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Komobuchi Site (Ehime Prefecture)

Exploring Futurability of
Komobuchi through Fishery
and Eco-tourism

General information about the site
Komobuchi is a village located close to the coast
line in south west Ehime. The main industry in the
region is fishery which produce, pearl, cultured fish,
half-dried fish and seaweed.

Expected Activities
Participants who will select to join this site would
make a contribution to the village through activities
that would improve the daily life of the village people.
You will also experience diverse fishing industries
along with interesting domestic cultural activities
support by the history of the region. During your
contribution, we will explore the problems and the
potential which lies within the village. Participants
would be asked to draw the future vision of the
village with a specific idea on a sustainable life style
of the people living in the village.

Participant who selects either site located in Ehime
would stay at the same accommodation located
close to the site for the first and last day of the this
service-learning program.
Participants of Komobuchi site would then move to
the site and stay in Community learning center.

Associate Prof. Ruth Vergin (Institute of
International Relations, Ehime University)
Zenitsubo Site (Ehime Prefecture)
Exploring Futurability of
Zenitsubo through farming
and eco-tourism

General information about the site
Zenitsubo is a village located close to the coast line in
south west Ehime. The village has only 8 houses.
One of the key person, Mr. Ozaki, is putting his effort
to regenerate the village through new attempts in
farming and eco-tourism.

Expected Activities
Participants who will select to join this site would
make a contribution to Mr. Ozakis village
regeneration plan. During your contribution, you will
be able to listen to his philosophy of life together with
the villages history. We will also explore the
problems and the potential of the village. Participants
would be asked to draw the future vision of the village
with a specific idea on a sustainable life style of the
people living in the village.
Participant who selects either site located in
Ehime would stay at the same accommodation
located close to the site for the first and last day
of the this service-learning program.
Participants of Zenitsubo site would then move
to the site and stay in Camping tents that would
be set up at the area.

Associate Prof. Motoko Shimagami (SUIJI
Promotion Office, Ehime University)
Assistant Prof. Abidin Zaenal (SUIJI Promotion
Office, Ehime University)
Akehama Site (Ehime Prefecture)
General information about the site
Akehama is one of town in Seiyo city. There is
located in the inner part of a bay and people also
cultivate citrus utilizing a steep slope and sea
breeze. People used to live a self-sustaining life,
cultivating paddy fields and wheat fields. At present,
total population of Akehama is 3,673 persons, or
1,672 households. The population of young people
has been decreasing. Yet, elders who remain in the
community still preserve a very rich wisdom of
agriculture and livelihood. In Akehama, traditional
culture remains. For example, the Bon festival
dance Kabuki Kuzushi, puppet theater Bunraku
and autumn festival. And community womens
groups are very active and play an important role in
revitalizing the community.

Expected Activities
During the service learning, participants will stay at
a community center. Participants will walk around
Akehama area, discuss with the residents the
issues that the people face in Akehama, and
explore the ideas what they can do. Participants
are expected to implement some of the ideas, in
collaboration with the community groups and
people. Recently, they has started activities with
the aim of vitalizing local economy by utilizing what
they have in Akehama.

Last year, participants did some activities,
cultivating abandoned agricultural land, cleaning
waterway, being pruning old womans garden. This
time, people hope how they can enjoy and develop
these activities with participants. This program is
expected to become an opportunity in which
students will invigorate the people of Akehama, and
will enjoy and learn much from the life in a
community surrounded by the beautiful sea,
mountains, and farmland.
Exploring Futurability of
fishery and citrus
farming communities
Participants of Akehama site would then move to
the site and stay in the community center.
Participant who selects either site located in
Ehime would stay at the same accommodation
located close to the site for the middle of the this
service-learning program.

