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Article1-Work Motivation, Personality, and Culture:

Comparing Australia and India

The article tries to highlight the problem that there has been extensive research on motivation and
performance perception but there has been no model which links motivation effect on people of
different culture. Thus the authors try to establish a model linking these two parameters taking into
context Indian and Australian culture. What motivates an Indian maybe different from what motivates
an Australian worker. Due to globalization and rampant Business process outsourcing, workforce
diversity across globe has become evident. The authors take into account 3 Cs workforce motivation
model that is Content, context and change. Content refers influence of individual traits and differences
on motivation, Context includes socio-cultural settings affecting motivation and change accounts for the
time factor.
India and Australia have been chosen because both countries share commonalities such as-common
colonial past, democratic and judicial system and other factors. Despite this, both countries also have
various demographic and cultural differences.
In the model, cultural and cross cultural psychology (Big 5 personality traits, etc) along with various
interviews from respondents and past literature can be taken into account to study cross cultural
communication among India and Australia. This model can serve as a future reference for studying cross
cultural amongst countries.

Article source-

Article2-Work, Life, Flexibility and Workplace
Culture in Australia: Results of the 2008
Australian Work and Life Index (AWALI)

The article studies a survey involving 2831 Australian workers on various on issues related to work-life
interaction, culture and employment. It studies the work-life balance on a scale of 1-5.
Basically influence of work life on 5 parameters i.e. relation, recreation, households health and well
being are studied.
The most common type of problem is restriction of time which can be spent by the workers due to long
work hours. This is followed by pressure due to lack of time, especially by women. Women have more
domestic responsibilities, thus work strains their work life more. Other problems studied include work
flexibility, ideal work hours, nature of employment and various work parameters.
Major issues faced by the workforce can be analyzed to adapt a better work culture and work-life
Article source-


The article tries to highlight the business culture in India and the various norms and practices followed
by Indians according to their cultural yardsticks in various organizations.
The Indian culture is studied on various common behaviors observed by the author. These include
Indias cultural practices, notion of time, English proficiency, bureaucratic hurdles, business etiquettes
and organizational hierarchy. Various challenges faced by Indians are also taken into account.
All these are analyzed in the Indian context and compared with the western culture .Various policies are
then taken into account to try bringing out the best possible practices which can be followed in a global

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