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New Market Leader Skills Placement Test

Intermediate to Advanced
Complete all four sections.

Match headlines a-j to the extracts (1-10) from news articles. Write your answers here.
1_____ 2_____ 3_____ 4_____ 5_____ 6_____ 7_____ 8_____ 9_____ 10_____
a) Made in Europe
b) Road ragers in the sky
c) No hiding place for irresponsible business
d) The insistent ringing of competition
e) Perks that work
f) The dangers of not looking ahead
g) New working model
h) The need for wider horizons
i) Corporate responsibility without the waffle
j) US Airways vows to rise again
1 The food industry is blamed for obesity.
Mobile phone operators are challenged to
protect teenagers from online pornography.
Record companies are attacked when they sue
music-lovers for sharing illegal files.
2 Keeping people happy is an increasingly
tough trick. With unemployment at record
lows, companies are trying just about
anything to retain employeestheyre getting
more money, better benefits and help with
personal problems such as child care
3 Too often students are taught about the past
rather than being given the wherewithal to
think ahead. But the big fundamental
questions need to be put on the table and
debated more vigorously in research and in
4 Although Nokias share of the global market
for mobile handsets is similar to Nikes in
athletic shoes 21 years ago, Samsung has
5 Passion, commitment, engagement, trust: it
sounds like the start of a beautiful friendship.
But when Chief Executives rely on these
wordsthey risk being a turn-off.

6 Almost every fashion label outside the superluxury brands is either manufacturing in Asia
or thinking of it[but] the Asian consumer
really does believe that luxury comes from
Europe and must be made there to be the best.
7 Faced with these projections, western
societies can either export the jobs or import
the workers.
8 The companys shares went into free fall on
Wall Street, dropping 45% to 81 cents in early
tradethe company said it was entering
bankruptcy in order to conserve cash as it
struggles with high fuel costs and competition
from low-cost carriers.
9 A new research report from Marsh, the
worlds biggest insurance broker, found that
half of European companies did not know how
to manage the most significant risks to their
10 Airlines and their long suffering customers
are reporting a steep climb in incidentssome
are caused by problems which are familiar to
many regular travellers.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Re-write these expressions from informal correspondence into formal expressions using
the words provided in bold. Change the form of the words if necessary.
For example:
Just to say I want an interview for the job in todays paper.
write / apply / post
I am writing to apply for the post advertised in todays newspaper.
11 Just to say the meeting is OK on the 26th.

write / confirm

12 Its about your letter on 3 June


13 Thanks for asking me to speak at your conference.

would like / invite

14 Im happy to come to the conference.

would / delighted / attend

15 See you there.

look forward

16 Im attaching the timetable.

Please find

17 Let me know if you have any more questions.

hesitate / contact / further

18 Weve had complaints so were looking at the situation.

Further / recent / review

19 We agreed to sack Mr Jones.

It was / relieve / his duties

20 Can you help me?

would / grateful / provide


PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Track 2

(Upper Intermediate level Listening 14.2)

Listen to someone being interviewed about business technology and tick the best ending to
sentences 21-25 according to what the speaker says. Listen twice.
21 Business technology has
a) produced a lot less waste.
b) helped all business processes become more efficient.
c) helped manufacturing processes become more efficient.
22 Workers use email
a) to save time reading and writing.
b) to make social arrangements.
c) to produce less waste.
23 Printing out emails and documents
a) makes them easier to read.
b) keeps peoples desks tidy.
c) defeats the object of receiving them electronically.
24 In the 1980s, companies found ways to cut costs
a) inside the company.
b) outside of the company.
c) in other companies.
25 Happy workers are
a) more competitive.
b) a greater expense for the company.
c) more productive.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Track 3
(Advanced level Listening 1.1)

Listen to three speakers describing presentations. Write short answers to questions 26-30.
Listen twice.
26 When speaker 1 talks to international audiences what does he realise?
27 What is the speaker going to do differently next time?
28 What was the effect of Speaker 2s special efforts in Bangkok?
29 Why does Speaker 3 think Japanese audiences close their eyes during a presentation?
30 Why shouldnt you always expect questions at a presentation in all parts of the world?

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

Instructions to the teacher:
Use the following questions or discussion points to assess a students level. Begin with the
general questions and then move on to the questions and discussion points listed in the
Intermediate level section. If the student answers effectively and confidently, choose another
from the same level or from a higher level. As the student becomes less communicative choose
questions or discussion points from a lower level until you establish the level of questioning or
discussion a student can confidently handle.
General opening questions
- Whats your job? What are you studying?
- What do you do in your job/on your course?
- What does your company do? What kind of company do you work for?
- Why do you need English? When did you start learning English? What suggestions would you
give to someone who wants to learn English?
- What do you do in your free time? Do you find it hard to balance work with your private life?
- Does your company have a brand? How important is it to the company? What words do you
think customers associate with your brand?
- How often do you travel for your work? What kind of differences in culture have you noticed
between your country and other countries?
- Who are your competitors? How do you compare in terms of quality? Do you ever receive
complaints from customers? What about?
- Tell me about recent trends in your company and your predictions for its future performance.
- How would you define good leadership? Tell me about your worst or best boss.
Upper Intermediate
- How important is communication in your job? What makes a good communicator? Why does
communication break down between people?
- What makes people successful at work? How would you define success at work or in life?
- What kinds of risk do you take at work? Are you naturally a risk-taker or do you like to plan
carefully? Are there any risks or plans at work that you now regret? What happened?
- What are ways of borrowing money in your country for a business? What kind of financial
risks are attached to each method?
- What kind of effect has Internet and e-commerce had on your life? Does your company have a
website? How does it make use of it? Do you think online business has improved customer
service or made it worse?
- How often do you have to make presentations? What are they about? What are some tips you
would give to someone having to make a presentation for the first time?
- How much involvement does your organisation have in the public sector such as with
government organisations or local council? Do you think business and the public sector can
work together? Is this common in your country?
- Does your government give the private sector enough freedoms? What initiatives exist to help
and encourage new business in your country?
- What are some of the biggest changes in working practices in recent years? How much has
your business been affected by globalisation? What has the impact been on areas such as
- Have you ever considered working freelance or as a consultant? What would the benefits be?
And the disadvantages?
PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

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