direct speech:
1/ 8he said that she w(ld lea&e there the fllwing week.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 0inh tld me that he had seen (s at that place.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ 3inh tld me that her father died f cancer in 2%%%.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 9he $ys said that . didn7t ha&e t cme with them if . didn7t want t.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ 9he headmaster tld the schl$ys that they m(stn7t play $all in the schl yard.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 8he tld me that the clck w(ld ne&er wrk again if . tried t mend it.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ 9he manageress tld 8ang that he had t finish his wrk $y 5 7clck.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ 8he said that they were $(sy then $(t they w(ld ha&e mre time the ne't week.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ F(r teacher said that the 8ecnd *rld *ar $rke (t in 1#3#.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ 9he speaker says that we ha&e defeated the freign in&aders $eca(se (r peple are
&ery heric.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VI/ Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the following %erbs 2SA:, ,7((,
AS;, $7/9$,, $8'9$, $7'A$;, S8++7S,, <A$&, ADVIS7, A/9(9+I=74-
8se each %erb only once:
1/ .t7s widely ;;;;;;; that she7s getting prmted.
2/ . m(st ;;;;;;; t .s$el fr my lateness.
3/ .=d strngly ;;;;;;; against making a s(dden decisin.
4/ *e rang the ins(rance cmpany t ;;;;;;; the theft.
5/ Ben ne&er frgets t ;;;;;;; @1leasef and @9hank y(f.
6/ 9here were signs ;;;;;;; f fg as sn as we gt nt the mtrway.
!/ Did y( ;;;;;;; anyne y( were cming t see me,
"/ B( sh(ld ;;;;;;; y(r acc(ntant t gi&e y( sme financial ad&ice.
#/ . ;;;;;;; p(tting the matter t the cmmittee.
1%/ Dr chnsn nce ;;;;;;; @*hen a man is tired f 3ndn+ he is tired f life.f
VII/ <rite sentences based on the gi%en clues:
1/ s(rgen / acc(sed / negligence.
2/ new law / generally admitted / $e diffic(lt / enfrce.
3/ dctr ad&ised / him / smking.
4/ aplgiGed prf(sely / ha&ing / lea&e / 3.3% p.m.
5/ . / n idea / what time / train lea&es. Ask / g(ard / he knws.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
6/ ?eil denies / he $rke / windw+ $(t . / s(re / did.
!/ *e / enc(raged / learn freign lang(ages / schl.
"/ . recmmend / write y(r feelings / paper.
#/ y( s(ggest / where . / find / chemist=s,
1%/ . / warned / g t / east cast $eca(se / s f(ll / t(rists.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then complete it with the missing
prepositions "in, on, at---#:
Cmm(nity Chest+ cperati&e rganiGatin C1D ;;;;; citiGens interested C2D
;;;;; the effecti&e de&elpment C3D ;;;;; scial ser&ices and C4D ;;;;; raising f(nds t
s(pprt s(ch ser&ices. A characteristic C5D ;;;;; the chest is its ann(al (nited f(nd/
raising campaign. 9he chest determines hw the f(nds are allcated $ased C6D ;;;;; the
needs C!D ;;;;; the cmm(nity and the wrk C"D ;;;;; the indi&id(al agencies recei&ing
the f(nds. .t als acts C#D ;;;;; a p($lic relatins medi(m+ interpreting the cmm(nity=s
scial wrk acti&ities C1%D ;;;;; the general p($lic. Cntri$(trs $enefit $eca(se the
cmm(nity chest calls C11D ;;;;; them nly nce a year. 0re&er+ a (nited campaign
(s(ally reaches mre peple and raises mre mney+ C12D ;;;;; less cst+ C13D ;;;;;
many separate campaigns.
A cperati&e rganiGatin similar C14D ;;;;; the cmm(nity chest is the
cmm(nity c(ncil. 9he cmm(nity c(ncil (s(ally raises s(pprt C15D ;;;;; f(nds C16D
;;;;; acti&ities C1!D ;;;;; the field C1"D ;;;;; scial wrk+ s(ch C1#D ;;;;; ed(catin
C2%D ;;;;; recreatin. 9he c(ncil may $e a part C21D ;;;;; a cmm(nity chest+ r it
may $e the larger entity and incl(de C22D ;;;;; it a cmm(nity chest. 9he natinal
assciatin C23D ;;;;; cmm(nity chests and cmm(nity c(ncils is the Enited *ay
C24D ;;;;; America.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ campaign Cn.DH chi]n dch+ c(rc &_n Irng
/ t allcate C&.DH chK Inh+ dpngO phjn phki+ phjn phat
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. se B. ce n C. che p D. te ch
2/ A. word B. wor k C. wor m D. world
3/ A. desk& B. park& C. pay& D. effect&
4/ A. go &ern B. so me C. lesso n D. mo nth
5/ A. 1cific B. Atlntic C. Americ n D. $alnce
6/ A. g! n B. h! man C. pp! latin D. c! ter
!/ A. partly B. cent(ry C. l(ckily D. s(pply
"/ A. de pth B. se cret C. $e tween D. pre fer
#/ A. message& B. chice& C. pll(te& D. classe&
1%/ A. &ersiGe' B. care' C. fille' D. minde'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. mystery B. (nderstand C. &ercme D. s($marine
2/ A. Atlantic B. paragraph C. Antarctic D. cntri$(te
3/ A. garlic B. manner C. $ther D. delete
4/ A. (nder B. ffspring C. ffer D. frget
5/ A. (ndersea B. attit(de C. &ari(s D. e'ha(sted
6/ A. ffend B. ins(lt C. $a$y D. sparkling
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
!/ A. inha$it B. nat(ral C. finally D. e&idence
"/ A. $idi&ersity B. internatinal C. sphisticated D. independently
#/ A. cmplete B. re&eal C. s(rface D. restrict
1%/ A. indicatin B. (nderstandingC. in&estigate D. interactin
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ Can y( name the sea animal in each )ict!re ,
A. descriptin B. presentatin C. scene D. painting
2/ .t is di&ided int fi&e 'i**erent partsH the 1acific+ Atlantic+ .ndian+ Antarctic and Arctic
A. indi&id(al B. dissimilar C. sing(lar D. many
3/ 9gether+ they co,er !5 f (r 6arth.
A. spread B. c(rtain C. cmprehend D. reprt
4/ 9day7s scientists ha&e o,erco%e many f the challenges f the depth $y (sing mre
sphisticated tls.
A. passed B. r(n C. flwn D. cn:(ered
5/ 9day7s scientists ha&e &ercme many f the ch$$en4e& f the depth $y (sing mre
sphisticated tls.
A. s(mmns B. dare C. $)ectin D. stim(li
6/ 9day7s scientists ha&e &ercme many f the challenges f the depth $y (sing mre
&o)hi&ticte' tls.
A. cmplicated B. wrldly C. e'perienced D. aware
!/ 9hey can send s($marines and de&ices t in,e&ti4te the cean depths+ taking phtgraphs
and samples f animal life t $ring $ack t the s(rface fr f(rther st(dy.
A. trace B. e'plre C. track D. lk fr
"/ Enderstanding the interactins f the cean and marine life gi&es (s an in'iction f the
planet7s health and the effects f h(man acti&ity.
A. infrmatin B. directin C. cntri$(tin D. e&idence
#/ 8mall r &ersiGed+ plant r animal+ the cean7s li&ing things contri+!te t its endless
&ariety+ its $idi&ersity.
A. start B. send C. gi&e D. thrw
1%/ 4w can scientists nw re,e$ the secrets f the cean and marine life,
A. ann(nce B. say C. retell D. reprt
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ <r cent(ries+ peple ha&e $een challenged $y the mysteries that lie +eneth the $l(e depths f the
A. &erhead B. tp C. &er D. high
2/ <r cent(ries+ peple ha&e $een challenged $y the mysteries that lie $eneath the $l(e 'e)th& f the
A. lengths B. narrwness C. width D. s(rface
3/ 4w different a pict(re we nw ha&e f the cean as the sea has $eg(n t re&eal its &ecret&.
A. p($lic B. pening C. knwledge D. schling
4/ 9he plants and animals f the sea fall int three %>or gr(ps.
A. small B. tiny C. s($rdinate D. (nnecessary
5/ Ese water &)rin4$y and keep water clean.
A. many B. few C. well D. plentif(lly
6/ Ese water sparingly and keep water c$en.
A. d(sty B. stained C. wicked D. halfway
!/ <ish nly species that are nt f cncern+ thretene' r endangered.
A. ed(cated B. healed C. defended D. $r(ght
"/ <ish nly species that are nt f cncern+ threatened r en'n4ere'.
A. $ettered B. $rn C. safeg(arded D. ta(ght
#/ heep nly fish that y( will eatO re$e&e the rest.
A. catch B. hld C. take D. ha&e
1%/ Be a &%rt shpper+ chse y(r seafd respnsi$ly.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. sft B. weak C. (ntidy D. st(pid
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ *e=re reading a ;;;;;;; $k this week.
A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently
2/ 8he ga&e him a ;;;;;;; lk. @Are y( really s(re,f she demanded.
A. challenge B. challenger C. challenged D. challenging
3/ 9he article was an e'cellent piece f ;;;;;;; )(rnalism.
A. in&estigate B. in&estigati&e C. in&estigatin D. in&estigating
4/ 9he cmpany needs t red(ce its ;;;;;;; n )(st ne partic(lar prd(ct.
A. depend B. dependence C. dependa$le D. dependant
5/ 0y grandpa=s attit(des are &ery ;;;;;;;+ cnsidering his age.
A. mdern B. mdernity C. mderniGe D. mderniGatin
6/ 9he sea $ed ;;;;;;; here t 5%%% meters.
A. deep B. deepens C. deeper D. depth
!/ B(=&e gt t try t keep ;;;;;;; as y( grw lder.
A. act B. acti&e C. actin D. actr
"/ 4e w(ld ne&er d anything t ;;;;;;; the li&es f his children.
A. danger B. danger(s C. endanger D. endangered
#/ .f the prd(ct desn=t wrk+ y( are gi&en the ;;;;;;; f a ref(nd r a replacement.
A. chice B. chse C. chser D. chsing
1%/ *e saw a :(ick film shwing the &ari(s stages in the ;;;;;;; f glass.
A. prd(ce B. prd(cer C. prd(cts D. prd(ctin
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ B( ;;;;;;; $e ashamed f y(rsel&es.
A. c(ld B. sh(ld C. did D. w(ld
2/ 9he dctrs are ding all that they ;;;;;;;+ $(t she=s still nt $reathing prperly.
A. can B. c(ld C. shall D. might
3/ *e ;;;;;;; t ha&e agreed with(t knwing what it w(ld cst.
A. sh(ldn7t B. c(ldn7t C. didn7t D. (ghtn=t
4/ 4e said he ;;;;;;; see his $rther the ne't day.
A. (ght t B. sh(ld C. w(ld D. m(st
5/ Cars ;;;;;;; park in frnt f the entrance.
A. m(stn=t B. didn7t ha&e t C. c(ldn7t D. didn7t need
6/ Are y( ;;;;;;; in cash r $y credit card,
A. paying B. paid C. ha&ing paid D. t pay
!/ . ;;;;;;; hme nce a week t tell my parents .=m kay.
A. rang B. had r(ng C. ring D. ha&e r(ng
"/ .=ll pay y( d($le ;;;;;;; y( get the wrk finished $y <riday.
A. if B. (nless C. s(ppsing D. pr&ided
#/ . w(ldn=t wrk fr them ;;;;;;; they paid me twice my c(rrent salary.
A. if B. pr&ided C. in case D. as lng as
1%/ *e7ll $(y e&erything y( prd(ce+ ;;;;;;; f c(rse the price is right.
A. (nless B. as lng as C. pr&ided D. if
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ 9here are+ CAD (nless y( dn=t mind me CBD saying s+ ne r tw CCD pr$lems CDD with this plan.
2/ CAD Enless y( call me CBD saying y(=re nt cming+ CCD .=ll see y( CDD at the theatre
3/ CAD .f 6(rpe fails CBD t agree n this+ we can CCD tell gd$ye t any CDD cmmn freign plicy.
4/ CAD .f y( CBD need any help+ CCD please dn=t hesitate CDD t say.
5/ 9hey CAD were wndering where CBD t hld the ffice party and . CCD warned the .talian resta(rant
CDD near the statin.
6/ CAD *e7d $(y e&erything y( man(fact(re+ CBD pr&ided CCD certainly the price is CDD accepta$le .
!/ @0y $rther desn7t think CAD he7ll find a )$.f @4e CBD sh(ld $e an'i(s+ CCD with all his ed(catin
Ce he des nt need CDD wrryingD.f
"/ CAD .n rder that training CBD sh(ld $e efficient CCD there m(st $e intended CDD systematically.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ *e CAD (ght ha&e cme CBD t the $allet. CCD .t was CDD e'citing.
1%/ CAD *hat d they need their wn laptp CBD fr , 9hey CCD can (se CDD me .
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
Appr'imately ne/third f the Arctic C1D ;;;;;;; is (nderlain $y cntinental shelf+ C2D ;;;;;;;
incl(des a $rad shelf nrth f 6(rasia and the narrwer shel&es f ?rth America and 5reenland.
8eaward f the cntinental shel&es C3D ;;;;;;; the Arctic Basin prper+ which is s($di&ided C4D
;;;;;;; a set f three parallel ridges and f(r $asins Cals C5D ;;;;;;; as deepsD. 9hese feat(res were
disc&ered and e'plred C6D ;;;;;;; in the late 1#4%s. 9he 3mns& >idge+ the ma)r ridge+ c(ts the
Arctic Basin C!D ;;;;;;; in half+ e'tending as a s($marine $ridge 1+"%% km C1+1%% miD C"D ;;;;;;;
8i$eria t the nrthwestern tip f 5reenland. 1arallel C#D ;;;;;;; it are tw shrter ridgesH the Alpha
>idge n the ?rth American C1%D ;;;;;;;+ defining the Canada and 0akar& $asins+ C11D ;;;;;;; the
Arctic 0id/Fcean >idge n the 6(rasian side+ C12D ;;;;;;; the ?ansen and Am(ndsen $asins. 9he
a&erage C13D ;;;;;;; f the Arctic Fcean is nly 1+3%% m C4+3%% ftD C14D ;;;;;;; the &ast shallw
e'panses n the cntinental shel&es. 9he deepest C15D ;;;;;;; in the Arctic Fcean is 5+45% m C1!+""%
&ew %ocabulary:
/ t (nderlie/ (nderlay/ (nderlain C&.DH nm dWXi+ [ dWXi
/ seaward Cn.DH hWXng $i\nO Cad&.DH &J hWXng $i\n
/ t s($di&ide C&.DH chia nht ra
/ ridge Cn.DH chQp+ chtm+ nguc+ IKnh CnNiD
/ $asin Cn.DH ch trng+ lPng chmO CIa chstD lW( &^cO &nh nht
/ tip Cn.DH In(+ IKnh+ chQp
/ e'panse Cn.DH dmi+ dmi rrng CIst...D
1/ A. 8ea B. Fcean C. 3ake D. >i&er
2/ A. it B. whm C. that D. which
3/ A. is B. lies C. r(ns D. stands
4/ A. n B. in C. int D. nt
5/ A. knwn B. cnsidered C. th(ght D. remem$ered
6/ A. starting B. $eginning C. appearance D. creatin
!/ A. mst B. mstly C. all D. almst
"/ A. in B. at C. frm D. $etween
#/ A. t B. f C. with D. $y
1%/ A. shape B. face C. siGe D. side
11/ A. and B. $(t C. r D. s
12/ A. frming B. cming C. defining D. making
13/ A. height B. depth C. width D. length
14/ A. $y B. with C. in spite f D. $eca(se f
15/ A. mark B. area C. place D. pint
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1/ 9he engineer ;;;;; is my father7s
A/ which makes them $red t death.
2/ 0r. Ca and 0s. ?gc+ ;;;;; ha&e
)(st tra&eled t 1aris.
B/ wh can answer these :(estins
3/ 9he rad ;;;;; is nt &ery lng. C/ which she drpped this mrning.
4/ F(r neigh$rs ha&e nthing t d+
D/ wh cnstr(cted that h(se
5/ cackie Chang the gentlest man
6/ which is a fam(s ft$all cl($ in
6/ 0y rmmates will &isit the park </ that e&er acted in a lt f films.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
;;;;; $efre they ret(rn.
!/ 4is sister was glad t find the p(rse
5/ where there are a lt f e'citing
"/ 0r. 1hng+ ;;;;;+ is wrking in
this ffice.
4/ whm we met last week
#/ 8he&a is nw playing fr Chelsea+
./ whse sn is my classmate
1%/ 9here is n$dy ;;;;;+ isn7t
c/ we are riding alng
II/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
medical+ sparingly+ threatened+ c(ple+ $reath+ s(rfaced+ heat+ cncern+ wrld+ cntri$(te
1/ Cme t the meeting if y( feel y( ha&e smething t cntri$(te.
2/ 8he was diGGy and shrt f $reath.
3/ 9he ins(rance cmpany wanted me t ha&e a medical.
4/ Different parts f the wrld ha&e &ery different climatic cnditins.
5/ 9hey threatened the shpkeeper with a g(n.
6/ 9he s($marine s(rfaced a few miles ff the cast.
!/ *hat . ha&e t say t Amy desn=t cncern y(.
"/ 9here wasn=t en(gh cal d(ring the war+ s we had t (se it sparingly.
#/ 8he always wre a cat+ e&en in the heat f s(mmer.
1%/ A c(ple f peple $)ected t the prpsal+ $(t the &ast ma)rity appr&ed f it.
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ 4e s(ffers frm a Cner&eD ;;;;;;; disrder.
2/ . wrry a$(t the Cdestr(ctD ;;;;;;; effect that &ilent films may ha&e n children.
3/ C0ysteryD ;;;;;;;+ the light came n+ alth(gh n ne was near the switch.
4/ 9he ri&er frGe t a CdeepD ;;;;;;; f &er a meter.
5/ Children are enc(raged t take an Cin&estigateD ;;;;;;; apprach t learning.
6/ Disneywrld is ne f <lrida=s ma)r Ct(rD ;;;;;;; attractins.
!/ 9yler is remarka$ly CwrldD ;;;;;;;/wise fr s(ch a y(ng girl.
"/ 4e ne&er ges (t with(t his sec(rity men in CattendD ;;;;;;;.
#/ 9here=s nt en(gh CinteractD ;;;;;;; $etween the management and the wrkers.
1%/ Cmmdity prices can $e a (sef(l CindicateD ;;;;;;; f inflatin+ he claimed.
IV/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word in
1/ *e might win z 5%%%+ and then we7d tra&el t 9hailand. CifD
/ *e7d tra&el ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; z 5%%%.
2/ 4is electric fan is nt wrking and he feels ht. Cw(ldD
/ .f his ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; s ht.
3/ 9hey sh(ld gi&e (p smking t prtect their health. Cw(ldD
/ .f they ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; impr&e their health.
4/ 1erhaps we w(ld g t 4ani t &isit (r friends. C*entD
/ .f we ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &isit (r friends.
5/ . think y( sh(ld pay attentin t the lessns in class. CB(D
/ .f . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the lessns in class.
6/ 4er $rther desn7t (se cmp(ter well en(gh t wrk fr that cmpany. CBetterD
/ .f her $rther ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fr that cmpany.
!/ F(r parents dn7t ha&e en(gh mney s they can7t make a trip t ?ew Brk. CC(ldD
/ .f (r parents ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ?ew Brk.
"/ .7m nt a millinaire s . can7t $(y a &illa in 4 Chi 0inh city. C*ereD
/ .f . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 4 Chi 0inh city.
#/ *e wn7t g (t if it desn7t stp raining. CEnlessD
/ *e will nt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; raining.
1%/ 4e w(ld nt write (nless he heard sme news. C.fD
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ 4e w(ldn7t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sme news.
V/ Supply the correct %erb tense, paying careful attention to the tense se)uence:
1/ .f war CcmeD ;;;;;;;+ the peple in the natin will $e ready.
2/ .f tday C$eD ;;;;;;; 8(nday+ . sh(ld nt ha&e t g t schl.
3/ .f we dn7t st(dy (r lessns+ we Cnt ha&eD ;;;;;;; gd marks in the e'am.
4/ .f he had had her address+ he CwriteD ;;;;;;; t her.
5/ B( CcatchD ;;;;;;; cld if y( went (t in the rain.
6/ .f the weather is fine+ we CgD ;;;;;;; t the m(ntain.
!/ .f he CwriteD ;;;;;;; mre caref(lly+ he might nt ha&e made s many mistakes.
"/ *as she t speak t him like that+ he C$eD ;;;;;;; &ery angry.
#/ 8(ppsing y(r sister CseeD ;;;;;;; y( ging t the cncert with me+ what might she think,
1%/ .f it C$eD ;;;;;;; cn&enient+ let7s meet at the park.
VI/ Complete the following sentences, using 2<I((, <98(D, S>98(D, CA&, C98(D, 'A:,
'I+>,, D9&5,, D97S&5,, <AS4- 7ach word is used only once:
1/ . tried phning $(t there ;;;;;;; n answer.
2/ 9he train lea&es at ".5"+ s we ;;;;;;; $e in 8ctland $y l(nchtime.
3/ *hy ;;;;;;; we ha&e l(nch tgether n <riday,
4/ B( ;;;;;;; $e ashamed f y(rsel&es.
5/ . $r(ght him sme sandwiches $eca(se . th(ght he ;;;;;;; $e h(ngry.
6/ D the $est y( ;;;;;;; / . realiGe the circ(mstances are nt ideal.
!/ 9hey knew there ;;;;;;; $e tr($le (nless the reprt was finished $y the ne't day.
"/ ;;;;;;; she lk l&ely in that hat,
#/ 9he ca(se f the accident ;;;;;;; ne&er $e disc&ered.
1%/ *hen . was y(nger . ;;;;;;; stay (p all night and nt get tired.
VII/ $ewrite the sentences using the word in brac!ets, beginning as shown:
1/ 9here7s n pint in asking 0s. 4a t kelp. CwrthD
/ .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 0s. 4a t help.
2/ 3inh c(ldn7t get her parents7 permissin t $(y a cell phne. CletD
/ 3inh7s parents ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a cell phne.
3/ @*here are y( ging+ 1hng,f asked 3an. CwhereD
/ 3an asked ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ hhanh7s $eha&ir at the party annyed (s. ChhanhD
/ *e were ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; at the party.
5/ .t7s a gd thing y( lent me sme mney r . w(ld ha&e had t g t the $ank. Cy(D
/ . w(ld ha&e had ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sme mney.
6/ 4(y didn7t listen t what his teacher tld him. CnticeD
/ 4(y tk ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ad&ice.
!/ 4is sister had t finish the hmewrk and write an assignment as well. CadditinD
/ 4is sister had t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; an assignment.
"/ *hen . was a child+ . played ft$all almst e&ery day. CmyD
/ . played ft$all ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ 3et7s &isit the m(se(m this afternn. CgD
/ *hy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; this afternn,
1%/ 9rang f(nd it diffic(lt t cncentrate n her lessn $eca(se f the nise. Cdiffic(ltyD
/ 9rang ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $eca(se f the nise.
VIII/ $ead the sentences below carefully, and then put them in the correct order to ma!e a
meaningful reading: C?(m$er 1 and n(m$er 12 ha&e dne first fr y(D
1/ 9s(nami+ capanese wrd meaning @har$r wa&e+f (sed as the scientific term fr seismic sea wa&es
that can ca(se catastrphic damage when they hit a castline.
2/ 8ince 1"1#+ a$(t 4% ts(namis ha&e str(ck the 4awaiian .slands.
3/ 9s(namis can $e generated $y an (ndersea earth:(ake+ an (ndersea landslide+ the er(ptin f an
(ndersea &lcan+ r $y the frce f an asterid crashing int the cean.
4/ *hen the cean flr is (plifted r ffset d(ring an earth:(ake+ a set f wa&es is created similar t the
cncentric wa&es generated $y an $)ect drpped int the water.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
5/ 9he mst fre:(ent ca(se f ts(namis is an (ndersea earth:(ake.
6/ 0st ts(namis riginate alng the >ing f <ire+ a Gne f &lcanes and seismic acti&ity+ 32+5%% km
C24+%%% miD lng+ which encircles the 1acific Fcean.
!/ A ts(nami can ha&e wa&elengths+ r widths Cthe distance $etween ne wa&e crest t the ne'tD+ f 1%%
t 2%% km C6% t 12% miD+ and may tra&el h(ndreds f kilmeters acrss the deep cean+ reaching speeds
f a$(t !25 t "%% km/h Ca$(t 45% t 5%% mphD.
"/ 1eple n$ard a ship passing &er it w(ld nt e&en ntice the ts(nami.
#/ A ts(nami is nt ne wa&e $(t a series f wa&es.
1%/ Epn entering shallw castal waters+ hwe&er+ the wa&es s(ddenly grw rapidly in height.
11/ .n the deep cean+ the wa&es may $e nly a$(t half a meter Ca ft r twD high.
12/ *hen the wa&es reach the shre+ they may $e 15 m C5% ftD high r mre.
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. cnser&ation B. nation C. mention D. :(estion
2/ A. medicine B. prte ct C. spe cies D. ne&er
3/ A. &riety B. pttern C. & ry D. $ ck
4/ A. painte' B. prteste' C. fetche' D. erde'
5/ A. poll(te B. de&elop C. co nstant D. pro&ide
6/ A. m! st B. nat! ral C. h! nt D. f! n
!/ A. sci entist B. mi llin C. pli ce D. medi cal
"/ A. srry B. mnthly C. sky D. (s(ally
#/ A. c(p& B. pht& C. fail(re& D. alway&
1%/ A. teach B. m(ch C. sch l D. chice
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. &egetatin B. eliminate C. disappearance D. intnatin
2/ A. pht B. rapid C. pattern D. a$(t
3/ A. en&irnment B. (nderstanding C. pp(latin D. cnser&atin
4/ A. impssi$ly B. especially C. nat(rally D. imprtantly
5/ A. medical B. pll(tant C. imprisn D. prtecti&e
6/ A. cnser&e B. disease C. wildlife D. e'pand
!/ A. illness B. slwly C. spken D. plice
"/ A. crrectin B. mtrway C. additin D. ersin
#/ A. damage B. pll(te C. defense D. erde
1%/ A. pwer B. a(t(mn C. allw D. rder
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ 9 con&er,e electricity+ we are c(tting dwn n (r central heating.
A. prtect B. hld C. make D. d
2/ 9he lss f m(ch frest is 'e&troyin4 6arth7s plant and animal &ariety.
A. cns(ming B. demlishing C. erasing D. rem&ing
3/ 9he lss f m(ch frest is destrying 6arth7s plant and animal ,riety.
A. change B. kind C. type D. cllectin
4/ 9his is e&)eci$$y wrrying when there are a$(t 3+%%% plants with &al(es as medicines against
cancer+ A.D8+ heart disease and many ther sicknesses.
A. well B. s(ddenly C. partic(larly D. highly
5/ 9his is especially "orryin4 when there are a$(t 3+%%% plants with &al(es as medicines against
cancer+ A.D8+ heart disease and many ther sicknesses.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. annying B. h(rting C. caring D. fearing
6/ 9his is especially wrrying when there are a$(t 3+%%% plants with &al(es as medicines against cancer+
A.D8+ heart 'i&e&e and many ther sicknesses.
A. illness B. disrder C. derangement D. derangement
!/ 0an and mst animals need a con&tnt s(pply f water t li&e.
A. (nifrm B. changeless C. tr(e D. steady
"/ *ith(t plants+ mst water w(ld r(n ff as sn as it falls+ taking away ,$!+$e sil.
A. cstly B. estima$le C. cherished D. admira$le
#/ B(t we can stp adding the pr$lem while scientists &erch fr answers+ and laws are passed in
nat(re7s defense.
A. frisk B. rifle C. track D. e'amine
1%/ 6ach year a$(t fifty h(ndred species f plants and animals are already $eing e$i%inte'.
A. drpped B. rem&ed C. kicked D. tssed
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ .=m nt $eing laGy / .=m )(st con&er,in4 my energy fr later.
A. (sing (p B. shting ff C. ging (t D. thrwing away
2/ 9his is e&)eci$$y wrrying when there are a$(t 3+%%% plants with &al(e as medicines against cancer+
A.D8+ heart disease and many ther sicknesses.
A. (nimprtantly B. nrmally C. $alef(lly D. infam(sly
3/ *e may ne&er knw the tr!e cst f this destr(ctin.
A. imaginary B. dishnest C. (nlawf(l D. dislyal
4/ 0an and mst animals need a con&tnt s(pply f water t li&e.
A. fitf(l B. faithless C. (ncertain D. weak
5/ 2)i' r(n/ff w(ld ca(se fre:(ent flds and lea&e little water d(ring fry seasns.
A. Bad B. *eak C. 8lw D. Egly
6/ >apid r(n/ff w(ld ca(se *re9!ent flds and lea&e little water d(ring fry seasns.
A. smetimes B. (n(s(al C. irreg(lar D. little
!/ 9he earth is $eing thretene' and the f(t(re lks $ad.
A. dne B. made C. defended D. &aried
"/ *e cannt clean (p (r )o$$!te' ri&ers and seas &ernight.
A. cleared B. p(rified C. hnred D. respected
#/ *e can d smething t &,e the earth.
A. waste B. kick C. sht D. thrw
1%/ At times+ this can $e ri&(y+ and the keepers ha&e $een in)(red and ne has $een killed.
A. gd B. (sef(l C. healthy D. sec(re
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 9he $ridge is a mar&el(s wrk f engineering and ;;;;;;;.
A. destry B. destr(ctin C. destr(cti&e D. destr(cti&ely
2/ *rk n the prd(ctin line is mntn(s and lacks ;;;;;;;.
A. &ariety B. &ari(s C. &aried D. &aria$le
3/ 4e wns a series f ;;;;;;; acrss the E8 and $eynd.
A. ind(stries B. ind(strials C. ind(stri(s D. ind(strialiGe
4/ 4e says he=ll tell the a(thrities $(t it=s )(st an empty ;;;;;;.
A. threat B. threaten C. threatening D. threateningly
5/ -B* si! o" _______4heart liberal politiians.
A. bloo$ B. bloo$y C. blee$ D. blee$ing
6/ .n the m&ie+ he plays a cncerned and ;;;;;;; father trying t $ring (p tw teenage
children n his wn.
A. sense B. sensiti&e C. sensi$le D. senseless
!/ As a child . had an ;;;;;;; friend called 1lly.
A. image B. imagine C. imaginati&e D. imaginary
"/ 1hne me if there are any new ;;;;;;;.
A. de&elp B. de&elped C. de&elping D. de&elpments
#/ .f y( dn=t ha&e anything ;;;;;;; t say+ .=d rather y( kept :(iet.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. cnstr(ct B. cnstr(ctrs C. cnstr(cti&e D. cnstr(ctin
1%/ A healthy $dy will $e a$le t fight ff the illness ;;;;;;; with(t the (se f medicine.