Assistant Prof. Hiroki Kasamatsu
(Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University)
Takagawa Site (Ehime Prefecture)
General information about the site
Takagawa area is one of the communities of
Shirokawa-cho, Seiyo city. At present, total population
of Takagawa is 623 persons, or 262 households.
Takagawa is located in the mountainous area near a
border of Kochi prefecture, and occupations utilized the
mountain were once prosperous. Forestry is a
prosperous even now, but those who are engaged in it
are decreasing significantly. There used to be 12
communities in the area, but one community lost its
residents 7 years ago and there are 11 communities in
the area now. Farmers are cultivating chestnuts, yuzu
citrus, tomatoes, and konjac (root vegetable) to earn
their living. Takagawa is the area where a community
improvement is the most prosperous in Seiyo city.
People plan tourism and exchange activities
independently and are working positively.

Expected Activities
Participant will start with getting to know the situation
thoroughly of the area first. "Local studies" is practiced
as the technique. "Local studies" is the action that
listen to residents lifestyle, occupations and thoughts
faithfully, and nestles up their feelings.
How can people be continue
living in mountainous area?
Then, participants will think the plan which help
settlement or the production of work with people
in Takagawa. As specific activities, participants
will hold an attractive event for residents, and
support local activities which are becoming
impossible due to reduction in the population.

Participants will stay at "Exchange Center" in
Takagawa. The residents proposed that Ehime
University can use the Exchange Center as a
satellite office, participants will consider how
people can utilize the facility.

Assistant Prof. Hiroki Kasamatsu
(Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University)
Olive trees in Shodoshima
General Information about the Site
Shodoshima Town is located in the central and
eastern portion of Shodo Island , part of the Seto
Inland Sea National Park. The town is blessed
with beautiful natural surroundings, lying
between the mountains and the sea.
Shodoshima is renowned as the birthplace of
olive cultivation in Japan. Many tourists come to
see the Olive Park, the birthplace of olive
growing. It is also renowned for the elaborately
terraced rice-fields.

Shodoshima has a long tradition of producing
aromatic soy sauce, soumen noodle, and
tsukudani (fish or seaweed boiled in soy sauce).
is also a thriving center for the food industry,
such as soy sauce, soumen noodle, and
tsukudani. Kabuki, one of the most famous
traditional performing arts in Japan, is still
performed at Faming Village Kabuki Stage,
which began in the 18
century, and has
become an important cultural asset which
attracts many tourists. People in Shodoshima
has developed various industries making
effective and wise use of its natural environment
and culture.
On the other hand, Shodoshima has been
experiencing rapid aging of the population
resulting from the decline in the birth rate, one of
the major challenge for the Japanese

Service learning in Shodoshima will provide a
very good opportunity for the participants to
explore the challenges and potentials of the
community to achieve sustainable community
Shodoshima Site (Kagawa Prefecture)
Safe Food Production in Local Community
Participants of the Shodoshima site are
expected to make a contribution to the
community through joining farming activities in
terraced rice-fields and pest control of olive
trees. Participants will also make a visit to
various local food firms and learn the
challenges and potentials to achieve safe food
production in local communities.
1. Community Center (Shodoshima Town)
2. Guest House of Kagawa University
Shigeyuki Tajima (Dr. and Professor of Kagawa
Yukie Matsuyama (Specially Assigned Lecturer,
Service Learning Promotion Office, Kagawa
Kashiwa Jima Site (Kochi Prefecture)
Kochi Prefecture lies in the southern part of
Shikoku island and fronts on the Pacific Ocean.
Kochi features a mild climate, because the
Kuroshio Current, a warm current which comes
from the tropical area, flows close to the land.
We have the longest daylight hours of Japan. In
such a geographic and climatic condition, Kochi
is famous for fishery and agriculture.

