Ashsaa CBL Edited

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Constitution and By-Laws

of the



Article I


Section 1. The name of the Association shall be PAC-AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE HIGH

SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCATION, hereinafter referred to as PAC-ASHSAA.

Section 2. The Office of the Association shall be within the compound of the ASC Building of
the Pampanga Agricultural College (PAC), Magalang, Pampanga.

Article II


Section 1. The objectives of the organization are to promote the best interests of Agricultural
Science High School (ASHS)/Agricultural Science Curriculum (ASC) program of the
PAC and its students and alumni. Specifically, the objectives are:

a. To assist its members for their personal and professional growth;

b. To foster closer relationship among its members;

c. To work and plan in securing sustainable projects for the ASHS/ASC Program;

d. To help ASHS/ASC Management keep its program in best quality and in sync with
present trends in high school education; and

e. To recognize the distinguished services and contributions of its alumni.

Article III


Section 1. Regular Members. Graduates of the ASHS/ASC program of PAC constitute the
regular membership of the Association.

Section 3. Honorary Members. On nomination of the ASHSAA Officers and Board of Directors,
a person who has made a significant contribution to the influence or progress of the
ASHS/ASC Program may be elected to honorary membership. Former students whoe
were regularly enrolled for at least one school year and former faculty and staff of the
ASHS/ASC program are considered honorary members.

Section 4. Both regular and honorary members shall pay annual dues of one hundred pesos (Php
100.00), preferably in December of every year, either through voluntary personal
remittance or payment.

Section 5. Lifetime membership fee to the Association shall be one thousand pesos (Php
1,000.00) to cover membership fee and all annual dues throughout the life of the

Article IV


Section 1. A regular member shall have the following rights:

a. The right to participate in the deliberation of issues affecting their interests;

b. To exercise the rights to vote on all matters relating to the affairs of ASHSAA;

c. To be eligible to any elective or appointive office of the ASHSAA;

d. To avail of all the facilities of the ASHSAA;

e. To have access of all the records or books of the ASHSAA; and,

f. To avail of the benefits due to members of good standing.

Section 2. An honorary member shall have the same rights as that of a regular member, except
the right to be voted in any elective position in the ASHSAA. However, honorary
members can hold appointive office of the ASHSAA.

Section 3. A member shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. To obey the Constitution and By-Laws of the ASHSAA and comply with the rules
and regulations that may be promulgated from time to time;

b. To attend all meetings; and,

c. To pay membership dues and other assessments of ASHSAA.

Article V


Section 1. The Association shall derive funds from the following sources:

a. Collections from the membership and annual dues;

b. Interest on bank deposits;
c. Income from fund raising projects; and
d. Gifts, donations and contributions.

Section 2. Said funds shall be deposited in a reputable bank chosen by the Officers. The funds
shall be made available for legitimate expenditures of the PAC-ASHAA.

Section 3. Withdrawal from the funds of the PAC-ASHAA, whether by check or any other
instrument shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. If
necessary, the Board of Directors may designate a third signatory.

Section 4. The fiscal year of the Association commences in September and ends in August of the
following year.

Article VI


Section 1. The following shall be the officers of the Association to be elected by a simple
majority of all the regular members present in the general assembly:

a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Public Relations Officer
f. Auditor
g. Six (6) members of the Board of Directors (BOD)

Section 2. The immediate past president and the ASC Coordinator shall automatically become
the 5th and 6th members of the BOD.

Section 3. The Officers of the Association shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their
successors have been duly elected and qualified.

Section 4. The Officers of the Association shall have a regular quarterly meeting. Special
meetings may be called by the President as the need arises or upon written request of
the majority of the officers.

Section 5. The minutes of every meeting of the ASHSAA Officers shall be recorded, maintained
and kept by the Secretary.

Article VII


Section 1. The powers and duties of the Association shall be exercised, all business conducted
and all property controlled and managed by the ASHSAA Officers. Unless expressly
specified in this Constitution and By-Laws, all decisions and actions of the Officers,
other than the objectives set forth in Article II hereof, shall be subject to approval of
the simple majority of all regular members present during a General Assembly.

Section 2. Resignation of any officer shall be decided by a majority vote of the Association

Section 3. When both the President and Vice-President shall become incapacitated or removed
from office, the ASHSAA Officers, in a session assembled, shall elect from among
themselves a new President and a new Vice-President to serve the respective
unexpired term. In all other vacancies, the President, through the approval of the
majority of the Officers, shall fill the same through appointment.