A. nat(re B. nat(ral C. nat(raliGe D. nat(rally
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ 9he plt was s(rr(nded $y a stne wall and ;;;;;;; with flwering trees.
A. planted B. destryed C. eliminated D. wrried
2/ <r them+ the h(se=s main ;;;;;;; lay in its :(iet c(ntry lcatin.
A. interest B. &al(e C. cnser&e D. cst
3/ <armers were d(mping r $(rying the ;;;;;;; animals.
A. ill B. sick C. endangered D. diseased
4/ 9he $a$y was $rn with a s(rprising ;;;;;;; f $lack hair.
A. grass B. plant C. tree D. $(sh
5/ 9here were s many different ;;;;;;; f $read that . didn=t knw which t $(y.
A. &arieties B. $iDerenes C. hanges D. types
6/ 9he $ay ;;;;;;; $y the enemy many years ag.
A. was (sed t $e attacked B. (sed t $e attacked
C. was (sed fr $eing attacked D. (sed t attack
!/ 9he reprt will $e read ;;;;;;;.
A. at the cnference $y Dr. Blake at 3 p.m.
B. at the cnference at 3 p.m. $y Dr. Blake
C. $y Dr. Blake at the cnference at 3 p.m.
D. at 3 p.m. $y Dr. Blake at the cnference
"/ 9hat man has ne&er $een knwn ;;;;;;; $efre.
A. lie B. t lie C. lying D. has lied
#/ 9m is ha&ing smene ;;;;;;; the newspaper t her.
A. $ring B. t $ring C. $ringing D. wh $rings
1%/ *e dn7t get anyne ;;;;;;; the kitchen e&eryday.
A. clean B. t clean C. cleaning D. wh cleans
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD Beca(se f her father CBD has $een CCD seri(sly ill+ she CDD can7t g t the meeting.
2/ CAD 9h(gh 3inh was CBD nt gd at CCD playing $admintn+ she managed CDD t win her ppnents.
3/ 4e CAD is knwn that CBD these :(estins are CCD s diffic(lt that he CDD can7t answer them.
4/ CAD 9his water isn7t CBD warm en(gh fr the CCD y(ng $ys CDD t swim.
5/ 3ast week CAD (nless my mther CBD had had CCD en(gh mney+ she CDD w(ld ha&e $(ght that ty
fr me.
6/ *e CAD remem$er that CBD last time 2inh CCD wre thse )eans CDD was at hha7s $irthday party.
!/ CAD .t ften takes me a$(t CBD fifteen min(tes CCD t g t wrk frm here CDD $y ft.
"/ *e7re s(re that CAD it was nt CBD (ntil CCD fifth year that he CDD c(ld speak Chinese well.
#/ .t7s said that CAD h(ge prgress CBD has $een made in lts f fields f science CCD in the last CDD few
1%/ 1eple say CAD that it is CBD s(ch pll(ted air that they CCD can7t $reath+ CDD dn7t they,
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
Cnser&atin+ s(staina$le (se and prtectin f C1D ;;;;;;; res(rces incl(ding plants+ animals+
mineral depsits+ sils+ clean C2D ;;;;;;;+ clean air+ and fssil f(els s(ch as cal+ petrle(m+ and nat(ral
gas. ?at(ral C3D ;;;;;;; are gr(ped int tw categries+ renewa$le and nnrenewa$le. A C4D ;;;;;;;
res(rce is ne that may $e replaced &er time $y nat(ral prcesses+ C5D ;;;;;;; fish pp(latins r
nat(ral &egetatin+ r is ine'ha(sti$le+ s(ch as C6D ;;;;;;; energy. 9he gal f renewa$le res(rce
cnser&atin is t ens(re C!D ;;;;;;; s(ch res(rces are nt cns(med faster than they are C"D ;;;;;;;.
+onrenewable res(rces are thse in limited s(pply that cannt $e replaced C#D ;;;;;; can $e replaced
nly &er e'tremely lng C1%D ;;;;;;; f time. ?nrenewa$le res(rces incl(de fssil f(els and
mineral depsits+ s(ch as C11D ;;;;;;; re and gld re. Cnser&atin acti&ities fr nnrenewa$le
res(rces fc(s C12D ;;;;;;; maintaining an ade:(ate s(pply f these res(rces well int the f(t(re.
?at(ral res(rces are cnser&ed fr their $ilgical+ ecnmic+ and recreatinal &al(es+ C13D
;;;;;;; their nat(ral $ea(ty and imprtance t lcal c(lt(res. C14D ;;;;;;;+ trpical rain frests are
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
prtected fr their imprtant rle in $th gl$al eclgy and the ecnmic li&elihd f the lcal
c(lt(reO a cral reef may $e C15D ;;;;;;; fr its recreatinal &al(e fr sc($a di&ersO and a scenic ri&er
may $e prtected fr its nat(ral $ea(ty....
&ew %ocabulary:
/ s(staina$le Cad).DH cQ th\ chkng I IWbc+ cQ th\ ch`ng minh IWbc
/ renewa$le Cad).DH cQ th\ phZc h}i lMi+ cQ th\ Ili mXi
/ ine'ha(sti$le Cad).DH & t_nO khng mt mti
/ re Cn.DH :(ng
/ recreatinal Cad).DH cQ tUnh chst gimi trU+ tiV( khi\n
/ eclgy Cn.DH sinh thai huc
/ li&elihd Cn.DH cach sinh nhai+ sinh k]
1/ A. natinal B. internatinal C. nat(ral D. li&ely
2/ A. lakes B. stnes C. sand D. water
3/ A. res(rces B. gases C. f(els D. plants
4/ A. renewa$le B. nnrenewa$le C. new D. mdern
5/ A. s(ch B. s(ch as C. as D. like
6/ A. slar B. earthly C. l(nar D. plar
!/ A. it B. which C. that D. what
"/ A. installed B. p(t C. placed D. replaced
#/ A. and B. $(t C. r D. s
1%/ A. ways B. perids C. spaces D. steps
11/ A. irn B. water C. metal D. gld
12/ A. in B. n C. at D. $y
13/ A. like B. als C. and D. as well as
14/ A. 4we&er B. ?e&ertheless C. <r e'ample D. .n fact
15/ A. killed B. prtected C. fed D. left
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1/ .f we ha&e mre free time+ A/ if y( hadn7t dne s(ch a st(pid
2/ B( will miss the train B/ he c(ld win the game.
3/ .f 3ng tried hard en(gh+ C/ we w(ld nt g (t that night.
4/ .f any$dy wants t meet me+ D/ they w(ld ha&e p(nished her.
5/ .f y( are nt $(sy+ 6/ if y( d nt h(rry (p.
6/ .f we were in y(r shes+ </ please help me d this e'ercise.
!/ B( c(ld st(dy $etter 5/ . w(ld ha&e &isited y(r mther.
"/ .f . had cme t 4 Chi 0inh city+ 4/ if y( were mre diligent.
#/ F(r teacher w(ldn7t ha&e $een
angry with y(
./ tell him t wait fr me in fifteen
1%/ .f her parents had seen her ging (t
with him+
c/ we shall pay a &isit t the m(se(ms.
II/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
erded+ a(dience+ plicy+ imprisned+ cnstantly+ eliminated+ &ariety+ clean/(p+ fig(res+ spread
1/ 4e=s ;;;;;;; changing his mind.
2/ 9he fire ;;;;;;; &ery rapidly $eca(se f the strng wind.
3/ 9he secret t p($lic speaking is t get the ;;;;;;; n y(r side.
4/ 9here are se&eral reclining ;;;;;;; in the painting.
5/ *ind and rain ha&e ;;;;;;; the stat(es int shapeless l(mps f stne.
6/ >esidents ha&e called fr a ;;;;;;; campaign t keep their streets free frm r($$ish.
!/ 9hey $elie&e that the 6(rpean Cmm(nity needs a cmmn freign and sec(rity ;;;;;;;.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
"/ *hen preparing meals+ y( need t think a$(t ;;;;;;; and taste as well as n(tritinal &al(e.
#/ 4e was ;;;;;;; in 1#65 fr attempted m(rder.
1%/ *e ;;;;;;; the pssi$ility that it c(ld ha&e $een an accident.
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ Are y( cnfident that en(gh peple will attend the e&ent,
2/ 6ngland played awf(lly thr(gh(t the game.
3/ 9he mi't(re f fl(r+ water and yeast is then left in a warm place fr f(r h(rs.
4/ . think the sensi$le thing t d is phne $efre y( g and ask fr directins.
5/ .=&e gt this strange feeling in my stmach.
6/ 9he ersin f prfits was d(e t careless management.
!/ En(s(ally high winds left a trail f destr(ctin &er s(thern Britain.
"/ 4er cmpetence as a teacher is (n:(estina$le.
#/ 8he=s at that age where she=s starting t get interested in $ys.
1%/ Flder peple tend t $e :(ite cnser&ati&e and a $it s(spici(s f any s(ppsed ad&ances.
IV/ Change the sentences below into passi%e %oice:
1/ 9he cat ate a fish.
2/ Children lk after their ld grandparents.
3/ . saw a nice girl at the party last night.
4/ D y( like tys,
5/ *e drink milk e&ery mrning.
6/ 8he7s cleaning the flr nw.
!/ 8he will sl&e the pr$lem sn.
"/ *e7re ding (r hmewrk at the mment.
#/ *ere y( learning y(r lessn at ! pm last night,
1%/ 9hey7&e )(st finished their wrk.
V/ Change the sentences below into acti%e %oice:
1/ 9he tree is $eing planted in the garden $y her father nw.
2/ A small h(se has )(st $een $(ilt here $y the $(ilders.
3/ 9he $k was written $y that fam(s a(thr.
4/ B( will $e helped $y y(r teacher.
5/ A rat is $eing chased $y my cat.
6/ *e are ta(ght 6nglish $y 0r. ?g(yen.
!/ 9he lessn is nw $eing e'plained $y 0s. 4a.
"/ A $ig hle was d(g in the yard $y her $rther.
#/ 0ilk will $e made $y the waitress.
1%/ A small package was sent t me last week.
VI/ 8se the acti%e or passi%e form to complete this passage:
Cnser&atin+ s(staina$le (se and prtectin f nat(ral res(rces C1/ incl(deD ;;;;;;; plants+
animals+ mineral depsits+ sils+ clean water+ clean air+ and fssil f(els s(ch as cal+ petrle(m+ and
nat(ral gas. ?at(ral res(rces C2/ gr(pD ;;;;;;; int tw categries+ renewa$le and nnrenewa$le. A
renewable res(rce C3/ $eD ;;;;;;; ne that C4/ may replaceD ;;;;;;; &er time $y nat(ral prcesses+
s(ch as fish pp(latins r nat(ral &egetatin+ r C5/ $eD ;;;;;;; ine'ha(sti$le+ s(ch as slar energy.
9he gal f renewa$le res(rce cnser&atin C6/ $e/ ens(reD ;;;;;;; that s(ch res(rces C!/ nt
cns(meD ;;;;;;; faster than they C"/ replaceD ;;;;;;;. +onrenewable res(rces C#/ $eD ;;;;;;;
thse in limited s(pply that C1%/ cannt replace r can replaceD ;;;;;;; nly &er e'tremely lng
perids f time. ?nrenewa$le res(rces C11/ incl(deD ;;;;;;; fssil f(els and mineral depsits+ s(ch
as irn re and gld re. Cnser&atin acti&ities fr nnrenewa$le res(rces C12/ fc(sD ;;;;;;; n
maintaining an ade:(ate s(pply f these res(rces well int the f(t(re.
VII/ Complete the sentences using the words gi%en in brac!ets, beginning as shown:
1/ @*hy dn7t y( wait fr me at the park+ 9hanh,f said 3inh. C9hanhD
/ 3inh s(ggested ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; at the park.
2/ @Alth(gh she &erslept+ 0ai wasn7t late fr schl.f C(pD
/ Despite ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; n time+ 0ai wasn7t late fr schl.
3/ *e ha&en7t eaten fd like this $efre. CtimeD
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ 9his is the ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; this srt f fd.
4/ After a lng chase+ the plice finally s(cceeded in arresting the thief. CtD
/ After a lng chase+ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the thief.
5/ D(ng was s(ppsed t write t her pen friend yesterday. C(ghtD
/ D(ng ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; t her pen friend yesterday.
6/ B(r handwriting is s small that . can hardly read it. Cs(chD
/ B( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . can hardly read it.
!/ 8mene has t pick them (p frm the airprt. C(pD
/ 9hey ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; frm the airprt.
"/ . wish . hadn7t tld her what we were planning t d this mrning. CregretD
/ . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; fr this mrning.
#/ *e were s(rprised t see 3ng lea&e the rm. Cs(rpriseD
/ 9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the rm early.
1%/ All the witnesses said that the accident was his fa(lt. C$lameD
/ All the witnesses said ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the accident.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:
Cnser&atin cnflicts arise when nat(ral/res(rce shrtages de&elp in the face f steadily
increasing demands frm a grwing h(man pp(latin. Cntr&ersy fre:(ently s(rr(nds hw a
res(rce sh(ld $e (sed+ r allcated+ and fr whm. <r e'ample+ a ri&er may suppl' water fr
agric(lt(ral irrigatin+ ha$itat fr fish+ and water/generated electricity fr a factry. <armers+ fishers+ and
ind(stry leaders &ie fr (nrestricted access t this ri&er+ $(t s(ch freedm c(ld destry the res(rce+
and cnser&atin #ethods are necessary t prtect the ri&er fr f(t(re (se.
Cnflicts wrsen when a nat(ral res(rce crsses plitical $(ndaries. <r e'ample+ the
headwaters+ r s(rce+ f a ma)r ri&er may $e lcated in a different c(ntry than the c(ntry thr(gh
which the ri&er flws. 9here is n g(arantee that the ri&er s(rce will $e prtected t accmmdate
res(rce needs dwnstream. .n additin+ the way in which ne nat(ral res(rce is managed has a direct
effect (pn ther nat(ral res(rces. C(tting dwn a frest near a ri&er+ fr instance+ increases ersin+
the wearing away f tpsil+ and can lead t flding. 6rded sil and silt cl(d the ri&er and ad&ersely
affect many rganisms s(ch as fish and imprtant a:(atic plants that re:(ire clean+ clear freshwater fr
&ew %ocabulary:
/ cntr&ersy Cn.DH s^ tranh l(_n+ s^ tranh cmi
/ t allcate C&.DH chK InhO csp chO phjn phki
/ t &ie C&.DH ganh I(a+ thi I(a
/ headwater Cn.DH thWbng ng(}n+ thWbng lWWO Cpl.D nWXc ng(}n
/ silt Cn.DH $pn+ php saO Cad).DH Iny $pn
/ ad&erse Cad).DH Iki nghchO $st lbi
1/ *hat des @arisef in line 1 mean,
A. stand (p B. sit (p C. get (p D. spring (p
2/ *hat des @s(pplyf in line 4 mean,
A. c&er B. pr&ide C. make (p fr D. cmpensate fr
3/ *hat des @methdsf in line ! mean,
A. plans B. rders C. ways D. str(ct(res
4/ *hich wrd in the reading means @a prmise that smething will $e dne r will happen+ especially a
written prmise $y a cmpany t repair r change a prd(ct that de&elps a fa(lt within a partic(lar
perid f timef,
A. g(arantee B. shrtage C. pp(latin D. ha$itat
5/ *hich wrd in the reading means @li&ing r grwing in+ happening in+ r cnnected with waterf,
A. necessary B. ma)r C. fresh D. a:(atic
6/ *hen d cnflicts decline,
A. when nat(ral/res(rce shrtages increase in the feat(res f grad(ally increasing demands frm a
rising h(man pp(latin
B. when a nat(ral res(rce crsses plitical $rders
C. when freedm c(ld destry the res(rce
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
D. when erded sil and silt cl(d affect many rganisms
!/ *hat may $ring water t agric(lt(ral irrigatin,
A. a ri&er B. tpsil C. ersin D. a frest
"/ *hich sentence $elw is nt crrect,
A. Arg(ment ften s(rr(nds hw a s(rce sh(ld $e (sed+ r allcated+ and fr whm.
B. A ri&er may pr&ide water fr agric(lt(ral irrigatin+ ha$itat fr fish+ and water/generated
electricity fr a factry.
C. Cnser&atin methds are incidental t care fr the ri&er fr f(t(re (se.
D. <armers+ fishers+ and ind(stry leaders &ie fr pen access t this ri&er.
#/ *hich sentence $elw is tr(e,
'. Cnflicts impr&e when a nat(ral res(rce crsses plitical $rders.
(. 9he s(rce f a main ri&er may $e lcated in the c(ntry thr(gh which the ri&er flws than a
different c(ntry.
C. 9here is ass(rance that the ri&er s(rce will $e cnfined t pr&ide accmmdatin fr res(rce
needs dwnstream.
D. 9he way where ne rdinary s(rce is managed has a direct effect (pn ther rdinary s(rces.
1%/ *hat is the passage a$&e mainly a$(t,
A. ?at(ral/res(rce shrtages
(. Agric(lt(ral irrigatin
C. 9he headwaters f a ma)r ri&er
D. Cnser&atin cnflicts
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. n tinal B. pl n C. est$lish D. th t
2/ A. park& B. tree& C. ca&e& D. cntain&
3/ A. fo!nd B. so!th C. mo! ntain D. wo! nd
4/ A. lcate' B. frme' C. threatene' D. agree'
5/ A. *est B. henya C. re cgniGe D. taken
6/ A. st(dy B. dry C. &ariet y D. rainy
!/ A. hi ke B. d(ri ng C. s(rpri se D. $i ke
"/ A. co ntain B. ano ther C. a$ando n D. &o ca$(lary
#/ A. se sn B. fe t(re C. incre se D. me nt
1%/ A. loo k B. goo d C. choose D. $ook
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. natinal B. a$andn C. rphanage D. chemical
2/ A. lcate B. smallest C. s(rprise D. depend
3/ A. esta$lish B. &isitr C. especial D. e'pensi&e
4/ A. cntain B. increase C. e'plain D. faster
5/ A. rainfrest B. wilderness C. trpical D. s(r&i&al
6/ A. $(tterfly B. endanger C. e'pressin D. acceptance
!/ A. m(ntain B. ethnic C. fa(na D. attack
"/ A. d(ring B. flra C. defeat D. pr&ince
#/ A. seasn B. nearly C. mainly D. delight
1%/ A. recgniGe B. enemy C. yesterday D. respnding
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ C(c 1h(ng ?atinal 1ark is $octe' 16% km 8(th *est f 4a ?i.
A. settled B. lain C. laid D. placed
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
2/ .t is the first f 2iet ?am7s nine natinal parks t $e esta$lished and it contin& &er 2%% s:(are km
f rainfrest.
A. $ears B. incl(des C. cntrls D. limits
3/ ?air$i ?atinal 1ark is henya7s smallest park+ $(t y( may $e &!r)ri&e' at the large &ariety f
animals that li&e there.
A. attacked B. enc(ntered C. astnished D. interested
4/ An interesting feat(re f this park is the Frphanage where lts f rphaned r +n'one' animals are
taken care f.
A. immral B. wicked C. shameless D. deserted
5/ An interesting feat(re f this park is the Frphanage where lts f rphaned r a$andned animals are
t(en cre o*.
A. lked thr(gh B. lked dwn C. lked fr D. lked int
6/ 9his natinal park is special $eca(se it has plants and animals frm $th trpical and temperate ?one&.
A. places B. regins C. parks D. classes
!/ 9his cont%intion has threatened the park and many f the animals in it.
A. dirt B. d(st C. pll(tin D. (gliness
"/ 9his cntaminatin has thretene' the park and many f the animals in it.
A. killed B. endangered C. kicked D. weakened
#/ *hy w(ld ?&em$er $e a &!it+$e time t &isit this park,
A. nice B. great C. meaningf(l D. prper
1%/ *hat d y( think will happen t the park if mre chemicals are re$e&e' int the water,
A. let (t B. let $y C. let dwn D. let int
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ 9he $est time t &isit is d(ring the 'ry seasn+ frm Fct$er t April+ when the hard frest rain is
A. wet B. engaging C. $&i(s D. crdial
2/ 9he $est time t &isit is d(ring the dry seasn+ frm Fct$er t April+ when the hr' frest rain is
A. plastic B. simple C. rela'ed D. sft
3/ 2isitrs+ especially children+ can g there t learn hw t recgniGe the 'i**erent species f animals
and plants.
A. p(re B. same C. alike D. whle
4/ An intere&tin4 feat(re f this park is the Frphanage where lts f rphaned r a$andned animals are
taken care f.
A. $ad B. (gly C. weak D. d(ll
5/ 9his natinal park is special $eca(se it has plants and animals frm $th tro)ic$ and temperate
A. warm B. cld C. cl D. wet
6/ D(e t an incre&e in pp(latin and the (se f near$y land fr farming+ there are t'ic le&els f
chemicals in the water.
A. drp B. lwness C. shrtage D. illness
!/ *hen did ?g(yen 4(e defeat 9hanh ene%ie&,
A. peples B. animals C. friends D. kids
"/ >earrange the fllwing sentences t make a letter f cce)tnce respnding t an in&itatin t spend
a weekend in the c(ntry.
A. dislike B. disparagement C. re$(ke D. ref(sal
#/ B( knw hw m(ch . l&e spending a weekend in the c(ntry after a lng and hr'C"or(in4 term.
A. easyging B. idle C. $ad D. weak
1%/ .f . had $een y(+ . w(ld ha&e gne hme i%%e'ite$y.
A. late B. lately C. shrt D. shrtly
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 4e=s a &ery ;;;;;;; dresser / he always lks like he=s wearing his father=s clthesd
A. cnser&e B. cnser&ati&e C. cnser&atin D. cnser&atism
2/ Dlphins are a ;;;;;;; species Ce it is illegal t harm r kill themD.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. prtected B. prtectin C. prtecti&e D. prtecti&ely
3/ 4e has a limited ;;;;;;; f <rench.
A. knw B. knwa$le C. knwledge D. knwing
4/ 4is father was wrking ;;;;;;; at his desk.
A. ind(stry B. ind(strial C. ind(stri(s D. ind(stri(sly
5/ 8(ch data will pr&e ;;;;;;; fr researchers.
A. &al(e B. &al(ed C. &al(a$le D. in&al(a$le
6/ >epresentati&es f the cmpany claim their plan will $e ;;;;;;; t lcal needs.
A. sense B. sensiti&e C. sensi$le D. senseless
!/ 9he prgram traced the ;;;;;;; f pp(lar m(sic thr(gh the ages.
A. de&elp B. de&elped C. de&elping D. de&elpment
"/ .nflatin fig(res ha&e fl(ct(ated ;;;;;;; $etween %.2 and 25.
A. wildfire B. wildlife C. wild D. wildly
#/ <r a galkeeper+ it=s a great ;;;;;;; t ha&e $ig hands.
A. ad&antage B. disad&antage
C. ad&antage(s D. ad&antage(sly
1%/ 8he first rse t ;;;;;;; as a singer at the age f 16.
A. fame B. famed C. fam(s D. infam(s
VI/ Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences:
1/ 9hey walked slwly ;;;;;;; the wds.
A. n B. thr(gh C. alng D. acrss
2/ 9hey=re $(ilding a new $ridge ;;;;;;; the ri&er.
A. a$&e B. &er C. acrss D. (nder
3/ .=&e $een in this )$ fr thirty years+ and .=&e picked (p a gd deal f e'pertise ;;;;;;;
the way.
A. alng B. in C. n D. $y
4/ 0ake s(re the cmp(ters are all ;;;;;;; $efre y( g hme.
A. in B. n C. (t D. ff
5/ 9r(ng fell ;;;;;;; sme stairs and $rke her wrist.
A. dwn B. (nder C. $elw D. a$&e
6/ . p(t my hands ;;;;;;; my eyes $eca(se . c(ldn=t $ear t watch.
A. a$&e B. &er C. n D. $etween
!/ Bth she and her h(s$and are ;;;;;;; wrk.
A. (t f B. fr C. n D. in
"/ 8tp r(nning ar(nd and get ;;;;;;; $edd
A. n B. in C. nt D. int
#/ 1(t thse $ks ;;;;;;; n the tp shelf.
A. &er B. (p C. dwn D. a$&e
1%/ .=&e $een ha&ing pr$lems lading this sftware ;;;;;;; my cmp(ter.
A. frm B. t C. nt D. int
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ 4e7s $een CAD in this )$ CBD fr ten years+ and he7s picked CCD dwn a gd deal f e'pertise CDD
alng the way.
2/ 5etting CAD a cach CBD acrss c(ntry CCD frm Ca 0a( CDD (ntil 0ng Cai can $e diffic(lt.
3/ CAD 4w lng that )(rney tk w(ld depend CBD in hw CCD lng it tk t get CDD thr(gh the
4/ *e7&e $een ha&ing CAD matters CBD lading this CCD sftware CDD nt (r cmp(ter.
5/ Fanh can=t get CAD int thse tr(sers CBD n mre. 9hey=re CCD far t small CDD fr her.
6/ 0y friend tk the )$ CAD int necessity CBD $eca(se he had CCD n mney CDD left.
!/ *e c(ldn=t hear CAD what he was saying CBD &er the nise CCD ff the planes taking CDD ff.
"/ Des she (s(ally CAD wear her skirts CBD a$&e CCD r CDD (nder the knee,
#/ 9 p(sh the n(m$er CAD f (nit sales CBD (p CCD e&ery :(arter can=t $e cntin(ed CDD indefinite.
1%/ 9his l(ggage is CAD really hea&y / can we p(t it CBD dwn CCD Cin the flrD CDD fr a while,
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
?atinal 1arks and 1reser&es+ C1D ;;;;;;; p($lic lands r $dies f water within a c(ntry+ set
aside $y the C2D ;;;;;;; t prtect ecsystems+ plant and animal species+ scenic landscapes+ gelgic
frmatins+ r histrical r archaelgical C3D ;;;;;;;.
+ational parks are managed primarily fr p($lic recreatin+ C4D ;;;;;;; e'ceptinal lcatins
where &isitrs can &iew wildlife and en)y the C5D ;;;;;;;. 5enerally+ these prtected p($lic lands are
ff/limits t h(nting+ li&estck graGing+ lgging+ mining+ and ther C6D ;;;;;;; that e'plit nat(ral
res(rces. 8me parks cmmemrate significant histrical e&ents. C!D ;;;;;;;+ 5ettys$(rg ?atinal
0ilitary 1ark C1"#5D in 1ennsyl&ania cnser&es the 13 s: km C5 s: miD site f the pi&tal $attle in the C"D
;;;;;; Ci&il *ar C1"61/1"65D.
+ational preser,es+ smetimes C#D ;;;;;;; nat(re r wildlife reser&es+ ften are lcated within
r near natinal C1%D ;;;;;;;. 9hese lands are managed $y natinal g&ernments primarily fr wildlife
prtectin r scientific research C11D ;;;;;;; recreatin+ and pr&ide @li&ing la$ratriesf in C12D
;;;;;;; scientists $ser&e plant and animal species in their nat(ral ha$itat. C13D ;;;;;;;+ fishing+ and
mining are permitted within many Enited 8tates preser&es C14D ;;;;;;; the acti&ities d nt harm
nat(ral res(rces. 0any ther c(ntries specifically $an s(ch acti&ities in their C15D ;;;;;;;...
&ew %ocabulary:
/ ecsystem Cn.DH h sinh thai
/ ff/limits Cad)./ after &er$sDH Cth(rc &png IstD csm &T
/ li&estck Cn.DH &_t n(i+ thN n(i
/ t cmmemrate C&.DH k nim+ tW[ng nhX
/ pi&tal Cad).DH then chkt+ ms( chkt+ ch chkt
1/ A. ne B. nly C. (ni:(e D. )(st
2/ A. hspital B. schl C. c(ntry D. g&ernment
3/ A. sites B. places C. spts D. lands
4/ A. gi&ing B. pr&iding C. sending D. thrwing
5/ A. )y B. f(n C. (tdrs D. indrs
6/ A. things B. acti&ities C. peple D. animals
!/ A. .n fact B. 0re&er C. 4we&er D. <r e'ample
"/ A. American B. African C. British D. <rench
#/ A. tld B. cnsidered C. called D. knwn
1%/ A. parks B. places C. sites D. res(rces
11/ A. s(ch as B. in spite f C. $eca(se f D. instead f
12/ A. whm B. that C. which D. what
13/ A. 4iking B. 8wimming C. Camping D. 4(nting
14/ A. if B. (nless C. when D. that
15/ A. places B. preser&es C. lands D. c(ntries
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1/ Can y( lk after my garden A/ as sn as we finish (r hmewrk.
2/ Befre y( and y(r friend lea&e this
B/ y( can ha&e it.
3/ 1lease wait here C/ B(7ll pssi$ly get wet as y( g
4/ After .7&e read this magaGine+ D/ we wn7t g (t.
5/ >emem$er nt t say anything while
9rang is here.
6/ remem$er t t(rn ff the lights.
6/ *e7ll cme t the party </ .f y( dn7t h(rry+ y(7ll $e late fr
!/ *e7ll feel $etter 5/ when we ha&e smething t drink.
"/ .t7s ging t rain. 4/ *ait (ntil she has gne far away.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ ?w+ cme nd 4(rry (pd ./ (ntil we cme $ack with (r
1%/ .f it rains this mrning+ c/ while . g (t n my $(siness,
II/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
accepted+ $asement+ c(nter+ fficially+ a$andned+ esta$lishment+ enemies+ hiking+ digestin+ s(r&i&ed
1/ F(r kitchenware department is in the ;;;;;;;.
2/ An ;;;;;;; $a$y was f(nd in a $' n the hspital steps.
3/ 9he $a$y was $rn with a heart pr$lem and nly ;;;;;;; fr a few h(rs.
4/ *e=re ging ;;;;;;; in the 3ake District ne't weekend.
5/ Disc&er hw eating raw fd helps $alance y(r $dy and aids ;;;;;;;.
6/ 4e still hasn=t ;;;;;;; the sit(atin.
!/ 9here was n$dy $ehind the ;;;;;;; when . went int the $ank+ and . had t wait t $e ser&ed.
"/ 8ince its ;;;;;;; tw years ag+ the ad&ice centre has seen &er 5%% peple a week.
#/ 9he ryal engagement was ann(nced ;;;;;;;.
1%/ 4e=s made a few ;;;;;;; in this cmpany.
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ All that needless wrrying &er what .=d say t him at the party+ and he wasn=t e&en thered
2/ 9hank y( fr a delightf(l e&ening.
3/ Children rarely shw any appreciatin fr what their parents d fr them.
4/ 9he ryal engagement was ann(nced fficially this mrning.
5/ 0dern csmlgy $elie&es the Eni&erse t ha&e cme int e'istence a$(t fifteen $illin years ag.
