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ITC571 - Emerging Technologies and Innovation

Session 2 2014
Faculty of Business
School of Computing and Mathematics
CSU Study Centre Melbourne
Internal Mode
Subject Coordinator
Subject Overview[Hide]
Welcome to a new session of study at Charles Sturt University. This subject outline is
accessible through mobile devices from
This subject provides for an in-depth study at an advanced level of a topic in Information
Technology or Computational Modelling selected by a student.
This subject requires research and project work, at an advanced "whole of course" level, on a
topic related to emerging technologies and innovation. In the context of professional practice,
students will draw upon prior learning in their Masters course to execute an Independent
Capstone Project on a selected topic.

ITC571 syllabus, Study Schedule and Modules Study Guide will guide and act as a scaffold
or framework for the in-depth capstone study. The capstone experience will involve a blend of
research and project work as defined by the nature of the topic. Each topic will offer an authentic
or real-life learning experience. Here is a snapshot of the Topics in the Modules tool, via the
Interact sidebar menu:

Students will select a topic from a given list or may have a topic approved on the
latest Emerging Technologies and Innovation. The Module Study Guide linked from the
Module sidebar menu in Interact in ITC571 will also work on how to locate and extract sources
of information; build your own library of readings for analysis and evaluation as part of a critical
analysis process that builds a review of the literature and identifies gaps in what is known about
your topic.

While individual capstone topics are recommended, there is scope to allow for group work via a
detailed work breakdown structure (WBS) and a rubric of criteria for individual assessment.
Each topic will be an open-ended problem-based or project-based learning experience.
Continuous weekly reporting is done by editing individual Project Blogsand attending any
online or classroom meetings in the schedule.

ITC571 has many broad educational objectives, beyond the subject profile, at the end of a
Masters course in Information Technology. These include:
integrating knowledge and skills developed from doing other subjects in the course as a whole -
with initiative and creativity;
o demonstrating competencies and graduate attributes developed in the core subjects;
o design and completion of a project on time and reporting in professional standard in a
written report and seminar presentation;
o preparing you for a professional future in the workplace and/or further study for a
higher degree (Doctorate).
This Capstone Project Experience in ITC571 will also enable you to show how to:
o interpret and evaluate an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and
o perform literature searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic;
o critically reflect on and synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and
theories in the chosen topic;
o apply project management and ICT tools to plan, execute, record and present their
and project work as a capstone experience;
o demonstrate advanced communication skills in transmitting their capstone experiences
Subject preparation(topics)
Suggested Areas of Research/Project Work (Guide Only for Subject preparation)

Software Development and Online Systems
o Web applications development
o Mobile Device applications
o Computer Vision
o Multimedia Systems: social media; interactive systems; game development; e-learning systems
Network Design and Implementation
o Wireless Networks (WiFi)
o Near Field Communication (NFC)
o RFID applications (supply chain management - asset tracking)
o Wireless sensor network technology: sensor nodes and sensor webs.
ICT Security and ICT Management
o Alignment of IT Management and Enterprise Architecture with the business goals, ethics and
strategic planning
o Information Security analysis, planning and implementation
o Business Intelligence and Dashboard Reporting
Sample Capstone Topics
12. Social media and Mobile applications innovation in the tourism industry
13. Sensor Networks in agriculture: from virtual fencing to monitoring soil moisture and nutrient
14. The alignment of ICT security procedures with ethics in an organization.

