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Vashi, Navi Mumbai


Submitted To:
Archana Salunkhe

Session -2014-15
Submitted By:
6556 Prajakt purav Class: TY

Introduction of Study .
This report takes a look in the marketeering straightly about the brand .
This report includes the preference , expectations , likes and dislikes about
the preffered brand . To study the consumers personal views regarding the
Sr.No Topic Pg.NO
Chap 1
Introduction to study
Objective of study
Scope/imp of study
Research study
1.4.1 type of reschers
1.4.2 sampling
1.4.3 method

2 Methodology and Research and Development
3 1. Company Profile 14-18
o Origin
o Growth and Development
o Present Strategy
o Future Strategy

4 2. Promotion Strategy for honda 19-21
o Promotion Plan
o Types of Promotion

5 Data Analysis & Data Presentation
6 Recommendations
7 Result and Observation (Conclusion)
8 Questionnaire
9 Bibliography
The company operates in auto mobil industry major in manufacturer of
Car, bikes for the consumers . The companys offerings various types of
car include luxury car ,family car and SUVs . The firm also continues to
be a trusted provider of automobile universally .

Objectives of the study :-

A good research design must focus its attention on research objectives .
Such objectives need to be clear to the researcher . The whole research
process is for achieving the research objectives . The research objectives
are based on the type of research .
The objectives of this particular research study are :-

1. To study the straights used to attract consumers .
2. To know the expectations of people about the brand . .
3. To find out the factors influencing people while purchasing branded .
Price , use in daily life , Quality , Durability .

Importance / Scope of sutdy :-

The research study is important to find out the consumer preference
regarding the particular brand . In this project the research study is
important to know the consumer preference , personal views and
expectations about the company . Its important to take change in products
, price , quality , durability according to the consumers expectations .

Research Methodology :-
1 . Type of research .
It refers to a system of company , procedures and techniques to find the
result of a research problem . there is no one universally accepted model or
technique that is used to collect
information and data . As a matter of fact , there are different research
techniques which are used to collect data.
2. Exploratory research .
Its undertaking when not much is known about the problem . In this
research data is collected through observation and interviews . Exploratory
research is also undertaken when some factors are known but more
information is needed to prepare on acceptable theoretical model . This
type of research is conducted because a problem has not been clearly
defined .

Research designee and Layouts
Sampling methods: simple random sampling
Type of research: exploratory
Sample units working people in vashi area
Sample size 30
Methods of data collections
Primary data: questionnaire
Secondary data: internet

. Method of Data :-
Data is of two types which are as following :

1 . Primary Data :
Primary data constitute first hand information which is collected for the first
time in order to solve research problem . Such sata are not collected earlier
by anybody for any other purpose .
Personal interviews by the manager
Word talks to consumer/peoples

2 . Secondary Data :
Secondary data is next to primary data . This data is already collected amd
complied for the other purpose by someone other than the researcher
Press report

Questionnaire Method of data collecting :
Questionnaire is the most common research tool used for data collection
under field investigation . Its a well planned list of questions prepared by
researcher for the information and reference of interviewer . He has to ask
questions to respondent as per questionnaire and note the answers
supplied by the respondents .This questions can be either open-ended or
close. Questionnaire is used when data is collected through personal
interviewer or through telephone survey or mail

Company profile
Honda has been the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959, as well as
the world's largest manufacturer of internal combustion engines measured by
volume, producing more than 14 million internal combustion engines each year.

Honda became the second-largest Japanese automobile manufacturer in 2001.
Honda was the eighth largest automobile manufacturer in the world behind General
Motors, Volkswagen Group, Toyota, Hyundai Motor Group, Ford, Nissan, and
PSA in 2011.
Honda was the first Japanese automobile manufacturer to release a dedicated
luxury brand, Acura, in 1986. Aside from their core automobile and motorcycle
businesses, Honda also manufactures garden equipment, marine engines, personal
watercraft and power generators, amongst others. Since 1986, Honda has been
involved with artificial intelligence/robotics research and released their ASIMO
robot in 2000. They have also ventured into aerospace with the establishment of
GE Honda Aero Engines in 2004 and the Honda HA-420 HondaJet, which began
production in 2012. Honda has three joint-ventures in China (Honda China,
Dongfeng Honda, and Guangqi Honda).
In 2013, Honda invested about 5.7% (US$ 6.8 billion) of its revenues in research
and development. Also in 2013, Honda became the first Japanese automaker to be
a net exporter from the United States, exporting 108,705 Honda and Acura models
while importing only 88,357.

Honda Motor Co.,
Ltd., established in 1948, is Japans #3 automaker after Toyota and Nissanand the
largest manufacturer of motorcycles in the world.It is the worlds largest producer
of internal combustion engines, including its motorcycle and power products
The Company is recognized internationally for its expertise and leadership in
developing and manufacturing a wide variety of products, ranging from small
general purpose engines to specialty sports cars that incorporate Honda's highly
efficient internal combustion engine technology. It has a global network that
comprises 434 subsidiaries and affiliates, including 118 production facilities in 33
countries. Approximately 11.5 million Honda engines were sold worldwide during
the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000. The company's car models include the
Accord, Legend, and Civic, as well as the luxury Acura and the Insight a gasoline
electric hybrid. Japan and North America each account for more than 40% of sales.

