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(Door-To-Door Soliciting)

The Board of Education maintains the position that public education is free and should generally be
supported through revenues derived from statutory school finance programs and not by means of student
and school fund-raising projects. In its application, this philosophy means that basic educational
programs shall receive the necessary financial support through district allocations.

It is the premise of the Board of Education that public fund-raising projects have only a nominal role in the
operation of public education and should be restricted.

The following guidelines apply to all public fund-raising projects in the Lincoln County School District #2:

1. All fund-raising projects shall be instituted for definite, predetermined and budgeted purposes
which are in harmony with board philosophy and adopted policies. Funds must be receipted and
expended through student body and/or school accounts and purchasing procedures.

2. Prior to being instituted, all fund-raising projects shall have the expressed consent of the

3. No fund-raising project shall solicit funds outside of the school's attendance area.

4. Fund-raising projects shall not market commercial products or participate in national or regional
fund-raising schemes unless those projects are approved by the Superintendent or his designee.

5. Principals shall coordinate each school's fund-raising projects.

6. School groups may organize fund-raising projects in conjunction with community celebrations, or
county fairs, however, outside the constraints of this policy, provided the Principal has given

The following guidelines apply to the separate levels of public education in the district:

1. At the Elementary level- Only one major fund-raiser may be held each year. (Major fund-raiser is
defined as that project which affects more than 50% of the students.) No elementary student
shall solicit funds door-to-door. Individual classes may not hold a public fund-raising project.

2. At the Junior High level- Only one major fund-raiser may be held each year. This fund-raising
project should be coordinated with all entities wishing to raise funds. In addition, one
department or extracurricular program may sponsor a fund-raiser each year, on an alternating
basis. No door-to-door soliciting, however, shall take place for the departmental fund-raiser.

3. At the Senior High level- One major fund-raiser may be held each year. This fund-raising project
should be coordinated with all entities wishing to raise funds. Students may solicit door-to-door
in school attendance area. Two department or extra-curricular fund-raising projects may be held
at the discretion of the Principal. The written consent of the district superintendent will be
required 30 days prior to any additional extracurricular or departmental fund-raising projects.

Lincoln Co. School Dist. #2, Wyoming

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