Assessment Requirements
Assessment at CSU is criterion-referenced and standards-based where students' work is assessed
against stated criteria that reflect the expected learning outcomes of the course and subject. Subjects that
use a satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading scale will have this clearly identified within the Subject Outline.
For further information please consult the University's Assessment Policy: Coursework Subjects.
All the assessments should be academically written and well presented. Specific presentation information
(if any) will be posted on the Subject Interact site.
Charles Sturt University expects that the work of its students and staff will uphold the values of academic
honesty and integrity. The Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism is located
at: This is an important resource that will help you understand
these values and apply them in practice. You should familiarise yourself with these requirements and
ensure that all assessments submitted by you are your own work, have not been submitted elsewhere
and comply with the University's requirements for academic integrity.
The University has purchased Turnitin software. This software has two functions, a pre-emptive education
function which students may use to check their own work prior to submission, and a plagiarism detection
function which academics may use to check the students work for improper citation or potential
plagiarism. Use by students is optional and is not a prerequisite for submission.
You are encouraged to check your work for originality prior to submission. You can register with Turnitin
to create a Student Account under the CSU Turnitin Licence at
Further information on how to use Turnitin is provided within the Guide to Avoiding
In order to ensure that students who hand their assignments in on time are not disadvantaged, and to
enable the lecturer to comply with the requirement to return assignments to the class within 21 days, the
following rules about extensions will be strictly enforced:
1. Extensions cannot be granted for online tests, as these have to be done within a specific time
frame, after which the answers are released to the class automatically.

2. Computer problems (such as the speed of your computer and the time it may take you to
upload assignments onto EASTS) and normal work-related pressures and family commitments
do not constitute sufficient reasons for the granting of extensions.

3. If it becomes obvious that you are not going to be able to submit an assignment on time
because of an unavoidable problem, you must submit your request for an extension to the
Subject Coordinator in writing (email or post) prior to the due date.

Requests for extensions will not be granted on or after the due date so you must make sure
that any extension is requested prior to the day on which the assignment is due.

You are expected to do all you can to meet assignment deadlines. Work and family related
pressures do not normally constitute sufficient reasons for the granting of extensions or
incomplete grades.

4. If you apply for an extension, you may be asked to email your lecturer on what you have done
so far on the assignment.

5. You must be able to provide documentary evidence (such as a certificate from a doctor or
counsellor) justifying the need for an extension as soon as practicable - but please note that if
the circumstances giving rise to the request for an extension arise on a day when you cannot
get documentary evidence, you must still apply for the extension before the due date and
submit the documentary evidence afterwards.

6. Given the tight deadlines involved in returning assignments to students and putting feedback
on Interact, the maximum extension granted generally will be seven (7) days from the
due date.

7. Assignments received more than 10 days after the due date or extension date will not be
marked unless the staff member decides otherwise. Items received late will be penalised at
10% of the mark available for the assessment item per day it is late (see below).

8. Note that for purposes of measuring lateness, the 'day' begins just after 00.00 hrs AEST - so
an assignment received after midnight of the due date will be penalised 10% for lateness. This
rule will be applied to all students uniformly.
Online Submission
Assignments should be submitted through Turnitin. Turnitin password details for this subject will be
provided on the campus noticeboard and via CSU Interact announcement.
Postal Submission
Under normal circumstances postal submissions will not be accepted for any of the assessments
Hand Delivered Submission
Under normal circumstances hand delivered submissions will not be accepted for any of the assessments
Faxed / Emailed Assignments
Faxed or emailed assessment tasks will not be accepted under normal circumstances.
Penalties for Late Submission
The Faculty of Business has determined that the penalty for the late submission of an assessment task
(without obtaining the Subject Coordinator's approval for an extension) will be:
10% deduction per day, including weekends, of the maximum marks allocated for the assessment
task, i.e. 1 day late 10% deduction, or 2 days late 20% deduction.

An example of the calculation would be:
Maximum marks allocated = 20
Penalty for one day late = 2 marks (so, a score of 18/20 becomes 16/20 and a score of 12/20 becomes
If an assignment is due on a Friday but is not submitted until the following Tuesday, then the penalty will
be four days (40% deduction or 8 marks in the example above).
Submissions more than 10 days late will be acknowledged as received but will not be marked.
Under normal circumstances resubmission of assessment items will not be accepted for any of the
assessments required in this subject.
Assignment Return
You should normally expect your marked assignment to be despatched/returned to you within three
weeks of the due date, if your assignment was submitted on time. If an assignment is submitted on time
but not returned by the return date, you should make enquiries in the first instance to the subject lecturer.
If the subject lecturer is not available, contact Reception.
Your lecturer will give you feedback on your assignments in class.
Assessment Items[Hide]

Item number Title Type Value Due date* Return date**
1 Capstone Project Proposal and Plan Assignment 20% 18-Aug-2014 08-Sep-2014
2 Literature Review Assignment 20% 08-Sep-2014 29-Sep-2014
3 Capstone Project Report and Seminar Assignment 60% 29-Sep-2014 20-Oct-2014

* due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University
** applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date

Assessment item 1
Capstone Project Proposal and Plan
Value: 20%
Due date: 18-Aug-2014
Return date: 08-Sep-2014
Length: 1000-1200 words (5-6 pages)
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
1. Follow the Study Schedule and work with the Modules tool in Interact as they provide a
"scaffold" for your learning in this subject.

