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Syllabi for Open Courses in ENGLISH

Open Course (General)

Theory, Language and Appreia!ion of "il#s
Course Code ENOG $
Title of the Course Theory, Language and Appreciation of
Semester in which the Course is to be
No. of Credits &
No. of Contact Hours
$) Ai#
This course aims at familiariing students with the !arious aspects of the cinema and the
appreciation of films.
() Ob*e!i+es
"n completion of the course, students should be able#
To ac$uaint themsel!es with the history and aesthetics of films.
To loo% into the ma&or film theories and genres and gain an awareness regarding the basic
terminology of films.
To reaffirm the close connection between literature and films by e'amining some
cinematic adaptations of well(%nown literary wor%s.
To del!e into matters concerning production, distribution, e'hibition and reception of
films and censorship regulations.
To sharpen their perspecti!e by training themsel!es to critically e!aluate some great
,) Course Ou!line
-odule I )*+ hours,

.ntroduction to the history and growth of cinema ( /a&or film theories and genres 0 Apparatus,
Auteur, Formalist, .deological, 1sychoanalytical, Structuralist, 2ealist, Neo(realist and 3eneric
film theories with special reference to eminent film personalities and celebrated films in !arious
ages, cultures and languages.
-odule II )*+ hours,

a) The language of films ( Shots( Se$uences( /ise(en scene( 4diting( Cuts ( /ontage(56
degree rule ( *+6 degree rule ( Temporal ellipses ( Three point light ( "ff(screen space (
Sound and colour ( 1roduction ( 7istribution ( 4'hibition ( 2eception ( Censorship
b) .ntroduction to# 7igital filmma%ing ( Animation ( Telefilms
-odule III )*+ hours,

Critical e'amination of the following films with special reference to the famous literary wor%s
from which they are adapted#
*. My Fair Lady 0 A film adaptation of 8ernard Shaw9s play :Pygmalion.9
;. Ganasathru - 8ased on Henri% .bsen9s An Enemy of the People.9
5. Mother ( 8ased on /a'im 3or%y9s no!el of the same name
<. Chemmeen - 8ased on Tha%ahi Si!asan%ara 1illai9s no!el of the same name.
-odule I. )*+ hours,

Te'ts for detailed study#
a. Andre 8ain# :The 4!olution of the Language of Cinema9
b. Satya&it 2ay# :Some Aspects of /y Craft9
c. 8uddha 7eb 7as 3upta# :Literature, Cinema and the Language "f Scenario9
d. Adoor 3opala%rishnan# :The =ord and the .mage9
&) /eading Lis!
a) "il#s /eo##ended for .ie0ing
a. Gold Rush ( Silent Cinema
b. Biyle !hie"es ( Neo 2ealism
c. Mother and #on ( 2ussian Classic
d.!he #ound of Musi ( 4uropean Classic
e. All the Presidents Men ( Hollywood classic
f. #e"en #amurai (Asian Classic
g. Pather Panhali ( .ndian Classic.
h. Pira"i (/alayalam Classic
b) /eo##ended /eading1

