Listening - Task 3 - HobbyBusiness - Megoldókulcs

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Listening ANSWER KEY Page 1


Candidate Number:
Task Three A Radio
Programme 16-25
Question Your Answer
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Listening ANSWER KEY Page 2
Interviewer: Hello again,
Today in the studio we have Rob and Susie, a couple who have turned their hobby into a
First of all though - how did you two meet? Because thats part of the story.

Rob: We met about three years ago. I lived in England, near London and I was at the Richmond
Music Festival and Susie, whos from Prague, had come to England with some friends for
three days. We were just standing next to each other, in front of a stage. Susie speaks English
and we ended up talking about how great it would be just to spend a year going to different
festivals all the time.
Susie: We wanted to see each other again and kept in touch by email. We only met at festivals for
the frst year we knew each other. We went to six altogether.
Int: So how did an interest in music festivals turn into a business?

Susie: Well, there are so many music festivals, its quite diffcult to get information sometimes
about how to get there, whats going on and where. So we designed a web site to provide
information for people to see and download from. That was successful, so we turned it into
a business.
Int: That sounds interesting, tell us more!
Rob: Well, if you want to go to Sydney or Rio de Janeiro for example, travel companies will
book you into a fve star hotel, arrange tickets and fy you anywhere in the world, its very
expensive. We wanted to concentrate on younger people and the events they want to go to:
mostly music based and not so far away. So our company concentrates on that part of the
Susie: Its not just music though. All over Europe there are local festivals throughout the summer.
And where theres any kind of festival theres always music - especially in somewhere like
Int: Do you organise travel for people ?
Rob: The problem is, if you arrange travel for people, which isnt hard to do, it then becomes like
a boring package holiday. It would make good money but part of the fun, the adventure, is
setting off with your backpack and fnding your way there. Theres a great sense of freedom
and responsibility. Young people enjoy that. And if people enjoy their experience they will
use our company again; if not - they wont.
Int: Did either of you have any business experience before you started?
Listening ANSWER KEY Page 3
Rob: I did - I studied Tourism and Leisure at college and then I got a job in a travel agents, quite
near to where I live, about 10 kilometres from the airport. I could just about survive on the
money, but really it was great opportunity to learn about ticket sales, agents, bookings and
that kind of thing; that was the real motivation.
Int: You must have been to lots of festivals, which one was the best youve been to?
Susie: My favourite is still Richmond
Rob: Because you met me there
Susie: No. I did meet Rob there, but really it was the music. I really love World Music, but Richmond
is just about African Music. It was fascinating to hear stuff from all across Africa. Although
it wasnt well organised at times, I loved it. The real highlight though was just one guy who
sat on the stage for nearly an hour with just a little kind of guitar, and sang simple folk
songs. He was the best act ever
Int: Rob?
Rob: Richmond too. I love African music and Richmond is just great. It was the third time Id
Int: What was the worst?
Rob/Susie: Glosterbury!
Int: Wheres that?
Susie: West of England. We were camping and it rained quite a lot although it wasnt cold. The
weather wasnt the problem though: it was having our stuff stolen. Well not stolen, but lost.
We got it all back but for about two hours we thought it had all gone forever. I had my
passport, ID card, credit cards and everything in my bag
Int: What happened?
Susie: We had to move our tent, we were in the wrong place and we just couldnt fnd our bags when
we had fnished. We got them back later from the security people. They said theyd been
found somewhere.
Int: Well it was lucky in the end. What do you imagine your company will be like in the future,
in 5 years time for example, Susie? What are your hopes?
Susie: I think itll still be successful, I dont just mean fnancially. I want to enjoy the business and
see lots of places, though I think Ill get bored with the travelling. Most of all I want an
interesting lifestyle and the company will give me that. Thats essential. I want to be involved
all the time and not employ too many people.
Int: Rob? What about you?
Listening ANSWER KEY Page 4
Rob: I agree with Susie, I dont want the company to be so big that we loose touch with it. But what
I really want is to live in as many different countries as I can. Not just for a few weeks but
for a year or so, then move on, it would be a great way to run the company. Id love that. I
wouldnt buy a house anywhere until Id seen lots of places. Maybe one day Ill settle in one
place but I doubt it.
Int: Best of luck for the future. Thank you both very much for being with us.
Next week in the studio..

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