2. Develop a detailed Capstone Project Proposal and Plan using project management
software (as listed in the Study Schedule) and the skills you have acquired from IT Project
Management to develop a project plan with WBS, milestones and Gantt chart. e.g. Microsoft
Project Pro ( or open source tools
like GanttProject ( OpenProj (
nproj/) or OpenProject(

3. Begin a 'project blog' for your chosen emerging technology topic or setup an Interact project
site as your "cloud" for storing project files and links to objects. Wordpress,
Google's Blogger are common blogging systems, but you may have your own favourite site to
1. Choose and develop a limited blogger profile and enter a suitable TITLE for your blog
(eg. Chriss Capstone, Joes Wireless Technology Project) not your full name
2. For WEB ADDRESS - use your student number as your account name (URL) or other
unique identifier.
3. Make a first post - a short introduction about you and the project - remember to save,
then Publish the blog entry. Check with a friend or family member to ensure that
he/she can see your first posting. This is also to check you have the right URL to
include in this proposal and plan for your project.
4. The blog is ideally updated each week with 3 or 4 entries, at a minimum standard and
will become a valuable tool for documenting your project notes and as the
foundation for editing and writing the Captsone Project Report. An ideal blog entry will
have around 50-150 words (150-600 words a week).
4. The blog will NOT be assessed again after this task, but you are to include the Web
address or URL of your blog on the cover page for your Capstone Project Proposal and
The Capstone Topic Project Plan allows for a broad range of project areas like systems administration,
database systems, IT security, mobile technology etc. Often the project has a sponsor and is linked to
your interest or workplace needs. The proposal has a research component (Assessment Item 2
Literature Review) so in some cases you may need to find a supervisor willing to accept you as a
The Learning Outcomes being assessed in this item include how you interpret and evaluate an overview
of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation and begin to to plan, execute, record and
present your research and project work as a capstone experience.
Marking criteria
Your Capstone Project Proposal and Plan will be evaluated with a series of questions:
o Is the capstone topic area appropriate?
o Has the Project Blog been setup?
o Has there been sufficient justification of the choice of the topic?
o Is there enough scope for a sufficiently deep/complex analysis?
o Is the scope appropriate for what might be reasonably expected in the capstone project
o Is the methodology proposed clear?
o Are the deliverables clearly set out?
o Are the deliverables sufficiently complex to justify a pass in this activity?
o Is it likely that the proposed activities can be reasonably carried out?
o Is it likely that the student will have access to the necessary resources to do a satisfactory
o Is the time line proposed realistic?
Value: 20% (Marks 100 maximum with Criteria)
The ITC571 Capstone Project Proposal and Plan Assessment Criteria
Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64%
Project Blog is
created and functional
and of the topic area
is appropriate and has
been justified by
student and
The rationale and
recommendations by the
supervisor or sponsor of
the project demonstrate
that an evaluation of
recent trends in
emerging technologies
and innovation has led
to an appropriate topic
The Project Blog
justification of the topic
and information and
facts about the problem
and purpose of the
8.50 to 10.00%
The rationale and
recommendations by the
supervisor or sponsor of
