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Have gastritis/ stomachace

1. M. Tri Mardiansyah as Reader of prolog

2. Octa Orbita Kaelani as a patient
3. Nelly Rohmi Nurmala as a doctor
4. Alfi Febriani Priswari as a nurse 2
5. Lya Khaerunisa as a nurse 1

This day, Miss Octa go to the doctor for a check. Miss Octa feel weak, nauseous and did not
want to eat anything since 3 days ago. So, she go to Bendan Hospital to get caring. First, she go
to the receptionist.
Miss Octa : Excuse me. I want to check my illness. Where should I go?
Nurse 1 : What do you feel?
Miss Octa : I feel very weak, nauseous, and I have stomachace
Nurse 1 : Yes, you go in the correct room, you will see the internist. But before, I must
register your identity for admission. Whats your name?
Miss Octa : My name is Octa Orbita. I am 20 years old.
Nurse 1 : Where do you live?
Miss Octa : I live in Comal, Pemalang
Nurse 1 : You can waiting in front this room until your name are called.
Miss octa : Very well. Thank you.
Nurse 1 : Youre welcome
15 minutes later
Nurse 1 : Octa Orbita, number 7!
Inside the doctors room
Miss Octa : Good morning, Doc.
Doctor : Good morning, Miss. Please have a seat.
Miss Octa : Thank you, Doc.
Doctor : So, what brings you here, Miss?
Miss Octa : Um I feel very weak, nauseous, and I have stomachace.
Doctor : Okay. I will examine your stomach..
Miss Octa : Hows doctor?
Doctor : I think you gets Gastritis and you need extra caring in hospital. You should be
infused and get injectable pharmaceuticals. Are you agree?
Miss Octa : If it's gone so I have to agree
Doctor : Okay, you can go to inpatient room, and you will find all therapy for your
Miss Octa : Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor : Your welcome

Miss Octa go to inpatient room, delivered by nurse. She gets infused and get injectable
pharmaceuticals. She is cared in Truntum rooms.

The next morning, at 7.00 a.m
Nurse 2 : good morning
Miss Octa : good morning nurse
Nurse : how are you this morning?
Miss Octa : not very well
Nurse 2 : Im nurse Alfi and I will take care of you today. Your name is written here
Miss. Octa Orbita. How can I address you?
Miss Octa : you may address me Miss Octa
Nurse 2 : Miss Octa,I will check your blood pressure.
Miss Octa : Okay
Nurse 2 : 100 under 80 mmHg. How is your wound, do you still feel the stomachache?
Miss Octa : Yes. And it is become more painful in the morning. I still cant eat anything.
And what should I do to reduce the pain?
Nurse 2 : I will teach you relaxation technique. Its a breathing technique that could reduse
your pain.
Miss Octa : okay.
Nurse 2 : When you feel the pain you have to calm, relax your mind and take a deep
breath and this (*demonstrate). Okay!! It will reduse the pain.
Miss Octa : okay. Thank you
Nurse 2 : I will tell the doctor to give you a pain killer too. Now its time for me to visit
other patients. If you need my assistance, please just press the call button, I will
help you.
Miss Octa : Okay. Thank you, nurse.
Nurse 2 : See you
Miss. Octa : See you

At 9.00 a.m Nurse Alfi came back to Miss Octa rooms to give the injection
Nurse 2i : Excuse me, Miss Octa
Miss Octa : Yes, Nurse
Nurse 2 : I will give you injection program at 9.00 am
Miss Octa : Okay, Nurse. What the function this injection?
Nurse 2 : This are 2 various injection. First, this antibiotic. Second, this for decrease
your nausea, so you are not vomit again.
Miss Octa : Ohhh, I just know. Nurse, when doctor visiters me again?
Nurse 2 : I think at 03.00 p.m you can see doctor.
Miss Octa : Okay, thank you Nurse..
Nurse 2 : Okay, Miss Octa. You are welcome

At 03.00 evening, doctor Nelly visiters all her patient. She also visiters Miss Octa.
Nurse 2 : Excuse me, Miss Octa
Miss Octa : come in, please
Doctor : How are you Miss Octa? Are you better?
Miss Octa : I think better this evening. I dont vomit again, but I still cant eat I just eat
Doctor : Thats good. Step by step and then full recovery
Miss Octa : But, I want to get well soon
Doctor : Okay, I will give you Additional recipes to increase appetite
Miss Octa : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : You are welcome. I hope you get well soon.

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