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lllini And Harvard Win

Suckers Come Back After Re-
verse And Upset Records;
Harvard Is Leader
In East
How They Stand.
T eam. "Won. L ost.' Pot
Illinois ............. 6 1 .857
Ohio State .......... 3 1 .750
C hicago ............. 4 % .6B7
Wisconsin ........... 3 2 .500
Minnesota ....... '....3 2 .600
Iowa ................ 2 2 .500
Michigan ........... .1 4 .200
Northwestern ....... 1 4 .200
Indiana ............. 0 2 .000
Purdue ............. 0 Z .000
T he most successful football year
since the adoption of the forward
pass and ten yard line rule thirteen
Steve HerrickIs
Here For Big Go
With Burlingham
Steve Herrick, ot 'Kewanee, .m,
looking, every bit the part of a clean
cut professional, man as well as an
expert boxer, arrived in the city Sun-
day night to finish training for his
bout with Kid Burlingham, the
windup of Frankie Whitriey's fight
show at the C ity auditoriumWednes-
day night. .He made a decided hit
"with fans he met around town, and
he will have plenty of backers when
he enters the ring in the big- attrac-
tion. Besides being a trim athlete
he is only 23 years of age, having
youth .on his. side in the battle for
est Honors Of U ncertain Grid Season
pugilistic honors.
Immediately on arrival, Herrick
made a request for sparring part-
ners, and indicated he intends to get
in some hard licks at training .before
Wednesday rolls round. T oday was
to be his big day, a strenuous, road
run occupying him in the forenoon
and gymnastic work in the after-
noon. He will work out today and
tomorrow in the Iowa Athletic club
years ago came to a successful close gymnasiumbetween 3 and 4 p. m.
Saturday, when Illinois "won the
western conference championship by
defeating Ohio State, 9 to 7, and
Harvard triumphed over T ale by a
-score of 10to 3.
In winning from Ohio State, Illi-
nois deserves all the credit which
possibly can bo bestowed on the
coaches 'and players. It developed
inL o a team of remarkable strength
in less than a month's time. Al-
though beaten by Wisconsin in the
middle of the year ,it showed the
proper football stuff by going Into
succeeding battles with renewed
fight, whi ch resulted in winning the
the team of the last two
. .
Burlingham will fi ni sh his train-
ing program wi th pl enty, of boxing
today and tomorrow, the local kid
having done considerable road work
'the last three weeks. He has suc-
ceeded in knocki ng off the surpl us
beef he carried round and has re-
L ike
T his Team Prays, Then Cries, Before Big Game
Hawkeyes Register Touch-
down i And Goal In First-
Quarter, "And Drop-Kick
In Closing Minutes.
IOWA C IT Y, la., Nov. 22.Fight-
ing with traditional spirit of ancient
years, ten Iowa Hawkeyes and
brey Devine, licked the Ames C y-
clones in the annual gridiron battle
for the state championship here Sat-
urday, 10to 0. It was one of tbe
fiercest games ever played on Iowa
field, and it is estimated 15,000souls
were on the sidelines. Every avail-
able, seat was sold and several thou-
cluced about eleven pounds, being un ti .A De^nP vJS fT ^-,/
1 ght
around the 153 mark. Both boxer! m
will enter the ri ng at ,that weight
Burllnorham will do his gymnasium
work between 1:30and 3 p. m.
L ocal fans were satisfied of an
eveni ng oit good entertainment when
Promoter Whi tney announced today
he had matched Johnny Fryrear, one
of this city's most popul ar battlers,
wi th Frankie Ri tchi e, of Boone,
Iowa, the ktcl who fought Ji mmy '
Bovard, of Mason C ity, at a.recent
show, in the semi -wi ndup. T hey will
go six rounds whi ch will be a worth
sand fans unable to obtain an ad-
mission ducket witnessed the game
from neighboring housetops and
railroad cars. One section of the
fence collapsed and. sent a hundred
kids rolling down an incline wi thout
While the Iowa outfi t was going
along like a well oiled and greased
machine, it must be said that. C oach
Mayser's farmers were gutting up a
bitter resistance, a desperate fi ght.
U ntil A. Devine booted the field goal
in the last few minutes of play, it
was a question whether the C yclones
would score and knot the count. T he
10points Iowa recorded represent a
touchdown, goal kick, and goal from
the field.
Scored in First Quarter.
