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History Project; Is United Nation a Democratic

world organization
The United Nations is marking its sixtieth anniversary in
2005 by seeking to redefne its role as the central focus of
world politics !emocracy provides an environment for the
protection and e"ective reali#ation of human rights These
values are embodied in theUniversal !eclaration of $uman
%ights and further developed in the&nternational 'ovenant
on 'ivil and (olitical %ights) which enshrines a host of
political rights and civil liberties underpinning meaningful
*lthough the United Nations 'harter includes no mention of the
word +democracy,) the opening words of the charter) +-e the
peoples,) re.ect the fundamental principle of democracy that the
will of the
people is the source of legitimacy of sovereign states and therefore
of the United Nations as a
whole The Univresal
!eclaration of human rights)
adopted by the general
assembly in /012) clearly
pro3ected the concept of
democracy by stating +the
will of the people shall be the
basis of the authority of
government, The
!eclaration spells out the the
rights that are essential for
e"ective political
participation 4ince its
adoption) the !eclaration
has inspired constitution5making around the world and has
contributed greatly to the global acceptance of democracy as a
universal value

4ince /022) the 6eneral *ssembly has adopted at least one
resolution annually dealing with some aspect of democracy
!emocracy has emerged as a cross5cutting issue in the outcomes of
the ma3or United Nations conferences and summits since the /000s
and in the internationally agreed development goals they produced)
including the 7illennium !evelopment 6oals 7ember 4tates at
the -orld 4ummit in 4eptember 2005 rea8rmed that +democracy is
a universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to
determine their political) economic) social and cultural systems and
their full participation in all aspects of their lives,
The 4ummit 9utcome !ocument also stressed that +democracy)
development and respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms are interdependent and mutually reinforcing), and pointed
out that +while democracies share common features) there is no
single model of democracy, 7ember 4tates resolved to promote
increased representation of women in 6overnment decision5making
bodies) including to ensure their e:ual opportunity to participate
fully in the political process.
The -orld leaders pledged
in the 7illennium
!eclaration to spare no
e"ort to promote
democracy law and
strengthen the rule of law)
as well as respect for
human rights and
fundamental freedoms
They resolved to strive for
the full protection and
promotion in all countries
of civil) political) economic)
social and cultural rights
for all and to strengthen
the capacity of all
countries to implement
the principles and
practices of democracy
and respect for human
The Universal !eclaration of
$uman %ights) adopted by
the 6eneral *ssembly in /012)
clearly pro3ected the concept of
democracy by stating +the will of the
people shall be the basis of the authority of government, The !eclaration spells out
the rights that are essential for e"ective political participation 4ince its adoption)
the !eclaration has inspired constitution5making around the world and has
contributed greatly to the global acceptance of democracy as a universal value

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