6/ 4is main cncern is t ens(re his wn plitical s(r&i&al.
!/ 9he 6iffel 9wer in 1aris is an instantly recgniGa$le landmark.
"/ *e can predict changes with a s(rprising degree f acc(racy.
#/ 4is rep(tatin was destryed when he was ca(ght stealing sme mney.
1%/ 8he )(st seems s (nhappy and . dn=t knw what the sl(tin is.
IV/ /ut in the correct %erb form:
1/ .f . C$eD ;;;;;;; y(+ . ChelpD ;;;;;;; her nw.
2/ .f she C$eD ;;;;;;; late+ she will $e p(nished.
3/ . c(ld ha&e (nderstd him if he CspeakD ;;;;;;; mre slwly.
4/ *hat Cy(/dD ;;;;;;; if y( C$eD ;;;;;;; a $illinaire,
5/ B( didn7t pay attentin t the teacher7s e'planatin. .f y( CpayD ;;;;;;; mre attentin+ y( CdD
;;;;;;; the e'am well.
6/ 8he7s waiting fr her (ncle t cme $ack frm 4 Chi 0inh city. .f her (ncle CcmeD ;;;;;;; hme+
she Cha&eD ;;;;;;; a lt f presents.
!/ 8ang is a na(ghty $y and ften makes f(n fhis classmates. .f he CstartD ;;;;;;; a )ke+ smene
CcryD ;;;;;;; $itterly.
"/ Ch(ng wanted t $(y sme presents fr his y(nger sister $(t he c(ldn7t. .f he CaffrdD ;;;;;;; t
$(y+ her y(nger sister C$eD ;;;;;;; happy t greet a new year.
#/ 4e is ne&er willing t help pr peple. .f he CdD ;;;;;;; smething+ the earth CstpD ;;;;;;;
1%/ . didn7t knw her mther was ill. .f . CknwD ;;;;;;; that+ . CcmeD ;;;;;;; t &isit her.
V/ Complete the sentences with the most suitable preposition:
1/ B( can walk ;;;;;;; here ;;;;;;; the statin ;;;;;;; (nder ten min(tes.
2/ 9he sheep were laded ;;;;;;; tr(cks.
3/ 4e str(ggled ;;;;;;; the crwd ;;;;;;; he reached the frnt.
4/ 9he helicpter was h&ering ;;;;;;; the $(ilding.
5/ .f we c(t ;;;;;;; the field+ it=ll sa&e time.
6/ 8he pened the windw and st(ck her head ;;;;;;;.
!/ 3(ckily+ n ne was ;;;;;;; the $(ilding when it cllapsed.
"/ 9he $ells ring ;;;;;;; reg(lar inter&als ;;;;;;; the day.
#/ 8he tk the mney ;;;;;;; her mther=s p(rse+ ;;;;;;; herself.
1%/ B( sh(ldn=t dri&e ;;;;;;; mre ;;;;;;; three h(rs ;;;;;;; taking a $reak.
VI/ Complete the second sentence using the word gi%en in brac!ets beginning as shown:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ 4e was s f(ri(s that he c(ldn7t cntain himself. Ce'pressD
/ 4e was s f(ri(s ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 9his can cntains fi&e liters. ChldD
/ 9his can ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ *e c(ld g int twn $(t it7s a real hike frm here. CwayD
/ *e c(ld g int twn ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 8he can7t s(r&i&e n 3 dllars a week. CneedsD
/ 3 dllars is nt en(gh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ 9here are nly a few s(r&i&rs frm the riginal team.CreplacedD
/ Fnly a few mem$ers remain ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 4e7ll cpe. 4e7s ne f life7s great s(r&i&rs. Csit(atinsD
/ 4e deals &ery well ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ 9he farmers depend n their gd har&est fr their &ery e'istence. Ccntin(eD
/ 9he farmers depend n their gd har&est ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ 8he takes high delight in pr&ing thers wrng. Cen)ysD
/ 8he ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ 9he $y is nt tall en(gh t reach the $k n the shelf. CshrtD
/ 9he $y ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ . asked him t $ring the chairs int the kitchen. ChadD
/ . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VII/ /ut the statements in past unreal conditions:
1/ Fanh didn7t knw hw t sl&e the maths pr$lem s she gt lw marks.
/ .f Fanh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ B( didn7t say srry s she gt angry.
/ .f y( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ 9hey didn7t pass the e'am and their family were &ery sad.
/ .f they ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ .t rained a lt yesterday e&ening s we didn7t g swimming.
/ .f it ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ 9he weather was nt fine en(gh s . didn7t g camping.
/ .f the weather ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 9he cmp(ter $rke dwn and she had t stp her wrk.
/ .f the cmp(ter ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ 9hanh was angry s we didn7t say anything t her.
/ .f 9hanh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ F(r teacher didn7t cme s we canceled the party.
/ .f (r teacher ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ o(ang was interested in the film s he didn7t st(dy his lessn.
/ .f o(ang ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ . had a $ad headache yesterday s . didn7t g t schl.
/ .f . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VIII/ $ead the passages and titles below carefully, and then put the titles where they should be:
@*hat7s A ?atinal 1ark,O Bellwstne ?atinal 1arkO *hat 0akes Bellwstne 8 8pecial,O *here .s
Bellwstne,O *elcme Back *l&esO Fther ?at(ral *ndersO Fld <aithf(lf
A. ;;;;;;;;;;
1ict(re a place where y( can see smelly gray m(d $($$ling (p frm the gr(nd and steaming
ht water shting (t f rcks. .n the distance+ high waterfalls t(m$le thr(gh clrf(l canyns.
.t may s(nd like make/$elie&e+ $(t y( can find all these things in Bellwstne ?atinal 1ark.
Bellwstne is in the Enited 8tates and it7s the ldest natinal park in the wrld.
B. ;;;;;;;;;;
' national par! is lan$ set asi$e by the govern*ent in or$er to protet it.
8ellowstone was *a$e a national par! in 1872. Heople realiEe$ it was a very speial
plae that shoul$ be preserve$.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
?atinal parks are als created s peple can en)y nat(re. .n Bellwstne+ y( can d things
s(ch as camp+ hike in the wds+ ride hrses+ and g fishing.
C. ;;;;;;;;;;
Bellwstne sits in the >cky 0(ntains. 0st f Bellwstne is in the nrthwest crner f
*yming. B(t parts are in .dah and 0ntana+ t.
D. ;;;;;;;;;;
9he gr(nd $eneath Bellwstne cntains a large am(nt f ht melted rck+ called magma. 9he
magma heats water in the gr(nd. 9he steaming water p(shes t get t the s(rface+ m(ch like steam
whistling frm a $iling teapt.
8metimes the heated water frms a geyser. A geyser is a place where ht water sp(ts (p frm
(ndergr(nd. 9here are mre than 3%% geysers in Bellwstne+ sme $ig and sme small. Fther times
the ht water seeps frm the gr(nd as a ht spring. 9here are e&en mre ht springs in Bellwstne
than geysers.
.f y( e'plre Bellwstne+ y( may als see steam &ents+ which is where steam and ther gases
p(ff (t f the gr(nd. B( can e&en find @paint ptsf in the park. 1aint pts are hles f(ll f $($$ling
m(d that is thick like paint. 8metimes the pts smell like rtten eggs r $(rnt matches.
6. ;;;;;;;;;;
9he mst fam(s geyser in the wrld is Fld <aithf(l and it7s in Bellwstne. .t $lws its tp
a$(t e&ery 3% t #% min(tes. .t shts th(sands f gallns f ht water high int the air. 2isiting Fld
<aithf(l is a highlight f any trip t Bellwstne.
<. ;;;;;;;;;;
*hat else can y( see in Bellwstne, 4w a$(t Bellwstne7s wn 5rand Canyn, .t has tw
$ig waterfalls and high cliffs f yellw+ red+ and range rck.
9here7s a frest f stne trees in Bellwstne that is millins f years ld. 9he trees were nce
$(ried $y ash frm a &lcan and were grad(ally t(rned t stne. 9here are als $ea(tif(l lakes+ ri&ers+
and m(ntains t see and en)y.
Bellwstne is rich with wildlife. 4(ndreds f kinds f $irds li&e in the park+ incl(ding $ald
eagles+ $l(e herns+ and white pelicans. Bellwstne is hme t many large animals. 2isitrs may see
$lack $ears+ griGGly $ears+ mse+ $ighrn sheep+ deer+ c(gars+ herds f elk+ and $isn C$(ffalD.
1rtecting animals in the wild is ne f the mst imprtant tasks f the park. .n fact+ the creatin f
Bellwstne helped sa&e $isn frm $eing h(nted t e'tinctin in the late 1"%%s.
5. ;;;;;;;;;;
Bellwstne was nce hme t th(sands f gray wl&es. B(t peple th(ght they were
danger(s and killed them ff. 9he last wlf in the park was killed in the 1#3%s.
.n 1##5 and 1##6+ $ilgists $r(ght a$(t 3% wl&es frm Canada and released them inside
Bellwstne. *lf packs sn frmed. ?ew p(ps are $rn in the park e&ery year. 9here are nw mre
than 2%% wl&es in and ar(nd the parkd 9day+ seeing a wlf is ne f Bellwstne7s $ig attractins.
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. m! sic B. disc! ss C. cmm!nicate D. h! man
2/ A. type B. $(sy C. happy D. physic
3/ A. mtch B. )GG C. p ssage D. cl ss
4/ A. description B. tradition C. :(estion D. e'pres&ion
5/ A. folk B. rock C. stro ng D. pop
6/ A. gro! p B. lo! d C. pro! d D. co! nt
!/ A. $e t B. we k C. fee l D. $re d
"/ A. frk& B. instr(ment& C. feeling& D. th(ght&
#/ A. foo t B. $oo k C. goo d D. poo r
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1%/ A. wrke' B. talente' C. appreciate' D. re)(&enate'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. m(sic B. peacef(l C. temp D. rela'
2/ A. traditinal B. cm$inatin C. cmm(nicate D. re)(&enate
3/ A. African B. energy C. instr(ment D. m(sician
4/ A. 6(rpean B. especially C. emtinal D. cnsiderate
5/ A. pp(lar B. pwerf(l C. descriptin D. talented
6/ A. h(man B. slemn C. whether D. cntain
!/ A. imprtant B. m(sical C. wnderf(l D. telephne
"/ A. $ea(tif(l B. e'ample C. cinema D. fa&rite
#/ A. e'press B. grammar C. recrd D. ffice
1%/ A. $allad B. cncert C. en(gh D. cntest
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ Disc(ss and match each type f m(sic t a &!it+$e descriptin.
A. gd B. fitting C. fam(s D. pretty
2/ *hat7s mdern m(sic that is pp(lar with yo!n4 peple,
A. recent B. fresh C. childish D. adlescent
3/ D y( knw what is a style f m(sic with a &tron4 and l(d $eat,
A. pwerf(l B. determined C. keen D. ma)r
4/ 3ike reading+ writing and speaking+ m(sic can e5)re&& ideas+ th(ghts and feelings.
A. shw B. say C. talk D. speak
5/ 0(sic can als help y( t rela' and feel re>!,ente'.
A. strengthened B. $ettered C. refreshed D. rec&ered
6/ 0(sic can help y( $eat a $ad md r %intin a gd md.
A. hld B. s(pprt C. repair D. cntin(e
!/ 9 feel re)(&enated+ y( sh(ld start with smething &erene and rela'ing+ then grad(ally change t
smething with faster temp and strnger $eats.
A. pleasant B. cld C. interesting D. wnderf(l
"/ <r e'ample+ y( can play a $allad+ then m&e n t smething mre ener4etic s(ch as rck 7n7 rll.
A. frcef(l B. healthy C. strng D. h(ge
#/ o(ang 4(ng smetimes feels )ro!' o* his c(ntry+ 2iet ?am+ when he hears the sng.
A. interested in B. delighted with C. mdest a$(t D. gd at
1%/ 3i&c!&& o(ang 4(ng7s ideas a$(t 2an Ca7s m(sic.
A. 8ay t B. 9ell a$(t C. 9hink f D. 9alk &er
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ *hat m(sic is &erio!& and traditinal *estern 6(rpean m(sic,
A. s(perficial B. shrt/range C. lighthearted D. simple
2/ *hat m(sic is seri(s and tr'ition$ *estern 6(rpean m(sic,
A. (ncmmn B. incrrect C. impssi$le D. irreg(lar
3/ *hen cm$ined with wrds in a sng+ it is ne f the mst )o"er*!$ means f cmm(nicatin that
h(mans ha&e.
A. (ncn&incing B. fee$le C. (gly D. harmless
4/ 0(sic can help y( $eat a $ad md r %intin a gd md.
A. disp(te B. slight C. discnnect D. discntin(e
5/ 0(sic can als help y( rela' and feel re>!,ente'.
A. aged B. $red C. tired D. saddened
6/ 9 feel re)(&enated+ y( sh(ld start with smething &erene and rela'ing+ then grad(ally change t
smething with faster temp and strnger $eats.
A. (nhappy B. (nclear C. an'i(s D. helpless
!/ <r e'ample+ y( can play a $allad+ then m&e n t smething mre ener4etic s(ch as rck 7n7 rll.
A. lang(id B. ill C. slw D. sft
"/ o(ang 4(ng thinks sme f 2an Ca7s m(sic is &ery &"eet and gentle.
A. s(r B. distastef(l C. nasty D. tart
#/ *hy des the mnitr always g t class on ti%e,
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. lately B. late C. smetime D. smetimes
1%/ Ese the prmpts $elw t make (p cmplete sentences a$(t 8ctt cplin+ a *%o!& American
A. $sc(re B. a$sent C. (nimprtant D. impssi$le
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ .t=s a schl fr ;;;;;;; gifted children.
A. m(sic B. m(sician C. m(sical D. m(sically
2/ 9he rise in E8 interest rates ca(sed the dllar t ;;;;;;; against all the Asian c(rrencies.
A. strength B. strengthen C. strng D. strngly
3/ *e were wken early $y the s(nd f the $irds ;;;;;;;.
A. sng B. sing C. singer D. singing
4/ 9he children were wearing traditinal ;;;;;;; cst(me.
A. natinal B. natinalist C. natinality D. natinaliGe
5/ 9he mansin is set in #% acres f $ea(tif(l+ (nspilt ;;;;;;;.
A. c(ntry B. c(ntryman C. c(ntryside D. c(ntrywide
6/ *e need t make the cl($ ;;;;;;; t a wider range f peple.
A. attract B. attracti&e C. attractin D. attracti&ely
!/ *hat d . think f y(r p(rple shes, *ell+ they=re certainly ;;;;;;;.
A. difference B. different C. differently D. differential
"/ . read an interesting piece f ;;;;;;; in the newspaper.
A. infrm B. infrmatin C. infrmant D. infrmatinal
#/ 9his srt f aggressin is ;;;;;;; $eha&ir / peple aren=t $rn that way.
A. learn B. learned C. learnt D. learning
1%/ *hy d s many $ys take ;;;;;;; in trt(ring insects and small animals,
A. please B. pleasing C. pleas(re D. pleasant
VI/ Choose the correct form of %erbs to complete the sentences:
1/ 4is parents ;;;;;;; him awarded the winner=s medal.
A. saw B. see C. t see D. seeing
2/ Cigarette ;;;;;;; kills th(sands f peple e&ery year.
A. smkes B. smke C. t smke D. smking
3/ 8he was a m(ch ;;;;;; $a$y.
A. wanted B. want C. t want D. wanting
4/ 6&ery$dy there lked (nder twenty and . really ;;;;;;; my age.
A. felt B. feel C. t feel D. feeling
5/ .f y(=re e&er in F'frd+ ;;;;;;; and &isit (s.
A. will cme B. cme C. t cme D. cming
6/ 4e=s gne dwn t the crner shp ;;;;;;; sme milk.
A. will get B. get C. t get D. getting
!/ 9he children spent the afternn ;;;;;;; in the garden.
A. played B. play C. t play D. playing
"/ 4e ;;;;;;; the girl n the arm t get her attentin.
A. t(ched B. t(ches C. t t(ch D. t(ching
#/ 9here are mre peple ;;;;;;; at this time f the year s prices are high.
A. $(ght B. $(y C. t $(y D. $(ying
1%/ ?t nly ;;;;;;; . speak t her+ . e&en gt her a(tgraphd
A. did B. d C. t d D. ding
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD *(ld y( like CBD t ha&e l(nch nw CCD and CDD later,
2/ *e are reminded CAD nce again CBD f the writer=s l&e CCD f CDD a sea.
3/ .7d like CAD t ha&e taken a hliday+ CBD $(t . CCD didn7t ha&e CDD t m(ch mney.
4/ @. can=t cme CAD in 8at(rday.f @9hat=s CBD t $ad / we=&e CCD already $(ght the tickets CDD s y(=ll
still ha&e t pay.f
5/ *e7d l&e CAD t ha&e gne CBD t the $ar$ec(e+ CCD $(t it was CDD pssi$le.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
6/ 9hey CAD went t a resta(rant CBD and they didn7t en)y it. 9hey7d prefer CCD t ha&e eaten CDD at
!/ B( remem$ered CAD lcking the dr CBD $efre y( left+ CCD $(t y( frgt CDD t clse the
"/ 0s. 4a c(ld remem$er CAD t dri&e CBD alng the street CCD )(st $efre the accident happened+ CDD
$(t she c(ldn7t remem$er the accident itself.
#/ 9he ld wman was CAD &ery tired. 8he tried CBD t keep her eyes CCD t pen+ $(t she CDD c(ldn7t.
1%/ 0y $rther has gt a CAD terri$le headache. 4e tried CBD taking an aspirin+ CCD $(t it CDD desn7t
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
0(sic+ artf(l arrangement f s(nds C1D ;;;;;;; time. 9his definitin is $&i(sly &ery $rad+
$(t a narrwer ne w(ld e'cl(de C2D ;;;;;;; m(ch. 0(sic is part f &irt(ally e&ery c(lt(re n C3D
;;;;;;;+ $(t it &aries widely amng c(lt(res in style and str(ct(re. Definitins f #usic can C4D
;;;;;;; dramatically &er a shrt time+ as they ha&e acrss the wrld d(ring the 2%
Can m(sic e'ist with(t C6D ;;;;;;;, 8me philsphers arg(e that m(sic sh(ld $e defined as
a kind f @mental C!D ;;;;;;;f and that the physical aspects f s(nd are simply $y/prd(cts f this
image. .f y( C"D ;;;;;;; y( can ha&e a m(sical e'perience $y imagining the s(nd f a piece f
m(sic+ then y( think C#D ;;;;;;; can e'ist with(t s(nd. B(t mst m(sical e'periences in&l&e
prd(cing r C1%D ;;;;;;; t physical characteristics f s(nd s(ch as pitch and ti#bre C:(ality
cmpara$le t te't(re r clr in sightD.
.s the tape/recrded s(nd f a large metal/stamping machine m(sic, Are 4 min(tes C11D
;;;;;;; 33 secnds f silence m(sic, .s the acti&ity f reading a C12D ;;;;;;; f h(ndreds f
seemingly (nrelated $)ects+ acti&ities+ and states f mind m(sic, 6ach f these @C13D ;;;;;;;f+ as well
as many ther s(nds Cr nns(ndsD+ has $een cpyrighted C14D ;;;;;;; a m(sical cmpsitin+
perfrmed+ and recrded in the 2%
cent(ry. Fne f the legacies f 2%
/cent(ry m(sic is t ha&e $l(rred
the definitin f m(sic as C15D ;;;;;;; $efre.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ t e'cl(de C&.DH ngn chn+ lMi tr~+ khng ch CaiD hW[ng C:(yJnD
/ $y/prd(ct Cn.DH smn phqm phZ+ h_( :(m phZ
/ pitch Cn.DH Ir ca Cca giungD
/ tim$re Cn.DH Cjm nhMcD jm sc
/ seemingly Cad&.DH cQ &+ ra &+ tW[ng ch~ng nhW
/ legacy Cn.DH tTi smn k] th~a+ gia tTi
/ t $l(r C&.DH lTm mi Ii+ che mi
1/ A. thr(gh B. &er C. alng D. acrss
2/ A. t B. s C. &ery D. en(gh
3/ A. 6arth B. the mn C. stars D. the s(n
4/ A. &ary B. change C. remain D. stay
5/ A. year B. mnth C. cent(ry D. decade
6/ A. accent B. &ice C. s(nd D. nise
!/ A. drawing B. painting C. pict(re D. image
"/ A. knw B. say C. see D. think
#/ A. m(sic B. peple C. c(lt(re D. images
1%/ A. reading B. speaking C. listening D. writing
11/ A. and B. $(t C. r D. s
12/ A. title B. $k C. list D. men(
13/ A. phrases B. letters C. wrds D. wrks
14/ A. like B. as C. s(ch as D. fr e'ample
15/ A. nt B. seldm C. e&er D. ne&er
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ .t is getting late+ s . ha&e A/ t make y( disappinted.
2/ *e like 5ia+ $(t we think she tends B/ t switch the lights ff when y( g
3/ 4w ld was y(r sister when she
C/ t talk s m(ch in class.
4/ 8ang is laGy. 4e needs D/ nt t see (s as she passed (s n the
5/ *e7re srry. *e didn7t mean 6/ t $e ding a $etter )$.
6/ . decided </ t dri&e a car,
!/ 9hanh pretended 5/ nt t g (t $eca(se f the $ad
"/ >emem$er 4/ t g t the cinema.
#/ 9his afternn we plan ./ t lea&e nw.
1%/ 0r. 3ng appears c/ t wrk harder.
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ . dn=t think he has any ntin f the seri(sness f the sit(atin.
2/ 8he reacted s(rprisingly calmly t the news f his death.
3/ 9he $k cntains lyrical descriptins f the a(thr=s childhd.
4/ By the end f the e&ening . c(ld cheerf(lly ha&e p(nched him.
5/ 0Gart=s m(sical cmpsitins incl(de symphnies and peras.
6/ 9his dr(g can $e safely (sed in cm$inatin with ther medicines.
!/ 9he same s($)ect matter gets a &ery different treatment $y Chris *ilsn in his latest n&el.
"/ .=m &ery appreciati&e f all the s(pprt y(=&e gi&en me.
#/ 4e reached a reasna$le le&el f cmpetence in his 6nglish.
1%/ 4e desn=t listen t what . say and it=s s fr(strating.
III/ 'atch the styles of music in column A with their definitions in column B:
1/ flk m(sic A/ a sng r pem that tells a stry+ r Cin pp(lar m(sicD
a slw l&e sng
2/ rck 7n7 rll B/ a type f mdern m(sic with a rhythm in which the
strng ntes are (s(ally nt n the $eat and which is
(s(ally impr&ised
3/ pp m(sic C/ pp(lar m(sic which e'presses deep feelings+
riginally perfrmed $y Black Americans
4/ classical m(sic D/ traditinal sngs and m(sic+ passed frm ne
generatin t the ne't
5/ )aGG 6/ mdern cmmercial m(sic+ (s(ally t(nef(l+ (p/temp
and repetiti&e+ that is aimed at the general p($lic and the
y(th market in partic(lar
6/ hip/hp </ a type f pp(lar m(sic in which the s($)ect f the
sngs is ften plitics r sciety and the wrds are
spken rather than s(ng
!/ $allad 5/ a type f pp(lar m(sic with a strng rhythm in
which the wrds are spken+ nt s(ng
"/ rap 4/ m(sic that is cnsidered seri(s r intellect(al and is
(s(ally written in a traditinal r frmal style+ as
ppsed t s(ch genres as pp+ rck+ and flk m(sic
#/ c(ntry m(sic ./ a style f pp(lar dance m(sic that $egan in the 1#5%s
in the Enited 8tates and has a strng l(d $eat and
simple repeated t(nes
1%/ s(l m(sic c/ pp(lar m(sic which is $ased n a type f traditinal
m(sic frm the western and s(thern E8
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
IV/ 'a!e )uestions for the underlined parts of the following statements:
1/ 6&ery day . g t schl b' bic'cle.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
2/ F(r teacher li&es in a s#all house in this town.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
3/ 9he plice will cme here in ten #inutes.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
4/ -he $ar#ers are wrking in the field nw.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
5/ 8he went t market to bu' so#e bread.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
6/ 9he $y was glad because he was gi,en presents.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
!/ 9his hand $ag $elngs t #' $riend.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
"/ *e ha&e 3 6nglish classes e,er' week.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
#/ 9here are " #e#bers in my family.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
1%/ .t ften takes him 1" #inutes t g t his ffice.
/ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
V/ Complete the )uestions with 2>ow4 with a suitable word:
1/ 5iangH 9rang+ this is my friend 1hng.
9rangH ;;;;;;;;;; y( d+ 1hng,
2/ 9r(ngH ;;;;;;;;;; is y(r h(se t the pst ffice,
0inhH A$(t ten/min(te walk.
3/ 8nH .t7s ! p.m. already. ;;;;;;;;;; ging (t fr a walk,
CaH 5d idead
4/ hhaH ;;;;;;;;;; y( spell y(r name,
9hanhH .t is @9/4/A/?/4f.
5/ ?amH ;;;;;;;;;; is y(r shirt,
3ngH . dn7t knw. .t7s a gift.
6/ 4aH ;;;;;;;;;; y( feeling,
?h(ngH 2ery well+ thanks.
!/ 3anH ;;;;;;;;;; ha&e y( $een playing here,
hhaH <r 2 h(rs nw.
"/ AnhH ;;;;;;;;;; d y( r(n,
Ch(ngHA$(t 2 kilmeters per h(r.
#/ D(ngH ;;;;;;;;;; d y( r(n,
6mH A$(t 3 kilmeters.
1%/ 4anhH ;;;;;;;;;; is the ri&er,
1hngH A$(t 12 kilmeters lng.
VI/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1/ 9he wman desn7t ha&e en(gh mney t $(y a new car.
/ A new car ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 1erhaps n ne wants t make friends with him s . might write t him.
/ .f n ne else ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ 9hat kind f fd has a really delici(s taste.
/ 9hat kind f fd tastes ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 9hat pliceman arrested the thief last week.
/ 9he thief ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ 4e can speak nly a few wrds f 6nglish.
/ 4e can hardly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ 1laying ft$all n a rainy day is f(n.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ .t w(ld $e a gd idea t in&ite him t (r meeting.
/ . think we sh(ld ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ 9hey are t y(ng t watch this film.
/ 9hey are nt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ *e want t in&ite y( t (r party this weekend.
/ *(ld y( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
1%/ 0ichael cacksn is a wnderf(l singer.
/ 0ichael cacksn sings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VII/ $ewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one- Do not change the
word gi%en:
1/ .t takes him twenty min(tes t dri&e t his ffice. CspendsD
/ 4e ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 4er family ften g a$rad n &acatin. CtendD
/ 4er family ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ . think y( sh(ld nt g hme t late t make y(r parents wrried. CwereD
/ .f ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
4/ 9here aren7t many peple ging t see that ft$all match. CfewD
/ Fnly ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ @. will gi&e y( sme mre $ks and pencils+f said my father. CprmisedD
/ 0y father ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ F(r teacher ne&er let (s make nise in class. CallwedD
/ *e ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ .t7ll $e nice t welcme y( t (r team this seasn. CfrwardD
/ *e7re ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ B( sh(ld take y(r )eans t $e mended sn. Cha&eD
/ B( sh(ld ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
#/ @Are y( interested in the stry,f said the teacher. CwhetherD
/ 9he teacher ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ 9he sng is s rmantic that . ha&e listened t it many times. Cs(chD
/ .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VIII/ $ead the passage and statements below carefully, and then say whether the statements are true
",#, false "# or not gi%en "&#:
0(sic is part f e&ery c(lt(re n 6arth. 0any peple feel that m(sic makes life wrth li&ing. *e
can make m(sic (rsel&es if we play an instr(ment r sing. *e can hear m(sic n CDs and n radi r
tele&isin. 0(sic gi&es (s pleas(re. .t can cheer (s (p+ e'cite (s+ r sthe (s.
*4A9 .8 0E8.C,
0(sic can $e happy+ sad+ rmantic+ sleepy+ spine/tingling+ healingwall kinds f things. B(t what
is it, 8me peple define it as an artf(l arrangement f s(nds acrss time. F(r ears interpret these
s(nds as l(d r sft+ high r lw+ rapid and shrt+ r slw and smth. 9he s(nds need t cntin(e fr
a time in sme srt f pattern t $ecme m(sic.
0(sic+ like lang(age+ is a (ni:(ely h(man frm f cmm(nicatin. As with lang(age+ there are
many different kinds. .n ?rth America+ peple listen t )aGG+ rck+ classical+ flk+ c(ntry+ and many
ther kinds f m(sic. 6ach kind f m(sic has its wn r(les and @speaksf t (s in its wn way.
*hat we think f as m(sic depends n where we li&e. *hat Americans are (sed t listening t
might s(nd strange t smene frm anther c(lt(re+ and &ice &ersa. .t might nt e&en s(nd like
m(sic. .n .ndnesia+ gamelan rchestras play m(sic n gngs+ dr(ms+ and 'ylphnes. 9hese aren7t the
instr(ments y(7d find in a typical rchestra in ?rth America.
9day+ mdern cmm(nicatins make it pssi$le fr (s t listen t m(sic frm all &er the
wrld. 0(sic frm ne part f the wrld infl(ences m(sic frm anther part. <r e'ample+ gamelan
m(sic frm .ndnesia infl(enced 2%
/cent(ry American cmpsers s(ch as chn Cage.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ t sthe C&.DH lTm d(+ lTm ng(i Ctnh cmmD
/ spine/tingling Cad).DH &ery special and e'citing
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
/ healing Cad).DH I\ cha $nh+ I\ cha &]t thWYng
4 ga*elan orhestra 5n.6/ In'one&in )erc!&&ion orche&tr: an .ndnesian rchestra that
cnsists mainly f perc(ssin Cs^ Ianh trkng+ s^ g mD instr(ments s(ch as chimes Cch(ng hPa jm+
ch(ng chpmD+ gngs Ccai c}ngO cai chiVng+ kngD+ and wden 'ylphnes CITn phi]n g+ mrc cnmD
1/ 0(sic is part f e&ery c(lt(re n all the planets.
2/ 0(sic is cnsidered ne imprtant thing which makes life f(n and $ea(tif(l.
3/ 6&eryne can make m(sic.
4/ B( can see m(sic e&erywhere.
5/ 9here are many kinds f m(sic in 2ietnam.
6/ *e can feel happy when we hear m(sic.
!/ 0(sic can $e many kinds f things.
"/ 1eple ha&e the same definitin f m(sic.
#/ 8metimes the s(nds f m(sic can $e slw.
1%/ 1eple knw all kinds f m(sic in the wrld.
11/ 6&eryne (nderstands m(sic the same way.
12/ .n different places there are different m(sic instr(ments.
13/ ?wadays we find it easier t listen t m(sic.
14/ 0(sic frm ne place is infl(enced $y thers frm ther places.
