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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :

Kelas : VII Waktu : 90 menit
1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam lembar jawaban yang disediakan dengan menggunakan
pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk pengisian.
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut.
3. Jumla soal sebanyak !0 butir soal pilian ganda" pada setiap butir soal terdapat !
#empat$ pilian jawaban dan % butir soal isian.
!. &aporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas" rusak"
atau tidak lengkap.
%. 'eriksa dan ba(ala soal)soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
*. 'eriksala pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserakan kepada pengawas.
Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d
1. &una + ,o you .... (eating during te test-
.aya + /o" I ate it. Be(ause we must be onest.
A. like 0. a1e
B. need ,. 2now
2. /ila + 3" no4 It is too ig to get te ball on te
Anton" would you like to help me to get the ball-
Anton + 5ure and it doesn6t matter to me.
Te underlined utteran(e e7presses about ....
A. asking 8or elp 0. gi1ing a elp
B. asking 8or in8ormation ,. gi1ing ser1i(es
The following text is for no. 3 to 6.
.y name is 9ilman. I am twel1e years old. I am a student o8 5.' /usantara. I am
in te se1ent now. I usually go to s(ool by publi( bus be(ause my s(ool is in te (enter
o8 my (ity. It is lo(ated on Jalan 5isingamangaraja and near te museum.
I a1e two broters" Amir and Joko" and a sister. .y sister6s name is .ila. 5e is
te oldest. 5e works in a ospital. 9er work is a nurse. Amir is still two years and Joko goes
to s(ool in 5.2. 9e wants to be an engineer and someday e (an make sa1ed national
(ar. 9e is te smartest in our 8amily.
3. Te te7t is talking about ....
A. 9ilman6s s(ool 0. 9ilman6s 8amily
B. 9ilman6s broters and sister ,. 9ilman
!. 9ow old is 9ilman-
A. 1! years old 0. 13 years old
B. 12 years old ,. 11 years old
%. 9ow does 9ilman go to s(ool e1eryday-
A. Bus 0. By bus
B. 3n 8oot ,. By walk
*. :o is te youngest (ild in 9ilman6s 8amily-
A. 9ilman is 0. Amir is
B. Amir and Joko are ,. 9ilman
;. Read the text carefully
:y does <ita 5anjaya (ongratulate
Be(ause e ....
A. wins te >nglis spee( (ontest
B. loses te >nglis spee( (ontest
0. was eliminated in te >nglis spee(
,. 8ails in te >nglis spee( (ontest
?. !"ser#e the text
:at (an buyers get 8rom te greengro(er-
A. Apples" toilet rolls" and milk
B. Toilet rolls and bread
593''I/< &I5T
.ilk Apples
>ggs Toilet rolls
0u(umbers Bread
593''I/< &I5T
.ilk Apples
>ggs Toilet rolls
0u(umbers Bread
To + =oberto
0ongratulation on be(oming te 1
winner o8
>nglis 5pee( 0ontest 2012 o8 Jombang
<ita 5anjaya
0. 0u(umbers
D. Apples and (u(umbers

9. Birma + @esterday was Iwan6s birtday
/ina + 38 (ourse" wy-
Birma + 9ow was e yesterday-
/ina + 9e A. .
9ere is te poto.
A. was upset
B. was appy
0. was sad
,. was angry
Read the $assage "elow for %uestions no. &' ( &3
.y 9ouse
9ello" my name is .argareta. .y ouse is on Jalan 2artina. It is big and ni(e.
It as two Boors. It as a li1ingroom" small kit(en and a batroom on te Crst Boor.
3n te se(ond Boor tere are tree bedrooms and a batroom. .y parents6 bedroom is
big. .y broter6s room is ne7t to my room. .y room is small but I like it. It as ligt green
wall. Tere is a desk wit a (omputer on it. I do omework tere. Tere is also a ni(e garden
in 8ront o8 my ouse and I o8ten stay in te garden. :e lo1e our garden.
10.9ow many Boors does .argareta6s ouse a1e-
A. two 0. tree
B. 8our ,. C1e
11.:at are te rooms on te se(ond Boor-
A. batroom and bedroom 0. bedroom and a ni(e kit(en
B. tree bedrooms and a batroom ,. kit(en" bedrooms and garden
12.D :e lo1e our garden D #last senten(e o8 te te7t$
Te word DweE re8ers to A.