Iowa started like a whirlwind and
scored in .the initial quarter.
years Il l i noi s was i mprovi ng as the while preliminary to the main event
M^ r-^ older, whi l e Ohio did ; Because many of the stores will
marked advancement
remain open during the eveni ng the
,,-xr,u,_ ... _.., show wfll not start uritil 9; 15 ^ ^
season grew
not show
since its game with Michigan In mid-
season. C oach Zuppke knew the
Buckeye attack and he knew how
to atop Harley. T hat he accom
plished his purpose was ahown all
through the championship battle. It
was a great victory for the Orange
and Bl ue eleven, but a bitter disap-
pointment to the Scarlet and Gray.
Badgers Finish Strong.
C hicago was knocked'out of sec-
ond place in Ihe conference rating
by losing to Wisconsin, 10 to 3.
T ho Badgers' great game against
Ohio a week ago pl ai nl y showed the
C ardinal eleven was one ot offensi ve
and defensive power. It recovered
rapidly from its defeat by Minnesota
and at tbe closo oi the year was
playing just as good football as any
eleven In the Big T en.
As expected, Minnesota took Mich-
igan i nto camp easily, .the count be-
ing 34 to 7. T he Gophers showed
the improvement characteristic of
former Gopher teams late in the sea-
son. Michigan experienced it*
worst season in years winning only
one conference game, and that from
Northwestern. C oach Yost simply
did not, have the material this year
to cope with othor conference -elev-
ens, which wero stronger than
Purple in a Complication.
Indiana sprung; a surprise by do-
feitlns Syracuse, one of the strong-
est Selevens in the cast. It will be
rexdembcred that Northwestern de-
feated tho Boosters, 3 to 2, and that
Syracuse won easily from Rutgers.
T hen Rutgers won from Northwest-
ern. 28to 0, which goes to show
there is no such thing as form in
football this year.
Notre Dame continued to keep Its
slate clean by winning from Purdue,
3S to 13, in a game which gives
C oach Rockne's eleven the cham-
pionship of tho Hoosier state. T he
C atholics are a strong scaring aggre-
gation, which was shown in this
Iowa Record Good.
Iowa annexed the championship
ot the Hawkeye state by tri mmi ng
Am<-s, 10to 0, In an interesting bat-
tle. T he struggle marked the end of
the most successful season In years
for C oach Jones' eleven. T he team
lost two conference games, one to
Illinois, 9 to 7, and the other to C hi
cago, 0to 6.
Harvard's Title Questioned.
. In the cast, the victory of Harvard

10to 3 was U l

S same
i whl ch absorbed all interests in the
section. Despite its vl ctorv whi ch
olospd the season without "a defeat,
pastern critics nnd closo followers of
football will not award the eastern
plum to the C rimson. T he contention
in these parts Is that .Harvard
played a second rate class of teams
and dirt not meet the opposition that
Princeton did.
In fact. T ale n.nrl Harvard are se-
verely criticized for not playing more
imrd gamps. It is pointed out that . a
.Princeton's tic game with Harvard
and subsequent vi ctory over Yale
wns due to the hard games received
Worth Ulch 7, Rnst Kteh 3.
Amos 72, Went Hiith 0.
Emmctflburje 14, Ksthcrvillo <.
Osaite 30, Nashua 19.
Rlchlnnd 38, Mo-rninr Son 0. .
Stmirt g, Bacley 0.
Storm talco 71, Marathon 0.
Colfitx 27, Fonora 6.
VraJrle da Chlnn 4S, Waakan 0.
Z^rcmont 81, Pella 0.
Rock Inland 27, Momnonth 0.
T.aurttnH 1* 1, MunKon 0.
Adel 43, Kurllmm 6.
Cornell 7, OrinncU 7.
Upper Iowa 53, Ullsworth G.
Iowa university 10, Iowa State 0.
Uubuque seminary 40, Chicago Y. 0.
Minnesota, 34, Michigan 7.
Indiana 13, Syracuse 6.
Mnrquette IS, Wabastt 6.
South Dn.koUi Slate 13, 0. of S, D, 8.
Wisconsin 10, Chlcnso 3.
Illinois 9, Ohio Stnto 7.
Notre Duimc 33, Purdue 1.3.
Nevada 41, Santa. Clara 7,
Oklahoma u. 14, Kansas Acgioa S.
Ort-Eon Aggies G. Washington State 0,
California 14, Stanford 10.
