Speaking Review Edited

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Speaking Review

Work in group and discuss the following question

1. How do you understand the sentence When in Rome, do as the Romans do? Give
-when you come any countries you should et some in!o a"out cultural literacy
#alms in !ront o! chest $ swadee %a &%ra"
'. What are the some eti(uettes in )ietnae?
Greetins$ !irst met *.
+mall tal%$ sa!e topic*
,a"le manner$ invite, slowly, don-t tal%, don-t cross le, . "/t 01a
2ressin modest is appropriate*
#unctuality$ apoloi3e !or lateness *. 45m is too much6
Gesture$ don-t use esture with older 4point at*6
7. 2iscuss some methods o! curin the diseases?
8onventional medication$ medicine, surery
9cupuncture$ needle inserted at s%in
Her"al therapy$ use her" made o! plants*.
+piritual healin$ as yoa $ meditation, con!idence 4reliious*6
4. Are you a procrastinator or not? Why?
5. Which kinds of service are the most developed now?
6. Do you prefer handmade or factory made? Why?
#. !ow to plan an important event?
%. Do you like reading &ooks? What are the advantages of reading &ooks?
'. What are the good and &ad effects of comics on young people?
(). Descri&e your reading ha&it
((. Do you think computer is the most important invention in *)
century? Why or
why not?
(*. What do you do to have a good +o&?
(,. Discuss a&out your changes in your life plan. Do you regret a&out any changes?
(4. -alk a&out the people you admire? .ive the reasons why you admire him/her
(5. -alk a&out one of traditional festivals in your country.
(,. 01plain Wedding -raditions in your country.
(4. What should you do for emergency preparation and supplies in case there iss a
disaster in your living place?
(5. Why are the earthquakes so frightening?
(6. 2an 0$&ooks replace normal &ooks? Why or why not?
(#. What are the most serious pro&lems now?
(%. What is glo&al warming? What should we do to reduce glo&al warming effects?
(%. 3hould we censor &ooks/films?
('. What would you do if you had a lot of money?
*). -alk a&out your future plan.
*(. 4f you were the president of your country5 what would you do to improve the
qualities of universities and schools?
**. 4f you were the rector of your university5 what would you do to help your students?
*,. 46 you were an inventor5 what would you invent? Why?

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