the project demonstrate
that an evaluation of
recent trends in
emerging technologies
and innovation has led
to an appropriate topic
The Project Blog
contains justification of
the topic and some
information and a few
facts about the problem
and purpose of the
7.50 to 8.49%
The rationale and
recommendations by the
supervisor or sponsor of
the project do not
necessarily demonstrate
that an evaluation of
recent trends in
emerging technologies
and innovation has led
to an appropriate topic
The Project Blog
contains justification of
the topic is done briefly
with a few with
information and facts
but very little or no
purpose of the
6.50 to 7.49%
The rationale is not
clear and the project has
no clear
recommendations by
any sponsor or
Incomplete Project Blog
or none exists. Topic
selection has not been
fully justified by
inclusion of information
and facts about the
problem and purpose of
the investigation.
5.00 to 6.49%
Project scope,
presentation and
project management
tools and techniques
Proposal is well written
with no grammatical or
spelling errors has
evidence that is has
been reviewed at least
once. Project Scope,
Methodology and all
project management
tools and techniques are
included, such as
timeline, WBS, Gantt
chart, All sections in the
proposal and plan are
clearly set our for the
25.50 to 30.00%
Proposal is well written
with only a few
grammatical or spelling
errors and has evidence
that is has been
reviewed at least once.
Project Scope,
Methodology and all
project management
tools and techniques are
mostly included, such as
timeline, WBS, Gantt
chart, The proposal and
plan overall are clearly
set our for the reader.
22.50 to 25.49%
Proposal is well written
with several
grammatical or spelling
errors but has no
evidence that is has
been reviewed. Project
Scope, Methodology
and all project
management tools and
techniques are mostly
included, such as
timeline, WBS, Gantt
chart, Most sections in
the proposal and plan
are clearly set our for
the reader.
19.50 to 22.49%
Proposal is not well
written with many
grammatical or spelling
errors and no evidence
that is has been
reviewed. Project
Scope, Methodology
and a project
management tool was
used, but not all
techniques are complete
such the timeline, WBS
or Gantt chart, Further
refinement of the
proposal and plan are
15.00 to 19.49%
Practicality of the
resources, a realistic
timeline and the
deliverables in the
proposed solution.
Proposed solution
demonstrates full
understanding of real-
world constraints and
the timeline in WBS and
Gantt chart specifies
due dates for required
deliverables. Materials
list is reasonable, given
resources. Proposal
clearly links the
problem to the proposed
17.00 to 20.00%
Proposed solution
demonstrates a good
understanding of real-
world constraints and
the timeline in WBS and
Gantt chart specifies
most due dates for
required deliverables.
Materials list is mostly
reasonable, given
resources. Proposal does
link to the problem to
the proposed solution.
15.00 to 16.99%
Proposed solution
demonstrates a poor
understanding of real-
world constraints and
the timeline in WBS and
Gantt chart is breif and
only specifies some of
the due dates for
required deliverables.
Materials list is lacking
details, given resources.
Proposal makes very
little connection
between the proposed
solution and the
13.00 to 14.99%
Proposed solution is too
general or incomplete in
places and demonstrates
a lack of understanding
of real-world
constraints. The WBS
and Gantt chart are too
generic or missing and
only specifies some of
the due dates for
required deliverables.
Materials list is not
given. Proposal makes
no connection between
the proposed solution
and the problem.
10.00 to 12.99%
Critical Thinking and
understanding of the
problem and
consideration of users