U. of Nebraska freshmen 0, York eol.O.
Blpon colleR-e 12, Citrleton .college 0.
Pamona .college 20, Occidental col.0.
Georgetown 27. Washington & Ixie 6.
Betrolt SB, Buffalo 0.
Harvard 10, Vale 3.
I-afnyprtte 10, Ix-higrh 6.
Pittsburgh 17, Carai-Eln Tech 7.
.Florida 13, South Curnllna 0.
Rutgers 28, Northwestern 0.
Swurthmore 44, Haverford 0.
Buckne.ll 20, Susquehanna 7.
Penna. Jfflltary col. 28, Washmirton 0.
Cettyxbare 21. Mount St. Marys 0.
Marylnm! 20, Western Maryland 0.
Kochrster 0, Hamilton 0.
New York university 27. Colnmbla 13.
Johns Hopkins 13. St. John't* 13.
T>:laware 21. T^ibanon Valley 7.
Villa Nova 20; Cathnlle university 14.
Penna. freaUmen 7. Cornell frcshm'n Z.
Alabama 6. Georcia 0.
Wash, f i Jeff. 33, w. Va. Wesleynn 0.
Center eoDcere Gfi, Depauw 0.
Grid Players Mix;
L ooked L ike Riot
~-^v* m. in... mu i i jti tti nutirter
kicked off and .after an exchan
punts, the Hawkeyes started
march down the field on line smashes
and end runs, C aptain L ehman get-
ting away for a thirty yard run from-
a trick punt formation. Within th
Ames 15yard line the Hawkey
tried a single line attack, then f
lowed with a forward pass, A. De-
vine to Parker, which brought in a
touchdown. A. Devine kicked a
pretty goal.
T he field goal was accomplished
in the closing minutes of play and
put the Iowa fans on the confi dent
side of the fence. After forcing the
.the Imnrls of the C olcrate
West \irjrinia. It Is true tbe T
wero defeated In these two
IOWA. C IT T . Iowa, Nov. 24.An
aftermath of the Iowa-Ames game
Saturday, was one of the first bitter
clashes between Hawkeyes and Ag-
gies in several years. Blows were
exchanged by C aptain Denfleld. the
star tackle of the Assies, and "Duke"
Slater, the all-conference candidate
of the lowans for a. tackle job.
lowans allege that Denfleld displayed
unsportsmanship .by wantonly af-
fronting Slater, going 15feet out of
his way to reach the colored star.
Slater at first, tried to avoid a col-
lision, and simply urged the Ames
man to "go away and leave me
alone," but Hawkeyes allege. Den-
field persisted in approaching him
an <j |and dealt a blow. If it reached the
Negro athlete's face it inflicted no
ti oned contests, hut they fi tted the
sons of the Old Nassau to win from
their old enemies, a tri umph which
Indeed makes the season
success at Princeton.
murk, but the prompt return wallop
was a powerful uppercut that felled
Dc.nll.; ld to the gridiron.
U ndoubtedly, it was the interposi-
ti on of men of cool, temper-controlled
minds, on either side that averted a
general mixup between the Hawks
Aggie, not only by football men..
., , .-, _ , nut the fans, who were ready to
ANAMOSA. la.. Nov. 24.T he fi ght for their respective idols
first football i.-am<v between the For a few moments, the sureta"
Anamosa high school and American I crowd beheld an impending rne'e?
L esrion teams resulted In the de- that suggested long-gone days, when
twit of the former aggregation, ""' ' - * -
to 16.
After Pioneers Score Tench-
down In First Half, Mt.
Vernon Repeats In
Final Chapter.
team, showing the perfect interference
pi a
Kept the plays squarely in front of i
the C yclone goal until the Hawks I
soes out antj
reached the 22 yard line. T here he i same.
dropped back and booted the pigskin
; ntre college gets down on its
3s and prays and cries and then
3 another football
^ <
^f the ball
Scare for Iowa Fans.
Iowa fans suffered a genuine scare
m the third quarter when Ames car-
But C entre college has something
besides a grayer and a headgear
when it steps onto the field of battle.
It probably has as good a football
season so. was penalized 15yards for holding i Probably will fi ni sh the .
referee putti ng the ball in play i many other tonms will have a
Iowa's one yard line When A i
cl pan slate at thG
ried the ball to Iowa's fourteen yard '
mmaybe betteras any college
line and then lost it on a fumble On I
in the Iand
today. Its record speaks
the first play through the line Iowa|
l t
l f
team is unbeaten, and
-T. . ' " - ."j*.. yrin^ii j^_.
