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B o o k o f S t o r i e s , V o l .

I Lost My Dad on 9/11
My dad died in 9/11. It's been thirteen years and the pain just won't
go away. In fact, now that I have kids of my own, I miss him even
more. They have just opened up the museum to families, so I went
this morning. My plan was to go to work afer, but I was too
overwhelmed by emotion, I just couldnt do it.
What happened to him?
He was a cop. He actually had the day of. But as soon as he heard,
he drove into the city and got there just in time for the second
tower to fall. A witness said that my dad had almost made it out. He
had started to run out of the tower, but turned back because
a trapped woman was calling to him.
What do you remember?
I was in science class. And my teacher told us that there had been
a plane crash. Thats all she said. Then I noticed all these kids
around me getting phone calls and text messages, and theyd run
out of class. So I knew something big was happening. We got let out
of school soon afer.
When did you fnd out your dad didn't make it?
Not until later that day. On the ride home, I remember thinking
that he was going to have to work overtime on this and that he
probably wouldn't be around that weekend and what a bummer that
was. Then I pictured him crawling into the rubble, pulling people
out, giving them CPR, bandaging their wounds and comforting
them. I bet he's saved a bunch of people by now,' I said to the kid
next to me on the bus. 'They're lucky they got him. It's just too bad
that I wont get to see him for a while.
we were overwhelmed bylo toho na ns moc | witness svdek
| that's a bummer to je blb, to je koda | *rubble sutiny |
CPR prvn pomoc | bandage a wound obvzat rnu | comfort
utovat, uklidovat
B o o k o f S t o r i e s , V o l . 2
I Lost My Dad on 9/11
Tta mi umel pi tch tocch 11.
z. U je to tinct let a bol to
pod stejn. Te kdy mm
vlastn dti, tak mi dokonce chyb
jet vc. Zrovna te otevrali to
muzeum a poutli tam rodinn
pslunky, tak jsem tam rno
zael. Pvodn jsem pak chtl jt
jet do prce, ale byl to hrozn
siln zitek a u bych to nedal.
Co se mu pesn stalo?
Tta byl policista. Ten den ml
shodou okolnost volno. Jakmile
ale zaslechl co se dje, vyrazil
autem do msta. Stihnul pesn
ten moment, kdy se zhroutila
druh v. Jeden lovk co to vidl
pak kal, e tta se mlem
zachrnil. U vybhal ven, ale pak
se jet vrtil, protoe na nj volala
njak ena, kter se nemohla
dostat ven.
Co si z toho pamatuje?
Mli jsme ve kole zrovna fyziku.
Uitelka nm ekla, e spadlo
njak letadlo. Nic vc neekla. Pak
jsem si viml, e vichni moji
spoluci berou telefony a pichz
jim esemesky a vybhaj ze tdy.
Tak jsem poznal, e se dje nco
zsadnho. Brzo pot ns pustili ze
koly dom.
Kdy jsi zjistil, e tta nepeil?
A za nkolik hodin. Pamatuju si,
e po cest dom m napadlo, e
tta kvli tomu bude muset
pracovat pesas a e ten vkend
nejsp nebude doma a to m
mrzelo. Pak jsem si ho pedstavil
jak loz do tch sutin a vytahuje
odtamtud lidi a dv jim uml
dchn a zavazuje jim rny
a utuje je. Njakmu dcku co
sedlo v autobuse vedle m jsem
ekl, "Vsadm se, e tta u
zachrnil spoustu lid. Maj tst,
e ho tam maj. Akort je blb, e
ho te njakou dobu neuvidm."
The Replacement
V ervnu roku 1945 se 43let en
v malm mst v Pennsylvnii
narodil syn. Byl to svho druhu
zzrak a to nejen kvli jejmu vku.
Tillie se svm manelem Maxem,
ktermu v t dob bylo 50, byli
naprosto zdrceni od chvle, kdy
ped 11 msci pi pdu vojenskho
letadla nad Itli zahynul jejich
jedin syn Cal. Cal byl 20-let
navigtor leteckch sil, kter ml
viz flmovho hrdiny krsn
mlad Amerian se zivou
Cal vstval brzy rno a a do tmy
pomhal svm rodim v jejich
obchdku s potravinami. Od svch
mladch let ml vzcn talent na
udrovn podku mezi svmi
temi sestrami. Stedn kolu
dokonil jako nejlep student ve
td, byl vynikajcm debatrem
a ml mimodn velk okruh
kamard. Kdy se se svou
ptelkyn Charlotte ocitli na
tanenm parketu, vichni se
zastavili a nespustili z nich oi.
Charlotta byla do mho bratra
blzniv zamilovan a nemohla se
dokat, a se Cal vrt dom
a vezmou se.
