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NAME ___________________________________ FORM GROUP________

YEAR 7 Sex and Science ILA

1. Using the words in the box fill in the sentences below. ( !"r#s$
Fertilisation Semen Month Penis Uterus Sperm tube Oaries !estes
%&er! "re !"de in the ___________. 'hen the s&er! le"(es the testes) the* &"ss
down the ____________. Gl"nds "dd " s&eci"l li+,id to !"#e ______________.
-he s&er! le"(e thro,gh the ___________. Eggs "re !"de in _____________.
E(er* ________ "n egg is rele"sed "nd &"sses down the o(id,ct to the
_____________. _____________ is when the n,cle,s of " s&er! .oins ,& with
the n,cle,s of "n egg.
/. -he dr"wings show six st"ges in the h,!"n re&rod,cti(e c*cle. -he* "re not
in the correct order.
A 0 1
2 E F

(b$ 3ow long does st"ge F in h,!"ns l"st4 _______________________. (/ !"r#$
("$ 'rite the letters of these
st"ges in the correct order in
the sections of the di"gr"!
below. (5 !"r#s$
%-AR- 3ERE 66
"#$RO%!& SPRU!
-he gr"&h below shows the "(er"ge height of girls "nd bo*s tod"*. Use the gr"&h
to "nswer the +,estions. (1 !"r# for e"ch$
(A gr"&h c"n tell *o, how f"st or slow so!ething is h"&&ening. A stee& line shows f"ster growth.
A less stee& line shows slower growth.$

(.$ /77 *e"rs "go the "(er"ge height for "n 18 *e"r old bo* w"s 19: c!. Gi(e two
&ossible re"sons wh* the "(er"ge height h"s incre"sed_______________________
________________________________________________________(/ !"r#s$
3AN2 ;N 0< ________________________ MAR= OU- OF /7 >
("$ At "ge 1/ girls "re t"ller th"n bo*s.
At wh"t "ge will bo*s be t"ller th"n
girls "g"in4 ______________
(b$ At "ge 9) how !,ch t"ller "re bo*s
th"n girls4 ______________
(c$ At "ge 18) how !,ch t"ller "re bo*s
th"n girls4 _______________
(d$ 3ow !,ch do girls grow between
"ges 19 "nd 184 _______________
(e$ 3ow !,ch do bo*s grow between
"ges 19 "nd 184 _______________
(f$ 'ho grows the !ost between "ges
19 "nd 184 _______________
(g$ At "ge 17? "re girls or bo*s growing
f"ster4 _______________
(h$ At "ge 15? "re girls or bo*s growing
f"ster4 ______________
(i$ At wh"t "ge between 7 "nd 18 do
girls "nd bo*s grow f"stest4 ______

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