Devine dropped.back to kick, he was
standing squarely behind
posts with the raised bar
fere with his punt. T he lui
good, however, and traveled , , , mo
way to the middle of the fie'eT i ?,
aU Se

n no Other footha11
squad In
T he C yclones really had three' good ' country_ today is thore such
VrtriTtiin4+-,>A *-~ - .. =>>^ys-i I l-^rll
he f
ort wnrl rt
wonders how a
opportunities to score U i B the
amwork anrt
. ... -- **^i i-vj. 1^.11-15 U ilti
ball uiside the Iowa ten yard line in
d aua
^ird periods, i
spirit. Every
8trussla f

r C entre
. kat they ware eroing i nto meant the
*i* i ~j ~^ -"-" time, and ; .saving of tbi?ir countrv EG^OT P tiio
thJh f f
" 1
aDd Webb
,m ol -! same with West Virginia, at C harles
W wl f n t
an reooveri n
&furn-! ton they sot down on their knes
Dieci punts, was a big factor in and were lead in prayer by Dr
Ames success in holding the score William A. Ganfi el d, di gni fi ed presi-
low. in the line Barker at guard dont of the college. He cried with
was everywhere, and probably
m and when they stopper onto
?*j J
Attempts around !
tho fi
they had played half the
"It was something- new to me,"-
said Dr. Ganfi el d. "I've prayed be-
fore, of course, but I 'never prayed
playing the for a football team. But the fi ^ht
machine-lL ke footbal l j that showed in my boys that day got
Big T en : in me, too, a.nd I wanted to go onto
fall, and was ! the fi pl d '" " - -
k C b a < 3
the ends as well as through the l i n p
as the men at those stations.
Iowa Shows Well.
nf i * ''
ancl was
the fi pl d with them ana I!ne
ir,^ ,1 ~
to the
home-corn- i apainst those West Virginia moun-
mg alumni. On the right side of talneers. I felt sort of fool i sh crying
tne line it was simply impossible to I wi th tbe boys, but the tears came I
,ain, and this was qui ckl y realized |have never soen a col l ege wi th such
oy the C yclone general who kept spirit as C entre. A successful foot-
namrnering the opposite side unti l bal l team is; first, material; second,
uoach Jones substituted C harlton I coaching, and third, spirit. We have
T here is nothi ng miraculous about
C entre's footbal l team. It is a. collec-
tion of first-class football material,
good coaching and spl endi d spirit.
Spelled C-E-N-T-R-E.
L ocated at Danville, Ky., 110
miles south of C incinnati.
In the heart of the Kentucky
Bine Grass section, and support-
ed by the aristocracy of that com-
munity. Popular name for the
team"C olonels."
C oached by C harley Moran, Na-
tiona.I L eague umpire.
Has football team that has
gone undefeated since early in
Has piled np a total score great-
er than any teamin east or west
can this sea-son.
Has team averaging over 171
pounds. T he men are younger
tlian the average.'
Scholastic requirements are
rigid and strictly adlicrod to
Southern Intercollegiate Athletic
association rules.
Played and defeated decisively
such teams as Indiana, Virginia,
West Virginia and Kentucky
State this season.
T rying to arrange games with
Ohio State, Notre Dame, West
Virginia, Pittsburgh, Vandcrbilt
and Kentucky for 1920.
The equal of any team in the
country today.
Has three men who should not
bo overlooked hi the All-American
strictest in the country in its schol-
astic requirements. .T hree of the
football players, James., Van Ant-
werp and Davia, are among
the best
students in the school.
C entre is .a member of the South-
ern Intercollegiate Athletic associa-
tion along with such schools as "Van-
derbilt, Georgia T ech, T ennessee,
Georgia, T ulane, Auburn, Kentucky
State, Mississippi, Alabama, etc. T he
requi rements of the association are
l i vrd up to in every game C entre
T he members of tbe teamare not
"hill billies," as one eastern writer
hints, collected and instilled %vitn
football. T hey are products of high
schools and prep schools. Most ot
them come from well-to-do families
in the south. Some come from Ohio,
T oxfi s. Arkansas, beside?Kentucky.