General information about the site
Kashiwa-jima (Kashiwa Island) is located at the
most western part in Kochi Prefecture, about
120 km away from central Kochi. It is a small
island which is about 4 km around and has
about 500 residents. Nature in Kashiwa-jima is
characterized by a beautiful coast and rich
biodiversity. It is reported that more than 1000
species of fish lives in the shore around
Kashiwa-jima. Moreover the coral colony
attracts many divers, and Kashiwa-jima is one
of famous diving spot in Japan. Livelihood of
local people are coastal fishery, fish farming,
and tourism.
Activities in Kashiwa Jima
Firstly we will start exploring local community to
understand the current condition there. Then we
will discuss the issue which villagers face, the
potential of the island, and our contribution to
community. Although our service will be decided
through discussion, one of prospective activities
is preparing measures for dealing with disasters,
especially earthquake and Tsunami.
Prof. Kazuhiro Ohtani (Head of SUIJI promotion office, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi Univ.)
Kashiwa Jima
Sustainability for living with the sea
1. Kashiwa Jima: Center for feeling the
KUROSHIO Current (Kuroshio Jikkan Center)
1. Kochi: Dormitory of Kochi University
Yasuda Site (Kochi Prefecture)
General information about the site

Yasuda town lies in the middle part of east
Kochi, about 50 km away from central Kochi.
Main local industries of Yasuda town are
agriculture, forestry, and fishery. Yasuda town
was the first area where the greenhouse was
introduced for agriculture in Japan. The clear
stream of the Yasuda river, which runs through
Yasuda town, is rich in several kinds of
freshwater fish. In particular, a kind of fish,
called Ayu, is so famous for its good taste.
Yasuda town consists of two area: Yasuda and
Nakayama. Yasuda area is located in the
coastal area, whereas Nakayama area is the
inland. We will stay in Ogawa hamlet which is a
small hamlet of about thirty households in
Nakayama area. Ogawa is located in the upper
reaches of the river. We will experience a
typical mountain village life of the current Japan,
seeing the terraced paddy field, the okra
vegetable field, and the garden of Yuzu, a kind
of citrus fruits.
Activities in Yasuda
Firstly we will start exploring local community
and interview with local people to understand
villagers life and the current condition there. We
will get to take a chance of experiencing
peoples daily works such as harvesting or
setting up the anti-harmful animal fence. Then
we will discuss the issue which villagers face,
the potential of the area, and our contribution to
Assistant Prof. Kazuya Masuda (Program coordinator, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi Univ.)
Futurability in the mountain village
1. Yasuda: Ogawa Community Center
(Seseragi no sato Ogawa)
2. Kochi: Dormitory of Kochi Univiversity
Muroto Site (Kochi Prefecture)
General information about the site

Muroto area locates at the edge of the
southeast Kochi, about 80 km away from central
Kochi. The cape of Muroto and its surrounding
area are characterized by the geological
landscape. The land in this area has been
formed by crustal plates upheavals, and we can
see many peculiar rocks and a steep mountain
faced to the coastline. In addition, the sea off
the east coast of the cape suddenly becomes
deep from about 2-3 km off the coast. Then a
steep fault scarp is formed with a depth 1000
meters. Because of these geological features,
this area is authorized as a Global Geopark by
Local people enjoy a rich natural resource of
sea and forest such as many kind of fish marine
resources. They can catch not only coastal fish
but also deep-sea fish. The nutrient-rich deep
sea water is used for various industries. In the
hillside faced to sea, Ubame oak tree grows
naturally. This is the raw material for a type of
high qualitied Japanese charcoal, called Tosa
Binchotan. Charcoal making culture still
prospers in the mountain areas of Muroto.
Activities in Muroto
We will stay in Sakihama ward, Muroto. Firstly we
will start exploring local community and interview
with local people to understand the current
condition there. Probably we will have a chance
of experiencing peoples daily works such as
fishing or making charcoal. Then we will discuss
the issue which villagers face, the potential of the
area, and our contribution to community.
Assistant Prof. Kazuya Masuda (Program coordinator, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi Univ.)
Futurability through geopark, marine resource,
and forest product
1. Muroto: Sakihama Community Center
2. Kochi: Dormitory of Kochi University
Deep sea and hills of the east coast
Coastline with characteristic rocks
A charcoal kiln
Sakihama ward

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