i. >illare&o, Amy. Film #tudies. London# 2outledge, ;66?.
ii. Corrigan ,Timothy @. A #hort Guide to $riting a%out Film. 1earson education.
>. 4dition.
iii. 2ay, Satya&it. &ur Films' !heir Films. Hyderabad# "rient 8lac%swan,
i!. Heyward, Susan. (ey Conepts in Cinema #tudies. London# 2outledge.
!. Andrew, 7udley. !he Ma)or Film !heories. "A1.
!i. Andrew, 7udley. Conepts in Film !heory. "A1.
!ii. @ >irdi, yothi%a. !he Cinemati *magination .1ermanent 8lac%. "rient Longman.
!iii. 3opinathan, B. 4d. Film and Philosophy. Ani!ersity of Calicut# 1ublication
i'. Bupsc, @are%.!he +istory of Cinema for Beginners. "rient Longman.
'. Figgis, /i%e. ,igital Filmma-ing.
'ii. =ills, 1aul. .nderstanding Animation.
'iii. /arshall, @ill and =enndly, Angela. !he Language of !ele"ision.
%) -O2EL 34ESTION 5A5E/
)To be incorporated,
Open Course (General)
() -edia S!udies
Course Code ENOG (
Title of the Course -edia S!udies
Semester in which the Course is to be
No. of Credits &
No. of Contact Hours
$) Ai#s of !he Course
To impro!e the communication s%ills of students and their %nowledge of 4nglish
language in %ey areas of print, auditory and !isual media.
To train the students in the gathering of data and its organiation for !arious media
including newspapers, magaines, radio, tele!ision, film and the web.
() Ob*e!i+es
The following are the e'pected learner(outcomes of this course.
The learners de!elop media literacy and learn to analye, interpret, e!aluateC&udge print
and !isual news items and their persuasi!e role in a democratic polity.
They master the basic s%ills of reporting, writing and presenting for the media ( print and
broadcast &ournalism and apply media writing.
They grasp proficiency in cohesion, comprehensi!eness, data interpretation, attracti!e
presentation, style and information transfer.
,) Course Ou!line
-odule I1 The /ise of -ass -edia )*+ hours,

a. .ntroduction 0 /ass Communication ( Theories of mass communication 0 7ifferent types of
/ass /edia 0 Freedom !ersus Control 0 Need for social control
b. The 1rint /edia 0 7ifferent types 0 4ditorials ( Feature articles ( .nter!iews ( Letters to the
Lead# datelines ( ( 8y lines ( Credit line ( Headlines ( Nut graph
b. 2eporting ( News reporting ( Specialied reporting ( 8usiness reports ( Sports reports (
"bituary writing ( Analying newspaper articles.
c. 4diting# ( 1roof reading ( Freelancing.
-odule II 8 -aga9ines and 5eriodials )*+ hours,
a. Nature of periodical articles ( feature writing and article writing ( Angle, structure and
organiation ( Types of articles included in magaines ( =riting for magaines ( Action, angle
and anecdote.
b. Composing magaine co!ers ( 1lanning the contents of a magaine ( 1lanning a photo
shootout ( 1lanning and writing a true life story.
-odule III8 Ele!roni and 2igi!al -edia )*+ hours,
a. 2adio ( Anderstanding the language of radio presenters ( 2adio s%ills ( Anderstanding the
process of broadcasting ( 8roadcast writing ( 3i!ing post(production feedbac% ( 2adio
b. >isual media ( Tele!ision s%ills ( Anderstanding the pre(production process ( =riting for the
media ( .nter!iews ( 2e!iews ( 1rofiles ( Tra!el writing ( Scripting for T> programmes (
1reparing a film schedule ( 4diting a T> 7ocumentary 0 Anchoring (
1resentation for the /edia ( 1resenting with and without script.
c. 7igital /edia
4(boo%s, 4(magaines, 4(mail ( 8log ( 1lanning and writing a 8log ( =eb page 7esigning (
Creating a pod cast ( Technical writing
-odule I. : Ad+er!ising )*+ hours,
a. .ntroduction to ad!ertising ( Ad!ertisements in different media ( Classified ads ( Te'ts 0
Captions ( Logo design ( Story board of ad!ertisements
b. Copy editing 1rocess ( 3uiding principles of editing ( Selling your ser!ices to a potential
client ( Creating print ad, Screen ad ( 1resenting a finished ad
&) /eading Lis!
A) Sele! /eading Lis!
*. /cDuail, 7ennis. Mass Communiation !heory) New 7elhi# >istaar 1ublications, )only 1art .
and .. of the boo%,
;. 2ichardson, 8rian. !he Proess of $riting /e0s1 From *nformation to #tory. 1earson
5. Thwaites, Tony, 7a!is, Lloyd, and /ules, =arwic%. *ntroduing Cultural and Media #tudies.
1algra!e /ac/illan.
<. =atson, @ames. Media Communiation1 an *ntrodution to !heory and Proess. 1algra!e
E. Sto!all, @ames 3len. $riting for the Media' #i2th Edition) 1earson education, ;66F.
F. =hite, Ted. Broadast /e0s0riting' Reporting and Prodution. /acmillan.
?. Feldman, Tony. An *ntrodution to ,igital Media) Su&eeth 1ublications, *-+-)
+. 4!erett, Anna and Cladwell, @ohn T. /e0 Media1 !heories and Praties of ,igite2tuality.
7) "or "ur!her /eading
*. Lewis, 2ichard L. ,igital Media1 An *ntrodution. 1rentice Hall.
;. /c3iffort, 2obert /. !he Art of Editing the /e0s. Chilton 8oo% Co., *-?+.
5. Smith, Leila 2. with contributions from 8arbara /oran. English for Careers1 Business'
Professional and !ehnial) 1earsonC1rentice Hall.
<. Narasimha 2ao, 1. >. L. #tyle in 3ournalism. "rient 8lac%swan.
E. Stein. /e0s0riter4s +and%oo-. 8lac%well rpt.;66F.
F. Ceramella, Nic% and Lee, 4liabeth. Cam%ridge English for the Media) CA1
?. 7e!, An&ana Neira, /arwah, Anuradha and 1al, Swati. Creati"e $riting1 a Beginner4s
Manual) 1earson Longman )Anit < only,.
%) ;eb /esoures
infoG scottish
http#CCwww.inplace of the
<) -O2EL 34ESTION 5A5E/
)To be incorporated,

