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Q1. Draw a character sketch of yourself.

Describe the type of person you think you

are. (150 words).
I am a warm friendly person who would love to be in the ood books of every person
I ac!uaint myself with. "avin rown up in a typical conservative Indian family
setup# I have always had the desire to try out unconventional and innovative stu$s.
I would pursue new thins that could ive me a kick about the day%s work. &part
from these# I am a fun'lovin person and an ambivert by nature. &dditionally# I
would also consider myself a future'minded person who makes a decision after
considerable thouht and deliberation of up'comin bene(ts. I would also believe
that manain older persons as one of my weak areas especially when I had a
chance to perform such duties while at work. I also love sociali)in with people
preferably in the same ae bracket and I would cherish those interactions. *hese
are some of my essential !ualities.
Q+. Drawin from the above# perform a ,-.* analysis on yourself. *ry to list and
describe at least / of each. -hich is the one !uality that is dearest to you# and why.
-ithin 0opportunities#% speci(cally try to include some that you perceive to achieve
from II1 2o)hikode. (/00 words)
3riendly# 4ood orani)ational and interpersonal skills# con(dent and assertive for
most parts# 5e6ible# sociable and ability to forecast the outcome.
*o elucidate upon one of my dearest strenth# i.e. ood orani)ational skills. I have
e6perience in orani)in department symposium and also the cultural festival of 7I*
*richy. &part from these at collee# I have had e6perience in orani)in coach
education proram for ,lum ,occer# an 74. that uses soccer to create social
awareness amon the homeless children.
&voids monotonous works# bad at keepin up secrets# a bit talkative when it comes
to discussion on my favorite areas# little ability to keep up pace at learnin new
skills and poor multi'taskin skills.
I also try to avoid monotonous 8obs while at work by deleatin it to the lower cadre
persons. &lso# when it comes to discussions on world movies# cricket I tend to et
e6cited and overboard to prove my points.
7ew challenes# new skill set# wider career prospects# more autonomy and honin
of task manaement skills.
&s a part of the II1 2o)hikode 949 +01/'15# I would like to increase my skillsets
especially on (nancial accountin and material manaement (two most important
aspects of business). I would also make use of several student run committees at
II1 2 to hone up my manaement skills.
:ittle manaement skills at manain older persons# ,low at learnin new skills
althouh would understand it conceptually# unused to workin in a variety of
business environments.
Q/. Describe what you wish to achieve from your stint at II12. "ihliht / activities
that you intend to do in order to ain reater con(dence in preparation of your oal#
and why. (/00 words)
I wish to achieve several thins from my stint at II1 2. 3irst and 3oremost# I would
improve upon my multi'taskin skills;task manaement skills. II1 2o)hikode# the
institute that boasts of havin a plethora of student'run committees;clubs provides
me with ama)in opportunities to take active participation in the same. 1ulti'
taskin between the riorous academic commitments and student committee
re!uirements would ive me an ede over others in honin up my task
manaement skills. &dditionally# one ets to learn time manaement throuh these
activities. -orkin alonside comrades of di$erent ae roups# it would be a
delihtfully di$erent e6perience altoether.
,econdly# I would make use of II1 2 to improve my interpersonal skills. II1 2# which
has one of the most intellectually stron and culturally diverse peer roups ives
me opportunities to interact and live alonside with these people for two years. .ne
ets to sociali)e and interact with them on a daily basis. I believe this could help
one in ac!uirin the necessary social and interpersonal skills that is much needed to
thrive in the world of business and corporate environment.
:ast but not the least< I would see this as an e6cellent opportunity to ac!uire
business knowlede. *he hihly !uali(ed academic faculty and case based teachin
methodoloy provide students the necessary insiht into the world of business and
manaement techni!ues. =ein interested in takin up operations and marketin
electives# I would try to involve myself in various pro8ects undertaken by faculty.
,ince# I have a remarkable e6perience of workin alonside professors in their
research pro8ects durin my under'raduate studies# I would like to carry on that
!uality of mine at II1 2o)hikode as well. *hese are some of the thins I am lookin
forward to achieve from my stint at II1 2.
Q>. *ell us about your interests (like to do) and;or hobbies (passionately follow).
Describe / thins that you are passionate about. &lso elucidate with e6amples of
some activities that you do that brin out these passions. (+00 words)
&part from ac!uirin new academic skills# I am !uite passionate about learnin the
nuances of screen'writin. &s a part of the movie'makin club of 7I* *richy#I had
taken several amateur attempts at movie'makin. -hile some fetched acclaims#
others were panned by my friends. *hus# durin my stint at II1 2# I would love to
foster my passion towards screen'writin.
.ne other passion that I have ac!uired durin the last one and half year has been
community service. &s the core member of ,lum ,occer# an International 74.
(funded by *ottenham "otspur# ?9: football team) that uses soccer to create social
awareness# I was on the 1easurement @ ?valuation team
which focused on measurin various parameters such as ender e!uality# respect#
physical (tness# etc. *he reular tests conducted# as well as the interest kindled
throuh the curriculum of the proram# had a positive impact on the families.
9arents ensured their kids are reular to the proram as it has iven them a sense
of purpose enablin them to understand their true potential.
,ome other hobbies of mine include watchin world movies especially in ,panish#
2orean and Iranian lanuaes and playin table tennis and cricket.
Q5. 4ive us a brief idea of which sector;profession you would like to enter# and why.
&lso# try to link it with your prior work'e6perience and;or educational backround# or
the lack thereof. (+00 words)
I would like to pursue a career in supply chain manaement preferably in the area of
sales and distribution. "avin worked as a consultant providin ?A9 solutions in the
domain of sales and distribution and inventory manaement# I have ained a lot of
e6posure in understandin business processes and providin articulate solutions.
1y pro8ects at .lam include ?A9 implementation for .lam Ivory Boast# 4hana and
?ypt and =I (=usiness Intellience) Implementation of .lam &rentina 9eanut
9rocessin industry. *o foster my knowlede in supply chain manaement# I pursued
lobal certi(cations like ,&9 (,ales and Distribution) and &9IB, =,B1 (=asics in
,upply Bhain) and successfully cleared the same. "avin an enineerin
backround in the area of 9roduction ?nineerin ma8orin in operations
manaement# I ained pro(ciency in the area of loistics and supply chain
manaement. 7otable achievements that stand testimony to my knowlede in the
area of operations include international 8ournal publication and an international
conference presentation. -hile the 8ournal was on ,upplier ,election in a
manufacturin industry# the conference paper was on 1ulti'criterion decision
makin in a lean environment. *hus# iven my work e6perience and technical skills
ac!uired# I believe I would suit for challenin roles in the area of operations

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