C entre colege. though small, is
not poor financially. It is locnted in
tho heart of Kentucky's aristocracy
at Danville, one of the oldest cities
in the state. C entre is 101 years old
and is mi ghty proud of its achieve-
GRINNEL L . Iowa, Nov. 24.C or-
nell and Grinnell colleges played a
tie game here Saturday, 7to 7. Gri n-
jnel l scored in the'fi rst half. T he
! return of Gowens of C ornell to the
same in the last half put fight i nto
the C ornell team. Gowens has boon
j out of football with a broken in\v
j for three games. L emon and S.T .I-
jderson played their last game for
' C ornell.
j C ornell put up one of the groat-
j 3t comebacks ever seen on tbe
' local gridiron. T hey were decidedly
outpl ayed in the first half but C .T .V.C
back wi th a dri ve in the second t!i.-.t
could not be stopped by the Pionoc-r
forward wall. Straight football was
all that either couid use c
accoun t.of the sl i ppery field.
L ittle Forward I'; issinjr.
Grinnell tried four forward pasx.
in the first half but none were .; :
cessful. C ornell made three K,V
pnsscs out of ni ne attempts for
total gain of twenty-eight vards. !:i.
cho first half Gri nnel l madeoiprbt iiv:-.c i
downs to C ornell's four. In tho l . -i sc
half C ornel! mni l e twelve first downs.
while Gri nnel l made but two. < " o r - .
noil punted eight times for an aver-
age of thi rty yards and the Piomvrs;
\vi>re forced to punt six times for an!
average of thi rty yards. T ho M( . !
Vernon aggregation was pon al i Koi i :
thi rty-three yards to the forty-oi u-1
yards for Gri nnel l .
i 'Miirkley at l eft half ag.iin prowl
himself Gri nnel l 's best grontv'.
gainer and 'defensi ve man. Hoi
plowed through the C ornell l i ne ti me'
after time .for gains of from fi ve toi
fifteen yards. Parker also pl un gn l '
terrifically when yards were
for downs. i
Peisen C ornell Star. |
Peisen at l eft halfback for <',,; -.!
nell could not be stopped. In i l
last half he was responsible for i!if
grealor porti on of C ornell's gai ns.p
Hurl burt also played a mro:i E; g
game. Kepl er and Markley puml 'v
about equally, sU though Mnj-kk-y|
showed better judgment by ki cki n g; -
out of bounds when close to thr
C ornell goal line. Neither teams
coul d uso tbe forward pass succoss--
ful l y beca.use of the powerful do-f
fense that both -teams had bui l t up
against aerial football. i
Whi tmer, Wi nters and Mcl ^arent
. . . . - . played the best game on the l i uoS

loriger be
connected j for the Pioneers, while Gowens. j
. tackle; McMillin, captain and quarter;
js one of tlie daily scrimmages of the C entre
Grinnell C oach
Quits; T o T ake
U p L aw Practice
GRT NNBL Ii, la., Nov. 24.C oach
Russell I. T ollefson of the Grirmell
college football team and assistant
athletic director at the , . ... ^.v
- ^- my
T ollefson I Sanderson and Kepler showed
fol l owi ng' well for C ornell. When Gowens wen
with the local college.
the football contest" between' Grtnnef]
In." the"g.ame'T n"'tne'T ast
haif "in-='
and C ornell here. this afternoon. T lu>
athletic board of. the school accepted
the Pioneer coach's resignation
T ollefson wi l l enter a law fi rm at
Minneapolis. No one has been
named to succeed him.
o L i vi ngston
worked like a
he and
machine in
holes through the Grinnel! line for e
the bnckfield.
Orinnoll, 7.
Dl ml t L . E
\ V 1 :
ments. Somo of tha biggest men in . ^
he for
mor Minnesota star nuar- K!i!,
r' ' ?'
the state nnrl nation are products of .t<-
fc oamo, to; Grl unel l college in i Whl tmeV C
C entre's learning.
e fall of 1917and duri ng the foot- Mi l l er ..... ...B. 6.