Cel msto truchlilo spolen
s Tillie a Maxem. A tak se tento pr
ve stednm vku rozhodl vytvoit
si za Cala nhradu a zat znovu
od pky. Zn to neuviteln, ale
Tillie tm okamit othotnla.
Stejn radostnou novinou bylo, e
ono zdrav dt narozen tak
B o o k o f S t o r i e s , 2
I Lost My Dad on 9/11
My dad died in 9/11. It's ___ thirteen years and the pain just won't go away. In
___, now that I have kids ___ my own, I miss him even more. They have just
opened up the museum to families, so I went ___ morning. My plan was to go to
work afer, but I was too [o]___ by emotion, I just couldnt do it.
What happened to him?
He was a cop. He actually had the day of. But as soon as he heard, he [d]___ into
the city and got there ___ in time for the second tower to fall. ___ witness said
that my dad had almost made it out. He had started to run out of the tower, but
turned back because a [t]___ woman was calling to him.
What do you remember?
I was in [s]___ class. And my teacher told us that there ___ been a plane crash.
Thats ___ she said. Then I noticed all these kids around me getting phone calls
and ___ messages, and theyd run out of class. So I knew something big ___
happening. We got let out of school soon afer.
When did you fnd out your dad didn't make it?
Not ___ later that day. On the ride home, I remember thinking that he was ___
to have to work [o]___ on this and that he probably wouldn't be [a]___ that
weekend and what a [b]___ that was. Then I pictured him [cr]___ into the
rubble, pulling people out, giving them CPR, [b]___ their wounds and
comforting them. I bet he's saved a [b]___ of people by now,' I said to the kid
next to me ___ the bus. 'They're lucky they got him. It's just ___ bad that I wont
get to see him for a while.
B o o k o f S t o r i e s , 2
I Lost My Dad on 9/11
My dad died in 9/11. It's been thirteen years and the pain just won't ___ away. In
fact, now ___ I have kids of my own, I miss him ___ more. They have just
opened up the museum to families, so I went this morning. My plan was to go to
work [a]___, but I was too overwhelmed by emotion, I just couldnt do it.
What happened to him?
He was a cop. He actually had the day ___. But as soon as he heard, he drove into
the city and ___ there just in time ___ the second tower to fall. A witness said
that my dad had almost ___ it out. He had started to run out of the tower, but
turned back because a trapped woman was calling ___ him.
What do you remember?
I was in science class. And my teacher told us that ___ had been a plane ___.
Thats all she said. Then I noticed all these kids around me ___ phone calls and
text messages, and theyd run out of ___. So I knew something big was
happening. We got [l]___ out of school soon afer.
When did you fnd out your dad didn't make it?
Not until later that day. On the [r]___ home, I remember thinking that he was
going to ___ to work overtime on this and that he probably [w]___ be around
that weekend and ___ a bummer that was. Then I [p]___ him crawling into the
rubble, pulling people out, ___ them CPR, bandaging their wounds and
[com]___ them. I bet he's saved a bunch of people ___ now,' I said to the kid
next to me on the bus. 'They're ___ they got him. It's just too bad that I wont
[g]___ to see him for a while.
B o o k o f S t o r i e s , 2
vyhnte se tomu, abyste pilkali n
pozornost od t doby se mi nepodailo
podobn boty najt [ABLE] rychle jich do
sebe pr hote a tie odejdte
kadopdn si dejte minimln ti kousky
kdy jindy mte anci dt si tolik dezert?
pravda, je narvan kaloriema, ale stejn
[GRANT] mli byste se j vyhnout za
kadou cenu bute pece troku na
rovni chtlo se mi zvracet, co je pr
dobe leden tu bude co nevidt, tak si
I Lost My Dad on 9/11
u je to fakt tinct let co odeel? ta
bolest pod nemiz te kdy mm
vlastn dti, chyb mi jet vc bylo toho
na m moc, moc pocit ten den ml
volno, take tam neml vbec bt
zavolali mu, on nasedl do auta a vyrazil
akort stihl pd t druh ve [TIME]
jeden svdek tvrd, e otec mlem unikl
[MAKE] njak ena nemohla ven a on j
el na pomoc [TRAP] ml jsem ve kole
zrovna fyziku [SCIENCE] uitelka nm
ekla, e spadlo letadlo nic vc v t chvli
nikdo nevdl
zavolal mi jeden otcv kamard poslal
jsem mamce sms, e jedu dom pust je
nkdy ze koly? zjistil jsem to a ten den
veer vdl jsem, e bude muset zstat
dl v prci [LATE] o vkendu tu s nmi
nebude [AROUND]
to je koda, til jsem se, e si budeme hrt
[BUMMER] pedstavuju si ho jak tam
lidem obvazuje rny vsadm se, e
touhle dobou u pr lid zachrnil
mou bt rdi, e tam s nima je akort
koda, e se s nm te chvli neuvidm

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