15/ American m(sic infl(ences .ndnesian m(sic a lt.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. fi lm B. hi stry C. time D. sti ll
2/ A. nd B. c ll C. $eg n D. t
3/ A. cinema B. e'istence C. se:(e nce D. se t
4/ A. de&elpe' B. (se' C. playe' D. en)ye'
5/ A. today B. positin C. lo ng D. from
6/ A. cent! ry B. $! t C. ind! stry D. ! ntil
!/ A. scientist& B. day& C. film& D. maker&
"/ A. sho" n B. ho" e&er C. no" D. ho"
#/ A. ne& B. pict(re& C. decade& D. place&
1%/ A. mtion B. psition C. prd(ction D. deci&ion
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. cinema B. rapidly C. phtgraph D. hwe&er
2/ A. histry B. passage C. fllw D. tday
3/ A. cent(ry B. camera C. cmpletely D. m(sical
4/ A. disc&er B. intrd(ce C. $eginner D. appearance
5/ A. se:(ence B. min(te C. en)y D. actr
6/ A. (ntil B. stry C. earl y D. mtin
!/ A. e'istence B. replacement C. relatin D. telephne
"/ A. character B. decisin C. a(dience D. terri$le
#/ A. psitin B. interest C. detecti&e D. descriptin
1%/ A. ind(stry B. pr$a$ly C. 9itanic D. fascinate
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ At that time scientists 'i&co,ere' that when a se:(ence f still pict(res were set in mtin+ they c(ld
gi&e the feeling f mment.
A. detected B. f(nded C. knew D. saw
2/ .n the first tw decades f its e'istence+ the cinema 'e,e$o)e' rapidly.
A. stressed B. enlarged C. prgressed D. ripened
3/ .n the first tw decades f its e'istence+ the cinema de&elped r)i'$y.
A. smartly B. instantane(slyC. strngly D. speedily
4/ 9hey (sed changes f scene and camera psitins t tell a stry+ with actrs playing chrcter parts.
A. make(p B. feat(re C. psitin D. fig(re
5/ .n the early 1#1%s a(diences were a$le t en)y the first lng films+ $(t it was nt (ntil 1#15 that the
cinema re$$y $ecame an ind(stry.
A. merely B. simply C. certainly D. shrtly
6/ <rm that time+ film makers were )re)re' t make lnger and $etter films and $(ild special places
where nly films were shwn.
A. appinted B. e:(ipped C. arranged D. trained
!/ 9he cinema chn4e' cmpletely at the end f the 1#2%s.
A. replaced B. traded C. swapped D. &aried
"/ 9he change $egan in America and sn &)re' t the rest f the wrld.
A. ad&ertised B. shared C. separated D. e'panded
#/ As the ld silent films were $eing replaced $y spken nes n the screen+ a new cinema frm
))ere'+ the m(sical cinema.
A. s(nded B. arse C. seemed D. emerged
1%/ cack Dawsn is a y(ng and 4enero!& ad&ent(rer.
A. lfty B. hnra$le C. plentif(l D. $(ntif(l
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ 9he histry f what we call cinema tday $egan in the er$y 1#
A. lately B. late C. after D. ne't
2/ .n the first tw decades f its e'istence+ the cinema de&elped r)i'$y.
A. leis(rely B. sl(ggishly C. weakly D. shrtly
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
3/ <rm that time+ film makers were prepared t make lnger and $etter films and $(ild &)eci$ places
where nly films were shwn.
A. nrmal B. e&eryday C. (nlimited D. (nrestricted
4/ As the ld &i$ent films were $eing replaced $y spken nes n the screen+ a new cinema frm
appeared+ the m(sical cinema.
A. talkati&e B. &cal C. &l($le D. deafening
5/ <ind the wrds in the passage that can match with the definitins n the ri4ht cl(mn.
A. wrng B. false C. (nhealthy D. left
6/ cack Dawsn is a y(ng and 4enero!& ad&ent(rer.
A. petty B. small C. narrw D. meaningf(l
!/ 9he ship hits an ice$erg and &in(& rapidly.
A. sa&es B. impr&es C. escapes D. flats
"/ 0re than a th(sand peple 'ie in the disaster+ incl(ding cack Dawsn.
A. life B. e'ist C. $right D. increasing
#/ 9itanic is a tr4ic l&e stry film.
A. frt(nate B. f(nny C. e'citing D. interesting
1%/ 8tephen is dri&ing a &an *!$$ f &ines.
A. h(ngry B. incmplete C. minim(m D. empty
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ A ;;;;;;; is a fam(s cinema actr r actress.
A. filmger B. film directr C. film maker D. film star
2/ A ;;;;;;; is a $k (sed in schl cntaining te't and :(estins and smetimes ha&ing
spaces fr a st(dent t write answers in.
A. nte$k B. wrk$k C. e'ercise $k D. reference $k
3/ 9he ;;;;;;; f the $ay is appr'imately 2%% miles.
A. lng B. length C. lengthy D. lengthen
4/ 8he=s an e'tremely cmpetent and ;;;;;;; wrker.
A. ind(stry B. ind(strial C. ind(stri(s D. ind(strialiGe
5/ 9he ;;;;;;; $etween the riginal $k and this new film is &ery faint.
A. relati&e B. relatin C. relatinship D. related
6/ F(r prices are ;;;;;;; with thse in ther shps.
A. cmparisn B. cmparati&e C. cmpara$le D. cmpara$ly
!/ 9hey didn=t like my ;;;;;;; that we sh(ld all share the cst.
A. s(ggest B. s(ggestin C. s(ggesti&e D. s(ggesti$le
"/ AAm . ;;;;;;; y(,A she asked an'i(sly.
A. $re B. $red C. $ring D. $redm
#/ 9he resta(rant t(rned (t t $e ;;;;;;; cheap.
A. s(rprise B. s(rprised C. s(rprising D. s(rprisingly
1%/ 9here=s n ;;;;;;; what she=ll d if she finds (t a$(t this.
A. knw/hw B. knwledge C. knwa$le D. knwing
VI/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ Americans dri&e ;;;;;;; third f ;;;;;;; 4%% millin cars n ;;;;;;; planet.
A. ne/the/the B. a/y/the C. ne/y/a D. a/the/a
2/ ;;;;;;; y( miss this train y( can ;;;;;;; catch the ne't ne.
A. Beca(se/ften B. .f/always
C. *hen/(s(ally D. Enless/smetimes
3/ . th(ght . ;;;;;;; him cme in ;;;;;;; we were ha&ing dinner.
A. hear/when B. lk/while C. lked/when D. heard/while
4/ ;;;;;;; . knw likes the smell f $acn / ;;;;;;; 0ike des and he=s a &egetarian.
A. Anyne/$(t B. ? ne/while
C. 6&eryne/e&en D. 8mene/and
5/ ;;;;;;; pprt(nity as gd as this arises ;;;;;;; in a lifetime.
A. A/$efre B. Fne/twice C. 9he/d(ring D. An/nce
6/ ;;;;;;;+ .=d like t thank e&eryne ;;;;;;; cming this e&ening.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
A. Always/t B. <inally/fr C. Fften/$y D. 3astly/with
!/ 9he dinsa(rs died ;;;;;;; 65 millin years ;;;;;;;.
A. (t/ag B. away/$efre C. dwn/after D. ff/ne't
"/ As . ha&e ;;;;;;; mentined+ . d($t ;;;;;;; we will a$le t raise all the mney we
A. )(st/when B. finally/what C. recently/if D. already/that
#/ @;;;;;;; 6mma=s nly wrry was ;;;;;;; her lipstick had sm(dged.f @6mmad *hat is
she ;;;;;;;,f
A. >eally/if/ding B. As (s(al/that/lking
C. Es(ally/what/s(ch as D. Ff c(rse/whether/like
1%/ ;;;;;;;+ it=s my t(rn t $e ser&ed / . was ;;;;;;;.
A. 6'c(se me/ne't B. 8rry/after
C. 1ardn me/fllwing D. 4ell/cming
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ Des that $k CAD tell CBD a stry CCD f his life frm CDD A t v,
2/ Disc&ering CAD a therapy CBD fr cancer is CCD ne f CDD $iggest challenges facing medical
3/ *e think it=s nt CAD ne gd idea t spend many h(rs at CBD the wheel Ce dri&ing CCD a &ehicleD
with(t CDD a $reak.
4/ D y( agree that CAD an apple CBD a day keeps CCD a dctr CDD away,
5/ As CAD ften as nt when he CBD makes CCD an effrt t &isit his friend+ he wnders CDD why he7s e&en
6/ 8atellite technlgy ffers CAD the chance+ as CBD e&er $efre+ CCD fr cntin((s tele&isin c&erage
CDD f ma)r internatinal e&ents.
!/ 6&ery s CAD ften he treats CBD him t CCD a meal in CDD a l('(ri(s resta(rant.
"/ CAD 8metime . take fd CBD with me and CCD smetimes . $(y fd CDD when .7m there.
#/ CAD 8eldm they recei&e CBD any aplgy when CCD mistakes CDD are made.
1%/ CAD 4ard had CBD a mment passed CCD $efre CDD the dr creaked pen.
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
*4F *F>h8 F? 0F2.68,
0any C1D ;;;;;;; peple wrk n a m&ie. 9he prd(cer finds mney t C2D ;;;;;;; the film+
hires peple t make the m&ie+ and gets the m&ie t C3D ;;;;;;;. 9he directr imagines hw the film
sh(ld lk and g(ides the actrs and the C4D ;;;;;;; as they make the m&ie. Assistants help the
prd(cer and the C5D ;;;;;;;.
8creenwriters write an riginal C6D ;;;;;;; fr the m&ie+ r they wrk with a stry tld in a
$k. C!D ;;;;;;; play characters in the stry. A m(sic C"D ;;;;;;; writes $ackgr(nd m(sic fr the C#D
0st mem$ers f the m&ie crew wrk $ehind the C1%D ;;;;;;;. Designers make the sets and
cst(mes. 9he camera crew C11D ;;;;;;; the cameras that film the m&ie.
DGens f shrt scenes ha&e t $e p(t C12D ;;;;;;; after the filming is dne. 9hat is the )$ f
the film editrs. C13D ;;;;;;; editrs add $ackgr(nd nises+ s(ch as hnking hrns in a C14D ;;;;;;;
n a $(sy street. .n actin films+ st(ntmen and st(ntwmen ften fill in fr the actrs and C15D ;;;;;;;
danger(s m&es that c(ld lead t in)(ry.
1/ A. ther B. anther C. different D. &ari(s
2/ A. s(pply with B. send t C. gi&e t D. pay fr
3/ A. hmes B. theaters C. schls D. markets
4/ A. crew B. actresses C. peple D. film makers
5/ A. directr B. editr C. actr D. writer
6/ A. letter B. $k C. stry D. wrd
!/ A. Assistants B. 1rd(cers C. 8t(nt men D. Actrs
"/ A. writer B. cmpser C. editr D. actr
#/ A. $k B. film C. play D. stry
1%/ A. sites B. places C. stages D. scenes
11/ A. r(ns B. $(ys C. sells D. perates
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
12/ A. anther B. tgether C. ne anther D. each ther
13/ A. 0(sic B. ?ise C. 8(nd D. <ilm
14/ A. chapter B. scene C. site D. spt
15/ A. act B. play C. perfrm D. d
I/ 'atch the attitudinal ad6ecti%es in column A with the appropriate definitions in column B:
1/ always A/ almst ne&er
2/ (s(ally B/ nt ften
3/ ften C/ fre:(entlyO many times
4/ smetimes D/ nt at any time r nt n any ccasin
5/ ccasinally 6/ e&ery time+ all the time r fre&er
6/ seldm </ at any time
!/ hardly 5/ smetimes $(t nt ften
"/ e&er 4/ n sme ccasins $(t nt always r ften
#/ ne&er ./ in the way that mst ften happens
1%/ rarely c/ nly )(stO almst nt
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ *e are cncerned with the physical and CpsychlgyD ;;;;;;; well/$eing f (r emplyees.
2/ .=m trying t $e mre Cad&ent(reD ;;;;;;; with my cking.
3/ 0y mst Cem$arrassD ;;;;;;; mment was trying t intrd(ce a wman whse name . c(ldn=t
4/ 9he prime minister denied that the new &isa re:(irements were part f a ChideD ;;;;;;; agenda t
red(ce immigratin.
5/ *e spent a Cl('(ryD ;;;;;;; weekend at a c(ntry htel.
6/ C9ragicD ;;;;;;;+ the side/effects f the dr(g were nt disc&ered (ntil many peple had $een
seri(sly damaged $y it.
!/ 9here is pssi$ly less chance f anther *rld *ar while the last ne is within Cli&eD ;;;;;;;
"/ 1lease gi&e Cgener(sD ;;;;;;; t Children in ?eed.
#/ 1a(l=s always &ery CsmartD ;;;;;;; dressed.
1%/ 9he Cdisc&erD ;;;;;;; f a $dy in the (ndergrwth started a m(rder en:(iry.
III/ ill in each gap with the most suitable preposition:
1/ 9hey wrk ;;;;;;; the night and sleep ;;;;;;; day.
2/ 9hey li&e ;;;;;;; that ld farmh(se ;;;;;;; the hill.
3/ .=&e $een ;;;;;;; this )$ ;;;;;;; thirty years+ and .=&e picked ;;;;;;; a gd deal ;;;;;;;
e'pertise ;;;;;;; the way.
4/ 9he impr&ement has $een ;;;;;;; the $ard+ ;;;;;;; all di&isins either increasing prfits
;;;;;;; red(cing lsses.
5/ 4er name cmes ;;;;;;; mine ;;;;;;; the list.
6/ ;;;;;;; AD !# the city ;;;;;;; 1mpei was $(ried ;;;;;;; a layer ;;;;;;; ash se&en metres
!/ 4e=s $een ;;;;;;; the department Ce wrking ;;;;;;; itD ;;;;;;; 1#"2.
"/ 8he=s ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; the ffice ;;;;;;; a few days ne't week.
#/ . felt frightened ;;;;;;; the anger ;;;;;;; his &ice.
1%/ ;;;;;;; the tp ;;;;;;; the twer y( c(ld see ;;;;;;; miles ;;;;;;; the city.
IV/ Complete each sentence from 0 to 0? in column A with one of the endings from A to @ in column
1/ 9he dctrs say A/ when she said they were getting
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
2/ D y( think B/ that n ne fresaw the crisis.
3/ 6'perts seem (na$le t agree C/ whether he=ll $e a$le t cme t the
party r nt.
4/ . ne&er feel safe D/ CthatD it will take him a few weeks
t rec&er.
5/ . c(ldn=t $elie&e my ears 6/ whether the dr(g is safe r nt.
6/ As he watched the 92 drama+ </ he s(ddenly realiGed CthatD he=d
seen it $efre.
!/ .t seems incredi$le 5/ CthatD it was ging t $e a disaster.
"/ . )(st knew 4/ $(t he=s nice and that=s mre
#/ 4e=s nt amaGingly handsme+ ./ when .=m $eing dri&en $y >ichard.
1%/ 8imn isn=t s(re c/ CthatD y( c(ld get me sme
stamps while y(=re in twn,
V/ Complete the passage with the correct article "a, an, the# or lea%e the blan!s empty "A#:
'otion /icture
0tin 1ict(re+ C1D ;;;;;;; series f images that are pr)ected nt C2D ;;;;;;; screen t
create C3D ;;;;;;; ill(sin f mtin. 0tin pict(res/ als called C4D ;;;;;;; m&ies, films, r C5D
;;;;;;; cinema. are ne f C6D ;;;;;;; mst pp(lar frms f entertainment+ ena$ling peple t
immerse themsel&es in C!D ;;;;;;; imaginary wrld fr C"D ;;;;;;; shrt perid f time. B(t m&ies
can als teach peple a$(t C#D ;;;;;;; histry+ science+ h(man $eha&ir+ and many C1%D ;;;;;;; ther
s($)ects. 8me films cm$ine entertainment with instr(ctin+ t make C11D ;;;;;;; learning prcess
mre en)ya$le. .n all its frms+ cinema is C12D ;;;;;;; art as well as C13D ;;;;;;; $(siness+ and thse
wh make mtin pict(res take great pride in their creatins.
C14D ;;;;;;; images that make (p C15D ;;;;;;; mtin pict(re are all indi&id(al phtgraphs.
B(t when they appear rapidly in s(ccessin+ C16D ;;;;;;; h(man eye des nt detect that they are
separate images. 9his res(lts frm persistence o$ ,ision, C1!D //////// phenmenn where$y C1"D
;;;;;;; eye retains C1#D ;;;;;;; &is(al image fr C2%D ;;;;;;; fractin f C21D ;;;;;;; secnd after
C22D ;;;;;;; s(rce has $een rem&ed. Alth(gh we d nt e'perience C23D ;;;;;;; images as
indi&id(al phtgraphs+ we d ntice C24D ;;;;;;; differences $etween them. C25D ;;;;;;; $rain then
percei&es these differences as mtin.
C26D ;;;;;;; 0tin pict(res are recrded (sing specially designed cameras that capt(re C2!D
;;;;;;; images n rlls f film. After $eing prcessed and printed+ C2"D ;;;;;;; film is r(n thr(gh
C2#D ;;;;;;; pr)ectr+ which shines light thr(gh C3%D ;;;;;;; film s that C31D ;;;;;;;the images
are displayed n C32D ;;;;;;; screen. 0st m&ies ha&e accmpanying s(nd.
9his article cncerns C33D ;;;;;;; technical aspects f mtin/pict(re prd(ctin. <r
infrmatin a$(t C34D ;;;;;;; artistic and histrical de&elpment f mtin pict(res and C35D ;;;;;;;
mtin/pict(re ind(stry.
VI/ 8se the correct form of the %erbs in brac!ets:
8creenwriters Cde&elpD ;;;;;;; riginal ideas fr the screen r CadaptD ;;;;;;; pre&i(sly
CwriteD ;;;;;;; pieces f wrk as mtin pict(res. Adaptatins CcmeD ;;;;;;; frm n&els+ stage
plays+ m(sicals+ r many ther s(rces. 8creenwriters CwrkD ;;;;;;; in tw ways. 9hey CcmmissinD
;;;;;;; CwriteD ;;;;;;; a script r they CwriteD ;;;;;;; a script on spec Cshrt fr @n spec(latinfD+
CmeanD ;;;;;;; that the screenwriter ChpeD ;;;;;;; that smene ClikeD ;;;;;;; the independently
CwriteD ;;;;;;; script en(gh C$(yD ;;;;;;; the rights t it and CarrangeD ;;;;;;; fr prd(ctin.
Fnce a screenplay Cp(rchaseD ;;;;;;;+ the prd(cer CdecideD ;;;;;;; Cha&eD ;;;;;;; it CrewriteD
;;;;;;; either $y the riginal writer r $y new writers.
9he first step in CwriteD ;;;;;;; a script is CcreateD ;;;;;;; an outline, which C$eD ;;;;;;; a
ne/ r tw/page descriptin f the actin r plt. 9his CfllwD ;;;;;;; $y a treat#ent, which C$eD
;;;;;;; a CdetailD ;;;;;;; descriptin f the film+ CcntainD ;;;;;;; sme passages f dialg(e with
all the scenes CsketchD ;;;;;;; (t and the s($plts Cde&elpD ;;;;;;;. 9hen the writer C$eginD
;;;;;;; the script itself+ which CfillD ;;;;;;; in all the details. .t CsetD ;;;;;;; frth the time and place
f the actin+ Cdescri$eD ;;;;;;; the characters7 physical appearances+ and Cs(pplyD ;;;;;;; all the
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
dialg(e and actin. 8cripts als CindicateD ;;;;;;; where cameras CpsitinD ;;;;;;; and what camera
m&ements Ccc(rD ;;;;;;; while CfilmD ;;;;;;;. 8cripts CindicateD ;;;;;;; transitin de&ices
$etween scenes s(ch as dissol,es Cwhen ne image grad(ally CreplaceD ;;;;;;; antherD+ $ade.ins Cwhen
an image grad(ally CreplaceD ;;;;;;; the $lank screenD+ $ade.outs Cwhen a $lank screen grad(ally
CreplaceD ;;;;;;; the imageD+ and straight cuts frm ne scene t the ne't.
VII/ $ewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1/ 9here is ne pr$lem+ the salary.
/ 9he salary ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
2/ 9here are n interesting prgrams n this week.
/ 9here is nthing ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
3/ Can7t y( r(n faster than that,
/ .s that ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
4/ *e ha&en7t eaten this kind f fd $efre,
/ 9his is ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
5/ A lt f tea is dr(nk in China.
/ 9he ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
6/ .f peple dri&e faster+ it is mre danger(s.
/ 9he ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
!/ . think it is diffic(lt t tell the tr(th.
/ 9he ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
"/ Are y( an e'cellent tennis player,
/ Can y( ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
#/ 1lease d nt lea&e the rm all tgether,
/ 1lease lea&e the rm ne ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%/ . flew frm 4 Chi 0inh city t 4a ?i in ne h(r and 45 min(tes.
/ .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
VIII/ $ead the passage and statements below carefully, and then say whether the statements are true
",#, false "# or not gi%en "&#:
4F* DF 946B 84FF9 A 0F2.6,
3ts f wrk has t $e dne $efre the filming $egins. 9he prd(cer and directr plan hw and
when they will film each scene.
A m&ie is filmed scene $y scene+ and a scene is filmed sht $y sht. 9he scenes are nt (s(ally
filmed in the rder that y( see them in the m&ie. 8metimes the weather is $ad and an (tdr scene
cannt $e filmed. Big+ fancy sets take a lng time t $(ild. 8cenes (sing these sets are ften sht later
e&en th(gh y( may see them at the $eginning f the film.
*hen it is time t film a scene+ the designers get the set ready. 9he actrs r(n thr(gh their lines
and m&ements. 9he directr f phtgraphy arranges the lights. 9he camera peratr checks camera
angles fr the sht. 9he s(nd crew sets (p micrphnes.
9he cameras rll. 6ach filmed sht is called a take( 9he directr may ask fr many takes $efre
he r she is satisfied with the scene.
1/ <ew wrk has t $e dne $efre they $egin filming.
2/ 9he actrs plan hw and when they will film each scene.
3/ 3ts f scenes are filmed in a m&ie.
4/ 9he scenes are (s(ally filmed in the rder that we see them in the m&ie.
5/ *e can7t always film scenes (tside.
6/ .t takes a shrt time t $(ild $ig+ fancy sets.
!/ 9hey ften film these sets later.
"/ 9he actrs help the designers get the set ready $efre filming.
#/ 9he lights are arranged $y the directr f phtgraphy.
1%/ 0icrphnes are set (p $y the camera peratr.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. wor ld B. por k C. fork D. shor t
2/ A. c!p B. r! nner C. pp! lar D. m!st
3/ A. held B. e&ent C. de feat D. se &en
4/ A. ho ld B. who C. mo st D. ho st
5/ A. where B. here C. yer D. ner
6/ A. te m B. gre t C. t e ch D. re d
!/ A. thi nk B. whi le C. time D. fi nal
"/ A. ch ampin B. sch l C. ch emistry D. headach e
#/ A. task& B. game& C. &iewer& D. natin&
1%/ A. fllwe' B. cnsidere' C. calle' D. witnesse'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. champin B. attract C. $illin D. a(dience
2/ A. r(nner B. ar(nd C. sprting D. within
3/ A. perfectinist B. prfessinal C. participate D. cntinental
4/ A. t(rnament B. :(alify C. champinship D. e:(ipment
5/ A. internatinal B. preferentially C. necessarily D. infrmatinal
6/ A. ft$all B. g&ern C. defeat D. witness
!/ A. final B. e&ent C. trphy D. winner
"/ A. 9(nisia B. 5ermany C. 4(ngary D. 0e'ic
#/ A. BraGil B. 6ngland C. 8weden D. Chile
1%/ A. hrea B. capan C. 2ietnam D. 9hailand
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ *here was the 2%%6 *rd C(p he$',
A. s(pprted B. maintained C. pssessed D. rganiGed
2/ *hich team $ecame the ch%)ion,
A. &ictr B. leader C. g(ardian D. defender
3/ .t is cnsidered the mst pp(lar sprting e,ent in the wrld.
A. $(siness B. ad&ent(re C. phenmenn D. cc(rrence
4/ 9he *rld C(p is fllwed with great intere&t ar(nd the gl$e/ the final game f the 1##4
t(rnament was played t a tele&isin a(dience f mre than 1 millin &iewers.
A. $ehalf B. enrichment C. attractin D. self/regard
5/ 9he *rld C(p is fllwed with great interest ar(nd the gl$e/ the *in$ game f the 1##4
t(rnament was played t a tele&isin a(dience f mre than 1 millin &iewers.
A. finishing B. e'treme C. decisi&e D. last
6/ 9he *rld C(p is fllwed with great interest ar(nd the gl$e/ the final game f the 1##4
t(rnament was played t a tele&isin !'ience f mre than 1 millin &iewers.
A. assem$ly B. nlkers C. listeners D. p($lic
!/ #o!n'e' in 1#3% with )(st 13 teams+ the t(rnament nw attracts mre than 14% c(ntries.
A. 6sta$lished B. 1rd(ced C. 8tarted D. 6rected
"/ 9hese are all/star+ )ro*e&&ion$ teams cmpsed f 22 players each.
A. :(alified B. handy C. practiced D. special
#/ 9he hst natin was Er(g(ay and it 'e*ete' Argentina in the final.
A. creamed B. &an:(ished C. s(ppressed D. &erwhelmed
1%/ 8ince then the wrld has "itne&&e' se&enteen *rld C(p t(rnaments.
A. lked B. percei&ed C. knwn D. $tained
IV/ 'atch the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:
1/ 9he *rld C(p is fllwed with 4ret interest ar(nd the gl$e/ the final game f the 1##4
t(rnament was played t a tele&isin a(dience f mre than 1 millin &iewers.
A. $ad B. cl(msy C. inferir D. awf(l
2/ 9he *rld C(p is fllwed with great interest ar(nd the gl$e/ the *in$ game f the 1##4
t(rnament was played t a tele&isin a(dience f mre than 1 millin &iewers.
A. primal B. first C. $eginning D. starting
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
3/ <(nded in 1#3% with )(st 13 teams+ the t(rnament nw ttrct& mre than 14% c(ntries.
A. repels B. thrws C. destrys D. kills
4/ 9hese are all/star+ )ro*e&&ion$ teams cmpsed f 22 players each.
A. st(pid B. (gly C. amate(rish D. ill
5/ 9he 2%%2 *rld C(p was held )intly $y capan and 8(th hrea+ and with the &ictry &er 5ermany
in the final match+ BraGil $ecame the first team t "in the trphy fi&e times.
A. fall B. lse C. (pset D. defeat
6/ ?ame sme *%o!& ft$all players in the wrld.
A. infam(s B. (nknwn C. impssi$le D. irreg(lar
!/ .7m s(re she7ll )&& the e'ams easily.
A. cntin(e B. ref(se C. miss D. fail
"/ .f y( dn7t feel "e$$+ g t $ed and rest.
A. prly B. $adly C. cl(msily D. hardly
#/ <r many y(ng peple in Britain+ sprt is a pp(lar part f schl life+ and $eing in ne f the schl
teams and playing in matches is &ery i%)ortnt.
A. ill B. sick C. minr D. small
1%/ 0y s(itcases are s he,y.
A. thin B. light C. tri&ial D. delicate
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 9hank y( fr phning when . was ill / it was &ery ;;;;;;; f y(.
A. think B. th(ght C. th(ghtf(l D. thinking
2/ 9he fire ca(sed ;;;;;;; damage t the ch(rch.
A. cnsider B. cnsidera$le C. cnsiderate D. cnsidered
3/ A ;;;;;;; is a persn r gr(p cmpeting in a final.
A. final B. finally C. finaliGe D. finalist
4/ 9he 1rime 0inister was g(est f ;;;;;;; at the dinner.
A. hnr B. hnrs C. hnra$le D. hnra$ly
5/ 8pending 12 h(rs n a plane isn=t a &ery ;;;;;;; prspect.
A. attract B. attractin C. attracti&e D. attracti&ely
6/ ;;;;;;; f chn+ . saw a friend f his last week.
A. 9alk B. 9alker C. 9alkati&e D. 9alking
!/ 8he was a key ;;;;;;; in the rerganiGatin f the health ser&ice.
A. play B. player C. playa$le D. playf(l
"/ <riends and family ;;;;;;; were de&astated $y the news f her death.
A. like B. alike C. likely D. likea$le
#/ .=m n :(ite ;;;;;;; terms with my da(ghter=s teacher.
A. friend B. friendly C. (nfriendly D. friendless
1%/ 4e reached a reasna$le le&el f ;;;;;;; in his 6nglish.
A. cmpetent B. cmpetence C. cmpetitin D. cmpetiti&e
VI/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ 9he train lea&es at ".5"+ s we ;;;;;;; $e in 8ctland $y l(nchtime.
A. can B. may C. will D. are ging t
2/ ;;;;;;; y( read that sign frm this distance,
A. Can B. C(ld C. *ill D. *(ld
3/ *e th(ght they ;;;;;;; ha&e gt hme $y fi&e =clck+ $(t there was n reply when we
A. c(ld B. sh(ld C. w(ld D. were ging t
4/ D we ha&e en(gh paint ;;;;;;;+ r sh(ld . get sme mre while .=m (t,
A. t g n with B. t $e ging n with
C. t $e ging t g n with D. t $e a$le t g n with
5/ . ;;;;;;; ha&e written t her $(t . ha&en=t had time.
A. sh(ld B. shall C. may D. might
6/ 9here ;;;;;;; $e ther pr$lems that we dn=t knw a$(t.
A. c(ld B. may C. (ght t D. is ging t
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
!/ . $r(ght him sme sandwiches $eca(se . th(ght he ;;;;;;; $e h(ngry.
A. sh(ld B. c(ld C. might D. w(ld
"/ *e asked if the cmp(ter ;;;;;;; access the .nternet.
A. had t B. (ght t C. c(ld D. was ging t
#/ . ;;;;;;; say+ y(=re lking e'tremely well.
A. ha&e t B. m(st C. may D. sh(ld
1%/ . ;;;;;;; g t 0anchester tmrrw n $(siness.
A. w(ld B. (ght t C. ha&e t D. might
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ 9he CAD BraGil attack CBD p(t <rance=s CCD defenders (nder CDD press(re.
2/ CAD A striker is a player in a game CBD s(ch as ft$all whse main p(rpse is t try CCD t sa&e gals
rather than CDD t pre&ent the ppsing team frm scring.
3/ @Fffsidef means @Cin partic(lar sprts+ especially CAD ft$all and hckeyD in a psitin which is CBD
nt allwed $y the r(les f CCD the game+ ften in frnt f CDD the ther playerf.
4/ A midfielder is CAD a mem$er f a sccer team acti&e in CBD the crner f the playing field+ ften $th
CCD ffensi&ely and CDD defensi&ely.