Identifies strengths and
weaknesses in own
thinking: recognizes
personal assumptions,
values and perspectives,
compares to others, and
evaluates them in the
context of alternate
points of view.
25.50 to 30.00%
Identifies strengths and
weaknesses in own
thinking: recognizes
personal assumptions,
values and perspectives,
compares to others,
with some comparisons
of alternate points of
22.50 to 25.49%
Identifies some personal
assumptions, values,
and perspectives;
recognizes some
assumptions, values and
perspectives of others;
shallow comparisons of
alternate points of view.
19.50 to 22.49%
Identifies some personal
assumptions, values,
and perspectives;
does not consider
alternate points of view.
15.00 to 19.49%
Timeliness and
completion of project
proposal and plan.
All required elements of
the project proposal and
plan are completed and
produced on time.
8.50 to 10.00%

Most of required
elements of the project
proposal and plan are
produced on time.
7.50 to 8.49%

Only a few required
elements of the project
proposal and plan are
completed and produced
on time.
6.50 to 7.49%

Not all required
elements of the project
proposal and plan are
completed or produced
on time.
5.00 to 6.49%

Capstone Project Plan sample format
(subject to change or modified to include systems development projects)
16. Title: Emerging Technology and Innovation Topic
1. Project Blog (Web address provided)
17. Rationale
1. Problem domain
2. Purpose and justification
18. Sponsor or Supervisor recommendation
19. Research Questions (if applicable)
20. Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
21. Methodology
1. Research and Systems Development method(s)
2. Data collection or systems design methods
3. Ethical Issues
4. Compliance Requirements (Workplace, Industry or Government regulations)
5. Analysis of data
22. Project Plan
1. Deliverables (Conclusions, Recommendations, Software code etc.)
2. Work breakdown structure (WBS)
3. Risk Analysis
4. Duration
5. Gantt chart
23. References
24. Appendix (if required)

Assessment item 2
Literature Review
Value: 20%
Due date: 08-Sep-2014
Return date: 29-Sep-2014
Length: 2000 words (10-12 pages)
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
25. Write a Literature Review for your Capstone Topic following a set structure. The Literature
Review is a critical examination of the most relevant, recent and scholarly research on the
topic area that is not just a summary of the articles you have read.

26. You can get help in Writing a Literature Review from the ITC571 Modules tool and other
study advices and tips from:
1. Study Resources (PDF files to download):

2. APA style Referencing from
3. The CSU Library website for LibGuides in Information Technology, Computing and
Mathematics at
4. EndNote Bibliographic software and
tutorials LibGuide at

27. Review the emerging technology (use internet, magazines, news articles, online databases,
eBooks) and submit a 2000-word review of the literature on your topic.

28. A good place to start a collection of articles in your review of the literature is via
the PRIMO search tool located on the CSU Library
website at

As an example, the Capstone Topic PRIMO search on a topic like "near field communication
applications" returned the following list of very recent journals, books, conference proceedings
and eBooks related to the Topic:

Library Resources
Information Technology Journal Databases:
Information Technology & Computing LibGuides :
The following questions may be useful while reviewing the topic:
29. What is the new technology?
30. What does it do and what are the special features it has?
31. When is it coming out in the market and how much will it cost?
32. What industry will the new technology affect? (Medical, agricultural, computer, business,
33. In your opinion, will the new technology be beneficial to society? Why or why not.
34. What did you learn from a critical analysis of your sources of information on this new