Open Course (General)
English for Careers
C"A2S4 C"74 EN OG,
S4/4ST42 .N =H.CH TH4 C"A2S4 .S T"
N". "F C247.TS &
N". "F C"NTACT H"A2S '(
*. Ai# of !he Course
To ma%e the students competent in their &ob(see%ing, &ob(getting, and &ob(holding
needs. The course shall cater to e$uipping the students in Comprehensi!e
Language 4nhancement.
;. Ob*e!i+es
"n completion of the course, the students should be able #
To de!elop communicati!e s%ills, which will enable them to prepare for a career and
function effecti!ely in it.
To e$uip themsel!es in oral and written communication to enhance their academic and
professional use of language.
To train themsel!es in ma%ing effecti!e presentations.
5. Course Ou!line
-odule One1 Oral and ;ri!!en S=ills for >obs and Careers ($? hours)

a. Applying for &obsH1reparing 2esumesH=riting Co!er letters.
b. 1reparing for inter!iewsHTa%ing .nter!iewsH1ost(.nter!iew follow(up(1romotion
c. .nter!iewsH3roup 7iscussions

-odule T0o1 Corre!ness of Language 4sage ($? hours)
a. Common errors in communication and how to a!oid them.
b. Some NotionsHCon!entional and idiomatic e'pressions.

c. Today9s >ocabulary
d. 3rammar for 3rown(ups
-odule Three1 "aing 5eople ($? hours)
a. Structuring and deli!ering a presentation.
b. Communication in the /anagement conte't.
c. .mportance of =ordsCLanguage.
d. Horiontal and 7emocratic Communication.
-odule "our# @eeping !he >ob ($? hours)
a. Human relationships in academic and professional life.
b. Front "ffice /anagement and Beeping public relations )Telephone S%ills,
c. Soft S%ills for Team 8uilding.
d. Beeping the @obH1rofessional 4thics
e. /anaging /ultiple 2oles( Healthy 8alancing of family and career.
/eading Lis!
*. Samson et al. English for Life - 5) New 7elhi# Cambridge Ani!ersity 1ress.
;. >asude!, /urthy. Effeti"e Proposal $riting) New 7elhi# 2esponse 8oo%s, ;66F.
5. !o0ards Aademi English1 ,e"eloping Effeti"e $riting #-ills) New 7elhi# Cambridge
Ani!ersity 1ress, ;66?.
<. &2ford Guide to Effeti"e $riting and #pea-ing. "A1, ;66?.
E. 8hatnagar, 2. 1. English for Competiti"e E2aminations) New 7elhi# /acmillan, ;66-.
F. English for Careers. Pearson.
?. ABC of Common Grammatial Errors. /acmillan, ;66-
+. Baul, Asha. !he Effeti"e Presentation. New 7elhi# 2esponse 8oo%s
-. Shepherd, Berry. Presentations at Conferenes' #eminars and Meetings) New 7elhi# 2esponse
*6. >ilanilam, @. >. More Effeti"e Communiation1 a Manuel for Professionals. 2esponse 8oo%s
**. English for Career ,e"elopment) "rient Longman, ;66F.