5/ CAD A teacher is smene CBD whse )$ is t teach peple CCD t impr&e at a sprt+ skill+ r CDD
schl s($)ect.
6/ CAD A right/winger is a persn CBD whm plays n CCD the right side f CDD the field in a sprts game.
!/ CAD A fan is CBD smene wh CCD admires and s(pprts a persn+ sprt+ CDD team sprts+ etc.
"/ AC 0ilan nly CAD lst the game CBD $eca(se CCD the cach CDD was $iased.
#/ .n ft$all+ a small CAD yellw whistle is shwn t a player $y CBD the referee as a CCD warning that
the player CDD has nt $eyed a r(le.
1%/ 4ysen handled CAD the $all and cnceded CBD the penalty that CCD ga&e 0anchester Enited CDD the
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
<t$all+ game played n a rectang(lar C1D ;;;;;;; $y tw ppsing teams with an inflated
leather $all that is r(ghly C2D ;;;;;;; in shape. 9he $)ect f the game is t scre pints $y carrying
the $all C3D ;;;;;;; the ppnent7s gal line r $y C4D ;;;;;;; the $all thr(gh the ppnent7s
galpsts. <t$all is C5D ;;;;;;; a f(ll/cntact sprt+ meaning that play in&l&es $dily cntact $y C6D
;;;;;;; f checking+ $lcking+ gra$$ing+ and tackling. C!D ;;;;;;; the r(gh physical nat(re f the
game+ playing ft$all can ca(se in)(ries.
9his article C"D ;;;;;;; n the game f American ft$all+ a distinct type f ft$all that
de&elped in C#D ;;;;;;; in the 1#
cent(ry. .t de&elped (t f tw ther sprts+ sccer CC1%D ;;;;;;;
knwn as assciatin ft$allD and r(g$y ft$all+ each f C11D ;;;;;;; remains a separate sprt with its
wn specific set f r(les. American ft$all differs slightly in C12D ;;;;;;; and field siGe frm a style f
ft$all C13D ;;;;;;; mstly in Canada+ called Canadian ft$all. Fther &arieties f the game pp(lar
in C14D ;;;;;;; parts f the wrld C15D ;;;;;;; A(stralian ft$all and 5aelic ft$all.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ t inflate C&.DH thli ph}ng+ $Ym ph}ng
/ t gra$ C&.DH chbp+ tNm+ &} lsy+ $t
/ t tackle C&DH chn+ cmn CIki phWYng Iang dt $QngD
1/ AD area BD yard CD field DD regin
2/ AD s:(are BD r(nd CD rectangle DD &al
3/ AD alng BD acrss CD thr(gh DD past
4/ AD kicking BD shting CD sending DD $ringing
5/ AD said BD tld CD intrd(ced DD cnsidered
6/ AD means BD path CD way DD rad
!/ AD .n spite f BD Beca(se f CD By DD *ith
"/ AD fc(ses BD places CD depends DD ges
#/ AD the E88> BD the Enited 8tates
CD the Enited hingdm DD the 1hilippines
1%/ AD firstly BD riginally CD mstly DD nearly
11/ AD them BD that CD which DD whm
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
12/ AD laws BD r(les CD systems DD methds
13/ AD knwn BD seen CD watched DD played
14/ AD different BD anther CD &ari(s DD se&eral
15/ AD ha&e BD cnsist CD incl(de DD c&er
I/ 'atch the words or phrases in column A with the appropriate definitions in column B:
1/ ft$all A/ a game played $y tw teams f fi&e men r si' wmen wh
scre pints $y thrwing a large $all thr(gh an pen net
hanging frm a metal ring
2/ tennis B/ a sprt where tw teams try t scre pints $y carrying an
&al $all acrss a partic(lar line r kicking it &er and $etween
an 4/shaped set f psts
3/ $asket$all C/ a sprt in which tw teams f ele&en players try t scre r(ns
$y hitting a small hard leather/c&ered $all with a $at+ and
r(nning $etween tw sets f small wden psts
4/ $admintn D/ a game which is played n a large ta$le where tw r f(r
players hit a $all &er a lw net
5/ ping png 6/ a game played $y tw peple n a ta$le c&ered in green clth
in which a c(e Ce a lng pleD is (sed t hit $alls against each
ther and int pckets ar(nd the ta$le
6/ $ase$all </ a game played $etween tw teams f ele&en peple+ where
each team tries t win $y kicking a $all int the ther team=s gal
!/ cricket 5/ a sprt in which tw r f(r peple hit a sh(ttlecck Ce a light
$)ect with feathersD &er a high net
"/ chess 4/ a game played $etween tw r f(r peple n a specially
marked playing area which in&l&es hitting a small $all acrss a
central net
#/ $illiards ./ a game played $y tw peple n a s:(are $ard+ in which each
player has 16 pieces that can $e m&ed n the $ard in different
1%/ r(g$y c/ a game played especially in ?rth America $y tw teams f
nine players+ in which a player hits a $all with a $at and tries t
r(n ar(nd f(r $ases n a large field $efre the ther team
ret(rns the $all
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ 1eple are $ecming far mre aware f en&irnmental iss(es.
2/ 9he tw cmpanies are in cmpetitin with each ther.
3/ 9he Channel 9(nnel was )intly f(nded $y the <rench and British.
4/ *e had t d sme killing stmach e'ercises last night.
5/ 4e ne&er ges (t with(t his sec(rity men in attendance
6/ 1articipatry sprts are $ecming mre pp(lar.
!/ .t was a c(rage(s decisin t resign in prtest at the cmpany=s pll(tin recrd.
"/ 9he esta$lishment f new areas f emplyment is a pririty.
#/ 1redicta$ly+ after the initial media interest+ the ref(gees nw seem t ha&e $een frgtten.
1%/ 4e=ll $e remem$ered $th as a $rilliant ft$aller and as a tr(e sprtsman.
III/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
galscrer+ defenders+ midfielders+ :(arter$ack+ striker+ penalty+ red card+ ffside+ referee+ fans
1/ 0re than 15+ %%% 3i&erpl ;;;;;;; attended 8at(rday=s game.
2/ .nter 0ilan ha&e signed tw new ;;;;;;;.
3/ A ;;;;;;; is the player wh recei&es the $all at the start f e&ery play and tries t m&e it alng the
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
4/ 9here was a ;;;;;;; cla(se which said y( had t pay half the cst if y( cancelled y(r $king.
5/ 8he&chenk was AC 0ilan=s leading ;;;;;;; that seasn.
6/ 9hat player recei&ed a ;;;;;;; and therefre he was nt allwed t cntin(e playing.
!/ C&entry had a gal disallwed fr ;;;;;;;.
"/ 9hey had t ask ne f the spectatrs t ;;;;;;; Cthe matchD.
#/ 8 far they ha&e f(nd few ;;;;;;; f their pint f &iew n camp(s.
1%/ 9he cl($=s new manager is a frmer 6ngland ;;;;;;;. 4e (sed t scre a lt f gals.
IV/ Complete the sentences below with 2will/ would/ shall/ should/ may/ might/ must/ can/ could/ is
going to4 "9ne word can only be used once#:
1/ 8hall . pick the children (p frm schl tday,
2/ 3k at the skyd .t7s &ery cl(dy and . think it is ging t rain hard.
3/ B( said we c(ld watch tele&isin when we=&e finished (r hmewrk.
4/ 9here may $e sme e&idence t s(ggest she=s g(ilty+ $(t it=s hardly cncl(si&e.
5/ 9he train lea&es at ".5"+ s we will $e in 8ctland $y l(nchtime.
6/ 9here sh(ld $e an in&estigatin int the ca(se f the disaster.
!/ *e m(st get smene t fi' that wheel.
"/ 2ery plitely the little $y asked if he might ha&e anther piece f cake.
#/ 9he dctrs are ding all that they can+ $(t she=s still nt $reathing prperly.
1%/ *hat w(ld y( d if y( lst y(r )$,
V/ ill in each gap with a suitable preposition:
1/ . can=t cncentrate ;;;;;;; my wrk ;;;;;;; all that nise.
2/ 9hey la(ghed ;;;;;;; her )kes.
3/ *e $(mped ;;;;;;; hate when we were ;;;;;;; 3ndn last week.
4/ .=d ne&er heard ;;;;;;; him $efre he wn the priGe.
5/ 9hey lked ;;;;;;; the pict(re and la(ghed.
6/ *hat d y( think ;;;;;;; this latest g&ernment scheme,
!/ 4a&e a listen ;;;;;;; thisd .=&e ne&er heard anything ;;;;;;; it $efre.
"/ . had a &ery dd dream ;;;;;;; y( last night.
#/ *hether ;;;;;;; nt we g ;;;;;;; 8pain ;;;;;;; (r hliday depends ;;;;;;; the cst.
1%/ .t is a $ra&e persn wh will die ;;;;;;; their $eliefs.
VI/ <rite sentences using the clues gi%en:
1/ Da&is C(p / imprtant / tennis champinship.
2/ capan / playing hst / ne't / internatinal cnference.
3/ recrd / $een / 9p 9en / three weeks.
4/ Beatles= first / hit recrd / =3&e 0e D=.
5/ Fnly / gal / scred / entire match.
6/ frward / player / in / attacking psitin / team.
!/ chnsn / came n / s($stit(te / twards / end / the match.
"/ 4e / in)(red+ / spent / few weeks / seasn / the $ench.
#/ 4e / scred / first gal / match / three min(tes / after / inter&al.
1%/ speed / allws him / easily dri$$le / defenders.
VII/ Complete the second sentences using the word in brac!ets, beginning as shown:
1/ ?$dy has e'plained why my flight is delayed. CreasnD
/ ?$dy has ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the delay t my flight.
2/ .7d rather y( didn7t cme t the meeting late. CpreferD
/ .7d ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; the meeting late.
3/ *hen ?h(ng wanted t $(y a new $icycle+ she had t sa&e (p fr 6 mnths. C?h(ngD
/ .t ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sa&e (p fr a new $icycle.
4/ 9hey are letting D(ng (t f hspital ne't weekend. CreleasedD
/ D(ng ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; hspital ne't weekend.
5/ @Did y( lea&e a tip fr the waitress+ 0(m,f . asked. CheD
/ . asked my mther ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a tip fr the waitress.
6/ hha didn7t e'pect t win the priGe+ $(t he entered it anyway. CwentD
/ hha didn7t e'pect t win the priGe+ $(t he ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; it anyway.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
VIII/ $ead the sentences below carefully, and then put them in the correct order to ma!e a proper
reading: C?(m$er 1 has dne fr y(D
*F>3D CE1 Ccnt.D
1/ .n 1#%4 representati&es frm se&en 6(rpean sccer assciatins C<rance+ Belgi(m+ Denmark+ 9he
?etherlands+ 8pain+ 8weden+ and 8witGerlandD rganiGed a g&erning $dy fr sccer+ called the
<{d{ratin .nternatinale de <t$all Assciatin C<.<AD.
2/ By the mid/1#3%s+ the ma)r 6(rpean c(ntries had $ecme interestedwe'cept fr the British .sles.
3/ .n 1#3% the first *rld C(p t(rnament was held in Er(g(ay.
4/ At that first meeting+ <.<A planned t rganiGe a wrld champinship+ $(t 26 years passed $efre
cnditins were s(ita$le.
5/ Despite $eing sh(nned $y the strnger 6(rpean natins+ the t(rnament was a financial s(ccess and
e'cited internatinal interest.
6/ 6ngland+ 8ctland+ and *ales+ which field separate natinal sccer teams+ were nt mem$ers f <.<A
and ref(sed t take part in the *rld C(p.
!/ Amng ther cnsideratins+ <.<A determined that the le&el f play was s(fficient (tside f 6(rpe
t s(pprt a wrld champinship.
"/ 9he *rld C(p pr&ed s pp(lar that 36 natins entered the 1#3" t(rnament+ and preliminary
eliminatin games were played t decide the 16 finalists.
#/ .talian dictatr Benit 0(sslini=s fascist regime rganiGed the 1#34 t(rnament in .taly+ which the
hst natin wn.
1%/ .t was wn $y the hst natin with a &ictry &er Argentina in the final.
11/ <rance hsted the 1#3" t(rnament+ and .taly repeated as champin.
12/ .n additin+ prfessinal leag(es had e&l&ed s that the Flympic 5ames+ then restricted t amate(r
athletes+ n lnger represented the highest le&el f cmpetitin in the wrld.
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. city B. c(ntry C. $y D. &ery
2/ A. place& B. h(&e& C. $s&e& D. ffice&
3/ A. name& B. ri&er& C. seasn& D. part&
4/ A. e mpire B. e nter C. e mpty D. e nd
5/ A. (nite' B. de&elpe' C. regarde' D. attracte'
6/ A. fllo" B. $elo" C. kno" n D. do" n
!/ A. so! th B. a$o! t C. $ro!gh D. fo! nd
"/ A. mi ngle B. fi ne C. $(ildi ng D. mi llin
#/ A. $! sy B. )! st C. h! ndred D. s! ch
1%/ A. w ter B. c ll C. ren me D. tll
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. capital B. different C. $(siness D. apartment
2/ A. theater B. district C. lcate D. fam(s
3/ A. s(theastern B. &isitr C. attracti&e D. cn&enient
4/ A. de&elp B. m(se(m C. pp(late D. infrmal
5/ A. mingle B. whether C. har$r D. cmpare
6/ A. pp(latin B. cmparisn C. infrmatin D. simil arl y
!/ A. regin B. $elng C. cmplete D. prefer
"/ A. metrplitan B. pp(larity C. prn(nciatin D. internatinal
#/ A. $r(gh B. reser&e C. $eginner D. pll(te
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1%/ A. rename B. pr$lem C. cm$ine D. cnnect
III/ 'atch the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:
1/ well/knwn 2/ match A/ prgress B/ f(ll
3/ (nite 4/ lcate C/ mi' D/ cm$ine
5/ de&elp 6/ mingle 6/ area </ dd
!/ regin "/ ttal 5/ c(ple 4/ set (p
#/ f(nd 1%/ (n(s(al ./ settle c/ fam(s
IV/ 'atch the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:
1/ central 2/ de&elp A/ less B/ (nknwn
3/ mingle 4/ fine C/ recede D/ laGy
5/ mre 6/ ttal 6/ separate </ partial
!/ (n(s(al "/ $(sy 5/ (gly 4/ e'ternal
#/ attracti&e 1%/ fam(s ./ d(ll c/ cmmn
V/ 'atch the cities or capitals in column A with the appropriate nations in column B:
1/ *arsaw 2/ 4ng hng A/ 5ermany B/ 1land
3/ 0adrid 4/ 0(nich C/ Csta >ica D/ China
5/ 1aris 6/ 8an cse 6/ 6ngland </ 8weden
!/ 8e(l "/ 1rt 5/ 4lland 4/ Argentina
#/ 8a 1a(l 1%/ 0nterrey ./ 1rt(gal c/ 0e'ic
11/ 9ky 12/ 3ndn h/ .ran 3/ the E8A
13/ vagre$ 14/ 8tckhlm 0/ .taly ?/ Cratia
15/ >me 16/ 8ydney F/ capan 1/ BraGil
1!/ ?ew Brk 1"/ B(ens Aires o/ A(stralia >/ hrea
1#/ Amsterdam 2%/ 9ehran 8/ <rance 9/ 8pain
VI/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 9here is n ;;;;;;; reasn fr the accident.
A. knw B. knwn C. knwa$le D. knwledge
2/ 1hne me if there are any new ;;;;;;;.
A. de&elp B. de&elped
C. de&elping D. de&elpments
3/ *e=re reading a ;;;;;;; $k this week.
A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently
4/ 9he mansin is set in #% acres f $ea(tif(l+ (nspilt ;;;;;;;.
A. c(ntry B. c(ntryside C. c(ntrywide D. c(ntryman
5/ 9hese flwers are $rightly clred in rder t ;;;;;;; $(tterflies.
A. attract B. attractin C. attracti&e D. attracti&ely
6/ 9he lcal ;;;;;;; infrmatin ffice pr&ides a free map f the regin.
A. t(r B. t(rist C. t(rism D. t(r g(ide
!/ Cntractrs ha&e started ;;;;;;; n waste land near the twn.
A. $(ild B. $(ilt C. $(ilder D. $(ilding
"/ At the .nternatinal 8chl they ha&e p(pils f 46 different ;;;;;;;.
A. natins B. natinal C. natinalist D. natinalities
#/ Alth(gh the technlgy ;;;;;;; in the Eh+ it has $een de&elped in the E8.
A. rigin B. riginal C. riginally D. riginated
1%/ 0y sn=s teacher says that his wrk is ften rather ;;;;;;;.
A. care B. careless C. caref(l D. carelessly
VII/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ 8he walked hme $y herself+ ;;;;;;; she knew that it was danger(s.
A. despite B. alth(gh C. $eca(se f D. $eca(se
2/ ;;;;;;; repeated ass(rances that the prd(ct is safe+ many peple ha&e stpped $(ying it.
A. Despite B. Alth(gh C. Beca(se f D. Beca(se
3/ c(st ;;;;;;; .=m lending y( my dress fr tnight desn=t mean y( can $rrw it
whene&er y( want t.
A. despite B. alth(gh C. $eca(se f D. $eca(se
4/ 9he train was delayed ;;;;;;; $ad weather.
A. despite B. alth(gh C. $eca(se f D. $eca(se
5/ 4a&e y( $een t the resta(rant ;;;;;;; is )(st pened in twn,
A. that B. wh C. whm D. what
6/ 8he says it=s Charltte=s fa(lt+ ;;;;;;; is r($$ish+ and that she $lames her.
A. which B. that C. whse D. wh
!/ Chen+ ;;;;;;; cntract e'pires ne't week+ is likely t m&e t play fr a 6(rpean cl($.
A. whse B. that C. which D. whm
"/ 8he li&ed in >me fr a c(ple f years+ ;;;;;;; she ta(ght 6nglish.
A. wh B. why C. where D. when
#/ 9he plice asked me t e'plain ;;;;;;; . hadn=t reprted the accident sner.
A. which B. why C. that D. when
1%/ 4e was :(ite shcked ;;;;;;; . tld him.
A. what B. that C. when D. why
VIII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ 8he=ll $e cming CAD tnight+ CBD alth(gh . dn=t knw CCD e'act CDD when.
2/ *e CAD can=t g t c(lia=s party CBD $eca(se f we=re ging CCD away CDD that weekend.
3/ CAD .n spite f CBD his in)(ries+ he $ears CCD nt hatred CDD twards his attackers.
4/ 8he CAD tk the mney CBD frm her mther=s p(rse+ CCD despite CDD hers.
5/ 4e CAD rang cames+ CBD that was CCD a gd friend CDD as well as the family dctr.
6/ CAD 9here was a pict(re CBD in the paper f a man CCD whse leg CDD had $lwn ff.
!/ 4e CAD tk (t CBD a pht CCD f his sn+ CDD wh he adres.
"/ CAD .=ll meet y( in the city+ CBD which is+ . will CCD if the trains CDD are r(nning.
#/ B( CAD can=t cmplain f CBD $eing lnely CCD where y( dn=t make CDD any effrt t meet peple.
1%/ Bradfrd+ CAD where Bren CBD cmes frm+ CCD has CDD a lt gd c(rry resta(rants.
IA/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
3ndn is the capital f the Enited hingdm and the hme f its :(een+ 6liGa$eth ... .t7s als the
largest city in 6(rpe. A$(t ! millin peple call 3ndn hme.
3F?DF? 3A?D0A>h8
0illins f peple &isit 3ndn e&ery year frm all C1D ;;;;;;; the wrld. .f y( tra&el there+
y(7ll find many C2D ;;;;;;; things t see and d.
D(ring A(g(st and 8eptem$er+ y( can &isit B(ckingham C3D ;;;;;;;. 9hat7s where the :(een
li&es mst f the year. .t has a$(t 6%% C4D ;;;;;;;+ $(t y(7ll see nly state rms where the :(een
entertains g(ests. .n the mrning+ a clrf(l ceremny C5D ;;;;;;; @changing f the g(ardf takes place
in the palace c(rtyard. Fne gr(p f palace g(ards C6D ;;;;;;; ff d(ty+ and anther trp arri&es t
replace them.
B( can C!D ;;;;;;; the 9wer f 3ndn+ a histric frtress that was nce a ryal palace. .t was
als (sed as a C"D ;;;;;;; fr h(ndreds f years. 9w f the wi&es f hing 4enry 2...wAnne Bleyn
and Catherine 4wardwwere p(t C#D ;;;;;;; death here. 9he Crwn cewels are a pp(lar attractin at
the 9wer. 9his C1%D ;;;;;;; f )eweled crwns+ swrds+ scepters+ and ther ryal $)ects is nly (sed
n C11D ;;;;;;; ccasins+ s(ch as the crwning f a new r(ler.
Be C12D ;;;;;;; t &isit *estminster A$$ey+ ne f Britain7s fam(s C13D ;;;;;;;. 9he natin7s
kings and :(eens are crwned here. 0any r(lers and fam(s citiGens are C14D ;;;;;;; here. 9here are
als mn(ments t plitical fig(res and pets.
9he C15D ;;;;;;; f 1arliament are alng the 9hames >i&er+ near *estminster A$$ey. 9his is
where the g&ernment meets. 3k C16D ;;;;;;; t see the clck twer with Big Ben+ 3ndn7s fam(s
C1!D ;;;;;;; that rings e&ery h(r. B( can get n a $at C1"D ;;;;;;; fr a ride n the 9hames.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
Fther places y( might want t see are 8ctland Bard+ 0adame 9(ssa(d7s+ C1#D ;;;;;;; the
British 0(se(m. B( can find (t a$(t 3ndn7s fam(s criminals in the C2%D ;;;;;;; 0(se(m at
8ctland Bard+ the hme f 3ndn7s 0etrplitan 1lice. At 0adame 9(ssa(d7s+ y(7ll see eerily C21D
;;;;;;;+ life/siGe wa' fig(res f pp idls and histric fig(res. A great thing t see at the British
0(se(m is the cllectin f m(mmies+ tm$ C22D ;;;;;;;+ and gld )ewelry frm ancient 6gypt. 9he
m(se(m7s 6gyptian cllectin is C23D ;;;;;;; f the largest in the wrld.
<r a gd C24D ;;;;;;; f 3ndn+ take a ride in the 3ndn 6ye. 9his enrm(s wheel takes
y( 443 feet C135 metersD a$&e the 3ndn skyline. Enlike a traditinal <erris wheel+ the C25D ;;;;;;;
carries its passengers in enclsed cmpartments.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ landmark Cn.DH mkc ranh giXi
/ eery Cad).DH gjy ra cm giac thnn $U &T sb hi
/ wa' Cn.DH sap ng+ chst sap
/ m(mmy Cn.DH 'ac CWXpD
/ <erris wheel Cn.DH &Png I( :(ay
1/ AD thr(gh BD &er CD acrss DD in
2/ AD pr BD fam(s CD $ring DD fascinating
3/ AD Castle BD 4(se CD 1alace DD B(ilding
4/ AD rms BD drs CD windws DD gates
5/ AD said BD called CD cnsidered DD knwn
6/ AD p(ts BD marches CD takes DD sends
!/ AD g BD cme CD tra&el DD t(r
"/ AD place BD rm CD prisn DD h(se
#/ AD t BD int CD n DD nt
1%/ AD selectin BD class CD kind DD cllectin
11/ AD special BD especial CD essential DD imprtant
12/ AD en(gh BD s(re CD gd DD cle&er
13/ AD &illas BD h(ses CD ch(rches DD castles
14/ AD burie$ (6 $ea$ )6 !ille$ %6 born
15& '6 Halaes (6 #ouses )6 (uil$ings %6 )hurhes
16& '6 up BD dwn CD after DD fr
1!/ AD flag BD $ell CD twer DD clck
1"/ AD near BD near$y CD nearly DD ne't t
1#/ AD as well BD an$ )6 too %6 also
20& '6 )ri*e (6 'r*y )6 )itiEen %6 .ational
21& '6 real (6 reality )6 realist %6 realisti
22& '6 paintings (6 photos )6 opies %6 pitures
23& '6 so*e (6 one )6 several %6 out
24& '6 view (6 sight )6 sene %6 opinion
25& '6 7on$on =ye (6 Iotlan$ 8ar$ )6 (ig (en %6 7on$on =ye
A/ $ead the headings "from 0 to B# and the paragraphs "from A to +# carefully, and then match them
together appropriately:
1/ A C6?96> F< BE8.?688 A?D <.?A?C6
2/ 16F136 <>F0 626>B*46>6
3/ 946 <.26 BF>FE548
4/ A C.9B F< 3A?D0A>h8
5/ F?6 F< A06>.CA78 F3D689 C.9.68
6/ A C6?96> <F> 946 A>98
!/ A C.9B F< .83A?D8
A/ ;;;;;;;;;;
?ew Brk is the wrld7s mst ethnically di&erse city. A$(t ne/third f ?ew Brk7s residents+
&er 2.6 millin peple+ were $rn in ther c(ntries. 8chlkids in ?ew Brk speak mre than 12%
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
B/ ;;;;;;;;;;
9he city is f(ll f fam(s $(ildings that y( may ften see n tele&isin. 9hey incl(de the
6mpire 8tate B(ilding+ Enited ?atins head:(arters+ Chrysler B(ilding+ and >ckefeller Center.
9he 8tat(e f 3i$erty stands in ?ew Brk 4ar$r. .t has welcmed millins f immigrants t
9w f the wrld7s tallest $(ildings nce sared a$&e ?ew Brk7s skyline. 9hey were the twin
twers f the *rld 9rade Center. B(t terrrists flew airplanes int the twers and destryed them n
8eptem$er 11+ 2%%1.
Central 1ark is an asis f greenery in the midst f ?ew Brk7s tall $(ildings. .t ffers a G+ a
nat(re center+ playgr(nds+ paths fr r(nning and $icycling+ and places fr ice skating+ rller skating+
and playing sprts.
C/ ;;;;;;;;;;
*hat d y( think f when y( think f ?ew Brk City, 0st peple think f 0anhattan+ the
heart f the city+ with its twering skyscrapers.
B(t the city has fi&e sectins. 9hese sectins are called $r(ghs. A $r(gh is similar t a
c(nty. 9he fi&e $r(ghs are 0anhattan+ o(eens+ Brklyn+ the Brn'+ and 8taten .sland.
D/ ;;;;;;;;;;
9he Brn' is the nly $r(gh f ?ew Brk City n the Enited 8tates mainland. 9he ther
$r(ghs are n islands. Brklyn and o(eens cc(py the western end f 3ng .sland. *ater s(rr(nds
8taten .sland and 0anhattan. 9hese tw $r(ghs face each ther acrss ?ew Brk 4ar$r.
6/ ;;;;;;;;;;
6nglish e'plrer 4enry 4(dsn in 16%# sailed (p the ri&er that nw $ears his name. 4e was
wrking fr a D(tch cmpany. 9he cmpany started a settlement at the m(th f the 4(dsn in 1624.
9hey called it ?ew Amsterdam. 9he 6nglish capt(red the settlement in 1664 and renamed it ?ew Brk.
8ince clnial days ?ew Brk has $een an imprtant city. .t was the E.8. capital frm 1!"5 t
1!#%. ?ew Brk passed 1hiladelphia in 1"1% t $ecme America7s largest city. ?ew Brk grew $eca(se
f its e'cellent har$r. 9he prt made it a center f trade. .mmigrants t the Enited 8tates p(red
thr(gh the prt.
</ ;;;;;;;;;;
9day+ *all 8treet+ ?ew Brk7s financial center+ is the leading financial center fr the wrld.
*all 8treet is hme t many $anks+ stck markets+ stck$rkers+ and ther financial instit(tins.
?ew Brk is the mst imprtant cmm(nicatins and p($lishing center in the Enited 8tates.
9hree ma)r tele&isin netwrks ha&e their head:(arters in ?ew Brk CitywABC+ CB8+ and ?BC.
0any f the c(ntry7s ma)r ad&ertising agencies and $k and magaGine p($lishers als are
head:(artered in ?ew Brk City.
5/ ;;;;;;;;;;
?ew Brk is a ma)r center fr the arts. ? ther American city has s many places t hear
m(sic+ see plays+ watch dance+ r lk at art.
9he city7s (tstanding art m(se(ms incl(de the 0etrplitan 0(se(m+ 5(ggenheim 0(se(m+
0(se(m f 0dern Art+ and *hitney 0(se(m f American Art. 5alleries n 0adisn A&en(e shw
&ery new artwrks.
9imes 8:(are and Bradway frm the main theater district. 3incln Center fr the 1erfrming
Arts has cncert halls+ theaters fr dance and plays+ and the 0etrplitan Fpera 4(se. ?ew Brk City7s
m(se(ms+ theaters+ and cncerts make the city a pp(lar destinatin fr millins f &isitrs each year.
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ A. hi strical B. arri &al C. $rilliant D. sti ll
2/ A. place& B. h(&e& C. increa&e& D. ch&e&
3/ A. la(re te B. tech C. se sn D. me n
4/ A. f m(s B. p ssage C. t lent D. c rry
5/ A. c!lt(ral B. s!ch C. s! ggest D. partic!lar
6/ A. $ack& B. schlar& C. way& D. festi&al&
!/ A. Co nf(cian B. do ctr C. follw D. lo ng
"/ A. tho! ght B. gro! nd C. a$o! t D. no! n
#/ A. $e ha&ir B. $e tween C. $e came D. re lic
1%/ A. esta$lishe' B. talente' C. ed(cate' D. neede'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. histrical B. ren&atin C. traditinal D. cntin((s
2/ A. fam(s B. $ecme C. relic D. passage
3/ A. Cnf(cian B. c(lt(ral C. architect D. festi&al
4/ A. $eha&ir B. $rilliant C. e'istence D. impressi&e
5/ A. esta$lish B. impressi&e C. s(ccessf(l D. typical
6/ A. ed(cated B. initially C. wnderf(ll y D. $ea(tif(ll y
!/ A. memrialiGe B. (ni&ersity C. riginally D. ccasinally
"/ A. la(reate B. tgether C. engra&ing D. italic
#/ A. achie&ement B. imprtant C. fllwing D. cnsider
1%/ A. trtise B. $etween C. schlar D. dctr
III/ 'atch the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:
1/ relic 2/ representati&e A/ accmplish B/ set (p
3/ esta$lish 4/ memrialiGe C/ appealing D/ sym$lic
5/ $rilliant 6/ achie&e 6/ restre </ dd
!/ repair "/ impress 5/ carni&al 4/ &estige
#/ festi&al 1%/ attracti&e ./ cele$rate c/ imprint
IV/ 'atch the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:
1/ late 2/ $rilliant A/ d(ll B/ first
3/ achie&e 4/ traditinal C/ fail D/ early
5/ impressi&e 6/ s(ccess 6/ (gly </ petty
!/ final "/ $ea(tif(l 5/ rise 4/ lss
#/ typical 1%/ fall ./ (ncn&entinal c/ irreg(lar
V/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1/ .t7s cheaper t g $y car A/ than any$dy else.