The rationale of this assessment is to test your ability to review, evaluate, critique and support others
opinions as well as existing literature, using a scholarly writing style. You will also demonstrate your ability
to carry out independently research and locate information from various sources such as journals,
conference proceedings, online databases, eBooks and industry magazines.
The Learning Outcomes being assessed in this second task include your ability to perform literature
searches and critically analyse the literature in the chosen topic and then to critically reflect on and
synthesize complex information, problems, concepts and theories in the chosen topic. As the Literature
Review develops, so will also be demonstrating your advanced communication and academic writing
skills in transmitting your capstone experiences and ideas to others.
What does a well written literature review contain?
That is a research topic on its own, however I recommend the list of SIX structural elements below are
found in most well written literature reviews:
35. Interpretation and evaluation of an overview of recent trends in emerging technologies and
36. Evidence of literature searches and critical analysis of the literature in the chosen capstone
37. Critical reflection and synthesis of complex information, problems, concepts and theories in
the chosen topic;
38. Original opinion on the benefits of your capstone project to others;
39. Reflective comments on what was learnt from a review of the literature;
40. Use of correct citations and referencing conforming to recognised referencing format.
The Checklist for the literature review elements can be used as a quality check as you write:
Content Elements
Coverage of topic
Depth of discussion
Development of argument and reasoning
Selection of literature
Writing Style Elements
Structure of review
Technical competence
Use of citations and quotations
Marking criteria
Literature Review
Value 20% (50 marks)
Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64%
Articles search and
extraction of
Information is gathered
from multiple, research-
based sources. Evidence
of literature searches and
critical analysis of the
literature in the chosen
capstone topic is
8.50 to 10.00%
Information is gathered
from multiple sources.
Evidence of several
literature searches and
some critical analysis of
the literature in the
chosen capstone topic is
7.50 to 8.49%
Information is gathered
from a limited number
of sources. Limited
evidence of literature
searches and very little
critical analysis of the
literature in the chosen
capstone topic is
6.50 to 7.49%
Information is gathered
from a very small
number of sources or
relies heavily upon a
single source of
information. No
evidence of literature
searches or critical
analysis of the literature
in the chosen capstone
5.00 to 6.49%
Theme and logical
flow arguments and
issues in the
Well organized and
demonstrates logical
sequencing and structure
of arguments.The topic is
introduced, and the
direction of the
capstone project is fully
explained. Writing style
is narrative and
demonstrates active
voice, clarity and use of
technical terms.
8.50 to 10.00%
Well organized and
demonstrates quite
logical sequencing or
structure of arguments.
Readers are aware of the
overall problem,
challenge, or topic of
the capstone project.
Writing style is loosely
narrative and
demonstrates active
voice, clarity and use of
technical terms.
7.50 to 8.49%
Well organized, but
demonstrates illogical
sequencing or lack of
arguments in places.
Readers are aware of
most of the overall
problem, challenge, or
topic of the capstone
Writing style
demonstrates a mix
active/passive voice and
use of technical terms.
6.50 to 7.49%
sequencing, or structure
of the arguments needs
refinement. The topic is
introduced but very little
reference is made to the
topic or purpose of the
capstone project.
Writing style
demonstrates is mixed
voice, lack of clarity due
to omission or
explanation of some
technical terms.
5.00 to 6.49%
Findings and
Detailed findings and
conclusions are reached
from the evidence
offered. All facts and
information presented
was accurate & opinions
8.50 to 10.00%
Findings and
conclusions are reached
from the evidence
offered. Most facts and
information presented
was accurate & opinions
7.50 to 8.49%
There is some indication
of conclusions from the
evidence and the
findings offered. Some
facts and information
presented was accurate
& some opinions were
useful to consider.
6.50 to 7.49%
No findings or fromal
conclusions are made
from the evidence
offered. Few facts and
information presented
was accurate & very
little or no opinions
were expressed.
5.00 to 6.49%
Critical Thinking
and Questions
formed about the
direction and
development of the
Capstone Project

Identifies strengths and
weaknesses in own
thinking: recognizes
personal assumptions,
values and perspectives,
compares to others, and
evaluates them in the
context of alternate
points of view.
8.50 to 10.00%
Identifies strengths and
weaknesses in own
thinking: recognizes
personal assumptions,
values and perspectives,
compares to others,
with some comparisons
of alternate points of
7.50 to 8.49%
Identifies some personal
assumptions, values, and
recognizes some
assumptions, values and
perspectives of others;
shallow comparisons of
alternate points of view.
6.50 to 7.49%
Identifies some personal
assumptions, values,
and perspectives;
does not consider
alternate points of view.
5.00 to 6.49%
Length, Format,
References and
Adheres to word or page
length criteria, font,
Exceed word or page
limit criteria by less
Exceed word or page
limit criteria by 1 page.
Exceed word or page
limit criteria by over 1
writing style.
spacing, and APA or
similar citation format
are correct.
8.50 to 10.00%
than 1 page. font or
spacing and APA are
7.50 to 8.49%
Font, spacing, or APA
format is mostly correct.
6.50 to 7.49%
page. Font, spacing, and
citation format are
incorrect or needs
5.00 to 6.49%

The Literature Review should be presented in form of an academically written report with citations,
referencing and use of tables and diagrams conforming to a recognised format.
o submit your literature review as a PDF file
o use A4-sized pages
o include a References appendix in APA style
o indent long quotations (eg. three lines or more) and make them single spaced
o use italics for book titles and journal names
o number the pages
o include a title page with your name, student number, the name of the subject, and the title of
your literature review
Assessment item 3
Capstone Project Report and Seminar
Value: 60%
Due date: 29-Sep-2014
Return date: 20-Oct-2014
Length: 3500-5000 words (20-25 pages)
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
48. Write a well researched academic Capstone Project Report between 3500 and 5000 words
on the chosen capstone experience and its application in your chosen organisation (40%)

1. The purpose of this assessment is to produce a discussion that will be supported by
and include your literature review with references from respected sources
from Assessment Item 2.

