Actuator Clamp

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1. Open Actuator_Clamp.asm
2. Define Moving and Ground parts
Using the graphic belo! drag and drop the appropriate parts to moving or ground.
". Add #armonic Motion
$he actuator clamp is driven b% the Actuator &iston in the Actuator Casing. Add a
harmonic motion on the c%lindrical 'oint beteen these to parts to represent the driving
motion of the piston. Use the pictures on the ne(t page as a guide to adding the motion.
*. Add Action+Onl% ,orce
$he action onl% force is designed to represent some resistance provided b% the tool on the
loc)ing clamp. -t is relativel% arbitrar%! but useful for providing resistance to the motion.
Optionall%! e could ma)e the force proportional to the penetration distance into the
,rom the .dge /ar! select the add action onl% force option under the forces branch.
0 1elect the plunger as the part the force is applied to
0 1elect ground as the reference part.
0 1pecif% attachment at the free end of the plunger 2use the circular edge3
0 1pecif% the orientation b% the circular end of the plunger.
0 1pecif% the force function as a constant 24 5.
0 5O$.6 $he direction of the force is controlled b% the reference part. -f the
reference part changes orientation! the applied force direction ill correspondingl%
change direction also.
Clic) to reference Ground
4. Change simulation parameters and run simulation
7ight Clic) on motion model in the .dge bar and select simulation parameters. 1et the
time to one second and the number of frames to 89. ,inall%! run the simulation b%
pressing the calculator button at the bottom of the .dge /ar.
:. &lot the Driving ,orce of the Actuator &iston
$o measure the force re;uired to drive the actuator clamp! right clic) on the 'oint ith the
motion and select $ranslation Motion Generator. Ma)e note of the ma(imum force
re;uired to drive the s%stem and then delete results.
<. 1itch bac) to the 1olid .dge environment
Unsuppress the =angle> mate beteen the mounting brac)et and lin)1 to change the
position of the model. 7e+suppress it to prevent D%namic Designer from creating an
angle constraint hen %ou go bac) to the Motion environment.
7eturn to the motion environment.

8. 1uppress 'oint motion and add Action+7eaction ,orce
Under the constraints branch! right clic) on the 'oint ith motion and select properties.
Change the Motion t%pe to ,ree.
5e(t! add an action reaction force b% right clic)ing on Action?7eaction under the forces
branch. 1elect the force to occur beteen the actuator piston and actuator casing. Clic)
on the function tab and add a constant force of :9 lbs.

@. Add Curve?Curve Contact
Aou must add curve to curve contact beteen lin)1 and the mounting brac)et because
there is nothing stopping the lin) from penetrating the mounting brac)et. 7ight clic) on
the contact branch and select Add Curve?Curve Contact. Use the folloing pictures to
add the contact.
19. Modif% 1imulation &arameters and re+run the simulation
11. &lot Contact ,orce
7ight clic) on the curve to curve contact and select plotreaction forcesmag

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