2/ 9he garden lks $etter B/ f(rther than . th(ght.
3/ . knw him well/pr$a$ly $etter C/ mre diffic(lt than we e'pected.
4/ 4e did &ery $adly in the e'am/ D/ 9he ne .7&e gt keeps $reaking
5/ .t7s a lng walk frm here t the
6/ . (sed t play mre ften.
6/ . dn7t play tennis m(ch these days. </ wrse than e'pected.
!/ 9he e'am was :(ite diffic(lt/ 5/ s . went t $ed earlier than (s(al.
"/ .t7s t nisy here. 4/ than $y train.
#/ . was feeling tired last night+ ./ Can we g smewhere :(ieter,
1%/ .7d like t ha&e a mre relia$le car. c/ since y( tied it (p.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
VI/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ 8he specialiGes in ;;;;;;; n&els set in eighteenth/cent(ry 6ngland.
A. histry B. histrian C. histric D. histrical
2/ 8he=s st(dying mdern capanese lang(age and ;;;;;;;.
A. c(lt(re B. c(lt(red C. c(lt(ral D. c(lt(rally
3/ 4e is $est knwn as the ;;;;;;; f a lng/r(nning 92 series.
A. rigin B. riginal C. riginality D. riginatr
4/ Ask me again tmrrw. .=ll ha&e t gi&e it sme ;;;;;;;.
A. think B. thinking C. th(ght D. th(ghtf(l
5/ >ed(cing the siGe f classes may impr&e ;;;;;;; standards.
A. ed(cate B. ed(cated C. ed(catinal D. ed(cati&e
6/ . didn=t get m(ch f an ;;;;;;; f the place $eca(se it was dark when we dr&e thr(gh
A. impress B. impressin C. impressi&e D. impressi&ely
!/ A n(m$er f patients ha&e $een ;;;;;;; treated with the new dr(g.
A. s(ccess B. s(ccessf(l C. s(ccessf(lly D. (ns(ccessf(l
"/ .t=s )(st a ;;;;;;; f the $igger ri&er+ $(t called $y a different name.
A. cntin(e B. cntin((s C. cntin(al D. cntin(atin
#/ .=m )(st ging t ;;;;;;; myself / it sh(ld nly take a few h(rs.
A. $ea(ty B. $ea(tif(l C. $ea(tify D. $ea(tif(lly
1%/ All she needed t ;;;;;;; her happiness was a $a$y.
A. cmplete B. cmpletely C. cmpletin D. cmpleteness
VII/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ 0y h(se is ;;;;;;; y(rs. 9hey ha&e the same siGe.
A. as $ig as B. s $ig as C. $igger than D. the $iggest
2/ B(r watch is ;;;;;;; mine. B(rs is 3%% dllars and mine is 2%% dllars nly.
A. cheaper than B. mre e'pensi&e than
C. as e'pensi&e as D. the cheapest
3/ 9he film is ;;;;;;; the ne we saw last week.
A. s interesting as B. less interesting than
C. fewer interesting than D. m(ch interesting than
4/ 1etrl is ;;;;;;; it was a few years ag.
A. as twice e'pensi&e as B. mre e'pensi&e twice than
C. twice as e'pensi&e as D. e'pensi&e mre than twice
5/ 9he e'am paper is ;;;;;;; we e'pected.
A. mre easily than B. mre easy than
C. mre easier than D. easier than
6/ 3et7s g $y $(s. .t7s ;;;;;;;.
A. m(ch cheaper B. mre cheaper
C. m(ch cheaper than D. mre cheaper than
!/ ;;;;;;; . get+ ;;;;;;; . am.
A. 9he lder/ the mre happy B. 9he mre ld/ the happier
C. 9he lder/ the happier D. 9he mre ld/ the mre happy
"/ ;;;;;; mney we earn+ ;;;;;;; we li&e.
A. 9he mre/ the $etter B. 9he many/ the $etter
C. 9he mre/ the mre gd D. 9he many/ the mre gd
#/ .t . were ;;;;;;;+ .7d fall in l&e with her.
A. mre y(nger B. any y(nger
C. m(ch lder than D. lder than
1%/ *hat was ;;;;;;; hliday y(7&e e&er had,
A. mst en)ya$le B. the mst en)ya$le
C. the mre en)ya$le D. mre en)ya$le
VIII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ 8he7s nthing CAD like CBD s gd CCD at tennis CDD like her friend.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
2/ CAD 4a&e CBD as CCD many ptates CDD that y( like.
3/ 4is hand is CAD s CBD steady CCD as CDD a rck.
4/ 9he dictinary wasn7t CAD nearly CBD as CCD helpf(l CDD than . had hped.
5/ 9m drank CAD half CBD as CCD m(ch $eer CDD like 4(g.
6/ CAD 9he mre CBD diffic(lt it is+ CCD mre CDD harder he tries.
!/ B(7re CAD the CBD mre CCD inf(riating persn .7&e CDD e&er met.
"/ 4e7s CAD a great deal CBD the $est CCD $'er CDD in the wrld.
#/ . CAD w(ld like CBD t g t a schl CCD as CDD the ne my sister ges t.
1%/ 9hat garden is CAD as CBD $ea(tif(l CCD like the ne CDD in the park.
IA/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
CA?ADA / 3A?D F< 0A?B >65.F?8
9day+ Canada is made C1D ;;;;;;; f ten pr&inces and three nrthern territries. As a $ig
c(ntry+ it has many different C2D ;;;;;;;.
British Cl(m$ia is the westernmst Canadian pr&ince and the C3D ;;;;;;; pr&ince n the
1acific Fcean. 0(ntains C4D ;;;;;;; mst f it. 2anc(&er+ a ma)r prt city+ is here.
9he 0aritime 1r&inces lie alng the Atlantic C5D ;;;;;;;. 9hey cnsist f ?ew Br(nswick+
?&a 8ctia+ C6D ;;;;;;; 1rince 6dward .sland. 9hese pr&inces+ alng with ?ewf(ndland and
3a$radr+ are smetimes C!D ;;;;;;; the Atlantic 1r&inces. <ishing is a ma)r ind(stry in these C"D
;;;;;;;. 9he r(gged+ rcky castlines and pict(res:(e fishing &illages draw C#D ;;;;;;; in s(mmer.
.n $etween the C1%D ;;;;;;; are the 1rairie 1r&inces and the eastern pr&inces f Fntari and
o({$ec. >lling wheat C11D ;;;;;;; c&er m(ch f the 1rairie 1r&inceswAl$erta+ 8askatchewan+ and
0anit$a. 9hey C12D ;;;;;;; mre than ne/fifth f the wrld7s wheat.
C13D ;;;;;;; f Canada7s peple li&e in Fntari and o({$ec. 9hese tw pr&inces are Canada7s
$(siness and C14D ;;;;;;; heartland. 9rnt+ Canada7s largest city+ is in Fntari. 8 is Canada7s
capital+ C15D ;;;;;;;. 0ntr{al+ the secnd largest city+ is in o({$ec.
Canada7s C16D ;;;;;;; territries are in the nrthern part f the c(ntry+ C1!D ;;;;;;; the land is
frGen m(ch f the year. 9he ?rthwest 9erritries+ ?(na&(t+ and the B(kn 9erritry ha&e lng+
e'tremely C1"D ;;;;;;; winters.
&ew %ocabulary:
/ territry Cn.DH Ist Iai+ Ia hMt+ lnh thlO kh( &^c+ &png+ miJn
/ westernmst Cad).DH c^c tjy
/ r(gged Cad).DH g} ghJ+ l[m ch[m+ 'p '
1/ AD (p BD &er CD acrss DD in
2/ AD cities BD c(nties CD places DD regins
3/ AD ne BD mst CD nly DD $est
4/ AD f(lfill BD c&er CD place DD p(t
5/ AD cast BD $each CD seaside DD shre
6/ AD and BD $(t CD r DD s
!/ AD said BD called CD tld DD cnsidered
"/ AD territries BD m(ntains CD pr&inces DD cities
#/ AD peples BD artists CD fishermen DD t(rists
1%/ AD casts BD pr&inces CD twns DD territries
11/ AD lands BD fields CD spaces DD places
12/ AD make BD sht CD prd(ce DD d
13/ AD 9w/three BD 8ecnd/three CD 8ecnd/thirds DD 9w/thirds
14/ AD ind(strial BD agric(lt(ral CD mechanical DD mdern
15/ AD o(e$ec BD 9rnt CD 0ntreal DD Fttawa
16/ AD tw BD three CD f(r DD fi&e
1!/ AD that BD when CD where DD which
1"/ AD cl BD warm CD ht DD cld
A/ $ead the paragraphs below carefully, and then put them in the correct order to ma!e a proper
3F?DF? 3A?D0A>h8
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
4/ 0illins f peple &isit 3ndn e&ery year frm all &er the wrld. .f y( tra&el there+ y(7ll find
many fascinating things t see and d.
!/ D(ring A(g(st and 8eptem$er+ y( can &isit B(ckingham 1alace. 9hat7s where the :(een li&es mst
f the year. .t has a$(t 6%% rms+ $(t y(7ll see nly state rms where the :(een entertains g(ests. .n
the mrning+ a clrf(l ceremny called @changing f the g(ardf takes place in the c(rtyard. Fne gr(p
f palace g(ards ff d(ty+ and anther trp arri&es t replace them.
1/ B( can t(r the 9wer f 3ndn+ a histric frtress that was nce a ryal palace. .t was als (sed as
a prisn fr h(ndreds f years. 9w f the wi&es f hing 4enry 2...wAnne Bleyn and Catherine
4wardwwere p(t t death here. 9he Crwn cewels are a pp(lar attractin at the 9wer. 9his
cllectin f )eweled crwns+ swrds+ scepters+ and ther ryal $)ects is nly (sed n special ccasins+
s(ch as the crwning f a new r(ler.
6/ Be s(re t &isit *estminster A$$ey+ ne f Britain7s fam(s ch(rches. 9he natin7s kings and :(eens
are crwned here. 0any r(lers and fam(s citiGens are $(ried here. 9here are als mn(ments t
plitical fig(res and pets.
2/ 9he 4(ses f 1arliament are alng the 9hames >i&er+ near *estminster A$$ey. 9his is where the
g&ernment meets. 3k (p t see the clck twer with Big Ben+ 3ndn7s fam(s $ell that rings e&ery
h(r. B( can get n a $at near$y fr a ride n the 9hames.
5/ Fther places y( might want t see are 8ctland Bard+ 0adame 9(ssa(d7s+ and the British 0(se(m.
B( can find (t a$(t 3ndn7s fam(s criminals in the Crime 0(se(m at 8ctland Bard+ the hme f
3ndn7s 0etrplitan 1lice. At 0adame 9(ssa(d7s+ y(7ll see eerily realistic+ life/siGe wa' fig(res f
pp idls and histric fig(res. A great thing t see at the British 0(se(m is the cllectin f m(mmies+
tm$ paintings+ and gld )ewelry frm ancient 6gypt. 9he m(se(m7s 6gyptian cllectin is ne f the
largest in the wrld.
3/ <r a gd &iew f 3ndn+ take a ride in the 3ndn 6ye. 9his enrm(s wheel takes y( 443 feet
C135 metersD a$&e the 3ndn skyline. Enlike a traditinal <erris wheel+ the 3ndn 6ye carries its
passengers in enclsed cmpartments.
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. ch emist O 2/ B. wor ld O 3/ C. sky O 4/ D. me t O 5/ B. c!te
6/ A. sft en O !/ C. kno" O "/ A. thi s O #/ C. $e cme O 1%/ A. where
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ C. attracti&e O 2/ D. $elw O 3/ A. e'plain O 4/ B. $ecme
5/ A. fifteen O 6/ C. prefer O !/ B. hell O "/ C. repair
#/ A. a$&e O 1%/ D. prepare
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. m&ies O 2/ A. learn O 3/ B. a lt f O 4/ C. en)y O 5/ D. sn
6/ D. principal O !/ B. nice O "/ C. career O #/ C. tiny O 1%/ A. wrng
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. sick O 2/ B. teach O 3/ C. hate O 4/ B. $adly O 5/ D. (nkind
6/ D. $red O !/ D. $ig O "/ C. empty O #/ B. late O 1%/ C. $elw
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ B. t g O 2/ B. t lend O 3/ C. tra&eling O 4/ C. helping
5/ B. t ha&e O 6/ C. cleaning O !/ C. seeing O "/ B. t tell
#/ B. t take O 1%/ C. answering
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ A. talking O 2/ B. speaking O 3/ C. 9ell O 4/ D. said
5/ B. t say O 6/ B. talking O !/ A. say O "/ B. speaking
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ C. telling O 1%/ D. said/spken
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CCD t )in g )ining O 2/ CCD help g helping
3/ CDD the $(ilding g $(ilding O 4/ CDD t g g went
5/ CAD the mst effect g the mst effecti&e
6/ CBD en(gh kind g kind en(gh O !/ CBD *here g *hat
"/ CBD when g where O #/ CCD what g when
1%/ CBD which g why
VIII/ $ead the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the best option A, B, C or D gi%en
1/ A. ffered O 2/ D. perated O 3/ B. Enlike O 4/ C. systems
5/ A. primarilyO 6/ C. ed(catin O !/ D. frm O "/ B. <irst
#/ B. as O 1%/ C. $eca(se O 11/ A. pr&ided O 12/ D. ther
13/ B. a(thrities O 14/ C. mst O 15/ A. large O 16/ C. $etween
1!/ D. frm O 1"/ B. cmpleted O 1#/ B. least O 2%/ C. fr
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
D c B 5 6 A . < C 4
II/ ill the gap in each sentence with the correct form of the pro%ided word:
1/ cntin((sly O 2/ $reaka$le O 3/ schl lea&er O 4/ .mmediately
5/ reparatin O 6/ st(di(s O !/ neigh$rhd O "/ p(rchaser
#/ e'hi$itin O 1%/ en)ya$le
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ entertainment O 2/ internatinals O 3/ cmm(nicatin
4/ prfessinal O 5/ rela'ed O 6/ warmly O !/ greetings
"/ sit(atin O #/ schl$y O 1%/ talking
IV/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
1/ imagine O 2/ gegraphical O 3/ cmm(nicati&e O 4/ painting
5/ internatinally O 6/ rela'atin O !/ crwded O "/ cmmn
#/ $ilgy O 1%/ entertaining
V/ (oo! at the situation and as! a suitable )uestion in each case:
1/ *hat7s y(r children $k called,/ *hat7s the title f y(r children $k,
2/ / *hy did y( d that, Cy( ask themD
/ *hy did they d that, Cy( ask smene elseD
3/ 4w d . t(rn ff this air cnditiner,/ 4w des this air cnditiner wrk,
4/ *hse mney is this,/ *hCmD des this mney $elng t,
5/ 4w m(ch was y(r )acket,/ 4w m(ch did y(r )acket cst,
6/ *here are y(r family ging n &acatin this s(mmer,
!/ 4w lng ha&e y( $een learning/ st(dying 6nglish,
"/ *h was at the get/tgether last weekend,
#/ *hen did y( $(y y(r cmp(ter,
1%/ *hy is my/ the assignment wrng+ Dad,
VI/ Supply the correct preposition "if any# and the *I&+ form "+erund# of the %erbs in brac!ets:
1/ fr helping O 2/ at playing O 3/ f singing and dancing O 4/ t seeing
5/ f dri&ing O 6/ in listening O !/ n m&ing O "/ f/ a$(t )ining
#/ t carrying O 1%/ t getting
VII/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1/ *hat a great $kd .t is interesting.
2/ Did y(r teacher make y( sh(t (p/ keep :(iet,
3/ 4is :(estins weren7t as easy as . e'pected.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
4/ . think y( sh(ld see a dctr.
5/ 8rry+ $(t y( can7t park y(r car &er there.
6/ *hile we/ they were at the meeting+ there was a knck n the frnt dr.
!/ . think she can st(dy maths &ery well.
"/ B( really m(st/ (ght t/ sh(ld keep y(r file in a safe place.
#/ *(ld y( mind if . $rrw y(r pencil,
1%/ . am afraid . can7t pay a &isit t that place again.
VIII/ $ead the passage and statements below carefully, and then say whether the statements are true
",#, false "# or not gi%en "&o#:
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
< < ? < 9 9 9 < 9 <
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ C. $o!ght O 2/ A. (nwn O 3/ A. :(estion O 4/ B. gi ft
5/ A. mt(re O 6/ C. t ! tr O !/ C. re d O "/ B. spe nd
#/ B. many O 1%/ C. st(dent&
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ D. de&te O 2/ C. degree O 3/ B. career O 4/ D. $ecme
5/ B. mat(re O 6/ A. secndary O !/ D. can(ary O "/ A. recei&e
#/ A. general O 1%/ D. diffic(lt
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. cme after O 2/ B. f(ll/grwn O 3/ C. instr(ctin
4/ A. cc(patin O 5/ D. persnal O 6/ D. g n
!/ D. en&irnment O "/ B. &ery O #/ C. le&el O 1%/ A. dedicated
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. After O 2/ C. ga&e O 3/ C. d(ll O 4/ B. likely O 5/ D. m(ch
6/ B. die away O !/ A. laGily O "/ D. happy O #/ B. firstly O 1%/ C. lst
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ B. had har&ested O 2/ B. had sld O 3/ B. had left
4/ B. had $een O 5/ A. phned O 6/ D. had y( &isited
!/ B. hadn7t finished O "/ B. had $een O #/ B. had seen/came
1%/ A. li&ed
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ B. schling O 2/ C. talker O 3/ C. sprtsman
4/ A. entertainments O 5/ C. st(di(s O 6/ D. ed(catinal
!/ A. science O "/ D. cntin((s O #/ B. childlike
1%/ C. deathly
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CBD ne anther g tgether O 2/ CCD in spite f g alth(gh
3/ CDD int g t O 4/ CBD she t(rned g did she t(rn
5/ CCD des g makes O 6/ CDD that g what
!/ CAD 4istrical g 4istrically O "/ CBD amng g $etween
#/ CBD fr first time g fr the first time O 1%/ CAD <inal g <inally
VIII/ $ead the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the best option A, B, C or D gi%en
1/ B. n O 2/ A. started O 3/ C. satisfied O 4/ D. pp(latin
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
5/ A. 1"
cent(ry O 6/ C. ed(catin O !/ C. acti&ities
"/ B. *estern O #/ D. f(nded O 1%/ B. friendship O 11/ C. while
12/ A. m&ement O 13/ B. s(ch as O 14/ C. instit(tins
15/ A. and O 16/ D. attracted O 1!/ B. as O 1"/ B. s(mmer
1#/ D. pp(lar O 2%/ C. $r(ght
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
< D . 5 A 6 4 B c C
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ scientific O 2/ managea$le O 3/ cncentrated O 4/ shyness
5/ ed(catinal O 6/ imprtantly O !/ li&ing O "/ mtherhd
#/ sisterly O 1%/ childless
III/ $ead each numbered sentence- ,hen circle the letter of the sentences whose meaning is similar:
1/ B. <irst the film started. 9hen they gt hme.
2/ B. <irst the first lessn started. 9hen he arri&ed at the schl.
3/ B. <irst she appeared in a$(t twenty plays. 9hen she retired.
4/ A. <irst 0ark wrte 15 n&els. 9hen he decided t gi&e (p writing.
5/ A. <irst 1eter gt a )$. 9hen he started his wn $(siness.
6/ B. <irst they came in. 9hen the girl left the rm.
!/ B. <irst we went. 9hen the m&ie ended.
"/ B. <irst my $rther switched ff the lights. 9hen he went t $ed.
#/ B. <irst 9m sld his car. 9hen he sld his $ike.
1%/ A. <irst 9ny $(ght a new cmp(ter. 9hen he $(ght a new laptp.
IV/ Complete the sentences, using the correct past tense of the %erb in brac!ets:
1/ had sld O 2/ had st(died O 3/ had fallen &er O 4/ had arranged
5/ had already $(ght O 6/ had sa&ed O !/ had already seen O "/ had $een
#/ went O 1%/ had gne away
V/ Choose the right tenses "present perfect, past or past perfect. simple or progressi%e#:
1/ ha&e crashed/ hit/ had thrwn O 2/ stpped/ drpped
3/ has $een ding/ has washed O 4/ was lying/ arri&ed
5/ started/ had eaten O 6/ has $een playing
!/ arri&ed/ was CwereD ha&ing Chad hadD O "/ ha&en7t seen
#/ ha&e y( $een st(dying O 1%/ has changed/ came
VI/ /ut the parts of this story in the right order "&umber 0 and number 01 ha%e been done first for
0B DF5
1 - 5 - " - 1% - 12 - 6 - 2 - 13 - 3 - ! - 4 - # - 11 / 14
VII/ $ewrite the first sentences so that the second one means nearly the same as the first one:
1/ Befre we passed the e'am we had wrked &ery hard fr it.
2/ After my sister had cnsidered what t say she decided t talk t her headmaster.
3/ Befre . went (t fr a walk . had learned my lessns.
4/ After her $rther had checked the prices he $(ght a new washing machine.
5/ Befre my mther felt a little $etter she had taken an aspirin.
6/ After the $ys had arg(ed they f(ght.
!/ Befre his a(nt had an accident she had gne (t t the fd stre.
"/ After we had had sme pr$lems we decided t g n a trip t 4(e.
#/ Befre the st(dents wrte their assignments they had read sme materials.
1%/ After he had watched the ft$all match he wrte a reprt.
4e watched the ft$all match. 9hen he wrte a reprt.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:
1/ C. <r e'ample O 2/ A. windws O 3/ B. fregr(nd
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
4/ C. 5enerally O 5/ B. t(rned ff O 6/ A. windw
!/ B. .n a windwing en&irnment O "/ D. A $ackgr(nd prcess
#/ D. types O 1%/ C. cmp(ter
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ D. :(y O 2/ A. kni fe O 3/ D. sho" n O 4/ A. kitche n
5/ A. desk& O 6/ A. min! te O !/ B. wor ld O "/ B. h (r
#/ B. pretty O 1%/ C. cntente'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ C. mrning O 2/ D. crrect O 3/ C. alth(gh O 4/ D. anther
5/ C. friendly O 6/ B. repair O !/ A. $(ffal O "/ B. a$(t
#/ B. $efre O 1%/ C. cmpare
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ D. ha$it O 2/ B. fast O 3/ B. 15 min(tes O 4/ D. keep n
5/ C. persn O 6/ B. rela'atin O !/ A. nw and then
"/ A. prgrammed O #/ C. speak f O 1%/ A. get ready
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. >eply O 2/ D. get (p O 3/ C. slw O 4/ C. wrngly
5/ B. finish O 6/ A. cl O !/ C. wrst O "/ B. finding
#/ C. sad O 1%/ A. dissatisfied
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ B. are O 2/ A. paid O 3/ B. was/hasn7t had O 4/ D. has $een
5/ B. $(ght/had $een O 6/ B. had r(n/came
!/ D. was waiting/stpped O "/ B. reached/had died
#/ C. will phne/will $e ging O 1%/ C. w(ld happen
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ A. after O 2/ B. ahead O 3/ D. alng with O 4/ C. against
5/ A. ba! to O 6/ D. $y O !/ B. $ownO "/ B. fr
#/ A. int O 1%/ D. ff
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CBD m(ch g m(ch f O 2/ CCD ging ng ging (t
3/ CCD with g and/ r O 4/ CAD a little g a few
5/ CAD ging thr(gh g t g thr(gh O 6/ CCD *ise g *isdm
!/ CDD the last g last O "/ CAD $y the mment g fr the mment
#/ CDD ne anther g tgether O 1%/ CAD Enless g .f
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:
1/ B. bateria O 2& %. insi$e G 3& '. sunlight G 4& ). li!e G 5& '. by
6& %. overe$ G 7& ). another G 8& (. -nsi$e G 9& ). too G 10& %. virus
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
c D . C 4 A 6 5 B <
II/ ill each gap with a word from the list below:
1/ sta$le O 2/ cntin(ed O 3/ neigh$rhd O 4/ e'hi$itin O 5/ repair
6/ fields O !/ immediately O "/ timeta$le O #/ p(rchased
1%/ $rken
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
III/ Complete the sentences with an appropriate word:
1/ sets O 2/ tell O 3/ Clse O 4/ eats O 5/ help
6/ ta(ght O !/ d O "/ made O #/ wrk O 1%/ say
IV/ /ut the %erb in the correct form:
1/ desn7t listen O 2/ des/ can y(r teacher speak
3/ d shps pen O 4/ desn7t (se
5/ des y(r father drink O 6/ des y(r (ncle d
!/ d these wrds mean O "/ are y(r grandparents li&ing
#/ dn7t like/ en)y O 1%/ sing/ dn7t they
V/ 'a!e sentences based on the gi%en words:
1/ 9he children are always fnd f candy s(ch as chclate and cakes.
2/ 0y teacher smetimes gets angry with me $eca(se . dn7t d my hmewrk.
3/ ?h(ng is a gd and st(di(s st(dent and she is ne&er late fr schl.
4/ 0y mther ges t wrk at 6.3% e&ery day.
5/ .t seldm rains in the s(mmer in that place.
6/ 8he ccasinally mis(nderstands me $(t it desn7t matter.
!/ 0y mther ges t market twice a week.
"/ 8he is (s(ally afraid f dgs $(t she likes cats.
#/ 4w ften d y( g t the dancing cl($ in the s(mmer,
1%/ *e ften g there f(r times a mnth in the s(mmer.
VI/ Arrange the words to ma!e complete sentences:
1/ *e=re ha&ing t wrk a si'/day week t cpe with demand.
2/ A simple mi't(re f gl(cse and water can sa&e li&es in many parts f the wrld.
3/ After lea&ing schl+ she spent a year tra&eling+ mstly in Africa and Asia.
4/ 0ike=s really gne and dne it nw / he=ll $e in terri$le tr($le fr $reaking that windw.
5/ C(ld y( gi&e me sme idea f when the $(ilding wrk will finish,
6/ >esearchers ha&e $een st(dying hw peple (nder stress make decisins.
!/ At the .nternatinal 8chl they ha&e p(pils f 46 different natinalities.
"/ 9his year=s har&est was ne f the mst s(ccessf(l since the recrd crp f 1#"5.
#/ 4a&e y( had any seri(s relatinships in the past year,
1%/ 8he e'plained the whle idea again+ $(t . still didn=t (nderstand.
VII/ $ewrite the following sentences, using the words gi%en in brac!ets:
1/ 8ang acc(sed 9hanh f $reaking/ ha&ing $rken his glasses.
2/ . really m(st ha&e/ get my $icycle repaired sn.
3/ 0inh wishes he/ she had $(ght that watch.
4/ B( c(ldn7t ha&e $een s(ccessf(l if she hadn7t helped/ $(t fr/ with(t her.
5/ 0y mther tk her che:(e/$k with her in case she ran (t f cash.
6/ 9heir plans fr the camping ha&e fallen thr(gh $eca(se f the weather.
!/ 9he milk wasn7t fresh en(gh t drink.
"/ 1hng may ha&e gne hme early.
#/ .t is impssi$le fr (s t st(dy in all this nise.
1%/ 9he r$$er s(ddenly was $eing watched $y a pliceman.
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then do as directed:
1/ D. 9hey ram the land. O 2/ 6. Animals cme in all siGes.
3/ B. 9hey think they ha&e disc&ered nly a small prtin f all animals n 6arth.
4/ A. Enlike plants+ animals cannt make their wn fd.
5/ C. Animals als ha&e senses+ s(ch as eyes r ears+ that tell them what is ging n ar(nd them.
6/ A. f(rrw O !/ D. similar t O "/ A. cral O #/ B. leap
1%/ C. Animals
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ B. pare nt O 2/ C. why O 3/ D. pr&i nce O 4/ B. cmm! ne
5/ A. reliGe O 6/ A. act in O !/ B. )gge' O "/ A. d(m+
#/ D. th ing O 1%/ A. " rng
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ B. specialtyO 2/ C. f(rteen O 3/ B. retard O 4/ A. s($tract
5/ B. manager O 6/ C. cmm(ne O !/ B. welcme O "/ D. e'citing
#/ B. prepare O 1%/ C. attend
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. specific O 2/ C. started O 3/ D. pprt(nity O 4/ A. tr(st
5/ A. 1rgressi&ely O 6/ A. lifted O !/ C. cc(r O "/ A. hnred
#/ C. inter&als O 1%/ A. g(ests
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. easy O 2/ B. sharp/sighted O 3/ A. &igr(s O 4/ D. secndary
5/ C. garr(l(sO 6/ B. rich O !/ A. d($t O "/ B. irrele&ant
#/ D. imprperO 1%/ C. nrmal
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ B. acti&e O 2/ C. determinatin O 3/ D. ed(cated
4/ B. childish O 5/ A. a$le O 6/ C. helpless
!/ D. Additinally O "/ D. specially O #/ B. :(estinnaire
1%/ A. inter&iew
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ A. that O 2/ D. *hich O 3/ B. whse O 4/ C. whm
5/ A. who O 6/ C. *hat O !/ A. whenO "/ C. why O #/ B. where
1%/ D. *hich
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CDD eating g t eat O 2/ CDD n mre g anymre
3/ CCD the $etter g the $est O 4/ CAD <rench g 9he <rench
5/ CCD frm that g frm which O 6/ CCD *hat des g *hat is
!/ CAD will make g will d O "/ CBD which g whse
#/ CBD s(ch as g like O 1%/ CDD ne gfirst
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ A. meet O 2/ B. that O 3/ C. creati&e O 4/ D. gifted
5/ B. $etween O 6/ A. with O !/ C. children O "/ A. $elw
#/ B. ther O 1%/ D. s(ch as O 11/ A. and O 12/ D. recei&e
13& '. "or G 14& %. eAeptionally G 15& ). population
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
C 4 D < A c 5 . 6 B
II/ ill each gap with a word from the list below:
1/ delays O 2/ ed(catin O 3/ la$r O 4/ perid O 5/ sign
6/ cntact O !/ sched(led O "/ pr&ided O #/ away O 1%/ 6scape
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ a$ility O 2/ amaGing O 3/ demnstratin O 4/ achie&ement
5/ prn(ncements O 6/ s(rr(nding O !/ )(dgment O "/ e'hi$itin
#/ rganiGatins O 1%/ parental
IV/ Complete the sentences with 2used to3V4 or 2didn5t use to3V4:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ (sed t $e O 2/ (sed t eat O 3/ (sed t ride O 4/ (sed t $e
5/ (sed t O 6/ (sed t cryO !/ didn7t (se t like O "/ didn7t (se t play
#/ (sed t smke O 1%/ (sed t li&e
V/ Combine the sentences to ma!e one sentence- 'a!e any necessary changes:
1/ 9he $(s which ges (p 4(ng 2(ng street desn7t stp at the hspital.