2. The Capstone Project Design should demonstrate project management skills and
include experience in other areas of study where applicable.

3. The Capstone Project Report may also have a systems development project included
in the Report.

4. The Requirements section below has a suggested format using six (6) main
heading levels to use for the layout and organisation of the report.

5. You should demonstrate academic writing skills, critical and reflective thinking
( and include academic journals, conference
proceedings, eBooks, theses, industry magazines and well respected resources from
the Internet among your references in APA style
49. Present a Capstone Project Seminar (20%).

1. The time has been deliberately limited to 10 minutes to force you into selecting the
most appropriate subset of information to present for this situation and you will be
heavily penalised if you take more than 15 minutes.

2. NOTE: If doing a video presentation (YouTube, Vimeo etc) then try to halve the time
for the online audience. (Question time does not count as part of the presentation

3. This seminar can be to a live class of peers or online as a video presentation, outlining
the results of your Capstone Project.

4. The seminar should be accompanied by appropriate audio/visual tools such as a set
of presentation slides or examples of hardware/software/systems that are necessary
for the audience to understand and follow your presentation.

5. You may be asked questions from the audience after your presentation.

6. Please ask your local supervisor for the date, time or the URL of the Online Video you
will be presenting. Presenting a seminar also demonstrates that you have understood
the project work that has been carried out.
After studying something quite intensely such as the Capstone Topic that you have chosen in this subject,
you are expected to become relatively expert in that area. As such, you need to be able to present that
knowledge as a Capstone Project Report to a variety of groups, including a group of peers, management
or at other times, inexperienced users. This is an extremely important part of the IT industry.

The time has been deliberately limited to 10 minutes to force you into selecting the most appropriate
subset of information to present for this situation and you will be heavily penalised if you take more than
15 minutes. (Question time does not count as part of the presentation time.). Presenting a seminar also
allows for the opportunity to check how well you have understood the
investigation that has been carried out.
The Learning Outcomes being assessed in this final two tasks include your ability to apply project
management and ICT tools to plan, execute, record and present their research and project work as a
capstone experience, both in written and oral communications to others.
Marking criteria
Capstone Project Report Rubric (40% of 60%)
The marking criteria for this assessment depend on how correctly you have addressed the requirements
of the assessment item tasks. The Capstone Project Report should be an academically written and
scholarly presented report with in-text citation of all the references listed using APA referencing style.

Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64%
Ability to apply and
integrate different
areas of study to
examine emerging
technologies and
Report demonstrates
how the capstone project
examines, integrates and
applies key concepts
from the area(s) of study
in meaningful and
Report demonstrates
how the capstone project
applies key concepts
from the area(s) of study
in meaningful and
purposeful application to
Report demonstrates
how the capstone project
applies key concepts
from the area(s) of study
for application to the
Report applies very few
concepts from the
area(s) of study and the
application of the
capstone to the
workplace needed
10.00% purposeful application to
the workplace.
8.50 to 10.00%
the workplace.
7.50 to 8.49%
6.50 to 7.49% refinement.
5.00 to 6.49%
Able to apply the
skills and tools
needed in project
management and
understand why
the literature review
is included in the
Demonstrated high level
skills to do project
management and sets
the literature review in
context before
implementing the
capstone project and
writing the report.
8.50 to 10.00%
Demonstration of
competency with the
skills to do project
management and to
include the literature
review before
implementing the
capstone project and
writing the report.
7.50 to 8.49%
Demonstration of the
skills to do project
management and to
include the literature
review before
implementing the
capstone project and
writing the report.
6.50 to 7.49%
Project management
skills need refinement
and/or needed to include
the literature review
before implementing the
capstone project and
writing the report.
5.00 to 6.49%
Ability to use
academic writing
skills and in-text
citation of all the
references listed
using APA
referencing style.
Demonstrates high level
of scholarly
communication and
writing skills with the
use of facts, analysis and
personal opinions and
in-text citation of all the
references listed using
APA referencing style.
8.50 to 10.00%
Demonstrates competent
communication and
writing skills with the
use of facts, analysis and
personal opinions and
in-text citation of all the
references listed using
APA referencing style.
7.50 to 8.49%
Demonstrates scholarly
communication and
writing skills with the
use of facts and in-text
citation of all the
references listed using
APA referencing style.
6.50 to 7.49%
communication and
writing skills need
refinement with the use
of facts, analysis and
personal opinions and
some of the references
listed using APA
referencing style are
5.00 to 6.49%
Capstone project
design involves
experience in
technology, critical
thinking and
The capstone project
design serves as the
culmination of students
experience in
information technology,
critical thinking and
8.50 to 10.00%
The capstone project
design includes many
other experiences in
information technology,
with many instances of
critical thinking and
7.50 to 8.49%
The capstone project
design includes other
experiences in
information technology,
with many instances of
critical thinking and
6.50 to 7.49%
The capstone project
design incudes some
other experiences in
information technology,
but has very few or no
instances of critical
thinking and reflection.
5.00 to 6.49%