Syllabi for "pen Courses
Open Course ("ron!ier Areas)
Crea!i+e ;ri!ing in English
Course Code ENO" $
Title of the Course Crea!i+e ;ri!ing in English
Semester in which the Course is to be taught %
No. of Credits &
No. of Contact Hours
$) Ai#s of !he Course
To ac$uaint the students with the basic principles and techni$ues in!ol!ed in creati!e
To identify and promote creati!ely gifted students.
() Ob*e!i+es of !he Course
"n completion of the course, the students should be able to become familiar with the
concept of creati!e writing and the process of writing poetry, fiction and drama.
They should also be encouraged to publish their creati!e wor%s.
A general awareness regarding the nature and scope of creati!e writing will be de!eloped
among the students.
,) Course Ou!line
-odule I1 In!rodu!ion !o Crea!i+e ;ri!ing )*+ hours,
=hat is creati!e writingI .ts scope ( 2ole of imagination, inspiration and perspiration in creati!e
writing ( How creati!e am .I ( Creating creati!ity ( Challenges faced by a creati!e writer (
Creati!e writing and te't reception ( .mportance of reading ( 2eading the te't between the lines
and beyond the lines.
-odule II1 Learning !o ;ri!e )*+ hours,
a. Familiariing different forms of writing# imaginati!e, persuasi!e, descripti!e, e!aluati!e,
analytical, etc. )gi!ing e'cerpts,.
b. Finding pitfalls in writing ( .dentifying common errors in 4nglish ( 7e!eloping accuracy in
c. 7e!eloping ideas into creati!e te'ts 0 8rainstorming ( Free writing ( =riting drafts 0 Listing (
Arguing with oneself ( Final draft.
d. /a%ing language figurati!e
e. Style ( Familiariing different styles by writers
-odule III1 -odes of Crea!i+e ;ri!ing )*+ hours,
a) ;ha! is li!era!ureI
b) ;ri!ing "i!ion ( plot and character ( setting and atmosphere ( symbolism ( points of !iew (
=riting fiction for children
;or=shop1 finding theme, story line, setting, fi'ing characters, de!eloping
) ;ri!ing 5oe!ry 8 Student responses to poetry ( .ts language ( Figurati!e language ( Structure (
>oices in the poem ( 2hythm and !ersification
Analysis of the poem J=ild NightsJ )4mily 7ic%inson, and JTelephoneJ )2obert Frost,.
Starting with an idea, an e'perience, a person, a memory, etc. ( 3et the raw materials into some
%ind of temporary organiation, writing tentati!e lines ( 2eading the poem to oneself ( 2e!ising.
d) ;ri!ing 2ra#a
Student responses to drama ( Characteriation ( plot ( types of plays ( stage spaces
Finding theme, story line, characters, writing and presenting plays on stage.
-odule I. 8 5reparing for publia!ion )*+ hours,
a. 2e!ising and rewriting
b. 1roof reading
c. 4diting
d. Submitting manuscript for publication
&) /eading Lis!
a, 1oetry
*. @ohn Beats ( JLa 8elle 7ame sans /erciJ
;. T. S. 4liot ( J/aca!ity# the /ystery CatJ
5. Nissim 4e%iel ( J1oet, Lo!er and 8irdwatcherJ
<. Ted Hughes ( JThought Fo'J
E. =ole Soyin%a ( JTelephone Con!ersationJ
F. 1ablo Neruda ( :Tonight . can =riteJ
b, Fiction
*. Bate Chopin ( JThe Story of an HourJ
;. ". Henry ( JSpring TimeJ
5. @ames @oyce ( JArabyJ
c, 7rama
*. Henri% .bsen 0 !he ,oll6s +ouse
;. Harold 1inter 0 !he ,um% $aiter
5. Tennessee =illiams 0 !he Glass Menagerie
d) "or "ur!her /eading1
*. /ills, 1aul. !he Routledge Creati"e $riting Course%oo-. 2outledge Taylor K Francis 3roup,
London, ;66*.
;. 7e!, An&ana Neira, /arwah, Anuradha, 1al, Swati. Creati"e $riting1 A Beginner4s Manual)
1earson Longman, ;66-.
5. Anderson, Linda. Creati"e $riting1 A $or-%oo- 0ith Readings. 2outledge Taylor K Francis
3roup, London, ;66F.
<. =ainwright, @effrey. !he Basis of Poetry. 2outledge.
E. /orley, 7a!id. Creati"e $riting. CA1
F. 4mden, @oan >an and 8ec%er, Lucinda. Effeti"e Communiation for Arts and +umanities
?. 8arnet, Syl!an, Cain, =illiam 4. A #hort Guide to $riting a%out Literature.
+. 8ailey, Stephen) Aademi 0riting1 A Pratial Guide for #tudents. Foundation 8oo%s,
%) -O2EL 34ESTION 5A5E/
)To be incorporated,
Syllabi for "pen Courses
Open Course ("ron!ier Areas)
/egional Li!era!ures in Transla!ion
Course Code ENO" (
Title of the Course /egional Li!era!ures in Transla!ion
Semester in which the Course is to be taught <
No. of Credits &
No. of Contact Hours
$) Ai# of !he Course
This course aims at introducing the students to the priceless regional literary assemblage of .ndia
so as to enable them to ha!e a better understanding of the uni$ue nature of .ndian culture.
() Ob*e!i+es
"n completion of the course, the students should be able to#