Section 4. All Officers of the Association shall defend the ASHSAA Constitution and By-Laws
and shall exercise and observe the following duties and responsibilities:


a. The Chief Executive Officer of the Association.

b. Call and preside in all the meetings of the Association and shall cast his or her vote
on questions resulting in a tie.
c. Render a state of the Association message during the general assembly and preserve
order during meetings.
d. Sign/approve all payments as authorized by the Officers during Officers’ meetings.

e. Subject to the approval of the Officers, appoint any and all members of the different
Committees of the Association, clerical/technical staff and fix and approve the
salary/honorarium of those entitled to it.
f. Execute all the resolutions of the Board of Directors and take charge with the
directing and overseeing the activities of the Association.
g. The duly designated representative of ASHSAA to various external affairs that would
promote the welfare and interests of the members.


a. Act as President during the absence or incapacity (such as due to illness) of the latter.
b. In case of death, resignation or removal of the President from office, the Vice-
President shall assume the position.
c. Perform duties that may be assigned by the Board of Directors.


a. Act as Secretary to the President and to the Association.

b. Prepare all letters, correspondence and other communications of the Association and
issue the same to concerned Officers.
c. File all notices required by this Constitution and By-Laws.
d. Prepare and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association in a book kept for the
e. Keep the seal of the Association and affix such seal to such any paper or instrument
requiring the same.
f. Maintain an updated list of all members and the correspondence file of the ASHSAA.
g. Furnish a copy of the members’ register to the Treasurer for billing/collection guide.
h. Perform all such other duties and responsibilities as the Board of Directors may from
time to time assign to him or her.


a. Act as the custodian of all the funds and other properties of the Association.
b. Collect, handle, safekeep, record and report all fees, dues, gifts, donations,
contributions and all funds owing to the Association.
c. Keep all money and other valuables of ASHSAA in such bank as the Board of
Directors may designate.
d. Keep and take charge of the book of accounts.
e. Prepare regular financial and other statements pertaining to the assets of the
Association, either for posting or reporting of the same for the information of both the
members and the Officers.
f. Perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to him from time to time
by the Board of Directors.


a. Examine and audit all the receipts, expenses, books and records of the Association.
b. Certify the correctness of the financial reports of the Treasurer.
c. Recommend suspension of payment of account which he or she found incurred not in
accordance with the expressed policies of the Association.
d. Issue rules and regulations in accordance with sound auditing and accounting
practices that will govern the Association.

Press Relation Officer (PRO)

a. Act as representative of the Association to the media and to the public.

b. Issue, disseminate, pronounce or publicize the matters that were deliberated and
approved for such by the Officers of the Association.
c. Perform other tasks as may be assigned from time to time.

Board of Directors

a. Act as adviser and consultant to the President.

b. Together with the other officers, act as the policy making body of the Association.

Article VIII


Section 1. The following shall be the regular working Committees of the Association.

a. Committee on Membership
b. Committee on Election
c. Committee on Special Projects
d. Committee on Education/Professional Development
e. Committee on Documentation

Section 2. Said committees will be chaired by the BOD.

Section 3. All Committee Chairmen shall choose, in consultation with the Officers of the
Association, the members of each Committee who shall not be lower than three (3)
but not to exceed five (5) including the Chairman.

Section 4. The Association may create other Committees (than those enumerated above) or Sub-
Committees, as are deemed necessary and approved by the Officers in session

Article IX


Section 1. The homecoming shall be held every other year.

Section 2. The Officers of the Association shall exhaust all means to invite all alumni for this

Section 3. The Association shall give recognition awards to each alumnus of the past five (5), ten
(10), fifteen (15) and so forth years every homecoming and such other awards as the
Officers may allow.

Article X


Section 1. The election of the elective officials specified in Article VI hereof shall be during
every homecoming and general assembly.

Section 2. The election of officers shall be through balloting and the candidate who garnered the
highest number of votes from those present in the general assembly shall be
proclaimed winner by the Committee on Election (COMELEC) immediately after the
canvassing of votes on that day (should there be no protest).

Section 3. The appointed Chairman of the COMELEC specified in Article VIII, Section 1 (b)
hereof shall be disqualified from acting as such should he run for any elective post
during such election. In such case, the President shall appoint a non-candidate
replacement from the members to act as Chairman.

Section 4. All candidates should run independently with each other as the Association should be

Section 5. All election related protests shall be forwarded to the COMELEC during the election
day. Protests submitted after the election day should not be entertained. The position
under protest should not be proclaimed unless said protest has been answered and
cleared up.

Section 6. All proclaimed winner shall take their oath of office within one week after the election
and thereafter shall become qualified to hold office and discharge their respective

Article XI


Section 1. A two-thirds (2/3) votes of all those present during the general assembly is required to
amend this Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. The amendments shall take
effect during the incumbency of the next set of officers.

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