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... through Bertha Dudde

Errors ....
The Lord Himself al!s amo"gst #eo#le ....
$ro%lamatio" of a ise dis%i#le ....
Realise the im#orta"%e of %arr&i"g God the Lord i" &our heart'
("d the" liste" to the eter"al truths hi%h flo to &ou i"
a)u"da"%e* a"d #la%e &our hole ill at the Lord+s feet* for
)lessed is he ho lets himself )e guided )& the Lord Himself ....
He ill "e,er go astra& a"d God ill ta!e %are of all his orries*
-ust as He ta!es %are of those ho a"t to ser,e Him a"d
a%!"oledge Him as Father.
$eo#le are %o"sta"tl& )ei"g taught that the& should ma!e
%o"ta%t ith the a)o,e .... a"d* through all !i"ds of tri)ulatio"s*
souls are led to the Lord .... a"d for His %hildre" i" "eed He
ala&s #ro,ides the right %o"solatio".
E,er&thi"g li,i"g o" earth shall arise agai" i" eter"it&* a"d if the
Lord Himself a%%om#a"ies #eo#le i" order to hel# them ith His
Word* the" this re#eatedl& demo"strates to &ou the di,i"e lo,e
hi%h does "ot a"t a"& )ei"g to )e%ome %orru#ted a"d
%o"sta"tl& struggles for this soul i" order that it should li)erate
itself from the #oer of e,il.
.ou"tless mis%o"%e#tio"s ofte" delude #eo#le* a"d i" order to
dra their atte"tio" to the fa%t that the& li,e i" error* the Lord
Himself goes through the la"d a"d !"o%!s at e,er& door .... the
heart hi%h is re%e#ti,e is lo,i"gl& ta!e" %are of )& the /a,iour*
a"d the" the earthl& %hild ill ala&s )e #rote%ted )& Him a"d
"eed o"l& let itself )e guided ....
("d so the Lord dells amo"gst all of &ou a"d ta!es hold of ea%h
#erso"+s ha"d .... Every worry is intended to lovingly draw
your attention to your lifetime goal .... O"l& #ai" a"d miser&
ill fi"all& lead &ou to the %o"tem#latio" of God .... a"d &our
s#irit ill lift itself u# .... hat loss ill the orld the" )e to &ou*
e,e" if it offers &ou e,er&thi"g ....
%a" e,e" o"e of &ou re%og"ise the #ath of as%e"t he" all
earthl& #leasures his heart desires are offered to him0 .... 1our
se"ses )e%ome )lu"ted .... the& dema"d i"%reasi"gl& more a"d
the soul graduall& fades i"to the )a%!grou"d although it should
%o"sta"tl& stri,e to #rogress .... Therefore* sa%rifi%e all &our
ishes to the Lord a"d )e grateful to Him* "o matter ho He
guides &ou a"d hat He )estos u#o" &ou ....
("d "o a ise dis%i#le of the Lord a"ts to s#ea! to &ou ....
1ou huma"s e,er&here li,e as if the su" of the Lord had "ot
rise" a)o,e &ou and you dont recognise the power which
comes forth from the Words of the Lord ....
/o 2 am %alli"g &ou a"e a"d i"formi"g &ou that the /a,iour
mo,es amo"gst &ou .... ho"our a"d lo,e Him ith all &our heart*
for &ou oe &our life to His #oer a"d great good"ess* a"d if &ou
li,e &our li,es i" a dig"ified a&* &ou ill re%og"ise the Lord ....
&et all &our stri,i"g shall relate solel& to Him* for all the s#irit
a"d the glor& of God ill %ome u#o" &ou if &ou remai" true to His
Word ....
But if &ou do "ot re%og"ise &oursel,es* &ou ill "ot #arta!e i"
this Word .... the" &ou ill sear%h i" ,ai" for the #ath hi%h is
i"te"ded to lead &ou forard ....
Hoe,er* the isest #erso" of all is someo"e ho trium#hs o,er
himself* for a reard is )e%!o"i"g to him hi%h ill %om#e"sate
him for all humiliatio"s a"d ill lift u# the o"e ho loers himself
("d furthermore* it ill )e"efit &ou if &ou gi,e u# hat &ou deem
i"dis#e"sa)le .... for o"l& he* ho regards himself small a"d
hum)l& )os do" )efore the Lord* ill )e%ome great ....
Tr& to e"dure e,er&thi"g* ta!e all distress u#o" &oursel,es ....
ala&s thi"! of the /a,iour a"d &ou ill lift &oursel,es u# from
the earthl& hea,i"ess* )e%ause the /a,iour+s lo,e tries to dra
&ou to Himself.
$u)lished )& frie"ds of "e re,elatio"s of God 3 2"formatio"*
do"load of all tra"slated re,elatio"s* theme4)oo!lets at5


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