3et familiaried with the cultural heterogeneity and linguistic plurality of our country
through its literatures written in regional languages.
Ac$uire a sense of national integration through the di!erse e'periences represented in the
regional literatures of .ndia.
,) Course Ou!line
-odule I )*+ hours,
a, 4ssay 0
3. Boshy #!ranslation1an *ntrodution

b) 5oe!ry
*. Thiru!allu!ar # !hiru--ural Part 7-Chapter8 0 LThe 4'cellence of 2ainM )Tamil,
;. /ira 3halib # L1hilosophy of LifeM )Ardu,
5. Anonymous # L8aul SongM )8angla,
<. 1adma Sachde! # L/other TongueM )7ogri,
E. 4. /. Shinde # LHabitM )/arathi,
F. Sita%ant /ahapatra # L/otherM )"riya,
?. >i&ayale%shmi # L8haga!athaM )/alayalam,
-odule II : 2ra#a )*+ hours,
*. 3. San%ara 1illai # =ings Flapping, Somewhere )/alayalam,
;. Safdar Hashmi # /achine )Hindi,
-odule III1 Shor! "i!ion )5F hours,
*. Tha%ahi Si!asan%ara 1illai # L.n the FloodM )/alayalam,
;. @ayant Bai%ini # L7agadu 1arab9s AshwamedhaM )Bannada,
5. Abburi Chaya 7e!i # LThe TouchM )Telugu,
<. 8ibhuti 8husan 8andopadhyaya# LThe /edalM )8engali,
E. Atulananda 3oswami # LThe Tiffin 8o'M )Assamese,

F. Amrita 1ritam # LThe =eedM )1un&abi,
?. 2am Swaroop Bisan # LThe 8ro%erM )2a&asthani,
+. /otilal @otwani # LA 7esire to See the S%yM )Sindhi,
&) Core TeA!
7r B Su&atha 4d. Rain%o0 Colours1 Anthology of *ndian Regional Literatures in !ranslation.
7C 8oo%s


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