Five Ways To Change Your Money Situation Now

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Five Ways to Change Your Money Situation Now!


Is money the imitation you haven!t "een a"e to get out o#$
A%%ess Cons%iousness&' a () year o* se#+im,rovement
te%hni-ue *eveo,e* "y "est+seing author .ary Dougas'
has some un%onventiona "ut ,ra%ti%a ti,s you %an use to
turn your money situation aroun* within /+0( months1
Tool # 1: Put away 10% of all money that comes in
and never spend it.
This is the way #or anyone to *eveo, a situation where they
a%tuay have money in their i#e1 I# you!re won*ering what
the vaue is o# having money without s,en*ing it' this too is
#or you!
I# the ony vaue o# having money is to s,en* it' you wi
never have money2ony %re*it %ar* "is1
Everyone has a s,e%i#i% amount o# money that on%e they
a%-uire it' wi ena"e them to never worry a"out money
again1 That 3set ,oint4 is *i##erent #or everyone' an* you!
ony 5now what it is on%e you rea%h it1 I# you *on!t start'
you! never rea%h it1
Tool #2: Carry in your wallet at all times the
amount of money a rich person would carry.
6ow mu%h wou* a ri%h ,erson %arry$ 7i5e the set ,oint
a"ove' this amount is *i##erent #or everyone1 Whatever your
amount is' %arry it in your waet2,re#era"y in #ront o#
your s,en*ing money so you see it every time you o,en you
waet1 When you see those hun*re*s in your waet' you
wi iteray "e teing yourse#' 3I have money14
I# you!re totay "ro5e an* starting #rom s%rat%h to
a%%umuate your 089' you are aowe* to use some o# your
089 to a%%umuate this 3honor money4 in your waet1
It!s %ae* honor money "e%ause it!s honoring you1 The
universe res,on*s to what we honor "y sen*ing us more1 I#
you!re the honora"e ,erson who aways ,ays your "is
#irst' the universe wi honor you "y sen*ing you what you
honor2more "is1 Is that reay what you wish to %reate$
Tools #3: ind out e!actly how much it costs you to
live each month.
The vaue o# this e:er%ise is that it 5ee,s you %urrent on how
mu%h to as5 #or1 I# you thin5 your e:,enses are ;(888 a
month an* you as5 #or that' when they!re reay ;<888' you
wi aways "e #aing short1
Faing short ea%h month is not 3=ust getting "y14 You!re
"orrowing that money #rom somewhere' so what you!re
reay *oing is going #urther into *e"t1
For some reason' most o# us ten* to "e wi*y o,timisti%
a"out what our true e:,enses reay are1 This %an resut in
our as5ing the universe #or what we "eieve we re-uire
instea* o# what we truy re-uire1
Tool #": #etire that credit card de$t forever.
Cre*it %ar* *e"t is a mo*ern #orm o# savery1 Some ,eo,e
a%tuay "eieve that their %re*it rating or avaia"e %re*it is
a measure o# how mu%h money they have1 No' it!s a
measure o# how mu%h *e"t you %an %reate1 6ow mu%h
money an* other #orms o# weath >that others #in* vaua"e
an* wou* ,ay #or? is the measure o# how mu%h money you
have1 @erio*1
Divi*e the amount o# %re*it %ar* *e"t you have "y 0(1
That!s the amount o# a**itiona money you must %reate
ea%h month to retire that *e"t1 What wou* it ta5e you to
generate that mu%h more money$ 6ow many hours o# over+
time' how many more %ients' how many more ,rivate
sessions$ What wou* it ta5e to generate that$
I# the amount is more than you %an imagine' you %an *ivi*e
it "y (< an* get yourse# #ree in ( years1 What wou* it ta5e
to retire it more -ui%5y than that$ What i# it were #un to
#in* out a the %reative ways you %ou* re*u%e your *e"t$
Tool #%: &ith everythin' you $uy( as)( *+f + $uy
you( will you ma)e me money,-
This aows everything you "uy to energeti%ay su,,ort
you1 The universe is here to su,,ort you1 Aut you have to
et things 5now their =o" i# you e:,e%t them to *o it!
Ma5ing money is not a inear %on%e,t1 It *oesn!t ony a,,y
to seing things #or more money than you ,ai* #or them1 At
the same time' re%ogniBe what things you "uy' an* whether
they wi in%rease or *e%rease in vaue1
I# you "uy %othing or mo*ern #urniture' its vaue *ro,s
a"out C89 or more as soon as you eave the store1 That
*oesn!t mean you %an never "uy %othing1 A ,arti%uar
out#it may ma5e you #ee i5e a miion *oars' an* that
aone wi "ring more money to your ,ersona #inan%ia
Aso "e very aware o# things that eat2whether they are
%hi*ren' horses' or ,ro,erty with mortgages1 They %an
%ontri"ute to your weath2"ut "ruta honesty with yourse#
to hear the answer they!re giving is ne%essary to avoi*

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