A. .argareta 0. .argareta6s 8amily
B. .argareta6s broter ,. .argareta6s parents
13.:o as te smallest bedroom in te 8amily-
A. .argareta6s parents do 0. .argareta6s broter does
B. .argareta6s 8amily do ,. .aragereta does
1!.:e usually wat( TF in te A.
A. li1ingroom 0. <uestroom
B. dinningroom ,. kit(en and garage
1%.Gind out te pi(ture des(ribing about 8at people4
A. B. 0. ,.
1*.H + ,oes Anita like reading-
@ + @es" se A.
A. do 0. is
B. does ,. was
1;.=earrange te words into a good senten(e4
not I .ira I >nglis I e1eryday I a1e I does I at s(ool
1 2 3 ! % * ;
A. 2)1)%)3)!)*); 0. 2)*)1)%)3);)!
B. 2)%)1)*)3);)! ,. 2)*)1)3);)!)%
1?.<ilang+ 9i" ow are you today-
Jerry + A.
<ilang+ I am really pretty well.
A. Gine 0. /ot too bad
B. It6s too bad day ,. Gine" and you-
Read the text carefully for %uestions no. &) ( *&
0erry Belle #sortened 0ibi$ is a band 8rom Indonesia tat
is 8ormed 8rom an audition" tat puts talent and 1oi(e Juality" ability
to dan(e and o8 (ourse looks beauti8ul. Tis band was 8ormed on
Gebruary 2;" 2011 and (onsisted o8 nine people+ Angel" Anisa" 0erly"
0risty" ,e1i" Gelly" <igi" =yn" and :enda. All personnel are in teir
and a1e good talent in singing and dan(ing . 3n April 12" 2012"
,e1i and :enda resigned 8rom tis group and it was stated by ,ino =aturandang and Tegu
5anjaya" produ(ers o8 0erry Belle.
19.:at is te te7t about-
A. 'opular singers 8rom Indonesia 0. 0erry Belle
B. Beauti8ul singers 8rom 2orea ,. Angel6s 8riends in girl band
20.Te group o8 girl band as good talents at ....
A. singing 0. singing and dan(ing
B. dan(ing ,. singing" dan(ing and drawing
21.:o were out o8 te girl band on April 12" 2012-
A. Angel" Anisa" 0erly" and 0risty 0. ,e1i and :enda
B. ,ino =aturandang and Tegu 5anjaya ,. 0erry Belle
22.=indu + :o is te man in your ouse-
2angen + 3" e is my 8ater6s broter.
=indu + @ou mean e is your ....
2angen + >7a(tly.
A. aunt 0. un(le
B. (ousin ,. grand8ater
23.0inta + 9i" .ira. Tis is my aunt6s (ild. 5e is
.ira + 5o se is your ....
/i(e to meet you" 5inta.
5inta+ /i(e to meet you too" .ira.
A. nie(e 0. sister
B. (ousin ,. grandmoter
2!.2arta + :at do you prepare i8 you want to boil
Inem + I need ....
A. water" sto1e and sugar 0. sugar" (oKee" and a glass
B. water" a pan and sto1e ,. a pan" (ooking oil and a sli(e o8 meat
Read the text for %uestions no. *+ ( *,
2%.Te te7t is about ow to make ....
A. onde)onde 0. sweet potatoes
B. gula .elaka ,. glutinous ri(e Bour
2*.9ow many ingredients must we prepare i8 we want to make it-
A. Gour B. Gi1e 0. 5i7 ,. 5e1enteen
2;.:at do you do a8ter boiling some water in a pot-
A. 0o1er te doug wit a (lean (lot 0. 'la(e te (ooked balls onto a plate
B. ,rop a 8ew doug balls into te boiling water ,. :as potatoes
2?.:at is te te7t (alled-
A. ,es(ripti1e 0. =e(ount
B. /arrati1e ,. 'ro(edure
Read the text and -ll in the "lan. s$ace with the correct words or utterance
L kilo o8 sweet potatoes
5ome DpandanE jui(e #(an be e7tra(ted 8rom pounded DpandanE lea1es$
100 gram o8 glutinous ri(e Bour
A pin( o8 salt
5ome pie(es o8 Dgula .elakaE
5ome grated (o(onut
1te$s to 2a.e0
1. 5(rub oK any soil 8rom te sweet potatoes
2. :as te potatoes
3. Boil some water and put te (leaned potatoes into te boiling water
!. Boil tem 8or appro7imately 30 minutes and (ool tem
%. 'eel te potatoes and mas tem in a mi7ing bowl
*. 5ie1e te ri(e Bour
;. Add in te 8res DpandanE jui(e to gi1e bot te Ba1or and te green (oloring
?. Add a pin( o8 salt and mi7 well into smoot doug
9. 'in( some o8 te doug and Batten in te palm
10. 'ut a pie(e o8 Dgula .elakaE in te (enter and sape te doug into a ball
11. 0ontinue doing step 10 wit te rest o8 te doug
12. 0o1er tem wit a (lean (lot so tat tey do not dry up
13. Boil some water in a pot
1!. ,rop a 8ew doug balls into te boiling water
1%. Tey will be Boat to te sur8a(e on(e (ooked. Mse a strainer to li8t te (ooked balls
1*. 'la(e te (ooked balls onto a plate o8 grated (o(onut mi7ed wit a little sea salt
1;. =oll te green Donde)ondeE balls in te (o(onut and are best ser1ed wile still ot
.r. ,anu ...............#29$ my un(le. 9e is a 8armer in te (ountry. 9e is %0 .................