2/ 0y y(nger $rther is laGy+ which annys his teachers.
3/ 9he fashin shw+ which was caref(lly prepared+ went n fr three h(rs.
4/ 3ast week we c(t dwn the plant which had died.
5/ 1hng (s(ally cmes t class late+ which makes his frm teacher angry.
6/ 0y friend decided t chse the red mtrcycle which he had wanted $efre.
!/ ?e't 8at(rday my $rther will ha&e t &isit the dctr again+ which he hates.
C?e't 8at(rday my $rther will ha&e t &isit the dctr again+ whm he hates &isiting.D
"/ Fanh wrks &ery hard and always gets gd marks+ which pleases her parents a lt.
#/ 9hey are talking a$(t ?am wh is &ery interested in math.
1%/ 0r. o(ang has a lt f mney+ which p(ts him in tr($le with his friends.
VI/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1/ *e last saw her in 1###.
2/ *hen did y( $egin/ start learning/ t learn 6nglish,
3/ 0y mther makes clthes fr herself.
4/ .t was the first time they had gne t 1aris.
5/ .mmediately (r friends knew they had seen that man $efre.
6/ By the time that pliceman arri&ed+ the r$$er had escaped.
!/ 4a&e y( e&er $een t/ heard a$(t ?ew Brk,
"/ 4w lng ha&e y( had y(r laptp,
#/ 0y family was interr(pted $y her &isit.
1%/ *e ha&en7t seen y(r sister since 0ay.
VII/ Arrange the words to ma!e complete sentences:
1/ Disa$le the alarm system and then enter the $(ilding.
2/ . knew smene wh was mi'ed (p in that crr(ptin scandal.
3/ 9he 5eneral 8ynd acc(sed $radcasters f d(m$ing dwn religi(s prgrams.
4/ 9hey left the flat in a terri$le cnditin / there was mess e&erywhere.
5/ .t=s imprtant fr children t get a gd ed(catin.
6/ 9he (nins are in ppsitin t the g&ernment &er the iss(e f pri&atiGatin.
!/ 4e $elie&es that all children are $rn with e:(al intelligence.
"/ 9he meeting is n the fifth and we=re hping e&eryne will attend.
#/ 9here has $een a grad(al impr&ement in (r sales fig(res &er the last tw years.
1%/ 9he n&el starts when a child f (nknwn parentage is left at the h(se f the lcal priest.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then decide whether the statements are true ",#, false "#
or not gi%en "&#:
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
9 < < 9 ? . < < ? 9
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ B. different O 2/ B. fro m O 3/ D. m(ltiply O 4/ A. prd(ce'
5/ B. de&ice O 6/ C. ree nter O !/ A. * O "/ D. ill! strate
#/ D. :(estion O 1%/ B. nswer
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. technlgy O 2/ A. cmp(ter O 3/ D. in&ent O 4/ A. $ecme
5/ C. ar(nd O 6/ B. machine O !/ D. allwance
"/ A. magaGine O #/ D. actin O 1%/ A. de&ice
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ D. cme t see O 2/ C. stres O 3/ D. man(fact(red O 4/ C. wnderf(l
5/ A. s(ita$le O 6/ D. e'act O !/ A. precisin O "/ A. handles
#/ C. chices O 1%/ A. (p/t/date
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. similar O 2/ A. (nsightly O 3/ A. take O 4/ B. nati&e
5/ A. (ns(ita$le O 6/ C. prly O !/ A. e'isting O "/ B. tiresme
#/ A. rdinary O 1%/ D. p($lic
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ B. difference O 2/ A. $ea(ty O 3/ C. calc(latin
4/ C. additinal O 5/ B. di&isins O 6/ D. managea$le
!/ C. entertaining O "/ A. definitin O #/ C. ali&e
1%/ B. in&enti&e
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ A. $egan/ is ging O 2/ C. ha&en7t finished/ were
3/ C. desn7t smke/is dri&ing O 4/ D. will ha&e cme/gne
5/ A. grew/th(ght/did/was O 6/ B. ha&en7t seen/$elie&e/is writing
!/ B. will meet/has finished O "/ A. strikes/will ha&e $een waiting
#/ D. meet/frm O 1%/ D. were...ding/was washing
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CDD s(ccessf(l g s(ccessf(lly
2/ CAD has $een setted (p g has $een set (p
3/ CBD fr g since O 4/ CBD a lt g a lt f O 5/ CAD that g which
6/ CBD with g and O !/ CAD the $est g the mst
"/ CDD desn7t mentin g nt t mentin
#/ CAD en(gh strng g strng en(gh
1%/ CDD technlgical g technlgy
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ B. which O 2/ C. their O 3/ D. en&irnment O 4/ A. meaning
5/ B. $(t O 6/ C. wn O !/ D. seem O "/ D. with(t
#/ A. systems O 1%/ C. prcess
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
B < D . C 4 5 A c 6
II/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
1/ in&entin O 2/ emergency O 3/ m(ltiply O 4/ pressed O 5/ de&ice
6/ e'c(se O !/ central O "/ magical O #/ acc(racy O 1%/ capa$ly
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ ill(strati&e O 2/ petry O 3/ mirac(l(s O 4/ rganiGatinal
5/ magical O 6/ in&enti&e O !/ instr(ctins O "/ patience
#/ grad(atins O 1%/ healthy
IV/ Complete the following sentences with 2yes, no, already, yet, 6ust, once, often, recently, ago,
1/ ag O 2/ yes O 3/ yet O 4/ nce O 5/ Befre
6/ ften O !/ already O "/ ? O #/ )(st O 1%/ recently
V/ Arrange the words so as to ma!e meaningful sentences:
1/ 9here was a list f cmplaints as lng as y(r arm.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
2/ *hy can=t they write these instr(ctins in plain 6nglish,
3/ . dn=t knw hw actrs manage t learn all thse lines.
4/ 8he des research int hw children ac:(ire lang(age.
5/ 9his $k cntains a series f elementary e'ercises fr learners.
6/ . think .=ll pay a &isit t the hairdresser=s while .=m in twn.
!/ 9he n&el starts when a child f (nknwn parentage is left at the h(se f the lcal priest.
"/ Ff all the sngs .=&e heard tnight+ that=s the $est yet.
#/ 6&ent(ally+ all $(t ne f them prmised t cme t his lea&ing party.
1%/ .t is with great srrw that . infrm y( f the death f (r directr.
VI/ /ut the %erbs in the correct tenses:
1/ sh(ted O 2/ wants O 3/ are nw emplyed
4/ has $een st(dying O 5/ was O 6/ slept O !/ 4ad . knwn
"/ started O #/ died (t O 1%/ $ake
VII/ Complete the second sentences using the word gi%en in brac!ets so that it has a similar meaning
to the first one:
1/ .t was a $y wh disc&ered the fire in the kitchen.
2/ 9hese girls are nt ld en(gh t get married.
3/ 9he dealer asked Fanh whether/ if she was interested in thse tys.
4/ 0y sister regrets nt $eing a$le t dance well.
5/ 9rang $lamed me fr $reaking/ ha&ing $rken the glass.
6/ .t wasn7t necessary fr ?h(ng t register fr the 6nglish c(rse.
!/ 4er sn ne&er finishes his wrk n time n matter hw hard he wrks.
"/ 8ince my last &isit nt/ nthing m(ch has changed in this schl.
#/ 9here were &ery few applicants fr that )$.
1%/ 3inh des a part/time )$ as well as taking care f her grandparents.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then decide whether the statements are true ",#, false "#
or not gi%en "&#:
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
< 9 < ? 9 9 9 < 9 9
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ C. cca&ion O 2/ B. perio d O 3/ B. kil O 4/ A. & ri(s
5/ A. frest O 6/ C. fl y O !/ D. ter O "/ D. coo k O #/ C. perf! me
1%/ D. neede'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ D. m(ltiple O 2/ D. ahead O 3/ B. e&ent O 4/ D. rela' O 5/ A. different
6/ B. $tanic O !/ A. &ari(s O "/ C. cc(py O #/ B. fficial
1%/ B. press(re
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. t(r O 2/ A. miracle O 3/ A. Bel&ed O 4/ D. knw
5/ D. time O 6/ C. e&ent O !/ D. rest O "/ B. $eginning
#/ D. repen O 1%/ D. well
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. similar O 2/ B. (tside O 3/ A. ending O 4/ D. last O 5/ C. far
6/ D. (nimprtant O !/ D. day O "/ A. incncei&a$le O #/ C. disc(rage
1%/ A. cnfident
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ B. infrmers O 2/ C. &ari(s O 3/ C. $etter
4/ A. schlchild O 5/ D. $elie&a$le O 6/ C. prtectin
!/ C. 4pef(lly O "/ C. changea$le O #/ D. carelessly
1%/ A. l&e
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ B. was reading O 2/ A. came O 3/ A. asked O 4/ D. am preparing
5/ B. said O 6/ C. find O !/ C. dn7t knw O "/ B. will g
#/ B. will $e O 1%/ D. Dn7t cme $ack
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CBD $eside g $esides O 2/ CDD imacc(rate g inacc(rate
3/ CAD astnish g astnished O 4/ CDD f(n g f(nny
5/ CDD needs g need O 6/ CAD with prfessin g $y prfessin
!/ CBD like g as O "/ CDD e'c(rsin g &yage
#/ CAD )(rney g(ide g t(r g(ide O 1%/ CCD mre fast than g faster than
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ C. pened O 2/ A. ladder O 3/ B. psitin O 4/ D. pict(res
5/ A. sight O 6/ D. nt O !/ D. spke O "/ B. wings O #/ C. satellite
1%/ A. rest
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
D 4 c A < C 5 . B 6
II/ ill each gap with words from the list below:
1/ pers(asin O 2/ s(n/$(rnt O 3/ infrmatin O 4/ glri(s
5/ cn&eniently O 6/ 1(nct(ality O !/ simple O "/ s(ita$ility
#/ cncentrated O 1%/ e'c(rsin
III/ Choose the correct word from the pair in brac!ets to complete the sentences:
1/ tra&el O 2/ &yage O 3/ )(rney O 4/ sightseeing O 5/ t(r
6/ hstel O !/ hired O "/ l(ggage O #/ $(ilding O 1%/ map
IV/ Complete the sentences, using the correct tense and form of the %erb in brac!ets:
1/ 4a&e y( CD y( ha&eD/ wrking/ ha&e/ learning
2/ marries/ will eat/ des
3/ wnder/ c(ld help/ w(ld like/ infrmatin/ flights
4/ dn=t p(t/ weight/ spend/ r(nning
5/ cried/ gt
6/ gt/ feeling/ was $eing watched
!/ ha&e $een/ 9ake/ had/ meetings
"/ lked/ smiled
#/ spent/ playing
1%/ c(ldn=t fly/ had/ $rken
V/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1/ 9he ta$le has ten c(ps n it.
2/ *e7re ging t st(dy &ersea in America.
3/ .t is easy fr me t sl&e these e'ercises.
4/ *ill y( and y(r clse friend cme t (r dinner tnight,
5/ 0y girlfriend ccasinally ges t the cinema.
6/ *hat d these new wrds mean+ please,
!/ *hen des the cach frm Ben 9re arri&e in 4 Chi 0inh city,
"/ . prmise t win that game./ . prmise .7ll win that game.
#/ *here is (r &ice/principal li&ing,
1%/ 9his (m$rella isn7t mine./ 9his (m$rella desn7t $elng t me.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
VI/ Complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the similar meaning to the printed one,
using the word in brac!ets:
1/ D y( knw whse talking dictinary this is,/ D y( knw whse this talking dictinary is,
2/ 4(y7s accident pre&ented him frm taking part in the r(nning race.
3/ Children m(st nt play ft$all in the schl yard.
4/ 9he c(ple is said t $e li&ing in 3ndn.
5/ 9hat $y is nt tall en(gh t reach that $k.
6/ 1lease ha&e the prter take this l(ggage t my rm./ 1lease ha&e this l(ggage taken t my rm $y
the prter.
!/ C(ld y( tell/ shw me the way t the pst ffice+ sir,
"/ 9his schlgirl is s(ch an intelligent p(pil/ st(dent that all f her classmates admire her.
#/ hhanh hardly e&er lses his temper with his rmmates.
1%/ *e ha&e r(n (t f cffee.
VII/ Arrange the words to ma!e complete sentences:
1/ .t was said f 0arilyn 0nre that the camera l&ed her
2/ <r a galkeeper+ it=s a great ad&antage t ha&e $ig hands.
3/ All (r c(stmer rders are handled $y cmp(ter.
4/ *rite the letter n the cmp(ter+ then y( can make changes easily n screen.
5/ B( can $(y (r gds &er the .nternet.
6/ *e tk a pict(re f the children n their new $icycles.
!/ *hen we $(ght the h(se+ we had t d a lt f painting and redecrating.
"/ ? ne has sl&ed the pr$lem f what t d with radiacti&e waste.
#/ After a $rief e'c(rsin int drama+ he cncentrated n his main interest+ which was petry.
1%/ 1htgraphs are $etter if they are printed frm the riginal negati&e.
VIII/ $ead the paragraphs below carefully, and then put them in the correct order to ma!e a
meaningful passage:
5 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 2 / 4
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ B. dr ma O 2/ A. media O 3/ C. dre my O 4/ A. h (r
5/ D. reelect O 6/ A. fi lm O !/ D. try O "/ A. foo t$all
#/ C. pet& O 1%/ D. staye'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ D. disc(ss O 2/ C. recmmend O 3/ C. imprtance O 4/ A. (nknwn
5/ A. cmment O 6/ B. presentO !/ D. tnight O "/ D. en(gh
#/ B. s(rprise O 1%/ A. apprpriate
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. hidden O 2/ A. s(ggest O 3/ C. tr(th O 4/ B. significant
5/ D. precise O 6/ C. s(ccessf(l O !/ B. insane O "/ A. cnflicts
#/ B. errr O 1%/ C. (ni&ersal
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. less O 2/ D. re&ealed O 3/ C. imprper O 4/ A. fancy
5/ B. sameness O 6/ A. light O !/ C. energetic O "/ D. (npleasant
#/ B. diligent O 1%/ D. cnstr(ct
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ C. li&ely O 2/ C. different O 3/ D. hea&ily O 4/ B. th(ght
5/ A. memry O 6/ C. management O !/ A. crrect
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
"/ A. practice O #/ D. strngly O 1%/ C. healthy
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ A. $eca(se O 2/ B. Despite O 3/ B. alth(gh
4/ C. .n spite f O 5/ D. hwe&er O 6/ D. watching
!/ B. 8can O "/ D. t ask O #/ A. listening O 1%/ B. write
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CBD a eight g the eight O 2/ CCD $eca(se f g $eca(se
3/ CBD whme&er g whe&er O 4/ CCD where g when
5/ CAD a lt f g a lt O 6/ CBD weather g whether
!/ CBD als gi&e g and gi&e O "/ CCD $eside g $esides
#/ CAD .n additin g .n additin t O 1%/ CDD few g little
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ C. netwrk O 2/ D. .nternet O 3/ B. referred O 4/ A. pp(lar
5/ B. access O 6/ D. m(ltimedia O !/ A. Esers O "/ B. m&e
#/ D. stred O 1%/ C. ther O 11/ A. pri&ateO 12/ D. *e$
13/ D. anyne O 14/ C. marketplace O 15/ B. a&aila$le
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
c D 5 B A < C . 6 4
II/ ill each gap with suitable words from the list below:
1/ listened O 2/ per O 3/ <ilming O 4/ answerphne O 5/ m&ie
6/ watched O !/ li&ing O "/ m(ntains O #/ media O 1%/ radi
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ secreti&e O 2/ decisin O 3/ &ilence O 4/ memra$le O 5/ retiring
6/ presenta$le O !/ perfectin O "/ effecti&e O #/ a$ility O 1%/ hmely
IV/ Supply either B7CA8S7 or B7CA8S7 9 as appropriate:
1/ Beca(se O 2/ $eca(se O 3/ $eca(se f O 4/ $eca(se f O 5/ $eca(se
6/ $eca(se O !/ $eca(se O "/ $eca(se f O #/ Beca(se f O 1%/ $eca(se
V/ Complete the following sentences with 2for4 or 2since4, and the correct form of the %erb in
1/ is/ fr O 2/ has $een/ since O 3/ had $etter $(y/ fr
4/ ha&e li&ed/ since O 5/ is/ fr O 6/ had $een wrrying/ since/ arri&ed
!/ will $e/ fr O "/ has $een wrking/ since O #/ 8ince/ had nly spken
1%/ ha&en=t played/ fr
VI/ $ewrite the sentences using the word gi%en in brac!ets:
1/ . dn7t tr(st 3an $eca(se f her $ad $eha&ir.
2/ 1hng passed the e'ams with gd res(lts $eca(se he ChadD wrked hard.
3/ 0r. ?am was s(ccessf(l in his life in spite f his p&erty.
4/ 0rs. 4a is still interested in playing tennis alth(gh she is ld.
5/ 9hey insisted n lea&ing despite the hard rain (tside.
6/ 8he can7t smile $eca(se f her h(s$and7s death three weeks ag.
!/ 0r. 8n resigned earlier than his age $eca(se he was sick.
"/ Dn7t sh(t at her in spite f her laGiness.
#/ 9his stry$k is s interesting that we ha&e read it three times.
1%/ hha is t y(ng t )in the army.
VII/ Complete the story below using the gi%en words:
946 B689 DF5 .? 946 *F>3D $y Amy Catlin
0y dg7s name is BearBear. 8he is the $est dg in the wrld. 9he reasn . say the $est dg in the
wrld is $eca(se she can d things that n ther dg can d. 8he ges fishing e&eryday. 8he is a life
sa&er t and she knws hw t h(nt.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
0y dg has a great temperament with h(mans+ especially my family. Bear gets alng with me
great. 0ay$e it is $eca(se . am her master. . think she has a great persnality.
Bear is a great dg. And she l&es play time. 1lay time is a time when . d things with Bear. *e
g swimming and we chase the cws and smetimes we )(mp+ r(n+ and frlic thr(gh the wds. 8he
)(st l&es play time.
. trained Bear ht t )(mp+ speak and drp the $all. And .7ll say @Bear+ d y( like 5erge
*ashingtn,f 8he will $ark nce. 9hat means yes. 9wice means n and three times means @heck nf. .
ta(ght Bear hw t g t Bear7s $ed. 9hat means g t y(r $ed.
Bear is a special dg and . will treas(re that fr the rest f my life.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then select the correct option A, B, C or D:
1/ B. a British O 2/ C. cmp(ter and physics
3/ B. 9imthy Berners/3ee was $rn in 5ene&a+ 8witGerland.
4/ D. hyperlink
5/ D. 9he idea slwly spread t (ni&ersities in the rest f the wrld.
6/ A. 5r(ps at the ?atinal Center fr 8(percmp(ting Applicatins at the Eni&ersity f .llinis at
!/ A. 0saic was ne f the scientists wh de&elped ***.
"/ D. n(mer(s O #/ B. sftware
1%/ D. t $(ild and sell *e$ technlgies
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each group:
1/ A. cmm! nity O 2/ A. &illge O 3/ A. eno!gh
4/ B. no thing O 5/ B. aske' O 6/ C. di sea&e&
!/ D. s(pply O "/ B. wor ry O #/ D. help& O 1%/ A. deci si&e
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ D. interested O 2/ C. disease O 3/ C. different
4/ C. pll(tin O 5/ B. healthy O 6/ C. at msphere O !/ C. prefer
"/ B. repeat O #/ D. ret(rn O 1%/ A. (sef(l
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ D. p($lic O 2/ A. sweat O 3/ D. la$ri(sly O 4/ D. e'cl(si&e
5/ B. many O 6/ C. capt(re O !/ B. pssi$ly O "/ A. (nderstd
#/ C. taking place O 1%/ A. r(ining
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. deficient O 2/ D. few O 3/ C. inapprpriate O 4/ C. rarely
5/ A. practical O 6/ D. p(rchasing O !/ A. wrsening O "/ D. disappear
#/ B. fewer and fewer O 1%/ C. denied
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ A. medicine O 2/ B. electrics O 3/ C. dreamy
4/ C. (sa$le O 5/ C. decisi&eO 6/ B. agreement !/ B. impssi$le
"/ D. grwth O #/ C. widely O 1%/ C. cntin(atin
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ B. ifO 2/ D. pr&ided that O 3/ B. in any case
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
4/ A. (nless O 5/ D. 6&en if O 6/ A. tld O !/ B. asked O "/ C. rdered
#/ A. greeted O 1%/ D. asked
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD Enless g .f O 2/ CBD ne )$ g a )$
3/ CBD sme mney g any mney O 4/ CCD pr&ided g s(ppsing
5/ CAD As lng as g 1r&ided that O 6/ CBD that g if
!/ CCD in g n O "/ CCD w(ld cme $ack g t cme $ack
#/ CDD late g lately O 1%/ CBD nt t g didn7t
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ B. ed(catin O 2/ D. st(dents O 3/ A. $efre O 4/ C. ffer
5/ A. incl(ding O 6/ B. field O !/ A. and O "/ B. degree
#/ C. ta'es O 1%/ C. n O 11/ A. esta$lished O 12/ D. early
13/ A. $eca(se O 14/ B. le&el O 15/ C. where O 16/ A. still
1!/ B. als O 1"/ C. greater O 1#/ B. mst O 2%/ A. general
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful sentences:
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
5 D < B 4 6 c A . C
II/ ill each gap with suitable words from the list below:
1/ cast O 2/ past O 3/ re&isins O 4/ atmsphere O 5/ prper
6/ $etter O !/ enclses O "/ res(rfaced O #/ risk O 1%/ cmm(nity
III/ Supply the correct form of the words in brac!ets:
1/ cmpletin O 2/ fail(re O 3/ destr(cti&e O 4/ applicatin
5/ prperly O 6/ risky O !/ pssessin O "/ replacement
#/ scia$le O 1%/ illness
IV/ ,urn these following sentences into reported speech:
1/ 0r. 9hanh said that he wanted t $(y a new shirt fr his da(ghter.
2/ 9he wman infrmed me CthatD that shp wasn7t ging t pen the ne't/ the fllwing 8(nday.
3/ 4e said that he had nce spent a s(mmer there in that pr&ince.
4/ 9he p(pils said that they w(ld $e sitting fr their e'ams the ne't/ the fllwing <riday.
5/ 9he n(rse tld the dctr that the patient in that rm hadn7t fllwed his ad&ice.
6/ 0ai tld 1hng that the rm w(ld seem s empty with(t him and his friend.
!/ hha tld me that if his sister had knwn the tr(th+ she w(ld ha&e $een disappinted.
"/ 3ng tld 4a that he might cme t her $irthday party when he had finished his wrk.
#/ 9he freigner remarked CthatD that schlchild spke 6nglish &ery fl(ently.
1%/ 0ther said that she th(ght it w(ldn7t $e t s(nny the ne't/ the fllwing day.
V/ ,urn these sentences into direct speech:
1/ 8he said+ @. will lea&e here ne't week.f
2/ 0inh said t me+ @. ha&e seen y( at this place.f
3/ 3inh said t me+ @0y father died f cancer in 2%%%.f
4/ 9he $ys said+ @B( dn7t ha&e t cme with (s if y( dn7t want t.f
5/ 9he headmaster said t the schl$ys+ @B( m(stn7t play $all in the schl yard.f
6/ 8he said t me+ @9he clck will ne&er wrk again if y( try t mend it.f
!/ 9he manageress said t 8ang+ @B( ha&e t finish y(r wrk $y 5 7clck.f
"/ 8he said+ @*e are $(sy nw $(t we will ha&e mre time ne't week.f
#/ F(r teacher said+ @9he 8ecnd *rld *ar $rke (t in 1#3#.f
1%/ 9he speaker says+ @*e ha&e defeated the freign in&aders $eca(se (r peple are &ery heric.f
VI/ Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the following %erbs 2SA:, ,7((, AS;, $7/9$,,
$8'9$, $7'A$;, S8++7S,, <A$&, ADVIS7, A/9(9+I=74- 8se each %erb only once:
1/ r(mred O 2/ aplgiGe O 3/ ad&ise O 4/ reprt O 5/ say
6/ warning O !/ tell O "/ ask O #/ s(ggested O 1%/ remarked
VII/ <rite sentences based on the gi%en clues:
1/ 9he s(rgen was acc(sed f negligence.
2/ 9he new law was generally admitted t $e diffic(lt t enfrce.
3/ 4is dctr ad&ised him against smking.
4/ 8he aplgiGed prf(sely fr ha&ing t lea&e at 3.3% p.m.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
5/ .=&e n idea what time the train lea&es. Ask the g(ard whether he knws.
6/ ?eil denies that he $rke the windw+ $(t .=m s(re he did.
!/ *e were enc(raged t learn freign lang(ages at schl.
"/ . recmmend writing y(r feelings dwn n paper.
#/ Can y( s(ggest where . might find a chemist=s,
1%/ . was warned against/ff ging t the east cast $eca(se it was s f(ll f t(rists.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then complete it with the missing prepositions "in, on, at---#:
1/ f O 2/ in O 3/ f O 4/ in O 5/ f O 6/ n O !/ f O "/ f O #/ as O 1%/ t
11/ (pn O 12/ at O 13/ than O 14/ t O 15/ and O 16/ fr
1!/ $eynd O 1"/ f O 1#/ as O 2%/ and O 21/ f O 22/ within O 23/ f
24/ f
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ B. ce n O 2/ C. wor m O 3/ C. pay& O 4/ C. lesso n O 5/ B. Atlntic
6/ A. g! n O !/ D. s(pply O "/ A. de pth O #/ C. pll(te&
1%/ D. minde'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ A. mystery O 2/ B. paragraph O 3/ D. delete O 4/ D. frget
5/ D. e'ha(sted O 6/ A. ffend O !/ A. inha$it
"/ C. sphisticated O #/ C. s(rface O 1%/ A. in&estigate
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ D. painting O 2/ B. dissimilar O 3/ A. spread
4/ D. cn:(ered O 5/ B. dare O 6/ A. cmplicated O !/ B. e'plre
"/ D. e&idence O #/ C. gi&e O 1%/ A. ann(nce
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. &erhead O 2/ D. s(rface O 3/ A. p($lic O 4/ C. s($rdinate
5/ D. plentif(lly O 6/ B. stained O !/ C. defended O "/ C. safeg(arded
#/ B. hld O 1%/ D. st(pid
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ C. different O 2/ D. challenging O 3/ B. in&estigati&e
4/ B. dependence O 5/ A. *o$ern O 6/ B. deepens
!/ B. acti&e O "/ C. endanger O #/ A. chice
1%/ D. prd(ctin
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ B. sh(ld O 2/ A. can O 3/ D. (ghtn=t O 4/ C. w(ld
5/ A. m(stn=t O 6/ A. paying O !/ C. ring O "/ A. if O #/ A. if
1%/ C. pr&ided
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD (nless g if O 2/ CBD saying g t say O 3/ CCD tell g say
4/ CDD t say g t ask O 5/ CCD warned g s(ggested
6/ CAD *e7d $(y g *e7ll $(y O !/ CDD wrrying g t wrry
"/ CCD there g it O #/ CAD (ght g (ght t O 1%/ CDD me g mine
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ B. Fcean O 2/ D. which O 3/ B. lies O 4/ C. int O 5/ A. knwn
6/ B. $eginning O !/ D. almst O "/ C. frm O #/ A. t
1%/ D. side O 11/ A. and O 12/ C. defining O 13/ B. depth
14/ D. $eca(se f O 15/ D. pint
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
D 4 c A < 5 C . 6 B
II/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
1/ cntri$(te O 2/ $reath O 3/ medical O 4/ wrld O 5/ threatened
6/ s(rfaced O !/ cncern O "/ sparingly O #/ heat O 1%/ c(ple
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ ner&(s O 2/ destr(cti&e O 3/ 0ysteri(sly O 4/ depth
5/ in&estigati&e O 6/ t(rist O !/ wrldly O "/ attendance
#/ interactin O 1%/ indicatr
IV/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word in
1/ *e7d tra&el t 9hailand if we wn z 5%%%.
2/ .f his electric fan were wrking+ he w(ld nt feel s ht.
3/ .f they ga&e (p smking+ they w(ld impr&e their health.
4/ .f we went t 4ani+ we w(ld &isit (r friends.
5/ .f . were y(+ . w(ld pay attentin t the lessns in class.
6/ .f her $rther (sed cmp(ter $etter+ he w(ld wrk fr that cmpany.
!/ .f (r parents had en(gh mney+ we c(ld make a trip t ?ew Brk.
"/ .f . were a millinaire+ . c(ld $(y a &illa in 4 Chi 0inh city.
#/ *e wn7t g (t (nless it stps raining.
1%/ 4e w(ldn7t write if he didn7t hear sme news.
V/ Supply the correct %erb tense, paying careful attention to the tense se)uence:
1/ cmes O 2/ were O 3/ wn7t ha&e O 4/ w(ld ha&e written
5/ w(ld/ c(ld catch O 6/ will g O !/ had written
"/ w(ld $e O #/ saw O 1%/ is
VI/ Complete the following sentences, using 2<I((, <98(D, S>98(D, CA&, C98(D, 'A:,
'I+>,, D9&5,, D97S&5,, <AS4- 7ach word is used only once:
1/ was O 2/ will O 3/ dn=t O 4/ sh(ld O 5/ might
6/ can O !/ w(ld O "/ Desn=t O #/ may O 1%/ c(ld
VII/ $ewrite the sentences using the word in brac!ets, beginning as shown:
1/ .t isn7t wrth asking 0s. 4a t help.
2/ 3inh7s parents w(ldn7t/ didn7t let/ ref(sed t let her $(y/ get a cell phne.
3/ 3an asked 1hng where he was ging.
4/ *e were annyed $y the way hhanh $eha&ed at the party.
5/ . w(ld ha&e had t g t the $ank if y( hadn7t lent me sme mney.
6/ 4(y tk n ntice f his teacher7s ad&ice.
!/ 4is sister had t finish the hmewrk in additin t writing an assignment.
"/ . played ft$all almst e&ery day d(ring my childhd.
#/ *hy dn7t we g t/ g and &isit the m(se(m this afternn,
1%/ 9rang had diffic(lty in cncentrating n her lessn $eca(se f the nise.