T he Ames interference
ha,a been boxing Pyles until he was
helpless, and the C yclone backs
were gaining repeatedly around his
side of the line
end. On the , . .,_ , t..w _ ^..^.v, wt cut; Jjue
big Dake" Slater, the colored star
ana 33elding, all-conference and all'
western possibilities, never played a
better game. When plays didn't
come their way, they rushed in 'and
followed the fleeting C yclones
around the other side, bring-ing them
to earth from behind. T he work of
Slater was especially deserving of
credit as he waa through the line on
every punt or forward pass and
several times .not onl y broke up the
play but threw the man who receiv-
ed the ball for material loss
In the backfield, the work of A
Devine and. C apt. L ohman, the laf-
ter playing his last game, was good
for a thrill most every minute Do-
vine worked his forward passes pr-
fectly, ni ne,out of fifteen going for
big gains. T he Hawkeyes advanced
111 yards by the aerial route dur-
ng the afternoon. On fake punts
and sweeping end runs Devine was
a wizard, seldom failing to reel off
ong gains.
T he lineup and. snmmary follows-
"_ . lowu 10'
. .P.O
*tolbuone *a,ve^ tor cut,, boi l s,! and 'the imor-colleSate relatfons
wrij. etc. At drusrsists, :Sc and 50c.! whi l e tense and intense., have been
- agreeable and admirable:
Five Ib. pall Amana strained hon-
y^$1.50, Xaso's. On First ave.Adv
Go to Naso's for fresh oysters.-
Boldlns ..
...QB|A. Devln*
...L HlParker
. ..RHG. Devine
'.. .PBlL ohnuin
T he collection of material Is due to
I made qui te a long trip to
vi l l o to see this team. C harley
Moran, coach, and Bob Myers, .ath-
letic director, were mightily pleased
to see me. C entre has had very little
publicity and they were glad" some-
one was. on the job to tell the sport
fans who and what C entre Is: I met
most of the football squad in the
Eymnns.hjm before they had changed
footbal l togs. T hey looked much
smaller than most college teams'
T hpy looked like high schoolers. But
when I saw their well-built legs and
shoulders I knew they were heavier
than one would guess. And they
l ooked mi ghty, good on the field
fast snn.ppy, husky and fighting
everymi nute.
"U ncle C harley" Moran "and
"C hi ef" Myers put them through a
sons back. T hey've got eleven*regu-
lars who'll be back again next year.
T he "institution is one of the
as I l eft tlie. fi el d and saw two ,
threo of the stars still .at .it."T hat is
Iowa's Football Machine L oses Few
C ogs Before Start Of Next Season
IOWA C IT Y, la., Nov. 24.Iowa's
1919 footba,ll eleven will return vir-
tually intact to battle for the -Old
Gold in 1920, according to the out-
look in the closing mi nutes of the
gridiron season this year. T hree men
will be lost Hunselrnann, Mock-
more and Pylca and only one posi-
tion, l eft guard, will be vacant.
. T he present season saw' football
teams all over the country fortified
to an unusual strength by. the return
of old service men, and there was
scarcely a college . or., university
"which could not boast of an eleven of
real football players. With these
Iowa'took rank, and it was generally
acknowledged that the Hawkeye
1919 varsity was one 'of the really
good elevens in the middle 'west. .
- Noti .every institution will be so
'fortunate as Iowa next year, how- .
.RE ever, in retaining the strength -mani-
i tested . this season. . T he famous
"RH !Hawkeye backfieldL ohman, Au-
Snbstltntiona: loira, Charlton tor
".FB I brey Devine. Glen Devine and Park-
A. , Deviae, .A, -Devi ne Pylcs. Kelley for _ _
t?,'L ,.
klsr: Ame3:
Burns for Hadlev,
Hlbbs Cor Boyd. C arrie for Hintermai
Psiiee for C urnio.
Score by periods
l i nl voral ty of low* j o 0 ,_,
row-a State S Z 5
U niversity., of Iowa
Got anj- Morans in yoar town?
T he Mcnuis are making mere
specks WB spots on the map. T here
It Fitehburg, Mass., home of Pat
Moran, manager of the world cham-
pion Reds.
Ar.d there is Horse Cave, Ky:.
home of Charles Bloran. coach of the
cortdns Centre college team of Dan-
-dllc, Ky.
Bat Charles might consider a job
like that in Horse Cavewhich is a
town and not a hole In tho Kentnckv
. f, f* -- .^C'lllc.
, trrovcr, Wushi ni rtan
U ni versi ty. . .utnei on
~' '
- -Kansas C ity,
"?S?r-L eo, -Kotre Damo.
erwill again b3 in the running,
while lich,- Hath, Kelly and Jacqua,
the substitute offensive quartet this
season, will beturn to a man.