#30$ old. 9e is tall and andsome. 9e as a pointed .......................#31$" and ti(k lips. 9e
as straigt .........................#32$. 9e is 1ery strong. 9is arms and legs are strong. 9e is 1ery
diligent. 9e is also smart and onest. 9e is a good person and we lo1e .............................
#33$ 1ery mu(.
29.A. was B. is 0. name ,. as
30.A. days B. weeks 0. monts ,. years
31.A. ears B. eyes 0. nose ,. air
32.A. air B. ands 0. legs ,.
33.A. us B. im 0. er ,. tem
Read the text for no. 33 ( 34
3n 5unday" my 8riend and I went to &ake 2intamani in Bali. Te water was (lean" te
temperature was (ool and tere were trees surrounding te lake.
3n .onday" we 1isited Tana &ot. :e took pi(tures o8 te temple. Te s(enery was
amaNing. Tere was olly water beside te ro(ky ill and tere was a ole o((upied by a big
snake wi( was (onsidered sa(red by te lo(al people.
3n Tuesday" we went to 5ange were many wild monkeys walked 8reely and (limbed
te trees. In te a8ternoon we went ome.
3!.:at is te best title o8 te te7t abo1e-
A. &ake 2intamani 0. Tana &ot
B. 5ange ,. Fisiting Bali
3%.:ere did te writer and is 8riend go on 5unday-
A. To Bali 0. To 5ange
B. To lake 2intamani ,. To Tana &ot in Bali
3*.9ow was te lake 2intamani-
A. Te water was dirty 0. Te temperature was (ool
B. Tere were some ouses surrounding te lake ,. Te water as green (olour
3;.:en did te writer and is 8riend go ome-
A. 3n Tuesday morning 0. 3n Tuesday a8ternoon
B. 3n :ednesday ,. A8ter 1isiting Tana &ot
3?..ega + A. about >nglis lesson-
5ari + In my opinion >nglis lesson is important
8or us.
A. ,o you like 0. :at6s your opinion
B. :ould you like ,. 9ow (ome
39.:ere is te situation des(ribed in te pi(ture below-
A. At te department store
B. At te supermarket
0. At te traditional market
,. At te ypermarket
!0.Grom te pi(ture no. 39" wat does te woman do-
A. 5e goes sopping 0. 5e buys e1eryting
B. 5e sells someting ,. 5e as oliday
5nswer the %uestion "elow
Te 8ollowing pi(ture is 8or Juestions number !1 to !34
!1.:o is 0indy6s aunt- 5kore
!2.:o are &yn" Billy" and 0indy6s grandparents- 5kore
!3..r. <eorge is Bob and 2ate6s A. 5kore
!!.Based on te pi(ture" rearrange te senten(es into a good step ow to make (oKee4
#susunla (ara membuat kopi yang benar sesuai gambar$
5kore 10

!%.Gill in te blank wit (orre(t answers4 5kore
a. /ita and 9uda are se1ent grade students. .................are (lassmates.
b. @ou and I go to s(ool at 0*.1% e1ery morning. ...........ne1er (ome late.
(. .any boys .................8ootball in s(ool yard e1ery a8ternoon.
d. ,ella did not ..............magaNine in te library yesterday morning.
Boil water
Put a spoon of coffee powder and 2 spoons of sugar into a cup
Put the boiling water into the cup Stir well

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