VIII/ $ead the sentences below carefully, and then put them in the correct order to ma!e a
meaningful reading: C?(m$er 1 and n(m$er 12 ha&e dne first fr y(D
1 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 2 - ! - # - 11 - " - 1% - 12
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ D. :(estion O 2/ C. spe ciesO 3/ A. &riety O 4/ C. fetche'
5/ C. co nstant O 6/ B. nat! ralO !/ A. sci entist O "/ C. sky
#/ A. c(p& O 1%/ C. sch l
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ B. eliminateO 2/ D. a$(t O 3/ A. en&irnment O 4/ C. nat(rally
5/ A. medical O 6/ C. wildlife O !/ D. plice O "/ B. mtrway
#/ A. damage O 1%/ C. allw
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. prtect O 2/ B. demlishing O 3/ D. cllectin O 4/ C. partic(larly
5/ A. annying O 6/ A. illness O !/ D. steady O "/ A. cstly
#/ D. e'amine O 1%/ B. rem&ed
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. (sing (p O 2/ B. nrmally O 3/ A. imaginary O 4/ C. (ncertain
5/ C. 8lw O 6/ B. (n(s(al O !/ C. defended O "/ B. p(rified
#/ A. waste O 1%/ D. sec(re
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ B. destr(ctin O 2/ A. &ariety O 3/ B. ind(strials
4/ A. threat O 5/ D. blee$ing O 6/ B. sensiti&e
!/ D. imaginary O "/ D. de&elpments O #/ C. cnstr(cti&e
1%/ D. nat(rally
VI/ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
1/ A. planted O 2/ B. &al(e O 3/ D. diseased O 4/ D. $(sh
5/ A. D. types O 6/ B. (sed t $e attacked O
!/ A. at the cnference $y Dr. Blake at 3 p.m.
"/ B. t lie O #/ A. $ring O 1%/ B. t clean
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD Beca(se f g Beca(se O 2/ CDD t win g t $eat
3/ CAD is knwn g knws O 4/ CDD t swim g t swim in
5/ CAD (nless g if O 6/ CBD last time g the last time
!/ CDD $y ft g n ft O "/ CCD fifth year g the fifth year
#/ CAD h(ge g great O 1%/ CCD can7t $reath g can7t $reathe
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ C. nat(ral O 2/ D. water O 3/ A. res(rces O 4/ A. renewa$le
5/ B. s(ch as O 6/ A. slar O !/ C. that O "/ D. replaced O #/ C. r
1%/ B. perids O 11/ A. irn O 12/ B. n O 13/ D. as well as
14/ C. <r e'ample O 15/ B. prtected
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
c 6 B . < C 4 5 A D
II/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
1/ cnstantly O 2/ spread O 3/ a(dience O4/ fig(res O 5/ erded
6/ clean/(p O !/ plicy O "/ &ariety O #/ imprisnedO 1%/ eliminated
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ cnfident O 2/ awf(lly O 3/ mi't(re O 4/ sensi$le O 5/ feeling
6/ ersin O !/ destr(ctin O "/ cmpetence O #/ interested O 1%/ cnser&ati&e
IV/ Change the sentences below into passi%e %oice:
1/ A fish was eaten $y the cat.
2/ Children7s ld grandparents are lked after $y the children/ them.
3/ A nice girl was seen at the party last night $y me.
4/ Are tys liked $y y(,
5/ 0ilk is dr(nk e&ery mrning $y (s.
6/ 9he flr is $eing cleaned nw.
!/ 9he pr$lem will $e sl&ed $y her sn.
"/ F(r hmewrk is $eing dne $y (s at the mment.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
#/ *as y(r lessn $eing learned $y y( at ! pm last night,
1%/ 9heir wrk has )(st $een finished.
V/ Change the sentences below into acti%e %oice:
1/ 4er father is planting the tree in the garden nw.
2/ 9he $(ilders ha&e )(st $(ilt a small h(se here.
3/ 9hat fam(s a(thr wrte the $k.
4/ B(r teacher will help y(.
5/ 0y cat is chasing a rat.
6/ 0r. ?g(yen teach (s 6nglish.
!/ 0s. 4a is e'plaining the lessn nw.
"/ 4er $rther d(g a $ig hle in the yard.
#/ 9he waitress will make milk.
1%/ 8mene sent a small package t me last week./ 8mene sent me a small package last week.
VI/ 8se the acti%e or passi%e form to complete this passage:
1/ incl(de O 2/ are gr(ped O 3/ is O 4/ may $e replaced O 5/ is
6/ is t ens(re O !/ are nt cns(med O "/ are replaced O #/ are
1%/ cannt $e replaced r can $e replaced O 11/ incl(de O 12/ fc(s
VII/ Complete the sentences using the words gi%en in brac!ets, beginning as shown:
1/ 3inh s(ggested CthatD 9hanh waited/ sh(ld wait fr her at the park.
2/ Despite nt waking/ getting (p n time+ 0ai wasn7t late fr schl.
3/ 9his is the first time .7&e eaten this srt f fd.
4/ After a lng chase+ the plice managed t arrest the thief.
5/ D(ng (ght t ha&e written t her pen friend yesterday.
6/ B( ha&e s(ch small handwriting that . can hardly read it.
!/ 9hey ha&e t/ m(st $e picked (p frm the airprt.
"/ . regret telling her (r plans fr this mrning.
#/ 9 (r s(rprise+ 3ng left the rm early.
1%/ All the witnesses said that he was t $lame fr the accident.
VIII/ $ead the passage below carefully, and then choose the best answer:
1/ D. spring (p O 2/ B. pr&ide O 3/ C. ways O 4/ A. g(arantee
5/ D. a:(atic O 6/ B. when a nat(ral res(rce crsses plitical $rders
!/ A. a ri&er O "/ C. Cnser&atin methds are incidental t care fr the ri&er fr f(t(re (se.
#/ D. 9he way where ne rdinary s(rce is managed has a direct effect (pn ther rdinary s(rces.
1%/ D. Cnser&atin cnflicts
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. n tinal O 2/ A. park& O 3/ D. wo! nd O 4/ A. lcate'
5/ D. taken O 6/ B. dry O !/ B. d(ri ng O "/ B. ano ther
#/ D. me nt O1%/ C. choose
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ B. a$andn O 2/ B. smallest O 3/ B. &isitr O 4/ D. faster
5/ D. s(r&i&al O 6/ A. $(tterfly O !/ D. attack O "/ C. defeat
#/ D. delight O 1%/ D. respnding
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. settled O 2/ B. incl(des O 3/ C. astnished O 4/ D. deserted
5/ C. lked fr O 6/ B. regins O !/ C. pll(tin O "/ B. endangered
#/ D. prper O 1%/ A. let (t
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. wet O 2/ D. sft O 3/ B. same O 4/ D. d(ll O 5/ B. cld
6/ A. drp O !/ C. friends O "/ D. ref(sal O #/ B. idle O 1%/ D. shrtly
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ B. cnser&ati&e O 2/ A. prtected O 3/ C. knwledge
4/ D. ind(stri(sly O 5/ D. in&al(a$le O 6/ B. sensiti&e
!/ D. de&elpment O "/ D. wildly O #/ A. ad&antage
1%/ A. fame
VI/Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences:
1/ B. thr(ghO 2/ C. acrss O 3/ A. alng O 4/ D. ff O 5/ A. dwn
6/ B. &er O !/ A. (t f O "/ D. int O #/ B. (p O 1%/ C. nt
VII/ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CCD dwn g (p O 2/ CDD (ntil g t O 3/ CBD in g n
4/ CAD matters g pr$lems O 5/ CBD n mre g anymre
6/ CAD int g (t f O !/ CCD ff g f O "/ CDD (nder g $elw
#/ CDD indefinite g indefinitely O1%/ CCD in g n
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ C. (ni:(e O 2/ D. g&ernment O 3/ A. sites O 4/ B. pr&iding
5/ C. (tdrs O 6/ B. acti&ities O !/ D. <r e'ample O "/ A. American
#/ C. called O 1%/ A. parks O 11/ D. instead f O 12/ C. which
13& %. #unting G 14& '. i" G 15& (. preserves
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
@ = - ( # ' ? ) > %
II/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
1/ $asement O 2/ a$andned O 3/ s(r&i&ed O 4/ hiking
5/ digestin O 6/ accepted O !/ c(nter O "/ esta$lishment
#/ fficially O 1%/ enemies
III/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ needless O 2/ delightf(l O 3/ appreciatin O 4/ fficially
5/ e'istence O 6/ s(r&i&al O !/ recgniGa$le O "/ acc(racy
#/ rep(tatin O 1%/ sl(tin
IV/ /ut in the correct %erb form:
1/ were/ w(ld help O 2/ is O 3/ had spken O 4/ w(ld y( d/ were
5/ had paid/ w(ld ha&e dne O 6/ came/ w(ld ha&e O !/ starts/ will cry
"/ had affrded/ w(ld ha&e $een O #/ did/ w(ld stp
1%/ had knwn/ w(ld ha&e cme
V/ Complete the sentences with the most suitable prepositions:
1/ frm / t / in O 2/ nt O 3/ thr(gh / till O 4/ a$&e
5/ acrss O 6/ (t O !/ inside O "/ at / thr(gh
#/ frm / despite O 1%/ fr / than / with(t
VI/ Complete the second sentence using the word gi%en in brac!ets beginning as shown:
1/ 4e was s f(ri(s that he had t e'press his feelings.
2/ 9his can can hld fi&e liters.
3/ *e c(ld g int twn $(t it7s a lng way frm here.
4/ 3 dllars is nt en(gh fr her $asic needs.
5/ Fnly a few mem$ers remain in the team while ther ha&e $een replaced.
6/ 4e deals &ery well with diffic(lt sit(atins.
!/ 9he farmers depend n their gd har&est in rder t cntin(e t li&e.
"/ 8he en)ys pr&ing thers wrng.
#/ 9he $y is t shrt t reach the $k n the shelf.
1%/ . had him $ring the chairs int the kitchen.
VII/ /ut the statements in past unreal conditions:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/ .f Fanh had knwn hw t sl&e the maths pr$lem+ she w(ld ha&e gt high marks.
2/ .f y( had said srry+ she w(ldn7t ha&e gt angry.
3/ .f they had passed the e'am+ their family w(ld ha&e $een happy.
4/ .f it hadn7t rained a lt yesterday+ we w(ld ha&e gne swimming.
5/ .f the weather had $een fine+ . w(ld ha&e gne camping.
6/ .f the cmp(ter hadn7t $rken dwn+ she w(ldn7t ha&e stpped her wrk.
!/ .f 9hanh hadn7t $een angry+ we w(ld ha&e said smething t her.
"/ .f (r teacher had cme+ we w(ldn7t ha&e canceled the party.
#/ .f o(ang hadn7t $een interested in the film+ he w(ld ha&e st(died his lessn.
1%/ .f . hadn7t had a $ad headache yesterday+ . w(ld ha&e gne t schl.
VIII/ $ead the passages and titles below carefully, and then put the titles where they should be:
A. B633F*89F?6 ?A9.F?A3 1A>h
B. *4A978 A ?A9.F?A3 1A>h,
C. *46>6 .8 B633F*89F?6,
D. *4A9 0Ah68 B633F*89F?6 8F 816C.A3,
6. F3D <A.94<E3
<. F946> ?A9E>A3 *F?D6>8
5. *63CF06 BACh *F3268
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ B. disc! ss O 2/ A. type O 3/ D. cl ss O 4/ C. :(estion
5/ A. folk O 6/ A. gro! p O !/ D. $re d O "/ C. feeling&
#/ D. poo r O 1%/ A. wrke'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ D. rela' O 2/ B. cm$inatin O 3/ D. m(sician O 4/ A. 6(rpean
5/ C. descriptin O 6/ D. cntain O !/ A. imprtant
"/ B. e'ample O #/ A. e'press O 1%/ C. en(gh
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. fitting O 2/ D. adlescent O 3/ A. pwerf(l O 4/ A. shw
5/ C. refreshed O 6/ D. cntin(e O !/ A. pleasant
"/ A. frcef(l O #/ B. delighted with O 1%/ D. 9alk &er
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ D. simple O 2/ A. (ncmmn O 3/ B. fee$le O 4/ D. discntin(e
5/ A. aged O 6/ C. an'i(s O !/ A. lang(id O "/ D. tart
#/ B. late O 1%/ A. $sc(re
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ D. m(sically O 2/ B. strengthen O 3/ D. singing
4/ A. natinal O 5/ C. c(ntryside O 6/ B. attracti&e
!/ B. different O "/ B. infrmatin O #/ B. learned
1%/ C. pleas(re
VI/ Choose the correct form of %erbs to complete the sentences:
1/ A. saw O 2/ D. smking O 3/ A. wanted O 4/ A. felt
5/ B. cme O 6/ C. t get O !/ D. playing O "/ A. t(ched
#/ D. $(ying O 1%/ A. did
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CCD and g r O 2/ CDD a sea g the sea
3/ CDD t m(ch g en(gh O 4/ CAD in g n
5/ CDD pssi$le g impssi$le O 6/ CBD and g $(t
!/ CAD lcking g t lck O "/ CAD t dri&e g dri&ing
#/ CCD t pen g pen O 1%/ CDD desn7t help g didn7t help
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ D. acrss O 2/ A. t O 3/ A. 6arth O 4/ B. change O 5/ C. cent(ry
6/ C. s(nd O !/ D. image O "/ D. think O #/ A. m(sic O 1%/ C. listening
11/ A. and O 12/ C. list O 13/ D. wrks O 14/ B. as O 15/ D. ne&er
I/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
. C < c A 5 D B 4 6
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ seri(sness O 2/ calmly O 3/ lyrical O 4/ cheerf(lly O 5/ m(sical
6/ cm$inatin O !/ treatment O "/ appreciati&e O #/ cmpetence
1%/ fr(strating
III/ 'atch the styles of music in column A with their definitions in column B:
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
D . 6 4 B < A 5 c C
IV/ 'a!e )uestions for the underlined parts of the following statements:
1/ 4w d y( g t schl e&ery day,
2/ *here des y(r/ (r teacher li&e,
3/ 4w lng/ *hen will the plice cme here,
4/ *h are wrking in the field nw,
5/ *hat did she g t market fr,/ *hy did she g t market,
6/ *hy was the $y glad,
!/ *hCmD des this hand $ag $elng t,
"/ 4w ften d y(/ we ha&e 3 6nglish classes,
#/ 4w many mem$ers are there in y(r family,
1%/ 4w lng des it take him t g t his ffice,
V/ Complete the )uestions with 2>ow4 with a suitable word:
1/ 4w d O 2/ 4w far O 3/ 4w a$(tO 4/ 4w d O 5/ 4w m(ch
6/ 4w are O !/ 4w lng O "/ 4w fast O #/ 4w far O 1%/ 4w lng
VI/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
1/ A new car is t e'pensi&e fr the wman t $(y.
2/ .f n ne else wants t make friends with him+ . will write t him.
3/ 9hat kind f fd tastes really delici(s.
4/ 9he thief was arrested $y that pliceman last week.
5/ 4e can hardly speak 6nglish.
6/ .t is f(n t play ft$all n a rainy day.
!/ . think we sh(ld in&ite him t (r meeting.
"/ 9hey are nt ld en(gh t watch this film.
#/ *(ld y( like t g t (r party this weekend,
1%/ 0ichael cacksn sings wnderf(lly.
VII/ $ewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one- Do not change the
word gi%en:
1/ 4e spends twenty min(tes t dri&e t his ffice.
2/ 4er family tend t g a$rad n &acatin.
3/ .f . were y(+ . w(ld nt g hme t late t make my parents wrried.
4/ Fnly a few peple are ging t see that ft$all match.
5/ 0y father prmised t gi&e me sme mre $ks and pencils.
6/ *e are ne&er allwed t make nise in class.
!/ *e7re lking frward t welcming y( t (r team this seasn.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
"/ B( sh(ld ha&e y(r )eans mended sn.
#/ 9he teacher asked me whether . was interested in the stry.
1%/ .t is s(ch a rmantic sng that . ha&e listened t it many times.
VIII/ $ead the passage and statements below carefully, and then say whether the statements are true
",#, false "# or not gi%en "&#:
1/ < O 2/ 9 O 3/ < O 4/ < O 5/ ? O 6/ 9 O !/ 9 O "/ < O #/ 9 O 1%/ <
11/ < O 12/ 9 O 13/ 9 O 14/ 9 O 15/ <
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ C. time O 2/ B. c ll O 3/ D. se t O 4/ A. de&elpe'
5/ C. lo ng O 6/ A. cent! ry O !/ A. scientist& O "/ A. sho" n
#/ D. place& O 1%/ D. deci&ion
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ D. hwe&er O 2/ D. tday O 3/ C. cmpletely O4/ B. intrd(ce
5/ C. en)y O 6/ A. (ntil O !/ D. telephne O "/ B. decisin
#/ B. interest O 1%/ C. 9itanic
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ A. detected O 2/ C. prgressed O 3/ D. speedily O 4/ D. fig(re
5/ C. certainly O 6/ C. arranged O !/ D. &aried O "/ D. e'panded
#/ B. arse O 1%/ D. $(ntif(l
IV/ Select the antonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ B. late O 2/ B. sl(ggishly O 3/ A. nrmal O 4/ D. deafening
5/ D. left O 6/ A. petty O !/ D. flats O "/ B. e'ist O #/ A. frt(nate
1%/ D. empty
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ D. film star O 2/ B. wrk$k O 3/ B. length
4/ C. ind(stri(s O 5/ B. relatin O 6/ C. cmpara$le
!/ B. s(ggestin O "/ C. $ring O #/ D. s(rprisingly
1%/ D. knwing
VI/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ A. ne/the/the O 2/ B. .f/always O 3/ D. heard/while
4/ C. 6&eryne/e&en O 5/ D. An/nce O 6/ B. <inally/fr
!/ A. (t/ag O "/ D. already/that O #/ D. Ff c(rse/whether/like
1%/ A. 6'c(se me/ne't
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CBD a stry g the stry O 2/ CDD $iggest g the $iggest
3/ CAD ne gd idea g a gd idea O 4/ CCD a dctr g the dctr
5/ CCD an effrt g the effrt O 6/ CBD e&er $efre g ne&er $efre
!/ CBD him g himself O "/ CAD 8metime g 8metimes
#/ CAD 8eldm g 8eldm d O 1%/ CAD 4ard g 4ardly
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ C. different O 2/ D. pay fr O 3/ B. theaters O 4/ A. crew
5/ A. directr O 6/ C. stry O !/ D. Actrs O "/ B. cmpser O #/ B. film
1%/ D. scenes O 11/ A. r(ns O 12/ B. tgether O 13/ C. 8(nd
14/ B. scene O 15/ C. perfrm
I/ 'atch the attitudinal ad6ecti%es in column A with the appropriate definitions in column B:
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
6 . C 4 5 A c < D B
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ psychlgical O 2/ ad&ent(r(s O 3/ em$arrassing O 4/ hidden
5/ l('(ri(s O 6/ 9ragically O !/ li&ing O "/ gener(sly O #/ smartly
1%/ disc&ery
III/ ill in each gap with the most suitable preposition:
1/ d(ring - $y O 2/ in - n O 3/ in / fr / (p / f / alng
4/ acrss / with - r O 5/ a$&e - n O 6/ .n / f / (nder / f
!/ with / in - since O "/ (t f - fr O #/ $y / in
1%/ <rm / f / fr / &er
IV/ Complete each sentence from 0 to 0? in column A with one of the endings from A to @ in column
1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
D c 6 . A < B 5 4 C
V/ Complete the passage with the correct article "a, an, the# or lea%e the blan!s empty "A#:
1/ a O 2/ a O 3/ the O 4/ y O 5/ the O 6/ the O !/ an O "/ a O #/ y O 1%/ y
11/ the O 12/ an O 13/ a O 14/ 9he O 15/ a O 16/ the O 1!/ a
1"/ the O 1#/ a O 2%/ a O 21/ a O 22/ the O 23/ the O 24/ the
25/ 9he O 26/ y O 2!/ the O 2"/ the O 2#/ a O 3%/ the
31/ the O 32/ a O 33/ the O 34/ the O 35/ the
VI/ 8se the correct form of the %erbs in brac!ets:
de&elp / adapt / written / may cme / wrk / can $e cmmissined / t write / can write /
meaning / is hping / will like / written / t $(y / arrange / has $een p(rchased / may decide / t ha&e /
writing / is / t create / is / is fllwed / is / detailed / cntaining / sketched (t / de&elped /
$egins / fills in / sets frth / descri$es / s(pplies / indicate / sh(ld $e psitined / sh(ld cc(r /
filming / indicate / replaces / replaces / replaces
VII/ $ewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:
1/ 9he salary is the nly pr$lem.
2/ 9here is nthing interesting n tele&isin this week.
3/ .s that the fastest y( can r(n,
4/ 9his is the first time . ha&e eaten this kind f fd.
5/ 9he Chinese drink a lt f tea.
6/ 9he faster peple dri&e+ the mre danger(s it is.
!/ 9he tr(th is diffic(lt t tell.
"/ Can y( play tennis e'cellently,
#/ 1lease lea&e the rm ne at a time.
1%/ .t tk me ne h(r and 45 min(tes t fly frm 4 Chi 0inh city t 4a ?i.
VIII/ $ead the passage and statements below carefully, and then say whether the statements are true
",#, false "# or not gi%en "&#:
1/ < O 2/ < O 3/ 9 O 4/ < O 5/ 9 O 6/ < O !/ 9 O "/ ? O #/ 9 O 1%/ <
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ A. wor ld O 2/ C. pp! lar O 3/ C. de feat O 4/ B. who
5/ A. where O 6/ B. gre t O !/ A. thi nk O "/ A. ch ampin
#/ A. task& O 1%/ D. witnesse'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ B. attract O 2/ B. ar(ndO 3/ D. cntinental O 4/ D. e:(ipment
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
5/ C. necessarily O 6/ C. defeat O !/ B. e&ent
"/ A. 9(nisia O #/ A. BraGil O 1%/ D. 9hailand
III/ Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit:
1/ D. rganiGed O 2/ A. &ictr O 3/ D. cc(rrence O 4/ C. attractin
5/ D. last O 6/ B. nlkers O !/ A. 6sta$lished O "/ A. :(alified
#/ B. &an:(ished O 1%/ B. percei&ed
IV/ 'atch the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:
1/ D. awf(l O 2/ B. first O 3/ A. repels O 4/ C. amate(rish O 5/ B. lse
6/ B. (nknwnO !/ D. fail O "/ A. prly O #/ C. minr O 1%/ B. light
V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ C. th(ghtf(l O 2/ B. cnsidera$le O 3/ D. finalist
4/ A. hnr O 5/ C. attracti&e O 6/ D. 9alking O !/ B. player
"/ B. alike O #/ B. friendly O 1%/ B. cmpetence
VI/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ C. will O 2/ A. can O 3/ C. w(ld
4/ B. t $e ging n with O 5/ A. sh(ld O 6/ B. may
!/ C. might O "/ C. c(ld O #/ B. m(st O 1%/ C. ha&e t
VII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CAD BraGil / BraGilian O 2/ CCD t sa&e / t scre
3/ CDD the ther player the $all O 4/ CBD the crner the central area
5/ CAD A teacher A cach O 6/ CBD whm plays wh plays
!/ CDD team sprts sprts team O "/ CCD the cach the referee
#/ CAD yellw whistle yellw card O 1%/ CDD the leader the lead
VIII/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ CD field O 2/ DD &al O 3/ BD acrss O 4/ AD kicking O 5/ DD cnsidered
6/ CD way O !/ BD Beca(se f O "/ AD fc(ses O #/ BD the Enited 8tates
1%/ BD riginally O 11/ CD which O 12/ BD r(les O 13/ DD played
14/ AD different O 15/ CD incl(de
I/ 'atch the words or phrases in column A with the appropriate definitions in column B:

1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " # 1%
< 4 A 5 D c C . 6 B
II/ Supply the correct form of the word in brac!ets:
1/ en&irnmental O 2/ cmpetitin O 3/ )intly O 4/ killing
5/ attendance O 6/ 1articipatry O !/ c(rage(s O "/ esta$lishment
#/ 1redicta$ly O 1%/ sprtsman
III/ ill each gap with a suitable word from the list below:
1/ fans O 2/ midfielders O 3/ :(arter$ack O 4/ penalty
5/ galscrer O 6/ red card O !/ ffside O "/ referee O #/ defenders
1%/ striker
IV/ Complete the sentences below with 2will/ would/ shall/ should/ may/ might/ must/ can/ could/ is
going to4 "9ne word can only be used once#:
1/ 8hall O 2/ is ging t O 3/ c(ld O 4/ may O 5/ will
6/ sh(ld O !/ m(st O "/ might O #/ can O 1%/ w(ld
V/ ill in each gap with a suitable preposition:
1/ n / with O 2/ at O 3/ int / in O 4/ f O 5/ at O 6/ a$(t O !/ t / like
"/ a$(t O #/ r / t / fr / n O 1%/ fr
VI/ <rite sentences using the clues gi%en:
1/ 9he Da&is C(p is an imprtant internatinal tennis champinship.
2/ capan is playing hst t the ne't internatinal cnference.
3/ 9he recrd has $een in the 9p 9en fr three weeks.
4/ 9he Beatles= first hit recrd was =3&e 0e D=.
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
5/ Fnly ne gal was scred in the entire match.
6/ A frward is a player wh is in an attacking psitin in a team.
!/ chnsn came n as a s($stit(te twards the end f the match.
"/ 4e was in)(red+ and spent the last few weeks f the seasn n the $ench.
#/ 4e scred his first gal f the match three min(tes after the inter&al.
1%/ 4is speed allws him t easily dri$$le past defenders.
VIII/ $ead the sentences below carefully, and then put them in the correct order to ma!e a proper
reading: C?(m$er 1 has dne fr y(D
1 - 4 - ! - 12 - 3 - 1% - 5 - 2 - 6 - # - " - 11
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ C. $y O 2/ B. h(&e& O 3/ D. part& O 4/ A. e mpire
5/ B. de&elpe' O 6/ D. do" n O !/ C. $ro!gh O "/ B. fi ne
#/ A. $! sy O 1%/ C. ren me
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ D. apartment O 2/ C. lcate O 3/ A. B. &isitr O 4/ C. pp(late
5/ D. cmpare O 6/ D. simil arl y O !/ A. regin
"/ C. prn(nciatin O #/ A. $r(gh O 1%/ B. pr$lem
III/ 'atch the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:
1/c O 2/5 O 3/D O 4/. O 5/A O 6/C O !/6 O "/B O #/4 O 1%/<
IV/ 'atch the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:
1/4 O 2/C O 3/6 O 4/. O 5/A O 6/< O !/c O "/D O #/5 O 1%/B
V/ 'atch the cities or capitals in column A with the appropriate nations in column B:
1/B O 2/D O 3/9 O 4/A O 5/8 O 6/C O !/> O "/. O #/1 O 1%/c O 11/F O 12/6 O 13/? O 14/< O 15/0 O 16/o O 1!/3 O 1"/4 O
1#/5 O 2%/h
VI/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ B. knwn O 2/ D. de&elpments O 3/ C. different
4/ B. c(ntryside O 5/ A. attract O 6/ B. t(rist
!/ D. $(ilding O "/ D. natinalities O #/ D. riginated
1%/ B. careless
VII/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ B. alth(gh O 2/ A. Despite O 3/ D. $eca(se
4/ C. $eca(se f O 5/ A. that O 6/ A. which O !/ A. whse
"/ C. where O #/ B. why O 1%/ C. when
VIII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CCD e'act g e'actly O 2/ CBD $eca(se f g $eca(se
3/ CCD nt hatred g n hatredO 4/ CDD hers g herself
5/ CBD that g wh O 6/ CDD had $lwn ff g had $een $lwn ff
!/ CDD wh g whm O "/ CBD which is g that is
#/ CCD where g when O 1%/ CDD a lt g a lt f
IA/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ BD &er O 2/ DD fascinating O 3/ CD 1alace O 4/ AD rms
5/ BD called O 6/ BD marches O !/ DD t(r O "/ CD prisn
#/ AD t O 1%/ DD cllectin O 11/ AD special O 12/ BD s(re
13/ CD ch(rches O 14/ AD burie$ G 15& (6 #ouses G 16& '6 up
1!/ BD $ell O 1"/ BD near$y O 1#/ BD an$ G 20& '6 )ri*e
21& %6 realisti G 22& '6 paintings G 23& (6 oneG 24& '6 view
25& %6 7on$on =ye
A/ $ead the headings "from 0 to B# and the paragraphs "from A to +# carefully, and then match them
together appropriately:
Sch Trc Nghim Ting Anh 10 C p n
1/< O 2/A O 3/C O 4/B O 5/6 O 6/5 O !/D
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each
1/ B. arri &al O 2/ A. place& O 3/ A. la(re te O 4/ A. f m(s
5/ D. partic!lar O 6/ A. $ack& O !/ A. Co nf(cian O "/ A. tho! ght
#/ D. re lic O 1%/ A. esta$lishe'
II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:
1/ B. ren&atin O 2/ B. $ecme O 3/ A. Cnf(cian
4/ B. $rilliant O 5/ D. typical O 6/ B. initially O !/ B. (ni&ersity
"/ A. la(reate O #/ C. fllwing O 1%/ B. $etween
III/ 'atch the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:
1/4 O 2/D O 3/B O 4/. O 5/< O 6/A O !/6 O "/c O #/5 O 1%/C
IV/ 'atch the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:
1/D O 2/A O 3/C O 4/. O 5/< O 6/4 O !/B O "/6 O #/c O 1%/5
V/ 'atch the sentences, clauses or phrases in column A with the ones in column B to ma!e meaningful
1/4 O 2/c O 3/AO 4/< O 5/B O 6/6 O !/C O "/. O #/5 O 1%/D
VI/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence:
1/ D. histrical O 2/ A. c(lt(re O 3/ D. riginatr
4/ C. th(ght O 5/ C. ed(catinal O 6/ B. impressin
!/ C. s(ccessf(lly O "/ D. cntin(atin O #/ C. $ea(tify
1%/ A. cmplete
VII/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:
1/ A. as $ig as O 2/ B. mre e'pensi&e than
3/ B. less interesting than O 4/ C. twice as e'pensi&e as
5/ D. easier than O 6/ A. m(ch cheaper
!/ C. 9he lder/ the happier O "/ A. 9he mre/ the $etter
#/ B. any y(nger O 1%/ B. the mst en)ya$le
VIII/ ind the one mista!e "A, B, C or D# in these sentences and then correct them:
1/ CDD like g as O 2/ CDD that g as O 3/ CAD s g as
4/ CDD than g as O 5/ CDD like g as O 6/ CCD mre g the
!/ CBD mre g mst O "/ CAD a great deal g $y far
#/ CCD as g like O 1%/ CCD like g as
IA/ $ead the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:
1/ AD up O 2/ DD regions G 3/ CD only O 4/ BD over O 5/ AD oast
6/ AD an$ O !/ BD alle$ O "/ CD provines O #/ DD tourists
1%/ AD oastsO 11/ BD +el$sO 12/ CD pro$ue O 13/ DD Two4thir$s
14/ AD in$ustrial G 15& %6 ,ttawa G 16& BD three
1!/ CD whereO 1"/ DD ol$
A/ $ead the paragraphs below carefully, and then put them in the correct order to ma!e a proper
4 - ! - 1 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 3

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