Slater Will Be Back. ,
"Duke" Slater, Iowa's ..giant -right
tackle, the most feared lineman in
the conference, will be back to play
his final year of football, and his
last is expected to be his best. .Work-
ing beside him will be Beldimj, end,
won honor recognition this; sea-
this list are included White, tackle;
Paul Smith and McC onnell, ends,
and Van Oosterhaut. McAvinchy and
Everett Smi th, linemen. Minnick,
freshman this year, has been the
star of the yearling line and may be
shifted to fill in at guard on the var-
sity in 1920. L ockn, freshman ful l
.Special, to The Gazette.
IOWA C IT Y, Iowa, Nov. 24.- -T he
Iowa C ity Athl eti c, club"playing its
second game, and its first on a home
gridiron, slaughtered Riverside here,
62 to 0, Sunday. T he Athenians have
a squad ot oldtime higli school and
town athletes of exceptional ability,
and are likely to prove a formidable
All C harlie does nw is umpire i n' AmCS Wins Big Ten
the National league sir months,
, son. on all-conference and all-western
>, Dartmouth, i football elevens.. Beldfng's defensive
utea each. pjay and his/work at pulling i n'for-
ward passes have been a. sensation
in every. Iowa' game this year.
/-i - ~ r-j At left end .Coach Jones-win'have
^Olintry i\.ace the veteran Charlton next year and
- , o B
grocery store m Horse |college won. first-'honora to ,
The rajvyor of Fitchbnrg offered to
svacute in favor of Pat, but the lat-
ler decided managing the Reds was
of a job.
- . : *- "^e*- " w*i . ill o t. U L 1IU
cave, manage one of the largest to-!nual Westerji conferen.
bacco plantations in that part of the i
t ry rvm
state, and attend to various duties
connected with the owning of real
|esate and being a big frog in a little
I puddle. - . . - '
So it wouldn't be any hardship on
Charley" if the mayorship'"of Horse
was wished off onto him.
ce cross-couii
fOT bis
KEARNEY. Neb., Nov. 24.Joe
Steelier defeated T omDraak in two
straight falls.
son, and on the, basketball floor.
T heir flrst game was a victory over
Marengo, 25to 0, a week ago..
T j Smith, first year end. j aggregation during the current sea-
are two good men who will be eligi- ' ' " - - - v *" **
ble for the varsity nezt year, and it
will be hard to keep either off the
T his season only five points sepa-
rated Iowa f ran'.
the conference
championship. T he.Hawkeys lost to
Illinois 9 to 7and to C hicago 9 to 6
C oach Jones has bunt up an eleven
recognized as a clean, hard playing
team. T he Iowa interference this
year has been one of the most dead-
ly in the west. With AubrewDevine
dotng. most of. the forward .passing
the Hawkeyes played a sparkling
aerial game. For 1920 indications
are that the Old Gold will have a
teammade up almost entirely of vet-
erans. Next year, it is hoped, Iowa's
drive for the conference champion-
ship will carry the state university
eleven to the top rung of western
football fame
of 1917and duri ng the foot-
f L
n turned out
a grid team
at the Pioneer school whi ch defeated
Iowa by a score of 10to. 0and won-,
the conference championship of the i
state. In 1918 C oach T ollefson
rounded a team into condition out of
poor material and succeeded in de-
feating Drake university, 7!! to 0 the
highest score, ever counted on tho
Bulldogs by the locals.
c. .
Cornell, 7.
.. T .orn.-!
Sander :
..'...... R. G.
McL aren .-R. T .\R. T ."' ,
Sohul tz R. B.
Kopl or
.Q. B.
'..r.. ir.
Q. B
L . H
F. B.IF. B.. .
Il oadl cy
Ni . -l i i
Mi n ty K. H.jK. H Hur l i j ur :
Substi tuti onsGowens for Hi vi ng'
Hl cka for . Mi l l er, Lcmey for Kni u?.
SummaryT ouchdowns, Macey. Hur l -
burt; Reals, Parker. L emon.
I Offi ci al sReferee. WHHamfl of In
I Stal o; umpi re, Currlthcrs of -Wabaah;
head l i nesman, "Wyatt of Missouri.
Al though it /has not'been official-
ly announced yet certain Pittsburgh
pirate followers are wi l l i ng to risk
. , - -- Hu'go I
. through as Priate man -1
i ^-mon -
lle wl u bo
m 1920by none other than George
Huck" Gibson, former Priate re-
ceiver, and last season with T oondo
cl ub in Davoy Pultz's New Interna-
tional L eague. . !