Capstone Project Seminar Rubric (20% of 60%)
Criteria HD => 85% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64%
Subject selection
from the report for
audience interest, use
of available time and
overall organisation
of the seminar.
Presents information in
logical, interesting
sequence that the
audience can follow and
delivered on time. Goal
or objective of the
seminar presented at the
4.25 to 5.00%
Presents information in
logical sequence that
the audience can follow
and delivered close to
time given. The goal or
objective of the report,
may not be apparent in
the beginning segments.
3.75 to 4.24%
Audience has difficulty
following presentation
because student jumps
around but is close to
being on time. The goal
or objective of the report
was not clearly stated
but inferred.
3.25 to 3.74%
Audience cannot
some of the presentation
because there is no
sequence of information
and either falls short or
goes over the time limit.
The goal or objective of
the report and seemed to
lack a specific focus.
2.50 to 3.24%
Expertise shown
with the capstone
project and audience
Demonstrates full
knowledge (more than
required) with
explanations and
elaboration of the
Maintains eye contact
audience or the camera,
Demonstrates ease with
explanations and willing
to elaborate at times.
Student maintains eye
contact most of the time
but frequently returns to
Student's voice is clear.
Student pronounces
Demonstrates comfort
with explanations, but
to elaborate at times.
Student occasionally
eye contact, but still
reads most of report
from notes or the screen.
Demonstrattes just a
basic does grasp of
information about the
Student reads all of
report with no eye
contact or the video
sounds like a prepared
seldom returning to
Student uses a clear
voice and correct,
pronunciation of terms
so that all audience
members or viewers can
hear the presentation.
4.25 to 5.00%
words correctly. Most
audience members or
viewers can hear the
3.75 to 4.24%
Student's voice is low.
incorrectly pronounces
Audience members or
viewers have difficulty
hearing all the
3.25 to 3.74%
Student mumbles or
incorrectly pronounces
and speaks too quietly
audience members or
to hear.
2.50 to 3.24%
How well the points
were made using
facts and personal
opinions expressed
All facts and
information presented
was accurate & opinions
4.25 to 5.00%
Most facts and
information presented
was accurate & opinions
3.75 to 4.24%
Some facts and
information presented
was accurate & some
opinions were useful to
3.25 to 3.74%
Few facts and
information presented
was accurate & very
little or no opinions
were expressed.
2.50 to 3.24%
How well the
questions were
handled in the 'live'
How well the
technology was used
for impact in the
online video
seminar: e.g. slides,
content, audio,
video, focus quality.

Answers all questions
with detailed
explanations and
The video demonstrated
high technical skill with
special effects, editing
and visual design of
The audio and focus
were loud and clear at
all times.
4.25 to 5.00%
Answers to all
questions, but fails to
elaborate at times.
The video demonstrated
competent technical
skill with special effects,
editing and visual design
of content.
The audio and focus
were loud and clear at
all times.
3.75 to 4.24%
Able to answer only
rudimentary questions
from the audience.
The video demonstrated
some technical skill with
special effects, editing
and visual design of
The audio and focus
were mostly loud and
3.25 to 3.74%
Cannot answer all
about subject.
The video demonstrated
basic technical skill with
camera, slides and
screen recording.
The audio and focus
were sufficiently lacking
quality at times.
2.50 to 3.24%

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