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1) Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha (4X)

Sayeesha Sharanam Sharanam Sayeesha (4X)
Meaning: Surrender to Lord Ganesha, Surrender to Lord Sai.
2) Jaya Durga Lakshmi Saraswati,
Sai Jagan Matha
Sai Jagan Matha Maa Pahi Jagan Matha (2X)

Meaning: Victory to Mother Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswathi and Mother of Universe, Sai.
Mother! Protect us.
3) Jaya Guru Omkara Jaya Jaya
Sadguru Omkara Om 3X
rahma, !ishnu, Sada Shi"a
#ara, #ara, #ara, #ara, Mahade"a
Meaning: Gory to the Guru !s"iritua teacher# who is the em$odiment of the sacred %m.
&he true Guru is 'rahma, Vishnu and Shiva. (e is Shiva, the Su"reme Lord.
4) Jagadeeshwari Daya $ar% Ma
Shi"ashankari $ri&a $ar% Ma
Sayeeshwari 'aksha $ar% Ma
Partheeshwari ha(a $ar% Ma
Shi"ashankari $ri&a $ar% Ma
Meaning: % Divine Mother of the Universe, Mother Partheeswari Sai! (ave mercy on us
and shower us with )our $essings.
5) Om Shi"aya Om Shi"aya
Sham)% Shankara Om Shi"aya ( 3X)

Meaning: 'ow in reverence to Shiva who gives ha""iness and grants "ros"erity.
6) L%"e is my *%rm
+ruth is my )reath
(iss is my *%%d
My Li*e is my message
,-&ansi%n is my Li*e
.% 'eas%n *%r LO!,
.% Seas%n *%r LO!,
.% irth .% Death
Satya Dharma /nanda
Shanthi Prema /nanda
Shirdi Sai, Parthi Sai, Prema Sai Jai Jai
Shirdi a)a, Parthi a)a, Prema a)a Jai Jai
7) Garuda !ahana .arayana
#ey Sesha Shayana .arayana
Garuda !ahana .arayana
Sri Lakshmi 'amana .arayana (2X)
#ari Om #ari Om .arayana
Meaning: % *arayana, who has the ceestia $ird Garuda as (is vehice % Lord *arayana who
recines on the ser"ent Sesha who is the $eoved Lord of Lakshmi, who is the +m$odiment of
%m and the destroyer of evi.
,# !akratunda Mahakaya,
Suryak%ti Sama&ra)ha
.ir"ighnam $uru Mey De"a,
Sar"a $aryeshu Sar"ada
Meaning: % Lord with curved trunk and massive a""earance whose s"endor is e-ua to that
of a $iion suns. Pease $ess me such that . do not face any o$staces in any of my endeavors,
/# %mkaaram 'indu Samyuktam
*ityam Dhyaayanti )oginah
0aamadam Mokssadam 1aiva
%mkaaraaya *amo *amah
Meaning: %m, which is united with the Source. %n which the )ogis ever dwe. 2hich grants
desires and i$eration. . saute the %mkaram.
3# Guru 'rahmaa Guru Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheswara
Guru Saaksaat Param 'rahma
&asmai Shri Guruve *amaha
Meaning: Guru .s 'rahmaa !2ho "ants the -uaities of goodness. Guru .s Vishnu !2ho
nurtures and fosters the -uaities of goodness#. Guru .s Maheswara !2ho weeds out the $ad
-uaity#. Guru .s Su"reme 'rahman .tsef. Prostration Unto &hat Guru.
4# Saraswati .amastu)hyam
!arade $aamar%%&ini
!idyaaram)ham $arishyaami
Siddhir ha"atu Mey Sada
Meaning: % Goddess Saraswati, sautations to &hee. )ou are the Giver of $oons and )ou grant
a our desires. 5s . $egin my studies, "ease he" me make it fruitfu and make me successfu in
a my efforts.
6# +wame"a Mata 0ha Pita +wame"a,
+wame"a andhus1a Sakha +wame"a,
+wame"a !idya Dra"inam +wame"a,
+wame"a Sar"am Mama De"a De"a2
Meaning: % Lord, )ou are my mother, father, kinsman 5nd friend.)ou are my weath of
knowedge, strength, veour and "ower.)ou are my a God of Gods!
7# $araagre !asate Lakshmi
$ara Madhye Saraswathi
$ara M%%(e Sthita Gauri
Pra)ahate $ara Darshanam
Meaning: %h Lord, . am now $orn from the wom$ of see". . am determined to carry out a the
tasks this day as offerings to you.2ith you ever "resent $efore my mind8s eye.Make my words,
thoughts and deeds sacred and "ure.Let me infict no "ain on anyone.Let no9one infict "ain on
me.Direct me, guide me this day.
:# #arir Daatha #arir h%ktha
#arir /nnam Pra3aa&atih
#arir !i&ra Shareerastu
h%%nkte h%3ayathe #ari
Meaning: 5 is Lord (ari. (e "rovides the food. (e is the en;oyer of the food. (e is the food,
and indeed the Lord of a. (e is the e<"ert cook. (e eats the food and himsef serves and
coa<es us to eat.

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