Gibson's appoi ntment to the man-i
agerial berth'at Pittsburgh will pro-
bahl y come soon after January 1st
It will come, partically at least, as
a reward for conscienctlous effort
for Barney Dreyfuss of the Smoke-
town club has always been "strong"
for Gibby" who gave up tbe best
he had In the days when bo was
everywhere regarded as one of the
great receivers in the game.
Gibson always sui ted Dreyfuss be-
cause he was always wi l l i ng to "et
in and fight hard for victories re-
gardless of the size of his pay check.
pl keji earl l players. Gibson
has had
when in search of" a "salary boost
i ,",.""" ~~ '
but wh^en his. propositions were turn -!
Meat, new, pkg.
his season wi th Dreyfuss j C ranberri es, quart
search nr n cnlo*.if i,~,... i
disappointments to. effect his work
on the field.
When Gibson'
Corner Third Street And
Twelfth Ave. East.
Phone Meat Dept. 3314
Phone Grocery Dept. 4G3.
Havasack Flour, 49 Ib. sack,
guaranteed to give abso-
l ute sati sfacti on $3.28
5Ib. sack Pan C ake Flour 39c
. 14c
. . 8c
Pumpki n, 2 cans
Hubbard Squash, each
Baldwin Apples, 5Ibs.
tain games and gymnastics," as an
outgrowth of the war, will be dl-
crissed at the convention of
physical directors' society of ...^
Young Men's C hristian Association
of 2\orth America, which opened a
two day session here today.
DU BU QU E, la., Nov.
burjue college Saturday
over the C hicago Y. M. C . A. eleven
for a 45to 0victory. T he field was
in good shape and Dnbuque uncork-
ed many trick plays. C hicago at no
stage of the same had a chance
even to score.
state football game with a total of
38 pouits. T he remainder of the
season of eligi-
:y. Heldt, Iowa's stocky center.
Saturdav" after-! T

" Accurately timed passes ""arej
- -
the-veritable keystone of many!'
Hawkeye plays, has two more years'
at Iowa. C harlton, Belding .and Bob'
teams entered finished in the follow-
. rigbt guard, are -also" 'in
ins- nrri^r-' -v,Vwrtn<Hr. ortrt^. T -. the. two-year class. j i n g order:
second; Pur- , -
due, thh-d; Minnesota fourth; Ohio
two-year class.
Much New Material.
State, fifth; Michigan, sixth: llli-j Without exception the most
nois. seventh; C hicago, eighth; . Ob- ising members of the
eriin. -ninth; C incinnati, tenth. jsgud wfll to back
. - .... - y
<3cx>d C hance to Grab the
T rusty Old Gun and Have a. Day's Outing.
Jou'll Find Our Stock of Hunting Outfits Very
C ompleteAnd T hat We C onsider It a Pleasure
T o Show T ou Our Goods
time, Dreyfuss arranged for his sal
' not un-
derstand the terras of tbe transfer
when they were first announced and
he refused to join the Giants, but he
later accepted. .Gibson is of the
plodding type, but he is a fai thful
worker and that is the kind
appeals to 'Dreyfuss.
Despite the announcement
cd to leave the I L arge Bottle Queen Olives 29c'
' L arge C an Kraut I3c'
Extra Fancy Pimento,
glass 4Sc
C ake Flour, pkg
Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 4
Michigan C eJery, Sc, 8c, lOc
Olive Sauce, bottle 35c
that a
Johnny EVers will boss tho Pirates
it is Interesting to note that Drey-
fuss has denied the stories dealto"
with Evers and a host of other^
while he refuses to confirm or deny
that Gibson will get the assignment.
Gibson, during the world's set-lea,
when asked about the rumor, refer-
red the question to Mr. Dreyfuss.
Ri pe Olives, can
Oyster C rackers, Ib ISc
L eaf Sage, 2 pkgs I9c
Dunham's C ocoanut, 2
pkgs 25c
The- charm of - Vernon
may be summed up In- one pnraso-
Henry S.Ely &C o.
C risco, 3 Ib. can , 99c
Dromendary Dates, pkg. . .25c
Stuffed Mangoes, jar .... '.25c
Spiced C anteloupe, jar . ...6Sc
Marschino C herries, jar .. .63c
We have a. complete line of

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