Growth And Development
Northern American Market before the1990s, the automobile sales has been
cyclical with duration of 5-7 years. In the 1990s the industry continued to grow
for a long time and recorded historical high sales in 1999. However, we assumed
the trend would go back to that ofbefore 90s and the unit growth would be
basically zero although there would be ups and downs yearly basis. In FY Mar.
2001in North America, net sales increased 7.8%, to 2,999.4 billion ($24,209
million). Although U.S. industry demand grew 2.6%, to 17.4 million units during
calendar 2000, it is expected to drop to the 16.0 million to 16.5 million unit level in
2001 amid concerns over a continuing economic slowdown. North America
accounts for 57.3%of total revenue of Honda. Even amid fears of a slowdown in
the U.S. economy, Honda sold a record-breaking 1,346,000 units in fiscal Mar.
2001. Brisk sales of the Odyssey and Acura TL, as well as the introduction of the
brand-new Acura MDX SUV, helped improve the Companys model mix and
contributed greatly to these results. The Company expects its North American
sales in fiscal Mar. 2002 to expand to 1.37 million units, an increase of 1.8%.
Anticipating that the light truck market will continue to be a growth area, Honda
plans to expand the production capacity at the second production line of the
Alliston plant in Canada from 170,000 to 180,000 units to meet the massive
demand for the Odyssey and Acura MDX. Further, production of the Odyssey will
start in the new plant in Alabama in late 2001.In the next five years, we assume
Honda can gain market share in the Northern American market due to the
introduction of new products in Minivan/SUV segment. In addition, due to the
favorable product mix change, the average unit price would rise in the Hondas
Northern American segment.

Samsung Business Strategy
R&D is sharpening the business advantage of Honda, together with the fierce
competition between Honda and competitors, and they all define the
B u s i n e s s S t r a t e g y
of Honda. One of the proudest things about Honda is its R&D system. With the
systematic way of approaching, focus on durability, reliability and basic
performance to establish a creative and innovative technical foundation. With the
wisely approach to the future, the Honda products do care about the economical,
environmental, and social issuesThis leads to a increase steady in American and
Europe recently meanwhile the whole industry is going down by some external
factors such as U.S.D. depreciation, Oil price raising, political recession Honda
is keeping involving in the research and development that benefit people in the
future through leading-edge technology and commitment to innovation that opens
up new possibilities in mobility

Types of strategies
Operating strategies
The individual strategies
Decision making
The six external environment
1. Natural
2. Cultural environment
3. Economic environment
4. Public/Legal environment
5. Technological environment
6. Business and Industry
Global challenges
Analyze the firm structure
Organization process
Locate the firm position on the social responsibility
Managing people
Evolution and controlling

Advancing environment technology
Strengthening Manufacturing Systems and Capabilities
Strengthening Business in Emerging Market
Outlook and Implications


Promotion is an element in an organization Marketing Mix that serves to Inform,
persuade and/or remind people about an organization's or individual's goods,
service, Image, ideas, community, involvement or impact on society. Promotion is
used in hopes of influencing the recipient's feeling beliefs, or behaviour, through
any form of communication.
Promotion Plans:
Promotion for Dealers:
o The company: Promotion by Honda to whole seller have given the credit
loan facility and .
o Retailer: Commission and after sales service give to the retailer to promote
their product.
Honda has given to the different car to the different customer using different
techniques of promotion like product differentiation


1. Advertising
2. Personal Selling
3. Sales Promotion
4. Publicity
5. Public Relations
6. Word of Mouth
7. Direct Mail

Data analysis and interpretations of data


1. More attention and concern should be given to the highest selling outlets of Honda
and the chain should reach to the consumer as well.
2. Company should invest money on advertising through media, Internet and personal
selling to promote the products, to increase awareness in the market.
3. Holdings on outlets and publication in the prominent magazines help in increasing its
awareness among the consumer to evoke the demand of their brand.
4. Policy of replacing problem arising sets should be done timely and the retailer should
be accommodated immediately.
5. Allurement and discount schemes should be given to the highest selling outlets of
Honda and the chain should reach to the consumer as well.
6. The sales executive should go to each outlet of their route once in a week and try to
cover outlet that are in a distributor network.
7. The net and free test drive scheme should be the same for every person .

As per the research work done by us, we conclude that automobile industry is
growing with a very great pace and has a very remarkable prospect in future.
Honda is leading player in the automobile industry and is very much ahead
from its competitors who are still trying to compete with it. In any markets
there are market leaders and followers, and in most cases market leaders lose
market share to followers, for many reasons such as pricing, availability, "user-
friendliness", relevance to the target audience etc. It's inevitable. Can Honda be
beaten? On one hand, it is up to Honda marketing department, and its agencies.
So far the brand has established itself well in many markets, and consumers
have identified with what the brand has to offer. But that does not mean they
cannot lose the brand battle. To remain at the front of the pack, one must
constantly be innovative, the minute you lose that edge competitors will
definitely overtake. On the other hand it also depends on the competitors. How
far are they willing to stretch? Are they willing to take Honda head-on? How?
What will the outcome be? For the same reason that Honda has managed to
gain market share.


Contact No....

1. Do you have car?

2. Which brand you prefer?

3. Have you satisfied with the function of preferred car brand?

4. Are you satisfied with price range of preferred product ?

5. What is the reason behind your preference for the above particular car?


6. Which is the most popular market capturer according to you?

7. What is the reason behind your preference for the above market capturer ?
Quality Assurance
Price affordability
Resale value
Warranty period

8. Do you want any change in preferred brand ?

9. what you prefer in your car
Boot space

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